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59.61% Naya The Witch Hunter / Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Return to Rozen, a New Witch

Capítulo 31: Chapter 29: Return to Rozen, a New Witch

The carriage was fast, much faster than Naya imagined it would be when she saw them at Rella. She had thought they were only useable as vain displays of wealth, but Evelyn's proved otherwise.

"Anyway, you'll eventually be seeing these things everywhere!"

"How widespread are they now?" Rula asked.

Naya was happy to have Rula, who was just as unknowledge as she was, to ask the questions. She hated not knowing anything; the more they discussed it, the more uneducated she felt.

--You're lucky to have her with you.--

She didn't disagree.

"Not too much at the moment since there hasn't been motivation to produce them for the masses from the nobility," Alex answered in her place with a sad shake of his head.

--So it isn't just an Elven problem, though who knows how long that'll last.--

Evelyn nodded, "I'll change that when I become Queen!"

"You want to become the ruler?" Rula asked excitedly.

"Of course, but only after I become a top adventurer!"

"I want to live in a grand castle when I become a top adventurer!" Rula's face was beaming as she shared her lofty ambition.

"Me and you are the same!"

After that, Rula and Evelyn happily chatted about all sorts of dreams and ideals; they behaved as if they were already close friends.

Seeing them happily chat about such things, Naya found herself feeling lost.

What did she want to do?

When she was in Aleria, the only path she saw was following her mother when she eventually became an Elder. Now, her only goal is to get back to Aleria. But Rula seemed to have her life planned at such a young age, no matter how silly the ideal sounded.

--Another thing that sets the Elves behind is that there's no room for hopes and dreams outside of power. The isolation has been more damaging than I ever thought.--

[Is this part of mother's plan?]

--I think anything you do out here is part of Nayarali's plans.--

[I... don't have a dream. I've never thought about it before. It always seemed so obvious that I would follow Mother. But now, I feel stupid.]

--It's never too late to find a dream; you will live a long time.--

Naya couldn't imagine what her goal could be. No matter how much she thought about it, nothing came to her head that sounded appealing.

She only hoped it would change in time.

Seeing the land beneath her fly by while the carriage traveled was pleasant, and Naya tuned out the conversations around her as the carriage moved.

Hours passed, and most of it was spent filled with random chatter from Rula and Evelyn; it appeared like they never ran out of topics.

"You must teach me painting!" Evelyn stared at the pictures in Rula's sketchbook with Rula sitting beside her.

"Of course!"

"Princess, we're here." Alex suddenly said. He had been watching the two chat like a happy grandfather.

The carriage was heading toward the center, the four towers, and the castle.

Seeing the city from higher up was a fantastic experience, especially seeing how vast it was, and it wasn't even the capital of Cornelia.

Naya once again realized the scale of the outside world.

[There could be Witches in that city, and I would have no way of finding out.]

It depressed her; it wasn't something she thought about before. If Witches were hiding, especially considering hair and eye color weren't reliable indicators anymore, she had no idea how she would go about finding them.

--You'll have to ask Sophia how she finds them; Sanctum started as a witch-hunting guild.--

[I forgot about that human.]

Naya felt strange about Sophia, and recalling how she was suddenly hugged by her in Rella made her ears twitch again.

--I can't wait to see her again.--

Alex placed his hand on the crystal, and it made another humming noise.

He kept his hand on it that time, and the carriage slowly lowered itself onto the ground.

The carriage was now in the castle courtyard, with guards wearing white and gold armor lined up to form two rows before the door, their bodies straight as arrows.

--I guess you'll meet with the city lord sooner than you thought.--

[I don't see what we could possibly have to discuss.]

--It's likely just going to be political, ensuring your presence doesn't mean anything and cozying up to you.--


--Better get used to it.--

She didn't want to have to, but having mortal kingdoms at her disposal did sound like a pretty good idea when she considered the scale of her work.

Alex stood and pushed open the carriage door before standing straight by it. "Please, ladies."

First, Evelyn stepped out, aided by Alex, and she no longer seemed like the carefree child happily chatting with Rula moments ago.

[Being human royalty must be exhausting.]

