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37.93% Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic / Chapter 11: Trapped

Capítulo 11: Trapped

(Two weeks later)

It had been two weeks since Jace had fallen unconscious Daella had not left his side since and was keeping him cool as he had a constant fever. They had no clue what happened they simply saw Daemon grasp his head in pain and then start screaming before he passed out. Corlys had examined him but could find nothing wrong to warrant this sickness leading him to believe it is one of Valyrian origin, perhaps forming after the doom.

Daella stroked Jace's face as her eyes started to water, she had just been reunited with Jace and she didn't want to see him die "Will he be okay?" she asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time, she recognised that she must've started to bother Corlys who was still sat on the boulder but she couldn't help but keep asking and hoping for a different answer. However unknown to her was the fact that Corlys welcomed her constant asking as he was of the same mindset, he wished to be able to say something different, something other than what he had been saying so far.

However reality was often disappointing, he turned to Daella and said what he had been saying the past two weeks "I don't know." His voice was low and morose, he loved his grandson a lot and he was not shy to say that he was his favourite amongst his children and grandchildren combined. Jace was the same as Corlys when he was at that age, smart and filled with wanderlust but also arrogant, Jace even more so as he was a dragon rider. But none of his children or grandchildren loved the sea like he and Jace, it was a connection they shared and he'd been distraught over the past two weeks thinking that he might die.

Corlys stood up and walked towards the edge of the tower and looked out towards the city, even now in the distance he could see the large abomination dragon stalking the skies eventually diving slow and breathing its unnatural flames. Corlys knew that his death was all but assured and that suited him fine, he had had a good life full of adventure as well as a wife who loved him and his legacy assured. But Daella was young and gentle just as her namesake was and she did not deserve to perish in such a place, and Jace was sick with no sign of getting better 'No plans will work without dealing with the dragon first.' He thought to himself as he stroked his beard, he'd start with looking around and seeing if he could discover anything useful, this was a resting place for dragons though it seemed to be a bit more than that, littered around the place where large contraptions or different kinds, some looked completely foreign while others resembled Ballista.

His death was assured but he would still do everything he could to bring the dragon with him.



Daemon stood near the bow of the ship as he watched Caraxes and Vhagar flying above, his wife Laena was beside him and they both watched as they approached Volantis, the first daughter of Valyria. Daemon did not wish to stop here but it was needed as they would not be able to resupply for a while once they started travelling to Valyria.

"Do you believe Rhaenyra speaks true?" Laena asked as she leaned her head on her husband's shoulder.

Daemon did not answer for a moment, his niece was a complicated person and while she was intelligent and wise for her age when it came to her children she became irrational. He had considered the possibility that Rhaenyra was afflicted by madness and that her belief in Helaena was simply a result of her worry about Jace going on his expedition "I trust Rhaenyra and I love Jace enough to check whether or not this is true, that is all that matters." He simply stated, and it was true that even if such a thing was wholly unlikely he would check for the sake of Jace and Rhaenyra.

Laena didn't say anything else and contented herself to lean on Daemon. Daemon himself was deep in thought about Volantis, while he was sure that they would be given great respect due to their blood... and dragons of course. Daemon knew he would have some enemies here as well, his conquest of the Stepstones affected more than just the Triarchy, it affected those who had funded them which was mostly Volantis. They did not want to get their hands dirty but would be more than glad to benefit from the Triarchy's control of the Narrow Sea. Of course that never happened and that was mostly because of Daemon, so it was reasonable to think that he might have a few Lords angry at him, though he didn't think they'd be stupid enough to do anything with two very large dragons flying above. But who knows, in Daemons experience there has never been a limit to a person's foolishness.

Their ship slowly docked at the harbour in Volantis where Daemon and his wife stepped off the boat with a precession of guards, but to Daemon's surprise, a company of guards was already awaiting them. Daemon raised his eyebrow when he saw that the guards wore a form of the Targaryen sigil only the normally Red

Dragon was pink. One of the guards stepped forward which put Daemons procession on alert as they all palmed the handles of their swords.

"Sȳz tubis ñuha āeksio daemon, īlva riña ēza issare biare naejot ūndegon ao māzigon, (Good day Lord Daemon, our lady has been anticipating your arrival ever since word was sent of your dragons)." The captain stated with a polite bow.

