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Capítulo 124: Just a little update (January-March, 1925).

The historical region known as Syria (also called Syria-Palestine, the Levant, or Greater Syria) is an area of long history, importance, religious-cultural significance, and change of all kinds.

The historical region of Syria was owned by numerous peoples and states, including the Arameans, ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyria, Babylonia, the Achaemenid Empire, the Roman Empire (including the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire), various caliphates (Rashidun, Umayyad , Abbasid, Fatimid), Crusader states, the Ayyubid dynasty, the Mamluk sultatnate, and the Ottoman Empire.

And in this region there are notable sites for the Abrahamic religions, such as Acre, Aleppo, Bethlehem, Damascus, Haifa, Hebron, Hittin, Jericho and the most famous, Jerusalem.

In modern times (second half of the 19th and the 20th century) an important state/geo-political, cultural and social division was formed with the decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire, which had important repercussions of all kinds.

We refer to two particular events:

*The expansion of the Russian Empire towards the Middle East, which included the creation of the Russosphere in the Northern Middle East/Northern Levant region and therefore the Russian influence in important developments.

The Russian Empire formed several countries from the Ottoman corpse, mainly along cultural and ethno-religious lines (Kurdistan, Assyria, Northern Iraq, Southern Iraq, Syria, Greater Lebanon, the Alawites and Druzia).

*The expansion of the Emirate of Jabal-Shammar and Pan-Arabism, leading as a consequence to the first pan-Arabist project, with the unification of most of the Arab peninsula, Israel-Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and North Sudan in a single country.

This Emirate of Jabal-Shammar formed the Emirate of Ha'il, under the Al-Rashidi dynasty, giving rise to a Southern Levant unified by a single Arab-Muslim authority.

The reasons why this division occurred are several. For example, Tsar Alexander III simply refused to move beyond the Northern Levant.

Definitely the logistics of occupying the massive Levant region played a role, but there were also strong cultural-religious motives (and also geo-political motives of course).

The region would be a ticking time bomb, sooner or later, due to inter-religious and ethnic struggles between ethno-cultural and religious groups (Jews, Arab-Muslims, Christians and others).

So Tsar Alexander III simply left the region 'free', which was originally occupied by the French, but was eventually taken over by natives (who were eventually unified with the Emirate of Jabal-Shammar).

Relations between Ha'il and Russia were positive, the young state of Ha'il had good economic connections with the Russian Empire, which had provided military-technical and economic support to the Arabs during their unification and later helped them to modernize ( cooperation between the Covenant of Nations and Ha'il in sectors such as the energy industry, which later in the second half of the 20th century would effectively control more than 50% of the world's oil).

This meant that the division between North Levant and South Levant was solidified, the Emirate of Ha'il had no intention of upsetting Russia (they did not have the resources to do so, it was more important to consolidate and deal with various internal problems) .

The geopolitical situation of the country also motivated them towards cooperation, not confrontation. The leadership of Ha'il got along very well with the leadership of the Russian Empire/Covenant of Nations, the political movements within these countries did not support aggressive foreign policy between them and, furthermore, Ha'il preferred to focus on their South front (the last British possessions in the Arabian Peninsula - Yemen, Qatar, etc).

This meant that progressively the Northern Levant region of the Covenant of Nations developed separately from other parts of the Middle East, thus the social movements that occurred in both regions were considerably different.

Pan-Arabism, at least in its version similar to that of the Emirate of Ha'il, lost popularity in the North Levant. Quite possibly because of how the Ottoman Empire fell, with a split causing renewals among some groups (Assyria and Kurdistan being the most notable example).

But we still saw significant moves for unification WITHIN the Russosphere/Covenant of Nations. That is, a movement that rejected a unification with Ha'il and favored greater regional interconnections or unification within the space offered by the Covenant of Nations.

By this we mean primarily the beginnings of a movement for a united 'Syria' (Northern Levant) or Greater Syria, a movement known as the Pan-Syrian Thought and/or Syrian Crescent (named after 'Fertile Crescent' of the Middle East, with Syria in a central part of said region).

The fact that the pan-Arabist movements in the Northern Levant were 'suddenly cut off' due to the early division of the Middle East, meant that there was still a certain romantic nationalism towards the idea of a unification in the post-Ottoman space, this time under more modern principles (for example, ignoring religious legal segregation under the Ottoman Empire).

