First find a powerful monster that is fluffy and fast
Tame it
Keep identity a secret
Travel and Grind for experience
Take out some bad guys
Build a reputation for my alter ego the Dark Eye Hero
Become hot enough to get nuns to abandon their oaths
Build a village and fill it with friends and family
That was my list of things I wanted to do if I ever got Isekai'd and now it has happened, so step one is find the ultimate Good boy
I was in a green forest with a few trees scattered across the land that were as tall as sky scrapers but the majority we're around as tall as 6 story hotel either way it definitely feels like I'm in another world there were little dragon looking things flying through the large space between the trees and chirped like birds as they frolicked through the air there were even mushrooms with deep blue caps that had bright red spots that seemed to glow on the dimly lit forest floor, all in all there is only one term to describe this place and that was "Magically Awe Inspiring"
"Hey kid, you done spacing out or do I need slap you across the face?" A familiar voice asked from inside my head.
"What's up Baphomet?" I greeted the god remembering our deal.
"So you remembered our deal good, so if you intend on traveling you should try and find a caravan to travel with temporarily there should be one passing by in an hour on the highway around a half mile to the northwest of here, I recommend you start walking," Baphomet suggested.
"I have a better idea, I need a big fluffy monster buddy, specifically one that I can ride on," I stated, with a triumphant expression, proud that I was prepared with a plan.
"Me sees what you saying, me helps you find my big brother," a childlike voice said from above my right shoulder, as I turned around I saw a little red dragon with its wings flapping fast as a humming bird, it was adorable, people in my old world would make fun of love for cute things, even people in online communities that I tried to make friends in would make fun that, leading to me giving up on finding friends, irl and online.
"You're a dragon right?" I asked the adorable lizard.
"Yep me is a wyrmling."
"I see, do you want payment in any form for your help?" I asked. You may be screaming the phrase "why would you automatically trust someone you just met?" as you read this the explanation is that after getting lied to for almost 18 years you can tell when someone is untrustworthy.
"Teach me, let me in party," the dragon stated his terms.
"I'll let you join the party but as for teaching you it depends on what you want to learn," I said accepting his terms.
"Common words, want learn common words," the dragon said.
"Very well, take us to your big brother my new partner,"
The dragon flew around the area visually filled with energetic glee
To be continued in Chapter 0 (part 3) : the puffy guardian of the forest
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