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55.17% Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic / Chapter 16: The Golden Company

Capítulo 16: The Golden Company

The sun was shining intensely as Daemon and Howland departed the ship they were on and entered the free city of Myr. Howland's skin had turned a bit red from his days in the sun while Daemons had remained the usual pale colour. During their journey, Daemon had trained Howland intensely —almost to the same level that he pushed himself to.

For an entire day, he expected Howland to swim behind the boat in the narrow sea. He told him that if he could not stay within view of the boat then they wouldn't come back and get him after the day was over. He did this because both he and Howland had an affinity for water —though Howland's is a lot more innate than Daemon, while Daemon is a lot more trained. In time Daemon believed that Howland would surpass his own mastery of water transmutation if he kept training in the same way he did.

It had been a long journey and at times people almost caught onto who Daemon was, but they managed to get passage on a boat and make it to Myr —where Daemon's supposed friends were. Howland looked at the port of Myr with wide eyes as he did most nee places he visited; he had rarely left the neck before, and he most certainly had never crossed the narrow sea. Most northerners never ventured south and he wasn't an exception, but for his sister, he'd cross the jade sea into YI-TI.

"Lord Silver will we go and find your friends now or will we find somewhere to stay," Howland asked as they stepped onto the docks. Workers and ship hands were busy moving cargo to and from ships; Daemon found it all fascinating as well. While he was a bit more well-travelled than Howland he had never left Westeros and was looking forward to what he might find in Myr.

Daemon looked down at Howland with a sheepish grin "While I know they are in Myr I can not be sure of exactly where," he said quickly followed by a nervous chuckle.

Howland nodded slowly "So we will find a room for the night?" He asked.

"Well... I actually used the last of our funds to book us passage across the narrow sea," he replied —the nervous smile still plastered on his face. Though a moment later the smile morphed into one of sincerity and Daemon couldn't help but laugh. When he looked at Howland he saw the man looking quite concerned for his well-being "Is everything well my Lord?" Howland asked cautiously.

Daemon chuckled as he patted the lad on the back and urged him to walk "I am well Howland," Daemon stated.

"It has been a long time since I've found myself with nothing and the feeling is quite welcome," he explained.

Howland nodded in understanding —well, more of a mock understanding as he didn't know much about Daemon's life before he became a Lord, apart from the fact he was a bastard. "Lord Silver, if I'm not overstepping my bounds... what was your life like before becoming a squire," Howland asked.

Daemon smiled "Not at all Howland, and please call me Daemon, I doubt I'm much of a Lord anymore after what happened."

As they walked Daemon seemed to be lost in thought as he considered how to best answer Howland's question "I'm a way my life was better before than it is now, I may have been a bastard but I lived every day doing as I wished with no worries on my mind," he explained.

"But despite how much I enjoyed that life I wouldn't trade what I have now for anything in the world," He said with a smile.

Howland nodded, he had been informed by Daemon about his relationship with Lyanna and the rest of the women he was involved with. He couldn't help but smile a bit knowing that Daemon became one of the strongest warriors in Westeros so he could be with the people he loved, he found that as admirable a reason as any he had ever heard. "Are you sure we are going to find a place? It looks awful busy around these parts," Howland asked.

Daemon squeezed his shoulder and smiled "This isn't the first time I've been in a pinch, we will be fine."


"So we didn't find a place to stay, at least it's warm?" Daemon said as they both sat on a bench next to a fountain in the centre of the city. Daemon despite wearing the same clothes for a while was still attractive and regal looking; when he walked into a tavern the owners flocked towards him, but as soon as he revealed he had no coin they just as quickly sent him away.

"Couldn't you flash your power to them, or show how strong you are, I'm sure they'd let us stay if you did," Howland asked.

Daemon shook his head with a smile "They are within their rights not to let us stay, being strong doesn't give me the right to take that away from them."

"Didn't you tell me that Power was Everything?" Howland asked as he rubbed his arms. The sun had set and it was starting to get colder —even in such a hot place like Myr.

Daemon chuckled once more as he leaned back and looked into the sky "Rhaella told me that when I was younger, I believed it for such a long time, and to an extent I still do, but I do wonder if there is something more."

"Something more?" Howland said with confusion.

Daemon stood up and jumped up onto the lip of the fountain "I look at King Aerys and I see a powerful man, logically he should be what all warriors aspire to be."

