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Capítulo 19: Shifting Tides

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Opinion about the latest JJK Episode, you ask? MAHORAGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT)

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Following everyone's acceptance of my Kekkei Genkai, Ino and Choji rapidly questioned me about the specifics of it, especially Jeff himself.

I responded as vaguely as possible, disappointing both of them that I was hiding details.

Choji in the middle of it seemed to have an Eureka moment and managed to piece together what the purpose of all my nightly "Secret Nara Training" was all about.

The adults didn't care too much to try and question me, so they opted to let Choji and Ino probe me, it would seem.

Then again, whilst I was interrogated by the excited duo of Choji and Ino who continued to insinuate that I cheated in my spars with Sasuke. The last generation's trio of Ino-Shika-Cho were currently with furrowed brows, deep in a conversation, which is easily inferable to be related to me.

I had no idea what they were talking about, but the political implications of what just happened and will continue in the near future were not lost to me.

It would be a lie to say I am not anxious despite preparing myself for the possible implications of it.

Support of friends and family not forgotten.

But, I believe taking the Nara route in this situation would be ideal.

What is the Nara Route?

Don't worry about it!

Let Uncle handle it!

Hasn't failed me thus far...

"Can you summon anything else, Akira?!" Choji's excitement reverberated as he perched atop Jeff's head.

I responded with a stoic nod, maintaining my deadpan expression even as Jeff allowed Choji to comfortably sit on his head—a luxury not extended to me, as evidenced by the memory of Jeff's tongue-induced discomfort.

Ino gave me a look at my response, at which I shrugged casually, stating, "It wouldn't be much of an impressive Kekkei Genkai if I could only summon that goofy thing—OUCH!" I winced as Jeff's tongue met my cheek in response to my straightforward remark.

Almost bursting out in laughter, Ino collected herself to ask, genuinely curious, "Does it have a name? Your Kekkei Genkai I mean. Don't they have to be registered or something?"

Before I could answer, it seemed the Adults were done talking and Uncle answered Ino's question for her as he approached our little group.

"Yes, dealing with bureaucracy is quite the drag, but indeed, his Kekkei Genkai has a name that will be officially registered," Uncle affirmed, approaching our little group and playfully ruffling my hair with a wry smile.

With a concluding statement to wrap up the "show," Uncle declared, "I hereby unveil to you, our enduring allies, the Akimichi and Yamanaka, as well as our cherished friends and family, the revelation of the first bearer of the "Eight Shadows" Kekkei Genkai!" He raised my arm with noticeable enthusiasm.

I didn't really mirror his enthusiasm, this seemed rather excessive and a rather impressive show of energy exertion by the Nara clan head of all people, but I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face as the crowd of close people played along with Uncle.

Even Jeff contributed to the spectacle, releasing a mighty croak in harmony with Uncle's infectious enthusiasm.

...Maybe I should have named him "Smug Toad", would have been more fitting.

-Scene Change-

It was the next day following my grandiose reveal to the Akimichi and Yamanaka Clan Heads.

Choji and Ino told me that they were given clear orders to not mention my Kekkei Genkai to anyone until it was officially registered and seen by the Hokage.

Once that's done and dusted, however...


Thus, Academy Classes cruised by, nothing out of the ordinary thankfully.

Choji tried his best to not mention my Kekkei Genkai, although the occasional glances he threw at me in excitement, wanting others to know, and I quote "How Cool I am" would have raised an eyebrow or two to the keen onlooker.

Though I've emphasized that I'd appreciate him not doing that.

Ino on the other hand continued as usual, gushing over Sasuke and acting as if my reveal really didn't change much.

And for now, thankfully, it really didn't change much.

I am content with this arrangement thus far.

...Except for the fact that I need to stay after classes and await Uncle to arrive and lead me towards the Hokage office.

We have a meeting scheduled with Lord Third, predictably.

Classes have ended, Shikamaru called out to me as he noticed me stopping and leaning on the wall just as we exited the classroom, "You're gonna wait for Dad here?"

I nodded, "Yeah, he's asked to take me there personally. I don't really mind making my way over to the office myself. But maybe there's some kind of formality here. Kekkei Genkai policy isn't something that exists, not that I'm aware of, nor is it something that was enforced in Konoha's history since the migration of Kekkei Genkai bearing clans here."

Choji chimed in at my words, "Can't you just say that there was no new Kekkei Genkai to ever appear in Konoha since its founding?" He questioned innocently.

Shikamaru gestured for Choji to follow him as he responded, "Don't mind him Choji, he likes to overcomplicate things to sound more sophisticated, let's go." They waved me goodbye as they walked through the hallway leading to the exit of the building.

...Well, he's not wrong.

With a sigh, I stare at the ceiling of the hallway absentmindedly, my mind empty of thoughts.

People pass me by, mostly my classmates also having left the classroom, their mutters and or second-long gazes went ignored as I patiently awaited Uncle.

A familiar voice calls out to me as I am broken out of my trance at being directed a question, "Akira? Why are you waiting outside of class? Did you want to ask me something?"

I turn my head to be met with the scar-faced Iruka-sensei, "Ah, no. I am waiting for Uncle to come pick me up for something."

Seeing me reluctant to elaborate with his rather good people-reading skills, Iruka responds, "I see... Well, if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to talk to me. I'm your instructor after all!" He gave me a friendly smile.

