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75% Fate's Re: Zero Transmigration: The Legendary King Awakens / Chapter 9: CH 8. Clowns I Hate them.

Capítulo 9: CH 8. Clowns I Hate them.

Should I make this Harem?

If so who are the best choices

If not who is the only choice.


But what she was seeing right now was blowing her mind.

It wasn't smooth. No, it was rough. However, it still had a touch of beauty and control. Those were her thoughts the first time she looked in his direction. She was about to stop Alex but decided to let him practice and watch him instead.

As the seconds and minutes passed, Alex's movements began to change. Emilia couldn't help but stare at him.

No longer were his swings rough; they became more polished. They still had an edge, but they were cleaner, swifter, and faster.

Undoubtedly fast. Emilia was not sure she could move that fast. Then again, she was a spirit arts user, not a sword user, so she trained in a different way.

Then Alex began to pull his sword up from its bottom position, delivering two slashes. Up and down, up and down…

It was so… remarkable in her opinion. He was so into it that he looked possessed. Yet his sharp cat-like green eyes that remained focused told her he had total control. He was aware of what he did and didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

She left her cheeks grewing hotter With golden hair flowing like a radiant crown and piercing green eyes that held the depths of the world, even Alex exuded an air of nobility, the aura of dominance that set him apart from others. At times like these it felt highest around him. 

As the world itself seems slowing down for him.  

"Hi, Lia! Morning!"

The appearance of the cat spirit stopped Emilia from watching the oblivious Alex. As somehow control her blush by slapping her both hands on her red cheeks. 

"Hi, Puck, morning," she greeted him kindly. "How was your rest?"

"I feel pretty good!" answered Puck as he landed on her palm and stared up at her. "How about you?"

"Same as you, I feel pretty good too." Emilia smiled; seeing Puck always made her happy. He was like the father she never had.

Puck nodded, very happy his daughter was feeling fine and was in a good mood. He was drawn from his observation by the sound of blowing winds and looked at its cause.

"Hoo, this is Alex," he commented absently. "Not bad, he is fast at least, I can give him that."

Fast was one way to put it; Alex's strikes were almost invisible to her eyes! Emilia was sure she would miss them if she blinked.

"You need to be careful around him, Lia." Puck suddenly said. Despite resting lazily on her palm, his intense gaze never left the blond boy. "He is quite a confusing person."

Emilia tilted her head in curiosity. "But you said he was okay. You didn't detect any hostile or ill intent."

"I did," nodded Puck.

It was true, ever since Alex met Emilia yesterday he didn't feel any bad intentions from him even once. Rather, he was wary and afraid that Emilia would be injured. There were also conflicting feelings as if he was confused about what to do.

"But that doesn't mean he doesn't have any hidden intentions. True, it might not be bad, but we still don't know what it is."

Emilia pursed her lips. That could be true. Alex himself didn't act like a good person. He had his moments; she had seen it yesterday after all. With Puck on her side, she could tell he was sincere. He just had an uncommon way to show his goodwill and acted way too harshly.

But Emilia couldn't imagine Alex as an evil person. There was something around him that was whispering he was not a bad person. His aura–the way he carried himself–also was chivalrous despite his odd methods. But something told her that Alex's act was justified.

"Though I would feel safer if you stayed with him rather than Roswaal," added Puck while pawing at her face.

Emilia looked surprised at hearing that.


"Yep," nodded Puck.

Forgetting Alex, Roswaal himself was a complicated person in Puck's opinion. He had absolutely no malice or ill intent toward them and felt supportive of Emilia. That's why Puck allowed Emilia to go with them. However, there was something that bothered him about Roswaal. Puck did not know what but he felt the man was familiar or something like that. And whatever that was, it made him very cautious about the clown-looking Archmage.

Returning to Alex, Puck could sense genuine worry for Emilia from him. Yesterday he almost got killed and Puck could sense actual fear from him. Fear of dying. That was more than enough for Puck. Alex was not acting; he was truly fighting the vampire, fighting to protect Emilia.

But that didn't mean he would let down his guard around Alex, Emilia was his top priority after all.

'Also, this amount of mana I can feel from him…'

Aside from Emilia, he had never felt mana so powerful before. Roswaal was strong and could rival Emilia. But Alex? Alex surpassed Roswaal and Emilia completely! He was on a whole another level.

As a matter of fact, Alex's mana was so potent, so dense he could be compared to the Witches of Sin themselves! Not to mention his strength and speed! They were all inhumane! Even now, the way he swung his sword was too powerful and too fast!