"But I look at him and see a man who has nothing..." Daemon said as he sighed.

"Will you fight him? Will you fight Rhaegar?" Howland asked.

Daemon dropped back down into his seat next to Howland "I will have to."

"Will you kill them?" He asked.

"I don't want to..." Daemon replied solemnly.

"But Rhaegar tricked you, he's been manipulating you for all these years!" Howland said a little incredulously.

"He has," Daemon said with a nod.

"Then why would you let him get away with it?!" Howland asked.

"Rhaegar was my friend for so many years... or at least I thought he was, we have shared so many memories both good and bad, and I truly believed he would be the one to lead us to another golden era the likes we have never seen since Jaehaerys," Daemon explained.

"I will fight Rhaegar, he has shown that he isn't suitable to wear the crown much like his father," Daemon said.

He then turned to Howland and put a hand on his shoulder "You have to understand Howland... vengeance is a sickness that can only take from you, there have been many times in my life where I've regretted killing someone when I didn't need to."

Howland wasn't sure he did understand but he still nodded "Keep on the path you travel Howland, getting stronger for the sake of your sister is noble, the world could use more people like you," Daemon said with a smile.

"I better get some sleep, I can imagine tomorrow will be just as long as today was," Howland said with a sigh as he moved up on the bench and lay down.

"Howland..." Daemon said

"Yes?" He replied.

"Tomorrow when we meet my friends, you'll hear something quite shocking, I don't want you to be alarmed when you do," Daemon said.

Howland furrowed his brows as he looked at Daemon "It's nothing too important, get some rest you'll need it," Daemon said as he leaned back and continued looking at the stars.

Howland took his advice and closed his eyes, ignoring the cold sea breeze that brushed against his skin. Though the coldness of the night was soon banished and replaced with a warmth; Howland opened his eyes and looked for the source in confusion. Daemon sat beside him still with a deep orange flame in the palm of his hand "Better than a tavern fire don't you think?" Daemon said with a smirk.

"I wouldn't go that far," Howland said before lying back down and going to sleep.


The sun was high in the sky and after asking around Daemon was able to discover where his 'Friends' were. Since Howland could only speak the common tongue with some phrases of the old tongue he didn't understand the bastard Valyrian that Daemon spoke to the traders; So he was surprised when he discovered they were leaving the city. "Are your friends not here?" Howland asked.

"No they are, but due to the size of the group they make a camp close to the city," Daemon explained.

Howland raised an eyebrow "That's a lot of friends you have..." he said fishing for information.

"I'm a pretty popular guy," Daemon said with a shrug as they walked out of the city gates and onto the path out into the wild; in the distance, both Daemon and Howland could see a large number of tents and people that they assumed were the ones they were looking for.

Howland's eyes widened as they got closer, large beasts thrice as high as himself shook the earth with their footsteps. "By the gods... what are those creatures," Howland said with an awe-filled voice.

"Elephants... but... they've had their aura unlocked," Daemon said with an equally shocked voice.

"Is that possible? Don't animals usually die when that happens," Howland asked.

Daemon nodded "I shudder to think how many must've died for the company to get that many... and to train them, what a marvel."

"Wait... company? Do you mean the Golden Company? Are these the friends you're referring to?" Howland asked as he turned to look at Daemon.

"That's right," Daemon replied.

"How do you know them? This is your first trip out of Westeros is it not?" Howland asked.

Daemon reached up and scratched his head "Well I might've been exaggerating when I said they were my friends... or that I know them. But trust me they'll help us once they find out who I am," he said as he stroked the handle of his sword.

Daemon and Howland were both stopped before they could enter the camp by a pair of guards. "State your business," the first guard said in a clear voice.

"I've come to speak with your Captain, he will want to see me," Daemon said in a firm tone.

Both of the guards chuckled "Why would he want to see you? If you're planning on joining I wouldn't bother, the Captain is only accepting Aura users from now on."

Daemon flared his aura and forced both of the guards to the ground. Once the shock dissipated they immediately looked up to Daemon in fear "Is that sufficient enough?" Daemon asked. The guards nodded and immediately led Daemon and Howland through the camp; both of them looked around at the men that surrounded them who were training harder than he expected the Golden company to train.

"The Command tent is here, I wouldn't recommend trying anything violent, the new captain is as terrifying a person I've ever seen," the guard advised. In front of the guard tent, we were two tall men who had thick muscles coiled around their bodies.

