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20.4% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 9: Morally Questionable Curriculum

Capítulo 9: Morally Questionable Curriculum

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Noon Time-

-A Day Following the Entrance Ceremony At The Academy-

-Third Person POV-

The classroom bustled with young students, their hushed voices filling the air. Sunlight streamed through windows, illuminating rows of desks facing the teacher's podium. The chalkboard displayed a math problem involving kunai and shinobi.

Tucked away at the back, a trio of students strategically chose their vantage point, cleverly evading their instructor's watchful eye.

Why this concerted effort to steer clear of his gaze?

The first, a slightly plump boy, indulged in greasy snacks that were far from being classroom-approved.

The second, a pineapple-haired boy, was sound asleep – an activity that class rules frowned upon, as well.

And then there's the third, a brewing realization evident in his distant and listless gaze, revealing his not-too-swell mood in regard to this class.

But our focus centers on the third.

Once again, this is Akira. Our lovely protagonist.

-Akira POV-

"And so, if you take out 3 Enemy Shinboi out of 5, with 1 Kunai out of 4. How many Kunai do you have left? In addition, how many Shinobi would you have left to deal with?" Asked Suzuki Araki, our Chunin homeroom teacher as well as Math Extraordinaire.


I sigh as I lower my head to commit myself to fully ignoring this 1st grade Math lesson.

Also wisely ignoring the less than savory examples our teacher uses in order to teach aforementioned math.

One of the only lessons I have the privilege of ignoring without much afterthought, since well, Math really isn't a problem. I'm a reincarnated high schooler. This is easy stuff really.

The rest of the curriculum, however, is much more engaging and important. There is not a lesson that I can really skip through besides Math and Shinobi Literature... To my dismay, I was planning on relaxing at least for a good portion of the lessons here!

I knew this Academy would be practical for the most part.

But to this degree?!

Geography? Important.

History? Important.

Shinobi Tactics? REAL Important.

Chakra Theory? REALLY Important.

P.E? EXTREMELY Important. Although that's after lunch, still have to experience that one to give an honest review.

On a more morbid topic, It's really obscene, isn't it?

Every single lesson, even when it's not strictly Shinobi Tactics, has a poorly veiled even transparent in some cases, conditioning in it.

Much like in the math question Sensei just posed.

EVERYTHING is at least semi-related to the murder of my fellow man.

It might be my past and reincarnated self-talking here. But it really makes me want to leave the Academy, never to return.

I might be exaggerating, but it paints a truly horrifying picture when these 6-year-old children gleefully answer homicidal math questions among other things.

Innocent in their demeanor, as if it is only natural to respond to these questions with a positive attitude.

I thought I had gotten used to this world and made peace with my future occupation, out of necessity really.

Apparently not, this is still hard to digest, to be frank with you...

Hah, I guess my jokes about this really caught up to me.

If I were to express this to Shikamaru he'd probably tell me to suck it up.

Speaking of, the Sloth seems to have fallen asleep. How in character...

"Nara Shikamaru!" Sensei called out in clear irritation.

Oh, just his luck! Pfft.

Though, he's sitting right next to me, I better make a show of being awake. I think as I raise my head from the table.

"Urgh, W-Wha?" Shikamaru groggily responded, having actually fallen asleep.

"*Sigh*, It's one thing being late on the first day, it is another when you fall asleep on the same day as well... Answer the question! Also detention after classes!" Suzuki Sensei said "Kindly"

"Erm... What was the question?" Shikamaru genuinely asked in his groggy tone.

*Giggle* There was a collective giggling and laughing across the room while observing Shikamaru's natural reaction.

The dude is effortlessly funny, being completely nonchalant at this age is a superpower!

Can't say I'm envious of him, since I've got an exclusive superpower of my own.

A loud facepalm echoed from Suzuki Sensei, having given up on getting Shikamaru to answer

"A-Anyone else would like to answer the question?" He asked with a visible trace of irritation.

Patience is a virtue no? He's quite the incompetent instructor if this was enough to shake him.

Good grief, he's the homeroom teacher in a class filled with 6-year-olds... And Naruto.

On the topic of Naruto, here's an interesting side observation.

The kid is... Quiet.

With the occasional temper tantrums at unpleasant things that usually come his way.

Surprising isn't it? Doesn't really align with my image of him from my memories.

I'm assuming here he hasn't yet come across the revelation that people would stop ignoring him if he becomes a clear and obvious nuisance.

Not a satisfactory revelation, but it's what worked for the Kid in the Anime.