And this romanticism evolved into a more distinctive ideological thought-movement in a 'Syrian' space around the 1920s and 1930s (similar to other unification movements within the Covenant, where national borders were sometimes more blurred between some regions).

Intellectuals and political groups from various parts of the political spectrum believed in the unification of the Syrian Republic, the Alawite State, Druzia (State of the Druze) and Greater Lebanon.

*Some more ambitious and/or extremist thinkers later propose an even bigger Syria, with a unification movement between the Syrian Republic, the Alawite State, Druzia, Greater Lebanon, Kurdistan, Assyria, the Republic of Baghdad (Northern Iraq) , the State of Mesopotamia (Shiite Iraq or Southern Iraq) and Kuwait, and possibly more (portions of Cilicia, Persia and Ha'il).

The beginnings of the movement for the Syrian Crescent or Pan-Syrian Thought and its descendants occurred on January 1 of 1925, when a large meeting was held in the Syrian city of Damascus, the so-called Congress for Unity of the Syrian Society.

Congress that brought together intellectuals, councils, groups and petty politicians from Syria, Lebanon, Druzia and the Alawite State, to further discuss the nature of the new Pan-Syrian thought-movement that was emerging among them.

As mentioned, the emergence of this movement is quite natural and was influenced by various events or currents:

*The pan-Arab movement had been cut off since the fall of the Ottomans and the Ha'il model had been rejected by the vast majority of Levantines from the Covenant, but spiritual descendants of unifying ideas and romantic nationalists still existed.

*The influence of the projects of Tsar Alexander III (economic reconstruction after the Ottoman fall) and Tsar Nicholas II (such as the fight against poverty), motivated regional and supra-national advances.

The Covenant of Nations formed by Tsar Nicholas II and similar movements that existed at the time led to greater unity within a 'Syrian' region under the Covenant.

After all, there was already a common citizenship, freedom of movement and a united economy, with more and more advances in important aspects within the supranational model.

*The influence of movements and policies from Russia also affected the regions of the Middle East, mainly issues such as the new religious movements in Russia or the First Stalinism.

*Of course there was also an own or local influence, mainly among the Islamic modernists that emerged within the Covenant of Nations.

The Damascus Congress of 1925 (another name for the Congress for Unity of the Syrian Society) marked the beginnings of the Pan-Syrian thought-movement and would affect politics in these portions of the Northern Levant for decades to come in the 20th century.

Despite promoting unity, socio-political movements never stay united for long, mainly because of various personal and ideological issues that arise as the movement evolves.

Congress has already shown signs of certain divisions, with early factions:

The biggest 'center' faction - Associates of Islamic modernism.

The biggest leftist faction - Associates of Arab Socialism (thinkers who supported a Syrian unity, but were influenced by Arab socialist currents).

The biggest right-wing faction - "Naturalists", a centre-right or right-wing faction who believed in the idea of a 'Natural Syria'.

These Naturalists were part of a nationalist movement, which argued that the peoples of the 'Syrian Space' (geographical space that makes up Syria) should be unified due to their shared characteristics regarding their socio-cultural and economic relations (resource management, trade and more).

The most famous of these Naturalists was Antoun Saadeh, a citizen of Greater Lebanon from a Lebanese Christian Orthodox family.

"Contrary to common belief, race is a purely physical concept that has nothing to do with the psychological or social differences between human communities.

People differ among themselves by their physical features – that is, colour, height, appearance – and are accordingly divided into races.

Nationalism, however, cannot be founded on this reality.

Every nation is made up of diverse racial groups, and none of them is the product of one race or one specific tribe."

-Saadeh regarding race. The concept of a unified 'homeland' was very important to the Naturalists and overcame (in their doctrine) any ethno-cultural/racial differences.

*Naturalists would soon make contact with Russian Eurasianists, as Naturalists liked Eurasianist ideas about how civilizations were impacted by their geography (i.e., for the Eurasianist model there were 'steppe civilizations')

Among other various minor factions of left, center and right.

While these groups might not agree on what a unified Syria would look like, they did agree on certain similar values that guided Pan-Syrian Thought, primarily making it a progressive force for a 'Levantine Renaissance/Renewal'.

The pan-Syrian groups mainly took inspiration from the modernist movements that existed in their countries, according to which they would use the principles of Sharia ("pathway to be followed", an important part of the Islamic tradition that includes laws and values), science and the modern state.

