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83.33% Mass Killzone / Chapter 10: Helgan mosaic

Capítulo 10: Helgan mosaic


The damp earth, left behind by the rain, extinguished all hopes of a leisurely stroll. The heavy raindrops, cascading from the foliage of ancient trees, were an annoyance with their persistence, yet Major Everett paid no heed to such trivialities.

"Set up camp, prepare for the night! Swiftly, before the Red Eyes seize you by your nates!" The cheerful expletives of the soldiers accompanied the actions of the marines.

Lieutenant Polanski, unaware that he was encased in a helmet, attempted to wipe away his perspiration, only to have his hand thwarted by the confines of his headgear. "Snipers, take up your positions on that ridge. Secure the heavy barrels in cover, make haste!"

With utmost haste, the robots commenced excavating trenches and subterranean passages, connecting them with one another. Portable fabricators swiftly printed plasto-ceramic support structures, while the marines, divided into teams, diligently mined the approach to their positions with small antipersonnel "balls".

The Helgasts proved to be a formidable adversary.

Following a brief visit by a small contingent of military personnel to Helgan, the Marine Corps formed an impression of Helgasts as robust and well-trained but inexperienced warriors. This assessment was largely accurate, as Helgan's military force possessed limited combat experience. However, the Alliance was unaware of the extensive expertise possessed by individual units. Moreover, the unit they encountered was largely composed of individuals who once engaged in activities such as hunting down bandits, suppressing smuggling operations, and confronting Imperial forces in the underground tunnels of Helgan.

According to the narrative of the exercise, the troops of the Alliance donned the Batarian masks, which proved to be a relatively straightforward task, as the Alliance was well-versed in the tactics employed by their four-eyed adversaries. The Imperials were tasked with maintaining their position in the confined space of the training area, facing the overwhelming forces of the "Batar" until reinforcements could arrive.

Thus, a reinforced battalion of marines numbering seven hundred personnel, bolstered by robotic support, engaged in a confrontation with the Helgast assault company on the territory of a landfill situated on the man-made islands of Standard Island, which lay off the western coast of the British Isles.

The island was designed to resemble a coniferous-deciduous forest, and at that moment it appeared verdant and inviting... until the «Batarians» made a most unwelcome discovery.

Initially, the «Batarians» assumed that the Helgasts had switched to guerrilla tactics. For the first twenty-four hours, this was precisely the case: holographic projectiles eliminated a couple of curious patrols and were fired from an exceptionally long-range weapon. The impact was so powerful that it propelled an armored combatant several meters away, as if by a simulated kinetic strike.

In a remarkable display of realism, the technical specifications of Imperial weapons were meticulously calibrated with the simulation units for training, resulting in a truly alarming experience.

While alarming, it was not entirely unexpected. However, then...

The «Batarians» were almost overcome with astonishment: not far from the shore, in a scenic clearing, there were «colonists» — whose roles were played by instructors and maintenance personnel of the training ground island — who appeared to be in a state of disarray. The group dispatched to investigate initially came under the influence of jamming signals and exclaimed something about «big guys», after which they abandoned the game altogether and with a despondent countenance made their way to the designated «respawn» point. According to the regulations, communication with the «deceased» was not permitted.

Three «Helgasts» accompanied them, but it was impossible for the major to ascertain their state of mind, as they were wearing their favored gas masks.

And then a lethargic inferno ensued... the Helghasts truly descended into guerrilla warfare — not ordinary, but clandestine. A few hours ago, the Major had to oversee the operation to bring the MAKO back to the surface; the trusty armored personnel carrier had simply fallen underground into some sort of passageway, which had evidently been eroded by rainfall. The initial group of Marines and robots dispatched from the tunnels encountered a hail of machine-gun fire, and later, as they attempted to pursue, they stumbled into an ambush, which coated them all in a crimson paint with a stiflingly pungent odor.