People for sure couldn't ignore that obnoxious brat. And the spray painting of the Hokage Faces. I'll admit, it's an outstanding move.

Anyway, it's interesting to observe such a clear difference from afar.

Really, having to resort to such methods so people don't ignore you and attempt to invalidate your existence as well as your importance...

Hmm, now my mood's ruined...

I'll steer the topic away from that can of worms. For my mental health's sake.

"Me! Me! Sensei!" A cheery voice called out. I take a look to the side and see Sakura raising her hand up high as if she's trying to reach the sky.

"Yes, Haruno-san." He nods at her.

"I would have 3 Kunai left! And 2 Enemy Shinboi left to dispatch!" She answered in smug confidence.

Fucking "Dispatch", if I didn't know better, I'd steer clear of that girl.

"Correct! Well done, Haruno-san!" Suzuki sensei praised, giving her a proud smile

Sakura was practically glowing at the praise.

Which made me ponder.

Maybe if I were not reincarnated and susceptible to praise, a compliment for solving a 1st-grade problem would also prove rewarding? That seems like an elementary conclusion.

On that note,

It's weird how hungry for praise some of these kids are, Sakura being a prime example of my point.

Bad parenting or something?


Nevermind that...

Just a few more minutes of this torture and we'll be free for lunch break...

-Time Skip-

The Bell having rung to signify the end of the lesson and the beginning of lunch break, I began to pack my things into my backpack that I would definitely not use in a heartbeat were my "Kekkei Genkai" not considered a dangerous secret.

On the topic of my Ten Shadows.

Uncle told me that my training would begin in a MONTH.

He'll be busy with setting up a... "Safety net" as he terms it for me. And his regular job as Jonin Commander.

Truthfully, I have no idea what a safety net could entail, and why I really need it.

I'm aware of the risks involved in my secret being released. Rumors would spread from the Clan Elders, it'll reach the hears of outsiders to the Village and Rogue Shinobi, and perhaps a bounty would be placed on my head, etc... There really is no end to the options here.

But I didn't believe the risk that would come from inside the Village would be as great as Uncle's making it out to be...

He's making it sound as if the Village itself would devour me whole like a pack of wolves were my power to be revealed.

I might've underestimated just how bad this could be.

Aren't we a nationalistic village? Like what? Telling me to keep the power hidden as much as I possibly can, Really how bad could it be?

Telling me not to worry and leave it to him... It makes sense that he won't let me handle the pressure since I'm only 6, but come on! A little elaboration would suffice!

"What's with the complicated face? Is it related to THAT?" Shikamaru calls out to me a slight knowing glint in his eye

"Hah, sort of, I'm just worried why Uncle would be so incessant on me keeping this a secret. I know it should be kept a secret obviously, but the way he repeated it in the morning... It's as if it'd end REALLY badly if it were to get out. And I suspect from Uncle's words that the problem would come from Inside the Village in that case." I shake my head, expressing my worries to my cousin.

"Troublesome, I'd say let Dad handle it, he knows what's best I'm sure, just keep quiet about it for now. I'll do so as well," he responds with a reassuring nod

"Guess your right. Thanks" I give a reluctant and grateful nod. Not rid of anxiety just yet.

"Come on, Choji's waiting for us at the door for lunch." He pats my shoulder encouragingly as he leads the way towards Choji who's patiently waiting for us.

"Right," I mutter.

Guess I'll do what I do best. Ignore the anxiety.

-Scene Break-

Finding an Ideal spot to have lunch and relax has always been a specialty of Shikamaru, only followed by me of course.

It's a skill I aim to master one of these days, in Shikamaru's case it really comes naturally... It's as if he has a built-in radar for these things. It's overpowered!

On that note, he found us a neat little spot under the shade of the tree at just the right distance away from the playground of the Academy, also conveniently empty of any outside nuisances or interference.

Yes, we love sitting under the shades of trees. It's convenient! And they are everywhere! The summer here is also relentless!

The 3 of us, Choji, Shikamaru and I sit down, take out our lunch boxes and promptly begin to eat.

"*MUNCH* So what do you think about the Academy? *MUNCH* *CRUNCH*" Choji asked in between bites

"*GULP* Hmm, except the boring recitement of the "Will Of Fire" right when we start the day, It's been practical honestly, The Chakra Theory lesson and trying to stick a Leaf on my forehead was fascinating. Math's a bit useless in my case. Though I'm excited for P.E! *MUNCH* *GULP*" I respond with my honest opinion, leaving out my apprehension towards the thinly veiled homicide conditioning coupled with subtle indoctrination.

