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Capítulo 131: Dao Ancestors

Hand in hand, Da Hai and Wangshu spiralled leisurely through the boundless chaos sea. Time was nigh meaningless in such a place and only one's own understanding into temporal powers would give different estimates. Overall, Da Hai and Wangshu measured their trip to have taken over twenty thousand years.

Throughout this time, the two did not stray from their path. Though they passed by many mysterious areas and even yet to be born treasures, they ignored them all. Not even the existence of chaos lifeforms could deter them.

While this took place, Da Hai pointed out unique properties of the chaos sea to Wangshu. As a semi-experienced traveller of this place, he was already aware of many mysteries.

From how to identify dangerous currents to intriguing natural phenomenons, Da Hai explained them all thoroughly. It greatly intrigued the naturally curious Wangshu and awakened a sense of wanderlust in her, one that hadn't been triggered in a very long time.

Because of their current goal, this trip wouldn't be fruitful. But Wangshu swore to return in the future and see what she could gain. After she completed guiding Xihe and Changxi of course.

"Right, the agreed upon location is just right ahead, pass the ruins of one of, I believe it's old Nine Eyes' cave manor," Da Hai absentmindedly mentioned. "I think he was one of those who died against Shenni. You'd find lots of old godfiend cave manors here."

"Anything of note in them?" Wangshu asked.

"Most of their belongings were recycled into the primitive world. Whatever's left are just scraps born from remnant energies. This whole place is practically a wasteland," Da Hai admitted.

"By chaos sea standards of course. This area used to be the chaos godfiend's territory. Our forefather's entire civilisation extended this far in all directions from the primitive world," Da Hai said with nostalgia.

"You've never experienced it yourself though," Wangshu stated accusatorially.

"No, but I have relived Ancestor Da Hai's memories," Da Hai said. "You could do the same with Moon Demon God too."

"I have no desire to interact with that bitch," Wangshu denied. "Hearing from you is much better."

Da Hai nodded, his footsteps slowed as he surveyed the area around him. Wangshu followed his example.

Da Hai arrived at a thin distortion in chaos. He slid his palm into a crack and pulled. The result was a sudden flash of light that revealed a door.

"Old Yamg Mei, Ancestor Shangxia and Qiankun once tried to chase Patriarch Tai Chu. They set up relay points to ease their journeys back. Though they ultimately didn't get very far, Their remaining travel points are useful for skipping distance," Da Hai explained.

Qiankun's location was largely a mystery even to this day. It wasn't a stretch to say that the master of spacetime's hiding abilities were the best in the world. No one has news of him whatsoever despite many attempts.

Shangxia's death however was since confirmed. Chenghuang's existence and his displays of mastery were confirmed long ago by Wangshu and Da Hai speculates Hongjun to also be aware even if he'd never spoken of such things to Haotian.

"Do you think we'd see Daoist Yang Mei in the future?" Wangshu asked with barely concealed nostalgia. After all, Yang Mei was one of the most influential people in Wangshu's life, even if he'd been gone for majority of it.

"Who knows, the Chaos Sea is vast and infinite. I cannot fathom where he could've gone," Da Hai replied. The both of them proceeded to take the transport devices and shot themselves through the chaos at impossible speeds.

Despite having surpassed the old chaos godfiends in raw power and mastery, the genius of Yang Mei, Qiankun, and Shangxia's device still stumped Da Hai. Goes to show even Limitless Supreme level experts could fall short of Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals.

"This is it Wangshu, the final stretch," Da Hai informed her when they emerged from the other side hundreds of years later. The area they emerged on was groundless and colourlessly colourful just like before. But the energy emitted here was far more exemplary.

No longer did it resemble a chaotic barren wasteland, now it was an area fully resonating with the Dao. Every step one took preached enlightenment. Every sweep of one's gaze brought boundless new concepts into higher mysteries.

Wangshu didn't really understand it. Even though she'd long reached the Wuji level, she still couldn't identify what was going on around her.

Like Da Hai, Wangshu understood the concepts of the one and the two. As such she could be considered the peak of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal. Her abilities were especially terrifying.

But that did not stop her from being flabbergasted.

"Amazing isn't it," Da Hai said. "Even after all these years, after meeting with him several times I still do not really understand." He took a deep breath of the Chaos Qi around him.

"So this is the begetting of all things. A genuine Dao Ancestor," the moon goddess felt her heart tighten and nervousness erupt. It was unlike her but butterflies were practically swarming her stomach.

