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68.26% Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher / Chapter 71: The Relic Hunt

Capítulo 71: The Relic Hunt

" 🎶It was just fine, we lived in peace 🎶"

Adam sang, his voice echoing through the destroyed structure of Beacon Academy., He strolled amidst the remnants, an indifferent facade masking the turbulent emotions within him as he ignored the oppressive atmosphere. The once vibrant academy, now reduced to ruins, stood as a stark reminder of shattered dreams and lost hope.

"🎶 Looked to a happy ending~ 🎶"

The once prosperous Academy, which was the hope of humanity, was brought to destruction by the dark creatures of Grimm. Despite three other academies existing in this world, Beacon was undoubtedly at the forefront, always leading young people into the path of huntsmen

"🎶These day were bright, they shine like gold🎶"

The academy, a beacon of hope, lay in ruins, its demise a testament to the failure of humanity in a war it thought it could win.

"🎶Our dreams came true, our path was clear🎶"

Unseen by the common populace, Ozma and one of the Maidens had fallen, leaving the world in a precarious state. The immortal was killed by the same person who usurped the power of the fall Maiden- killing the previous carrier of this power in the process

"🎶The moon watched safely from above 🎶"

This generation's huntsmen, the so-called 'heroes', experienced a setback before they could even bloom to their full potential- a grim reminder of the truth of this world, a truth which these children weren't even aware of

"🎶But every smile is not the same~ 🎶"

The boy's silver hair fluttered as he approached a specific part of the ruins, his unskilled voice still echoing through the surroundings as he approached it

"🎶And every heart's not filled with love~ 🎶"

Putting his hand forwards, he pointed at the rubble with his two fingers, a smile still present on his face


A heavy piece of rubble flew to the side as it yielded to Adam's command, unveiling the entrance. His smile widened slightly as he looked at the entrance that was revealed without the rubble


The silver-haired boy tilted his head to the side, a long red tentacle passing by his side as it barely missed his exposed neck

Turning around, he was stunned to find a weird-looking Grimm. After his and Rimuru's stunt, they made sure to kill all of the Grimm, and yet one attacked him out of nowhere?

This particular creature has a small, black spherical body resembling a smoky crystal ball that is covered with bone-like plates and spikes. It has six long red tentacles, which at the end, feature white barbs

....It somewhat resembles a jellyfish

"Although my singing isn't that great, I'm still mad that you interrupted me"

Adam's voice remained neutral, cold eyes narrowing at the peculiar Grimm resembling a jellyfish.

The Grimm made no reply, raising its hand menacingly, ready to attack him

Eyes glowing with power, he decided to try out the power he recently obtained from the protagonist of this world

"🎶For mankind~ 🎶"

From his eyes, he released a blinding beam of light that manifested and pierced through the air, it's glow so bright that it could seemingly scare away the darkness

The jellyfish-looking Grimm instantly turned to stone by this mere glow, not even getting the chance to proceed with its attack

Tilting his head, Adam's eyes narrowed as he looked at this weird Grimm, feeling that something was different about this creature

Raising his hand, the Grimm was raised into the air, flying in his direction as he utilized his telekinesis

A dark abyssal vortex manifested from his hand, enveloping the Grimm and swallowing it whole

Closing his eyes, the silver-haired boy processed the information he obtained from his and [Great Sage's] preliminary analysis

"I see..."

Opening his eyes, Adam's pupils glowed eerily as he grinned to himself

"So eager to meet me, isn't she?" Turning around, he spoke to himself "Well, if that's what she wants, I won't delay it too much"

He walked towards the opened entrance, passing through the shadowy passage





The slime girl was currently in a state of intense focus

She was floating in the air, looking at the city that was among the clouds. It was a spectacular sight to see, something which she had never seen before. It did rely on technology, but this phenomenon was entirely possible because of the Relic of Creation

This is… Atlas. The supposedly strongest government and Kingdom in Remnant. It is located in the northern continent of Solitas

However, she wonders if Tempest would be able to go against this government and come out victorious?