Within a day, these relentless rebels had managed to excavate tunnels suitable for a soldier to traverse in full combat gear. In some areas, entire fortifications had been established, from which the "Batarian" forces regularly launched assaults.

It became apparent to the Marines that the "colonists" along the shoreline had, in essence, become a mere decoy, and the soldiers of the Alliance began to devise alternative strategies.

Major Everett lamented that the landfill required extensive repair and reconstruction after their festivities. The frantic individuals, with their bloodshot eyes, spared no effort, even employing drones for the task, as they transformed the island's landscape with the fervor and intensity of moles.

It appeared that the area they had traversed was excavated two meters deep. The rain transformed it into a bog, into which the major fell, only narrowly avoiding drowning thanks to the judiciously lowered visor of his helmet. In places where the bog was not deep enough, mines surfaced as a curious addition, leaping up with an unpleasant shriek, showering the unfortunate with a spray of paint and a stench.

Well, the snipers — not a single Marine could detect the Helgast sharpshooters, although there were plenty of skilled marksmen among the «Batarians», while the red-eyed warriors regularly kept the enemy awake with nighttime assaults. They clearly took pleasure in picking off the gawking robotic targets, so the alarm of attack was a constant accompaniment of the slow-moving Marines.

In addition, they were twice attacked from the rear using the same underground tunnels. The swiftness with which the Helgasts had constructed their network of passageways was impressive, and among the soldiers there were already jocular remarks that the Helgast were distant kin to the threshing machines.

As a consequence, for three nights in a row the Marines had dug trenches around their camp to prevent any unforeseen surprises. This measure proved effective once, and two more Helgasts perished, but it was evident to all that the gray-skinned warriors had prevailed. The maneuvers would conclude at noon tomorrow...

The night proceeded uneventfully.

Too uneventfully.

The soldiers had already come to the conclusion that the Helgast troops were also content with their work and were now resting peacefully, as Lieutenant Gina Cree put it: «cuddling teddy bears adorned with plush gas masks». However, this was not the case…


It was not the alarm of the suit that roused Major Everett from his slumber, but rather the deafening roar of the explosion, accompanied by the shouts of "What the hell?!" It was evident that the Helgasts had finally decided to "close the door" with force.

Everett, leaping out of his tent, initially thought he was still dreaming. However, his senses did not deceive him. The last MAKO had been engulfed in a blazing red glow of warning lights, indicating that the vehicle was no longer active in the exercise. And hovering above the armoured personnel carrier… it was hovering…

"This is preposterous..."

It was evidently a combat drone. During combat, many races employed low-cost and uncomplicated support vehicles equipped with basic AI, but the heavily armored carcass, emitting fire from every barrel, appeared to be of a different caliber.

The armored vehicle, with its majestic turning capabilities and angular design, seemed to deflect bullets, preventing them from even reaching the armor's surface. Evidently, the Helgasts had already embraced the advantages of shields, attaching a shield akin to that of an armored personnel carrier to this formidable machine.

Nevertheless, this device did not rely solely on mass effect to maintain its position, and Everett marveled at how the venomous blue flames from its jet maneuvering engines scorched the paint on the surface of the "deceased" MAKO.

"Good God!" Gina Cree gestured invitingly to the major. Recovering from his astonishment, he dove like a fish into the trench towards the lieutenant. In the nick of time, the drone destroyed the major's tent with focused fire.

"Sir, are you waiting for orders?" asked the lieutenant and five others who had gathered in the trench. "Casualties?"

"Unknown. But the heavy weapons were on the MAKO and it's dead…"

"Major, are you there?" The walkie-talkie in their spacesuits came to life. Ramirez, the cheerful buffoon and a bit of a clown, had managed to escape the drone's fire and now sought to contact the commander. "Ramirez, what's the status?"

"I and ten other soldiers are located north of here, a hundred metres behind a large rock. Forty metres to the east, Archer and his men – that bastard managed not to suffer any losses, lucky bastard!"

