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38.46% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 55: Oder-Niesse (Abril-June, 1913).

Capítulo 55: Oder-Niesse (Abril-June, 1913).

Brusilov offensive]

On April 20, after months of operation, the Brusilov Offensive reaches one of its most important points, General Aleksey Alekseyevich Brusilov has successfully occupied German territory from East Prussia to the Oder-Niesse line.

An impressive achievement for the armed forces of the Russian Empire and the lightning war (Molniyenosnaya Voyna) of General Brusilov, who led the northern armies.

With the success of the Brusilov Offensive in the east and the Socialists in the west, Germany was seriously on the ropes. The southern Russian armies soon captured southern Silesia, an important objective in the liberation of Bohemia.

With these objectives accomplished, General Brusilov began to overextend himself a bit, the northern army had to advance towards Brandenburg to capture Berlin, but also the territory of Bohemia had to be liberated.

For which the southern armies needed more support.

Brusilov's logistics had had some problems, but if they had time, Russian logistics could get close enough to be more efficient.

In the immediate aftermath of the important April victory, the Oder-Niesse line became a much more iron-clad border between Russia and Germany. The resistance of the German Empire had its weaknesses, but they weren't going to leave without a fight, and in the process they were mounting huge defenses ...

But Brusilov could still surround them.

Commanders of the Russian army such as Baron Pyotr Wrangel began the operation for the liberation of Bohemia almost immediately, in May. Impatience could be positive or negative, it all depended on the final results.

While it is true that the Czech territory had plains and plateaus where military operations could be 'simple', the problem was the series of mountain ranges that existed in the region.

Also the Sudeten Germans present would resist the Russian advance, but would be countered by the native Czech Slavs, who presented strong aid to the Russian army.

It would be these unfavorable geographical and logistical conditions that would delay the operation a bit, but reinforcements were arriving from Slovakia and Hungary due to German weakness.


Conquest of southern Silesia, the German fortresses had fallen and with this various prisoners of the Russian army had been freed.

The conditions (international agreements) for the care of foreign prisoners were strictly enforced in the Russian Empire, but not so much in other countries ...

Wrangel oversaw the release of his brothers from the Russian army (not literally brothers, but symbolic).

The German prison camps were not in the best conditions, but they were better than the British prison camps.

Among all the prisoners, one stood out, had tried to escape four times and was considered very troublesome by the Germans, although he had only been captured 'recently'.

"Commander!". The man greets with camaraderie.

"Are you well soldier?" Wrangel asks, not dismounting from his horse.

"Of course." The soldier affirms. "If they had taken longer, my fifth attempt would have been successful."

"Do not presume." One of the classmates affirms with a small laugh.

"Well, maybe it would have been successful." Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky calmly accepted. Wrangel was pleased, Tukhachevsky was a strange thing at times, but he had a lot of potential.

"Ah, Perún!" Tukhachevsky exclaimed with interest as a classmate passed him a Russian superhero comic.

"Do you like comics?" The man asks curiously, a comic book fan himself.

"Not quite, but I am a pagan guy." Young Tukhachevsky, 20 years old at the time (and having spent time in the German prison camp) claimed. An extremely rare opinion in the generally orthodox Russian army ...

"Sure man, sure ...". The partner affirms.



Since 1897 (April-June), the Russian Empire had seen ... strange advances, products of an eccentric man, the holy vagabond (strannik) Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin.

Through in-depth studies of local medicine, Rasputin had successfully carried out the development of coagulant medicine for the Russian Empire (medicine based on seeds, leaves, bark or sap, roots and fruits of trees and plants).

Which in itself already helped certain conditions like Hemophilia.

But when this became more widely accepted in 1913, the eccentric Rasputin's coagulants and other medical research led to other important breakthroughs.

On June 27, 1913, Rasputin and associates (rich people and medical researchers), achieved an important event, the first successful indirect blood transfusion surgery in the world was performed.

Managing to prevent blood from clotting through anticoagulant medicines recently developed in Moscow medical research.

While Rasputin was a scandalous personality of conservative imperial Russia, his importance in various fields of medical study (especially in blood) was undeniable.

"Indirect blood transfusion" is currently an obsolete term in the medical field, term that dignifies the practice of transfusing blood that has been collected from a donor.

This advance in blood transfusion signified advances in the civil and military medical field, resulting in success thanks to the blood group classification (ABO) developed years ago (from 1901 onwards).


