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73.52% Marvel: So I'm a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit] / Chapter 50: Interlude-1: Threads of Myth and Reality

Capítulo 50: Interlude-1: Threads of Myth and Reality

Third Person PoV:

Location: XXX University Lecture Hall, 2005

Professor Simmons paced confidently across the lecture hall, his voice echoing through the spacious room. Rows of students, notebooks in hand, gazed intently at the large screen displaying images of ancient ruins and legendary figures.

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, we delve into a fascinating aspect of our planet's history— the enigmatic figures and unverifiable myths that have left an indelible mark on our world."

The professor clicked a button on his remote, and an image of an ornate spider-shaped altar filled the screen. Gasps of awe rippled through the audience.

"Take, for instance, the legend of the Spider Goddess," Professor Simmons began. "Shrouded in mystery, she was known as 'Shiraori' in ancient texts. A deity worshipped by a civilization that flourished around 400 BCE. They primarily inhabited the city known as Arachnumec."

He gestured toward an ancient map that displayed a city named Arachnumec in the heart of modern-day Mexico. "This city, now in ruins due to the ravages of time, is believed to have been the epicentre of their faith. A city filled with intricate spider motifs and enigmatic rituals."

The professor advanced the slide, revealing an artist's rendering of Shiraori. "According to the legends, Shiraori is a deity with dominion over everything. The 'Supreme God' if you will. She is believed to have woven the threads of fate, guiding the course of history itself."

Whispers filled the lecture hall amongst the students. As they had opted to study this course, they knew this fact at the very least.

"But," Professor Simmons continued, "as captivating as these legends are, they remain purely speculative like all other myths. The city of Arachnumec is simply a ruin compared to what it once was and something archaeologists flock to."

He paused, allowing the gravity of the revelation to sink in. "Now, let's shift our focus to another intriguing myth — the legends of 'Nazarick.'"

The screen displayed an image of an imposing, otherworldly citadel. Something that had been recreated based on a multitude of scattered myths and records discovered over the years. 

"Nazarick, often referred to as a 'tomb,' is said to have housed immensely powerful beings known as 'Supreme Ones' or 'The Supreme Beings.'"

"According to the myths," Professor Simmons continued, "Nazarick was an impregnable fortress, home to beings of god-like power. It was said that these Supreme Beings governed the very laws of the universe, shaping reality itself."

He shifted to an image of an armored figure that bore a striking resemblance to a spider. 

"Shiraori and Nazarick are intertwined in some versions of these myths, with the Spider Goddess having a role in the fate of the Supreme Beings. 

But it is unknown what the exact connection between these two legends is as we have not yet decoded or found the texts to answer our question. Perhaps she was one of these Supreme Beings herself. But this is unlikely as 'Shiraori' is depicted to be kind, merciful and benevolent as opposed to the malevolent residents of Nazarick."

The professor spoke: "It's important to remember that while these myths are incredible, they lack concrete evidence. They are often considered products of the rich imagination of ancient civilizations. However, they hold immense cultural and historical significance, shedding light on the beliefs and values of their time."

"As we explore the intersection of myth and history," Professor Simmons concluded, "we must approach these legends with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Who knows what hidden truths may lie buried beneath the sands of time?"

The professor soon moved on to another related topic having given a brief overview regarding the Arachnumecs and their beliefs.

He continued, "The legends of Shiraori and Nazarick, although unverifiable, have cast a long shadow over history. We find intriguing echoes of these myths in various cultures and belief systems around the world, even though we cannot definitively attribute and connect them to the ancient civilization of Arachnumec."

He clicked the remote, revealing a world map covered in a complex web of interconnected lines and symbols. "Throughout history, we see patterns that hint at the influence of these myths on other parts of the world."

He pointed to different regions on the map as he spoke. "In the far corners of Europe, for example, there are tales of mystical 'spider weavers' who were said to control destiny. While these stories are often considered folklore, they share a striking resemblance to the legends of Shiraori, the Spider Goddess.

The famous tales of vampires and such from years later also seem to have references to a spider goddess mysteriously similar to descriptions of Shiraori."

The professor then turned to an image of a majestic citadel with an eerie aura. "Nazarick, the fabled tomb of the Supreme Beings, finds its counterpart in various cultures' myths of otherworldly fortresses and realms that transcend mortal understanding. These fortresses often serve as the dwelling places of gods or powerful beings."

He shifted the focus to a slide displaying a diverse array of symbols, all bearing similarities to the spider motif. "The symbol of the spider itself, associated with Shiraori, appears in diverse religious and mystical traditions worldwide, hinting at a shared human fascination with the concept of weaving destiny."

The lecture hall buzzed with intrigue as students exchanged whispers about the global impact of these myths.

"Furthermore," Professor Simmons added, "there are records of secretive cults and organizations throughout history that venerated figures with powers reminiscent of those that appeared in the legends written down by the Arachnumecs. These groups often wielded esoteric knowledge and claimed to possess insights into the fabric of reality itself."

He advanced the slide, revealing enigmatic symbols and artifacts from different time periods. "While we cannot definitively connect these groups to Nazarick, Shiraori, or the Arachnumecs, the parallels are too striking to ignore. 