"Will do, thanks, Iruka-sensei" I nodded as I reciprocated the gesture, waving him goodbye as he went off on his way, towards the Teacher's lounge.

I leaned back and stared at the ceiling once again.

Iruka's a nice guy, all things considered.

Leagues above our first Instructor both in teaching capability and handling students.

Even when it comes to Naruto, he's leagues above.

Nevertheless, despite his "Perfect" teacher aura and personality, he disdains Naruto to a degree.

He's trying, but he always has this apprehensiveness when it comes to Naruto, especially when Naruto is up to his tomfoolery.

...It's eerily similar to my own apprehensiveness to Naruto, witnessing his own reactions to Naruto makes it seem like I'm looking at a mirror of myself.

It's uncomfortable, to be frank.

Honestly, I'd like nothing better than to find a way to come to terms with Naruto, he really did nothing.

The kid's innocent, I know well.

Unlike me, he has taken no life intentionally.

Upon self-reflection, it's incredibly hypocritical of me to disdain the kid.

And yet, the disdain is almost instinctual, I can't help but feel uncomfortable with him.

Even as the years cruised by, we and Naruto recently came to be in the same large friend group known to be the "Troublemakers", skipping classes and going out to the village to play and fool around.

Fun times.

And it's because of those times, that I see myself adjusting to him somewhat, but the changes are minimal, the fundamental issue is still there.

I can't get rid of it.

Shikamaru never understood, Choji never understood, hell even Kiba and Akamaru noticed my metaphorical distance from Naruto.

Thankfully, Naruto himself never noticed. I did my best to hide it, to treat him as I would treat others...

Pathetic really.

Ah, it doesn't matter right now.

...I really should go see a psychologist. I chuckled in pure irony.

Maybe being put in a Genin team with him will somehow force me to fix this issue? Or perhaps adjust to him?

Now that's a simultaneously intriguing and scary thought.

During my Naruto-related reflections, I heard familiar steps, as I turned my head towards the approaching figure, "What's with the complicated expression, Akira? Scared of Lord Third?" Uncle smirked at me

"Not really, no. I'd been scared if I was an enemy Shinobi. Why should I be scared as a valuable asset to him? He won't harm what brings great value to the village now would he?" I tilted my head as I replied honestly.

Uncle shook his head helplessly as he gestured me to follow him, "I see Makoto pulled no stops at infecting you with his pragmatic view of reality."

I chuckled at him as I followed him by his side, "Pfft, you know I've always been like this, don't overcredit the slimy bastard."

My evergrowing pragmatism and subsequent cynicism attributed to the countless assassinations I had to execute went unsaid.

Uncle shook his head helplessly, sighing "Language..."

Dude, I'm 10, pretty sure I get the cuss pass at this point.


-Scene Change-

The Hokage Office, my vague memories that have been getting more blurry with the passage of time align almost perfectly with the image in front of me.

Upon entering and hearing the powerful and yet kind voice of the Hokage, who gave us permission to enter.

My eyes are met with a large oval office.

With a habit ingrained in me, my eyes move quickly to scan the entire room and my surroundings.

Portrays of all 4 Hokage, a room with a few bookshelves with a few tools here and there.

Multiple slabs on the roof and the floor with barely noticeable slips in them with differences in elevation.

Indicating escape routes or hiding spots.

And of course, not forgetting the sight in front of me.

The Hokage's desk, filled with both filled and unfilled paperwork, behind it, windows with a breathtaking view of the entirety of the village.

And of course, a chair corresponding to the desk.

Like a king upon his throne, the charismatic and aged figure of Hiruzen Sarutobi is eye-catching.

The Hokage Hat, the Hokage clothing, and the signature pipe.

With a disarming and kind smile on his face, he gestures for us to approach.

Uncle and I do so wordlessly, as we get near the desk and in front of the Hokage.

I, having been taught the proper etiquette, bow respectfully to the Hokage.

"Nara Akira greets the esteemed Lord Hokage." I echo out neutrally with my head bowed.

Uncle, didn't reciprocate the bow, as he smirked at me whilst the Hokage chuckled, "I see you've taught your nephew well. Stand up." The Hokage gestured with a good-natured smile on his face.

"He's been making it easy, being so eager to learn and improve," Uncle smirked

"Hoh? A proactive Nara? That's something I have not heard of in a long time... Nevertheless, Shikaku, what does the boy have to do with the urgent meeting you've requested?" The Hokage muttered and questioned in genuine curiosity that had well-hidden steel in it.

'I hope you're not wasting my time for naught,' Or something along those lines. I couldn't help but think as I observed the interaction silently.

Also, "Something I have not heard of in a long time"? Who are you kidding Mister Hokage? I bet the entirety of my admittedly low funds that you have been keeping tabs on the Academy students at the top ranks.

Uncle grew a serious expression on his face as he elaborated, "Lord Hokage, He's got everything to do with it. I have come to officially reveal and register the existence of a never-before-seen Kekkei Genkai that has blessed the Nara and the Village."

At that sentence, I felt the Hokage lock his eyes on me, his intentions unclear.

I simply nodded, to reaffirm my Uncle's statement.

A moment of contemplative silence passes and the Hokage responds as he lets out a puff of smoke from his pipe, "Would it be possible to demonstrate it here?"

Shikaku answered for me, "Yes, it would indeed be possible."