"Lo ao rual nyke se rigle hen jāre naejot se sombāzmion, (If you would allow me the honour of escorting you to the palace she is waiting)." The captain continued.

Daemon did not answer the man for a moment as he tried to piece things together in his mind, it did not take him long to realise who this lady was. Her sons had shown to the great council to put their names forth to be the next King 'Saera Targaryen...' he was only a child the last time he had seen her and it was when she was being shipped off to Old Town, when he heard she had escaped and travelled across the Narrow Sea he hadn't given it much thought 'She certainly has done well for herself.' He thought with amusement.

Daemon cleared his throat "Kostā jemagon se ñuhoso, (You may lead the way)." He said as he gestured with his hand, the captain bowed once more and turned around gesturing for his unit to get into formation. As he did this Daemon grabbed the captain of his own guard aside "Keep half the men here... I do not trust these people, make sure the boat is ready to go at a moment's notice." Daemon commanded and the Captain acknowledged him with a bow.

When Daemon walked back to Laena who looped her arm around his she had a small look of concern on her face "Is everything well husband?" She asked in a whisper and Daemon nodded, while this was most likely a plot by Saera Targaryen it was not one that would succeed.

They were led through the city towards the old blood district, Laena was awed by the large bridge and the huge wall that surrounded the palaces of the old blood and while Daemon thought it was indeed a sight to behold he didn't much care and would rather get on with his journey.

As they walked through the wall they looked up to see both Caraxes and Vhagar landing on the large wall and roaring, Daemon smirked as he heard people scream and he even saw quite a few people run. They walked to what looked like a very lavishly designed palace, in front of which was a group of people and at the front was someone who Daemon believed could only be Saera Targaryen. She was old that was clear but it seemed that her beauty had not entirely faded yet, she had the same smile on her face that Daemon would often give Otto during the past small council meetings.

"My my my to have two family reunions in such a short time the gods must've truly blessed me," Saera said with a broad smile as she stood welcomingly in front of her palace with a large entourage of servants.

"And is that little Daemon I see? My I haven't seen you since you were a child, will you not give your Aunt Saera a hug." she continued in a quite exaggerated tone. She then looked over to Laena who was still arm in arm with Daemon "And who is this beautiful woman?" She asked

Laena smiled cordially "I am Laena Velaryon, Daemon's wife." she said with a small nod of her head.

Saera smiled "Ah excellent a member of House Velaryon is always welcome in my halls, please you must stay." She said insistently.

Daemon smirked at her, while it may seem a friendly gesture Saera knew it was his way of saying that he saw through her "As much as I'd love to stay... dear Aunt, we have pressing matters to attend to so we are only here to resupply and move on." Daemon explained.

Saera's smile faded for half a second but it quickly gained its brightness "Surely that can be left to your servants, your presence is not needed? So why not at least join me for afternoon tea." she asked insisting once more.

Daemon smiled, though he did not reply for a moment "You are kind Aunt, we shall take you up on that offer." Daemon said

Saera smiled brightly "Splendid! Then please follow me to my private dining hall." she said as she spun on her heels and started to walk inside with Daemon and Laena following them though before they did Daemon gestured for some of his men to go and collect to supplies for his ship, he mentioned that they should do it quickly. He also told his remaining men to be on guard and expect to be ambushed.

Daemon then followed with Laena, it was a rather simple reason why he chose to stay and it was to gain information he knew that Jace would've passed through here and if he understood her words correctly then Jace met with Saera "Dear Aunt you mentioned having two family reunions could you mean my nephew Jace." he said in a cool tone.

Saera looked back at Daemon and smiled once again though Daemon could see a trace of what looked like anger and rage in her eyes "Ah yes Jace what a darling it was a shame he had to leave so quickly." she said regretfully.

"Did he happen to mention where he was going on his journey?" Daemon asked.

Saera looked thoughtful for a minute before shaking her head "I'm afraid not, though his ship did follow the coast south." she replied. No more words of import were spoken and they made mostly polite talk as they followed Saera through her richly decorated palace. They eventually came to a large set of doors that were opened for her by the guards, Daemon gestured for his guards to stay outside and watch the door while he and Laena followed Saera inside. In the room was a table set with a large range of foods and different wines.

