Cai glanced up from his computer screen and exhaled a deep breath, his fingers tapping restlessly on the desk as he waited for the results of the post-surgery analysis. Unexpectedly, he felt a tightness in his chest—nerves that he hadn't expected to creep up on him. Despite performing countless surgeries over the years, there was always a sliver of anxiety that lingered until he saw the final results. But this time was different. This surgery had been groundbreaking, and he could only hope the outcome was as successful as they had anticipated.
He sighed. He didn't know why, but this little girl reminded him of... he shook his head. The chit chat with Rafe had brought back memories that he had long buried in the past. So that, here in the middle of this important analysis, he was still being distracted and thinking of her...
Or maybe it was the hangover.
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