Daemon raised an eyebrow at the comment but shook it off. He and Howland both walked towards the tent where they were once again stopped by the guards in front of the tent; this time it was different, the guards were strong aura users. "The commanders are having a meeting, fuck off," the guard said bluntly.

Daemon chuckled "I've come a long way to see your Captain, I won't be stopped by a few guards."

"Fuck off now, or I'll break your legs and have you crawl out of the camp," The guard growled as he stepped forward and let his aura flow out of him. Howland looked a bit worried about starting a fight in the middle of the camp but he clutched his trident and prepared himself for the fight.

"So who do I have the honour of fighting, or beating down," Daemon said with an amused grin.

"I am Duncan Strong, you will remember my name as I force my fist down your throat," He said venomously. He then launched himself at Daemon who sidestepped his first punch; Daemon then ducked underneath a wild swing the force of which kicked up the dust from the ground. Daemon easily danced around a rapid flurry of punches which frustrated Duncan to no end. "You coward! Fight me!" He shouted out at Daemon.

Daemon slipped past a punch and sent a palm strike right at the man's chin —dazing him— he then sent his own flurry of rapid punches at the man's body before releasing more aura and sending an elbow straight to his face. Duncan tumbled to the floor as he struggled to remain conscious, at this point the other guard who was Duncan's brother —Denys Strong— decided to step in. But before the fight could continue a dark-skinned man emerged from the tent.

"What is going on out here!" He shouted.

Daemon brushed his hair behind his ears and smiled at the man "I only wished to talk to your captain, but these men felt the need to get in my way," he replied.

"Who are you," the dark-skinned man said as he approached Daemon.

"That will be best said in front of the captain," Daemon stated.

The man laughed "I wouldn't even entertain this if it had been anyone else, but I will enjoy seeing the captain taking their temper out on you," he said before gesturing with his hand to go inside the tent.

Daemon wasn't worried however and walked towards the tent —grabbing Howland by the shoulder as he did. Howland gulped as he looked at the skulls covered in gold surrounding the entrance to the tent; Daemon wondered if he should've saved his uncle's skull and given it to them. Though from what his uncle had told him he regretted forming the Golden Company.

Daemon walked through the threshold of the tent with Howland at his side. When they emerged on the other side they were greeted by a large round table that had three men as well as two empty seats. The dark-skinned man walked through behind Daemon and took one of the empty seats; they all looked up at Daemon and Howland, one of the men leaned next to the dark-skinned one as he whispered into his ear.

"You wish to speak with the Captain-General of the Golden Company, you have your wish, now speak," he said bluntly.

Daemon cleared his throat "I've come to ask for your help, the Targaryen dynasty has become sick with corruption, I had placed my hopes in the son but it seems he is just as bad as the father."

The men started to laugh, with the dark-skinned man nearly falling out of his chair "You wish for... us to fight for you! And who are you!" The man asked rhetorically.

Daemon wasn't phased by their laughter, however. "I am Daemon V Blackfyre and it was my namesake and my uncle that commanded you, or have you forgotten my family?" Daemon said in an authoritative tone.

The men stopped laughing and their humorous expressions melted away from their faces. "You are a brave man to walk in here and claim to be a Blackfyre, but a brave man or not I will still cut out your tongue for that," The man said as he stabbed his dagger into the table.

"I claim nothing more than who I am, despite walking into this tent do not think I couldn't kill every single one of them with one hand while I take a piss with the other," Daemon said as he withdrew his sword. Their eyes were immediately fixed on the smokey dark metal that the blade was composed of; then for the first time since he had got the blade Daemon undid the wrap that covered the handle revealing Blackfyre in all its glory.

The men all stood up in shock "Where did you get that sword from!" The dark-skinned man shouted.

"From my Uncle Aegor, or as you know him the Bittersteel," Daemon replied.

"The only other Blackfyre is my brother, but you can't be him because I was told he died shortly after our birth..."

Daemon and Howland both turned to the voice that they had heard come from behind them. Sitting by the entrance cutting an apple with a dagger sat a beautiful woman with white hair; she wore a white tunic similar to Daemon but wore leather armour on top. Howland found himself shocked once again —the revelation that Daemon Silver was Daemon Blackfyre nearly sent him reeling to the ground— he could immediately see the similarities between Daemon and this mystery woman. He could tell that Daemon did as well as his face had gone even paler than it usually was.