That make up the interests and universal values of the human being, according to these thinkers of course.

Modern State - According to this thought, only the State (legislative, executive and judicial power), that is, the public authorities, can establish and enforce the law (civil procedures, crime, punishment and other types of policies).

Therefore, although religion can be an influence in the private life of a citizen, citizens must follow the secular laws of their country (laws divorced from traditional Islamic jurisprudence).

This also included a move of the Syrian peoples towards a more 'perfected' democracy.

Life - The interest to preserve and protect human life.

Religion - The interest to preserve and protect religion in a modern secular state-country.

This of course includes freedom of religion, but more than that, Pan-Syrian Thought was against sectarianism and supported legal secularism, but also supported the concept of protecting and preserving private spiritual practice and personal conviction.

Reason - The interest of humans to protect and preserve their reason and intellect, which is necessary to make correct or moral decisions.

Wealth - Protect and preserve the shared wealth of society (welfare).

Family - The interest of preserve national and family bonds, to form a united and healthy community.

Honor - The protection of human dignity and honor, necessary for living a good quality of life.

Emancipation - Pan-Syrian thought was also a movement in favor of the development of peasants and workers within society (see their previous values), which brought them closer to leftist-labor doctrines about worker emancipation (similar to Stalinism and the society envisioned by the RSDLP).

*According to the leftist factions of this thought, there was a clear relationship between the modes of production and the cultural values-norms of a society (a thought derived from the writings of Karl Marx).

Right-wing factions shared this thinking, but insisted that after a certain time culture became a living organism independent of these material conditions (essentially rejecting some of Marxist materialism).

There is room for reasonable disagreement, but fundamentally all thinkers of Pan-Syrian Thought believe in these eight core values.

Moscow reacted in a neutral-positive way to Pan-Syrian Thought, mainly because the movement was not anti-Russian.

The most troublesome factions would be eliminated, but most Pan-Syrian Thought groups were more than willing to cooperate with Moscow.

In addition, pan-Syrian groups soon turned to fighting each other or fighting other Middle Eastern political groups within the Covenant (with both left and right groups).

The truth is that a 'great Syria' could be useful, as long as it remained under Big Brother [Russia]. The movement also only had branches in the Syrian Republic, Lebanon, Druzia and the Alawite State.

This for various reasons, Syria was a country big enough to influence its small neighbors, but it was still a small country within the Russosphere (being influenced by Moscow).

The popularity of the movement would grow during the first half of the 20th century, but naturally it would encounter certain obstacles and ideological-political opponents.

*[Trivia] - Regionally speaking, Pan-Syrian Thought is a phenomenon generally isolated to the Northern Levant.

Within the Covenant of Nations, different movements would develop in Qajar-Eskandari Persia, the two Iraqs, Kurdistan and Assyria.

Map of the post-Ottoman states inside the Covenant of Nations.​

*Orange: Kurdistan.

*Light purple: Alawite State,

*Green: Greater Lebanon.

*Blue: State of Assyria.

*Red(ish): Republic of Syria.

*Light-blue: Druzia (the State of the Druze).

*Mustard color: Republic of Baghdad (or Iraq).

**Pink under Iraq: State of Mesopotamia (Shiite Iraq).

*Grey: Kuwait.

Click to expand...

(OOC: AKA, the focus of the section of this part of the update).


[Truly Russian Liberalism]

On March 7 of 1925, the Russian statesman and politician, Prince Georgy Evgenievich Lvov, died.

Lvov mostly went unnoticed in a time of various important Russian politicians, such as Tsar Alexander III, Nicholas II, Premier Witte, Premier Stolypin, Premier Skobelev and finally Premier Stalin.

But he was still one of the central figures of Russian Liberalism and one of the minor allies of a young Grand Duke Nicholas Alexandrovich (Tsar Nicholas II in his youth), along with men like Julius Martov.

More importantly, the death of Lvov was considered a change of scenery within Liberalism in Russia, since it was considered definitively a generational and, to some extent, ideological change.

Following this, Grand Duke Cyril made his move to ally himself with Russian liberal groups, which he planned to unite under his associates.

Most liberals, like certain factions of the Kadets or the Septembrists, had been displaced due to the Russian civil war, martial law and First Stalinism.

Leading to a much-needed socio-political reorganization, which men like Cyril Nikolaevich and his new political allies would take advantage of.

