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5.55% YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths / Chapter 1: A SACRIFICE
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths original

YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Autor: B_l_a_n_k_2167

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: A SACRIFICE

1989, Japan, Shibuya Station, June 7, 2 am -

"Yes honey, I just dropped off from the station."

- Weren't your bus supposed to arrive at the station before 12?

"Yeah it was, but the bus had to stop by a local Gas station. They said there was some kind of problem with the bus. That took most of the time. You know, I chose a night bus to avoid traffic at day?" - heavily sighs.

- Mhm, I am sorry that I couldn't pick you up from the station.

"Well, it couldn't be helped when your husband is a Detective in a SUPER SECRET organization, that keeps him away from me most of the time. I just hope that you will stay out of trouble. Promise me that."

*Smiles* - Yes, yes. I promise you that I will stay out of trouble my love.

A knock on the door following someone's words

"Agent Yamato, Captain has asked for you. He is in his office."

The person who knocked on the door leaves immediately. Yamato turns his attention to his cell phone.

-I wi--

"Duty called? Expected from my busy guy."

Yamato smiles

- I will try to get home as soon as I finish my work here, you better be careful out there it's already too late to be outside.

"Don't worry I am already in the neighborhood, I didn't even realize it while I was talking to you"

- Alright love, I will need to go now. I love you

" I love you too hun"

As Yamato hears the response, he ends the call. He leaves his desk and leaves his office to meet with his Captain. Yamato reaches his captain's room and knocks on its Door.

- Yamato here...

Captain - "Come in."

Yamato enters the office as he sees the captain standing near the window staring afar at the city in the middle of the night lost in thoughts. After some moment of silence Yamato speaks up.

- You called?

Captain - "You have grown well Yamato. You came a long way. Don't you think, it's time you show me some respect and address me as Sir?"

-....what did you call me for...sir?

The person standing near the window chuckles as he turns away and faces Yamato. The Person facing Yamato is the Captain Of The 1st Division of Special Forces - Shintaro Dono

Shintaro Dono sits on his desk as he takes out a box of cigars from the drawer takes out one and lights one of them as he offers one of his cigars to Yamato.

- I don't smoke anymore Sir.

"You have drastically changed after marriage, Don't you think so?" Shintaro speaks while smoking his cigar

Yamato sighs heavily, as he stares at Shintaro with a stern gaze and asks him in a serious tone

- What is it that you want?

"Oh easy there tiger, here is an envelope. It has everything you need to know about your next mission," said Shintaro Dono.

Shintaro Dono hands an envelope to Yamato, as Yamato snatches the envelope he stern his gaze and stares at the Captain once more.

- When is this going to end, S-I-R?

Shintaro Dono smokes his cigar as he speaks

''Soon, It's going to end soon. I am doing my best to get you out of here. The higher-ups won't let you go unless they get to use most of you. And this mission is something that might break you free from this cage... Detective"

Yamato turns away with the envelope in his hand, he walks towards the door and holds onto the door knob.

Shintaro Dono Speaks while Yamato's back is facing him.

"You could achieve more if you stay here, Detective. More money and fame. You could achieve lots of things if you continue to serve us."

Yamato's grip gets tightened on the doorknob as he storms out of Captain's Room.

An annoyance could be seen on Shintaro Dono's face as he threw away his cigar in rage.

"Tch..! Kazuki Yamato...!!"

TIME - 3:15 am [ Special Force Head Office - 1st Division]

After storming out from the Captain's Room, Yamato was in his office working on his computer on some recent cases of local thugs and gangs around Shibuya. The envelope containing a new mission for him was still on his desk. Yamato looked away from his computer as he stared out the window, the sky seemed to be gloomy as if it was going to rain. He then looks at the envelope sitting on his desk. Yamato took the envelope in his hand as he was going to open the envelope Yamato's office telephone rang up, he approached the telephone and picked up the call. It was a familiar voice

"Yamato San! It's me Kaito from Shibuya Police Station!! you have to come to Shibuya Neighborhood as soon as possible!!

- Shibuya neighborhood!?

Yamato recalls his wife was returning home from her hometown to their house which was in the Shibuya neighborhood. Yamato grew more agitated.

- Oi Kaito! What happened there!!

Kaito couldn't bring his words up to Yamato as he only told Yamato to rush over there. Yamato without delaying any time ended the call, he took his car keys with him then stormed off from his office, Sat in his car, and drove off to Shibuya District.


Ends the call

"Yamato sure does a lot of work. I will make something delicious when he comes home."-As she walks towards their house she sees a car parked right in front of their house.

"Strange, nobody in this neighborhood used to have a car, Yamato is the only one that has one."

The car turned its lights on, and a person came out of the car. The person was big and bulky he was wearing a golden chain around his neck and a golden watch on his wrist. He had a scar on his left eye.

"Are you...perhaps...Mrs. Mijumi Yamato?"

Mijumi Yamato, Kazuki Yamato's Wife. She was startled as she heard her name from someone unknown. Mijumi stares at the person with a stern gaze.

