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22.85% One Piece: Shinigami of the Straw Hats. / Chapter 8: Different Lives.

Capítulo 8: Different Lives.

After telling the story of how Shanks was "responsible" for Buggy eating the Chop-Chop fruit.

"Eh…So, Shanks saved your life." Luffy.

"That's not important right now! Because of him, my plan was delayed 10 years! Since I can't look for the treasures on the bottom of the ocean, I have to search on land."

"With my separation skills, I'll make those that take my treasure pay for it. there'll be no mercy for those thieves, I'll kill them!" Buggy.

Nami tries to sneak away but Buggy sees her and tries to attack her.

"My treasures! Give them back!" Buggy.

"Shit, he saw me!" Nami.

Luffy notices Buggy's lower half and gets and idea.

"Don't think that you'll be able to escape, Nami! I'll chop you really good!" Buggy.

Suddenly, before he could catch Nami, Buggy stops mid-air and makes a pained expression. The reason to that is, Luffy, who just kicked Buggy in the nuts. Buggy falls to the ground with a pained expression.

"My…! B…Ba…Ba…Balls…Balls!" Buggy.

"I'm still your opponent." Luffy.

(Meanwhile with Kaizo)

"Man! Thanks for the food!" Kaizo thanks Boodle.

"No need to thank me…although, how could you eat that much food?" Boodle asks after seeing the piles of plates around Kaizo.

"Can't help it, the food here is way too delicious." Kaizo.

"I…see." Boodle.

"Ossan, you should go the camp in the outskirts to let your fellow villagers know that you are safe." Kaizo spoke with a serious tone.

"No! I have to be here to defeat Buggy!" Boodle.

"Kinda hard when you haven't done anything at all. Are you planning to steal the KO after my captain has done all the work?" Kaizo.

Boodle flinches and knows that what Kaizo has said is indeed true but, he still wants to do something himself.

"Still…I" Boodle wants to argue but Kaizo knocks him down.

Kaizo carefully carries his body and puts it in the bed, afterwards, he leaves.

'Poor Ossan, he thinks that he could defeat Buggy, the reality is that he would've died if Luffy hadn't come here by accident. Now that I think about it, every action has a reaction, me being here is already a mayor change from the plot. Since my devil fruit is related to Nika, which is a major event in the story, then thinks might get even more crazy than before.' Kaizo thought while contemplating the One-Piece timeline that he knows.

He knows that the members of the Straw Hats are; Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Vivi (They say that she will always be part of their crew), Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook and Jinbe.

But there are some others that should've properly joined the crew due to their high affinity with them. Kaizo kept thinking about it while walking towards the place Luffy and Buggy are Battling.

'Him, him, her and her, and those two as well. The last thing I need is to do some changes, kill Caribou before he informs "him", whoever he is, about Poseidon and Uranus, prevent Teach to absorb the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, if possible, kill Akainu, prevent Ace's death, and save Merry somehow.'


'Yes master?'

'Why do I feel that training is getting slower in terms of getting stronger?'

'That is a side-effect of the devil fruit itself.'


'I can't give you more information without you reaching both your Bankai and Resurreción.'

'What's that?'

'What comes after your Shikai, if you want to know more then you'll have to train harder than everyone else to achieve them.'

'Even with Haki?'

'Even with Haki.'

Kaizo kept walking until he heard something.

"Ah! my parts!" Buggy.

"HAHAHAHA! without a doubt, you are an excellent thief!" Luffy spoke while stretching both of his arms as back as he can.

"Hey, Buggy! Gomu-Gomu No: Bazooka!" Luffy retracts both of his arms and shoots Buggy off into oblivion.

"I won! HAHAHAHA!" Luffy.

Luffy then takes his damaged Straw Hat and looks at it.

"It looks like shit." Nami.

"Yeah, but it still fits me." Luffy.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it later." Nami.

"Eh? What?" Luffy.

"Nothing! I'll put the treasure in two bags, can you help me carry one of them?" Nami.

"The two of you look like a pair, you know that, right?" Kaizo came out of nowhere and spoke.