The Hokage nodded as he stared at me, "Proceed."

Well, this is another most likely life-altering demonstration of my Kekkei Genkai.

Let's hope life changes for the better!

...I swear I'm going to become a circus act at this rate with all the demonstrations though.

I form the Shadowgraphic hand sign of a Dog and announce, "Divine Dogs."

I let the automatic Chakra Drain flow freely as a familiar dip in my chakra was felt and Liquid shadows began to move, forming the figures of Noc and Mir in front of the Hokage.

With a resounding crack, the sound of the Hokage's pipe hitting the ground and cracking echoed out of the silent room.

Ah, this reaction never gets old, especially when it comes from someone like the Third Hokage.

I mean... He'd probably expected me to manifest crystals or wood or something. Not a literal living being.

Also... I could have sworn I heard a couple of muffled gasps coming from the ceiling...

The Hokage's jaw was extended to its maximum biological capacity as he gazed in pure bewilderment at Noc and Mir who sat loyally beside me.

'3, On ceiling, 2 below floor. Chakra Tensed. Attack?' Noc sent me a ping.

'We are not fighting them, we'll die. Ignore them.' I sent a message back to both of them.

Shaking his head and collecting himself, Lord Third narrows his eyes at me and questions me, "What is that?" He asked as he twitched his finger.

Again, before I can answer, Uncle takes control of the conversation from my side of things and responds, "It is called the "Eight Shadows" Kekkei Genkai. It's a Yin-based Kekkei Genkai that uses Shadows as an intermediary to summon and form Shadow Creatures from Liquid Shadows so to speak. Eight in total, which for the sake of Clan secrecy as you understand, won't be elaborated further. We believe its creation was thanks to his parentage. The result of a mutation of our more Yin Inclined Chakra as Nara, in tandem with a mixing of the blood from his Father's side, Aren's own blood. Hikari as you may know was pure-blooded Nara all the way through, whilst Aren was only half Nara. Although Aren's mother was a civilian, all bloodwork considered, she may have had diluted Uzumaki or Senju heritage from many generations prior. As you know, Chakra construct creation is a rare bloodline from mostly Uzumaki and Senju historically."

...I didn't know any of that.

Huh, Dad wasn't pure Nara? From what I remember of him, he sure had the attitude.

Was the formation of Ten Shadows really that deep?

...The Reincarnation Dragon did say it was translated into this world.

My birth into this specific family and parentage was no mere coincidence.

...Way to state the obvious Akira.

I silently dismissed Noc and Mir, as they melted into shadows, and the Hokage gazed at the process with an unreadable expression.

Following that and Uncle's thorough explanation, the Hokage took but a minute to digest the information and its implications properly, his expression unreadable, as he responded seriously, "The stars aligned to create that Kekkei Genkai huh? A blessing to the Nara indeed... I shall have it registered promptly, take great care of the boy. I thank you for informing me. I believe the Nara have taken his protection and future into account?"

Uncle nodded, "Yes, you do not need to worry on that front Lord Hokage. We have been and will keep taking great care of Akira. And of course, this much is expected, we are all members of the Leaf." Uncle bowed respectfully to the Hokage.

Causing him to nod stoically at Uncle, only to transition his gaze towards me with an easygoing grandfatherly smile, similar to the one Eiichi wears, "That was most impressive Akira. I expect great things from you! But foremost, you and you're uncle owe me a new pipe..." He flashed a mischievous smirk, as he gestured for us to make our leave, a chuckle escaped him.

Great, more expectations.

Though, I really don't care about his expectations... Might as well play along for now.

I bowed with a mirrored expression, "I'll do my best to surpass your expectations, Lord Hokage." With a playful smirk, I added, "And do let Uncle know that his tab just got a bit heavier – he's covering the cost of the pipe." This elicited a chuckle from the Hokage.

Turning, I made my way to the exit, where Uncle, after sharing a brief, nonverbal exchange with the Hokage, joined me to leave the room.

Exiting the stuffy room, I couldn't help but utter, as I smoothly switched my expression to my true emotions, "That was... Something. Is that really all it took?" I asked Uncle at my side.

He nodded with a mix of amusement and seriousness in his expression in response to my sudden change in tone. "Yes, there's no need to be overly formal with Lord Third, though I must say, you did come off more endearing this way. Regardless, you handled it well, especially in your last interaction. It is now the Hokage's responsibility, and consequently, the Village Rule's duty, to officially register your new Kekkei Genkai, assign it a name, and update your status as a highly valued and protected individual in the village."

As I processed his words I asked the obvious, "And what are the implications of this? Publicity wise?"

Uncle hummed as we walked out of the Academy building, "The announcement of your status will be like an open secret, it won't be directly stated, but if one were to ask the Hokage and or your instructors at the Academy and the administrative side of the Village, they'll easily divulge this information."

I rolled my eyes, "I take it this was all intended by our Clan Elders?"

Uncle shrugged, "Yes, but it isn't as troublesome as you might think. Given your current strength and maturity, the earlier reveal is not a problem. The Elders aim to amplify your influence and power, making it widely known. They want to announce the arrival of the Nara clan's bright star. The recent disclosure to the Yamanaka and Akimichi clans aids in this endeavor, as they are likely to assist in spreading the word and gradually introducing your identity to the village, much like the colors of the evening sky bleeding into the horizon." Stepping outside, he gestured at the fading evening sky, emphasizing his point more effectively and theatrically.