"Hmph, of course, you are... *CRUNCH*" Shikamaru snorts as he takes a bite out of his fried shrimp.

"What about you Shikamaru? What do you think about the Academy? *GULP*" Choji asks, eager to hear Shikamaru's response.

"*GULP* It's troublesome but tolerable." He answers simply.

"Mhm, an astute response, Lord Nara." I nod my head as I mock his lackluster response.

*CHUCKLE* Choji chuckles at my mocking.

I am a funny lad, aren't I?

"*Sigh* Wake me up when the bell rings okay?" Shikamaru mutters with a sigh, as he lets down his half-eaten lunchbox and lays down on the grass, closing his eyes.


"Troublesome." He mutters as he remains unmoving, ignoring my refusal. The nerve...

"I'll wake you up Shikamaru!" Choji says goodnaturedly.

"No! Don't help him?!" I respond in bewilderment.

-Scene Break-

It is P.E.

I won't bore you with the specifics, but I did amazingly.

I was paired with 4 other kids. Sasuke Uchiha his majesty was among them.

To Duck Hair's dismay, I won by a landslide. Obviously, I got First Place and he got second.

When I stopped to take a look at him, the little bugger dared to glare at me as he completed his final loop.

I responded accordingly: maturely, responsibly, kindly, graciously, and sportsmanly.

"Heh." I gave him a degrading smirk.

The following glare was so piercing and scary for a 6-year-old, that I believed he awakened the Sharingan then and there.

You might be asking... Akira? Why are you antagonizing him?

Because I can.

And it's funny.

I need to have fun, don't I?

"Don't bother Sasuke-kun!" A fangirl said protectively.

"Tch," Sasuke clicks his tongue as he makes a swift exit back to where all the kids who finished the running are, not interested in being part... Of what is about to occur. Good instincts.

Yes, he has fangirls this early, even before his doom and glum attitude forms.

It's most likely because of his performance in the Initiation coupled with his Uchiha looks and aura.

I think.

It's fascinating how smitten they are with Sasuke at only 1 day in the Academy. Not to mention how they are only 6, with no idea what the word Romance even means.


I switched my target from Sasuke to the fangirl.

Who turned out to be Sakura.

Oh, the easiest one to take out?

"Heh." I gave her the same degrading smirk I gave to Sasuke.

"What are you smiling about?!" She roars out angrily.

Ah, I haven't forgotten your weakness pinky!

"W-Wha? STOP! I don't have a big forehead! INOOOO!!!" She roared out upon seeing where my eyes were directed. At her... Large Forehead.

Proceeding to burst out crying at my insinuation.

Bullying much?

Sadistic much?

All very true.

Will I perhaps regret this decision?

Yes, very soon actually if you heard what she just cried out.

"No..." I mumbled as she mercilessly, without an ounce of hesitation pulled the Ino card.

"Sakura? What is it?" A concerned Ino bolted towards her friend. Hugging her to calm her down.

"HE, *SNIFF*, HE SMILED AT ME AND LOOKED AT MY FOREHEAD! HE WAS MAKING FUN OF IT! *SNIFF* WAAAAAAH" She sniffled out, an accusing finger pointed at me.

I was on the opposing end of Ino's glare at that.


"This is a simple misunderstanding. I am simply helping her work on her extremely obvious insecurity regarding her comically large Forehead. And by making fun of her for it, I am building an intricate system of defense, that can only be created by her own forced adaptation so she doesn't continue to get hurt by my words and insinuations." I remarked professionally.

"W-What? THAT'S JUST CALLED BULLYING, AKIRA!" She at first was confused, only to realize what I just said and burst into speed and ran at me like a hungry lioness.

I'm sorry young miss, I can only tame Shikigami. Lionesses are not on that list. I think in cruel amusement before I am left to be mauled by the angry blonde.

Only to be thankfully stopped as Sensei stopped her, grabbing her by her shirt, fittingly lifting her up like she's some feral cat.

"Settle down, kids. No fighting, keep that spirit of yours for the sparring we'll be having soon." He said heroically as he let down the now more composed Ino.

Oh, thank god for small mercies.

"I'll deal with you later Akira..." The blond banshee threatened not so subtly, as she took the crying Sakura with her back to where the rest of the kids were.

I reluctantly had to follow them as I already completed the running part.

I only made sure to keep a safe distance away from the dangerous Yamanaka.

-Scene Break-

The training grounds hummed with anticipation as we awaited the commencement of the sparring segment of our P.E. lesson. The sun's warm embrace bathed the area in a comforting glow, and the air was charged with a mix of excitement and determination.