This individual was attacking the tents with such ferocity that now all those who had not had time to flee were sitting there with expressions of sorrow and half-covered bruises.

He did not seem to have noticed us… A robust individual indeed! And malicious…

— All in the interests of the owners, no doubt. Everett pondered for a moment, conducting an inventory of their resources.

— Ramirez, I have a grenade with Velcro.

"Excellent! Let us bring this individual down!"

"Take your time. He not only has a powerful shield but also substantial armor. Disperse and engage him when I give the signal…"

"Commander, what are you doing? He will incinerate you with his engines!" Lieutenant Kree rolled her brilliant blue eyes.

As if to corroborate Kree's statement, the drone emitted a menacing growl from its engines, maintaining its position in the air with remarkable stability. Evidently, the drone possessed a strategic mindset, opting not to engage the soldiers holed up in the trench. Instead, it hovered menacingly, attempting to pinpoint targets for its assault. From time to time, brief bursts of fire directed towards the Alliance positions served as a subtle warning: "Lie low and remain concealed!"

The participants in this exchange were momentarily diverted by the deafening roar of an MAKO armored personnel carrier, emerging from among the trees with an alarming shriek, akin to a pole-vaulter on a potent stimulant. It seemed that not only were the Marines left in a state of astonishment, but even the drone itself appeared perplexed, as it endeavored to target the armored vehicle with its machine gun, evidently designed for engaging lightly armored aerial targets.

Mako fell to the ground with a heavy thud, like an anvil. Immediately, it opened fire. The first long burst of fire from Mako's weapon targeted the already depleted drone shield, aiming to overheat the barrel. This action was followed by a holographic projection of a projectile that struck the ATAC's forehead, effectively bringing an end to the Marines' unpleasant morning wakeup.

This final shot coincided with a thunderous clap, heralding the premature conclusion of the exercises...


Official correspondence number…

To express our gratitude to Captain Ganze for his participation in combat exercises and successful completion of the training mission, we bestow upon him the badge of «Excellence in Combat Training» of the first degree.

In recognition of their outstanding performance, we award the entire personnel of the assault company with badges of «Excellent Service», accompanied by additional financial incentives commensurate with their ranks and positions.

Their deployment of the «Mouth» shield once again demonstrated exceptional effectiveness. For further details on their performance, please refer to Appendix 1.4.

Regarding the use of A.T.A.C. drones, our assessment is positive, with reservations, as the inclusion of additional shields based on the «mass effect» has proven highly beneficial. However, it is necessary to enhance the algorithm for target recognition.

A comprehensive list of our observations and recommendations can be found in Appendix 1.5, which we request Stahl Arms review and address accordingly.

Jorgen, I have mentioned to you that a conventional anti-aircraft machine gun is a contentious proposition! Even armored personnel carriers are being flown here (albeit at low altitudes), so either remove it and replace it with something else. Alternatively, you could install a high-calibre machine gun with JMV on ME. The latter solution seems more promising, as I am aware of the limitations of ZHMV weaponry.

For snipers, what is advantageous is akin to death for a machine gun. As for exosuits, their efficacy has been evaluated in just one engagement, so the question of their utility remains open. While heavy armour and weaponry are advantageous, they are also quite cumbersome. In a genuine combat situation, opponents are likely to prioritize eliminating these assets and directing fire towards them.

While the demoralizing impact on the enemy was significant, they lacked the time to execute further actions — before the 'armour' could even aim their weapons at the enemy scouts, they had already been dispatched to 'respawn'.

Incidentally, a holographic combat training system is precisely what the Helgan military requires! I emphatically advocate procuring multiple kits, or even acquiring a license, in order to expedite the process. The efficacy of this apparatus far surpasses that of deploying paint rounds or employing explosive packages during exercises, as a single system can simulate both projectiles, shells, and detonations, accompanied by appropriate auditory effects, delineating the radius of damage on the terrain!

