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16.66% The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2] / Chapter 8: 8: Lewd Beginnings (18+)

Capítulo 8: 8: Lewd Beginnings (18+)

"-And that's how I ended up apparently bonded to a Veela…" I said, marking another of Septima's lesson plans to revisit later.

Septima bit her lower lip, worrying at it as she absorbed my story. When I said I told her everything, I meant everything. I obviously didn't spill the secret of the System but I told her about almost everything else, from the attraction I experienced toward Hermione and the strange reactions of the Malfoys to killing those Death Eaters and even to Gabrielle bonding herself to me.

A significant part of me was worried that I was ruining our relationship before it could get started by telling her all of that. But it was so nice to be able to open up to someone else that I couldn't resist. And I would rather be open and honest with her now before anything truly began to develop between us than for her to find out after we'd potentially started dating or otherwise involved.

I trusted Septima to not judge me too harshly or jump to conclusions. Even if she did seem to like me, she was a logical person at heart. I knew she wouldn't let her bias completely rule her mind.

"I see…" Septima eventually mumbled before clearing her throat, "Ahem… Well, I am glad to see that you're okay after such an eventful night."

"Yeah, tonight could have turned out much worse, even if I did have to kill for the first time…" I agreed, trailing off.

Septima treated the Death Eaters' deaths in a surprisingly callous manner, "They knew what they were doing when they put on those masks and terrorized a peaceful gathering, Atlas. Your actions protected someone's innocence — this 'Gabrielle' — from evil and cruelty. There is nothing shameful about that."

I nodded somberly, "I know. I don't regret my actions. I just always thought killing would be more difficult than that…"

"Quite," Septima pursed her lips. "Unfortunately, I don't have any experience in that field to comfort or quell your internal struggle, Atlas. Though I am willing to listen if you ever feel the need to talk about it."

"Thank you, Septima," I said.

A comfortable silence overtook us after that. I continued checking Septima's lesson plans, looking for opportunities to insert myself into her class that would yield positive results. As much as I wanted to spend time with her during the school year, I wasn't willing to disrupt her teaching to do so.

Septima seemed content to watch me work, tracing something with the tip of her finger. Eventually, she tapped a few times to get my attention and I noticed that the thing beneath her finger was the cover of the book I'd picked out tonight.

"Vivacious Veela?" She asked, giggling slightly. "If I didn't know about your adventures tonight, I would have assumed you chose this book for purely recreational purposes. It is for researching the Veela Bond you seem to have gained, yes?"

The fact that she could tease me somewhat about the subject gave me hope that our relationship wasn't doomed by tonight's events, "Yeah, I'm sure it's an… invigorating read… But I'm interested in it for what it can tell me about the situation I've found myself in."

"I'll admit I don't know much about Veela themselves," Septima led. "But their bonds are a subject that comes up occasionally in Arithmancy. In a theoretical sense, at least. I'm sure they are much more complicated than I know in practice."

"Any insight you could offer is helpful. I'm a bit adrift at sea here," I said.

"I could likely triangulate the position of your bonded with a bit of effort using Arithmancy," Septima offered. "Or calculate how much influence you now hold over her and her over you?"

I briefly stopped what I was doing to look at her queerly, "You're taking this remarkably well. Especially considering… Well, isn't this something of a date?"

Septima's face flushed but she didn't break eye contact with me, "I… would not be opposed to labeling this as such."

"And yet you are almost completely unfazed about me being bonded to a literal Veela," I said, my tone trying to make it clear that I was just stating an observation and not a judgment.

"Of course, Atlas," Septima looked at me as if I was stating the obvious. "I am 'unfazed' by your Veela Bond for the same reason I am 'unfazed' by what I believe to be Soul Resonance between you and Hermione Granger. To call me 'unfazed' would be inaccurate though. If anything, I am elated."

"Elated…? I don't think I follow," I motioned for her to explain.

"Despite how I may come across, Atlas, I am a very traditional woman when it comes to my ideal romantic relationship," Septima said. "I do not believe modern relationship values would agree with me."

"That just leads me to believe you should be disappointed by my… uh, dalliances outside our potential relationship. I typically don't think of polygamy when I think 'traditional'," I replied.