And he could already see Alex hardly using the strength and speed that his body possesses.

He was an anomaly. He was hiding things, many things actually. And that was why Puck did not completely approve his presence despite his worries for Emilia.


Puck was brought out of his musings as he and Emilia turned to see the twin maids–Ram and Rem–standing not far from them.

"Yes?" asked Emilia.

"Roswaal-sama has returned."

"Alex?" Emilia called out the young blond, but he seemed lost in his own world and continues to swing his sword, getting better with each swing.

"Alex?" Again, no reaction. He seems to concentrate too much on the sword.

"ALEX?" This time she called him out louder, as it seemed to work, and Alex stopped swinging the sword.

I paused in the middle of my swing, the invisible sword in my hand let out a small burst of wind at the sudden halt, before calming down. I turned to the one who called my name and saw Emilia with Puck on her right shoulder and Ram and Rem not far behind them.

"Emilia," I greeted back as I lowered my sword. "Are you already done?"

Emilia blinked at me as if I had said something strange before she let out a small laugh.

"That's my question."


"You were so focused on your training, I called you out many times, and it is already past nine."

I stared at her as if she grew a second head and an extra arm. We got outside at only eight in the morning! And now it was already nine? Woman, are you sick?

"I'm not lying," said Emilia. My look must have given me away. "I was done with talking with the lesser spirits about fifty-five minutes ago. I wanted to call you, but you looked so focused I decided not to."

Fifty-five minutes?! I kept swinging this sword for more than fifty-five minutes?! That long?! I barely felt anything! True, "I felt warm, but it was probably due to exercising and the use of Avalon," I murmured to myself.

I stared at the invisible sword in my hand. Was I really that focused? All I did was clear my mind, focus, and remember everything I learned. Then repeat the moves. It was nothing extraordinary.

"It's rude to keep a lady waiting, boy," commented Puck as he hovered around the half-elf. "And you call yourself a knight?"

"I'm still in training. I am not one yet," I answered.

Puck's cute face turned somehow blank. For a cat to have this expression, it was very disturbing.

"When I heard that yesterday I laughed, but now I know just what that vampire felt," he replied, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry if I offended you with the truth, O Great Spirit of Fire..."



What did I say wrong? Why is everyone looking at me like that?

"Boy, for someone who doesn't even know how the world works, you sure know a lot," Puck said.



Seeing the atmosphere getting tense, Emilia let out a small laugh. I found myself smirking as I dismissed Excalibur and approached them. I felt Puck's gaze lingering on where the sword disappeared before he exclaimed,

"Don't laugh too much, Lia! You're being mean right now!"

"Sorry, Puck," said Emilia in a soft voice. She seemed to truly mean it.

"Morning, Puck-dono, how was your rest?" I asked.

"I'm fine, got a good sleep," he answered flippantly, waving his long tail. "You should greet me first instead of making a comment with that sharp tongue of yours."

"I'm not the one who started it," I replied dully, prompting the cat's right eye to twitch once.

"Alex-sama, pardon the intrusion, but Roswaal-sama has returned," spoke Ram, cutting our conversation short. "Breakfast will be served in five minutes, so it might be good for you to freshen up first."

Oh, that clown already returned?

'Time to start the show, let's see what you have, Imperial Wizard.'

"The lord of this manor, I assume?" I asked rhetorically before nodding. "Very well, I will change into appropriate attire then."

"Hmm... I guess I'm not looking bad."

As I observed myself in the mirror, I was clad in a loose black coat and a red shirt, followed by neat brown pants and black shoes. It was the casual outfit of Saber Prototype.

I had to admit, it was very fitting. Even now, I still found it hard to believe that my average appearance had turned into what I now looked like – a model from a magazine.

I wondered what would happen when I returned to my world. Would I stay looking the same? Would I lose my powers? It was certain that my family wouldn't recognize me. I was Asian by birth, and now I really looked like an English gentleman! And a handsome one at that! But all of this could only happen if I ever managed to return...

"Don't think negative thoughts, Alex," I scolded myself. 'I'm going to cross that bridge later. For now, I need to find a way to get stronger to survive, as staying in this dangerous world is impossible without strength,' I said to myself with a nod as I began to walk to the door.

As I left my room, I was greeted by the sight of Ram waiting for me.

"Hello, Ram-san, sorry for making you wait," I said, giving her a smile.

