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21.67% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 31: The universe is formed in simple events (April-June, 1909)

Capítulo 31: The universe is formed in simple events (April-June, 1909)

Republic of Syria]

The Syrian Republic was one of the medium-sized states created by Russia and allies in 1897 after the last Russo-Turkish war, formed through certain ancient vilayets such as Aleppo and obviously certain considerations regarding culture-ethnicity in the region.

With a growing economic, social and political well-being in the region.

The Alexandrian reconstruction plan supposed the growth of infrastructure (railways, telegraph, radio, roads), work, education, creation of police-armed forces and in general a time of peace.

Ancient Arab families still had some influence, but the life of the common Syrian citizen was not greatly affected by it.

Certain historical and highly important sites in the region had been preserved or even restored, museums and local culture were growing or being greatly appreciated after 'independence' (from the Ottomans).

The truth is that capital (money) is another form of power, the Syrians were under the capital of the Russian Empire, which gave development to growing industries such as oil, civil manufacturing and the aforementioned railways, etc.

In this context, ideas also emerged of a politic life that would not abandon Islam, but believed it should be more modern and adapt certain of the European ways to maintain itself. Basically Islamic modernism.

A new lighthouse in the Middle East.

Or so some of the Syrians saw themselves, those more liberal, moderate or reformist.

There were also pan-Arabist or Arab nationalist currents, which were not exactly very aggressive, but they understood the need for greater unity among the Arab people-states.

Either in a federation-political union or simply an economic unit (as Russia was doing with her sphere of influence).

In the Syrian democracy there was no particularly powerful president, instead a parliament of the different politicians and parties directed most of the state affairs, of course with strong Russian leadership in many of the internal-external affairs of the country.

Under this joint leadership of the natives and Russian interests, certain goals were reached in Syria:

* Recognition and adoption of the diversity of science-technologies that improved the quality of life of the Syrian people, many of which were taught in Syrian educational institutions or studied by Syrian students in Russia.

The concept of rationality and modern social theory became more prominent in Syria.

* The Islamic law code "adapts to political-social developments" under the direction-discretion of Syrian Muslims.

This included certain re-interpretations and search of the 'public interest' (maslahah) for the justification of initiatives for problems not addressed in classical sources and other important issues for a modern state and its inhabitants.

*The lines for Russia were drawn especially with regard to violence and discrimination against non-Muslim or non-Arab citizens or inhabitants, so protection was given to minorities such as some Christians, Jews or Armenians who lived in Syria.

Regarding women's rights, this progressed slowly and tediously.

Russia had Islamic modernists such as Abdulrauf Fitrat, Ğäbdennasír İbrahim ulı Qursawí and Musa Jarullah Bigeev, whose ideas also had some influence in Syria, but they are not the main thinkers of Islamic modernism in the country.

April 14 is when the Republic of Syria has its first 'crisis', to call it somehow, a shaking event.

Faisal bin Al-Hussein bin Ali Al-Hashemi (فيصل الأول بن الحسين بن علي الهاشمي, Fayṣal al-Awwal bin al-Ḥusayn bin 'Alī al-Hāshimī) came to Syria with the intention of entering the political life of the country as a first president'.

At 24 at the time (25 by May 20, 1909), Faisal was the son of Hussein bin Ali, the Great Sharif of Mecca during part of the Ottoman Empire.

Now that no such empire existed, Faisal had met with certain Syrian political groups and was interested in being part of the Syrian Republic. The interest was ambition, of a state led by him after the Ottoman fall.

The Syrian and Russian leadership had certain doubts, it was not impossible, after all the majority of Syrian citizens were born in the Empire and not in the republic (with 11-12 years).

Tsar Alexander III accepted Faisal in Syria, as long as he did not cause too much trouble. However, a new law was put in place that prohibited persons under 35 years of age from holding the position of president.

The position of president was not particularly powerful because of the aforementioned parliament and Russian influence, but Faisal still believed in some ability to gain power through it.

With this the young politician proposed his ideals:

* Pan-Arabism. Better relations or even unity among the Arab states in the Russosphere.

* 'Co-existence' (Faisal began to propose certain minorities in certain government positions and began to meet with certain minority leaders-groups).

* Patriotism in the idea of a Syrian citizenship.

Faisal gained some popularity, but was characterized early more as a populist leader with some good ideas, and not as a particularly pragmatic good statesman or politician. Faisal simply did not have many ideas about the Syrian economic future.