"Ah," Septima nodded as if she'd had an epiphany. "I see the source of your confusion. When I say traditional, I mean traditional in the Wizarding sense, not Muggle."

It was at times like this that I was reminded Septima was still very much a Pure-Blood, "There's a difference?"

"Of course there is. While Muggles tend to favor monogamy over all else — outside of some religions —, Wizards used to be much more flexible when it came to romantic relationships. Pure-Bloods especially. Monogamy has only become common practice in the Wizarding World within the last couple of centuries," Septima naturally fell into her 'lecture mode'.

She continued, "This difference in culture was typically caused by the way magical power and personal potency tended to form hierarchies in the magical world that are not present among Muggles. Polygamy is actually how most Wizarding Houses were originally founded. Ancient covens formed around a powerful Witch or Wizard and the coven took on a shared name, which led directly to the formation of Pure-Blood lines that are still around today.

"Personally, I do not subscribe to the idea that monogamy is inherently more equal. I am also, quite frankly, attracted to power and intelligence. Two things you have in spades, Atlas, as shown by your ability to bond with a Veela, and the fact that you Resonated with the 'Brightest Witch of Her Generation' and seem to have partially Resonated with the Girl-Who-Lived.

"I am 'unfazed' — read: elated — by your dalliances because, in my mind, they are signs of desirability and power. They demonstrate that I've made the correct choice in finally pursuing my… deliciously sinful… attraction to a former student," Septima finished with a vicious blush.

"I… don't quite know how to respond to that…" I said, stunned almost speechless.

"You could… kiss me…?" Septima suggested nervously, adjusting her glasses and not meeting my eyes.

That seemed like a very good idea to me at the moment. To the point that I leaned in, surprising Septima with a cupped hand on her cheek. Her eyes darted up to meet mine, flashing with nervous anticipation. I crossed the rest of the distance between us, tenderly locking her lips with mine.

Her eyes fluttered closed. Mine followed soon after. We lost ourselves in the kiss. Neither of us really knew what we were doing, acting purely off of instinct and enthusiasm. Our movements were awkward and stunted. I'd never felt anything more perfect than Septima's lips.

My free hand reached blindly, eventually finding her hand and intertwining our fingers. Septima squeaked into the kiss and my tongue seized the slight opening of her lips as if I had done this a thousand times before.

Electricity flowed between our hesitantly dueling tongues. We steadily gained confidence and momentum as our embrace persisted. The next thing I knew, Septima had somehow made her way into my lap. She straddled me in the chair, pressing the heat of her core onto mine.

The twitch of my member against her made Septima gasp and break the kiss, "A-Atlas? What is that?"

Still recovering myself, one word was all I could respond with, "Me…"

Even through my pants and Septima's form-fitting slacks, my arousal was readily apparent. It snaked down one of my pant legs, conveniently the one Septima was resting on, twitching and throbbing in its fabric prison. Septima tentatively rubbed her crotch along my length, looking down and trying to get a good approximation of my size.

I'd never given much thought to my endowment. As a teenager in puberty, I measured myself once or twice but stopped once I hit the mark the other boys in my dormitory deemed average. I continued to grow past that mark. A quick estimate put me at about 8 inches or so but again, I hadn't given the subject much further thought. I had always found better things to do than participate in the dick-measuring contests of my peers.

"M-May I?" Septima asked.

"Only if I can return the favor."

She nodded nervously, slowly sliding off of my lap to rest on her knees between my legs. I slid the chair back to give her room. She stared at the bulge in my pants, lightly running her hands up and down my thighs as if to get used to touching me. Then she gulped and psyched herself up enough to take the next step.

She lowered my pants with a little help on my part, raising my hips so she could get them down my legs. Despite being confident I had nothing to worry about, nervous energy filled my body. My underwear soon followed, revealing my cock to someone else's eyes in a romantic sense for the first time.

It sprung upward once it was free, narrowly missing Septima's face only to bounce off my stomach. It reached just shy of my belly button but the length wasn't even the most objectively impressive aspect of my cock. It was so thick that even I couldn't easily touch my fingers when I wrapped a hand around it.

Septima bit her lower lip, just staring at it for a few long seconds which only served to increase my nerves. Eventually, she reached out and ran a finger up along my length. A shiver ran up my spine at the same time, seemingly tracking the progress of Septima's finger as if directly mirrored. She lit my nerves on fire with a simple touch.