... during the simulations, the adversary demonstrated remarkable resilience, tactical adaptability, and tenacity. The tunnels excavated by the combatants utilizing the "Mouth" tunnelling shields posed the greatest challenge — I strongly advocate their further refinement and enhancement. Those who asserted that subterranean warfare is a vestige of the past, applicable solely to Helgan conditions, were mistaken.

Nonetheless, I would caution against excessive optimism — in fact, the losses amounted to more than sixty percent, and had the Alliance exerted greater effort, exercised more caution, and been afforded more time, the military mission would have been unsuccessful.

The element of surprise worked in our favor — the Alliance failed to accurately portray our capabilities. However, the undue openness of our society is already yielding results — information about the exercises is being overstated in the media. Soon, it will reach the Citadel, revealing the outcome of the exercise, our tactics, and technical capabilities...

And this despite the fact that the Alliance has «taken serious measures for information security»! A shocking disregard for secrecy. How can they survive with such a liberal approach?

At present, our troops are bivouacked on the premises of the Allied base, graciously accorded to us. The servicemen have been apprised of the regulations governing their conduct in the presence of Allied servicemen and civilians, and I myself conducted an educational discourse with the personnel.

Yours faithfully,

Colonel Mael Radek

For Helgan eternally...


**Citadel News: «Military Bulletin»**

Following the opening melody, a Turian broadcaster appeared on the holographic display.

«Greetings, everyone! I am Agren Vir, and with me is the «Military Bulletin», the premier information and analysis program dedicated to all things military across the Citadel.»

On the screen behind Agren, the emblem of the Helghan Empire appeared.

Agren continued, «This topic has emerged for several reasons, one of which is the recent exercises that took place on Earth, attended by units of the Imperial Army identified by the Alliance as a «separate assault company».»

Images of Helghan soldiers patrolling their base perimeter began to appear on the display.

Colonel Mael Radek, having arrived for the closed-door negotiations with the Alliance, was remarkably reticent in his comments. He merely stated that the company had successfully completed its military missions. While he acknowledged the combat prowess of the Alliance in high praise, he also noted that the scope of the exercises had not been sufficient to allow for a comprehensive assessment of the combat capabilities of the entire Alliance military.

The photograph of Colonel Radek pacing ominously under the crimson sunset sun served as a visual representation of the speaker's words.

Meanwhile, the attention of the Citadel and the broader galactic community was not as focused on the exercises themselves as it was on the manner in which the Helgasts approached them. The prospect of abandoning the Repeaters has sparked interest among politicians, business leaders, and investors alike. Shares of Vizari Corporation and Stahl Arms, once considered assets with a moderate level of reliability, have seen a dramatic increase in value.

«However, we are not economic experts here, but enthusiasts of military equipment and history. In this regard, one of our sponsors, the Tess Model Company, has prepared an unexpected surprise for all those interested in military gear! In just one month, replicas of military equipment from the Helgan Empire will be available for purchase, and we speak of a complete set – from models of soldiers and officers of the Helgan army to military vehicles and ships.»

On the screen appeared images of ships, soldiers, and armoured personnel carriers.

«The models were created in collaboration with Stahl Arms and Visari Inc. The quality and authenticity of these replicas are limited only by concerns regarding secrecy!»

The Turian grinned, spreading his mandibles: «We have not yet revealed the price, but I can assure you that it will be worth every credit!»

A pre-order is now available, and with it comes a delightful surprise — a beautifully illustrated photo album, curated by the Helgasts themselves. The format is impeccable, adhering to the interplanetary standard, or the ubiquitous A4 Alliance format, boasting a remarkable 540 pages of pure militaristic essence!

It is worth noting that the album features signatures in Helgan script, for which a licensed translation has yet to be released. However, I have every confidence that it will be made available soon. Having already pre-ordered my own copy, I eagerly anticipate its arrival!


