In a quaint inn of a tiny town, in which travelers on the road from the valley to the Gutian Kingdom usually stayed for the night, in a small private room that did not suit the status of its guests, Wu Long, Liang Yuhan and the old man who already wore neat fresh clothes sat at a small table in complete silence as the servant nervously placed tea and some snacks before them.
She could feel something different about these customers who showed up at the middle of the night and caused the innkeeper to wake the staff, and her eyes dashed to Wu Long's side from time to time. Liang Yuhan's illusion changed their appearances, but there was still something in Wu Long's gaze that felt magnetic to the young woman.
He warmly smiled at her and when she was done gave a weighty leather pouch that seemed way more than what their order was worth.
It seems that luck shines on me once again as I was able to add another chapter. XD
BTW the reason I am so unsure about if I will release another chapter is partially because I really am lucky these days, as writing goes incredibly smoothly despite the odds and I have more time than I expected.
But another reason is not to keep your expectations too high only to drop them since I am truly not sure if I would be able to release at the pace I have been for the past week. XD
So, if the release rate suddenly slows down or I miss a few days please know that is normal. Although of course I would be happy if that didn't happen I have to be realistic. XD
Thus, please keep your expectations of releases low, I really hate disappointing people like with the hiatus that happened not long ago.
Thank you very much for reading, your comments and your great support!!! It is truly very rewarding to have the novel read and supported by so many people XD
There is an important announcement in the auxiliary chapter