"... I can't believe I'm going to do this." The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov mutters to himself before entering to present an award to Grigori Rasputin.

An acknowledgment of Rasputin's medical research.

"A pleasure." Rasputin exclaims saluting the Tsesarevich, maintaining strong eye contact.



Preamble: After troubles in the Ottoman Empire, the House of Saud had briefly ended in Kuwait, but with increasing Russian influence in the country, the Saud left.

Ibn Saud and relatives would try to reconquer and get more territories back in Arabia, recounting the chaos and problems of the New Great War.

Where sadly, Ibn Saud once again gained Russian attention for attempting to initiate conversations with the British (and founding certain guerrilla-religious orders).

June 18, Russia hosts a diplomatic meeting with various representatives and organizations of Arab-Syrian origin, also including Coptic Egyptians.

The reason for this meeting was to discuss the situation in the Arabian peninsula and Egypt, for obvious reasons the Block of Buenos Aires, Moscow and Washington wanted to win as many fronts as possible.

The Arabian peninsula was divided into various groups, some neutral, some pro-British, and some pro-Russian / American.

The southern and southeastern territories (Yemen, Oman, the Trucial states and Qatar) were occupied by the Imperial Federation as colonies-protectorates.

On the other hand Transjordan, Holy Land (Israel) - Palestine and Egypt were in the Second French Empire, and the north of all this was the Russosphere (the two Iraqs, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, etc).

Arabia's position was vital, since its defense would prevent a land invasion of important territories and could put the British in difficulties. Added to this, the Russian Empire did not trust the Second French Empire much, so they were already planning a possible replacement for the administration of Suez, Palestine, etc.

The Russians themselves however did not want to enter Palestine or Muslim holy territories (Mecca), so Russia planned to supply the Arabs to fight for them against the British.

In exchange for this support against the British, Russia and allies would recognize a new Arab state (the territory that the Arabs could get).

Whoever feeds you has power over you, so Russia immediately had some influence over this meeting through its logistics supply.

Also at the meeting there were delegates from the Russosphere from the Middle East, such as Naoum Mokarzel (of Syrian origin).

Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the emergence of the Russosphere in the Middle East, the French imperial caste system in its territories and ideological-literary developments, there has been an important movement about Arab identity and how they should form a state in Arabia.

Arabia at this time was very much divided into tribal-local or family lines (small dynasties, so to speak).

A unification process was needed.

This meeting was precisely an important step in this unification process, since the imperialist powers were promoting different Arab factions.

In other words, the Arabs, through the war, obtained resources and the momentum to carry out these ideas of unification, precisely by hitting local rivals (and the opposing imperialist camp).

This event was very important due to the changes of power in the New Great War, with this the Allied Bloc won important allies in Arabia against the Imperial Federation and its own Arab allies.

The wave of Arab unification took hold and began to hit strongly against British interests, initiating a process of unification in the north and center of the Arabian peninsula.

It should be said that this Arab nationalism was not as extreme as future versions of ethno-cultural nationalism, it also believed in certain principles of decentralization, autonomy, socio-cultural reforms, etc.

However, it is difficult to say if this was a good decision or not, after all it would have unforeseen consequences for the time.


[New Great War: Sino-Russian Front]

April 8, the troops of the Russian Empire put the city of Beijing under siege, marking the important successes of the Russian advance in northern China.

Not only this, but the Clique Ma Muslim revolutions are also successful in driving Yuan Shikai's loyalist armies out of northern China.

These important actions enable vital and central movements of the Russian army in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.

By May, on the 16th, the province of Shanxi falls into the hands of the advance of the Russian army, an important event for these central movements, since it forces the armies of Shaanxi to escape or be the victim of attacks from three possible fronts.

Meanwhile, the siege of key sectors of the Chinese government continues.

It is complicated when we talk about a country with millions of people, fortunately, most of these are in the south and east of the country.

Although it does not mean that Beijing is a small city ...

* The Russian occupation was a serious detriment to the opium business in northern China and the landowners, as the Russian army burned opium crops and had tough policies against opium growers and landowners.

The landlords in China were not like modern landlords, the most successful were small local warlords.

But in general, the landowners were brutal, applying disastrous measures for those who inhabited their lands and committing violations against various human-legal rights.

Russian actions ensured that many landowners were evicted, executed, or simply make them escape, while the land was progressively distributed to Russian allies and local peasants (who became loyal or useful allies).