But first we should understand what we mean by 'Liberalism', a word that comes from 'Liberalis' (Latin) and is, as a consequence, closely associated with the word 'freedom' (especially personal rights and freedoms, such as freedom of expression, freedom of worship and property rights).

Classical liberalism grew out of the early liberal revolutions (the Thirteen Colonies and France) and capitalist economic theory (Adam Smith), long dominating what was considered the West and its sphere of influence.

Originally many 'Westernizers' of the Russian Empire were some form of 'liberals' (at least in name), believing that it was necessary to learn from the Western experience and carry out liberal reforms in order to bring about major modernizations in Russia. Alexander II was a 'liberal' Tsar (maybe there is this image of him, specially outside Russia, because he died after some of his best-know reforms and was more liberal than his son - But we can't know for sure that Alexander II would have mantain that course if he had lived more).

However, Russian liberalism in general was always a contradictory and problematic phenomenon. Liberalism underwent a 'dark stage' during the Alexandrian period, because the Russian autocracy basically ignored a lot of 'liberal' concepts.

Tsar Alexander III carried out important improvements in the Russian state and improvements in the quality of life of the citizens, but in all sense basically keeping Russia an autocratic and illiberal country (political reform came only in the later reign of Alexander, 1905 - And it is hard to argue that Russia was a liberal country even after this reform).

The basic problem with Russian Liberalism, in foreign eyes, was that the Russians did not adapt well to Liberalism. In the eyes of the Russians, Liberalism simply did not suit Russian realities (there was really no 'Russian Liberalism').

So due to the events that transpired during the Alexandrian period and the reign of Nicholas II, the idea of a 'Russian Liberalism' changed a lot.

On the one hand liberal democracy was in a major period of crisis and on the other hand the Russian experience changed, had shown that there were alternatives to the Western experience. Leading Russian Liberalism into a period of change and transformation that occurred just after the civil war-martial law in Russia and the death of Lvov.

Although Russia had indeed developed a huge middle class and a capitalist-bourgeois class very similar (if not superior...) to that of the old Western countries, the concept of Liberalism was still very alien to the Russians.

Of course, they learned about the concept between history classes and subjects associated with philosophy-politics, but the cultural and historical divisions between Russia and the West always made it an alien concept.

It also didn't help that by the early 20th century, Liberalism was in decline or an 'endangered' species (countries in the British countryside had fallen into reactionary ideologies, the US republic seemed in decline, and many Western countries adopted Marxist socialism).

The dilemma of Russian Liberalism was, of course, how to make a syncretism acceptable to Russia.

Russian liberalism had to reconcile Russian spirituality with capitalist materialism, social collectivism in Russia and the individualistic tendency of liberalism, the autocratic tradition of the state with the concepts of fundamental rights and more seemingly contradictory concepts.

The result was a synthesis of traditional elements with liberal and to some extent leftist elements (taking the place left by the purge of the Kamenev faction in the RSDLP).

Post-1925 Russian liberalism is the ideological work of men like Semyon Lyudvigovich Frank and Sergey Iosifovich Hessen, who took inspiration from previous phenomena within the Russian intelligentsia (Westernizers, Slavophiles, Conservatives, and Social Liberals).

According to Russian liberalism created after 1925:

* The main task of society is the formation of adequate conditions for the development of the individual (Liberal Populism, inspired by Nikolai Konstantinovich Mikhailovsky).

The development of the individual is the highest measure of social progress.

* Guaranteeing civil liberties and personal rights of the individual requires the support and strength of the state, thus imposing order, stability, morality and national-cultural continuity (liberal conservatism, inspired by Konstantin Dmitrievich Kavelin and Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin).

Morality is important to Russian Liberalism, as without the state, there is no 'freedom defined by law' or moral law that would allow proper conditions for the individual's free will in the first place.

* To the representative government (liberal democracy), the traditional concepts of the Russian people (a people with their special values, as teach the Slavophiles) had to be added.

These were the traditions of local-collective self-government and Sobornost (cooperation and harmony between community representatives), which would give moral development in the context of personal initiative/individual liberty and 'world justice' (a concept related to fundamental rights of the human being) for the Russian citizens, the so-called power of opinion.

*A strongly 'social' characteristic, where there is a harmonious fusion between traditional social institutions and the creative initiative of the individual (through improvements in their quality of life, education and morality).