Big words, Uncle. Big words.

I sighed, "I suspected as much."

On the surface, their motive seems pretty simple.

Power plays, politics, old people flexing their muscles and showing off their powerful clan children.

All for the sake of furthering the glory of their clan, or themselves, that they were responsible for the creation of the pride and joy of the clan, Me.

Mentors are proud of their mentees, nothing really new.

But that's the surface really, is there a deeper motive?

An ultimate goal?

Sure, a Trained and new Kekkei Genkai kid is in town!

What now?

Humans are simple creatures at their core.

To my dismay, calling Eiichi and Makoto "Simple", would be a grand insult to all of their lifetime achievements. Not even mentioning Yukiko who I have yet to even see once in my lifetime.

Perhaps their motives are simple and they are as I described.

But it couldn't be that simple right?

I've been taught by the very same aforementioned people to not be so naive.

Thus I asked bluntly, my eyes narrowed as I looked into the eyes of my Uncle, "Uncle, what is their ultimate goal? Do you have any idea? I trust Eiichi. Makoto not so much and I really haven't met Yukiko. What do they gain from all of this? They really scratched the surface with all their responses... "Marry my granddaughter!" included." I imitated Makoto mockingly in the last part.

At my question, I felt a comforting breeze on my face as Uncle ruffled my hair, much to my dismay as he responded, "Don't worry about it, Akira. I've got it under control. Trust me that their grandiose plans for you are not to your hindrance as far as I have surmised. At most, I believe they wish for you to become the first Nara Hokage among other things. Again, this won't hinder you at all in your goal to become strong and advance." He said nonchalantly.

I blink once, twice.

...I believe I heard something rather outlandish being downplayed and snuck into that reassuring speech.


-Third Person POV-

-Hokage's Office-

Taking out a new pipe from the drawer on his desk, Hiruzen Sarutobi lit it up and let out a puff of smoke.

Twitching his fingers in a code-like manner, in front of him, an ANBU wearing the animal mask of a cat appeared nigh-instantaneously.

"Yes, Lord Hokage." She said emotionlessly.

"Neko, have you written all the details of the Kekkei Genkai down?" He asked neutrally.

"I did. Would you like me to hand it over to the Council for them to work on registering it?" She hazarded a guess as she held onto a small piece of paper, coupled with even a drawing of two wolves and handwriting.

Hiruzen gave her a short smile, "Precisely."

At his confirmation, she nodded and blinked away, intending to fulfill his order.

Getting up from his chair, Hiruzen glanced at the sight of the entire village through the window.

Hiruzen couldn't help but let out an agonized sigh, "Seems like I'll have to adjust the Future Genin teams once again."

He looked at the village he so dearly loved and swore to protect, as the sun set, bringing forth darkness, signifying the entrance of night, once more, in his long long life.

With another puff of smoke, he called out, "Kuma"

Another ANBU appeared seemingly out of thin air, sporting an animal mask of a bear, bowing, "At your service, Lord Hokage." A man's voice came out

"Provide official summons and an appointment a week after the registration is complete as well as when I'm available according to my schedule. Send it to Eiichi and Shikaku respectively. We have much to discuss. Also, schedule a meeting of the Clan Heads to happen as soon as possible. Shove it into tomorrow's schedule if you must. Do apologize on my behalf for the short notice."

"Roger." Kuma bowed, as he much like Neko, disappeared from the office.

Leaving the lone figure of Hiruzen Sarutobi in his office, glaring at the long-time nemesis that has plagued him no matter the era.


-Scene Change-

-Akira POV-

The day after meeting the Hokage.

Back in the classroom.

Shikamaru's asleep, Choji's munching, Ino's gushing over Sasuke alongside Sakura and the army of 10-year-old fan girls that compose a large chunk of our class, Naruto and Kiba are rowdy and laughing at the wet hair of Mizuki-sensei who was justifiably pissed off, Sasuke's brooding, Hinata, standing about 30 feet away from Naruto, looked on the verge of losing consciousness, while Shino, true to his enigmatic nature, remained as impassive as ever.

Thankfully, business as usual. It'll probably stay this way for a week or two before the rumors start spreading, and then goodbye to my relatively peaceful and no-attention life.

No, I am not mentioning the rather poorly hidden gazes directed at me by my minority of fan girls.

...They are but an illusion, a sophisticated Genjutsu cast upon me by Makoto, who just did it because he'd find it funny.

"Release!" I whispered weaving the handsign to disrupt my own Chakra Flow.

...They're still there.

That's one powerful Genjutsu.

Moving on!

Heaving a sigh of satisfaction at no new attention being directed at me at the recent reveal of my status to the Village Rule I opted to mimic my cousin in this lesson as per usual.

When it comes to Human Anatomy, I was way beyond my class.

For obvious reasons.

Also, I never liked Mizuki-sensei, the instructor who taught it.

Again, for obvious reasons.

Then again, the dislike is pretty much mutual.

I sleep, and he wakes me up one way or another, usually with the light exertion of force via throwing small objects at me.

Also, there is that Scroll of Seals incident later on.

...Although that event is in two years, do I do something about this guy?

A topic for contemplation since I had first glanced upon him in this life.