Ram stared at my smiling face for a moment before eventually responding with a bow.

"It's not a problem, Alex-sama. Follow me, and I will lead the way to the dining hall," she gestured for me to follow her politely.


As we began to walk together, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the hallway. If I recalled right, Subaru was walking around the same place even when he tried to go straight forward.

Did it mean this was a magical house? Was there a Boundary Field covering this place? Logically, it should have one since Roswaal was a famous magician, but I couldn't sense it. Was it maybe due to my Magic Resistance? Or did this place really not have any magical protection?

This was still the Age of Gods, and there was a huge amount of mana in the atmosphere. Unlike in the Nasuverse, the world itself was supporting the living inhabitants by giving them its blessing.

The so-called 'Divine' Blessing that people had... Or was it Divine Protection? Well, same purpose, different words.

Od Laguna.

Divine Protections are powers given to people at birth by the world, bestowed by Od Laguna.

And magic in Re:Zero was possible because of something called [Od Laguna]. Od Laguna is believed to be the source of the world's mana, divine protections, memories, and souls. No one knows where it is, what it is, "Or if it's a sentient being, but whether it's heaven, hell, a deity, or the world itself, it's something incredibly powerful and it's most likely very important to the story overall.

He felt lucky being summoned as Saber, as the magic here could be very dangerous. If he got Lancer, Rider, Archer, or any other class, he could easily be killed! Facing the Archbishop of Sin without a high Magic Resistance was equal to suicide!

"For a mansion this big, you and your sister are doing a very good job of keeping it clean," he commented absently, trying to make conversation with the pink-haired maid.

"Thank you, Alex-sama." Ram, keeping her voice polite and stoic, added, "And for someone who looks chivalrous, you have quite a sharp tongue."

Alex felt his lips twitch. He was not offended but rather amused. She had to be speaking about my conversation with Puck in the garden.

"Looks can be very deceiving, Ram-san. People often say that about me," he chuckled. "Make no mistake, I can be quite chivalrous when the need comes."

"I see… So Alex-sama is someone who has two faces."

He let out a small laugh. He didn't expect less from her. Just like in the anime, she literally had an "I don't give a shit" attitude.

"I like you, Ram-san. I think we will get along pretty well in the future."

"…You're a strange person, Alex-sama," said Ram, but there was no bite in her voice.

Both of them continued walking in comfortable silence. After one turn, Alex saw Emilia and Rem waiting in front of the room he guessed was the dining hall.

"Emilia. Rem-san," he greeted them, making both girls turn to him.

"Alex h…" Emilia paused when she caught sight of Alex smiling gently in their direction, hands in his pockets, and walking elegantly. She slowly shook her head and resumed her greeting, "Hello, Alex."

"Alex-sama." Rem bowed gracefully after a moment of staring.

Alex gave her a nod, somehow refreshed at seeing Rem. He knew just how sweet she could be. He remembered this girl's loyalty was second to none. How she pushed herself even when breaking apart–literally, her arms, legs, and even her neck got broken–but she still forced herself to rescue Subaru.

He felt pain inwardly as he remembered that scene. Episode 15 was the most emotional episode in the Re:Zero anime for him. That scene where she dragged herself… that would not happen this time. Rem WOULD NOT need to suffer like that; he would make sure of it. He might barely know her, but there was no way he would let someone live through that.

Yet, he had to remember that no matter how sweet and cute Rem was, she was the same girl who pummeled and mangled Subaru beyond recognition. The girl who brutally murdered him without hearing his reasons. Granted, her hatred was justified, as the Witch Cult were a bunch of assholes and really bad guys that needed to be dealt with. But Subaru was innocent! Couldn't she see his obvious terror, fear, and pain when she struck him? When she declared she hated him?

Then again, she was an Oni. Even in the Nasuverse, they tended to lose control and go insane. I was not a fan of Tsukihime, but Akiha Tohno also went bat-shit crazy when her demon blood activated and overwhelmed her human blood.

I was confused. On one hand, what Rem did could not be justified. But on the second hand, she couldn't be blamed, considering what happened to her and that Subaru smelled like the Witch.

Meh, it didn't matter anyway. Why did I think so much? It's not like I cared about it. Unlike Subaru, who was defenseless, I would be ready if Rem decided to pay me a 'visit' or something like that.

"Shall we enter first or wait for Roswaal-sama?" I asked.

"Aaaahhhh, no need for thaaat."