--Because of Aleria and the Tribunal, Elves never had to worry about such things. I suppose that's one good thing. The realm of nobility is not a pleasant one.--

Naya nodded. While Elves did have a hierarchy, it didn't mean as much since all Elves listened to the Tribunal; they were a united race.

The columns of guards led to the castle entrance from the courtyard, and though their heads were held high, Naya could feel their stares the moment she stepped out of the carriage.

When she got out, Naya held her hand out to Rula.

--With that motion, they could end up thinking you're her escort.--

[Let them.]

She wasn't sure how people treated halflings here, but she wanted to ensure Rula was treated well.

A message Rula seemed to pick up on as she flashed a grateful smile and grabbed hold of Naya's hand.

The stares did not feel ill, but the guards could have just been trained well to hide it.

The castle doors swung open, and a group of people walked out gracefully.

At their front was a man wearing a sophisticated ensemble, with a brown vest, black pants, white undershirt, and various designs all across his clothes. Atop his head of black hair was a simple golden crown with a red jewel embedded in it. His beard was short, and he had piercing yellow eyes similar to that of an eagle. It reminded Naya of the Garuda.

Beside him was a beautiful woman wearing a frilly white dress with golden flowery designs stitched into it, the top of her chest exposed and showing off a golden necklace ending in a tree. [Aleria...] The woman had long blonde hair and blue eyes.

Behind both were children dressed just as fancily and similar to their parents. Vest, white undershirts, black pants for the boys, and colorful dresses for the girls.

The entire family's eyes collectively widened at the sight of Naya, and it was the man whose expression quickly turned grave, likely considering the deeper meaning of having an Elf present.

[Wait. Was this on purpose?]

Naya was not a politician, and neither was her mother. Elves competed in power for positions, and maneuvering was not looked at favorably, at least for Naya and her mother. It was why she hated Soranulam so much and likely why the Elves have been stagnant.

However, it seemed like an obvious thing. If Evelyn, the crown princess of the Cornelia Empire, showed up with an Elf, it would do wonders for her image.

--More than wonders, it would pretty much cement her bid for the throne, depending on how you act.--

[I do not like being used.]

--I believe it wasn't on purpose, and more so that it just so happens to work out. Besides, you get a free ride and get to meet with the lord of Rozen, and all you have to do in return is be here.--

[I suppose, but they could have asked me.]

--She's a child, a devious one, but still a child. What are you gonna do, scold her?--

[That's... true.]

Of course, she wouldn't. It was just an annoyance, not something she would get enraged over. If anything, she should have realized what it would mean when she saw where it was headed.

The family began to walk forward at the gesture of the man leading. The woman never took her eyes off Naya, and she had her hand grasping the necklace of Aleria.

It was still shocking to see that she was worshipped outside of Aleria.

They stopped before Evelyn, and all bowed at once.

"Princess, it is our honor to welcome you to my humble city; I do hope your travels have been well."

"Please Rise, Lord Rilious. I'm merely here to see the sights."

Rilious flashed a smile, then rose along with his family. "Then, please follow me inside; I had a fine dinner prepared using the meat of a Gilded Elk." His expression then turned regretful. "However, I must apologize. We were not informed of your Noble Elven companion and did not prepare her a seat."

"You needn't worry, Lord Rilious. We can wait for your people to prepare a seat for Lady Naya [and ]Lady Rula." Evelyn smiled.

Rula looked giddy, and her grip on Naya's hand tightened.

Naya didn't feel anything about it, though anything was better than Madam Elf.

"Of course." Naya had heard people moving from behind him after he finished saying it. "In the meantime, please do step inside."

The man and his family turned around in sync and walked back through the doors; Evelyn followed right after, along with Alex. Naya moved after all of them.

[I do not want to be part of that world.]

--Being an Elf means you're automatically above most of it.--


"This is so cool!" Rula whispered.

The doors gently shut behind them, and Naya found herself in a grand throne room of tall pillars, crimson carpets, and a massive pair of thrones at the end.

[Human vanity.]

--Well, every race has that; image among the lower class is crucial to them.--

The group continued moving, going through various halls and rooms until finally, they reached a massive dining room.