He was opposed by some minorities, those who believed he was too right-wing (majority among the opposition) and those who believed that he did not go far enough (minority among the opposition).

In general at this time, Islamic modernists were gaining traction in the face of a more literate and studious population (with jobs), than the old political societies and Syrian landowners (former nobles, conservatives, etc).

But even so pan-Arabism was certainly appealing.

* [Druzia, the state of the Druzes]

Druzia like other states, was created from the Ottoman fall to be a member of the Russosphere. The obvious problem was its geographic isolation (located on the periphery and landlocked), which turned the country into a primarily agricultural and rural country. Dependent on Syria-Russia for diversity of tasks and economic needs.

The country was run by the various Druze clans, in this situation the al-Atrash, led in 1909 by Zuqan al-Atrash, became the most influential clan.

The al-Atrash were collaborators of the Russian troops against the Ottomans and it is not surprising that this allowed them to hold ground and gain more influence.

In this context, the clan turned to civil politics, although they still had influence in the small local army.

Zuqan, and later his son Sultan al-Atrash, as pan-Arabists and Syrian nationalists, called for the union between Druzia and the Syrian Republic (something the Russians were not exactly against, but required a vote before that will take place).

The positive is that the al-Atrash clan continued with a pro-Russian policy, seeing as problematic the French and British rule over parts of the Arabian peninsula (Palestine, Transjordan and the south of the peninsula).

Russia's policies regarding the Middle East and the policies of the Second French Empire or the Imperial Federation were very different in the eyes of the Arabs.



What is truly a democracy?

It is a question quite loaded with connotations and problematic, especially during 1909. During this period democracies had as many problems as today, but they were much more direct.

Such as electoral ballot boxes disappearing in rivers, corruption in the voting system, frequent political assassinations, etc.

The Republic of Cilicia was the only 'truly democratic' state to emerge from post-Ottoman territory in Anatolia, the Republic of Turkey was a failed state, and Ionia was run by a military junta.

But on April 27, President Ahmet Rıza Bey was again elected for another presidential term.

The republic of Cilicia had periods of government of 4 years, this supposes a period 1897-1901, 1901-1905, 1905-1909 and the next period for 1909-1913.

All these years the president of Cilicia was the same, Ahmet Riza Bey.

Cilicia was led by the liberals of Ahmet Riza Bey, who together with the Russian Empire promoted a policy of technological-social modernization in Cilicia, through construction, education and improvement of the economy.

Inter-ethnic relations improved, the ports of the region became centers of trade between the coasts of the Middle East, Anatolia and other parts of the Mediterranean, liberal values were part of the country.

But still Ahmet Riza Bey did not let go of power.

The people of Cilicia, Muslim-Turks, Armenians and others certainly voted for him in power, but the politician himself did not know when to let go of power and withdraw, so he did not do it (we can say that it is a problem similar to that of Alexander III. ).

So while President Ahmet Riza Bey oversaw the creation of Cilician democracy, there were also side effects. A growing class of new landlord-bourgeoisie had been consolidated from the ashes of the old Ottoman empire.

And the state remained practically a one-party state in all but name, after the failure of the Young Turks (and the Armenian genocide) there was a certain fear and repression of particular groups.

Democracy was young and immature, so multi-partyism didn't gain much traction.

But despite all this, certainly Ahmet Riza Bey remained the founding father of Cilicia and under him grew new generations units beyond things like Islam or the Turkish language, a common citizenship in a democratic country.

And sometimes also united by anti-communism, but that is another matter.

* The republic already in 1909 had more than 30,000 Armenians, generally those who did not move to Russian Armenia.

Not unlike their peers in other parts of Anatolia, Cilician Armenians served primarily in financial-business, educational, or similar jobs.

They also assumed an active role in the inter-cultural relations of the new republic, fighting to avoid a new Armenian genocide.


[Qajar Dynasty / Persia]

On April 20, in the Persia of the Qajar dynasty, under the rule of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar, serious problems begin between the Persian constitutionalists and the monarchical government after the Shah continues with the old tendencies of government, such as authoritarianism. (absolutist monarchy without parliament or limitation of the monarch's power) and similar diplomatic-economic policies (sale of resource rights and portions of the Persian economy to Europeans).

But the constitutionalists (who wanted the formation of a parliamentary government, civil liberties, a constitution that limited the monarchy, and the elimination of certain policies that favored Persians over foreigners) were not alone this time.