"Septima…!" I bit back a groan.

"So thick… So hot and hard… Truly a tool like this could start a bloodline by itself…" Septima marveled, her mind seemingly going back to her little history lesson from just a few minutes ago.

I practically growled, "If you don't stop that, that theory will be tested soon."

Septima jumped slightly and then giggled, "O-Oh? A-Are you having trouble controlling yourself, Atlas?"

"Yes…" I spat through gritted teeth.

The obvious evidence of my desire for her seemed to give Septima a bit more confidence, "T-Then perhaps I should do something about this~"

But her nerves still showed on her face, "Just… be gentle and do not expect the world, yes? It's my first time doing something like this…"

"Mine as well," I admitted, barely keeping my hips from bucking into the featherlight grip she'd taken around my cock.

Her hand was so soft and delicate and seeing it trying to wrap around my cock… Fuck! Thankfully for my sanity, Septima didn't hesitate for much longer. She tentatively leaned forward, bringing her other hand to join the one already around my cock. A petite, pink tongue fell from between her perfectly plump lips to lap at the tip of my cock.

If I thought just her hand felt good, it had nothing on the wet warmth of her tongue. I lost the battle for control of my hips, unintentionally bucking slightly and making Septima go "Oh!". A droplet of precum beaded at my tip, leaking onto her tastebuds.

Septima pulled back slightly, absently stroking my length as she sexily savored my taste, "Hmm… What an interesting flavor…"

"Septima… Please…?!" I gasped.

"Oh! Yes, my apologies, Atlas," Septima apologized sheepishly, returning her attention to the matter in her hands.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, leaning back in. This time, she started at the base of my cock and ran her tongue all the way up the shaft. When she got to the head, she began circling it with kisses, looking up at me for approval. I could only nod vigorously to encourage her to keep doing exactly what she was doing.

She giggled at my expression and did me one better. Her lips parted and the head of my cock entered heaven. Warm, wet, and silky smooth, Septima's mouth engulfed my cock. Luscious lips suckled around me and I wondered how I ever lived without knowing this sensation.

Septima's eyes widened as she realized the challenge ahead of her. Her lips were already stretched wide and only part of my cockhead was in her mouth. Still, Septima was nothing if not determined. She bobbed her head forward, stretching her lips into an even wider 'O' around me and taking an additional fraction of an inch each time.

Finally, her lips popped around the ridge of my cockhead. My tip rested on her tongue, twitching and spewing more precum as it swished back and forth on the underside. I would have been content with just that. Septima very obviously was not…

She continued her gradual quest forward down the length of my shaft. Her cheeks sucked in, gripping my shaft as she took more and more of me into her mouth. Her tongue moved constantly, curious and eager to explore this new activity. And then I discovered something. Something life-changing, ground-breaking… perhaps the single most important discovery of Wizarding kind…

Septima Vector didn't have a gag reflex. Once she was past the thickest part of my shaft, she just kept going, sinking farther down my length until her lips wrapped around my base. She swallowed around me and my whole body went stiff with pleasure.

"Fuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkk!" I all but yelled, some deeply ingrained instinct still keeping it to something of a whisper since we were still in the Library. "Septima! Septima, give me a second!"

I pulled her off my cock, loving the pop that sounded as it was freed from her mouth and throat. She panted for breath slightly but mostly just looked up at me innocently. Her face was flush with color and her lips were almost swollen and bruised from the kissing and sucking. She perfectly looked the part of a blushing virgin, eager and desperate to please.

"Did I do something wrong, Atlas?" She asked, innocent curiosity clear in her eyes.

"No," I denied vehemently. "God, no. The opposite. You're too good at that, Septima. I just needed a moment to catch my breath."

Septima blushed, "O-Oh… I-I'm glad it was good for you. I just did what came naturally. D-Did… Did you want me to continue?"

"Yes!" I agreed, perhaps a little too quickly. "I mean… if you want to. I'm not going to force you to do anything you didn't want, Septima. And I'd feel bad if I was the only one getting pleasured…"

Septima simply smiled, "I want to. Though, if you are willing… I wouldn't say no to a bit of gratification myself as well."