It had a large table that fit more than what they had; plenty of room for all of them.

Naya counted the prepared plates, and they had already prepared a spot for both her and Rula near the front.

"You may all leave."

"Sir!" With that, the maids and butlers lining the sides of the room began to leave one by one in a uniform fashion.

Naya eventually heard their footsteps fade away entirely and was sure the room was now free of eavesdroppers, which she assumed was what Rilious wanted.

As expected, when the noises faded, Evelyn jumped up to Rilious. "Uncle!"

Rilious had a beaming smile, and he picked her up to wrap her in a hug. "I've missed you, Eve."

--I guess that's expected. --

[I really, really don't want anything to do with that world.]

"Lord Rilious-"

"No need for the formalities, Alex. We're alone."

"Apologies, I've grown used to it."

"We're friends here, Alex."

"Right, sorry." Alex smiled.

Rilious put down Evelyn, and she immediately ran over to Naya and Rula.

"Uncle, this is my new best friend, Rula, and this is Naya; she's an Elf!"

Naya felt a little odd at the choice of introductions.

Evidently, so did Rilious and his family.

Rilious smiled and bowed toward Naya, "Hello, Lady Naya, Lady Rula; I hope Eve hasn't been too much trouble."

Naya nodded. "It was an... enlightening trip."

Rula just looked happy to be called Lady.

"Naya didn't know about Arcana stones!" Evelyn smirked.

Naya's ears twitched. [This girl.]

--I can't tell if it's on purpose with her.--

Naya's expression didn't change. "My people have no need for such things,"

Rilious nodded. "I've heard Elves have more than enough Arcana on their own, so of course, you wouldn't seek them out."

It felt flimsy, and Rilious likely knew how silly it was. Naya wouldn't be surprised if his image of Elven society lessened slightly.

She didn't believe it was on purpose, but if anybody else had said what Evelyn did, Naya fully believed she would kill them for it.

[If that was Evelyn's intention...]

--She said it as a joke; I don't think she realized the deeper meaning. Being royalty is complicated.--

Naya nodded at Rilious and noticed a light look of guilt on Evelyn's face.

[She did realize. Good.]

It was then the woman stepped forward. "Lady Naya, may I ask what your purpose here is?"

"Marie-" Rilious started with a scolding tone.

"It's fine."

[I like her; she's direct.]

--She's married.--

[Don't be stupid.]

"I'm here..." An idea struck Naya. " meet with you."

--Remember, they should, or at least Rilious, know you were in the city. The guards at the gate should have informed him.--

"Meet with us?" Rilious raised an eyebrow.

"I have a request," Naya added.

Marie stepped forward, "Anything, Lady Naya." she said eagerly.

Rilious nodded, but he didn't look as eager as his wife. "I will happily hear you out, Lady Naya, but please, everyone, take a seat lest our food gets cold."

"Yes!" Evelyn grabbed Rula's hand. "You sit with me, Rula!"

Naya let go of her hand, and Evelyn pulled her to a side of the table.

The rest of the group hastily sat with Rilious at the head of the table and his wife by his side. The children all took another row, and Naya took the opposite end across from Rilious.

--By doing this, you will form some connection with them, at least the start of one.--

[I... don't think I can do this any other way.]

--I'm glad you agree with me now! --

[Besides, they wouldn't dare ask too much of me or overstep.]

Once everyone was seated, Naya took a silent, deep breath. It felt like she was about to do something that would affect her for a long time. She wasn't sure if it was the right choice, and it was an impulsive one. Recalling the massive city as she flew above it, she was sure it was also the correct one.

She looked Rilious in the eyes, "My purpose is to find and kill Witches."

--You lack decorum, but I'm starting to think that works best for you.--

Now, he looked shocked, and so did Marie. They both stared at her for a bit without saying anything.

"Wait, really?!" Evelyn abruptly stood up.

Even Rula stared at her.

[Have I not told Rula my purpose either?]

--I don't think so, but she probably had some guesses.--

Evelyn and Alex were both staring at her expectantly, and it made Naya's heart speed up a little with excitement. [Could it be?]

Naya looked between them. "Yes; I have killed two already, and I want aid in locating more."