"Let's go, we don't want to keep the Dao Ancestor waiting," she said taking the first step forwards. They weren't even close yet they could already feel his presence in such magnitude. She could tell even Pangu was inferior to this presence.

As they approached, a distant figure came into view. It wasn't just one though. Rather it was two figures who meditated together, two blue coloured men with four arms. Dao Ancestors Shiva and Vishnu.

They were as boundless as the chaos around them, yet clearly defined as individuals. Neither Wangshu nor Da Hai could tell the difference between them and the Grand Dao. Both so illustrious existences that a simple sneeze could wipe them out.

Dao Ancestors were not Golden Immortals. They were a transcendent existence who had left immortality behind. They truly were nigh omnipotent beings. A simple flex of their will could result in countless phenomenons that boggled the minds of Great Principle Golden Immortals no matter the Dao realm.

Simply their presence here had already generated an entire world of myriad beliefs. Concepts more vast and spectacular than either Da Hai or Wangshu had ever seen were present in droves. Both were instantly reminded of the scene of Pangu splitting apart the chaos.

Yet they weren't truly all powerful. There were some things they couldn't do for if not they wouldn't be here. Still, they were apex predators in the chaos sea.

"Hey Wangshu," Da Hai suddenly said.


"I've been thinking…"


"When this is over, when we've received the Dao Ancestor's aid and defeated Hongjun and Luohu. When all is accomplished. What say you and I roam the chaos sea? Explore the Dao together."

"Was that all?" Wangshu raised an amused eyebrow. "When all is said and done I have no problems with that arrangement. We are carefree immortals, there is no other path I'd rather take. Besides Da Hai, we make a pretty spectacular team don't we?"

Da Hai nodded in contemplation. "Since we work together so well. What say you and I become Dao companions?

Wangshu starred back with a blank look. "Walking the path towards Dao together huh? I thought you'd want Huoyun for that. After finding some way to resurrect him of course."

Da Hai chuckled. "Perhaps, but I do not need an answer now. Taking the Dao companions oath is an extremely important one."

"But aren't we already Dao companions though?" Wangshu asked. "We've aidded each other's pursuits in who knows how long."

Da Hai nodded. Dao companion was a term that denoted two individuals partnering up to seek the Dao together. They would fight, train, learn, from each other and help each other. They were people who will never betray each other and who the other can always rely on. Commonly, they were often married couples.

Dao companions weren't necessarily couples though. They could even be friends, partners, siblings. Bottom line is, they were people who swore to help each other and will always support each other eternally. Hence Dao companions, companions who walked the Dao together

"Let's not keep the big guys waiting. Shall we?" Wangshu and Da Hai began speeding up and approached the grand Hindu gods.

"Friends, you've returned," Shiva's sonorous voice flowed out. Like a melody, it stopped the hearts of the approaching Da Hai and Wangshu.

Vishnu turned a slanted eye over and observed the duo. This was the first time he'd left the fourteen realms and the first time he'd met Da Hai. His eyes though weren't focused on him but on Wangshu.

"A being transformed from Pangu's eye," Vishnu said making note of Wangshu's nature. "A hybrid, Qi from Pangu, spirit from another, and flesh from a divine tree."

"I was conceived by the merger of the Moon Demon God of the three thousand chaos godfiends and the Lunar Star formed from Pangu's eye. My body is one birthed by the Supreme Laurel Tree that grew as the heart of said eye."

Wangshu admitted openly and without hiding anything. Her posture was more straight and proper, unlike her more casual self. "Pleasure to make acquaintance with you honoured Dao Ancestor."

"Hm, we knew Pangu for aeons. While it is saddening to hear of his untimely passing, it is good to see his legacy live on through such talented youngsters," Vishnu said back.

However, his eyes never left Wangshu as he analysed her every way. The moon goddess felt scrutinised under the Dao realm being's gaze.

"Brother, you are intimidating my guests," Shiva reminded to which Vishnu closed his eyes.

"Apologies, I often find myself fascinated by new things," he said.

"Am I truly so unique?" Wangshu asked with curiosity. "I'm but one among many innate gods of the primitive world."

"A combination such as you is something I have never seen before," Vishnu said. "Reincarnated beings like friend Da Hai here are rare, but far more common compared to you." He then turned his attention to Da Hai.

