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"I am Monkey D Luffy and I am gonna be the King Of The Pirates!" Luffy declared energetically. Gyatsu chuckled.

"King Of The Pirates. Ambitious, just like my two other students." Gyatsu muttered. Luffy tilted his head.

" You have students, old man? " Luffy asked him. Gyatsu nodded.

" One is named Kurosaki Ichigo while the other is named Hyoudou Issei. They're very strong and talented people. It's a shame that I lost contact with them now." Gyatsu sighed sadly.

Luffy did not know how to answer that, but he knew that they were important people to him seeing how sad he was.

"Um... So were you the one who was blasting those logs?"


"You almost killed me with that ya bastard!" Luffy pointed at him while shouting.

" Oh? Is that so. Then I'm very sorry about that. I didn't think people would come close because of the ruckus I was making." Gyatsu apologized while bowing a little. Luffy pouted.

" So how'd you do it? It must hurt a lot." Luffy asked. Gyatsu chuckled and shook his head.

"It doesn't even hurt one bit."

"I don't believe you, old man!" Luffy argued while having a shocked expression.

"Then I will show you." Gyatsu looked at a tree and entered a fighting stance.


The tree was blasted far away by Gyatsu's effortless kick. Luffy was in awe as his jaw dropped to the ground and he had stars shining brightly in his eyes.

"So awesome!!!! You're so cool old man!!" Luffy complimented him. Gyatsu laughed loudly.

"Thank you. Thank you. Do you wanna try?" Gyatsu asked as he pointed to a tree. Luffy nodded and dashed towards it recklessly.

" Haaa!!! " Luffy shouted as he kicked the tree with his right leg.


" Oww!!! " Luffy shouted and knelt down to clutch his feet. He hissed as he felt a stinging pain on his shin. Master Gyatsu arrived beside him with a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright, Luffy?" Gyatsu asked him. Luffy suddenly grinned at him.

"Never better, old man! Let's do it again!" Luffy jumped up excitedly. Gyatsu shook his head.

" No. You're going to seriously injure yourself if you do it again." Gyatsu stopped him from doing something reckless. Luffy pouted.

" But I wanna do what you can do. " Luffy whined. Gyatsu chuckled.

" How about this, Luffy. I'll teach you how to kick down a tree. " Gyatsu offered. Luffy brightened up and nodded repeatedly.

" Yeah! Yeah! Let's do it right now!" Luffy agreed to his offer. Gyatsu smiled at him.

"Alright then. But I have to warn you, it's not easy."

"I can handle anything! Bring it on old man!!"



[Kick Lvl 3

Learning how to kick properly is one of the fundamentals to learning how to fight. Once the skills max out, you will have perfect kicking form.]

Luffy sighed in relief as he finished the water from the water canteen Gyatsu gave him. He stared at the floating screen in front of him displaying his skill.

"Perfect kicking form.... Hmm...." Luffy was confused by what it meant.

"Indeed, Luffy."

Luffy looked up at Gyatsu who was in a meditating position. "Having a perfect kicking form is important. Having a perfect punching form is important too." He explained. Luffy had a question.

" So if I learn both, I know how to fight properly?" Luffy asked. Gyatsu nodded.

"Precisely. " He replied. Luffy hummed softly. But then he widened his eyes and looked at Gyatsu again.

" What time is it!? " He asked loudly. Gyatsu looked at his watch.

" 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Why the sudden question? " Gyatsu asked back. Luffy immediately stood up.

" I'm late for lunch! I gotta go, old man! Can I come back tomorrow?! " Luffy asked while getting ready to run. Gyatsu laughed.

" Of course, Luffy! You're always welcome! See you tomorrow then!!"

" Bye bye, old man!! " Luffy shouted before dashing back to Partys Bar. Gyatsu laughed.

"Hahahahaha!!!! He's going to turn the world upside down one day. I'm sure of it!"



" Makino!! I'm hungry!!" Luffy crashed through the door to Partys Bar. Makino jumped a little at Luffy's sudden arrival. Luffy tripped and started tumbling on the ground.

"Ah! Luffy! Are you okay?!" Makino shouted and rushed over to his side. Suddenly, Luffy started laughing, surprising Makino. But then she laughed along with him.

Luffy sat up and grinned at her. "I'm alright, Makino. Is my lunch ready?" He asked. Makino nodded.

"Mhm. I just finished preparing it a minute ago. "

" Yahoo!!! Thanks Makino!!" Luffy cheered and sat on the barstool. Makino handed him a knife and a fork so he could start eating.

"Did you have fun today?" Makino asked him while cleaning some beer mugs with a wet cloth.

"Mhm! I had so much fun!"

"Oh? Care to tell me more?" Makino asked, her curiosity piqued. Luffy grinned at her while his mouth was full of food.

"Not telling!! Shishishishishi!!"

"Luffy! You meanie! Hmph! Guess there's no second servings for you!"

" Noooo!!!!! "



It was night time in Dawn Island and night time was were Partys Bar was the most full and the most noisiest.

Luffy just got done eating dinner as he went back to his room. Makino was outside doing her job as the bartender of the bar.

He laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was bored again. He didn't know how many times he got bored today, mostly because he didn't even know how to count.

So Luffy decided to exit his room and spy on Makino while she was working. He hid behind a wall and peeked his head out.

He saw Makino serving some beer to the customers and the customers paying for it. Luffy was in a trance as Makino looked like she was dancing as she weaved through the crowd of customers serving them beverages.

" does she do that?" Luffy asked himself as he looked at Makino who was now pouring some beer into a giant mug.

Suddenly, he saw someone approach her. It was an old fat man. Luffy saw his dazed and red face and immediately knew he was drunk.

He knew how to recognize one because he saw a bunch of them before during his stay in the bar.

"Hey pretty~ You wanna come home with me~ I can show you a good time~" The fat man slurred out while wrapping his arm around her waist. Makino laughed nervously and pushed him away.

"No thank you. I have work to do." Makino expertly denied him and walked away. But the man stubbornly grabbed her hand, preventing her from going away.

"C'mon~ Surely you can sacrifice some work hours~ It'll be fun~" The drunk man insisted. Makino grunted as she tried to push his hand off her but the man's grip was too tight.

" Hey! Let me go or I'll call the marines on you!!! " Makino threatened. The drunk man narrowed his eyes.

"You dare bitch~! I'll teach you a lesson!!" The drunk man grabbed a beer bottle. Luffy widened his eyes as the man raised the bottle up high. Makino squealed in horror and looked away.

Luffy growled as he dashed towards the man. "Get your hands off Makino!!!" He shouted and jumped onto the table and leaped towards the drunk man.


The drunk man spat out saliva as he was kicked in the side of his head by Luffy. He dropped the beer bottle and released her.

He staggered back from the kick and crashed through a table, breaking it. The man was unconscious.

The customers gasped at his display of strength. Luffy picked up the beer bottle and glared at everyone who gulped at his intense gaze.

"Anyone who tries to touch Makino will have to go through me first!!! Ya hear?!!"

"Yes sir!!! We understand sir!!!"

To be continued.....

(If you don't know why Gyatsu mentioned Issei and Ichigo, go read my two previous fanfics and you'll understand why.)

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