Daemon had to stop himself from smirking 'This is all quite painfully obvious.' He thought to himself.





"Jace you need to leave!" Helaena said as she grabbed his arm, Jace looked over to her and could see the panic on her face "How! This is a dream, right? How can I just wake up!" He said desperately as the banging started getting louder and louder.

Helaena grabbed him by the face "This whole place is your mind, Jace, think of a place you thought of as an escape." she said calmly.

Jace tried to think but the increasingly loud banging against the door made it difficult "Jace! You have to think!" Helaena said loudly, "I never felt free while I was here!" He shouted back.

"The only thing that gave me freedom was Vermax but he isn't here!" He continued.

"But where would he be!" She said with a knowing smile, Jace had a sudden moment of realisation "The Dragonpit!" He shouted excitedly seemingly forgetting the impending danger he was in.


The door flung open making both Jace and Helaena jump in fright, they looked towards the now open door but the only thing they could see was darkness. Though they could see large amber eyes with black slits in the middle, they stood there unblinking while the two watched.

*I've waited for years...*

*Of all those who came, none were suitable*

*But now you are here... I shall be free*

Jace backed up from the door as thousands of tiny wormlike creatures started spilling through the door spreading across the ground like a puddle of blood "Jace run!" Helaena screamed as she pushed him out onto the balcony before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Jace guessed that she returned to her own body which was smart of her as who knows what would've happened if she'd lost herself while still here.

Jace looked back into his room as the worms continually spilled through the door at an even faster rate filling the whole floor. Then a figure rose from the ground, it was formed out of those wormlike creatures in the shape of a man with wings.

*I already inhabit your body once I inhabit your mind I shall rid myself of these shackles and be free*

Jace felt himself shudder under the gaze of Valar, he didn't plan on listening anymore and he immediately started running. He breathed heavily as he ran across the balcony, he looked behind him and saw the creatures pouring out as they tried to engulf him. He pushed himself faster before climbing on the lip of the balcony and jumping to the next one over just before he was grabbed by a hand formed out of the worms. Jace slammed against the side of the balcony almost falling, he then remembered that his chambers weren't too far from the ground he could climb down pretty quickly but as he looked down the ground started moving away from him and it was as if he was four times as high up as before "Seven hells!" He shouted as he felt his heart jump to his mouth, he quickly scrambled up over the side as his feet flailed over the edge. He pushed himself over and fell roughly to the ground of the balcony, but he couldn't relax as Valar was still fast approaching, Jace pushed himself up from the ground and started running bursting his way through the door to the room next to his and running through it. As he burst into the corridors of the Red Keep he saw the door to his room explode open and a wave of creatures spilt out and down the corridor.

Jace felt fear invade his whole body as he ran as fast as he could but it was as if the hallway kept stretching forever, he turned around and saw Valar gliding towards him being dragged by the creatures on the floor.

But as he turned back around he slammed into a stone wall that suddenly appeared in front of him. He started to panic as he pushed the wall, but it didn't budge and there was no way to escape, Jace turned around only to see Valar rapidly approaching and he had nowhere to go.


Daemon and Laena were enjoying their dinner with Saera, they had made much small talk during the time they ate and nothing of importance was spoken. Daemon was waiting for Saera to play her hand, whether it be a deal or blackmail or an assassination attempt, though what she planned to do for the rampaging dragons she'd have on her hands after she planned to kill them was anyone's guess. While Vhagar was old and would be content to leave and find a nesting place, Caraxes was a lot more aggressive and even Daemon sometimes had trouble controlling the dragon's impulses. If Caraxes' bond with Daemon was severed then he would most likely go on a rampage and burn the city to ash.

"Daemon? Are you well?" Saera asked as she took a sip from her cup. Daemon put his fork down and looked over to her "Yes I am Aunt." Daemon simply said as he reached for his cup. As he brought it up to his face he smiled as he could see the curtain behind him move in the golden reflection of the cup "Aunt... it must feel bad to know that you're a daughter of Jaehaerys and yet you have no Dragon." He said with amusement in his voice.