It's ironic that I finally have the power to influence and change a future event, and yet I contemplate whether I should actually do it or not.

But... is this future event really so bad?

No casualties, Naruto graduates, and even learns the Shadow Clone Jutsu, a forbidden technique designed specifically for him. However, with my presence, the outcome may not be as peaceful.

Hell, will it even happen thanks to the snowball effect of my existence thrown into the pot?

...Meh, it's in two years. I'll think of something.

At worst, I can take care of him myself.

What I really need to worry about right now is the intentions of my Clan Elders, Dear Makoto, Eiichi, and the ever-elusive Yukiko.

...Fucking Hokage? Is that what they want from me?

Uncertain, but possible.

This doesn't really align with my goals, but it doesn't really hinder them much either.

However, the thought of being the dictator of a Nationalistic Mercenary village isn't really as attractive in my mind as it is in Naruto's.

The Hokage is the strongest individual in the village, normally.

So if they intend for that to happen, I'll have to become the strongest.

...Hmm, not bad, guess I'll go with the flow for now.

As rude and ungrateful as it may seem, worst comes to worst, I'll refuse the position and they won't be able to lift a finger since I'll be stronger than them.

Simplistic thinking, I know.

Nevertheless, whether he likes it or not though.

For now.

Naruto seems to have gained a fierce competitor for the position if I do say so myself.

"Cya Mizuki-Sensei! This class is boring and you stink! The wash I gave you should have cleaned you up good! Dattebayo!" Speak of the devil, Naruto announced passionately.

One of my eyes cracked open as I observed Naruto, goggles on, making a dramatic exit by leaping out of the classroom window after his passionate declaration.

In hindsight, it seems I won't be having any hard competition for the position at all, huh...

I decidedly ignored the reaction of my classmates and Mizuki-sensei as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift into a short nap.


As a few minutes passed, I was abruptly awakened by an object hurtling toward me. My reflexes kicked in, and I caught it with my hand.

"Hmm, Chalk this time?" I muttered tiredly as I inspected the loot.

I opened my eyes to be met with a faux-friendly smile from Mizuki-sensei, the perpetrator who stood near the board.

Before I can respond appropriately, Mizuki announces with a poorly hidden condescending tone, "What? Is the Nara's Kekkei Genkai prodigy too great to listen in on Academy lessons now? I'd warn against such conceit, it gets a lot of young Shinobi killed~!"


A suffocating silence envelops the classroom for a few seconds as Mizuki-sensei's words are absorbed.

Then, the reactions.

Most of the students in the classroom weren't focused on Mizuki's tone, but more on the implications of what he just said.

Shocked and bewildered expressions colored the Clan Heirs who were aware more than most of the possible implications of Mizuki's statement.

Choji and Ino were surprised as well, but more concerned at how sudden and seemingly out of thin air this reveal came, staring at me in concern, their gazes burned holes at the side and front of my head.

Shikamaru clicked his tongue and narrowed his eyes dangerously at Mizuki-sensei.

Sasuke sent me a curious glance, seemingly unsurprised by this revelation.

Whilst some, weren't even aware of what that meant, a civilian-born boy asked out loud whilst Mizuki and I were having a staredown, "What's a Kekkei Genkai?"

Sakura who collected herself, answered the boy's question quickly, "Kekkei Genkai are DNA anomalies that allow their wielders to use unique techniques. Kekkei Genkai makes its users far more powerful than the average shinobi. In times of war, they are deadly on the battlefield and are often deployed to turn the tide of the battle. Wielders of Kekkei Genkai are paradoxically both highly coveted and yet mistreated... We learned this last year." Sakura gave out a textbook response.

Her eyes narrowed at me as she added, "The appearance of a Nara wielding a Kekkei Genkai, either means he owns a Kekkei Genkai originating from another clan, or this is a brand new never before seen Kekkei Genkai. In either case, if it is a Kekkei Genkai that the Leaf does not have in its arsenal. Akira is a priceless individual."

Mizuki clapped as he announced cheerily, "Very good, Haruno-san! Seamless analysis as always! Bravo!"

Control your expression.

Control your breath.

Do not appear weak in the face of such a sudden attack.

Appear strong when you are caught off guard.

Breath in.

Breath out.

I formed a practiced smile as I responded to Mizuki's prior statement, prompting him to turn back towards me, "Mizuki-sensei, I appreciate your concern for my education, but I assure you, even when my eyes are closed, I absorb knowledge more efficiently than some with their eyes wide open. I believe in the power of unconventional learning methods. But of course, if my unorthodox approach raises any doubts, I'm more than willing to demonstrate my proficiency in the subject matter."

As I completely disregard the not-so-subtle mention of my "Kekkei Genkai Child Prodigy Of The Nara" status, I feel numerous gazes on me.

...Sayonara, Relatively Peaceful Life-chan, you will be missed.

For a moment, Mizuki snarled, but he quickly reformed his faux kind smile as he responded with a hint of glee at the realization of his goal having been achieved, "Is that so~?" He didn't wait for a response from me as he decided to resume class.

I undeniably lost this round, gauging from the lingering stares.

Annoying... turning my two weeks of peace into half a day.

Did the news really reach him this quickly? Well, he is my instructor, so he's likely privy to such information...

Still, I can't let this slide without consequences now can I?

Suffice it to say, I glared bloody murder at Mizuki the entire lesson.