"Choji, this time. You have to hit your opponent okay? Getting hurt is natural, you don't have to hold back in fear of hurting someone. It's the only way both you and your opponent can learn and grow." I encourage the nervous boy beside me.

"I-I'll try..." He responded, his uncertainty evident in his voice.

Our usual first-year P.E. lesson seems to have a rotational way of teaching.

It's ALWAYS Running followed by either Sparring or Kunai training.

It seems a touch lenient, but I suppose this is designed to ease everyone, especially civilian children into the way of the Shinobi. Just a theory though.

Anyways, for our First P.E, it's sparring.

"Choji if you don't want to hit anyone, just forfeit like I do," Shikamaru commented tiredly and empathetically

"Shikamaru... You're not helping. You'll infect him with your... "Shikamaruness"" I deadpanned at the lazy idiot.

"Haha, thanks guys... I'll try to fight." Choji laughed as he gave us a determined nod.

"Great! Do your best!" I give him a thumbs up.

Shikamaru shrugs at that, giving a small smile to show he's a little proud of Choji.

"Nara Shikamaru! Akimichi Choji! Come up to the circle!" Sensei announces to our surprise.

Oh... There goes that determination.

Before we could express our surprise in any way shape or form, Shikamaru beat us to the punch.

"I forfeit" He announces before he can even get up.

"Do you want more detention Nara-san?" Sensei asks simply.

"Tch, Troublesome," Shikamaru clicked his tongue as he dragged himself towards the circle.

Choji reluctantly follows him.

"Ah, how unlucky... Good luck you two!" I cheer for them

Though I'm 100% sure I know how this will go.

-Short Time Skip-

"Begin!" Sensei's call set Shikamaru charging at Choji, appearing carefree.

In a panic, Choji threw a mediocre, weak punch that even a toddler could evade.

Surprisingly, Shikamaru took the punch square on his jaw.

He practically flew back from the punch, landing on the ground with theatrical flair.

As if he propelled himself along the punch's trajectory to make it appear more impactful. And that's exactly what happened.

"I surrender, Sensei!" He feigned defeat, his small smirk giving him away.

Sensei's face displayed perfect neutrality.

"Winner... Akimichi Choji... Don't forget the reconciliation seal," his tone hinted at his internal struggle.

They did as they were told and made their way back to sit next to me, smiling at each other.

Poor Suzuki Sensei... At least he now knows who he's dealing with and who to avoid in the near future.

Among the children, most could see it was a staged spar. Choji's punch lacked the true power it seemed to have.

But two kids thought otherwise!

"T-THAT WAS AWESOME!" A blond with whisker marks exclaimed enthusiastically.

"NOW THAT'S SOME AKIMICHI POWER!" An Inuzuka boy chimed in, matching the enthusiasm.

Now I know they're 6 years old, but their IQ cannot be above 2 digits. Right now, I'm sure of it.

I shook my head at the thought as suddenly I heard my name being called out.

"Nara Akira! Uchiha Sasuke! Come up to the circle!" Sensei gave a bone-chilling announcement.

Oh fuck.

I looked to my side, scanning the crowd of children for Sasuke, only to see him standing up and gazing at me with determination and a touch of fury at my previous teasing of him.

"Oh, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions! We meet once again!" I said out loud in cruel humor.

"What? Did you make him mad or something?" Shikamaru stated more than asked, already knowing me far too well to suspect I've probably done exactly that.

"I-I might've" I respond with a cracked smile as I stand up and begin to make my way there.

"Good luck Akira!" Choji wishes me good luck

"You could do what I did." Shikamaru advices sagely, as his voice already echoes out at the distance I've walked away from him.

"And how would I get stronger if I'm terrified of fighting a kid?" I grumble to myself.

-Time Skip-

I arrive at one half of the circle, Uchiha Sasuke in front of me.

His demeanor seems calm and composed, though the anger in his eyes says otherwise.

As I was analyzing his body language, the kid gets into a damned stance.

...Why did I expect anything else really?

Another match of...

Untrained Kid (Reincarnated) VS Trained Kid

Only this time! The title is just a tad different.

Untrained Kid (Reincarnated Also Clueless) VS Trained Kid (Supposedly, The Rival Of The Anime's Protagonist)

A slight difference that most likely corresponds to just how fucked I really am.

Okay... Let's do this.



"Begin!" Suzuki Sensei announces and I jump into motion.

I arrive in front of Sasuke quickly, though he seems undeterred at my swift approach.