"Two?!" Evelyn exclaimed.

Rilious and Marie both seemed even more shocked by it, too.

--Witches are everyone's enemy, no matter your idealogy. On appearing or even rumors of one appearing should be taken incredibly seriously.--

"Were they in Cornelia?" Evelyn asked.

Naya shook her head, "Rella."

"Oh." Evelyn's shoulder slumped slightly.

"I have read that Elves see Witches as far more blasphemous than any other race."

"Of course, dear. "Witches corrupt the world of Aleria, not to mention victim counts sometimes reaching hundreds."

--Interesting. Their beliefs are the exact same as yours.--

"You want to work with our Kingdom to find Witches?!" Evelyn looked like she could barely contain her excitement at the idea.

Naya shook her head. "I would rather receive word if you discover a Witch, and I will kill it myself."

"You have such power?" One of Rilious's children asked.

Naya had forgotten their presence, but they all stared at her in awe.

"Of course she does." Evelyn proudly said. "She's an Elf; they're born stronger than us."

Rilious nodded. "Indeed. But I must ask, Lady Naya, why do you wish to hunt the Witches?"

"Because it is my duty."

She wouldn't tell them anything more and made that clear by her expression.

Rilious wryly smiled.

Marie clutched her necklace. "You do it for Aleria?"

"Of course."

Naya did it more for her than for the Elders and Tribunal. The more she found out about the outside world, the more she thought they wouldn't let her back in, even if she killed every Witch in existence.

--It was obviously meant to be an insurmountable task, one they thought could very well lead to your death.--

"Witches have been popping up more in the last decade than ever before." Evelyn solemnly said while staring gravely at Naya. "Even now, my Father knows the locations of at least a handful."

"What?" Naya's ears perked up.

--That's... ridiculous.--

Rilious nodded to confirm her statement, "We also know of one but have been unable to identify her location. In fact, the adventurer's guild quest for it should be up within the day."

"Tell me everything," Naya leaned forward.

Evelyn sat back down.

Rilious shook his head. "Let us eat first, then we can discuss in my office."

Naya almost voiced her refusal.

--Just wait; they are likely just as eager as you, but this is not the place for this discussion.--

Naya looked at her plate of meat and various sides. [Fine.]

It took her a bit before she could find the courage to attempt to eat human-prepared food.

She didn't like how quiet the room was after they started eating; all she could hear was the sound of clattering forks and spoons. It felt awkward, and it looked like everyone at the table wanted to say something.

"So, tell us about Aleria." Evelyn broke the silence, looking toward Naya.

"Eve-" Marie started.

"Aleria is a beautiful place, a tree that pierces the clouds and extends across the land." Naya welcomed the question; the clattering and awkward silence was starting to annoy her.

Though Marie wanted to stop her, she looked enamored by what Naya said. "I wish I could see it." She said wistfully.

[They can't?]

Naya wasn't aware that the land was shrouded from the outside, but it did make sense if it wanted to stay isolated.

--Makes you wonder how they power an invisibility spell of that magnitude.--

Evelyn raised her brow. "That's it? I wanna know more about the Elves!"

Rula, who sat beside Evelyn, looked as though she wasn't sure what to do between eating and paying attention to the conversation.

"Ask a specific question," Naya said.

"I don't have one!" Evelyn went back to eating her food.

"I do." Rilious placed his fork down and wiped his face. "I want to know what the Tribunal is."

"The three strongest Elves, who are the only ones able to speak with Aleria."

"Interesting." Rilious stroked his short beard.

"They speak to her!?" Marie's eyes widened, and she had a fanatic look.

"The Tribunal spends most of their time in the Communion Chambers meditating and waiting for Aleria's words."

Naya longed to enter those chambers herself one day, but that would only be possible if Aleria herself summoned her, and no Elf had been summoned as far as she could remember.

"So your god is present..." Rilious mumbled.

"Of course." Naya frowned.

Rilious gently shook his head, "I meant no offense; it's just that the other gods have been silent for so long."

--Perhaps that is a good thing.--

The rest of the meal went by in silence; they were all likely just as eager as Naya to speak about the witches. Still, Rilious took his time to finish his meal, and Naya wasn't sure if it was supposed to have some meaning.

