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6.89% Multiverse-Crafter / Chapter 2: Why don't I shut up?

Capítulo 2: Why don't I shut up?



The sound of knocks on the door wakes me up the next morning.

I was so tired yesterday that I slept in the same clothes. Not that I had any other clothes to change into, but as a result, I was really stinking on this sunny morning.

"Should I use my magic points to make clothes? If I use Aura, will I have to keep spending Aura all day to maintain them?"

My concentration is broken when I hear knocks on the door again.

As soon as I open the door, I come face to face with Glynda Goodwitch.

"Good morning, Glynda."

In response, she frowned and stared at me sternly.

Damn, what did I do? I just said, "good morning."

"Mr. Arc!" She said in a serious tone. "Although I consider you a member of professor Ozpin's inner circle, thus an addition to the secret group that protects Remnant, I would like you to treat me with the respect that every Beacon student should show to any member of the academy's faculty."

"Sorry, Gly-." A dry cough from the teacher interrupts me in time to correct my mistake. "Sorry, Professor Goodwitch."

She closes her eyes and smiles serenely, pleased with my new attitude.

"Apologies accepted, Mr. Arc." She hands me a bag full of clothes. "I need to maintain my posture as an educator in your presence. Otherwise, I might develop some behavioral addiction that could provide fuel for gossip among nosy students."

"Thank you for the clothes." That calms me down; I thought I had already made a bad impression. "And don't worry about being tough on me when disciplining me."

"I'm glad to know that you are more mature than I thought." She expresses satisfaction with my response.

"It's fine. I even like it when you yell and humiliate me in front of others."

"No! I meant that-"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"It's not that I'm into you, but it doesn't mean you're not beautiful, it's just that-. " Oh my God, why don't I shut up? "It's just that…"

Damn it, I have to stop talking before I say something weird.

"I'm a bit masochistic, you know."


Professor Goodwitch closes her eyes, then opens them, having regained her posture as an educator.

"I have the impression that you have trouble controlling your tongue, Mr. Arc."


"Yes, actually, I have Attention Deficit Disorder, one of the characteristics is that I'm impulsive in my superficial thoughts."

She stares at me for a few seconds.

"I see."

And here I was thinking I would be the hero of the story who would save everyone and maybe have a harem.

"I'm sorry." I mumble, looking down.

She looks at me with an arched eyebrow, suspicious of my behavior.

"Take a shower and change your clothes before you go to initiation, Mr. Arc. You stink."

The door slams shut in my face.

In the bag of clothes, I found 2 white shirts, 1 pair of jeans, underwear, and socks.

"Phew, I'll save some magic points."

I take a shower, change clothes, and have my breakfast in record time. After all, I would rather not be late for my introduction to the two most influential girls of the first year.

"So, Pyrrha, have you thought about which team you'd like to be on?" an enthusiastic female voice said.

There they are.

In the unisex locker room, I find two teenage girls, one small and completely white, and the other tall in red and gold.

"I'm sure everyone would like to team up with such a strong and well-known individual like you," the girl's voice was pleasant but somewhat fake, as if she were a salesperson trying to trick someone.

Weiss has pale skin, long white hair, and striking blue eyes. She is wearing the iconic white dress with a high collar, accompanied by a bolero-style jacket, a skirt, and knee-high boots. Resting on her side is the rapier "Myrtenaster," a weapon capable of using Dust to unleash various elemental attacks.

"I don't know…" Pyrrha replied. "Actually, I was planning to leave it up to luck."

Pyrrha has fair skin, long red hair, and expressive green eyes. She is wearing her combat attire, which consists of a golden and red armor with a tiara. In addition, she carries a spear and a shield named "Miló and Akoúo̱," her weapons of choice.

I would rather not do this, I would rather not act like an asshole, but I need to get closer to Pyrrha.

"I was thinking… if we could be on the same team."

"That sounds great." the redhead replied in a polite yet fake eager tone.

I approached the two as Weiss was scheming her plan to dominate the school, the ambitious little girl.

Positioning myself between them, I turn to Weiss and start my routine.

"Do you know what else is great?" Can't believe I'm going to say this. "Me! I'm Jaune Arc, nice to meet you."

Weiss stares at me with disgust, as if I were a piece of shit she had stepped on the sidewalk. But since I didn't sleep in the same area as the other students, she doesn't recognize me, and her reaction is astonishment at my horrible introduction.

"Pleasure to meet you, Jaune," the Amazon says sincerely.

Wow, Pyrrha, I know you feel lonely, but you can't just listen to a sentence like that and be overjoyed. Value yourself, girl.

"I can't believe this," The girl in white muttered.

