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Capítulo 5: Finally getting adopted

"Lord Raikage I have tested Carrion, he surpassed any expectation I had." I said

"How well did he do?" The Raikage asked me

"He is at the stage of being an average genin, if given a few years and proper guidance he will most likely be at the level of the average chunin, maybe even high chunin."

"THAT WELL!? WHAT DID YOU TEST HIM ON!?" The Raikage shouted in surprise. I then gave him a report on what happened during the tests.

"That is truly incredible, I don't think the cloud has had a genius of his level since the founding of the village. Do you think he has the potential to learn all of my father's jutsu." he asked with a serious tone.

"It is hard to tell but I do believe he can." I answered with my honest opinion.

"Will you train him." the Raikage asked

"Yes." I responded

"How far will you go."

"As far as I need to." I responded with determination

"Will you go the extra step, and become his new father?" The Raikage asked with a tone I haven't heard from him

"... I will." I responded

*POV Switch*

"Okay Carrion you have slept enough, time to wake up." Said a feminine voice

"(Groan) What time is it." I asked absentmindedly seeing Kira infront of me

"Time for the best day of your life, so get up already." She said excitedly. After I heard those words I opened my eyes.

"Okay okay okay, I'm up. What's going on?" I asked as I got up and ready.

"It's a surprise so let's gooo." Kira said as she dragged me out of the bedroom and into the dinning room.

"I'm beginning to think you get stronger by sleeping." A familiar voice said to me

"Darui, Is it time for training?" I asked with our last conversation in mind.

"Carrion do you remember what this building is?" Soroi asked with a smile on her face.

"An orphanage but I... don't... wait a second." I said slowly realising what's going on

"It seems like he's finally realised." Shiba said

"Congratulations Carrion, you're no longer an orphan. I hope you have a lot of fun with you're new father." Kira told me with a sweet smile on her face.

"I will let you say bye before we get going." Darui said whilst stepping out of the room. Shortly after a silence permeated the room

"... Thank you all, for everything." I told everyone holding back tears.

"You don't need to thank us for anything, you are a precious member of our family." Soroi told me

"Exactly, it's only natural we help each other." Kira said

"Besides, it's not like this is good bye. You can always visit us when you want to." said Shiba

"We will miss you, despite how annoying you are." Yami said whilst patting my back.

"While I am jealous I'm happy for you." Jaune said whilst hugging me.

"I will still miss you all nonetheless." I said to everyone while wiping my eyes and walking out of the orphanage i spent the last 4 years living.

"Are you ready?" Darui asked me

"Yes, let's go." I said whilst following my new father.

*30 minutes later*

"Welcome to your new home, it's not the best since I'm constantly doing missions but it'll do." Darui told me

"It's still great." I said

"Alright, I'll give you a tour then we will get to training." After he said this he showed me My room the bathroom and the dining room which only took 5 minutes, 'he is very efficient' I thought.

When we finished the short tour he took me to the training room he used, it had all sorts of gym equipment, weights, water for water walking and jutsu, and even metal rods embedded in the earth for lightning release justu.

"This is incredible, How big even is it." I asked in amazement.

"It's about 30 metres from wall to wall, it is the training room the Raikage uses after all." Darui said nonchalantly dropping a bombshell on me.

"WHAAAT!!! THE RAIKAGE USES THIS PLACE TO TRAIN!?!? Well i guess I shouldn't be too surprised considering the size of the place, wait, if I come here everyday could i meet him?" I asked with a tinge of hope in my voice

"You don't need to come here everyday for a chance to meet me, I come here everyday myself." A voice said from behind startling me.

"HOLY MOTHER OF- Lord Raikage it's good to see you." I'm not gonna lie, he scared the hell out of me. But he is the Raikage so I have to be respectful.

"HAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS AN AMAZING REACTION, You must be carrion. I have heard you're quite talented from Darui." The Raikage shouted and later spoke in a normalish tone.

"Thank you for the compliment lord 3rd." I said in a polite tone

"Well then, I want to test out just how talented you are." He said whilst giving me a smirk and cracking his knuckles

"I doubt I will give you much of a fight but I will do my best." I said whilst getting into a kickboxing stance.

As soon as I got ready, he lunged forward to punch me in the face. I stepped to the side and tried kicking him in the stomach before he knocked me out, sadly he just grabbed my leg and threw me into a wall making winded and hardly able to breath.

"It seems he wasn't lying, anyone else at your age wouldn't have been able to dodge that first hit. I even went as fast as an average chunin and you were still able to dodge, you will grow up to be really strong." After he said this he walked away and Darui helped me get up.

"In all honest I didn't think you going to be able to dodge the Raikage when he went that fast, you're improving rapidly." Darui said sounding Impressed.

"Thanks Dad." I said without realising.

"Calling me dad already? That was quick." he said sounding a little surprised.

"Sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. But it just felt right." I told him looking down

"Don't worry about it, I will have to hear it alot in the future so I was already preparing myself." he said to me reassuringly. "Besides we have alot of training to do if you want to catch up to me or the Raikage."

"Yeah, let's get to it." After i said that he showed me how to use all the different equipment and explained what the water was for, surprisingly it isn't only used to practice water release jutsu but also to stand on whilst lifting weights so you train two birds with one stone. The metal pole in the ground was to practice lightning jutsu without causing to much damage as they acted like lightning rods.

"Dad, can you teach me how to do that black lightning you used?" I asked

"When your body can handle it and are able to perform at least 10 different lightning jutsu and atleast 1 A rank ninjutsu." He replied (Open to suggestions)

"Okay. What will be the training programme?"

I asked

"First we will work on your physical body until you can lift 50kg weights on the water, then we will work on your lightning jutsu and ability to release genjutsu." He said after a bit of thought.

"Okay, let's get started."

*6 months later*

(pant) (pant) (pant)

"That makes 20, that's a new personal best." Darui says to me.

"Final-ly, I was starting to think i wasn't going to be able to do it." I said inbetween breathes, again.

After 6 months of training i was finally able to do 20 laps around the training room, I pretty sure I have more stamina than a chunin at this point. Although I haven't done any other training, I think the whole point of this was to give me enough stamina for some sparing with Darui.

"Well, congratulations on your new pb. Now time for some sparing after you get your breath back."

'I knew it'

After 20 minutes i was back in top form and am able to fight.

"Alright, I'm rea-" before I could finish Darui went to punch me in the face, I tilted my head to the side and tried kicking him in the side of his left knee to restrict his movement. He took a step back and kicked me in the ribs, I blocked with my right arm, grabbed his calf and struck at his knee with the palm of my hand. But before my attack landed he performed a flying knee to the left side of my face, I lent back, let go of his leg and backed away from him.

"You have improved since 6 months ago even though you haven't done any combat training, I reckon you're at the level of high genin at the moment." praised Darui

"Thank you for the praise, but since I didn't do any combat training I went to the different training grounds and watched sparing matches between different shinobi."

"That's quite smart, since you can't do something you watched people do that thing to learn from them." He said with a slight smile

"Thanks." I responded

"Anyway I think you have stalled enough." He said.

'Damn i wanted more time since my arm still hurts from that kick.' I thought getting back into stance.


How is the story so far? I think the pacing is a bit fast but it will get better when he gets into the academy or becomes a genin.

For lightning jutsu he could learn I don't really know, I think he could learn thunderbolt and lightning clone later on but other than that I don't know so I'm open to suggestions.

Thank you for the support so far.

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