"Even my wife has a dragon and not just any dragon but the same one that Visenya Targaryen rode during the conquest and yet your destiny was to become a whore, indeed I find it quite insulting that you still use the name Targaryen." He continued as he watched Saera struggle to maintain her facade, Laena looked at Daemon with surprise but assumed that he must've had a reason to do this so said nothing. Saera's eye began to twitch and a malicious smile began to form on her face "Well I can't disagree with you Daemon in this world you are owed nothing you have to take what you want... and I will take what I want you can be sure of that." She growled.

She then slammed her hand on the table "NOW!!!" She screamed out and from behind the curtains from both sides four men poured in all of them armed. However, Daemon was already moving before she shouted and grabbed two knives off the table and threw them to the opposite side where the two men came out behind his wife, both knives embedded themselves in their throats making them collapse to the ground.

Daemon then kicked off the table pushing his chair over barely avoiding the arc of a sword that was swung from above, he rolled backwards to his feet before drawing his dagger. The first man turned back around and roared as he swung his sword at him two-handed with all his strength, Daemon sidestepped the blow shoving his dagger under the man's chin before twisting his neck and snapping it. He then shoved the guard into the other one before booting him straight in the stomach.

"No! No! Please! N-"


Daemon cut him off by carving a red smile on his throat before wiping his dagger on the man's clothing. He looked up for Saera only to notice she was gone though he did not know, not that it mattered "Laena we are leaving." He simply said as he walked to the door with her joining him. As he opened the doors the the dining room he saw what looked to be a fight that was just ending though his men seemed to have gotten the better of Saera's "Report." Daemon said in a clear voice and the Captain stood at attention.

"They tried to ambush us my lord, but we were on alert the whole time, the fools didn't wear armour so we dealt with them quickly. He stated.

Daemon nodded before holding his hand out "Sword." He said and one of the guards immediately handed him Dark Sister, he drew it out of his sheath and twirled it around "Protect Laena, I shall lead us from the front." He commanded and they all formed a square of protection around her.

Daemon moved down the hallway with Dark sister in hand, behind him the guards followed as they had their swords and shields at the ready. Suddenly the first challenger seemed to materialise from the shadows as he rushed towards Daemon yelling at the top of his lungs. Before he could even swing Daemon smashed the pommel of his sword into the man's face shattering his nose and a few teeth, he then grabbed him by his hair and slid his sword across the guard's throat, Dark Sister was so sharp that such a manoeuvre nearly sliced the man's head clean off.

Daemon pushed him to the side before engaging another guard, they started to pour down the hallway in droves now but they were all cut down by Daemon. With Dark sister in hand, he sliced a man from shoulder to hip before thrusting his sword into the man's head, he then spun around and clashed blades with another guard slicing the head off the previous man. Daemon pushed his sword down before headbutting him and kicking him through an open window in the corridor.

The whole corridor was a bloodbath as he turned Saera's men into nothing more than corpses. Men wielding crossbows positioned themselves at the bottom of the grand staircase awaiting Daemon to come down. However unknown to them Daemon had already seen them and had just finished killing a guard, he then grabbed his body before running with it and jumping off the balcony slamming to the ground right between the group of crossbowmen.

He quickly jumped to his feet swinging his blade up which split a man's jaw in half, he then grabbed said man's crossbow before pulling the trigger and sending a bolt into another man's head. He made quick work of them without taking a single injury and then made his way outside with his guards quickly catching up to him. And as if knowing he was needed Caraxes pushed off the wall and flapped his wings before gliding down to the ground in front of the palace with Vhagar doing the same.

Daemon wiped the blood and sweat off of his face as he approached Caraxes who had just landed on the ground with an earth-shaking boom. He raised his hand to the bloodwyrm and directed its gaze to the palace.

"Dracarys!" He shouted and Caraxes heaved its head back before unleashing a torrent of flames that ripped through the palace. Daemon could hear the sounds of screaming and it caused a small smile to appear on his face "Daemon!" Laena said loudly in an attempt to grab his attention.

"What will we do now? We have no more information than we did before." She asked

Daemon shook his head "We know he hugged the coast, and to do that makes it a lot more likely he went to Valyria."

"We can't afford to wait any longer if it is true, we shall ride Vhagar and Caraxes today."

(AN: So it's coming up to the end of the Arc which I'm glad of it'll be exciting to write. I hope ya enjoyed the chapter)

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