Focus, you need to keep acting like a confident jerk, swallowing hard as I maintain my act, looking at Weiss.

"I heard we're going to form teams, and I thought a beautiful girl like you would like to team up with me."

Weiss couldn't even look me in the eye, I understand, I wanted to turn my head too.

"Actually, I think the teams have four students," Pyrrha commented.

I turn to her and get close, almost touching her, close enough to smell her perfume.

And my God, she smells so good, it's spicy with hints of cinnamon, leather, and something citrus.

Focus! I need to focus.

"Lucky you, princess. If you behave, you can still hop on the Arc train."

Is it just my imagination, or did she just turn her head… smiling… biting her lip?

It must have been my imagination.

"Your name is Jaune, right?" Weiss interjects, coming between me and Pyrrha. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

"No, Snow princess." I prefer using princess than angel.

"This is Pyrrha Nikos."

"Hello again," said the redhead, waving happily at me.

"She graduated first in the Sanctum Academy."

"Never heard of her." Of course, I knew, but it was important to stay in character.

Indignant, Weiss continues.

"She won the annual Mistral regional tournament four years in a row, a record."

"Seriously? Wow, congratulations." This time I was being authentic, winning four times in a row since the age of 13 is no small feat.

"She's on the cover of Pumpkin Pete's cereals."

"Wow, they only do that with celebrities and famous athletes. You're amazing, Pyrrha."

"Thank you," she said dejectedly, for some reason she seemed sadder. "It was nice, despite the cereal being bad for your health."

"So, Jaune," the girl in white says accusingly as she looks at me from head to toe. "After hearing all this, do you think you're in a position to ask her to join your team?"

"Of course."

My statement caught both of them by surprise.

"You must be very confident in your abilities or have a lot of influence in the world to say something like that," Weiss comments, curious about who I am.

"In fact, I admit that I'm weak, and my connections can be counted on one hand."

"So you're just an idiot."


"I just think Pyrrha seems like a nice person. She didn't know me and treated me with respect, despite her being so famous and influential." I decided to improvise the ending to avoid being skewered.

Looking into the Mistral champion's eyes, I continue.

"Pyrrha, you seem like someone humble, kind, respectable, and very pleasant to talk to." I try to smile as genuinely as possible. "And I would love to be on the same team as you."

This sparks joy in the girl, who gives me the biggest smile I've seen since I arrived in this world.

"Good luck to both of you, see you at the initiation."

I walk towards the cliff, confident that I made a good impression on Pyrrha and afraid that I may have had a worse one with Weiss.

[Pyrrha Nikos]

Who are you, Jaune Arc?

When you approached me in the locker room, I thought you were another person trying to take advantage of me and my fame.

But no, besides not knowing who I was, you approached Weiss first. At that moment, I thought you were interested in the Schnee family's money, but you weren't after money either.

If money and fame weren't the reasons you approached, then what was?

In the end, the answer was the simplest of all: you thought that Weiss and I were beautiful, and that's why you came to talk to us.

That was a first for me.

I've had people in the past who tried to flirt with me, but their interest in my appearance was at most secondary. When men and women talk to me, they want to know what I can do for them… for their careers…

But Jaune… he thought I was beautiful? He said I was kind and pleasant to talk to as well.

I begin to smile awkwardly on the launch platform for the Emerald Forest. I allowed myself to ignore the professor because I had already memorized the Applicant's Guide to Beacon.

Does he like animals? What kind of food does he like? Does he like muscular girls? Due to my training, I am well-toned, especially in my legs. I hope he doesn't find it repulsive.


What was that scream?

I looked around, searching for the source of the voice that interrupted my thoughts.

It was Jaune!

In the distance, I saw a blond figure in a white shirt flying towards the forest.

But why did he scream? Wait! Did he forget to plan his landing strategy?

As I am launched, I activate Polarity, my semblance, and make a course correction, being pulled towards Jaune by my ferromagnetic items.

Spotting a thick and stable branch, I force my landing on it and pull out Miló in the form of a rifle. Through the scope, I locate my target, and using the mechashift function, I transform my rifle into a spear and throw it with the force of my arm and a Dust shot.

Guided by my semblance, I hit the target precisely without hurting my crush.

I mean, friend!

That's… what I meant.

"Thank you," echoed through the forest, proving that he was alive.

"Sorry." I replied, running towards him.

Although I knew where Jaune was, I was also guided by my semblance. Polarity, besides allowing me to control metals through magnetism, also gave me the ability to detect metals. With that shield, finding Jaune would be simple.

A few meters from the tree where I impaled Jaune, I began to feel a peculiar magnetic field.

"Weird." I stopped, concentrating more on my semblance.

