Ray was quickly running as his snow-like hair waved in the wind and his Void-like eyes performed as the perfect contrast to his hair. His face was somewhat blank this time, he faced nothing as he ran ahead of his parents. Looking from the back, one would think it's a generic, perfect family.
Although he showed a chaotic appearance, he was silent. Simply running back to the place he called home.
Suddenly, he tripped over a rock, falling face flat onto the ground. He scratched his knee. It hurt. And his parents came running towards him.
"Ray!" His father shouted.
"Ow..." He murmured, his face turning colder momentarily, then turning back to a typical child. He forced a tear or two to fall and looked to his father.
"Well... Let's get you patched up, 'kay?" His father quickly 'comforted' him as he walked towards Ray, who was sitting on the ground, and swiftly picked him up.
The next day,
"Ray! Wake up it's your birthday!"
"Yes." Ray got up, and waited for his mother to enter the room.
"Ray!" His mother came in the room and quickly picked him up from his warm bed, causing him to shiver from the sudden change of temperature. "C'mon, let's get you ready to see your friends"
An hour later, he was fully ready for his birthday.
Children came running into his house as they laughed and screamed together,
Ray jumped but then calmed down, looking at the children laughing without a thought in their minds. It was amusing to him, like watching a show.
Laughter and warmth filled the house as silhouettes of children could be seen running through the window.
Suddenly, Ray's parents sensed a fluctuation in space, there was no enemy here that they were sure of so they quickly became alert and were ready to fight any opponent that might come. Some of the children around them took notice and hid.
A stream of pure white flowed directly in front of Ray, who was busy watching everyone have fun. It opened a crack in space and violently flung Ray into it.
The children screamed, running to the corners of the house, or even under tables.
"RAY!" His parents came running and tried to enter the crack, but it closed before they could even touch it. They didn't know of anyone powerful enough to cause this event and especially because it targeted Ray specifically, they knew who it was, but they weren't powerful enough to go against them. Ray's mother collapsed, the saviour of humanity couldn't have died like this... Right?...
Most of the children ran out of the house whilst others stood or sat there, shook. The ones who ran, though, quickly cried and informed their parents of this ordeal and before long, Ray's house was surrounded by people who gossiped and talked between themselves.
"Does this mean we are cursed by the Gods?" An old woman murmured, glancing at Ray's mother and shaking her head as if it was a pity.
"Ray was such a bright talent..." Another person said, a middle-aged man said.
"What will happen to him?"
"We didn't see him die, so could he be alive?"
"IF he is alive, then he will obviously die soon, a child that young can't possibly live alone in a place they don't even know."
"I'll kill whoever di-"
In a pure black space,
"Huh... Where am I?" Ray floated, he couldn't see anything and he could feel a somewhat suffocating feeling, like he was being suppressed.
"Is someone here?" He looked around and spoke again, mumbling this time. "Have others went through this?"
"..." The darkness revolved around Ray, and the suffocation he was feeling slowly but surely lifted.
"What should I do in a situation like this?" He was slowly starting to succumb to the darkness, he felt discomfort all over.
"Ch..." The darkness began to speak, it was faint and it was too far for Ray to hear clearly.
"Who was that?" Ray began to walk, or at least float, in the direction of the noise. If someone else was here there was a 50 percent chance that they were friendly and Ray wasn't someone to care about those things, he was sure they were friendly. After all, everyone else he has met were friendly to him so why wouldn't this person be?
"Children aren't supposed to be here. How are you here, Child?" The darkness spoke, it was speaking in a soothing tone, as if it was trying to comfort him.
"I was having my birthday party cause I turned 5 today but then a crack appeared and I flew into it..." Ray confided in this darkness. He began telling the story from then, and maybe, he could start trusting this person.
"Hmmmm... I believe you were forcefully teleported here." The darkness analysed how he appeared and his situation overall, it sensed the power used in this teleportation and concluded that this was the work of some constellations. Quite the weak ones at that.
"What does teleport mean?" Ray had never heard of this word before.
