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81.57% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 269: Chapter 269: Robbery!

Capítulo 269: Chapter 269: Robbery!

In the Royal Assembly Hall of the Imasca Empire.

Three demi-godly mechanical angels with the code name "Angel" are present, along with the contemporary emperor of the Imasca Empire and the actual rulers of various domains.

Hundreds of exquisite mechanical spheres fly around the assembly hall, intertwining in the space to form a faintly glowing net that envelops everyone in the hall.

This device functions similarly to the mechanical pyramid.

It creates a domain barrier that isolates divine scrutiny, preventing the empire's high-level decisions from being heard by divine beings.

However, an invisible river of time flows quietly through, unaffected by the protective barrier.

Thus, these people are unaware that their conversation is being watched by a dragon of time.

Two weeks have passed since the saints took action, and fifteen cities of the Imasca Empire have been reduced to ruins under their mighty power. The mechanical legions are clearly unable to stop the saints' advance. The Imasca Empire has only three demi-godly mechanical angels, and they are only pseudo-demi-gods, both in quantity and quality incomparable to the powerful saints.

Additionally, the strongest mechanical angel, cloaked in black, shows many signs of damage.

This most powerful mechanical angel, previously sent to probe the divine beings, was utterly defeated even with three Imasca artifacts equipped. If not for the powerful defense of the seventh artifact, it might not have been able to return to the capital.

What's worse, the saint who defeated the mechanical angel is not even among the two strongest of the saints.

Relying on divine authority and supernatural divine power, the saints easily defeated the mechanical angel.

Saints and their avatars are creatures of entirely different levels.

The saints capable of defeating mechanical angels are now ravaging the Imasca Empire, with over twenty wreaking havoc. Mechanical legions sent to intercept them are annihilated, cities are destroyed, and countless citizens of Imasca are plunged into panic, fleeing en masse. The pride and confidence of the Imascan people in their empire are shattered by the saints in just a few short days.

The supreme power of the divine is displayed before the eyes of many races on the continent of Ferun.

Many other countries and forces on the continent of Ferun are aware of the situation faced by the Imasca Empire, but none dare to intervene in the eastern continent.

In the event of a great empire's downfall, demons or devils from hell or the abyss often seize the opportunity to harvest souls. However, not a single demon or devil is present within the territory of the Imasca Empire now, even these chaotic evil beings choose to stay away from this turmoil.

The downfall of the Imasca Empire is ostensibly caused by the saints who came to this material world, but behind it, there is the tacit approval and support of many native deities of Ferun.

"Now, everyone is clearly aware of the situation facing the empire," said the contemporary emperor in the Royal Assembly Hall, expressionless.

"It is an honor to have worked with our ancestors to bring the empire to such a state."

Looking at the mechanical angels, the contemporary emperor said regretfully, "However, with the arrival of the divine saints, our mechanical legions are no match for the saints."

"The empire no longer has time to develop."

After the first plague and realizing the enmity from the gods, the Imasca Empire understood that the gods would not allow the mechanical path to develop naturally.

For the gods, the end of the mechanical path, as seen by the Imasca Empire, is to replace divinity with machinery.

This is a challenge to their authority that the deities cannot tolerate.

In fact, whether the Imasca Empire worshipped or insulted the gods, as long as they continued to develop machinery to a point where the gods could no longer ignore it, their destruction was inevitable.

"However, this will not end here," said the Guardian Angel indifferently.

After a few seconds of silence, the Angel of Slaughter and the Angel of Destruction also said, "We have made our decision."

As they spoke, particles of metal, like mist, dispersed from the bodies of the three mechanical angels.

The slivers of divinity they had collected were all concentrated in these extremely fine metal particles.

A silver dragon observing secretly through a time stamp frowned.

"What are these Imascans doing?"

Defaming the divine to obtain a significant burst of faith power was something Garon had suspected was their intention all along.

Now, it seems that this was their goal from the beginning.

Deep in the black sea, with its condition fully restored to its peak, the silver dragon closed its eyes and carefully observed the actions of the Imasca Empire.

The Royal Assembly Hall of Noda was silent, no one spoke.

As time passed, the bodies of the few mechanical angels seemed to shrink, and the small amount of divinity they possessed was completely stripped away.

Not only that.

Though the mechanical angels are made of mechanical metal, because they contain the soul will of previous emperors, one can feel the presence of intelligence in the mechanical angels. However, the mechanical angels, which originally possessed intelligence and thought, now appeared soulless, turning into ordinary cold machinery.


A perfectly proportioned metal cube hovered in the air.