It was definitely metal, but I couldn't distinguish what kind of alloy it was. It seemed complex, difficult to manipulate.

"If you're going to stare at me, can you at least help me get down?" Jaune?!

Someone found him before me? I urgently run towards my future partner, who luckily is still stuck in the tree, while Weiss is being pulled by a girl in red.

"Is there still room on your train?" I sarcastically ask.

"You're quite the comedian, huh?" Despite being hanging from a tree, he seemed happy to see me.

How do I get him down? I could use my semblance in front of him. After all, he's my partner now, there's no point in hiding it from him.

"Lift your head, Pyr!"


Before I could react, Jaune pulled out Miló and fell from the tree. By reflex, I extended my arms and caught the blond before he hit the ground.

"So, that's what every man wants, a beautiful girl treating him like a princess." Jaune fell, lying in my arms.

Despite the mocking tone, he seemed happy. I was worried that he would consider me to be a stalker for impaling him on a tree and going after him.

But he was happy, smiling in my lap, with his messy blond hair and those big blue eyes.


"Yes, Jaune."

"I would rather not seem ungrateful… but would you mind putting me down?"

"Sorry." Startled, I let him fall.


"Sorry." Darn it. "I'm truly sorry, Jaune. I'm not usually this clumsy."

"It's okay, Pyr. It's normal to get nervous when meeting new people."

Pyr? He called me that again.

"Why are you calling me that, Jaune?"

"That what?"


The blond boy thinks for a few seconds before responding.

"A cute nickname. If you'd like, I can stop calling you that."

"NO!" I unintentionally shouted.

Jaune froze, staring at me.

"I mean, I liked the nickname. You can call me that."

"Let's keep moving."

We walk for a few minutes, and despite hearing gunshots and explosions relatively close by, no Grimm attacks us.

"Are you okay, Pyr?"

Why are they avoiding us?


Maybe the other candidates are ahead of us and have already cleared a significant portion of the Grimm in this forest.


"Yes!" Darn it, I was ignoring Jaune. "Sorry."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have shouted," the blond says sadly.

"It's not a big deal. It's all my fault, Jaune. I wasn't paying attention."

He looked at me curiously, as if trying to analyze me.

"I shouldn't have shouted because I ended up attracting Grimm."

Growls started coming from the bushes near the trees, then a wolf-like creature emerged from the undergrowth, with a black body covered in bones and some parts of its body.

"A Beowolf?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, at least it's not an Alpha," I inform as I equip Akoúo̱ and transform Miló from a spear into its sword form.

I quickly engage in an attack against the creature, hitting its body with my shield and pressing its monstrous body against a tree.

"ROAAAARG!" The Grimm roared, trying to escape and scratching my shield.

I swiftly pierce the creature's chest with my sword and then press the blade upward, cutting the creature from its chest to the neck.

The monster lets out a dry roar of pain, but its body starts becoming inert and begins to dissolve.

Happy with the outcome, I turned towards my partner, who was being attacked by 3 Beowolves.


He had his shield raised and a knife that seemed to be… buzzing?

"I need a hand here, Pyr."

I leaped over him, hitting one of the Beowolves with my shield and the other with a kick to the snout.

"Hold on tight, Jaune."

Engaging with two of them at the same time, I left Jaune to defend himself against the third.

Please wait a moment while I take care of these two.

I threw my shield at the creature on the left, stunning it for a few seconds. Meanwhile, I ran towards the one on the right and cut off the hand, it extended to strike me.


The monster arched its back, throwing its body backward while roaring in pain. Seizing the opportunity, I jumped to be at the same level as the creature's head, allowing me to decapitate it.


I leaped to avoid the bite of the other Beowolf, quickly retrieving my shield. I threw it again, and the aware creature crossed its arms to defend against the impact of Akoúo̱. However, due to its crossed arms, it didn't see me leaping over it.

In my descent, I drove my sword into the creature's skull, rendering it silent and lifeless as its bright red eyes dimmed. Shortly after, its body began to dissolve.

Worried, I turned to Jaune, who… was alone?

"No-our…" He is panting. "I need to do some cardio."

Despite being tired and winded, Jaune still maintains his good humor.

"Are you okay?" I ask, approaching him.

He falls to the ground and lies down.

"I need 5 minutes." He informs, panting like a tired dog. "At most, 10."

"Don't worry, I'll keep watch while you recover." I store my shield on my back and transform Miló into its rifle form.

Shield… Jaune doesn't have a mechashift weapon with him. Did he not train before coming to Beacon? He admitted to being weak, but he doesn't even seem to have endurance or stamina.

Does he at least have Aura?

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yes, I'm single."


"That's not what I wanted to ask."

