By the time we arrived back at the mansion, it was around midnight and everyone was already asleep. I said goodnight to the girls and headed to bed. I tried to fall asleep but I just couldn't. I missed my time with Ella when we would sleep under stairways or next to stores. I would always use my powers to make a small fire to keep us warm. One time we were up against a local Target and the fire grew too large while we were asleep. I woke up from the warmth and quickly woke Ella who used tons of water to put it out. We left soon after but there were reports of strange flooding in the store's basement the next day. I couldn't handle sleeping indoors so I headed out to the training grounds once again and started a small fire to sleep by. I sat tossing and turning for a while until I found the perfect position and fell asleep.
I was running along a long field of grass. The wind blew my hair back from my face and Ella trailed behind me. She had brought me to a park to cheer me up and it had worked perfectly. It was my first birthday without my parents and I had been a bit sad since I couldn't throw a party. I really didn't have any friends anyway but my parents would always invite Ella's friends and our relatives over to our house and we would have a small celebration. Until this year that is. This year there was no cake, no special birthday dinner, no party. Just me and Ella alone. I was playing on a play structure when I spotted a slide. The slide was bright yellow and completely enclosed. I saw another girl come down and when she got off she touched the metal railing which caused a mini lightning bolt to hit her hand. It looked like fun so I slid down the slide and touched the railing but nothing happened. The girl encouraged me to try again so I did this time using my powers to make the bolt but I didn't have control of them yet. A huge lightning bolt hit the play structure and nearly killed the young girl. An ambulance came but Ella wouldn't let them take me insisting I was fine. I watched them drive away with the girl I wanted to be my friend. That was all I had wanted. A friend.
I woke to someone calling my name and realized I had been crying. I quickly got up and put out my fire. Wiping my tears I turned and saw Peter coming towards me.
"Sleeping out here again?" He asked me
"Yeah, I prefer the outside. How'd you know where I was? I was told they had everyone searching for me yesterday."
"Wanda told me this is where they found you. I figured since you weren't in your room you'd probably be out here again. Ready to go?"
I nodded and he lead me to a motorcycle at the front of the mission.
"I never pegged you as the type to ride a motorcycle," I said
"It was my dad's and all I have left of him." I could tell he was holding back tears so I didn't say anything more.
We got on the bike in silence. He motioned for me to put on one of the helmets on the sidewalk so I did and grabbed onto his waist. He strangely tensed at my action but began to drive and I felt him relax along the way. We soon arrived at a donut shop called Peter Pan Donuts.
"what would you like to order?" asked a woman from behind the counter
"Could you send MJ over? Tell her it's Peter." was all Peter said
"Of course. Be right back."
I busied myself with the menu while we waited for this MJ. Finally, a woman with dark brown curls and deep chocolatey skin appeared behind the counter. I assumed this was Peter's 'girlfriend'. No wonder he liked her she was cute.
"It's not Sunday yet. What brings you in today?"
"This is Mary." He motioned to me "She's a friend of mine and today's her birthday so I decided to bring her in"
"Nice to meet you, Mary. I'm MJ. What would you both like to order?"
"I'll take my usual."
"I'll have one lemon filled and one toasted coconut."
MJ nodded and disappeared into the back again to get our donuts.
"What's your usual?" I asked Peter after she left
"I let her choose her two favorite donuts. Sometimes I end up with two of the same or sometimes I end up with two completely different flavors. It's like a guessing game of what flavor she'll give me today."
Right then MJ came back carrying two small boxes "Here's your donuts and happy birthday."
I nodded in thanks and we headed back to the mansion on Peter's motorcycle.