-Time Skip-

We found ourselves in the Academy Training Grounds for our usual sparring lessons.

The time between getting here and after the last mess of a lesson was completed was a pain in the ass.

"Is it true that you have a Kekkei Genkai?! What can it do?!" Asked one boy.

"Yes, I do. It's the Byakugan" I responded in a deadpan.

Hinata gained a surprised expression as she shyly approached me and asked in worry, "D-Do you really have the B-Byakugan? Y-You should hide it!" She warned me, as difficult as it was for her.

Caged Bird Seal is it?

I appreciated the gesture so I responded with a smile, "No I don't have it, it was just a joke. My Kekkei Genkai is something different" I placated her and calmed her worries.

"Show us! Show us!" Kiba began a collective chant.

Oh, you mangy mutt...

"Show us! Show us!" Followed Shikamaru, Choji, and I as we walked towards the Training Grounds.

"For the love of... Just ask Mizuki-sensei if you really want to know, he seems keenly aware of what it is." I yelled out to the chanting crowd following us around.

"No! Show us!" The crowd responded.

To my surprise, even Shino approached me, a kid I am amiable with, but we rarely interact, "To be honest, I am curious myself. Why? Because Nara is not a clan that has Kekkei Genkai, this will shift the power balance of Clans."

At that, Shikamaru sent me an annoyed and agonized expression, "Just show them something... I'll lose my mind if this keeps up."

I sent him a look, "You know you can just split up from me for a little until this dies down" I gestured at the crowd.

He shook his head, "Don't be stupid, Akira. For at least the reveal part, I have to stand by your side as the Nara Heir. As troublesome as it is, you are also my brother."

"Hmph, thanks... I guess I can do something. But what do you suggest I do?" I whispered at his side as we were shadowed by the crowd, having finally arrived at the Training Grounds.

Choji remained in his silent yet worried state as he could only observe our contemplations cluelessly.

Shikamaru responded immediately, an idea already having been formed, "Considering your Shadow Storage still being unknown. Only Jeff, Noc, and Mir were revealed. You should just summon one of them, rumors of their existence will most certainly spread out. You lose nothing by summoning them now."


"Okay! Today isn't randomized Sparing! You may select your sparing opponent freely!" Mizuki-sensei announced cheerily to break me out of my stupor and silence the annoying crowd demanding a demonstration from me.

"Naruto Uzumaki is back! Dattebayo!" The blonde menace announced his glorious return for sparing lessons.

He was never one to miss this class, despite his unruly nature.

Selective Sparing, is a blasted thing.

Every time it happens, it's Naruto immediately requesting a spar with Sasuke or me if he feels exceptionally confident.

Usually, I'm not really proactive in requesting an opponent, whoever I get is whoever I get.

This time, however.

Recognizing an opportunity for revenge, I couldn't resist the temptation.

Before Naruto could yell out his demands, I lifted my hand up, "Oh~? Akira! Yes! Who would you like to be your opponent?" Mizuki-sensei happily chose the only hand lifted up, mine.

Honestly, I couldn't stop the wicked grin from forming on my face as I pointed at...


"You!" I announced gleefully.

At that, Mizuki's expression dropped into a bewildered and surprised one, having not expected that in the slightest.

Much the same could be said about the rest of the class.

Shikamaru and Choji looked at me utterly flabbergasted.

Shikamaru quickly collected himself faster than the rest of the onlookers as he whispered in clear worry, "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Hmm, am I?

This might seem impulsive, and this might be the literal end of all subtlety.

But my reveal was the literal end of all subtlety.

Quite the contradiction, teaching one to be a subtle, unseen, and unheard assassin and planning to throw him into the limelight. Isn't it Makoto?

So this won't hurt much now, would it?

I'm not planning on revealing too much of my capabilities, not at all.

The personal payoff would be much greater I believe than what will be revealed.

I smiled confidently at Shikamaru, "Yeah, I know what I'm doing. This is just a little revenge and power play, nothing more!"

"Akira, are you certain you want me as your opponent? I wouldn't wish for you to get hurt!" Mizuki smiled with faux worry, that had bloodthirst written underneath as my attention shifted towards him.

I smiled innocently as I said with a condescending tone, "Yes, Mizuki-sensei! I believe I can learn the most by personally sparring with such an esteemed Chunin as yourself!" I got up and strode confidently towards the large circle.

With gritted teeth, Mizuki-sensei approached the large circle himself.

Now, both of us stood across from each other at the largest sparring circle there is in the Academy.

The onlookers could only watch the exchange baffled.

Sasuke looked on, his eyes transfixed and anticipation oozed from his gaze, curious as to how this would end.

"GET HIM AKIRA-TEME!" Naruto chose the lesser evil as he cheered for me loudly.

My imaginary fan girls were spurred on by Naruto as they cheered, "Beat him, Akira-kun~!"


I took a look at the crowd as I saw Kiba gesture, "SHOW US!"

Ah, that's right.

Ever since the 3rd year at the Academy, we have been taught this first of the Academy's three jutsu, The Body Replacement Jutsu.

In sparring, everyone is allowed to use everything in their arsenal.

And by everything, I mean everything except Sharp weapons and deadly jutsu.

Unless it's stated to be a specific Taijutsu sparing session, all is fair in Love, war, and Child Mercenary Sparing.