"You were innate gods born at the Golden Immortal realm. Transformed by natural forces and propagated by a chaos world. A stable one that has lasted for so long at that. Such a thing is…rare indeed," he admitted

"I've heard as such from Lord Shiva," Da Hai said. "Our world, our primitive world is an anomaly. The beings within it such as Wangshu, myself, and many others are not things which should exist in a chaos world."

Throughout this exchange, Vishnu had already analysed both Wangshu and Da Hai. Everything from their appearance, to abilities, to energy signatures were like an open book to the preserver. This was how he began understanding what Pangu had done.

"You understand now brother?" Shiva asked. Vishnu nodded with a look of regret. It was a shame he was so hasty back then. If he had waited until his breakthrough to Dao realm, his fourteen realms would be perfect, eternal.

"I believe we should get down to business," they said in agreement.

Wangshu with a nod from Da Hai retrieved something from her sleeve. Her palms held forwards a small patch of land. A clump of dirt with numerous features upon it such as grass, forests, mountains, and living beings forming civilisations.

This wasn't in fact a dirt clump. This was a continent sized island that was in actuality millions of kilometres in length. But in Wangshu's hands, it was shrunken to the size of a small patch of dirt a few centimetres long.

An entire piece of the primitive world arrested and brought out.

"It's been bathed in the most powerful sources of natural energy in the primitive world we could find. Three Brilliance Sacred Water, Pure Yin Pale Water, Five Elements Soil, Pure Yang Sun Fire, Nanming Divine Flame…" Da Hai listed.

All natural phenomenons within the primitive world, even his own Pellucid Divine Water was added to the mix. All samples of different transformations created by the primitive world.

"And whatever residue signs from the Heavenly Dao that is still on me," Da Hai said offering himself forwards. He stepped into Vishnu palms allowing for examination.

Both Shiva and Vishnu were enormous. They easily towered over Da Hai and Wangshu. In Da Hai's mind, the scene of himself stepping onto Vishnu's palm resembled that of Sun Wukong in the Tathagata Buddha's palm.

"Fascinating!" Vishnu exclaimed. "Pangu is indeed a genius." He spoke out various high praises for the primitive world's creator.

"Didn't you call him a reckless fool earlier?" Shiva quipped.

"He's still that, man was a meathead. But I can appreciate good work," Vishnu retorted. "Need I remind you who invented creation's creator? So do be quiet you artless simpleton."

"This coming from the screw up."

Wangshu chuckled in amusement as the brother's bantered on. She sat crosslegged after offering up the miniature world. Vishnu studied it closely editing each detail of it into his mind.

The ultimate plan Da Hai and Shiva came up with relied on it. Shiva couldn't do this without Vishnu's aid. At the same time these two had to be mindful of time. They were still on a time crunch until the end of the cosmic year. Yuanhui or Kalpa, it was all the same.

The fourteen realms was becoming more and more unstable by the second. It only lasted this long by the prolonged efforts of two Dao Ancestors but there was a core issue that couldn't be fixed.

The universe Vishnu created was an imitation of the eternal chaos sea. All within are but illusions stimulated by an imitation of the Grand Dao. Yes, they were indeed real flesh and blood people, but their existence is eternally tied to their universe. No matter how powerful they actually were, they could not escape this.

In reality, many of the deva had long surpassed the Great Principle Chaos Immortal realm equivilant. Even Da Hai wasn't confident in fighting them in their element. Of course, for all their power, their existence is contentious at best.

The goal here was to revitalise the fourteen realm's world will. However, Brahma's lifespan had already been stretched well beyond his limit. Numerous lesser chaos worlds had already been fed into him in the distant past and no universe was capable of sustaining him for long.

What's more, Vishnu was itching to leave. It was only the relationship he had with Shiva that both Dao Ancestor's opted to stay for so long.

"So? Can it be done?" Shiva asked as Vishnu returned from his examinations. The darker skinned deity was far more skilled such matters than he so he deferred to his expertise.

"Pangu's chaos world, even if I have not been there personally, I can already see the possibilities," Vishnu said. He looked towards the others and nodded.

"It can be done. It'll take time but with a few pralayas, Shiva should be able to convert the fourteen realms to a similar enough energy types that a perfect merger can occur," he said much to Shiva's outwards joy.

Merging was different from eating. One chaos world can eat another, thereby consuming it entirely. They'd process everything into materials that'll strengthen the first. Nothing would survive.