This place is also the location of the headquarters of the Schnee Dust Company. So she should also steal some dust while she is here

…If possible, she should also get a hair sample of the Schnee for Adam. Her friend is very interested in the DNA of the Schnee, and from the information he has shared with her, their family's semblance is indeed fascinating

But now, the problem is… how to enter this place

Rimuru isn't the smartest, but she could see that Atlas has its guard up. They should have gotten the news of the Fall of Beacon, so they must be on full alert


The slime girl's eyes lit up as an idea flashed in her mind


Dropping in the air, she transformed into her slime form. The wind hit her blue form as the grounds of Atlas Academy enlarged in her vision


She hit the ground softly, without making any excessive sounds

[No nearby presences detected]

Rimuru breathed a sigh of relief as the comforting voice of [Great Sage] echoed in her mind. Despite masking her movement as she fell, she still wasn't confident in her stealth skills

Her senses are telling her that no one is nearby her. There are people present, but they are quite far away

"Now… ."

She blinked her big, round yet cute slimy eyes as she looked around

… Should she disguise herself as a student of the academy? Or would a person of authority be better?




The red-haired devil floated above Shade Academy

Despite not knowing anything about this place, infiltration should be easy… She was a devil, after all

People of this world can't fly, so why not use her devil wings to scout this place for the Relic? She would prove to Admin-san that she is competent, and not stupid!

Gripping the small Black Cube that Adam gave her, Rias slowly descended to the ground. She projected some mental magic, to make sure that no one saw her

Hypnosis, and making people forget about the supernatural is something that every supernatural creature has learned to do. It is a basic skill that gets taught to children first before anything else. Even before spells are taught, every child of supernatural origins must have those two basic skills

Although she didn't want to perform mind magic on bystanders who didn't even witness anything supernatural, she had no choice… The redhead didn't have the anime-like hacks of her fellow members, so she must use whatever she has in her arsenal

Walking through the streets of Vacue, Rias observed her surroundings with sharp eyes. She walked closer to Shade Academy, trying to avoid other people despite the fact that she could hypnotize them

"Hey, girl"

A voice stopped her cold in her tracks

How could someone notice her? Did her mind magic fail-!?

"I need to ask you a question"

With a strained smile, Rias suppressed her nervousness as she turned around to come face to face with the person who stopped her

It was a woman of a tall stature. She had black bushy hair, with dark, crimson-colored eyes, and a pale complexion. She was wearing a mask, but the redhead still observed her nonetheless

Her outfit consisted of a V-neck black and red wrap style top, a black pleated skirt with black shorts underneath, and a series of beaded necklaces. The woman also wears a red obi sash around her waist alongside a red tassel wrapped around her waist that carries her weapon's sheath.

Attached to it is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material hanging from behind her. Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and black fingerless gloves. She wore black mid-thigh high boots that had armor plating with red splatter patterns and black heels.

She also wore a full-face mask that resembled the face of a Creature of Grimm. The mask has four eye slits, the slits are black and red inside, but her eyes are visible through the lower slit

Safe to say… She looked intimidating


Seeing her whole outfit and demeanor, Rias' smile strained even further. She inwardly hoped that the woman would state her question and leave quickly

The devil didn't want to delay her acquisition of the Relic, not only would it disappoint Admin-san, but it would also shatter her pride.

Also, this woman looked… dangerous. With her brother being in a different world and all that, she doesn't feel as confident or arrogant as before

"Where is the closest exit of this city?" She asked-no, demanded. Her voice and demeanor spoke volumes of her confidence, so much so that her request didn't even come as a request, it sounded more like an order

The red-haired Gremory princess blinked, a bit confused at her question. She took a look at her again

… An intimidating mask… And there was a sword sheathed on her waist that she didn't notice before..

It was in the shape of an ornate sword. It had a color of abyssal black that made Rias feel… strangely intimate with this object, as if this sword was resonating with her power

She shrugged, shaking her head. This woman was probably a huntress of this world, she looked especially experienced

"Well…" The busty devil pointed towards a direction "Go there, in the first crossroad you see, take a left turn, and from then on, it is clearly visible, so you can probably find the exit on your own"

She gave the intimidating woman directions for the closest exit out of the city. Rias just scouted it from above, so she knows the layout of this place


The huntress(?) thanked her dryly, putting a hand on her sword, as if touching it out of instinct. She followed the devil's direction, going toward the direction she pointed at

Rias watched her retreating back, breathing a sigh of relief as the huntress(?) away.

She turned her head away, resuming her pace and walking towards her previous goal. Now, she could focus on finding that Relic

She won't lose face in front of her fellow members! She will prove that she is not just some spoiled princess!