This fusion takes place through not only the previous precepts, but also through guaranteeing that all citizens have the right to a dignified human existence.

The rule of law, therefore, must guarantee not only personal and economic freedom, but also equal opportunities (the so-called positive rights - right to the minimum wage, public education, welfare state, investment in public infrastructure, pensions, participation in cultural life, opposition to monopoly, etc).

This is essentially the great contribution of Frank and Hessen.

Perhaps Russian Liberalism was a curious reflection of the Grand Duke Cyril himself. Russian Liberalism was presented as a reasonable and third-way alternative to antagonistic positions that existed in Russian society (the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and the left, like Sergei, and the New Right and the rest of the Russian right, like Maria), thatclaimed to be the legitimate heir to various parties (Stolypin bloc, Kadets and Septembrists), movements (the Slavophiles, Westernizers, Social Democrats, Populists and more) and historical legacies (the Alexandrian period).

Among this new Russian Liberalism were public figures such as Pyotr Bernhardovich Struve, Prince Vladimir Andreevich Obolensky, Countess Sofia Vladimirovna Panina, Anton Vladimirovich Kartashev, Sergei Alekseevich Smirnov, Alexander Ivanovich Konovalov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Rozanov, Raphael Abramovitch Rein, Fyodor Ilyich Dan, Andrei Sergeevich Kranikhfeld and some others.

Essentially rebuilding from the ashes of the old Constitutional Democratic Party (Kонституционно-демократическая партия/Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaya partiya, K-D), the moderates of the RSDLP and the Septembrists, and taking on the legacies of Tsar Alexander III and Nicholaas II (very literally in some aspects, the nephew of Martov -old ally of Nicholas-, was Kranikhfeld, now ally of Cyril).

The party was unoriginally called the Democratic Union of Russia (Демократический Союз России/Demokraticheskiy Soyuz Rossii), with its supporters naturally known as Democrats (демократы/Demokraty, Demokrat in the singular).

The nickname 'New Kadets' was also popular, for obvious reasons.


[Romanov Dynasty]

During this period in March 31 of 1925, the the marriage of Grand Duke Cyril with Princess Marie of Romania, daughter of King Ferdinand I of Romania, took place.

*Status of the House of Romanov.

Status at 1925.

Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov (Nicholas II, 1868 - ????) + Jelena Petrović Njegoš (Elena of Montenegro) †

Nicholas Nikolaevich Romanov †

Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov †

Maria Nikolaevna Romanova (1901 - ????) + Nicholas of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (Principele Nicolae al României/Prince Nicholas of Romania)

Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov (1924- ????)

Cyril Nikolaevich Romanov (1903 - ????) + Marie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (Principesă Marie a României/Princess Marie of Romania)

Sergei Nikolaevich Romanov (1906 - ????)



January 1, Congress of Damascus in the city of Damascus, Syria (Covenant of Nations).

January 2, Leo Chiozza Money (a neutral citizen whose ideas were originally Liberal or even Labour) begins to associate publicly with the All-British Party during the period of theImperial Federation's Keynesian reforms.

This in part because Money was a master of statistics and was highly revered by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which guaranteed him some security.

Money published 'The Peril of the White', where he addressed the idea of how the increase in the world population could affect the food situation of the World countries and the implications of the decline in the birth rate of the white race.

"The European stock cannot presume to hold magnificent areas indefinitely, while it refuses to poblate them, and to deny their use for cultivation."

-Money in The Peril of the White (1925).

Ideas that were partly taken out of context and used for new forms of Malthusianism (the thought that a Malthusian catastrophe will occur in the human population, because an exponentially growing population will not be able to sustain itself with the linear growth of its finite resources like food) and racial white supremacism.

"Churchill is an expert at inventing new and odious forms of warfare and malice.

Every act which denies respect to mankind of whatever race, will have to be paid for a hundredfold by the British Empire... "

Money was actually more compassionate than he appeared, although in the 1920s and most of the 30s he leaned toward Churchill, beginning to secretly condemn him during World War III for British bombing of non-military targets and British policies against non-white races.

January 6, the East German Red-Black Front continues to successfully rebuild the national economy under Minister Otto Strasser, who supports major reforms of the previous economic system.

Chancellor Richthofen will use Strasser's reforms primarily to fuel the repressive state and the German war machine in his future campaigns.