Merging took place rarely and had to be facilitated by outside individuals. Two universes will combine into one allowing for both to exist in harmony.

"Brahma is already dying as we speak, it is imperative we get on with the process," Shiva said. "Thank you two friends for aiding in my selfish request."

"It was no issue Dao Ancestor," Da Hai and Wangshu both said. "In truth, the merging of both worlds would be very beneficial to us as well. The environment for cultivation would be significantly amplified."

'And the Heavenly Dao will be pleased enough to not be such an ass to me,' Da Hai added silently.

The reason was even more complex. Each chaos world, that is to say, each universe had a will. These wills referred to by different parties as universal wills or world wills or even guiding forces were the instinctual desire of a chaos world to survive. They could not be really be described as sentient beings.

When two chaos worlds collide, these wills will often reject each other subconsciously and try to eat the other. This was because of the unique frequencies in which each chaos world existed on being incompatible. But a merger can facilitate both wills to become similar enough for them to not repulse but to combine.

Both the fourteen realms and the primitive world are outliers. They possessed wills that were personified and had intent. Brahma was the lynchpin of the former while the Heavenly Dao was master of the latter. One built from an incomplete Dao while the other a perfect one on the same level as Grand Dao.

Pangu's body had been frail but his Dao was already transcendent. He perished but his designation should've been Dao Ancestor as well. As such his Dao survived and became the source of the primitive world making it perfect and eternal.

Because Dao on that level is indestructible. The Dao Ancestor may die, but the Dao would always remain.

"The Heavenly Dao of my world can easily see the benefits. Arrogant and childish as it is, it is not beyond common sense," Da Hai trash talked without reservation. He'd suffered too much indication from that thing to truly like them.

Vishnu and Shiva nodded at Da Hai's proclamation. At last, hope was restored to them and they were thankful.

"As promised," Shiva opened his palm. Transient light flowed out from him and entered Da Hai's noggin. Invisible scriptures detailing his cultivation understandings derived from his long years of life was handed to Da Hai.

Da Hai's eyes glazed over as his body went rigid. His whole being fell into a daze and his consciousness retreated to the back of his mind. The same occurred to Wangshu as Shiva repeated the process for her.

This was not an attack but a result of enlightened understandings being processed. If Da Hai was to do the same to a lesser creature, the same scenario will occur.

Shiva handed over quite a bit to Da Ha. His understanding of the one, two and three became clear to Da Hai. While this did not mean Da Hai instantly understood the begetting all things concept, he did now have a reference point.

He'd also received spells and techniques, referred to as Astras. They did not exactly suit Da Hai's cultivation but he did get some ideas for new moves.

"I hope that was to friend Da Hai and Wangshu's satisfaction," Shiva said to the two after they woke up. It had taken another three thousand years for them to regain consciousness. In that time, the two Dao Ancestors protected them from outside threats as they remained vulnerable.

"Yes, thank you honoured Dao Ancestors," they bowed.

"It is us who should be thanking you," Vishnu said with a shake of his head. "Now our years of stagnation will finally end."

Da Hai frowned slightly. He had been curious so he asked aloud. "If I may Dao Ancestors. I have noticed you are in quite a hurry. For what reason would you be so agitated?"

He minded his attitude in the face of a superior being but Vishnu took no offence to the question.

"I do not know," he admitted much to Da Hai's shock.

"Years ago, many kalpas ago. In fact it was before the fourteen realms' deterioration began rapidly spreading, Shiva and I both divined a premonition. A major storm will spread throughout all reality in the coming kalpas."

"Dare to ask, how long do we have?" Wangshu asked.

"I cannot give you an exact date. Whatever is happening is a being so great I cannot give you a full handle of the situation. But it is soon. Probably around a hundred kalpas."

Vishnu's admission rang alarm bells in Da Hai's head. If Vishnu was describing it like this, then this storm was in some way related to another Dao Ancestor.

A Dao Ancestor was omnipotent and omniscient to all others except themselves. This was the only available explanation.

"I know what you are thinking," Shiva said after observing Da Hai's face. "But the being at the centre point of this storm, they do not exist or at least have not reached a level where they are a threat."

"And before you suggest the other thing you're thinking of, this being's presence is unknown to us as well. Bear in mind, I have no reference for this as no Dao Ancestor has existed since our rise, but it should be the transcendental nature of a Dao Ancestor's existence," Vishnu continued.