"Judging by your expression, I feel like I have hit the nail on the head"

- Who... Who are you!?

Mijumi asks the person with a firm voice.

"You see... someone who is about to die won't need an answer to that question anyway"

The mysterious guy pulls out a gun from his behind, he doesn't waste any time. He points the gun at Mijumi. Mijumi was startled as soon as she saw the gun pointed at her. Before even thinking about how to get out of this situation, the mysterious guy shoots his gun at Mijumi. The bullet went right through Mijumi's head. She falls on her back. The whole neighborhood woke up cause of the sound of firing. The mysterious guy that killed Mijumi, put his gun behind his back. He enters the car. Another person was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Step on the gas and run the car over the body," said the killer of Mijumi.

However, the driver was too stunned to follow what his boss just said. Slowly neighborhood houses started to turn their lights on.


The killer started to shout out to the driver.

Driver - Tch..!!!

The Driver then snapped out of it. Without delaying any more time he stepped his feet onto the accelerator, shifting onto gears and speeding the car but he didn't run over Mijumi's dead body. He avoided the body by driving the car sideways leaving the body behind.

"Why the FUCK DIDN'T YOU RAN OVER BODY YOU SON OF A BITCH I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING REV IT OVER YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" the killer kept on slandering and shouting at his driver.

Driver - I-I am sorry.. boss!

The killer takes out his gun from his behind and cocks it. He pushes the guns to point hard against his driver's head

"From next FUCKING TIME do what you are TOLD TO if you wanna FUCKING live" he removes the gun from his driver's head and then puts on the safety onto the gun.

"Fucking amateurs, I fucking told them not to tag a newbie along with me"

The Driver drove the car through tires screeching noise out of the neighborhood.

Mijumis's cold dead body was lying on the ground while blood was flowing on. One of the neighbors hurried out to see what had happened. Everyone inside their home turned their lights on. Soon the dark neighborhood where the moonlight couldn't pass through got lightened. All the lights started to focus on Mijumi's dead body.


PRESENT TIME - 3.30 am

Yamato got a call from Kaito, about something have happened in the Shibuya neighborhood while he was in his office. He was speeding his car. While thinking about the worst. He arrived at the scene. People were gathered in one place crowding the area. Police forces were trying to prevent them from going near the scene. Yamato rushed out of his car and ran into the crowd, Pushing everyone aside he was making his way to the scene. When he got close to the scene, he saw a familiar face lying on the bloodied ground. The moment he saw the face of Mijumi lying dead, his mind and body completely lost it. Yamato pushed the crowd as he entered the scene the police forces held him preventing him from getting close to the body. But the Yamato had already lost complete control over his body. They were having a hard time holding him down.


Yamato started to scream his lungs out. Which made the whole crowd go quiet. Kaito who was dealing with the investigation and was questioning those who approached the body first, heard the screams of Yamato. Kaito rushed towards the scene. Upon seeing how the officers were holding on to Yamato, he ordered everyone to let him go. Yamato went straight toward Mijumis's body, he held his wife in his arms as he was in disbelief caressing her cheeks, and kept on murmuring to the dead body.

-Mijumi....Mijumi talk to me....

Since Yamato and Mijumi moved into this neighborhood, Kaito has known them it's been 10 years. Mijumi was like a big sister to Kaito and Yamato was like a brother to him. He couldn't help but shed tears under his Police cap.

Yamato held Mijumi much tighter. Kaito didn't want to intervene, but he had to.

"Yamato-san... we have to take Mijumi sans body to the forensic lab..."Said Kaito.

Yamato Nods to Kaito's words. Kaito Ordered to bring a stretcher. Yamato looked at his beloved wife once more as he ran his finger over her face closing those opened eyes of hers forever. Yamato places his wife onto the stretcher while shedding tears.

After a while the body was sent to the Forensic department, Yamato was still standing where his wife was lying dead. Kaito approaches Yamato, but he is having a hard time on how he should open a conversation with him knowing this is a bad time for any sort of conversation.

- What did you find out after the investigation? Said Yamato

Yamato's sudden question made Kaito startled. Kaito looked at Yamato as he started to speak up while Yamato was still looking at the ground.

"I have talked with some of the neighbors here, they heard a gunshot while they were asleep, and right after that, a loud Car tire screeching noise"

Yamato looked at the tire trails seeing it going towards the street. Looking back on where the trail comes from it stopped in front of Yamatos And Mijumi's house.

"It seemed like--"

- Planned killing

Kaito couldn't finish his words as Yamato had already figured that much.

"Yamato san. You should take a rest and I will inform Captain Shintaro about what happened here. And our Shibuya Department has already begun their search and investigation throughout the whole Shibuya district" Said Kaito.

- Police Force won't be able to find the murderer. And no need to tell the captain about it. I will go there myself and tell him about what happened here. After.. the Funeral of Mijumi...