January 9, in the parliament, Minister Otto Strasser advocates the need for an East Germany friendlier to Imperial Russia before conducting military campaigns for German reunification or anti-communist crusades.

According to Minister Strasser, it was actually possible to find common ground between the two countries.

After all, Russia was apparently willing to cooperate even with huge cultural-government differences (see the cooperation of Russia and Western European communists) and in reality East Germany and the Russian Empire were more similar than different [according to Strasser].

Strasser's words mostly fall on the deaf ears of Chancellor Richthofen.

January 10, Louisiana Governor Huey Long launches strong campaigns against the KKK, which are successful within the state but cause several national frictions between anti-KKK segments of the population and the KKK (plus their allies).

January 11, the Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of China takes place in the city of Wuhan (center of the alliance of the Left KMT and the CPC).

January 12, assassination attempt on Al Capone by members (armed with Tommy guns) of Chicago's North Side Gang.

As a result of this, one of Capone's bodyguards is injured, but Capone is not harmed in any way.

After this altercation (occurred in front of a State Street restaurant), Al Capone starts getting Tommy guns for his men and buys his famous bulletproof Cadillac.

January 15, birth of Kimitake Hiraoka (also known as Yukio Mishima), son of Kenzō Hashi (official of the dictatorship that lived in Japan at that time).

Yukio Mishima is one of the most famous dissidents, writers, and terrorists to come out of Japan (especially for his attacks on the Japanese government in the late 1960s and early 1970s).

January 18, arrest of the first 'public enemy number one' in Muncie (Indiana).

Tje criminal know as "The Gentleman Bandit", Gerald Chapman, is caught, with $5,000 in cash, $3,000 in bonds, $500 in jewelry, a pint of nitroglycerin, burglary tools, and part of a severed lock.

January 22, beginning of sanitary measures in Alyaska (Russian Empire) due to an outbreak of diphtheria.

Four days later, more than 300,000 units of antitoxin are sent to deal with the outbreak.

On January 24, a total solar eclipse occurs.

On January 27, East Germany symbolically celebrates the birthday of Kaiser Wilhelm II of the Second Reich.

January 28, various Sino-Russian mercenary groups begin to be formed during the civil war in the Republic of China.

These squadrons later become famous for having been a notable part of the final offensives of the war.

February 1, failure of the potato harvest in the Socialist Republic of Ireland due to summer and autumn rains.

Irish allies try to send support to Ireland, but the Imperial Federation tries to exploit this to weaken Irish socialism (with mixed results).

February 2, the Fordist government of the United States completely privatizes airmail under a new law (law that essentially freed the government from responsibility for airmail, 'encouraging private initiative' in this regard).

The Fordist government of the period 1925-1928 sees great progress in the privatization of services. The privatization of airmail is one of these early successes.

February 3, the discovery of the specimen known as the Taung Child (a fossilized skull discovered in South Africa, Imperial Federation) is openly published for the first time.

The skull belongs to a young Australopithecus africanus, whose demise dates to approximately 2.8 million years ago, or 3.3 million years ago.

Raymon Arthur Dart would advocate that he was an ancestor of modern man ('an extinct race of apes intermediate between living anthropoids and man').

Of course at the time not everyone believed him, and in his native Imperial Federation many rejected Dart's idea that the newly named genus 'Australopithecus' was an ancestor of Homo Sapiens.

The Piltdown Man theory (hoax) was still very popular in the Imperial Federation.

February 6, Field-Marshal Maharaja Sri Teen Chandra Shumsher Jung Bahadur Ran announces his intention to abolish slavery in Nepal (essentially a British colony-protectorate).

February 10, the Fisheries Agreement between the United States and the Imperial Federation (Canada) is signed, which establishes the fishing rights of both countries on their borders.

February 12-13, the government of Henry Ford in the United States begins to undermine the authority of the Supreme Court through a 'reduction of its workload', favoring changes in the American judiciary (where traditional institutions continued to be endlessly eroded).

February 15, the Disney company releases the animated short 'Alice Solves the Puzzle', featuring the character of Pete.

February 20, 51 people die in the Hippo Wars.

Bringing in hippos is one of the biggest flaws in American politics at the time, and it hasn't been resolved ever since (especially after 1932-1933, when all Americans were so busy with other things that hippos were able to have a population boom, without being stopped or bothered by humans).