I test the waters by throwing a kick to his head.

A resound SLAM is heard as he blocks it with his elbow.

I back off, creating some distance, I took a moment to gauge his reaction. His calm demeanor didn't waver.

However, by the slightly pained look on his face, he definitely felt that blow.

What has worked once might as well work twice!

"Did that weak kick really hurt you? The mighty Uchiha Hei-HEH!?!" I taunted only to be interrupted when he suddenly took the initiative. In a split second, he shifted into an assault, his speed and agility taking me by surprise.

Panic tinged my thoughts as I hastily threw a punch in response, only for Sasuke to effortlessly evade it.

Before I could recover from my failed attack, his leg swept out in a low kick, connecting with my own leg and sending me crashing to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of me, leaving me momentarily stunned.

As I lay there, slightly disoriented, I watched as Sasuke's fist descended, stopping just short of my face. The fight had come to a swift and decisive end.

"Stop! Winner... Uchiha Sasuke!" Sensei announced, but I was too delirious to register it.

For a moment, time seemed to hang in the air, the weight of the situation sinking in. I had been outmaneuvered and defeated by Sasuke's superior skill. A 6-year-old's superior skill. A crushing and swift defeat.

I... Lost.


My teeth were gritted to an unhealthy degree.

I knew very well I'd probably lose. I know I am lacking in skills. Last time, it was a close call against the regular Uchiha kid. Against the more expertly trained Uchiha Heir? He'd destroy me!

I had told myself that before this fight.

Don't get mad over losing to some kid.

And yet... This... Loss, hurts, this embarrassment... Is agonizing.

"Nara-san I ask that you hurry up and form the seal of reconciliation, we'd like to get a move on to the next pair," Sensei ordered impatiently, unaware of the internal conflict in me.

"Ah... Right, sorry." I say absentmindedly, still focused on my embarrassing defeat. I got up mechanically and formed the seal of reconciliation.

But not before seeing Sasuke's victorious and smug smirk.

And that... It grated on my nerves.

A deep, more sinister, and vengeful side in me PRAYED that jutsu was allowed here.

I'd like to see him keep that smirk on his face when...

"Nara-san are you alright? Do you need to see the nurse?" Sensei asked in genuine concern, seeing my seething expression. Cutting me out of my darker thoughts.

"I'm fantastic Sensei." I give him the fakest smile known to man as I drag my feet towards my friends.

My mind fogged in emotion, as I barely registered standing near Choji.

"Erm Akira? It's okay to lose you know! Didn't you say that losing is natural, once?" Choji tried to encourage me. Reminding me of my own words.

But it fell on deaf ears, I was ignoring him. Sulking in my own thoughts.

"Don't bother, he's a sore loser that guy." Shikamaru pointed halfheartedly at me knowing full well I was not going to give him any snarky comeback in my current mood.

As I was stewing in my own thoughts, the spars continued.

-Time Skip-

"Great work kids! Lessons are over for today, I'll see you tomorrow! Stay safe!" Suzuki Sensei announced with a mix of enthusiasm and relief, as he finished registering the results in his own notebook.

Proceeding to dismiss us for the day.

At his words, I quickly stood up and exited the Academy, with a nervous Choji trailing behind and a visibly annoyed Shikamaru. Shikamaru's evasiveness became particularly noticeable as he cast a furtive glance at Sensei.

"Where are you headed Akira?" Choji asked nervously

"To train," I responded with impatience and finality.

"With THAT?" Shikamaru leaned in close to whisper

"Yeah, among other things," I answered simply.

"Then I'm coming with you." He nodded

"Do what you want."

We exit the gates to the Academy, arriving at the main street it is located in, a street that can lead nearly anywhere in the village from its intersecting paths.

"C-Can I join as well?" Choji asked shyly

"Sorry, Choji this is a little private, You'd be able to join if this wasn't clan-related training." Shikamaru answered for me, his tone genuinely apologetic.

"Okay, it's alright. I'll be going home then! Good luck!" Choji, the gentle soul accepted it quickly and didn't take the rejection to heart whatsoever.

At his words, he separated from us as he went in the other direction, towards the Akimichi Compound. Or maybe the supermarket, he's mentioned being low on Chips.

I continued to head in the direction of the Nara forest, followed by a tactful Shikamaru who thankfully noticed I was not interested in conversation right now, keeping the silence between us.

-Scene Break-

Having arrived in the Nara forest, we made our way towards the spot where I initially tested my Ten Shadows Technique, opting that would be the ideal spot for me in my continued experimenting and training.