Meanwhile, the troops of the Second Chinese Revolution (1913 revolution) march successfully from the south with the intention of eradicating Yuan Shikai's Empire of China.


[Russian Air Force]

May 26, Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky's designs continue to be successfully developed in the Air Force of the Russian Empire.

Through the aeronautical research of the Kiev circle, important improvements have been made in the engines, capabilities and armament of the aircraft of the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

With these important improvements, the S-2 evolved to the S-21, or better known as the Russian Knight (The Sikorsky Russky Vityaz, also known as the Bolshoi Baltisky or The Great Baltic).

With these advances, the Russian Air Force continues to be one of the main air forces in the world (certainly with some lead in research and development, compared to the rest).

The government subsidized various orders and military investigations, both in times of peace and in times of war (such as the New Great War).

The Russian Knight would gain his notoriety by serving on the European Eastern Front and as an important part of the aircraft carrier functions of the Russian Empire.

The bombing or torpedoing capabilities of the Air Force increased considerably, serving precisely the Russian attacks against the Royal Navy, against Sweden, Norway and Germany.

With his work in the New Great War, Sikorsky would become one of the most important aircraft designers in the Russian Empire, for both military and civil purposes.

Which he would pay for with the first helicopter developments years after the New Great War.



April 1, most British newspapers (and other media of the time) of the Imperial Federation align themselves with the ideological leadership of the government, the Social Aristocracy.

This after extensive processes of state intervention (purchase, extortion, corruption, etc.) or simply the popular support of the ultra-right towards the Social Aristocracy.

Newspapers such as the Daily Mail run by Lord Rothermere, the Daily Mirror, The Economist and others served the interests of the British ultra-right well. Due to opposition to socialist revolutions, nationalist-religious fanaticism, colonialism, imperialism, etc.

(OOC: Partly based on pro-Nazi opinions from parts of the British media before WW2).

January 3, the conflict in central Europe is intensified by several factors, including the Russian advance towards the Oder-Niesse line, the socialist advance in West Germany, and the British presence in northern Germany.

The British have no intention of letting the Netherlands fall into socialist hands, and so far they have managed to keep it successfully.

But the attempts to crush the Flemish revolution have been unproductive, especially when the German and French socialists have already mobilized support for the Flemish revolution.

In the process of close combat, several cities in Central Europe are bombarded by the Air Force of many countries.

In the Imperial Federation proper, the suffrage movement continues to be oppressed by the government. Several imprisoned suffragette leaders (such as Emmeline Pankhurst) launch a hunger strike, but the government does not release them.

April 5, General Smedley Butler leaves Nicaragua after his successful Nicaraguan campaign, having re-established a pro-American government and expelled the British from the country.

Following this, Butler primarily moves on to one of the largest operations of his career to date, the liberation of La Hispaniola from British hands.

April 8, the Russian Empire puts Beijing under siege.

April 11, at a crucial moment for the United States, President James Beauchamp Clark (better known as Champ Clark) manages to keep the Democratic Party together on important bills.

Clark's democratic unit and his oratorical talent achieve the successful continuation of several projects, especially with regard to military contractors (and their influence in the USA ...), the army, communication (the aforementioned centralization of information through the influence of the state) and other measures of a war economy.

Yet as another unexpected consequence of Democratic 'unity', various members of President Clark's cabinet enact racial segregation in the federal government (separating whites from African-Americans) at a time when Americans should be more united ...

* An important moment for Clark would be his accepted promises about future compensation for veterans or relatives of veterans of the New Great War. Which would have unexpected consequences many years later.

April 12, battles between Norwegian and British troops against French troops ends in a British-Norwegian victory at Ubangi-Shari / Central African territory.

On the same day however the British troops finally suffered a defeat against Katanga troops in the Siege of Likasi.

April 13, in exile the struggles between Spaniards continue, when on this day an attack is carried out against the Alphonsist pretender to the throne of Spain, Alfonso XIII (son of 'Alfonso XII' of Spain).

Rafael Sancho Alegre (an exile from socialist Iberia) shoots the Alphonsist claimant three times, which ends with the death of Alfonso XIII.

Alfonso XIII is succeeded by his son Alfonso, 5 years old (6 on May 10), becoming Alfonso XIV (for the 'legitimistas' or 'alfonsistas').