Official correspondence number…

From: Boris Mikhailovich.

To: Stephen Hackett.

"...You know those politicians — they have seven Fridays in a week. They call it 'political flexibility'. Personally, like you, I call it frivolity and vanity. But what can I say — I am only a 'dull soldier and a bigot'?

They were hoping that the Helgasts would arrive and make fools of themselves during the exercises, thus shortening the ambitions of the Empire.

I said right away that nothing of the sort would happen, for people who have lived on Helga for so long cannot be cowards. So Russia, China, and Japan now support continuing and expanding cooperation. India hesitates, but I believe China and Russia can persuade it. It's up to them.

Please, calm down that fool Rolland! His statements about the threat of the Empire inside the Alliance Council are harmful to the cause, even I can see that — is that not a clear indication?"

The maneuvers of the Helgasts represent a vivid illustration of the clash between an insurmountable obstacle and an unstoppable force in modern warfare. Warfare today is primarily a contest of agility and reaction time, with the swiftness and ability to strike first determining the outcome.

The Helgast approach, however, diverges from this paradigm, as they prioritize heavy armor and weaponry. According to engineering assessments, the standard armament of a Helgast stormtrooper in certain areas exceeds the protective capabilities of our own Marines' equipment by a factor of two, particularly in terms of head and torso protection. Furthermore, their aerial drones lack the versatility and adaptability of our own, which, while numerous, rely solely on shielding for defense.

Nevertheless, there was once a proposal for a formidable assault drone, though it was ultimately deemed excessively expensive and cumbersome. Indeed, creating such a device would require advanced manufacturing capabilities beyond what one might find in a standard industrial fabricator, a task akin to navigating a labyrinthine maze!



A gloomy date…

Iris T'Run was ennui.

Some critics claimed that the azari had an inclination towards idleness, but despite her virginal status, Iris discerned the distinction between idleness and contemplation. Regrettably, the apartment block assigned to her provided no entertainment: the embassy's accommodations were sparsely furnished. The turian residing next door appeared to appreciate the simplicity, but Iris failed to comprehend it: representatives of prominent corporations on Tessia received far greater hospitality and pomp.

Nevertheless, upon arrival at the spaceport where her Alliance vessel docked, she was greeted by a solitary escort, whose demeanor was notably taciturn. All attempts at conversation went unheeded, eliciting only neutral grunts from behind the escort's gas mask.

The atmospheric conditions were far from agreeable: the temperature hovered just below freezing, accompanied by light snow that appeared more akin to ash than pristine white.

From the spaceport, Iris and her escort proceeded to the palace via the «aerial subway». She observed the scenery with fascination: as the images promised, the capital city of Pyrrhus, «the city in the bowl», was indeed a colossal structure and a testament to tenacity and perseverance.

However, peculiar occurrences ensued: she was assigned to the diplomatic corps and positioned alongside other extraterrestrials, seemingly disregarded. As it transpired later, the arrival of the representative from Tess Arms Inc. coincided with preparations for a significant event on the planet, during which the presence of extraterrestrial species without due consideration was deemed inappropriate. Had Iris been aware of this, she undoubtedly would have delayed her arrival until the event concluded, but the proximity of the empire played a cruel trick on both her and several other businesspeople.

And now, she, a representative of the Paleven Corr engineering concern, a Turian by the name of Gir Weyeyr, and Volus Obwa Val, a representative of the Vol protectorate bank, were growing bored.

"Shall I pay a visit to my fellow captives?"

In addition to living quarters, the diplomatic compound also had a conference hall, in which the two were currently engaged in a peculiar version of terrestrial chess, a game that had gained popularity among the Turians following the War of First Contact, as they had their own variant of a similar game, and one of the earliest peaceful competitions between the Hegemony and the Alliance had been a chess championship.