--You'll go mad if you think too much of anything nobles do.--

Once everyone appeared finished, Rilious looked around the table, specifically at his children's plates, then stood from his seat and gestured to the children. "You four go and meet with your teachers."

"Yes, Father!" They all said in unison, but not without looks of disappointment.

"Right this way, Ladies."

The children made their places neat and got up to leave in the opposite direction of Rilious. They stole glances at Naya the whole way.

Once the children were out of site, Rilious led them down more halls and rooms toward the castle's upper floors.

[This place is too big.]

Eventually, they reached Rilious's office, which had a desk in front of a window with two vertical couches in front of it and a table in the center. Bookshelves lined the walls, along with various paintings.

Rilious walked over to his desk and pulled up a piece of parchment. "This is a copy of the quest I issued to the Adventurer's Guild."

He took a seat and slid the paper across the desk.

Naya stepped up and grabbed it while the rest of the group sat on the couches. Rula and Evelyn sat on one, and Marie sat on the opposite. Alex stood with his arms behind his back behind Evelyn.

[This is an urgent request from Lord Rilious of Rozen. ]

[We have reason to believe a Witch has established themselves within our fine city. Reports of the dead stolen from their graves, bodies gone missing from the undercrofts, and vilest of all, undead sightings in the dead of night.]

[The only being capable of creating undead is a devil.]

[I ask that you aid in the discovery and elimination of the Witch; either report your findings to the Hall Master or kill her yourself. ]


--Reward 500g for usable information, 5000g for Witch's Death.--

Lord Rilious, Ruler of Rozen

--The Necromantic Devil. --Lia's tone was dark.

[Is it the one that locked you away?]

--No, but this Devil ravaged the mortal world during the warring era.-- --We're lucky times are peaceful, otherwise...--

"It's as you fear, Lady Naya. The Necromantic Witch plagues the world again, and all she has to do is collect dead bodies in secrecy to build to her power."

Evelyn stood, "Why didn't you tell Father?"

Rilious deeply sighed, "I did, but your Father has some Witch problems of his own." He sat back in his seat with an exhausted look. "I fear something greater is happening; the witches are getting bold."

"I will kill it." Naya folded the paper.

"Are you confident, Lady Naya?" Alex asked.

"It will not be an issue."

[We don't know what circle she's in, nor what sort of way the Witch uses the Devil's powers. For her to settle in a city as significant as this... I fear it'll be more complicated than just finding and killing.]

"Is she dangerous?" Rula asked. She didn't seem as nervous as she was at the idea of taking on dangerous quests before.

--She did awaken and has a pretty ridiculous power she hasn't explored yet.--

"The problem is how little we know of her. It almost seems like she wanted us to start the hunt for her; if we sent anything haphazardly, she gets stronger."

"It doesn't matter; it will die regardless," Naya said. She wanted to leave right away and begin the hunt.

"I can't wait to have you back in the capital to help us!" Evelyn said. She didn't seem to doubt Naya's abilities, but she knew another Elf, so it was expected.

"It seems you want to get started immediately." Rilious stood. "I wanted to discuss more, but it can wait until after you find the Witch, though I do wonder how you'll do it."

Marie also stood, "Lady Naya, please stop by the Aleria Church later; our High Priestess should have more details."

[High Priestess? ]

--It's an excellent opportunity since you wanted to see it anyway. Besides, they'd know a lot about the dead in the city.--

Marie looked at her with anticipation.

"I will come."

Marie breathed a breath of relief.

"I guess that settles it! It's time for witch-hunting!" Evelyn cheered.

"You will not be joining them, Princess," Alex said firmly.


"I will not allow it, Evelyn."

Evelyn deflated and fell back to the couch, "I'll never be an adventurer like this..." she mumbled barely audibly.

Rilious chuckled, then his face lit up as if recalling something. "Right, Sanctum should also be sending someone; they should have far better location methods than we do."

"You requested from the Guild and Sanctum?" Alex asked with shock in his tone.

"Their political battles mean nothing to me; I simply desire results."


[Sanctum... I have a bad feeling.]

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