I nodded, simultaneously thinking fast and not thinking at all. I waved my hand, not even realizing I didn't have my wand in it. The chair Septima had previously been sitting in, skidded across the Library floor, pulling up next to us. There was a notification from the System as I did that but I ignored it. There were more important things at hand.

Septima gaped at me, stunned speechless by something but I just indicated to the chair that was now beside me and ordered, "Lay across this."

She scrambled to obey. I had to transfigure the chair a bit so she would fit on it horizontally but that was also done with an almost absent thought and wave of my hand. Something that seemed to shock Septima even more.

Still, with this new position, my hand could reach down the curve of her ass to reach her soaking wet core, "That's better."

Whatever Septima had been stunned by was lost almost immediately, pushed out of her mind by the way I pushed her slacks off her hips and exposed her dripping sex to the stillness of the Library. My fingers danced across her lower lips, playing to some unseen tune as if by instinct and making her muffle a shuddering moan.

I lightly traced along her pussy, circling her hooded clit but not touching it directly. My other hand went to Septima's hair, brushing it out of her face and gently directing her back to my cock. Despite the sudden pleasure she was experiencing, she was quick to resume her previous oral attentions.

Her head dipped and her lips once again engulfed me. No time was wasted before she began showing off what I'd discovered again, swallowing my shaft with the eagerness of a starving woman. Septima really seemed to be a natural vixen. The embodiment of the innocent but sexy librarian trope, keen and wholeheartedly committed to exploring this new activity we were experiencing together.

Drool coated my cock to the base. Septima dragged her lips up and down my shaft, pulling throbbing twitches from my body with her every movement. A tight sheath of slippery heat clung to my nerves, taking hold and never letting go. My brain felt like it was floating on a haze of pleasure and it was all I could do to focus on giving Septima the same pleasure she was giving me.

My fingers dipped into her soaking slit with a small, sticky, squelching sound. She shook slightly at the penetration, her insides clamping tightly around my fingers. I allowed myself to explore, still mostly unsure of what to do and finding my way solely by touch and instinct. The way she buried my cock in her throat and moaned around it told me when I was on the right track.

My thumb naturally gravitated toward the little button of love and nerves at the top of her pussy. The fingers inside her followed its lead, forming a sort of claw as if I was pinching her clit from both inside and out. There was a slight difference in texture on the tips of my penetrating digits.

Septima's whole body seized when I found that spot inside her. Her pussy gushed around my fingers, Doing its best to coat my whole hand in her love juices. Encouraged, I applied more pressure with my thumb, practically pressing her clit into the fingers behind it inside of her.

She tried to scream around my cock, the sound choked by the girth lodged in her throat. Her eyelids fluttered, her hands gripped my thighs, and I realized I'd made another important discovery: the clitoris was double-sided.

Happy I could now turn the tables on Septima, I didn't let up. My thumb gently strummed her clit and the fingers inside her moved as much as they could against the clamping of her inner walls. I leaned over her body for easier access, unintentionally pressing her head further into my lap.

It took Septima a few moments to adjust to the sudden increase of sensations coming from her lower half. When she'd somewhat recovered, she did her best to start moving again. Her movements were slower, though, still distracted by the pleasure coursing through her body.

A near-constant stream of arousal leaked down my hand and dripped onto the chair beneath Septima. I made it my mission to make the resulting puddle larger. Of course, Septima seemed to make it her mission to make me cum before I could do the same to her.

Despite the fact that she was practically shaking with pleasure, Septima's mouth continued to move up and down my shaft. Her throat gripped and swallowed around me. Her tongue tickled my cockhead on each upstroke and lapped at my base with each plunge of her head down my length. She pulled out all the stops, learning quickly what set me off the most.

She tried her best, milking me for all I was worth, but I gave as good as I got. An additional finger slid into Septima's tightness, joining the two that were already inside her. She shuddered, pausing for a moment, and this time, I didn't give her a chance to recover.

My fingers pulled the same move as earlier, taking advantage of my second discovery to almost bully her pussy into submission. Her whole pussy throbbed rhythmically around me like a ticking time bomb. Then a twitch of my cock in her throat was all it seemed to take to send her tumbling over the edge.

Septima came hard, squeezing around my fingers and widening the puddle beneath her. Regretfully, I pulled her head off my cock so she wouldn't choke. Little keening whines left her pretty lips as her body was wracked with orgasmic bliss.