The heterogeneous group of merchants, peasants and some religious was supported by the leaders of the Bakhtiari people, who inhabit parts of south-central western Persia. The Khans Bakhtiari sought to increase their influence within Persia, although the limit of such ambitions for influence was unknown.

Then these rebels captured the city of Isfahan from the government, cities one by one began to come to the power of the rebels in opposition to Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar.

There was even an assassination attempt against the Shah, by the Persian-Russian Haydar Khan Amo-oghli (Haydar Khan Amu ogly Tariverdiev, was born in Persian Azerbaijan but his family moved to Russia when he was 6 years old).

Fortunately since the last years of the previous Shah, Russia and Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar were prepared for such a situation or a similar situation (armed opposition).

Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar hid in the Russian embassy in Persia while loyalists and the Russian army moved, on April 29 the Russian army entered northwestern Persia towards Iranian Azerbaijan. Invited by official declaration of the central government.

From there both forces (Loyalists and Russians) moved north (territory near the Caspian) and center of Persia for the protection of Tehran from rebel forces.

The Imperial Federation made little fuss, it was made clear that Russia proper had little interest in getting into the British zone of influence in Persia, but something had to be done about the rebels.

In this context, May turned into a race between the Russian-loyalist forces and the constitutionalist-Bakhtiari rebels.

A race that Russia had finally won, but now there was another mission, the defense of Tehran and other key positions at the hands of the rebels.

On June 6 finally came the battle for Tehran and its surroundings between the forces of the Russian Empire and the Qajar dynasty against the rebels, an intermittent conflict that lasted for a period of 3 days.

On June 9, the rebel forces were forced to abandon the vicinity of Tehran, marking a victory for Russia.

The Shah and his family were evacuated to a slightly more secure position while the war was sought to continue.

A guerrilla war in Persia would be a real pain and Russia had to discuss with the Imperial Federation whether things were getting too big or Russia had to move into British sphere of influence.

So despite the attempts, by the end of June the Persian constitutionalists and the rebellious Khans had not yet been eliminated by the central government and Russia.

And for Tsar Alexander III, that was actually fine, longer Russian interference meant more 'cost', more things that Russia could ask of Persia after such help.


[Heir of Ethiopia]

On May 18, 1909, Emperor Menelik II of Abyssinia, who saw the transformation of imperial Ethiopia together with Tsar Alexander III, designates his heir.

There were several problems with the Ethiopian succession, and this concerned Russia due to Russian interests in the country and the traditional Russian-Ethiopian alliance-friendship.

Menelik II recognized three natural children, two daughters and a son.

Woizero Shoaregga Menelik, daughter of the emperor, had 3 children. Her children were Abeto Wossen Seged Wodajo, born from Shoaregga Menelik's first marriage but never considered for succession due to his dwarfism, second was Woizero Zenebework Mikael (who married at twelve and died in childbirth a year later) and last was, Lij Iyasu, last (natural) grandson of the emperor.

Daughter of the emperor, Askala Maryam (1876-1930) was married four times and had a few children, but none of them survived to adulthood.

Abeto Asfa Wossen Menelik, 1873-1888, without children.

Of course it was rumored that Menelik II had other children, but they were not recognized and did not enter this succession.

Under these conditions, Menelik II chose Lij Iyasu (aged 14 in 1909) as the legitimate successor to the Ethiopian throne, and Alexander III's Russia accepted this.

Partly for convenience, Alexandrian Russia understood that Lij Iyasu would be a weak ruler, meaning that he needed protection and who better to protect the Ethiopian emperor than Russia.

For this the young African prince received the offer to study in Russia, and with the deep diplomatic relations between both countries, Lij Iyasu was sent to Russia to fulfill certain studies and duties.

Russia for its part was already preparing for future movements in Ethiopia, when necessary.

The monarchy needed more protection and Russia would gain more influence in return.


[Cultural export]

On May 19, an export (hitherto unprecedented) takes place especially within the Russosphere, with the aim of continuing to promote Russian culture and cultural exchange between the Russian Empire and its sphere of influence.

This through the Ballets Russes company, directed by the businessman Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev (art critic, ballet printer, patron and founder of the aforementioned Ballets Russes).

Diaghilev had held performance events in Moscow and St. Petersburg before this, precisely those events allowed him to reach certain agreements with the Russian government at that time.

Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich Romanov (third son of Tsar Alexander II) and Tsar Alexander III became patrons of the aforementioned Diaghilev, who began to perform shows especially in areas of the Balkans, Anatolia and the Middle East.

Not only that, but the Ballets Russes was able to perform in countries such as Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Switzerland, among some others.

While the show was popular in certain places abroad, the most important thing is what happened inside the Russosphere.

The Russian Empire had influence that was transmitted in various parts of the life of the Russosphere, the Russian language was the language of many business and education at various levels, but obviously the Russian Empire wanted and needed more.

Through the Ballets Russes, the Russian Empire began to promote certain elements of Russian culture among the Russosphere, music and dance, but it was a first training ground for future projects.

There were varying degrees of success, generally without many negative results.

It was an important first step in the creation of a strong zone of influence beyond the political-economic aspect.

The success of the Ballets Russes allowed Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev to perform some great performances in Saint Petersburg during 1913 and 1914, which rose to prominence as some of his greatest performances (curiously one of the few performances by Diaghilev's company within the Russia itself).

* One of the most famous first 550 first dancers of the Ballets Russes was Vaslav (or Vatslav) Nijinsky, a Polish-born dancer from Imperial Russia.



On June 20, 1909, two men were eating in a Moscow restaurant, these were Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili and Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.

"Ah, Mr. Dzhugashvili. Do you remember me?" A third mentions looking at the Georgian, who looks at the third from the corner of his eye for a moment.

"No. Could you do me a favor and jog my memory?" Dzhugashvili asks with some curiosity, such a fortuitous encounter could be anything ...

"Ah sorry, it makes sense. I was much younger at the time, I'm Albert Einstein. You helped me get out of Switzerland during the German occupation." The old German scientist kindly exclaims, after this Dzhugashvili was more relaxed as he greets the old acquaintance.

"Oh, nice to see you again, I heard that you had moved to Saratov. Let me introduce you to my partner and friend, this is Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin." Director Dzhugashvili exclaims.

Initially a liberal, Albert Einstein strongly opposed the imperialist war (Fashoda) and many of the right-wing elements of imperial Germany of his day. Later proposing ideals of a world federation and supporting international public law.

But in 1909, Russia, there was a change, a greater shift to the political left (socialism) thanks to Iosif Dzhugashvili and Mikhail Kalinin (Dzhugashvili's ally who would help him win support throughout key parts of Russia such as Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Although Einstein considered that Dzhugashvili's means were not always the best, he considered the aims of the same as something positive for humanity and would praise various socialist theorists throughout his life.

It is in this political transformation that Einstein also changed his view of race and the current situation (for 1909) of international Zionism.

In particular, Einstein's racism towards the Chinese and some other minor groups became a thing of man's past.

Einstein joined the RSDLP but would never be a particularly notable member, although no doubt this activity in the political sphere would influence certain decisions later in the life of the German-Russian scientist of Jewish origin.



April 1, in the Imperial Federation the 1908 Children's Act is created, creating new laws for youth and their protection, such as more severe penalties for the death of a child, prohibitions against juvenile smoking and the creation of reform schools.

The action of the reforming schools was not exactly bad by itself, but the imperial government also carried out propaganda actions, and throughout particular schools or sites of the Empire, many mothers lost their children (figuratively or literally).

An example of this would be around 6,000 Scottish mothers (generally single who were deemed 'unsuitable' to be mothers), Australian Aboriginal mothers, and Canadian Native American mothers.

Many of these crimes remain unaddressed.

The New York Times reports the death of the toad "Ramses II" at the Bronx Zoo, aged 1000 years or more according to the newspaper.

The reality is that Ramses II had been found by miners in 1898 inside a rock near Butte Montana, he was probably not even close to 1000 years old.

February 2, the Jewish Territorialist Organization is created by the international Zionist movement after anti-Semitism throughout Palestine and the Imperial Federation.

ITO (as the Jewish Territorialist Organization is also known) planned the immediate need for a Jewish state in another territory than the Holy Land, for now, due to the uncertainty of Zionism and the international situation at the moment (1909).

Possible territories were proposed in Mexico, Keniya (Slavic Africa), etc.

The Spring Creek raid occurs, the last attack in the so-called "Sheep Wars" between cattlemen and sheep ranchers. It has nothing to do with the Hippo Wars.

Seven masked cowboys attacked the camp of a rancher (Joe Allemand), killing him, two of his men, some dogs and around 5000 sheep.