February 21, the Empire of Brazil continually approaches a state of war and martial law. This day saw the death of 621 civilians in clashes against the government.

The parliament blames all this on the 'communist agitators'.

February 22, hockey becomes more popular in the Congress of Poland, Russian Empire.

February 25, the chiefs Nele Kantule and Ologintipipilele of the Guna/Kuna people launch a revolt against the US authorities, beginning to attack the Panamanian police on the islands of Tupile and Ukupseni. within Sunni Islam

This so-called 'people's revolution' or Guna revolution leads to severe cultural repression against the Guna.

February 26, Abdullah bin Al-Hussein (one of the most important statesmen of the Emirate of Ha'il at this time) launches a strong campaign against Wahhabism, which was making moves in his 'zone of influence' (Jordan).

Wahhabism is a movement based on the teachings of the scholar Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab (1703-1792), with the goal of 'restore pure monotheistic worship by devotees'.

Even today after the campaigns of Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, the Emirate of Ha'il sees Wahhabism as a harmful deviation from Islam (aligning itself with ultra-right groups within the country).

March 4, Henry Ford is officially sworn in for his third consecutive term as President of the United States of America.

March 5, Charles Augustus Lindbergh survives an accident during pilot training in the United States Air Service.

March 7, death of Prince Georgy Yevgenyevich Lvov, statesman and one of the central figures of Russian liberalism during its early democratic period (although he went largely unnoticed due to the success of figures such as Count Sergei Yulyevich Witte, Stolypin, Skobelev, and Stalin).

March 10, within the European Socialist Union, more specifically within the Free Republic of Germany, the People's Chancellor Ernst Thälmann launches a series of public campaigns against 'anti-proletarian' tendencies.

One of the main campaigns of this period focused on going against antisemitism, which was a worrying trend that still existed within the ESU (because revolutions do not completely erase the legacy of the past).

Some days later this campaigns join the compendium of Thälmann's great reforms for the European Socialist Union.


[Thälmann's Reforms : Theory and Culture]

March 14, in the Free Republic of Germany, a committee made up of various-ranking elements of the German (Joseph Goebbels, minister of the People's Chancellor of Germany, Thälmann ), French (speaker of the Parliament, Maurice Thorez), Iberian (young politician Dolores Ibárruri Gómez 'La Pasionaria') and Italian governments (Antonio Gramsci, main ideologue of the government of Palmiro Togliatti) launches the beginnings of the 'Pillars of Socialism'.

The Pillars of Socialism are the compendium of public campaigns, laws, measures and socio-political and economic theories and experiences of the government of the European Socialist Union, to definitively establish and advance socialism in Western Europe.

The European Socialist Union was de-facto led by hard-line communists, with Ernst Thälmann and similar figures at the helm, and so they did search for a way to 'definitively' implant their ideas within Western Europe (after the initial deviations in France and Italy).

It was the time of the Great Proletarian Revolution and one of the first phases of the Troubled Times, where the theories and experiences of the socialist experiments in Western Europe were essentially syncretized.

Thälmann understood that Marx, Engels, Lenin and Liebknecht were the 'starting point', but the 'laboratory' that the socialist countries in Europe (Iberia, France, Flanders, Germany, Italy, Turkey and Ireland) had to continue advancing.

This essentially started 'Marxism-Leninism + Liebknecht Thought' as it is know in modern times, which in countries outside Germany had several more regionalisms (instead of Liebknecht, Iberia had the 'Thought of Caballero', Italy had the Thought of Gramsci and France had Guesdism).

*The name is due to the influence of Joseph Goebbels in these idea, Minister Goebbels (student of Lenin) and Chancellor Thälmann held Lenin's contributions to Marxist theory (democratic centralism, NEP, and more) in higher esteem than Liebknecht contribution (who was more important for being the founder of the country, so he still received special treatment but in another way...).

And Lenin was a middle figure for the countries of the ESU, while working in Germany, he was a Russian person (giving 'Internationalism' to the idea, and also avoiding the idea that Germans were the only intellectual leaders of this reforms).

Also the anniversary of the death of Lenin was little over a month ago, and the ESU was in a high-commemoration.

Apart from defining socialism in the ESU in one way or another in the following decades (either with people who followed Thälmann 's reforms or tried to be against them), Thälmann's reforms and Gramsci's additions were of great importance in the socialist theory.