She looked so different from how she usually did. Gone was the stern mask she used when teaching or the nervous, friendly demeanor I had gotten to know over the summer. Instead, Septima was a woman consumed by ecstasy, a vision of erotic beauty that stoked my ego into an inferno from knowing that I was responsible for it.

She clung to me as I coaxed her through her orgasm. Still, one of her hands never left the base of my cock, clutching it as if it was a lifeline as I pulsed in her hand. Her head fell onto my shoulder, eyes closing as the shudders running through her body slowly faded.

"Atlas~" Septima moaned softly. I never knew my name could sound so sensual.

"Do… you want to continue? Go farther?" I asked, hoping she would say…

"Yes!" Septima's eyes flashed open as she agreed, staring up at me and almost insisting we didn't stop here.

A smile crept its way onto my lips, "Right, well, we'll have to get up for that."

Septima nodded and I helped her stand on shaky legs. Once she was somewhat balanced, she turned away from me and bent over the Library table in front of us of her own volition, only stumbling a bit. She looked back at me with an almost pleading look in her eyes, presenting her bare backside and wiggling her slacks the rest of the way down her legs to step out of.

"G-Go ahead, Atlas~ Take me~ Let's start a new coven and bloodline~" She teased enticingly.

"So no contraception charms?" I asked, confused and a bit wary of her idea of 'roleplay'.

Septima blushed and said in a small voice, "No…? If you're okay with that…? I-I can take the potion in the morning just in case but tonight, I think I want to enjoy the d-danger…"

"Oh… Okay," I said, relieved and more willing to play along with that reassurance. "No contraception charms then."

Septima beamed a smile back at me, her face still quite red but obviously happy I agreed, "Whenever you're ready, I'm willing, Atlas… But for now, come take me and induct me as the first member of your coven~"

I didn't know if she would be serious about the coven stuff or starting a new bloodline outside of roleplay but I couldn't deny that it got my blood pumping even harder. Somehow, my cock hardened from being like steel to Tungsten. A primal need, fueled by magic, welled up in my core and I stepped up behind Septima, slapping my cock down upon her butt and lower back.

Her hips wiggled back and forth teasingly beneath the weight of my manhood. I could feel her wetness against my balls. I pulled back slowly, making sure she could feel every inch of me on her skin. The head of my cock slid down and settled into position at her lower entrance.

"This, uh, might hurt…" I said. "Just try to relax for me."

Septima's tense body let out a shaky breath. I did the same, steeling myself to take both of our virginities with a single thrust of my hips. Slowly, I pressed forward, breaching Septima's folds and stretching her around me.

"So big~ So thick~" Septima whined, fingers scratching at the table beneath her as her lower lips were invaded by a thick rod of hot, throbbing, silk-coated metal.

I wasn't fairing much better, though obviously with less discomfort on my end. Still, the sensations were intense. Septima's inner walls squeezed around me, paradoxically resisting my intrusion and sucking me in farther with each inch of progress.

My head fell back and I groaned, unable to stop myself from bucking my hips. Two more inches suddenly slid inside Septima and she squeaked, jumped, and moaned all at once.

"Shit! Sorry," I apologized.

"I-It's okay…" Septima reassured. "I think I'm getting used to this… Y-You can go a little faster…"

I tentatively took her advice, sawing in and out of her a bit until I reached a bit more resistance than I'd gotten used to.

"This might pinch slightly," I warned Septima.

She nodded, bowing her head until her forehead rested on the table. I took her permission to press forward through her hymen. With another sharp buck of my hips, Septima was fully deflowered and my cock was sheathed fully inside of her, kissing her cervix.

Septima's body stiffened but she didn't make a noise. My hands stroked her back. I instinctively let my magic flow out of me and into her, hoping to soothe her pain and discomfort. It seemed to work.

She sighed as the warmth of my magic tickled her core, "Ahhh… T-That's better. Y-You can move now…"

I spent another moment just stroking her hips, "Okay. Tell me if you need me to stop."

She turned to look back at me over her shoulder, nodding and biting her lip in anticipation. I pulled myself back and out of her depths, regretting every inch of contact lost. Septima seemed to feel the same if her low whine meant anything. Then I slowly thrust myself back forward until I was once again hilted inside my former teacher.

