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66.66% End of an Ordinary Life: Remake / Chapter 14: Time Has Come

Capítulo 14: Time Has Come

Nene coughed blood as she had a naginata going through her back. She grunted and looked up at the Monster who stood in front of her. She tried to get up, but her body was failing on her.

"Nene!" A woman yelled as she was being held back by chains.

"Let...Nana...go...!" Nene grunted and coughed more blood.

The Monster was a woman with a beautiful, physically fit, and a curvaceous and buxom figure. She had pale skin, long white hair, and crimson red eyes. She wore a black and white uwagi with matching hand guards and tabi style boots, rope around her shoulders, and a single tassel, with large orb, tied to the sash around her waist.

"It was fun while it lasted..~ Now, you have two choices...tell me the location of Yoshida Asato or watch your dear sister die over and over again..~ The choice is yours..~" The monster said then giggled.

Nene grunted then closed her eyes. "He's...He's in Yahoma.."

"Nene! Why would you tell her?!" Nana yelled.

"What a good little girl..~" The monster giggled then stomped on Nene's head killing her.

Nene's energy entered the Monster's body, raising her Personal Time to 100 Years, 72 Hours, and 25 Minutes. The clock inside her ticked then the Monster laughed and her eyes shined.

"Nene!!" Nana screamed.


I sat outside beside a tree near the track and listened to the wind. I kept trying to harness Chi into my body. Mae and Rimuri watched me and wondered what I was doing.

"What is he doing?" Rimuri asked.

"Looks like he's meditating." Mae said.

"That's because he is." Melody smiled. "He's working on building a connection with the Mythic One, Theora. He's on a journey to find his Inner Peace. His Tranquility. Yan Mei taught him to meditate while even sleeping because it seems when he's in this state, he falls asleep..~ He's at his calmest when he's asleep..~"

Rimuri watched me then grunted when she felt powerful Monster Aura and looked around. Mae noticed and held her arms. Rimuri seemed tense and looked around frantically.

Karasu flew down next to Rimuri and her wings disappeared. "You felt it too?"

Melody heard the birds squawking in fright and grunted softly. She began to feel dangerous Monster Aura. "What is that energy..?"

Suddenly time stopped. Monster Aura surrounded my heart then I broke out of the Monster Ability then opened my eyes and grunted when I noticed the inverted coloration of reality. I stood up and noticed that time had stopped.

"Big Brother!" Orimi said and hurried toward me. "Your Monster Aura also negated this ability?"

I nodded. " did."

A laugh was heard, making me and Orimi look around to find out where it came from. I looked ahead and noticed the Monster in front of me. She was in my face with a wicked smile and her scarlet red eyes shined.

"Yo-shi-da~ I've found you~" The monster said.

'Her's terrifying..' I thought to myself. 'Who is this woman..?'

The monster snapped her fingers then time resumed and everyone looked at the woman. Orimi held my arm and slightly inched behind me. She was also on edge of the woman.

"So you two are known as The Knowledge, possessing all Ten Points of the Tree of Life within you. Yoshida Asato and Orimi Asato." The monster said.

Yan Mei watched from the academy roof and had her arms crossed. Himeko watched from a distance and ashed her cigarette. Fujin looked at the monster and began to sweat a little. Her very presence was menacing to everyone in the area.

The monster looked at everyone else and smirked then licked her lips. "Hello everyone!~ Starting today, I am the new transfer student!~ My name is Bachiko Sato...and yes...I am a monster..~" She smiled sweetly at them.

My eyes widened and I took a step back.


"She's known as the Time Eater. The more people she kills, the longer she gets to live. She's exactly like us, as long as she has Personal Time, she can come back from literally anything. If she kills a monster that adds literally at least 10 years of Time to her Personal Time. I don't know her name, but the Monsters call her Continuum Embodiment." Melody answered.

"She wields two Monster Energies, Chrono and Ourano. She is so powerful she is able to warp reality." Karasu said.

"She was so powerful, Apeiron had to split her into two different beings. One an Eternal and the other an Alternate. No one knows her actual name as her existence is kept quiet until maybe when I first arrived. When I ran into her, I was lucky enough to even survive. She showed mercy...and let me leave." Rimuri said.

~End of Flashback~

Melody, Karasu, and Rimuri were on guard as they stared at Bachiko. Rimuri was shitting bricks while she stared at Bachiko. Bachiko looked at Rimuri and smirked.