"T-the hell are you talking about?!" Nami got flustered and tried to smack Kaizo but he's actually someone smart and doesn't let her hit him.

'I've always wondered, with a body as strong as he has it plus his years of Haki training, how in the fuck did Nami always managed to beat the shit out of Luffy and the Monster Trio?!' Kaizo wondered the greatness in Nami's punches.

"Anyway, here!" Nami gives Luffy the map of Grand Line.

"Oh! Are you giving it to me?!" Luffy.

"Yes, its for saving me earlier." Nami.

"That means that you will be my Nakama, right?!" Luffy.

"Didn't I told you earlier that I wouldn't be the Nakama of a pirate?!" Nami.

'If only you'd knew.' Kaizo.

"Well, whatever. As long as you pay me money, but I'll only work for you, got it?" Nami.

"Yes." Luffy smiled.

"Aww! Such a heartwarming moment for the sweethearts." Kaizo mocks Nami.

Nami tries to lash out again but fails miserably, Luffy then goes toward Zoro, who finished his battle off camera like a Chad.

"How's your wrist?" Luffy.

"Not bad, probably one or two days of rest will be enough." Zoro.

The crew's attention was suddenly taken when a group of villagers appeared with weapons at hand.

"You guys! You guys are not from here, right?"

"No, where are you guys from?" Luffy.

"We're people from this town. What happened to the pirates? If you know anything, tell us please."

"We came here because a bird gulped this idiot here, so we came to rescue him but those Clown Pirates began to bother us so…we beat them." Kaizo.

"But, where's the major? He should be here."

"Ah, he's resting at a house near Shushu's pet store." Kaizo.

One of the townsfolk left and searched for the major and found him unconscious.

"Why is he unconscious?!"

"Oh, I knocked him out." Kaizo.

The townsfolk get really mad.

"You guys are evil!"

"How dare you do that to our major!"

"We won't forgive you!"

"You are pirates as well right!!??"

'Crap, we should be careful to not say anything pirate or thieve related…' Nami.

"We're pirates." Luffy with a deadpan expression.

*THUD* Nami.



"IDIOT!!!" Nami.

"It's the truth." Luffy.

"Pirates, we won't let you destroy our town!"

"We won't forgive you just because you are teenagers!"

"What will we do now? I don't think that they'll listen to reason." Zoro.

Luffy smiles and realizes that Kaizo has already left.

"RUN!!!" Luffy begins to run with a smile. Nami and Zoro shortly follow him.

"Don't let them escape!"

"How dare you hurt our major!"

'Yes, this is the real Straw Hats experience!' Kaizo thought after running away happily from the angry townsfolk.

"Why don't you think before talking?!" Nami.

"This is a nice town." Luffy.

"Eh?" Nami.

"Because they love their major so much, they got this mad! At this point, it doesn't matter what we say, they'll still be furious." Luffy.

"Luffy, here!" Kaizo informed Luffy while signaling an alley.

The quartet take the turn and Kaizo drop some boxes that are there to block the path and give them more time to escape.

"*PANT PANT* Thank God we were able to escape!" Nami.

"Are you really that weak?" Kaizo asked while picking his nose.

"This is you fault! If you had explained things properly, they wouldn't have chased us out!" Nami.

"So what? What Luffy said was right and that was the end of that chapter, let's sail before they catch up to us, Miss Navigator." Kaizo.

"Still, it was quite unnecessary." Zoro.

"I buy your silence, with a bottle of Sake!" Kaizo throws a bottle of Sake to Zoro and he shuts up.

"Hey! Don't let yourself be bribed that easily!" Nami.

'Didn't Robin also bribe her way into the crew?' Kaizo.

The group set sail and depart from Orange Town. When they get quite far from the town, the major, Boodle, appears to thank them.

"Excuse me! I'll return the favor one day!" Boodle.

"Hehe. Don't worry! take it easy!" Luffy.

Boodle then looks back and sees a big bag full with treasures.

"What did you say?! You let the treasure bag behind?!" Nami.

"Yes." Luffy.

"That bag contains at least 5 million Berries!" Nami.