"To transport or be transported across space and distance instantly. Usually seen as a verb"
"How cool...!" He contemplated, how do I present myself to an unknown existence? Maybe a naive child.
"Indeed it is"
"Then can you teleport me home, Mister?" He immediately reformed his current image according to his thoughts and it worked perfectly.
"I'm afraid I am unable to assist you in this manner, Child, the Laws of Causality refrain me from creating a spatial teleportation pathway to this 'home' you mention. If I were to try, both you and I would be ripped apart... Well, 'I' wouldn't be ripped apart. I would just have to feel the pain of being ripped apart." It explained lengthily.
"Okay..." The child paused, his hope had just been crushed. But at least he had this friendly... Person? To talk to. "What do I call you? And what are the 'Laws of Causality'?"
"The Laws of Causality are basically Cause and Effect, every effect has a cause. And in this situation, the effect of being ripped apart. The cause is using power when you are not supposed to, this only applies to me and another and the power it refers to is teleporting. I cannot teleport out of this place, the Void. You may call me anything, but I mainly go by Erebus or Eris, but usually, I am referred to as the Void, a space no one can survive."
"Those are cool names!" Ray looked at the source of the voice he had heard and spoke, "My name is Raymond Valtere, but you can call me Ray." He honestly didn't know what to say about the 'Laws of Causality' so he didn't talk further on that matter.
"Thank you, Raymond. But I may have a method for you to escape this unfavourable situation, you can train. Grow strong enough to rip open a spacial pathway and leave." The Void had obviously noticed his 'need' to get back to his home and therefore gave the best solution.
"There's a method like that?" Ray paused, he wasn't confident in his abilities and he didn't think he could grow quickly enough to get home in time. "But I don't think I'm strong enough for that, or talented."
"Yes, Raymond, I am confident in your abilities." The Void had looked into Ray's talent and saw that he had the talent to become a constellation, this was the reason for his confidence in Ray despite not having known him for long.
"Okay then, but don't be disappointed if I don't do good enough."
Ray got into a certain position he felt would help him focus the most and meditated, recalling textbooks telling you how to train your talent.
[You must sit and meditate, anything in your mind must be emptied and thrown away. Achieve a state of 'blank mind'.
After that, you must detect the mana in the air. Try to manipulate this power by splitting it and bringing it together, after gaining complete control, slowly bring this towards you and store it in your body.
Your body is a blank slate, a whole empty mana core. So try to store the mana into different parts of your body, but do so slowly, if you try to store too much mana into your body at the same time. Your body explodes.
Think of bringing mana into your body as drawing and painting some paper, if you use too much paint of press your pencil down too hard, you will rip the paper. People with more talent would be painting with stronger materials, because your canvas is stronger, you can paint more and you can press your pencil down harder. Meaning you can store a lot more mana into your body at the same time.]
Back on Earth,
"I'll kill whoever di-"
At that moment, a crack appeared in the air. Everyone watched it in awe and in fear as the crack slowly largened, chipping away at reality to open a kind of portal to somewhere.
A small figure, with pitch-black hair that seemed to consume all the light around it fell out of the crack and onto the ground.
The figure clutched tightly onto a 'stuffed toy', facing upwards in a sitting position as if it took the liberty to move its own body into that position. The bear was a very dark purple, so dark that most would think it was black, and completely black runes all over its body. It was strangely majestic yet fear-inducing. The 'plushie' had pitch black eyes bearing a striking resemblance to the figure holding it as it also seemed... Alive.
They both exuded a strangely... empty aura that seemed as if it could swallow everything whole, including light.
The boy slowly stood up, brushing his clothes briefly before looking up and facing all the spectators. He had abyss-like eyes that threatened to steal the attention of everyone who even dared to brush over his face. However, he had a youthful appearance which didn't match his expressionless face and a feeling of intelligence that would leave even scholars speechless.
Make sure you give suggestions to me, I need ideas guys!
And, I might rewrite these a couple of times. This chapter also had quite a lot of words compared to future and past chapters so enjoy!
This novel will move to patreon, so please continue reading over there!