Hinata, Byakugan and Gentle Fist.

Kiba and Akamaru Tag team.

Shikamaru and Shadow Possession.

And in my case...

"Ready?" Mizuki smiled confidently.

"Are you?" I smirked at him.

"Tsk, START!" Mizuki announced himself as his muscles tensed and he jumped into motion towards me.

We seemed to lack a proctor, but that didn't bother me.

I know when to stop myself.

"SHOW US!" Yelled out a significant portion of the class, led by Kiba.


I formed the Shadow Graphic hand sign of a frog as I dodged the strike to my liver by backing off and announcing, "Toad".

The familiar dip in chakra and then Liquid Shadows moved at a rapid pace in front of me, to form the figure of Jeff.

'Attack when he tries to back off, You are in a support role in this fight.' I ordered Jeff through our mental link.

Causing Mizuki to stop momentarily in his follow-up strike and for the rest of the crowd to gasp and or watch in stunned silence.

Disregarding the reactions of the crowd, I swiftly moved to counter-attack Mizuki, who managed to regain his composure just in the nick of time.

I channeled Chakra to all muscles in my body and concentrated them on my fists and feet to release a tiny burst of it to punish any blocks to my strikes.

I can do this since I am not going to be using any other Chakra-demanding jutsu or summoning anything else besides Jeff.

Launching into a series of rapid punches and kicks, I watched as Mizuki skillfully dodged or blocked each strike with impressive speed.

"Nara Style Taijutsu, do you think you can do anything with that subpar style, huh?!" He yelled out his observation.

"Yes, and... Rude!" I sent him a punch in the face, which he blocked with his forearm.

A pained huff escaped Mizuki at the hit on the forearm.

Speed wise. He's slightly faster.

Strength-wise, I'm stronger, evident by the damage he is receiving for each block of my punches.

I gave him no mercy, no opening.

And his slight speed advantage had no effect since I was not alone.

Every time he tried to back off, Jeff launched a tongue swing at him, demanding a response from him, a dodge or a punch to redirect it.

Nevertheless, I haven't managed to land a critical hit on him yet. I thought as I continued to press him.

That's the problem with Shinobi, though. Unless they master quick hand sign execution, if you press them to not even be able to do anything. They are incapable of casting Jutsu.

Nevertheless, at this rate, I'll break something with all those painful blocks he has been sponging up.

For a minute, we went by a specific rhythm.

What I had intended, with Jeff only attacking when Mizuki decided to back off or escape to gain breathing room.

Unfortunately for him, this didn't continue long as Jeff finally launched an attack in tandem with me as I aimed for Mizuki's knees.

Hitting Mizuki in the chest, "GAH!" He yelled out at being struck by Jeff's tongue.

I strengthened my leg as I launched a kick at Mizuki's knee joint, intending to severely damage it.

I hit it, and I feel like I struck something very hard... A log.

Body Replacement Jutsu. When did he have time to weave the hand signs?

'Behind!' Jeff warns me.

A kick to my head from behind, I duck under it as Jeff responds swiftly as well, sending out a tongue lash at Mizuki who redirects it with a kick.

I attempted to back off, but Mizuki went on the offensive this time, leaving me no room to gather my bearings.

Mizuki charged at me, his strikes a blur of speed that caught me off guard.

Faster than before... I thought, quickly dodging and countering, trying to stay ahead of the Chunin's relentless assault.

At Mizuki's sudden increase in speed, Jeff provided support by blocking hits that would have normally hit my body, his tongue swung to slap away his hands and feet from touching me.

The crowd's gasps and murmurs echoed around the training ground, their disbelief feeding into the chaotic atmosphere.

In the midst of the exchange, I noticed the spectator's astonishment.

Excitement surged through the onlookers. Naruto, true to form, shouted, "Go, Akira-teme!" Their cheers intensified, adding to the fervor of the spar.

My turn...

'Jeff! Tongue Send-Off! Now!' I commanded Jeff as he launched his tongue... Towards me.

Surprising Mizuki, as he evaded the tongue strike, the tongue swiftly wrapped around me, like a long rope, and I was pulled with all of Jeff's strength at a high speed towards him.

Only to bend my body mid-pull and land a powerful kick square in Mizuki's jaw, whilst I was being pulled with momentum.

He tried to back off but failed to do so in time.

A resounding crack was heard and Mizuki was sent flying to the edge of the circle.

The crowd caught up in the spectacle, erupted in cheers and awe.

"It's like I'm watching the Chunin Exams with Dad again!" One of my classmates gave his reaction

I muffled out all reactions after that.

As I rolled and landed beside Jeff, who unwrapped his tongue.

I narrowed my eyes at Mizuki as he looked tired and worn, but most importantly his jaw looked slack and blood escaped his mouth, his expression the epitome of fury and bewilderment, seeing his arms twitching a bit from the pain of my punches as well.

Eiichi's suggestion to use my remarkable Chakra Control to mimic Tsunade's Super Strength is an ongoing experiment.

Realistically, I doubt I'll ever match her strength - the level of Chakra Control required is beyond my current capabilities or even future ones, if I'm realistic.

I can manage a slight enhancement of my strikes and their after-effects.

I've dubbed it "Shatter Fist" for the time being.

Or Shatter Kick judging by the state of Mizuki's jaw.

Still, it got me to see that face...