The Asari were partial to games that incorporated elements of chance and randomness, such that the denizens of Tessia found terrestrial card games far more appealing than the strategic clashes of chess pieces. However, boredom had its way, and Iris descended to the location where she could discern the hissing of the Volus voice modulator and the raucous tones of the Turian's voice. Weyear offered a polite smile upon seeing the Asari, while Volus inclined his entire body in acknowledgment.

Perhaps the meeting chamber was the sole space within the diplomatic corps that deviated from the ethos of minimalism, as the furnishings here were substantial, robust, and exuded a sense of meticulous craftsmanship. Had Elkor been present, he might have remarked something along the lines of "I concur; this is what I consider quality. It is merely a wasteful display of material to my eyes..."

The Azari settled into a deep armchair adorned with bright scarlet velvet cushions and intricately carved wooden elements. "Indeed, it is a magnificent display of wasted materials..."

Volus gestured towards the multi-colored board, inviting her to join their game.

— No, thank you. Azari typed a command into the console, and the windows in the conference room darkened, revealing a series of information screens.

— There is nothing of interest here, — the Turian remarked cautiously. «It seems that the Imperials have been filtering the incoming data. Although the report on the fauna was rather intriguing and allowed us to draw certain conclusions…

— For instance?

— Well, for instance, it would be unwise to venture into some parts of Helgan without a flamethrower. Your move.»

The Volus pondered for a moment, tilted his head slightly, and moved a piece from the white square to the green one. The Turian emitted a puzzled grunt.

The information channel to the building was indeed filtered, however, for technical reasons, SIB did not make it completely separate: The computing power was far from limitless. So Iris was a little surprised when she saw the timer that was counting down in the corner of the screen. On the screen, at that time, it was told about the little-interesting features of the reproduction of "Helgan spiders".

"Yes — without a flamethrower, it's really better not to go into some places of Helgan..."

— What's the timer?

— Who knows. The Turian replied phlegmatically, calculating his next move. — When the countdown is over, we'll find out…

Five minutes later, Iris realized that in addition to the flamethrower, an armored personnel carrier and a team of experienced mercenaries were desirable in some places of Helgan — to deal with the local fauna.

«Incidentally, the idea of a safari is not entirely without merit. However, it would be necessary to obtain a waiver from clients in the event of any injuries…»

The countdown finally ended. The broadcast ceased (Iris could not say she was disappointed), and the emblem of the Empire appeared on the screen — the Helgan Triad.

«It seems we are about to learn the reason for our incarceration,» the Turian remarked with an inquisitive tilt of his head, reminiscent of a bird's.

Volus let out a derisive snort. «Probably some holiday, like Earth's Christmas. Once I lost three days in negotiations over it… Although I did make a hundred thousand credits from successful sales of lighting equipment, so it wasn't all bad…»

Iris and her «bored companions» suddenly realized how little they truly knew about the Empire.


Delivering a speech to a large audience is an art form. It requires the speaker to time their delivery so that they achieve a moment of attentive silence from the crowd. Of course, this is not true silence; the audience will continue to engage in whispered conversations, but they will instinctively recognize the speaker's authority and defer to them.

At a certain point in the speech, someone in the audience should have the courage to raise their hand and ask a question of the speaker, and the speaker should never ignore this question but rather answer it. They may even be blunt, even harsh, delivering unpleasant truths in an ultimatum.

For safety's sake, there should be a few trusted individuals in the audience who are prepared to take on this role if necessary. However, the true art lies in ensuring that the individual posing the question is genuine and does not suspect that they are being manipulated by the speaker.

Skolar Vizari had been aware of this since he assumed leadership of Vizari Corp., implementing unpopular measures that met with resistance from both workers and the board of directors. The key distinction, beyond the social strata of the audiences, was that the workers before whom he delivered speeches were predominantly alive. However, the composition of the board members had undergone significant changes since then.

In a square, with a black monument in its center that seemed to devour light, there was a profound silence. It was the kind of hush where one could hear the faint rustling of gray snow descending from the skies.