This cube, roughly the size of an adult's head, is covered with extremely small mechanical runes. Almost all the mechanical runes mastered by the Imasca Empire are engraved on this small cube.

Additionally, smaller cubic units ripple like waves on the surface of the metal cube, rising and falling like the breathing of metal.

The divine light merges with the metal cube, forming this strange artifact.

Seconds later, the divine light is fully retracted.

The contemporary emperor stands up and bows deeply to the soulless mechanical angels.

After standing up, the emperor said solemnly, "On behalf of all the citizens of the empire, I pay the highest respects to you, our ancestors."

There was no response.

Then, the contemporary emperor turned to the silent metal cube.

A glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes.

"The true spark of the empire, the Heart of Machinery."

"Divinities? The war between machinery and gods has just begun."

"One day, an army of mechanical lives will shatter the divine realms and slay the gods."

The Heart of Machinery embodies all the hopes of the Imasca Empire.

This metal cube, which merges the soul will of three infinitely wise emperors, currently possesses only a vague understanding but also possesses extraordinary potential. According to the trajectory set by the Imasca Empire, given time, it will grow and develop into a mechanical civilization with inherent life.

Inherent mechanical life is different from artificially created mechanical life.

For example, the three top-level mechanical angels, their souls and mechanical bodies can never perfectly adapt to each other. The mechanical life's unique abilities can hardly be utilized by the mechanical angels, whose limit is demi-godhood. Even with divinity, they are no match for the gods.

But true mechanical life has no limit.

Whether it can truly succeed is uncertain to the Imasca Empire.

However, they now have hope.

This is a gamble with unknown outcomes.

The secretly observing silver dragon's eyes glint with greed, swallowing saliva.

Its innate sensitivity to treasures makes Garon feel that the metal cube is more precious than the Imasca artifacts, eager to have it as his own collection.

Regrettably, as Garon watches with eager eyes, the contemporary emperor does something that deeply frustrates Garon.

The emperor, with a calm expression, removes his crown and puts on the Imasca crown.

Immediately, under the power of the crown, space begins to tremble and distort.

Crack, crack, with the metal cube as the center, space shatters inch by inch.

This is not a stable spatial gate but a shattered spatial area. Objects within this shattered space, if they can withstand the damage caused by the spatial fracture and do not leave in time, will be swallowed by the spatial turbulence, transported to an unpredictable unknown world.

Seconds later, the metal cube falls into the spatial turbulence.

Then, the Imasca crown stops releasing power, space automatically heals, cracks are repaired, and the Heart of Machinery is nowhere to be found.

The contemporary emperor of the Imasca Empire does not know where the Heart of Machinery has fallen.

The covetous Garon is even more clueless.

"Damn Imasca Empire, my treasure!"

The silver dragon is quite irritated, thrashing its tail.

For a moment, the deep sea is stirred into dangerous surges by the actions of a certain dragon.

"Your Majesty, is this really okay?"

"If the spark of the empire cannot ignite in the unknown world, all our efforts will have been in vain," asks a member of the royal family in the assembly hall.

The Imasca emperor looks at the spot where the Heart of Machinery disappeared, calmly saying, "Life will find a way to thrive."

"Whether the final outcome is success or failure is no longer our concern."

Then, the emperor begins to give orders.

"The legacy of the mechanical engineers must not be severed."

"Prepare for plane teleportation immediately, take a group of people away from the continent of Ferun on a magical ship, and head to another material world."

"The empire's artifacts cannot withstand the saints, take them as heirlooms."

"To prevent the saints from eradicating us completely, all connections between the two material worlds must be severed."

The silver dragon, still breathing, pauses at the mention of the empire's artifacts.

Not obtaining the metal cube, these original targets cannot be allowed to escape.

Garon listens carefully to the emperor's orders, not missing a detail.

One by one, specific orders for fleeing the continent of Ferun are issued.

When the dust settles, the emperor removes the Imasca crown, and the rest of the empire's artifacts are taken from the mechanical angels by mechanical engineers with royal blood, to be taken away.

"Your Majesty, what about you?"

"Are you not leaving Ferun?"

The emperor's face shows no emotion, calmly stating, "The emperor will live and die with the empire."

The goal of the saints is to demonstrate the might of the divinities and destroy the Imasca Empire, which has almost been achieved. They can tolerate the escape of a small number of Imascan people, but if the emperor leaves, the saints will surely pursue him.

Then, the Imasca Empire springs into action.

The magical shipyard prepares to set sail, outstanding members from various domains of the empire are selected, granted the privilege to board.

The three soulless mechanical angels each depart from the palace.

One heads to the location of the magical shipyard to protect the magical ships as they set sail and depart.