On the ground, the boy laughs as if he were a mischievous child. Darn it, now I'm blushing all over. Better turn away.

"Sorry, Pyr, what do you want to know?"

"You don't have a mechashift weapon, it doesn't seem like you have any combat training… do you at least have your Aura awakened?"

I glance back at him and see that he sits up, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Sorry, I know it's none of my business, I'm just curious. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

He sighs tiredly but gets up from the ground and walks towards me.

"It's okay, you are entitled to know."

He extends his hand forward, calling me to walk with him.

"I have zero training as a Huntsman, and my Aura was awakened less than 2 months ago."

What? No training and such a short time with Aura.

"That's crazy, Jaune. Even with years of training and experience, people die in these initiations. How can you be so reckless?"

Jaune's face darkens, and he looks down, frustrated.

Far be it from me to prevent someone from living their life as they please, but this is insane. Why would he subject himself to this?

"I have a power, Pyrrha." A power? "My semblance is powerful, and Beacon is the best place in the world for me to learn how to use it and develop my skills as a Huntsman."

"But what if you die?"

"Then I'll have died."

"What?! What do you mean by that? Don't you value your life?"

He smiles at me, but turns his face forward before responding.

"I believe that if you have something to offer to the world, something you can do better than anyone else, something that can help others… " He stops walking and looks up. "I believe it's not just a good idea to help those in need with that ability, I believe it's your responsibility."


"I guess a simple way to put it is…" He forces a cough, clearing his throat before continuing. "With great power comes great responsibility."

With great power comes great responsibility…

Something simple, but so powerful, a philosophy of life perhaps?

"That's very noble of you."

He looks at me with those expressive blue eyes, as if he's staring into my soul.

"If it pleases you…" He says in a melancholic tone. "I can ask the professor to change partners."


"No, Jaune, why would you do that?"

"I thought you were worried about it, that I would hinder you or put you in danger with my inexperience."

"No! My concern is for your well-being."

He looks at me, raising an eyebrow, trying to analyze me.

After a few seconds of silence, he starts laughing, but not ate me. He seems relieved.

"How about you help me with my physical training, then? That way, I can get the training I need, and you'll be more at ease, right?"

He wasn't offended, and he even asked for help? Is he just a kind-hearted fool?

"I would love to train with you, Jaune."

He may be a fool, but he's kind, determined, kind-hearted, and kind of cute…

I'm glad I got him as my partner! Unable to contain myself, I smile, hopeful for the next four years I'll spend with him as my partner.

"Are we going in the right direction? We could use an aerial view."

Before I could suggest climbing a tree, Jaune said something.

"M.C.S. on."

What did he say?

"M.C.S., make Stilt-Man armor."

MCS? Who is he talking to?

"M.C.S., use Aura."

A golden energy mist suddenly appears out of nowhere, completely enveloping Jaune's body.

"Jaune! Are you okay?" Is this his semblance?

The mist dissipates, revealing a metallic armor covering him from head to toe.


He suddenly grabs my arm, making me yelp in surprise.

"Sorry for being rude, but this drains a lot of Aura." From his voice, I'm sure it's Jaune inside that armor.

I'm embraced by the armored figure, which starts to ascend.

Is he flying?

Looking down, I realize that it's the metallic legs of the armor that have extended to the height of the treetops. In other words… we're at least 80 meters high.

"I see ruins in that direction; that must be our objective."

"I think you're right. AAAAAH!" Out of nowhere, Jaune starts moving, causing me to scream.

At this height, I feel a little scared and dizzy. These long legs move quite fast.

Holding on to him, I close my eyes. Although it's not as scary with my eyes closed, the rhythm of the movements and the speed of the wind indicate that we're moving at a fast pace.

"Pyr," Jaune says from inside the armor. "It's fine if you hold on to me, but don't squeeze me too hard."

"Sorry," I say, opening my arms slightly and relaxing while staring at the armor.

"No problem. I need to be fast. I used over 30% of my aura to create this armor, and maintaining it is costing me 3% of Aura per minute."

Does he have a creation semblance?

I've heard of them. They're not powerful, but at least they're versatile.

Glancing back at him, I realized I've never heard of a creation semblance with the capacity to create anything so complex and different.

Could this be the "something" he is capable of doing that no one else in the world can?

"It seems someone is already at the location."

A blonde girl and a black-haired one.

"Maybe they'll join our team."

For some reason, that leaves me in a sour mood. I'm not against women in our group, but diversity is a good thing, you know, at least one man and one woman.

Or better yet, two men.

That would be perfect for our group. This way, I don't have to worry about gold-digging girls distracting Jaune. In this way, I don't have to worry about ill intended girls distracting Jaune.

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