Annex: * 'Alfonsista' family (sons of Alfonso XIII).

Alfonso, Prince of Asturias (born 1907).

Infante Jaime, Duke of Segovia (Born 1908).

Infanta Beatriz (Born in 1909).

Infante Fernando (stillborn).

Infanta María Cristina (Born in 1911).

The last son of Alfonso XIII is the Infante Juan, who was born in June 1913.

Serious problems occur in the United Mexican States, we speak of droughts and famines (causing thousands of deaths).

The arid north of ancient Mexico has problems accessing water resources and food, after being cut off from so much territory in the south.

For this they have to ask for help from the United States, but they also have other matters to attend to.

April 14, the Central Committee of the Flemish Communist Party is established, a successful step in the Flemish socialist revolution and its maintenance.

This also confers a special status for the German-speaking and French-speaking population. Giving them some autonomy, although there is no federal project within the Flemish Revolution.

April 15, death of the Russian-Tatar poet Ğabdulla Tuqay, one of the fathers of modern Tartar poetry.

April 17, anti-war protests in Tokyo intensify despite Japanese successes in Indochina (Vietnam) and the South Pacific.

April 18, the counter-offensives of the Second French Empire in Algeria begin to unravel, marking important British advances in North West Africa.

Many French troops were surrounded and destroyed by the British advance across the HUGE Algerian territory (second largest territory after French Sudan).

April 19, anti-Asian sentiment in the United States continues to rise, now 'Arabs' and 'Armenians' do not have much of a chance to immigrate, obtain citizenship or farmland in the United States.

April 20, the first stage of the Brusilov Offensive ends with success by the northern armies.

April 23, economic planning measures begin in the Free Republic of Mexico, following the economic-political socialist thinking that dominates the country.

April 28, Guatemala entered the New Great War due to not wanting to pay its debts with the Imperial Federation and the Guatemalan government asked the United States for help. And perhaps because Guatemala wanted to obtain Belize.

Currently this caused internal problems in Guatemala, the British protected Belize very well due to their naval dominance needs in the Caribbean.

So they responded fairly quickly to the problematic Guatemalan situation.

The United States could not respond as effectively, the majority of its attentions were in Hispaniola and other parts of Central America (Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador).

In addition, many inhabitants of the Petén rebelled against Guatemala, seeking to join Mexico or independence.

Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico (in Cuba), opens the National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba in Havana.

April 30, the Imperial Federation succeeds in purging many of the labor movements in New Zealand.

* [Irish Uprising]

May 1, 1913, marks an important event, after government violence against Irish strikers and the start of the Black and Tans (Ulster Volunteer Force) against various civilians, the island of Ireland has reached a turning point.

Alternatives, such as autonomy or Home Rule, have been denied multiple times, many liberal and moderate leaders have been locked up or exiled, wars have hurt Ireland and her children more than England, etc.

The radicals and the population in general, supporting them behind, have decided that the moment of independence has come.

Volunteers, women and men, have joined paramilitary organizations, launching armed uprisings against the British authorities.

Trade unionists, socialists and other radical leftists have created the Irish Citizen Army (Arm Cathartha na hÉireann), better known as the Irish Red Army or ICA.

This uprising was quickly led by a council of the aforementioned radicals, led by James Connolly (Séamas Ó Conghaile, 43, June 44) and other Irish Socialists (believers in Irish Socialist Republicanism).

* Other important politicians of the May 1 uprising were Jim Connell and Sean Connolly.

The London government found itself surprised by such action in the midst of the New Great War, right under its nose.

Obviously this needed action.

Northern Ireland was quickly defended, but several pockets of southern Ireland fell in the face of the uprising, successfully sustaining a guerrilla war, for the time being.

A direct war with the much more armed English would be suicide.

Soon there were also small socialist movements in Scotland, supporting the 'Celtic Communism', of John Maclean (Scottish socialist politician).


May 1, several new railways are established in Japanese Taiwan.

The nationalist factions of the Philippines, led by General-President Antonio Luna, win important victories, bringing the Philippines closer to the end of Japanese colonialism.

May 2, the Haitian-Dominican Campaign of Smedley Butler begins.

Several socialist governments recognize the Irish uprising as legitimate, although due to British maritime superiority, there is little that can be done to support the Irish.

Other countries of the block of Buenos Aires, Moscow and Washington in the war are less favorable towards these Irish socialists, but they still like the efforts against the British.