The other two, with energy wings spread, fly towards the saints approaching the imperial capital under dark clouds, leading vast mechanical legions into battle against the divine saints in a moth-to-flame manner.

Destruction is always easier than creation.

This mechanical empire, developed over thousands of years.

Just over two weeks after the saints intervened, is pushed to the brink of extinction.

The final desperate battle against the divine saints is but a more dignified way to end.


In the Sea of Falling Stars.


The turbulent sea surface suddenly explodes.

A legendary dragon, clad in silver scales, leaps out of the sea, its powerful wings tearing through the storm, transforming into a streak of light under the thunderous sky, rushing towards the location of the Imasca Empire's magical shipyard.

Having waited for so long.

The opportunity to plunder amidst chaos has finally arrived.

Imasca artifacts, your true master has come!

Garon suppresses his excitement, racing through the storm like lightning.

After some time.

At the peak of the Imasca Empire's glory, the location of the magical shipyard.

Several magical ships are docked between platforms and tracks built around the massive mountain, their engines all activated, ready to leave the continent of Ferun for a new material world at any moment. When the Imasca Empire decided to research supernatural divine power, they found suitable worlds for the empire's legacy to continue.

The silver-white Guardian Angel stands silently on the mountain top.

It is responsible for ensuring the safe departure of the magical ships.

Besides the Guardian Angel, there are numerous legendary mechanical engineers and a few mechanical legions nearby.

Under tense circumstances, the evacuation proceeds orderly.

Soon, almost everyone has arrived.

The Imasca Empire did not plan to allow too many to leave, otherwise, the saints would not rest easy. Therefore, around the vast magical shipyard, only five magical ships are the lucky ones to depart.

Hum, hum, hum.

The engines of the magical ships start.

The roar of the engines drowns out the thunder and storm.

In the past, hearing the rumbling sound of mechanical engines starting, the people of Imasca would show pride and joy, but this time, their faces are filled with sorrow and loss, the pride of the past gone.


In the dark thunderclouds enveloping the sky, a streak of silver is faintly visible.

Sensing the dangerous presence of the legendary dragon, the Guardian Angel immediately looks up.

Several bright and dazzling fireballs tear through the rain, falling towards the ships filled with people with destructive force.


The Guardian Angel moves.

Before the fireballs hit their targets, the Guardian Angel explodes them in mid-air.

The flames illuminate the gloomy sky, like several small suns rising.

"Everyone, stop, this is a robbery!"

"Hand over the seven artifacts of the Imasca Empire, and I'll let you leave."

"Otherwise, stay here!"

The dragon's roar echoes through the storm, like thunder.

In the pouring rain, everyone's attention is drawn to the super-sized silver dragon.

This being, who previously destroyed the mechanical pyramid, indirectly causing the gods to descend and the empire's current situation, is known to many here. The legendary dragon capable of manipulating time, before the empire could capture him, the saints descended.

So, upon seeing Garon.

The people of Imasca show visible hatred.

Even though they understand that the gods would eventually trouble the Imasca Empire, and Garon merely accelerated the process.

The Guardian Angel, now soulless.

Still possesses sufficient basic intelligence, controlled by a member of the royal family on one of the magical ships, who is also a legendary mechanical engineer.

Facing the plundering silver dragon, the mechanical engineer's expression darkens.

"Evil dragon, you destroyed our empire's mechanical pyramid, leading to the gods' descent, indirectly causing the empire's current situation."

"The empire has yet to trouble you, yet you dare to come to us."

The Guardian Angel, having dispersed the flames, gazes at Garon. Though it has lost the emperor's soul will and a trace of divinity, its power is still at the level of a demi-god, albeit weaker than before, making it a difficult opponent for Garon.

But Garon comes prepared


The Imasca Empire's magical shipyard often uses massive mountains as carriers.

The mountain-crushing technique is particularly useful in this situation.

The magical ships have not yet taken off and are still on the shipyard's tracks. If Garon destroys the Radiant Peak, it will not be easy for the ships to leave.

The Guardian Angel, wary of damaging the ships, has significantly weakened and cannot fully protect the area against Garon.

Garon has no intention of engaging in a pointless verbal fight.

He laughs and directly threatens before the Guardian Angel can act, "You should be very clear about how the mechanical pyramid was destroyed."

The faces of those on the magical ships change slightly, and the Guardian Angel pauses.

Garon looks towards the shipyard and says, "I cannot defeat your Guardian Angel, but it is impossible for it to capture me."

Pausing, the silver dragon, bathed in rain, reveals snow-white fangs.

"But, it's easy for me to destroy the shipyard before you open the plane teleportation gate."


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