It's as if these myths have transcended time and culture, leaving subtle imprints in the collective human consciousness."

The professor paused, surveying the rapt expressions of his students. "In essence, ladies and gentlemen, we find ourselves in a world where the line between myth and reality is blurred. The legends of Shiraori, Nazarick, and their cultists persist in the tapestry of human history, influencing beliefs, cultures, and even the course of events."

"As historians and explorers," he concluded this section with a sentence, "it is our duty to continue unravelling these enigmatic threads, to seek the truths that may lie hidden within the myths, and to understand the profound impact of these legends on our shared human story."

Professor Simmons continued, "As we delve deeper into the annals of history, we encounter tantalizing hints of interactions between the Arachnumec civilization, with its enigmatic myths of Shiraori and Nazarick, and other great cultures of the ancient world. These interactions, while shrouded in mystery, are nonetheless intriguing."

He gestured to a series of ancient artifacts on the screen, representing different civilizations. "In the pyramids of Egypt, we find relics adorned with symbols bearing a striking resemblance to those associated with Arachnumec. 

Could it be that these symbols represent more than mere coincidence? As fantastical as it might sound, perhaps there were exchanges of knowledge and ideas, hidden from the pages of history between the Americas, Asia, Africa, etc, that far back that we do not have in depth knowledge of."

The professor shifted his focus to another slide featuring Norse runes and Mayan glyphs. "Similarly, among the Norse and Greek civilizations, we detect subtle parallels to the myths and legends of Arachnumec. Could these be echoes of forgotten encounters, where the ancient peoples of these cultures crossed paths with the enigmatic civilization?"

He paused, emphasizing the speculative nature of these claims. "While the specifics of these interactions elude us, the presence of such similarities raises questions about the interconnectedness of human history. Were there shared threads of influence that linked these civilizations, or were these resemblances the result of independent developments?"

The lecture hall buzzed as everyone contemplated the mysterious intersections of these ancient cultures.

"As we embark on a journey to uncover the truth," Professor Simmons concluded, "we must remain open to the possibility that the myths and legends we explore may be more intertwined than we can currently comprehend. 

The history of the world is a tapestry woven with countless threads, and each thread, no matter how faint, contributes to the rich narrative of our shared human experience."


Location: Conference Room; Meeting Amongst the Avengers, 20XX (A few years later)

"So, who exactly are the freaks we have to deal with this time?" Scott asked.

"Well, we don't really know yet. They seem to be some cultist witches or magicians or something." Steve replied. Specifically, the witches who they had run into were led by someone who was called the Scarlet Witch.

"Why are the experts on this sort of stuff not present here? Like Strange or Thor?" Banner questioned.

"They'll be here any minute now."

And speaking of the devil, Dr. Strange entered the conference room followed by Thor. Upon reviewing all the materials in front of him, Thor was the first to open his mouth:

"This is definitely the work of witches who believe in 'D'." He said looking at the evil sacrifice ritual. The marks, patterns, and remains were something he was all too familiar with considering he had been dealing with them for thousands of years now.

"Mind giving us an insight about who this 'D' is? Also who names themselves 'D'?" Tony quipped.

"You would be wise to be careful about what you say regarding 'D', Stark. If 'Her' fanatic followers catch wind of what you said, the consequences would be unimaginable. They don't handle the slightest disrespect toward 'Her' well." Thor replied.

Tony looked like he wanted to retort what was just said but kept his mouth shut seeing the unusually serious look on Thor's face. Perhaps this 'D' was a greater threat than he imagined? Even greater than Thanos? That seemed unlikely.

"Thor is right, Tony. It would be best to avoid talking about 'Her' entirely. But it seems like that is not an option. All of you have probably read her honorific name already considering you were investigating this right?" Strange spoke pointing towards sentences scribbled on one of the documents displayed on a remote screen which read:

' The Enigma of Cosmic Fate;  Dreaded Sovereign of Boundless Shadows;  Mistress of the End;  The Evil God Who Usurps the Cosmos'

Seeing their nodding faces he continued: "It is very likely that 'Her' gaze was cast upon you the moment you uttered or read those sentences. Lucky for all of you, 'She' usually does not bother to deal with any remotely troublesome thing, for whatever reason." 

He did not say that when something did catch her interest and 'She' did interfere, dying would be considered merciful. The Avengers got the underlying meaning even if they did not understand it properly. Strange and Thor regularly dealt with cosmic threats, what made this 'D' so different?

"Hey, can you explain what is going on already?"

"I assume all of you have heard about the legends of the Spider Goddess Shiraori and Nazarick?" Thor questioned.

Of course, everyone more or less knew about these myths to differing degrees. They were common knowledge. Something that children heard and read of. Understanding where Thor was going with this, Tony said:

"Let me guess. They are real. The Spider Goddess exists and so does Nazarick? But what does that have to do with these rituals." It was not so unbelievable for everyone in the room, after all, a Norse God from myth was in their presence. Not to mention all the bat-shit crazy stuff they had dealt with over the years.