The local conflict ends after public opposition to such violence. Unfortunately, Americans cannot reason with Hippopotamus.

April 3, starts the "Vladivostok-Lisbon Race", an illegal race (not sanctioned by any state government or international sports organization) between various international runners to see who gets to the city of Lisbon first.

Traveling through the vast Russia, through Germany, through the People's Republic of France and finally reaching Iberia (through the local socialist republics), to the capital of socialist Portugal.

There are a lot of stupid youngsters with adrenaline addiction.

April 4, New York City's first speed limits are introduced, limiting the speed of cars to 19 kilometers per hour (about 12 miles).

April 8, the Diet of the Empire of Japan yields to the Labor Party, allowing laws that facilitate unions and allow for the first time in Japan the creation of cooperative societies (autonomous organizations of a democratic-collective nature to achieve certain objectives).

April 9, Cipriano Castro briefly leaves the government of Gran Colombia due to health problems, leading to quick elections.

To the surprise of many, the union of Gran Colombia survives the crisis when there are no military uprisings or similar coups in Venezuela.

Rafael Uribe Uribe (from the Colombian side) becomes the main leader of Gran Colombia, while General Juan Vicente Gómez (from the Venezuelan side) becomes the second main political figure in the country.

Castro would try to return for elections in 1914, with limited success. Uribe Uribe had been Castro's secondary until now, but the truth is that he was the 'soft' civil authority that the union needed at that time.

Liberal hegemony under Uribe Uribe led to the success of agrarian reform, federalization, and the establishment of a civil authority without military interference.

April 16, in German East Africa (Tanzania region) begins a paleontology expedition in the Tendaguru Formation, starting one of the largest fossil excavations in the world and in history at that time.

The site was scientifically observed for the first time in 1907, and it involved the encounter of 220 tons of fossils and bones from the Mesozoic Era, including a complete skeleton of a Brachiosaurus that would later be sent to Berlin, German Empire.

April 21, American writer Theodore Roosevelt Jr, lands in Mombasa, Keniya, Slavic East Africa, for his eight-month safari.

The so-called Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition.

April 24, in the Qing dynasty, the National Library of China, the capital bookstore of the dynasty, is founded in the city of Beijing.

Today it has become one of the largest bookstores in the world and East Asia.

April 26, California (United States) becomes the third state with laws regarding forced eugenics, causing the forced sterilization of mentally disabled people.

* The other two states are Indiana (first state with these types of laws) and Washington (second state with these types of laws).

April 29, 125 people are killed in the Hippo Wars and 50 are injured during battles in the Mississippi Delta.

May 3, Jesús Malverde is assassinated by US troops. Malverde would come to popular folklore in Sinaloa, practically becoming a kind of saint or "king of Sinaloa."

Jesús Malverde Campos was a bandit and guerrilla who assaulted night roads where collaborators and American troops passed, dividing the booty between guerrillas and poor civilians.

One of the curious cases where a cult was formed around a guerrilla and bandit not as important as others during the war between Mexico and the United States.

May 4, the general and guerrilla Pancho Villa, reunited with his allies from southern Mexico, mobilizes to meet with Venustiano Carranza and retake the central parts of Mexico from the American invaders.

During this period, several victories began for the guerrilla coalition and Villa began a period of more intellectual formation, around certain texts arrived thanks to Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

May 5, Saxony (German Empire) has a new electoral law, which divides voters into 4 different classes, all men who pay taxes and are 25-49 years old have one vote, men with higher incomes had two, three or four votes and everyone receives an additional vote when they are 50 years or older.

This is one of the many reasons why ordinary Czechs, Luxembourgers, Austrians and Dutch do not want to be part of the German Empire.

May 7, the seat of Theoretical Physics is created in the universities of the Russian Empire, one of the first to receive this position is Albert Einstein, for the University of Saratov.

The new position allows Einstein to hold exhibitions in cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow.

May 8, British troops burn various Bengali rebels (and civilians) alive during the war between the Bengali guerrillas and the Imperial Federation's colonial rule over India.

This event currently does nothing to stop the conflict between the two parties.

The Imperial Federation is simply not going to give India a voice and they do not want to abandon the jewel in their colonial crown, and millions of Indians are not going to stop fighting until their voice is heard.

It's just that Bengalis and Punjabies took the lead in the militant anti-colonial struggle, leading an Indian narrative increasingly towards the socialist left and Hindu-Muslim unity.

