The crowd present grew anxious upon hearing that He Wushan did not wish to kill Su Xin but merely wished to make him back down. Each of them cursed secretly in their hearts, accusing He Wushan of losing his sanity.
Currently, these various sects and the Imperial Court have already broken off diplomatic ties. Once Ji Haodian dies, a conflict with them will be inevitable. Su Xin is a promising newcomer from the Imperial Court and a young powerhouse who has astounded the entire Jianghu. If they spare him, he might pose a threat in the future like Tie Ao.
How can anyone pass up such a great opportunity like not killing Su Xin now? Isn't this nothing short of madness?
In reality, He Wushan's reason for wanting Su Xin to back down voluntarily is simple. Firstly, he does not wish to waste time engaging Su Xin here.
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