"A being at the Dao realm such as us transcends common sense. It is impossible to identify someone who would in the future becomes a Dao Ancestor as their natural protection extends even into the now."

"Theoretically, Shiva and I could assassinate this person. But identifying them is impossible. Even if we skirted our responsibilities to the fourteen realms and searched full time, tracking them would like finding a needle you've never seen before in a cosmos full of them."

The revelation shocked Da Hai, he had not been aware of this. "Seniors, are there any more Dao realm existences in the chaos sea?" He asked. "It could be a present being with great ambition."

"No," both shock their heads. "There is only one Dao realm being aside from us. No other has existed since and we would know if he was planning to kill us."

"Dare I ask who?"

"You may, while it is uncommon knowledge for modern living beings, it is no secret that the chaos sea originally existed as a singular world. Back then it was called the One World."

"Back then, all that you would find within the chaos sea lived within that world. Even celestial beings who would be considered apex within a chaos world cannot exist there."

By that latter quote, Vishnu referred to Heavenly Immortals or equivalent realm as in a standard chaos world, that was the highest realm one can attain without breaking out of their home universe.

"In that world, there already existed a Dao Ancestor," Vishnu's gaze gained a nostalgic look. "My brother and I were young back then, could be considered toddlers. We didn't know or understand much but we were among the lucky few who survived the One World's collapse."

"The most famed being in that land was a God Emperor and what you'd call a Hunyuan Wuji Luo Golden Immortal by the name of El. But beyond him stood an even more insurmountable existence. The oldest living being and the only Dao Ancestor at the time. The primordial spirit Yuanling."

"Yuanling?" For whatever reason, that name struck a chord with Da Hai. Somewhere deep within him, he was not surprised by that name. In fact it was a somewhat familiar feeling. He just couldn't quite understand it and it strung up some speculations on his side.

"Yes, Yuanling was the first living soul in the world predating all others. We were taught as children poems about the first living creature in existence. Some say he was even born at the Dao realm. Others say he was a manifestation of Grand Dao."

"But one thing was for certain and it was that Yuanling was powerful," Shiva concluded.

"Then what happened to the One World?" Wangshu asked.

"We don't really know. One moment Vishnu and I were meditating, the next it was the apocalypse," Shiva sighed. "We don't even know how we survived. Come to think of it, we met Pangu shortly after that, he was newborn back then so I doubt he has any recollection."

The Heavenly Cloud Gathering Sword vibrated within Da Hai's pocket dimension. Apparently, it was aware of the One World as well, being the reincarnation of Pangu's longtime companion, Cosmic Butterfly.

Da Hai felt incredibly overwhelmed at this very moment. He was just hoping for browny points from other powerful figures and to gain benefits to further his progression. But to discover so much about both the past and the future worried him greatly.

'Now my grudge seem so insignificant,' he laughed in amusement. 'Oh well, one issue at a time. I'll deal with it when it comes.'

If Da Hai had learned one thing in his lifetime, it was that he hated planning. Longterm schedules just wasn't him. He'd face these things as they come and who knows? Perhaps the 'storm' was only targeting the Dao Ancestors. They were much larger players than him.

"In the end, I can only pray everything goes well. The premonition indicates a danger to us but we can't infer much else. We thank you for all that you've done, we are in your debt," Shiva said. "If nothing else I believe this is where we shall part ways. I don't have much time before the next pralaya so do you have any more questions."

Da Hai turned to face the two Hindu Dao Ancestors. He cupped his hands and bowed in respect. "Thank you, I want to…"

He stopped mid speech. A tugging feeling struck at his chest. His eyes narrowed in confusion. A deeply uncomfortable feeling that continuously grew stronger.

It was to an extent that Da Hai gripped his heart in visible pain. Wangshu was instantly at his side with worry and even the Dao realm gods were startled.

"Is something wrong?" Shiva asked.

The tugging connection almost became tangible as it reached out towards the direction of the primitive world.


Long ago, to keep track of his disciples, Da Hai left behind traces on each of them. They kept up with their energy signatures and had long formed an intrinsic connection to Da Hai's very being. They monitored their health and for the longest time, Da Hai didn't use them.

The dragons and moths were all exceptionally powerful mighty figures. Even in the chaos sea they'd still be mighty. So in the million years since Zulong began ruling, nothing ever went wrong.

Zulong and the rest were always healthy and strong. Their connections faded to the back of Da Hai's mind as there had never been a need to worry.

Now one of them just snapped.

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