May 9, various plantations in Firipin are destroyed between the warfare of factions and Japanese settlers, certain parts of the Philippines suffer from food shortages.

May 11, Harrison D. McFaddin receives the patent for his "banker's lamp".

May 13, the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy creates the Giro d'Italia, a bicycle race that begins in the city of Milan (cradle of the Italian revolution) and runs through the rest of the Italian peninsula, until returning to the aforementioned city. .

This is part of the public fervor in socialist countries towards sports, it helps to build a healthy life, socialism (in theory) and also a national identity of its own for socialist Italy.

May 16, Harper B. Lee (an American) joins the Mexican guerrillas, fighting what he sees as the evil of US imperialism.

President Bryan has not stopped American intervention in the Second Mexican Empire, letting unnecessary violence continue on Mexican soil.

This in part due to the search for a satisfactory diplomatic treaty that avoids German presidency in Mexico and a more neutral trans-ocean channel (or aligned with the USA ...). But with the Second Mexican Empire losing authority over the majority of Mexico: With whom is the US going to sign a treaty?

The US must also be careful, if it acts too harshly it will lose its collaborators, which was a serious blow, so the diplomatic service of President Bryan for now (officially) continued to support Victoriano Huerta, Felix Diaz and others.


* [Death of May 17]

On May 17 an event occurred that left the world quite shocked and seriously altered the situation in Europe, the monarch Wilhelm II suffered a sudden and sudden stroke.

The Kaiser was only in his 50s, but perhaps this was caused by previous situations and unknown factors at the time, which affected the Kaiser's life.

Due to this death, Crown Prince Wilhelm was promoted to the position of Kaiser, as Wilhelm III of the German Empire, at the age of 27.

The death of Kaiser Wilhelm II was seen as a tragic event ... but to some extent welcomed by some.

Common citizens of Czech, Dutch and Austrian origin in particular celebrated, and so did many socialists opposed to the monarchy.

The ascension of Wilhelm III supposed a change in internal and external politics of the father of his, Wilhelm III lacked some good and bad traits of the father of him. He had his own negative and positive traits.

Among this variety, was a remarkable militarism and aggressiveness, and a diplomatic rapprochement (highly anticipated by several participants) towards the Imperial Federation.


May 29, a coup d'état occurs in Peru that begins another period for the great Latin American wars, the Peruvian Civil War, between President Augusto Bernardino Leguía y Salcedo, of the Civil Party (Civilista Party) and Jose Nicolás Baltasar Fernández de Piérola y Villena (known as " El Califa "/" The Caliph ") of the Democratic Party.

A group of Piérola supporters, including his brother and sons, launched an attack and kidnapping against President Leguía at a time of strikes in Lima (capital of Peru) and anti-Chinese riots.

Taking the Great Depression finally to the stage of violence between troops loyal to President Leguía and troops loyal to Piérola, but not only does this happen.

Finally, due to instability and civil war, Peru is involved in the affairs of other countries, more specifically Bolivia (with whom Peru has territorial problems in Lake Titicaca) and Brazil. Leguía alligns more with Chile and Bolivia, while Piérola alligns more with Paraguay, Argentina and Acre.

June 2, French troops from the Second French Empire perform a genodice against various inhabitants of northern Chad (French Equatorial Africa) after some local opposition.

The city of Abéché, former capital of the Wadai Empire, was the most populous city in the region, with just over 28,000 inhabitants. From 1909 to 1919, this population was reduced to only 6,000 inhabitants (16,000 people were killed).

Not all were killed by the French, the truth is that some thousands were turned into forced labor sent to other parts of the Second French Empire and others died from epidemic diseases, but it does not remove the violence of the Second French Empire and its systematic violence against natives and their culture.

June 6, the Anglo-German rapprochement leads to the Hukuang Loan agreement, formed by a consortium of German and British banks that sign with the Chinese imperial government for the construction of two railway lines in central China, connecting Canton, Hankow and Chengtu with the Beijing line.

The United States tried to push for US banks to be accepted into the consortium, but was denied by Germany for obvious reasons.

The death of Wilhelm II currently rekindled certain flames of the American-Germanic war in Mexican territory, Kaiser Wilhelm III still wanted to keep the Tehuantepec canal pro-German.

June 8, 230 protesters are killed by German troops in the German East Indies for their anti-colonial effort.