Before I begin though...

"Say, why did you follow me here?" I asked, now a little calmer.

"Now you remember to ask me that?" He raises an eyebrow

"Answer the question!" I point a finger at my irritating cousin

"Troublesome... First, so you don't do something stupid. This ability of yours needs to be kept a secret, and I'm here in case you actually do something stupid. Second, I'm curious to see your ability." Shikamaru replied tiredly, holding up 2 fingers.

"Curious aren't we~?" I smirk at him, my mood now elevated.

"Look who's back to normal!" Shikamaru mocked clapping his hands

"*Sigh* I'm still mad about that embarrassing loss, but I can't really do anything about it, I just need to fuel my rage into something productive is all," I respond tiredly

"I know you're not good with losing, but that reaction was a bit exaggerated, even for you. Why?" Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at me, a sharp look for a 6-year-old kid.

A fine question, however, I can't really be going and telling him I'm embarrassed that I lost to a kid aged 6 when I'm mentally in my twenties by now. I take pride in my mental age advantage, losing THAT bad, just isn't logical to me.

My reincarnation is a secret going to the grave with me.

"I overestimated myself, and such a crushing loss made me feel angry... That's it." I respond with a half-truth to stop Shikamaru's digging.

"If you say so..." He reluctantly accepts it, knowing I won't respond with anything better than that.

"Ahem! On a better note, your curiosity is about to be sated!" I announce cheerily, changing the subject to something more exciting and important.

"First! Catch this" I casually take out a notebook from my own shadow, bending over and sinking my hand into my shadow.

Causing Shikamaru's eyes to boggle for a moment, his composure lost at the sudden and casual example of something definitely unusual.

I throw it at him, though, in his stupefied state, he gets hit in the head.


"I told you to catch it..." I grumble

"I was a bit preoccupied in digesting what you just did..." He deadpans as he lowers himself to grab the notebook.

His eyebrow raises at the strange title.

"Akira's Secret Shadow Power Notes." He reads out mechanically, proceeding to look at me judgmentally.

"What? I'm not really good at naming things, and this is self-explanatory. If you've decided to bother me, you might as well make yourself useful!" I fold my hands

"No, I'm just here to watch. If it entails work I'm out of here." He answers simply.

"I just can't win can I?" I grumble to myself.

"Fine, just sit back and watch. However, I will be training as well. So you might as well join me." I say seriously.

"I guess I can join you for a bit of training..." Shikamaru waves his hand as he makes himself comfortable by leaning back into a tree, keeping a close watch on me.

It's as if I'm some unruly child really, it's ironic a kid needs to keep a watchful eye on me so I don't do something stupid, Kid Genius or not.

This world just keeps on spitting disrespect at me, doesn't it?

Never mind, onto the more exciting stuff.

"Divine Dogs!" I announce as I form the shadowgraphic dog hand sign.

At this, a noticeable chunk of my Chakra disappears and liquid shadows move to form the Divine Dogs themselves.

Shikamaru's eyes are wide once again, glowing with wonder, at the scene.

Though, I have no time to really indulge in his reaction. I'm on a time limit here.

"Okay, time to test the Chakra detection range you guys have. Can you sense Shikamaru?" I point at the stupefied pineapple head.

They collectively nod at my words.

"Good. Okay, Now I need you to go as far away as you can. Only stop when you can no longer sense Shikamaru. Go opposite directions each of you. GO!" I explain and proceed to order the wolves in order to test their initial capabilities.

At my command, they immediately burst into the absurd speed they are capable of, further placing Shikamaru in a state of bewilderment.

It's okay Shika, I am also quite bewildered at their capabilities. Hopefully, it stays that way for the near and far future!

After 10 seconds or so. Both of them stop simultaneously as the connection between me and the wolves pings me.

A 10-second run distance? That's not really good... Guess I need to measure this out.

"Shikamaru! Help me out here! I need to measure the detection distance!" I roar out at the useless sloth.

"W-What?" He breaks out of his prolonged bewilderment

"Come here and help me out! You know, I expected a more composed reaction from you! When I told you yesterday I have a new never before seen Kekkei Genkai, you were nonchalant about it!" I repeat as I also point out his inconsistency

"Coming, coming... It's one thing hearing about it, it's another seeing it. What do you need my help for exactly?" He collects himself and gets up, confused at what I meant by my request for help.

I go towards Shikamaru and plop a stick where he just sat near the tree. So I won't forget, I also grab the notebook beside him so I'll note it down myself if the sloth refuses to assist me in doing so.