"Yes, 'She' does exist. Shiraori is every bit a deific being those legends you have on Midgard make her out to be. Perhaps they are not doing her justice…" Thor went on to ramble/fanboy about the Spider goddess for a while before coming back to the topic:

"You see, thousands of years ago, the Nine Realms and beyond were thrown into chaos by the followers of 'D'. At that time we did not know of 'Her'. Facing an unknown enemy my father took me as well as my brother to seek the wisdom of the Fates.

The Fates issued a prophecy upon his request which spoke about an upheaval in the cosmos. It talked about 'Shiraori' and 'D' who had a major role to play in this upheaval. 

At first, we believed them to be one and the same but the horrific events of 'The Great Purge' showed us how wrong we were. 'Shiraori' is the only reason that everything is as 'peaceful' and 'stable' as it is. I am not allowed to talk much about 'The Great Purge' but you will have to take my word for it."

  After a brief silence, Tony spoke: "So to summarize, this 'D' is an evil goddess like her title suggests who wants to overthrow the order of the universe, and 'Shiraori' is the one stopping her. That does not seem very different from what we deal with usually. Why does 'D' scare you so much?"

Thor suddenly had vivid flashbacks of his encounters with 'D' and a look of horror was plated on his face for a few brief seconds which was caught by everyone in the room. Noticing this, he immediately cleared his throat and summarized:

"Anyway, all you have to know is not to mess around with any matter regarding 'D'." 

"We should visit the Divine City of Arachnumec and ask for their help in this matter. They are experts in dealing with 'Her' cultist followers." Strange said.

"Isn't Arachnumec a ruin now? And it's a world heritage site, how could anyone possibly live there?"

"The 'World Heritage Site' is simply what they want outsiders to see. The reason we are going there is that as followers of Shiraori, they can deal with these cultists much more easily." Strange replied as he started opening a portal to their location


Location: Near the Divine City of Arachnumec

Exiting from the portal what lay before the eyes of the Avengers was a city that might have once boasted grand power and progress in the distant past but was now in ruins. The huge pyramidal structures were visible in the vicinity.

Of course, Strange had already told them that this was simply a fake illusion for outsiders to witness and not the real deal. 

As Strange led them he spoke: "Calling this city a fake is not entirely accurate. It is more like a mirage of what the city once was. The true entrance that only a select few can enter is through the Sanctum, a place of worship. 

This is of course not my first time being here. The legendary Sorcerer Supreme of the past, Gandalf, had come into contact with Arachnumec and fostered relations for protection against D's forces."

They soon entered the Sanctum which though dilapidated, was the grandest structure of them all. The sanctum's massive stone pillars soared high, supporting a ceiling adorned with shimmering gemstones that mirrored the night sky.

The auspicious colour of white was visible in every direction. At the centre of the sanctuary, an ornate altar fashioned in the likeness of a magnificent spider's nest awaited, its delicate patterns woven from precious stones and metals. 

Of course, this place too was a far cry from the glory it held in its past. Strange took out a white ring which was made from metallic threads intricately woven into the shape of a ring and wore it.

Standing in front of the altar he placed 'food' on all sides surrounding it in the Avenger's bewildered eyes. This was a standard offering to the Spider Goddess. Well, she was not an evil god and did not desire such things as souls or dead bodies. 

Much less, this ritual was just to open the doors to Arachnumec. In essence, it was the key and did not have very extreme requirements. The only requirements were being granted the 'ring' and conducting the ritual while wearing it.

The 'food' comprising of delicious sweets and exotic meats was more a formality than anything else. It was said that 'She' liked to visit various places in the multiverse to try out the local cuisine and so this offering sort of stuck. Of course, the Goddess won't really consume those. 

He then channelled his magic through the ring while chanting:

"The Weaver of Cosmic Destiny;  Lady of Boundless White;  Mistress of the Ethereal Web;  The Spider Goddess Who Reigns Above the Cosmos. 

I pray for your blessings. I pray for you to weave my fate. I pray for you to open the gates to the kingdom you protect."

As soon as he finished speaking, the offering on all sides of the altar vanished in a white light. This was soon followed by a white blinding light engulfing the Avengers.

As the light faded, the Sanctum had regained its peace and quiet with no sign of anyone ever having been there.


~I'll be honest, I can't make any promises about when the next chapter will be released. It may be next week or a month later. Maybe even more or less. Heck, I might be able to write one within the next 2-3 days (a very unlikely scenario). But I wanted to release the 50th chapter before I don't have enough time to write anymore due to studies. 

As this is chapter 50, I wanted to write something different compared to what I usually write for this chapter. The result was me writing this unusually long chapter for the first time, which is certainly uncharacteristic of me. 

I feel this chapter gives a good conclusion to all the chapters written until now and leaves enough to be explored in future chapters. What exactly did Shiraori do to cause all of this? Why are everyone's impressions of her the way they are? 

There is a lot to be answered along with what was already foreshadowed in previous chapters. I'll just advise not to take everything at face value as the actual facts and events 'might' be very different from what was said in this chapter.

Finally, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it and please read the next one whenever it is released~.

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