I locked eyes with the snarling Mizuki, his true colors revealed in bright daylight.

But... If I beat him up completely and exposed more of his twisted nature, I'd alter the intended future too drastically.

Naruto must learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

I've shown my Kekkei Genkai, I've gotten my revenge without completely dismantling Mizuki as well as cementing my power and superiority over him by overwhelming him without a victory.

Perhaps it was not clear to the onlookers but to me and those who know me.

I was severely holding back.

I had not gone in with the intention to kill, after all.

But... Is this what a Chunin amounts to? Is he rusty perhaps?

Maybe I was too used to fighting someone like Makoto, a Jonin.


...I think I've had my share of fun.

"I give up! You're too strong Mizuki-sensei~!" I suddenly announce innocently, faux exhaustion on my face, as I raise my arms up in surrender.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" The crowd yelled out disappointed at the ending of this short-lived yet exciting spar.

"WHY STOP AND NOT BEAT HIM UP?!" Naruto, clearly not a fan of Mizuki, yelled out in bewilderment.

Amidst the roaring crowd, I focused solely on relishing Mizuki's despair, drowning out the surrounding noise.

The Injured face he wore at that moment.

The contradictions...

The glee he had at the opportunity to embarrass me.

The shock at how strong I actually was and at being pushed to the edge.

The relief on his face at not having to lose to me.

The bewilderment.

The fear of actually losing to me.

The realization of him being pitied and embarrassed at his jaw being broken by a 10-year-old who isn't even a Genin.

Ah, I could get addicted to this.

After partaking in Mizuki's bloody expression, I made my way back to my friends, whilst the entire class clearly expressed both their surprise at my Kekkei Genkai performance and their utter disappointment at the sudden ending to the fight.

They knew I was the strongest in the class, but fighting on equal ground with Mizuki-sensei, a Chunin?


Especially when it looked like I was the one who dealt the most damage.

The hole bore into my skull by Sasuke's inquisitive glare, would have to be a problem I'll deal with later.

Shikamaru approached me with a touch of skepticism, "Akira, wipe that scary grin off your face." He warned, his eyes reflecting a hint of concern.

Locking eyes with Shikamaru, I saw my own reflection in his gaze—a mix of skepticism and concern.

My grinning figure even creeped me out.

"Ah, sorry. I just enjoyed that a little bit too much." I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly as we walked back to our usual spot.

"Akira that was awesome! Want a chip? You must be hungry after all that moving around!" Choji innocently offered me a snack.

Talk about a rather subdued reaction from Choji for once. As always, very considerate of him.

I snorted and took a seat beside him. "Sure, I'd appreciate that. Anything to drown out the attention," I remarked, gesturing towards the lingering gazes and the ongoing questions and or booing sent my way for ending the fight so early.

I of course, masterfully ignored them.

They wanted to see my Kekkei Genkai.

They got it.


Masterfully ignored indeed.

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

-Akira POV-

It was shortly after the completion of my 4th Assassination Mission.

Choji and I decided to go get some Dango.

Of course, the only place you'd go for a good Dango was the Dango Shop.

Creative naming, I know.

Shika decided sleep was the superior treat so he refrained from joining us.

Arriving in front of the shop, I decided to practice getting stuff for free.

Abusing my cuteness as a 9-year-old and further practicing my persuasive skills.

"Choji, my friend. Allow me to provide us with free sustenance." I smugly put a hand in front of him to stop him from approaching the cashier.

"Again?" Choji asked with a complicated expression.

"Not again! But once more!" I announced.

"That's the same thin-" He murmured.

"Semantics! Wait here! I'll do my thing." I cut him off as I entered the shop and walked towards the cashier.

I arrive before the cashier, only for me to notice a spiky purple-haired lady in front of me already ordering something.

Okay, I can wait.

A minute passes.

Two minutes.


"Excuse me, miss..." I pull at the hem of the lady's jacket.

"Hmm? What is it brat?" Anko Mitarashi turns to glare at me for disrupting her.


Okay, two can play that game.


A tick mark formed on her head, "CANT YOU SEE THAT I'M ORDERING 50 STICKS OF DANGO BRAT?! GO PLAY OUTSIDE OR SOMETHING!" She yelled with equal fervor.


-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

My dear, patient readers!

I would like to take this Author's note to express my gratitude.

I am thankful you have read so far!

I appreciate all your support and dedication!

All the feedback, comments, constructive criticism, ideas, and more are what have allowed this story to shape up to what it has thus far! I'll of course do my best to improve and only improve in the next arc and those that follow!

That's right!

I am happy to announce!

That next chapter!

Is the beginning of the Genin Arc!

Another 2 year time skip if you don't get it




Expect Canon divergences, duh.

Anywho! Hope this chapter was a... Fitting conclusion to the drawn-out Academy Arc and it was up to snuff in quality and stuff. I am uncertain as to how good this turned out, so if worse comes to worst, I'll rewrite it.

This wasn't supposed to be a dramatic arc overall.

Akira's just dramatic, there's a difference.

Also, events that occurred in the timeslips that have some level of significance will be shown through the amazing narrative device called flashbacks and or Omakes.

So yeah. Very nice.

But the seeds I wanted have been planted and we'll watch how it grows from here! I know what I'm doing! (No I don't)

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Botanically speaking, bananas qualify as berries, while strawberries do not. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

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