"The money is so that they can rebuild the town." Luffy.

"That was MY money! Don't you realize how hard was for me to steal it?! why did you do such a thing!?" Nami tries to drown Luffy.

"Hey! Stop! I can't swim!" Luffy.

"That's exactly why I'm doing this!" Nami.

"If I fall you've got to save me!" Luffy.

"I don't care, you have to die!!!" Nami.

"Please, stop! I didn't do anything wrong!" Luffy.

"Don't talk back to me! I'm going to sink you to the bottom of the ocean!" Nami.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kaizo/Zoro.

"Well, for better or for worse...thanks to this trip, we have a navigator." Zoro.

"Damn right you are greenette." Kaizo.

After a while of sailing, the group's silence is over once Nami brings up an important subject.

"There's no way that we can get to the Grand Line in our current condition." Nami.

"Yeah, I'd like to eat some meat. All we have is fruit." Luffy.

"Luffy, we need more essentials for the journey. We need: A bigger ship, a cook, a doctor and a shipwright." Kaizo.

"At least there's someone here with brains." Nami.

"You missed one of the most important ones." Luffy.

"A musician, right?" Kaizo.

"Right!" Luffy.

"A musician? HAHAHAHAHA!" Zoro.

"I take my words back." Nami.

"Kaizo." Zoro.

"What?" Kaizo.

"Are you sure we can't begin our Haki training?" Zoro.

"Yep, training in a boat this small might break or flip it over, if either Luffy or I fall into the water It'll be a drag to save us." Kaizo.

"Can't you guys' just swim?" Nami.

"Nami, it seems that you don't understand how devil fruits work at all." Kaizo looks Nami with pity.

"Devil Fruits are mysterious, distinctive fruits scattered throughout the world, known for permanently granting their eaters superhuman powers and an equally permanent inability to swim. An individual can only acquire the powers of a single Devil Fruit and survive." Kaizo.

"Why's that?" Nami.

"Apparently, each devil fruit contains a 'soul', when you eat another devil fruits their 'souls' clash inside your body, destroying it in the process." Kaizo.

"So scary…" Nami.

"Moving on, each Devil Fruit grants a special power to anyone who eats it, from the simplest powers possible, such as stretching like rubber, to powers capable of causing large-scale destruction like creating earthquakes. Each Devil Fruit is unique, and there is no other like it; that is, there is no Devil Fruit that has the same power as another."

"These fruits are broadly grouped into three classes: Zoan, which allows a user to transform into an animal as well as an animal hybrid; Logia, which grants a user the power to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element; and Paramecia, which offers any of a vast array of strange abilities that do not fit into the other two categories."

"Wait, if one can't hit a Logia user, aren't they invincible?" Nami.

"Nope, using Haki one can both predict their movements and strike their 'real body'. Of course, there are some Logia users with common weaknesses, like the Warlord Sir Crocodile who ate the Sand-Sand Fruit can become sand, to prevent this one has to pour any type of liquid into his body so that he can't transform anymore." Kaizo.

"What's Haki?" Nami.

"It goes a little like this…" Kaizo explained Nami about it.

"If such power exists, why didn't the marines make the information public?" Nami.

Nami feels conflicted because if what Kaizo said was right then Bellemere could have learned it and protected herself and Cocoyasi Village from Arlong.

"Beats me. If I had to guess, I'd say is to keep the population controlled and to prevent any type of chaos." Kaizo.

"Like what?" Nami.

"Imagine that a noble kills someone from the lower class and then the family of said lower class manages to kill the noble with Haki. The world governments priority are the nobles, the higher you are the more priority you have." Kaizo.

At this point, both Luffy and Zoro were intrigued by the conversation.

"Why would they do something like that?!" Nami is furious due the logical reasoning.

"Humankind has lasted through the ages by creating and defining the inferior. All the rest of them can look down their noses at the unaffiliated countries. Discrimination creates solace." Kaizo quoted Green Bull.

Nami, Zoro and Luffy were speechless by the truth in Kaizo's words. The rest of the journey towards Syrup Village was silent for the rest of the journey.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

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