A smooth, masculine, and sing-song voice came from behind me. It reminded me of the voice of Barsalino or Admiral Kizaru from One Piece, but more annoying.

I slowly turned around, just in time to see the archmage coming out of the nearest door. He looked just like what I expected.

No, scratch that. He looked freakier in reality! He really meant it.

He wore makeup like a clown! A clown, for God's sake! I could tolerate his attire since he looked like a classic magician from a circus. But his face?! Makeup?!

But I knew just what kind of monster was beneath that stupid face… Just what kind of creature was hiding under that weirdo makeup…

'Tv Tropes needs to add "Clowns Are Evil" to their list. It would be better than "Monster Clown."'

I thought dryly. Roswaal could be categorized as a Monster Clown since he took his descendants' bodies to stay alive until now.

"Roswaal-sama, I take it?"

"Indeeeed," drawled Roswaal with a smile. "Alex Pendragon-san, I taaaake it?" he responded with the same question.

Truthfully, I already found his way of talking annoying, but I refrained from making any comments. I had to get used to this, I told myself once again.

"Yes, thank you for having me."

"Soooo polite. I waaas expeecting you to beee mooore informal."

"It's just common courtesy to show such behavior to the owner of the mansion," said Alex in a light voice. "Though I can behave in that way if you want me to."

"Oooh," Roswaal quirked his eyebrow, "Then pleaaase do so. It's alwaaaays boring when peeeople are too formal."

"If you say so."

"Shaaall we enteeer then?"

Everyone entered the dining room and took a seat. Roswaal at the lord's place, while Emilia and Alex were facing each other. The blond Saber couldn't help but feel that something was missing as he took his seat. Something he forgot.

'Think about it later, right now you're in the presence of Puck. Don't appear suspicious,' he chided himself. He couldn't let his emotions get out of control in this conversation. He already scored enough negative points in Puck's book, in his opinion.

"Pardon us, Alex-sama. Rem shall set the meal."

"Pardon us, Alex-sama. Ram shall set the tableware and the tea."

Alex noted the food consisted of a salad, bread, and a creamy chicken soup. Inwardly, he raised an eyebrow. How British and medieval. This kind of food could fit for a noble meal from that period. And it was healthy too, actually.

As they began to eat, he had to concede that while not the best food he'd ever had, it still counted as great in his mind. He decided to be polite and gave a compliment.

"May I ask who the chef is?"

"Rem is, Alex-sama," answered Rem.

He gave her a small smile, "My compliment to you then. It's delicious."

"Indeeeed, the food is quite delicious as usual," agreed Roswaal as he glanced at the blue-haired maid.

"Thank you for your words, Alex-sama, Roswaal-sama." Rem accepted the compliment without showing any emotion.

Meanwhile, Alex began to plan how to make the maid like him. Since only Rem was free and open–or rather she didn't have a 'special' relationship. Ram was close to Roswaal, Emilia to Puck. Rem was close only to Ram, not to anyone else.

She followed Roswaal because of her sister, yet she did not have a very strong bond with Ram as she was tempted to run away with Subaru.

If Alex managed to get Rem, it meant Ram would also help him. After all, Ram knew the truth about Roswaal and would be very helpful.

'Since when did I become a thinker like this?' he asked himself. Maybe he did not only inherit Saber's strength but also her experience in leading people? That certainly would include his Charisma.

"Do you eat food like this every day? I envy you, Rose," said Alex with a small smirk.

"Weeeelll, what can I saay? I have veeery good maids," replied Roswaal in an amused voice. His eyes twinkled a little when he heard his new nickname, he didn't comment on it though.

They resumed eating in silence, the only sounds being Puck who ate his egg eagerly, enjoying his breakfast like there was no tomorrow.

"Weeeeell," began Roswaal as he finished his food. He noted that Alex had finished too and smiled at him, "Shaaall we begin our taaalk?"

"Yes," nodded Alex, tilting his head. "And let's cut the pleasantries, Rose. Ask your questions."

"Hmmmm, straight to the point. I liiiike it." Roswaal chuckled, "Weeell, first, Alex Pendragon-saaan. Allow meee to welcome youu to the kingdom of Lugnica. I heaard from Emilia-sama that you're a foreeigner, right?"

"Indeed, I am."

"Aaah, do you care to elaborate on how you came heere? As far as I recall, the port is curreeently cloosed to any visiitors, save for goods and stock."

Alex thought about his answer carefully. Lugnica, as he recalled, was currently a mess. True there was no visible chaos in the kingdom, but it had no leader.