"The Wolves I summon are capable of detecting Chakra signatures, I'm measuring just how far they can detect. So I told them to go as far as they can only to stop when they can no longer detect you." I repeated my experiment to Shikamaru, who was probably too bewildered to process my original order for the wolves.

"Ah, I see. So you want my help to measure out the distance of the detection?" Shikamaru is quick on the uptake

"Exactly that, help me out, I don't exactly have a ruler on hand that can measure tens of meters. An extra opinion would also help" I nod

I make my way with Shikamaru in tow towards the first wolf, the Black Wolf.

-Time Skip-

Did I say tens of meters? Try HUNDREDS

After transitioning into a jog, I met the Black Wolf standing regally there, awaiting my command.

Only... I have to wait for Shikamaru to come here, having refused to run or even jog here.

The lazy fucker...

A good 30 seconds later...

"There you are! It drains me of Chakra to keep them here! We've got 2 minutes left!" I chastise the sloth who's finally in eyesight.

He shrugs as he joins me.

"It's about 400 Meters." He states confidently.

"Really? I thought it was more along the 450-meter distance?" I gave my own estimation.

"That's just the distance we traveled taking into account twists and turns from avoiding the trees and greenery. Don't be stupid Akira, the correct way to measure the range of their detection is the distance between two points in a straight line." He elaborates with his rare sharp-thinking look.

"Wow... That's Shikamaru for you!" I genuinely praise the genius. Giving him a thumbs-up

"Whatever." He waves it off with his hand.

"But these Wolves of yours... What are they?" He asks in genuine curiosity, his eyes transfixed now on the Black Wolf silently observing us.

"Let's talk as we make our way towards the White Wolf. Just in case we'll measure out that one as well." I add before I answer his question, I start jogging towards the White Wolf.

"Follow." I point at the Black Wolf who nods.

Shikamaru reluctantly joins in since he is curious, Hilarious!

"I honestly don't really know, I instinctually know I can summon them, as well as that they are not the only creatures I can summon, through shadows," I explain truthfully

"Summon? Not create?" He questions in between breaths as we jog

"I don't know which one it is I'm afraid" I lie easily

"Hmm... That does seem like something that would mutate from our Clan's inclination to Yin Chakra." Shikamaru forms his own conclusion

And who am I to say he is wrong?

"That's what I was thinking!" I agree with him sending him an encouraging nod

It only makes sense after all!

"Troublesome... What about the rest of the shadow creatures you can summon?" He asks

"I have to defeat them alone in combat in order to tame them. I can't just summon them willy-nilly" I respond seriously

"For real?" He asks, genuinely confused at the weird requirements.

"For real." I nod

-Time Skip-

We arrive at where the White Wolf is located, with 15 seconds remaining before I get into dangerous territory, chakra-wise.

"Around 400 Meters as I've said," Shikamaru concludes as we arrive together to meet the White Wolf

"Okay, before I dismiss you guys...Names..." I look at both the Wolves respectively

"You! Nocturne! Or Noc for short!" I point at the Black Wolf.

"And you! Mirage! Or Mir for short!" I point at the White Wolf.

Shut up! My naming sense is pristine!

"Do you recognize these names? Bark if you do!" I asked, my head held high with pride as I gave the command.

Making Shikamaru stare at me as if I was a strange creature.

""ARFF!"" They bark loudly, understanding and recognizing their new names.

"Good, small test before I go just in case," I say as I make my way towards both wolves.

I take out a Kunai from my shadow.

"Akira... Why do you have that?" Shikamaru a bead of sweat forming on his face as he takes a nervous step back and asks me in concern.

I pointedly ignore him to focus on the last test I plan to do before I have to dismiss them, for my own safety.

"This'll hurt a little, but this is an important test! Sorry!" I take a paw from each wolf and prick a tiny injury on each of their paws.

They show absolutely no outward reaction, accepting it as it is.

"Thank you for your patience! You both did well!" I praised them as I affectionately petted and ruffled their fur.

"Goodbye cya later!" I say as I dismiss them, once again creating that disturbing and repulsive melting they make when unsummoned.

As they are dismissed I turn my head to look at Shikamaru to only be met by his repulsed look.

"I gave them names to see if the next time I summon them, they remember. Also, the small injury is to test if they heal when they are unsummoned. If I summon them again, would they still remember me? Would they still have the injury? Or would it have healed?"