Fundamentally, Thälmann began his chancellorship with the aim of resolving the old contradictions-problems and new problems of orthodox Marxism, through the ideological-political construction on the past theoretical-practical framework (proto-socialists, Marx and Engels, first revolutions such as the Paris Commune, and early leaders of the European Socialist Union).

Through this, according to Thälmann, the legacy and anti-proletarian ideology in the members of the ESU would be resolved, and the first phases of the Troubled Times and the Great Proletarian Revolution would be resolved.

After this would come his contributions to economics, once again building on the past through the continuation of his 'scientific model'.

Going back to the theory proper, chancellor Thälmann and the ideologue Gramsci devised a system of "Phases of Socialism", which in the long term has guided the ideas of most actually existing socialist states worldwide.

Core Elements of Capitalism, Socialism (Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced), and Communism. ​

System of Property Rights. System of Distribution. System of Regulation.

Modern Capitalism. Private ownership primary Distribution according to capital Market/State-directed market economy

Primary stage of Socialism. Public ownership in various forms primary (private ownership secondary) Market-based distribution according to labor primary (distribution according to capital secondary) State-dominated market economy

Intermediate stage of Socialism. Multiple forms of public ownership (state, cooperative, joint-stock) Multiple commodity type distribution according to labor. State-dominated planned economy (market-adjustment secondary)

Advanced stage of Socialism. Single public ownership by entire society Product-based distribution according to labor Complete planned economy

Communism Single public ownership by entire society Product-based distribution according to need (distribution according to labor for new consumer goods in short supply) Complete planned economy

This laid the groundwork for a theory on which future socialist attempts could be modeled (or refused, depending on who you ask) and the 'goals' projected by the socialist countries of the European Socialist Union or derived from their ideology.

Gramsci thought that the European Socialist Union as a whole was in a phase between Modern Capitalism and Primary Socialism.

Due to the youth of the project, at the moment it shared characteristics similar to these two phases, but it was advancing towards the Primary Stage.

100 years later, the European Socialist Union indicates that it still maintains in a Primary stage, but they say that they will advance to an Intermediate stage by 2050-2065.


March 16, the Free Republic of Mexico tries to establish greater contact with the European Socialist Union after receiving news of the advances that were occurring in these countries (Thälmann 's reforms, which promised to establish a reconstruction and improvement of the European socialist countries after of the first phase of the Troubled Times - And also further Socialist theory-experimentation, which may have been good for the Mexican socialist project).

These attempts lead to a worsening of relations between the United States and the Free Republic of Mexico.

March 17, Czechoslovakian politician Edvard Beneš begins to advocate the creation of a 'United States of Europe', a supranational project that, as its name indicates, should occupy all of Europe.

Beneš's plan was for the continent to be divided internally into a series of blocs, holding similar power to sustain peace.

These divisions were primarily geographical, between a 'Western European' bloc and an 'Eastern European' bloc.

March 18, the deadliest tornado in the history of the United States occurs, this occurs within the so-called tri-state tornado outbreak, which mainly affects Missouri, Illinois and Indiana (causing at least 747 deaths and more than 2.8 billion dollars in damage, adjusted for 1997 inflation).

Fire in northeastern Tokyo causes the destruction of around 3,000 buildings.

March 19, President Henry Ford invites the leaders and members of various nations to the Sesquicentennial Exposition, which will take place in Philadelphia in the year 1926.

March 20, death of former Viceroy George Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston.

March 21, within several states dominated by the National Republicans, a creationist movement begins to form.

This creationist movement calls for a major reform in public education, where according to them the teaching of the theory of evolution should be prohibited (leaving the biblical accounts as the only true teaching).

This is part of the Christian faction of the National Republicans, which overlaps with other groups or ideological-political concepts.

March 22nd, as a result of socialist policies in favor of women's emancipation, in the République Populaire Démocratique de France and socialist Italy, the so-called 'new women's tuxedos' start to become very popular.

Some considered them too capitalistic, but like everything, they eventually fell out of fashion, without the need for purges or great public humiliations.

March 29, between 7,765,786 and 16,726,310 citizens in Japan are in a state of extreme poverty, according to the censuses of the time.

This makes up between 13% and 28% of the Japanese population, depending on outside assets, private (from other people) or public (from the state), to subsist from day to day.

A number that for the Japan of the time, mobilizes public scandal.

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