It had no ideals, no roots, it was stagnant. Moreover, it was isolated. Lugnica didn't welcome any tourists from the common people. They only accepted important people such as nobles or ambassadors from other kingdoms.

He was sure that Emilia and the twin maids thought he was the former. Maybe Reinhard too, thanks to his Charisma. If not, the red-haired knight would have taken him for an inquiry yesterday.

"I'm an illegal immigrant."

He heard a choke from Emilia and spared her a glance. The poor girl was pounding her chest as her food went down the wrong hole. Puck was already behind her patting her back in relief. He also sent him a glare as if it was his fault. Alex was sure he would have sweatdropped if he was in an anime.

He was not responsible for that! He said that because it was the truth! It just happened that it was when she swallowed her food! Blame her Luck not him!

He also briefly caught a flabbergasted look from the maids before their faces returned to stoic ones.

"I-Illegal immigrant?" asked Emilia in an astounded voice. "B-But you said you were a noble!"

"I am," answered Alex. "But I never said I came to this place by legal means, did I?"

It's more like he was teleported directly here; he didn't think that was a legal way to visit a kingdom without a King.

Roswaal, meanwhile, blinked, once, twice before he let out a big laugh, his heterochromatic eyes twinkling in amusement

"I haadd a theeeory thaaat you were an illegal immigrant. However, I am cleeaaarly surprised you admitted it aloud like that."

"I see no use in lying; I'm an illegal immigrant. You won't find any legal documents in my bag," said Alex with a shrug. "Because of that, I guess fate decided to make a joke by having me scammed and sent to the Capital rather than my original destination."

"Ooohh, aand why would someone from a noooble family come to Lugnica in an illegal maanner?"

"What do you think?" asked Alex back in a dry voice. His green eyes were looking at the clown scrutinizing him.

He was aware he was spouting crap right now, and it was a very risky move. However, he also knew that no one could tell he was lying. Puck was not a mind reader or a lie detector like Crusch. He was an empath that could feel other people's emotions. As long as he stayed calm and kept his intent for Emilia clear, the spirit wouldn't harm him. He was sure of that.

Roswaal's cheerful demeanor was gone; there was a new glint in his eyes as he stared at the blond boy.

"You're an escapee." It wasn't a question but a statement.

"No," Alex replied. That's why he wasn't an escapee, someone who was abducted. abducted from death that was threatening him had he not made sure of Emilia's survival.

"No, I am not an escape, "It's more likely that my dad picked me, selected a random location, and threw me here due to the fact I did something wrong. And by odds, I was dropped in the capital that had closed down its borders. So no need to be afraid, nobody is chasing me. The place where I came already knows I am gone," Alex said in a single breath, not letting them digest his words.

Again, that was true, in a way, as he was already here now; he plans to live a second made-up life so surviving in this place becomes a little bit easier. And to his world right now, he was as good as dead.

"... Are you suuure?"

"With my life," answered Alex firmly. He did not hesitate, as it was the truth.

"Hmmmm, such conviction and a serious face." Roswaal chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Aaand here I was thinking maybe it wass you whoo hired Elsa Granhiert to steaal Emilia-sama's insignia."

Inwardly Alex's eyebrow twitched. Oh, fuck this guy! Look who's talking?! So this is how he was going to deal with him, huh? Now Alex started to understand. Unlike Subaru, who was head over heels for Emilia, he was not. Emilia was undoubtedly beautiful, but it was still far from enough to make him fall for her.

Subaru was easily manipulated in the earlier volumes because he was an idiot. An innocent teenager who didn't know how the world worked. Whereas Alex was far from that. He wasn't an expert, but he clearly was not stupid. He already worked for his father's company and had seen how his father talked with people. He might not be a complete master yet, but having the knowledge of what kind of person Roswaal was enough to read the man, if only a little.

Right now he was trying to see what kind of person Alex was, so he could create plans compatible with his personality.

Clever bastard.

"Alex is not like that." Emilia suddenly came to his defense, surprising both Roswaal and Alex. "He's not the one who tried to steal my insignia."

"My daughter is right," agreed Puck. "Yesterday when he fought that girl, she truly wanted to kill him. And Alex was very scared when she snapped."

The cat spirit was actually thinking like Roswaal at first but dismissed his doubts when he had proof that what happened yesterday was too much to be an act.

Elsa displayed such raw emotion and anger; it had to be real. Alex really, really pissed her off.