"Lovely weather," Vizari remarked with a smirk. He emerged from the shadows to confront his subjects.

The clacking of his boots echoed particularly loudly in the stillness.

Vizari ascended the podium, his gaze sweeping over the audience with paternal warmth. Despite the presence of only the front rows being composed of military personnel, the Helgasts, in a display of their disciplined nature, had formed a neat military formation, albeit with a distinct lack of height.

"Sons and daughters of Helgan," Vizari began, pausing for a moment. "I am pleased to see you here, yet I am deeply saddened by the circumstances that have brought us together today.

The emperor's attire, a slightly worn coat with colonel's epaulettes, was a constant fixture. Despite its simplicity, during his tenure, this unassuming clothing had become synonymous with the resilience and steadfastness of spirit Vizari had repeatedly demonstrated. The image was further enhanced by Vizari's refusal to seek promotion, opting for a salary commensurate with his military rank, which further solidified his reputation for integrity.

Now, the greatcoat was unfastened, imbuing the ruler of Helgan with a more earthy appearance than usual. Visari, closing his eyes slightly, allowed himself to be transported back in time, revisiting memories as he surveyed his subjects.

"Thirteen years ago, you bestowed upon me Helgan's greatest treasure," he mused, his gaze fixed on the faces before him. "In truth, it is not merely the mineral wealth of our land or the factories that make it so precious. The true wealth of our rugged homeland lies in something else: TRUST. Your trust, children of Helgan, your belief in a brighter future for our people."

The atmosphere shifted, shifting from absolute silence to a murmur of whispers as the people began to reflect on the past. Visari continued, "A group of resolute individuals managed to transform the planet, altering the order imposed upon us from without, against our will, our desires, and our very honor."

Visari observed the soldiers of the honour guard in the front ranks, their rifles clasped firmly in their hands. In the hearts of each Helgast, the memory of their humiliating circumstances, the pain, the hunger, and the cold remained.

Nevertheless, the present occasion was not one to celebrate Visari's accession to the throne. Instead, the anniversary of Visari's assuming power over Helgan was a surprisingly modest celebration, deliberately crafted with austerity and simplicity. The emperor's address today was dedicated to another event that had been etched into the collective memory of the people: the Epidemic...

"But in addition to our triumphs, we must also commemorate our setbacks, so that they may not be repeated." The silence shifted from a relative quiet to a complete absence of sound. Visari orchestrated the mood of the crowd with the finesse of a virtuosic conductor.

"A decade ago, the colonial government decided to break our spirit. Visari's tone grew quieter, as if lost in the depths of his memories once more.

"Do you recall how it all began? The outbreak of the Stone Plague, a devastating illness that claimed the lives of over thirty thousand Helgastians and left half a million more crippled. Coincidentally, it happened just as the colonial authorities demanded changes to our planetary structure!

A collective sigh of sorrow swept through the crowd. Medicines in exchange for compliance… How generous of them! True compassion indeed! Today, we mourn those who perished. Today, I salute those who refused this tainted bargain!"

Visari's voice regained its strength, echoing through the air, mirroring the growing murmur of the crowd.

— We mourn — but we also rejoice that this day has marked a turning point, a moment when we ceased to be the outcasts, the free labour force of the colonial government... We have made it clear to the corporations that they have been profiting from our labour, that their time in Helgan is over!

This is the day the plague departed our planet, and our tears for those who fell have been replaced by a cold fury! We have turned our defeat into triumph!

The crowd's roar grew even louder.



The diplomatic corps.

The same time…

Iris concluded her recording of Visari's performance on an omnitool, and the Turian and Volus followed suit. Within a fortnight, this video had made its way into the Turian hierarchy, the Republic of Azari, and the Council of the Citadel, and thence into the Alliance of Systems, where it took its place as yet another piece in the puzzle known as "The Story of Helgan."

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