As my hips hit her ass, Septima pushed back against me and moaned loudly. Despite myself and the current situation, I couldn't help but try to silence her. We were in the Library! Did she have no shame?

I realized how ridiculous I was being a moment later. But by then, I had folded myself over her back and wrapped a hand around her mouth. She seemed to unconsciously start to suckle at my fingers, reinforcing my idea that Septima was a natural vixen.

My hips drew back and thrust forward again. Then again. And again until I was moving at a constant rhythm and fucking Septima into the table beneath us. At that point, I couldn't have stopped my hips even if I wanted to. Nothing I'd ever experienced held a candle to this, to the intimacy, pure physical sensation, and the bond I could feel forming and deepening with Septima in the back of my mind.

Another System notification popped up in the corner of my eye but for once, the Grind could wait. Septima had all of my attention. The way her body writhed beneath mine. The heat and grip of her dripping core around me. The damn-near musical moans and whimpers that escaped her pretty lips. Septima was my world at the moment and nothing could change that.

I felt my core clench in time with Septima's. Combined passion and heat like a rising sun seemed to bloom within both of us, shared and synchronized through our magic. Gripping walls sucked me into molten depths. I could feel her heartbeat through our connection and I was sure she could feel mine.

We built and built, chasing endless ecstasy together like two hopeless fools. With each pump of my hips, the sensations intensified. With each kiss of my tip to her cervix, we were sent farther into a trance of pleasure, intimacy, and Connection.

Then the pressure between and inside of us broke. Not unlike a crumbling dam, I spilled myself into Septima's core, releasing a flood of manly essence. Like yin to yang, Septima's feminine essence joined mine, leaking out around where we were joined and dripping down my balls to the floor below.

In that moment, I could have sworn I saw God and laughed in His face because nothing He could give me would ever match Septima. My world whited out in bursts of pleasure akin to fireworks and explosions of sensation. I held Septima as tightly to my body as I physically could and my magic reached out to hers, acting on its own to seal something I couldn't consciously consider.

Her magic reached back and I felt everything she did. I felt the overwhelming flood of gushing warmth in her core. I felt her carnal satisfaction and ecstasy. Our climaxes peaked and I felt my ancestral magic rejoice for a new beginning reminiscent of the original, rejoice for the future, rejoice that my still-mysterious bloodline wouldn't die with me.

As our synchronized orgasms faded, that strangely insightful precognition was pushed out of my mind, forgotten to the afterglow. I didn't chase it. All that mattered to me was holding Septima close for as long as I could.

I sighed into her hair, content to breathe in her scent for a moment. Then, worried about smothering her beneath me, I directed us both upright and collapsed into a chair that seemed to appear just where I needed it. During the entirety of the repositioning, I stayed buried in Septima. She moaned softly when she ended up in my lap and my cock was jostled inside of her.

She seemed content to bask in the afterglow so, with another sigh, I went about checking all of the System notifications I'd missed. The first was somewhat expected but the second and third were utter surprises…

< +1 to Perception, +1 to Luck, and +5 to Seduction for Finally Bagging (Banging) Your Former Teacher >

< Perception 16+1=17/100, Luck 34+1=35/100, Seduction 36+5=41/100 >

< Your Social Skill is Now Tier 3 >

< Quest Completed: Look, Ma, No Hands! >

< Condition(s): Raise Your Magic Theory Discipline by Five (5) Levels, Bring Your Magical Core Into Balance?(X) Be Able to Easily Access and Control Your Magic Without Your Wand (Better?) >

< Rewards: Wandless Magic Discipline Unlocked and +10 Levels >

< Wandless Magic 10/100 >

< +7 to Wandless Magic for (Competently) Using the Discipline Unconsciously >

< Wandless Magic 10+7=17/100 >

< Coven Unlocked! >

< Coven Members (1): Septima Vector >

Huh… "Hey, Septima? Were you serious about forming a coven together…?"

[AN on the Coven: I envision the coven acting sort of as the party aspect of the System. It won't be explicitly called that though and the coven members other than Atlas won't be able to see the System (mostly because I don't want to write that or think it's necessary). They'll still get the benefits though such as soulmate-level bonds with each other, XP/learning boosts, protections against influences outside of the coven, and maybe new specialized family magics.]

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