Kaito Nods, as he gets back to his work on Investigation. Yamato stood there alone for a while. When the sun started to rise Yamato went into his house, the house that was for both Yamato And Mijumi. He started to recall their past 10 years of happy life in this house. All that is now left is Yamato and his wife's memories. Yamato looked at the wall where a big picture of Mijumi and his could be seen, two of them in their arms together smiling at each other. Seeing that made him feel at ease. But that was for e mere amount of time. His eyes frown with rage. Clenching his fist with pure malicious intent.

- I will kill them... I will kill everyone that was behind your murder Mijumi... I will kill every one of them for you...


Shibuya Police Department, Tokyo Special Force Department Joined the funereal of Mijumi Yamato. Everyone paid their condolence to Yamato who was standing in front of his wife's grave.

"I am sorry for your loss, Yamato," said Shintaro Dono who attended the funeral alongside others.

Shintaro Dono looks at Yamato who is looking straight at his wife's grave.

"To think you would change yourself for someone sure is a funny thing Yamato" Shintaro Dono speaks as he pats Yamato's shoulder.

"I hope you will get over your loss and will be back to work soon Detective, You have work to do that is pending you know"

Shintaro Dono walks away while smirking under his breath. Kaito who was watching him and eavesdropping couldn't help but get angry at Shintaro Dono. As Shintaro was passing by Kaito he gave Kaito a Smirk too. Kaito had no choice but to firm it looking at the back of Yamato who he recognized as his big brother.

Slowly everyone leaves the graveyard leaving Kaito and Yamato behind. The sky started to get darker, and a cold wind started blowing. Raindrops started to fall on slowly.

Kaito approaches Yamato

"Yamato san, it's going to rain soon. We should head back"

-No Kaito... more people are coming to pay their respect and...Condolence for Mijumi

One by one, black-tinted cars started to Arrive. Kaito looked outside confused. The rain was getting heavier by the minute. The whole entrance of the graveyard was blocked by an estimated 30 to 35 black-tinted cars. Swarms of people in the black Suite started to enter the graveyard.

Seeing that made Kaito nervous

"Yamato San... Something is wrong...there are lots of people...if am not wrong...!?"

Yamato put his hand in his pockets, as he was enjoying the rain.

- It's alright Kaito.. they mean no harm to us...

Before Yamato went to the graveyard he left a message via Pager to an unknown number


2 Hours Before the Funeral, Japan, Kiyose -

*Pager Beeping Sound*

"Big bro your pager is not dead yet, it's making a beeping sound check it out"

- What did you just say? The pager made a sound?

*Checks the pager*

-Hiro.... Close the shop and go downtown whoever you see there, tell them that The Pager beeped...

Hiro went downtown with a message from his brother, After approaching there all he could see were people with murderous intent. Hiro is a young blood, 19 years old. He went to his regular visiting Drug shop where he would deliver his big brother's words. He went there and met with the owner.

"Yoooo Hiro, need another batch? Sheeesh didn't know your brother would finish dealing with them this fast!! haha!"

-It's not about that Kajuwa San, my brother told me to deliver a message that just it.

"hmm, could it be another order?

-No brother said something about the pager being beeped. Well, I do know about the order and the Batch meaning it's the first time I heard about it.

Kajuwa stopped his usual work right at that moment, as he calmly replied to Hiro

".....I see"

Kajuwa called a shady-looking guy telling him to tell others about the message. He turns to look at Hiro and said

" got any black Suite yet?"

-Black Suite? Why would I even need that?

"I will get you one, your brother will be here soon so change back to it and wait for others"

Kajuwa handed Hiro a black suit that was packed behind stashed boxes. Hiro took the black suit and went to change into it. After a while when Hiro changed back into the suit he went out to look for Kajuwa. But what he saw was something he had never seen.

- What the hell...?

Hiro saw swarms of people gathered there all in black suits as if the whole downtown was gathering up for something important. Kajuwa was talking to Hiro's brother.

-Kajuwa aneki, Jin aneki?

"We are going somewhere get in the car"

After getting in the car they departed from Kiyose.

-Where are we going Jin Aneki?

"We are heeding the call... that we all have been waiting We are going to Shibuya"


Hiro looked out from the Window all he could see were swarms of black cars maintaining order.

-What is going on...

Back To The Present Shibuya Local Graveyard-

"um.... Yamato san... Are you sure they won't harm us?"

Rain was heavy enough to hear words. A person steps up from the swarms of people gathering there. They were making way for him. As the person approached Yamato, Kaito was frozen as he was staring at that person.

"what the fuck.. why can't I move my body... what the hell is that guy...?"

Tagging along that guy was another person who had the same aura that made Kaito Froze. Both of them stood behind Yamato. As soon as they stood behind Yamato, Both of them bowed their heads down toward Yamato, following those two everyone that gathered in swarms bowed their head down to Yamato. Kaito was dumbfounded as well as Hiro who was in the swarms.

"what the fucK?"

"Why are they bowing to Yamato san...."

After a moment of silence the two who represent the whole group of people, Shouted


Following those two others shouted the same words together


The whole graveyard felt like shaking because of the sound of all of these people, After some time Once again but this time everyone all together Shouted


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