The Second Chinese Revolution officially begins, the 1913 revolution, various of the southern states, led by Sun Yat-sen and his Kuomintang, against Yuan Shikai's Empire of China (which is quite catastrophic).

Southern Republicans have considerable successes, counting that Beijing is under siege by Russian troops.

May 3, the battle for Washington D.C. ends with a major victory for the United States, who regain their capital and large parts of New England.

The Imperial Federation retreats to quickly defend Canada from a possible US invasion.

May 4, forces from the Buenos Aires, Moscow and Washington Bloc are definitively eliminated from Bolivia, which falls on the Berlin-London Axis (and Chile).

Acre's forces retreat to defend their country from a possible Peruvian-Bolivian invasion. Fortunately, the Empire of Brazil continues to be victorious against the Republic of the United States of Brazil.

May 5, throughout certain states of the United States (Arizona, New Mexico and some others) state laws are passed that would prohibit 'aliens' (non-white foreigners of various types such as Armenians, Japanese or Arabs, including simply "any foreigner who has not declared his intention to become a citizen") to own agricultural land.

It is also difficult for such foreigners to naturalize or obtain US citizenship.

Anglo-German troops manage to successfully defend Hamburg from the socialist advance, some consider this part of the beginning of the 'Anglo-German miracle'.

May 6, Los Angeles (California, USA) re-elect a progressive and socialist mayor.

May 7, important victories for the Royal Navy of the Imperial Federation against the United States.

The British Alec B. Francis launches the controversial film "The Sons of a Soldier", following generations of various families in important wars in the history of Europe and the United States.

* The liberal revolution in America.

* The Spanish-Japanese War.

* Fashoda War.

* European socialist revolutions.

* New Great War (... ending with a British victory of course).

* A new war in the future 1949 between the 'white' countries of the Imperial Federation, Germany (free of socialism ...) and the United States against an axis of the Socialist Countries, China, Russia, Japan and several Afro-Asian countries.

May 9, Ibn Saud (Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud) is captured by Arab forces related to the Russosphere and the Buenos Aires-Moscú-Washington Bloc, which means that Ibn Saud, other members of the House of Saud and support are now send to Kuwait, in some kind of house arrest.

May 11, a typhoon hits the Philippines, killing just over 800 people.

May 12, Patriarch Hermogenes (secular name Yermolay, patriarch from 1606 to 1612) is canonized as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. Through a ceremony at the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.

May 14, Guatemala falls into British hands, making a change of government to a pro-British one.

Belize is safe, and the Petén falls under the dominion of the Free Republic of Mexico, which guarantees the Imperial Federation to be neutral in the New Great War.

The Tehuantepec canal is now about to be reopened for everyone.

Central America Division.

* Pro-British: Belize (British territory), Guatemala.

* Pro-American: Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama (American territory).

* Neutral: Costa Rica.

John D. Rockefeller donates $ 100,000,000 to rebuilding New England, initiating government approval for Rockefeller Foundation functions.

May 15, premiere of the ballet Jeux (Games).

Choreographed by Vaslav Nijinsky (dancer of the Russian Empire) and with music by Claude Debussy (composer of French origin), Jeux is described as the first ballet in its time to capitalize on a contemporary theme. What topic?

Tennis ... which is a metaphor for psychological patterns in modern manners. Or something like that, critics rave about it.

The Orthodox Church has made important advances on the island of Madagascar.

May 16, many valuable objects are looted by the Russian army from the occupied eastern parts of Germany.

Shanxi province is conquered by Russian troops.

In the process, many opium crops are burned, and opium growers have few options (Russian military bans on opium cultivation).

May 20, under Champ Clark's government the antitrust regulations of the United States continue to weaken (and these antitrust measures were already weak before).

Military reforms in the United States Navy continue with success.

May 22, the Australian part of the Royal Navy expands, involving new battleships, submarines and Drednouts.

May 29, the Second Chinese Revolution is progressing positively at the moment, but it is unknown how Sun Yat-sen's Republic of China could react to the Russian occupation of northern provinces.

May 30, the Peruvian government begins to have strong influence in Bolivia during the New Great War.

June 2, financial lobbyists increase their influence in the legislative affairs of the United States of America.

June 3, the oystercatcher of the Canary Islands becomes extinct in nature.

The independent Canary Islands, led by a local military junta, sold the last specimens to Russia during the reign of Tsar Alexander III.