I quickly explained to not make myself look like a deranged and sick individual for hurting the Wolves

"Sure... That's totally why you did it." He didn't seem to believe it for a second, judging by his skeptical expression

"Do I look like a sick individual to you?!" I roar out in exasperation

"Yes." He smirks

"Fuck you." I glare at him

"I'm telling Mom." His smirk widens

"Double Fuck You." My glare goes up a notch

-Time Skip-

After that little session of testing, Shikamaru and I trained. Well, I mostly trained, Shikamaru agreed to do a little running and a few push-ups. Calling it a day since we had P.E today and that was more than enough according to him.

How would he ever reach the top with that attitude? I ask him.

"The top's a drag." He responds sagely.

Anyway, it was a decent complimentary exercise, Again I'd love to do some sparring. Unfortunately, Shikamaru is vehemently against it, and there's no convincing that weasel when he makes up his mind. So that's a problem, as well as the fact I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.

God, I need that training fast. A month is too long. I just hope it includes sparring and not just focusing on a curriculum around my New "Kekkei Genkai".

I need to get stronger, I refuse to lose to kids my age like that. That loss was degrading at best, self-esteem destroying at worst.

"Let's go home, it's getting dark, also you have Kitchen Duty" Shikamaru states as he looks at the sky, seeing the sun setting.

"Grr... Don't remind me! Hah... Yeah, good work today let's go" I respond annoyed, I accept his words and we make our way back home

"Oh, that reminds me... Did you really skip detention?" I ask in genuine curiosity

He shrugs nonchalantly

-Scene Change-

-Third Person POV-

Shikaku has been struggling lately.

It really, all started with the Nine-Tails attack.

As Jonin Commander, he had to deal with a lot of the aftermath of that event.

And boy is the aftermath brutal.

Thousands dead, forces worn thin, enemies sniffing around at the sight of an opportunity.

But that's not all!

The Uchiha have been restless and relationships have been breaking down between them and other clans, especially civilians.

Having been delegated to their own section of the village for the purpose of surveillance and then some.

Also, there was the death of his sister and the subsequent adoption of her son.

Speaking of her son.


He has created a new source of headaches for poor Shikaku.

Shikaku was more than happy to adopt him, don't get him wrong.

What he didn't sign up for, however, was dealing with the absurd pop-up of a never-before-seen Yin Release Kekkei Genkai.

Now, Kekkei Genkai are always a sensitive subject, more so when they are something never before seen, or new in simpler terms.

Nevertheless, Shikaku loves his adoptive son, and at his son's request for training and assistance.

He, the Father, must do his duty.

As such, Shikaku is currently en route to meeting with the Clan Elders to notify them and get their assistance in protecting as well as training the Kid to master his newfound power safely.

Assistance is simple really. Funds, Personal guidance, education, and protection.

Truthfully, funneling so many resources into one kid would seem out of place.

But again, he has a new and unfamiliar ability, this is lenient.

Shikaku knows well that the Clan Elders would do everything in their power to secure this new Kekkei Genkai permanently into the Nara Clan.

Just like all the old timers from the 1st Shinobi War, especially from Clans. They are no different in their exaggerated Tribalism. Nara Clan or not.

What would this mean for Akira?

If it goes according to Shikaku's estimation, at worst an Arranged Marriage. But that's not too big of a problem.

Shikaku had to take into account the pros and cons of the situation.

Concluding that for the kid, this is the best option taking into account all the options and what he gains in turn.

An arranged marriage could be easily broken later down the line, upon releasing some dirt on the Elders he already has prepared just in case.

'Who knows? Maybe the kid would like his arranged partner.' Shikaku thought to himself with a wry grin

Again, all the pieces are on the board, comfortably in Shikaku's hands.

'The only thing I'm relying on is that spreading rumors would be against their best interests while the kid is defenseless.' Shikaku thought critically about the only true weakness of his plan.

He's relying on the assumption that the Clan Elders would not spread the information about Akira.

He knows them well enough to count on that assumption.

But then again... Not all things go according to plan, do they?

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Heyo people! I hope you liked the chapter and it was satisfactory for you!

If you're reading and enjoying the story... Mind leaving a review? Can we get to 10 Reviews before the release of the next Chapter!? (3-4 Days for the next one) I'd really appreciate it if we do!

In this chapter, we see how the Academy's looking from Akira's POV, what they do and learn etc... Another set of tests for the Divine Dogs, as well as some stuff brewing in the background unknown to Akira! Hyped?!?!?! I hope so!

The next Chapter will be a big plot development! Hopefully! No spoilers though!

If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP!

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice!

Have a good day/week.

Tie your shoes else you'll fall. Enough said.

-Author Note End-

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