"I was about to have a dagger the size of two feet piercing my face," Alex dryly defended himself. "I'm sure that is enough to be afraid."

"Weeeelllll." Roswaal chuckled lightly. "If Emilia-sama is supporting you liiike that. Theeen, I guess youuu are indeeed someone that caan be trusteed," he said in a good-natured voice. "Forgive me for accusing youuu like that. As a count, that was veeery impolite of me." He gave a small bow with his head to show he meant it.

"It's fine; I can understand where you are coming from," replied Alex with a nonchalant shrug. "I would do the same thing had I been in your position. Emilia-san's status as a Royal Candidate is something very important to the kingdom."

He was going to get him back for accusing him like this, make no mistake. As a matter of fact, he had the mind to make a "bad clown" joke but refrained himself. Not this early, or not now at least. It would raise suspicion and make him score negative points for being rude. In the future though, he would pay him back. 'Just you wait you damn clown.'

"Still, something makes me confused. Emilia-san is someone who is very important, isn't she? Yet, I found her wandering around the city alone," said Alex with narrowed eyes.

"Well... I wooould call it unprecedented. Ram shooooouuld have been with her..." replied Roswaal while shooting a strained smile at Ram.

The pink-haired maid did not even look sheepish or sorry in the slightest. Her face was devoid of any emotion, and that made Alex's left eye twitch again.

'Asshole, that was completely what you intended from the beginning. Ram is the one most loyal to you, and I'm sure you ordered her not to search for Emilia so she could meet me,' thought Alex with irritation.

"Um…" Emilia raised her hand with an awkward look on her face. "It's not Ram's fault. Yesterday I split up with Ram because I was curious and wandered around."

The look Alex shot her was more than enough to make her face turn in a grimace, showing her regrets.

"For some reason, I am not as angry as I should be," he murmured dryly.

Emilia's eyebrow twitched after hearing that. She felt insulted by the way he spoke. It was as if he expected her to make such an error!

"Still, you clearly can't expect to get away by blatantly blaming your servant, can you?" Alex's attention was back on Roswaal. "You're responsible for this as well; you're her Lord after all."

"You areee absolutely riiiight," agreed Roswaal. "I shouldn't have doone that," he said with a nod. "It was completely my fault. And I aamm very grateful you were theeere and helped Emilia-sama."

He then clapped his hands and spread them wide, "Very well then. I will get to the point. I need to repay you for what you did. So tell me Pandragon-san, what do you seek from this man?" he asked with a big smile.

Alex narrowed his eyes at his offer, knowing exactly what the man's game was. This was actually what Roswaal wanted. He pretended to get cornered, and then he would offer him a place at the mansion in exchange. Alex was sure the clown mage knew he didn't have any place to stay and was a complete stranger. The Echidna's gospel must have told him.

'Is this what people feel when they are about to make a deal with the Devil?' thought Alex as he stared at the taller man. He didn't have any choice now; he had to stay with Emilia so he could get back home. He couldn't escape from here on his own, and Roswaal had to know Alex needed them as much as they needed him to support Emilia and reach their own goal.

"He would let him have this round, alright.

"… Right now I don't have anywhere to go," admitted Alex. "My plan was to find a nice place and start over. And finish whatever test my father decided for..." It wasn't a lie; he did have that plan when he had yet to know he was in the Re:Zero universe. "I guess it's… I can use your offer for that." He tilted his head and smiled a bit. "If you won't mind, then can I stay here for free?"

Roswaal smiled, and Alex swore he could feel his satisfaction knowing that everything went just as he had hoped.

"Of courseee! Of courseee! That was actually lessss than I expecteeed," he answered. "From now ooon, you will be treaaated as a guest in this place," he declared as he rose from his seat.

"That's good enough, I suppose," said Alex with a nod as he stood up as well. "Of course, I won't just walk around and do nothing. I will try to help if something happens."

Both men walked to close the distance between them. The taller one extended his hand, and the shorter one took it. They gave each other a firm handshake, a sign that the deal had been sealed.

Emilia could only watch what just transpired with a face full of confusion. What just happened? She knew that Roswaal had offered something to Alex since he had helped her. Alex wished to stay here for free. But she felt there was something bigger happening between them. She just didn't know what.

She still had much to learn if she wanted to be a good ruler for Lugnica.

Meanwhile, Alex only had one thought.

'I hate clowns. So. Much! Clowns. Are. Bad!"

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