The vast and dimly lit wall-mounted torches cast a pale green light on the surroundings.

In such a place, Adam walked through this corridor. His destination being the elevator leading down to the Vault is located at one end of the corridor

The corridors appear to intersect perpendicularly with one another, giving off an eerie and mysterious vibe

He pursed his lips, looking around this place that wasn't the least bit affected by the battle that was present outside


He tapped his foot on the ground lightly, dark red lines spreading throughout the floor from the point of contact as he activated his corruption powers

After a few moments of waiting, Adam felt a connection within him as he took control and fully corrupted the vault

"Hm, Herscher powers are truly overpowered...." The silver-haired boy lamented with a hum as he continued walking toward the elevator

As he reached the door that blocked his path, it only took a mental command of his for the doors of the elevator to slowly start opening, this happening without any difficulties

Entering the elevator, he pressed a random button, not caring for his particular destination.

'Although I would have found it eventually, it was still quite smart of him' He inwardly thought with his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking at the left side of the elevator

In fact, the place he was looking at didn't look like it had anything special about it. It was just a side of the elevator

... It seemed like that if you didn't have any previous knowledge regarding the relics

Bringing his hand up, he prepared for something-


As Adam snapped his finger, a cracking sound echoed throughout the elevator. The left side specifically, opened up a completely different segment- it was so unassuming that most people wouldn't even know such a thing existed

"I do have to praise Ozma for this.... Quite smart of him"

Coming in front of this segment, the silver-haired boy muttered as he looked at the segment that had opened up. And although this did clue of something being hidden, the actual treasure was still behind this locked vault-like thing

Even if someone found a way to get the segment to reveal itself, they still needed a code and a key to actually open it and obtain the relic

And that's why this was so smart of Ozma. Salem and her agents would expect the Relic to be in an entirely different dimension, requiring the power of the specific Maiden to open. Yet this Relic required none of that

Tilting his head slightly, Adam put his hand on the material that obstructed his path of going further. He narrowed his eyes slightly as his eyes turned golden- a five-pointed star revealing itself to the world

"This material is... Interesting" He muttered to himself once again

[Notice: Analysis complete, structure can be replicated. Detected magical energy present in this metal, a magical blast of significant power would be needed to destroy this]

The silver-haired boy frowned slightly as he analyzed the structure of this metal completely. Although he could corrupt the code to bypass it, he could do nothing about the key

Not only did it require a key, but it also required a code… a code that no one but Ozma himself knew

... Another problem was that even if he pushed his body to the limit and exerted all of his strength, he still couldn't say with certainty if he could forcefully break this metal


Adam sighed, realizing that he wrongly underestimated Ozpin/Ozma. Although that guy wasn't that strong nowadays, he was still a thousands-year-old magician... And also a cunning old bastard

"Oh, how about....!"

His eyes lit up in realization as he was reminded of a certain power he recently acquired in this situation... Although now that he thought about it, he could probably yank this thing out with telekinesis, or even freeze it to absolute zero

But those options are not the smoothest ones... nor the easiest. They would take a lot of effort and would require him to exert himself beyond what he is used to

Awakening the demonic energy buried deep within him, he raised a dark red coated finger that was oozing with the power of destruction

And then... He pushed his finger into the small door made of the weird metal

Adam's finger went through this strong obstacle, effortlessly disintegrating the magic-infused metal like it was paper

In fact, from the point of contact with his finger, the dark red magical power of destruction spread out like a virus, coating the whole vault-like door in a similar color before disintegrating

The blue-eyed boy blinked in amazement. Although he expected this result because of his foreknowledge about POD (Power of destruction), it still surprised him to see this particular power in action

.... And now such power was in his own hands


He exhaled slightly, his body shivering in delight at such a display of power. And in fact, the demonic power inside of him was hungry for more destruction, it was eager to be used by him and destroy everything in his way

"I have to thank RIN- Well, it's Higokumaru now... Yes, I have to thank her when I meet her again"

He continued out loud, as if reminding himself to thank her for providing him with such an overpowered ability... He will do so when he meets the fox-like loli again


Adam's narrowed eyes focused on the Relic, shrouded in mystery.






Tried something different, how is it? Tell me your opinion

In a mission world, where other members are gathered, it truly fits to have multiple prespectives. Although, I'm not sure how often/if this will be done again

AdamFlores AdamFlores

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