"I want one thing to be known around here." Bachiko started then looked at me and walked toward me. She grabbed my arm and pressed her breasts against my arm. "Yoshida mine."

I looked at Bachiko as sweat began to roll down my face.


"There is a third monster who can reach this level, however she's only perfect if she reaches a certain level that can only be obtained through you, Yoshida."

~End of Flashback~

I couldn't get those words out of my head as I stared at Bachiko. She stared at me in a doting way and smiled.

Mina watched Bachiko and grunted then had a flashback. "Time Eater!"

Bachiko looked at Mina then smirked. "Ahh~ If it isn't Mina...Sako."

"Mina knows her..?" A student asked.

"What is going on..?" Another asked.

Mina grunted and held her head. She giggled and her eyes shined. "Mina is very angry that you showed up! Mina knows she's supposed to protect Monsters, but Mina will never forgive you for what you did to her parents!"

Bachiko gave her a sadistic smirk and let go of my arm then held her hand out then summoned her naginata. "Oh?~ Is it time for your revenge?~"

Mina summoned her pistols and her hair slowly turned pink and her eyes shined red. "Yeah...It's time for my revenge!"

I grunted as I watched Bachiko and Mina dash toward each other. "Everyone get out of here!" I yelled.

The students screamed and ran away from the battle. Rimuri looked scared of Bachiko and watched as she and Mina clashed.

Mina dodged Bachiko's attack then kicked her away then ran after her. She fired two bullets and they curved directly toward Bachiko. Bachiko giggled a dodged them both. Mina looked a bit surprised then Bachiko gave Mina a wide sadistic smile.

"You can't win this! So why even try?!" Bachiko laughed then thrusted her lance at Mina.

I dashed toward Mina and grabbed her, making Bachiko miss the attack. I summoned a void and a sonic boom was fired at Bachiko. Bachiko groaned and held her ears then fell onto one knee. I set Mina down then my Monster Aura surrounded my body.

"That's enough!" I said as I looked down at Bachiko.

"His eyes...they aren't in Monster State.." Yan Mei said as she watched. "He's calm. He's in control of the situation."

Bachiko grunted and tried to get up but the pressure waves of the sonic boom kept her down. "How...are you overpowering me..?!"

"I said...THAT'S ENOUGH!" I roared and my eyes flashed blue.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I panted and smoke came from my mouth. My emotions were getting the better of me and I knew if I let that happen, Bachiko would win in this situation. I regulated my emotions and calmed down.

I closed the void and the sonic boom ended. I walked over to Bachiko then crouched down in front of her. "You're the infamous Bachiko a few people mentioned. You said I was yours meaning you've also come looking for me...What do you want from me..?"

Bachiko looked up at me. "I just want you as a whole...I want your time. Your space...your body...your soul...your heart. I've been watching you since the start of it all~ Ever since I was created three years ago...I knew you were Apeiron's son. I need you..~"

I stared into Bachiko's eyes, not backing down. On the inside I was afraid, but I couldn't let her know that. I had no idea what she was truly capable of. "You want me huh..? Don't you think it's a bit early for that? After all we only just met."

Bachiko blushed and looked a bit surprised. Himeko smirked and chuckled as she watched. Yan Mei nodded as she noticed me taking control of the situation. The Headmaster watched from her window and crossed her arms.

"You're a beautiful woman...You shouldn't ruin your beauty acting like this.." I said and moved her hair from her eyes. "If you want me so badly...allow me to take you on a simple date. Then we can make arrangements."

Bachiko stared into my eyes and was surprised by the way I was talking to her.

'If I tame her...if I'm able to tame her...I would be able to stop this. If not, I'm forced to fight her and I'm not ready to do so. I only got lucky with that sonic boom...' I thought to myself. 'If Bachiko is as strong as everyone says she is...I am going to have trouble..'

Bachiko closed her eyes and smiled. "This is all I wanted, but everyone else keeps getting in the way..~ Just some alone time with you..~ I don't want anything else~"

I nodded then took her hand then stood up and helped her up. "How does tomorrow sound?"

"It sounds great..~" Bachiko giggled.


"Headmaster Yonaka Yoshimura. How can I be of assistance?" Himeko asked.

Yonaka Yoshimura was a woman with long blonde hair, silver eyes, and donned a beautiful smile on her face. She had pearly skin, a curvaceous body, and a fairly large bust. She wore a white overcoat with a dark blue button up shirt that was tucked into her black pants. She wore black shoes as well.