"Serra?" Daemon said with his voice close to breaking.

"That's right, Serra Blackfyre, Captain-General of the Golden Company," She said firmly.

"That there is my Vice Captain Myles Toyne, Paymaster Harry Strickland, Archer Commander Black Balaq," she said as she introduced her men. She then stood up her blank face making way for a scowl. "You dare to come into my camp wielding my ancestor's sword and imitating my brother," She said as she approached Daemon.

Her aura flared up nearly pushing Howland to the ground, her eyes had turned a crimson red and with every step she took towards Daemon, her aura got larger. "I was going to come and find you..." Daemon whispered out to her.

Though his words only made Serra angrier. "My brother is dead! Say one word more and you won't be leaving this camp!" She shouted at him. Howland had to back away as her aura was becoming too intense for him to withstand 'Her aura is incredible,' Howland thought to himself as he backed away.

Daemon flared his own aura as his eyes became crimson matching Serra's. The other men in the tent looked on in shock and amazement as they saw Daemon withstand their Captain's aura; they also saw his crimson eyes and quickly started to consider that Daemon was who he said he was.

"Give me the sword," Serra growled out, she still wasn't convinced of Daemon's identity —her anger was clouding her vision and making her behave rashly.

Daemon composed himself, the shock of seeing his sister had flooded him full of emotions, but despite the fact that he had just found his sister he needed to do what he came here for "As the last male member of House Blackfyre I execute my right to take the position of Captain-General, if any of you have a problem with this speak now," Daemon said as looked over to the others who stayed silent —still in shock.

"As the current Captain-General and member of House Blackfyre I contest your claim, while I cannot disprove you are not who you say you are I can beat you into a bloody pulp and rip the sword away from your corpse," Serra said viciously.

Daemon felt sad but nodded nonetheless "Then I shall duel you for the right, when shall it take place?" He asked.

"Now!" She said angrily as she pushed past him. Howland quickly jumped out of the way activating his ability just in case she decided to take her anger out on him.

"I hope you know what you're doing..." Howland whispered.

Daemon smirked at his squire and clapped him on the back "Have I ever given reason for you to doubt me."



Lyanna sat with Lysa in a carriage a few dozen miles away from Riverrun. After everything that had happened in Harrenhal a few months ago, she had felt numb inside; Lysa had taken it upon herself to try and Bring life back to Lyanna but it seemed it wouldn't be an easy task. They were coming back from their journey to Maidenpool where Lysa had visited her Uncle Brynden who had fallen out with her father again. Lord Stark permitted Lyanna to accompany Lysa as he saw how upset she was at what happened to Daemon —though he wasn't happy about it.

"You've not been eating properly Lyanna, you must eat, Daemon wouldn't want you to feel like this," Lysa said as she took Lyanna's hand in her own.

"It was my selfish actions that got him sent away, had I just sat and watched the joust this wouldn't have happened," Lyanna said in a low emotionless tone.

Lysa leaned her head on her shoulder "You had no way of knowing it would've ended like that, I'm sure Daemon knows that."

"Now cheer up, since father cancelled my betrothal to Daemon he's moved the wedding between Cat and Brandon up, by the time we get back it will start, don't ruin their big day with your sour face," Lysa said as she used her hands to make a smile on Lyanna's face.

"I'll try..." Lyanna said as she went back to looking out of the window. In truth, her emotions had been going haywire and she knew why. Her monthly bleeding hadn't come for the past few months; she was with her child, Daemon's child, and he wasn't here to share in her joy. She wiped a tear off her face with the sleeve of her dress 'I hope you're okay...' she thought to herself.

The carriage abruptly stopped as she was lost in her thoughts. The sudden jolt made her look around in confusion "Why did we stop?" She said aloud.

"Perhaps a tree in the road?" Lysa said as she shrugged.

Lyanna opened the door to the carriage and peeked her head out. Standing in their path were three horsemen; Lyanna recognised them all instantly as it hadn't been that long since she saw them. Rhaegar Targaryen, Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent, all on horseback and in armour.

"I have come for Lady Lyanna Stark, give her to me and you may move on," Rhaegar said with a smirk.

(AN: Things are happening, there will be two big fight scenes next chapter, hope you enjoy them. Hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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