June 10, a Chilean civil ship with 400 passengers is sunk by the Argentine navy, fueling the already existing war between these two countries.

June 11, George Smith Patton Jr. graduates from military school.

June 14, the Russian Empire obtains the last specimens of the West Indian seal (Monachus tropicalis), now better known as the Caribbean Monk Seal.

At that time there were little more than four specimens.

Assassination of the governor-general of Firipin, a Japanese colony, leads to public uncertainty about the decolonization process, as both the Japanese imperial army and settlers call for more drastic measures.

June 15, Nilo Peçanha becomes President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, the first Afro-Brazilian president of his country, he leads the Republic to a re-initiation of open hostilities between them and other Brazilian states (the theocracy of Conselheiro and the empire of Isabel I).

While Peçanha undoubtedly takes advantage of the civil war between Dom Pedro III and Isabel I, he fails to capitalize on this fully, and his eyes are also set on the wars in other parts of the Brazilian border (Bolivia-Acre, Bolivia- Paraguay, the Argentine-Chilean War and the Peruvian Civil War) and the bad internal situation.

Representatives from all parts of the Imperial Federation (Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, even to a lesser extent some colonial areas) meet at Lord's Cricket Ground in London, leading to the Imperial Cricket Conference.

Creating, in essence, an international body that regulates Cricket on the international stage

The rules were agreed amongst the parts, and the first ever Imperial Federation Tournament was decided to be held in England in 1912 between Canada (+Terranova), South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and the UK (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

June 16, President William J. Bryan of the United States withdraws proposals for an economic reform that eliminates Free Silver and establishes a tax reform proposal.

Bryan's reform would allow the federal government to create income taxes for individuals or corporations.

The law finally passed in 1911.

June 19, 11 deaths in the Hippo Wars.

June 21, 3 people die in the Hippo Wars.

June 24, German Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow resigns after several refusals from the Parliament (led by conservative-nationalists) and the Kaiser to accept certain measures caused by the budget deficit of the size of the German armed forces.

Mainly the measures included new taxes such as inheritance taxes and reforms aimed at solving unemployment, the housing crisis, etc.

This causes the even greater prominence of the military in politics, such as Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff, affiliated with the Great National German Reich Party (Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei, GNDR).

June 26, a state visit of Albert Victor and Alexander III to Sweden, is uncomfortable but there is a huge banquet, and an assassination (that of the major general of the navy Otto Ludvig Beckman) caused by the anarchist Hjalmar Wång, who committed suicide after assassinating Beckman.



"... I didn't expect to live longer than Wilhelm." Alexander III mentions.

"... You know, it's weird, this was unexpected and I don't know how to feel. I mean ... he was kind of a friend yeah but still" Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich responds.

"Yes ... let's say yes for today." Alexander III ends.

The ceremony of the Kaiser's death was accompanied by fanfare, there were the remaining European leaders, Albert Victor of the Imperial Federation and his puppets (Sweden and Norway), King George I of Greece, and Alexander III of Russia (accompanied by Ferdinand I of Romania, Alexander I of Bulgaria, Peter I of Serbia, Nicholas of Montenegro, Nicholas of Hungary and Slovakia, Juan Pedro of Albania and the President of Bosnia-Herzegovina).

And obviously, Wilhelm III.


* Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

"Soon, we will be able to retake Mexico City, this year or the next." Carranza proclaims.

"And once Mexico City, we advanced to the north. Until we expelled the gringos from all our land." Pancho Villa responds, which everyone present accepts.

"But then, the question is what will come next." Felipe Carrillo Puerto exclaims, accompanied by the delegations of the Mayan guerrillas and other Native Americans.

"It is clear that the empire has had it complicated, they should give in to allow Mexicans a vote to choose their destiny." Carranza proposes, with some support.

It was a good first reunion between the guerrillas of the South and Center against the USA. After taking Central Mexico they could to join again with Emilio Madero to finally take all Mexico back.

"Tell me Villa, can you read? I mean no offense of course." Felipe asks with some curiosity.

"I never went to school, I can't read or write that well as others." Pancho Villa responds quite directly.

"If you want I can help you a little with that, I am concerned about the literacy of Mexicans once this war is over, there are so many schools destroyed." Felipe Carrillo Puerto mentions, that's something Villa think is right, he wanted to build or rebuild many schools, maybe even send some of his sons to them (or schools in Europe). "I suppose you have never read Marx either?"

"Who?" Villa asks.

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