"That boy, Yoshida. He's intrigued me. The way he calmly took control of the situation. Only you could've taught him that. I was a bit surprised when Bachiko just appeared out of the blue the way she did. It has me concerned though. Why is she here.." Yonaka said and crossed her arms.

"Your guess is only as good as mine. However, I do know one thing...if he manages to tame her, we won't have to worry about her anymore. Bachiko is someone only Yoshida has to deal with. If push comes to shove, we might have to fight her...but.." Himeko sighed and closed her eyes.

"Yeah. We can't kill her at all. No matter the circumstances, no one can kill Bachiko as she is. The time has come! Yoshida's calling truly starts now." Yonaka said and smirked.


Classes came to an end and Rimuri held my arm as she glared at Bachiko. Bachiko giggled and smiled sweetly at everyone.

"Thank you for showing me around the campus, Yoshi-san~ I really enjoyed today~" Bachiko said then skipped closer to me and leaned toward my ear. "Let's make sure we're alone next time...~ It's embarrassing when others are watching..~"

I blushed a bit and watched her move backwards. "Yeah alright."

"Ciao~" Bachiko giggled and skipped away.

"That woman is highly dangerous." Fujin said. "I'm all up for living with monsters...but Bachiko is one that I don't think I can be around."

"I agree." Mae said. "Her aura was way too terrifying. It was like a nightmare."

"She is a nightmare...No other Monster is like her. The Bachiko we just saw was the Time Variant also known as Time Eater. Honestly Lady Luck was not on our side. The Time Variant is way more sadistic than her Space Variant. I'd advise you to be careful, Yoshida." Keishi said.

Mina looked a bit upset and walked toward me. "Mina hopes she didn't disappoint you when she randomly attacked Bachiko."

I looked at Mina and smiled then gently rubbed her hair. "You didn't disappoint me..~ It was kinda shocking when you lunged at her but I'm glad you aren't hurt..~"

Mina smiled a bit and nuzzled my hand as I rubbed her head. "Mhm!~"


Bachiko giggled as she walked down the street and checked her pocket watch. "Yoshida Asato..~ For how long I've searched and now I've found you..~ I have no idea if I want to kill him or let him have his way with me..~ Either way...he's the key to helping me find my other side.."

"Halt." A man's voice said.

Bachiko stopped walking and looked back. "Who're you?"

" are the one who killed Nene! Now you must suffer!" Yaseo bellowed and readied his sword.

Bachiko clicked a button on her pocket watch then the time on the clock went to 3:30. "Infinitum. Create."

Bachiko used some of her Personal Time to create two hand cannons, one white with a clock logo on it and the other black with a moon logo on it. She put away her pocket watch then grabbed the two guns.

Bachiko aimed her pistol at Yaseo. "Come."

Yaseo bellowed and dashed toward Bachiko. Bachiko smirked and twirled her hand cannon around her finger then pointed it at herself. She pulled the trigger and her body shined blue. She began to skip forward in time and struck Yaseo before he could even react. Yaseo groaned then coughed blood. He fell to his knees and Bachiko stood behind him with her hand cannon pointed at his head.

"That was almost too're lucky I didn't cause a Collosal Burst because if I wanted, my Collosal Burst is enough to wipe out an entire city in one blow. So much Time to be generated~ Haah..~ I could obtain so much time from that!~" Bachiko laughed and aimed her gun at the sky. "How about I cause one now and scale Yahoma off the maps?!"

"Don't you...dare!" Yaseo bellowed and got up and slashed, slicing Bachiko's head off. He watched Bachiko fall to the ground and panted then smirked.

"Tsk. Tsk." Bachiko said as she stood behind him with her hands on her hips.

Yaseo's eyes widened and he looked back to see another Bachiko standing before him. "Wh-What..?"

"You made me use one year of Personal Time to resurrect. Impressive. Chronos! Reconstruct!" Bachiko yelled then her clock heart ticked.

The time of the dead Bachiko on the ground began to rewind. She rose up from the ground and her head reattached to her body. Bachiko had created a clone of herself.

"There's no hope for you. If I were you, I would retreat while I still have enough heart to show you mercy because you aren't what I want." Bachiko said.

Yaseo knew he couldn't win. He grunted and retreated back to HQ via warping. Bachiko smirked and pointed her hand cannon at the clone then shot her. The clone turned into energy particles and entered inside of her body, restoring the one year she used to create a new body.

"Now to go prepare for my date on tomorrow~" Bachiko giggled and skipped off.

To Be Continued...

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