Alleged sightings of the bird were made until the 1960s, but it has been considered extinct since 1913 due to the lack of veracity of such sightings.

* Many were placed in the new zoos and reserves of the Russian Baltic.

June 8, loyal citizens of Berlin form a local defense of at least 30,000 paramilitaries, yet they are still far fewer than the Russians or socialists advancing on German soil.

They are even less than the usual protests in Berlin, which exceed 90,000 participants.

June 9, John Maynard Keynes publishes his first book, Indian Currency and Finance.

June 10, the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral is inaugurated in Kronstadt, Russian Empire.

June 11, several moderate and nationalist leaders of the Republic of Turkey are assassinated by the Turkish socialist revolutionaries of Mustafa Kemal.

June 11, Gibraltar, under British possession, is dangerously close to being conquered by the Iberian socialist forces after months of assault against the Royal Navy and British positions.

The German Super-Drednout Imperator is launched.

June 12, American animator John Randolph Bray produces America's first popular animated film, The Artist's Dream (a forerunner of the cartoon vogue in the US).

Unfortunately the film has been lost despite its initial popularity in the United States, joining the long list of Lost Media.

June 13, effect of previous presidencies (Elihu Root), the United States Senate is unfavorable to the idea of amending the constitution to allow female suffrage.

June 14, the autonomous government of South Africa (Imperial Federation) introduces restrictions on Indian immigration to its territory.

June 15, one of the last colonial atrocities in the Philippines, the death of 2000 natives (Moro people, more specifically), including women and children.

After this however, General Antonio Luna continues to successfully achieve the independence of the Philippines, with the support of the Imperial Federation.

Although the British do not consider it 'independence', they are simply interested in Japan leaving the Philippines, then ...

June 16, more than 500,000 Germans join the socialist forces in the German Socialist Revolution, as militants.

June 18, success of the Arab tribes affiliated to the Allied Bloc (Argentina, the United States and Russia) in Al-Hasa.

June 19, in British South Africa and the Boer United States important boundaries are created, racial segregation of the land (which properties can be inhabited by white men and which can be inhabited by native Africans).

In addition, these African natives are prohibited from owning, buying or inhabiting land that was owned by whites.

June 23, the process of creation of the Federal Reserve is strongly damaged by the opinions of Champ Clark, president of the United States, against the project.

June 24, the Australian Labor movement is seriously damaged by the local Social Aristocracy, the purges against the Socialists and other Labor moderates are successful.

June 28, Union Pacific Railroad and Southern Pacific Railroad merge under the commercial empire founded by Edward Henry Harriman (1848-1909, in 1901 he gained possession of the Northern Pacific Railway).

* E. H. Harriman's son, William Averell Harriman would be part of the administration of the rebuilding efforts of the northeastern United States.

June 30, the German army achieves remarkable victories defending the flanks of what remains of the German Empire.



The 'president' James Connolly (Séamas Ó Conghaile) was speaking in front of his government. The Irish revolution and uprising against British colonialism-imperialism had begun.

"Comrades. Every time we have tried to fight like the English, we have failed. We are not in the same conditions, that is a truth we must admit." President Connolly begins. "That is why we are not going to fight like Englishmen."

"The English are novel and original in a malicious way, they have a wit for malice and brutality.

But we will once again survive the threats of their tyranny.

We will fight in the streets, we will fight in the fields, we will fight in the hills.

Men and women of Eire, they will fight to the end. On every corner, on every farm, in every factory. "

-We will fight, speech by James Connolly.

The Irish Red Army was 'innovative' in guerrilla warfare, fighting through bombs and elusive attacks against forces superior to a logistical level (quantity of armament especially).

But the fight in the fields of Ireland was not easy, diverse of the locals joined more and more to the revolution against the possible English advances from the sea and the north of Ireland.



"My confidence in the United States has greatly diminished.

I have seen the things that we have done in Central America, people did not receive us as liberators of British evil, they received us as another evil.

A change of administration, not support for the Nicaraguan people. Nor have we been well received in El Salvador or Honduras.

We have spoken ill of the French crimes in Africa and the British crimes in Peru, but American companies do very similar things for the fruit of Central America.

I am a thug for capitalism.

After I finish my duty in the New Great War, I am not sure if I will be able to continue in the forces of the United States. "

-Letter from Smedley Butler.

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