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68.96% Misaka-10000 (Toaru fanfic) / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: The Daihaseisai

Capítulo 20: Chapter 20: The Daihaseisai

6 October, 6:23 AM

Amid the hallowed halls of Tokiwadai's prestigious middle school, a palpable sense of confusion lingered like an unsolved riddle. The principal, a woman of sharp intellect and impeccable memory, sat at her ornate desk, her brows furrowed in perplexity. Before her lay meticulously kept files, or at least what should have been.

The room she was in was adorned with artifacts and trophies that bore witness to the institution's rich history. Yet, amidst the grandeur, the principal's countenance was etched with a perplexed furrow. Her fingertips delicately tapped the keyboard before her as she navigated through a digital labyrinth, searching for answers among the school's meticulously maintained files.

The fading glow of twilight filtered through the lace curtains, casting patterns of light and shadow across the room. The principal, resplendent in the distinctive Tokiwadai uniform,

surveyed the screen with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

Her fingers danced across the keyboard, summoning the enigmatic digital dossiers of the school's students. Each name, each record, held within its digital confines the stories of young girls who had walked the illustrious path of Tokiwadai.

Yet, as the principal scrolled through the meticulously organized database, a sense of disquiet gnawed at her.

"There nothing meets the description"

She leaned back in her ornate chair, her fingers interlocking beneath her chin. A deep, thoughtful sigh escaped her lips, carrying with it the weight of an enigma she couldn't unravel.

(We routinely conduct esper tests every week to monitor our students' progress. There's no record of anyone coming close to achieving Level 5 status, except for those whose abilities come with significant drawbacks. We do have a few names with similar body types and electromaster esper abilities, but none of them have that kind of hair - long white hair. Furthermore, none of them have the capacity to reach Level 5 yet, except for Misaka Mikoto, who is already beyond suspicion and are already a one.)

After the announcement of the new Level 5 esper, and once everyone had seen the distinctive Tokiwadai uniform worn by the mysterious Number 8, the prestigious all-girls middle school found itself bombarded with questions over the next 24 hours. These inquiries poured in from the city's media outlets as well as rival schools, and most of them carried an air of fury.

The reason for this fury was painfully evident.

The school stood accused of concealing and tampering with the students' esper test results.

It was a common practice for any school to proudly announce the discovery of a potential Level 5 student or one who had already achieved this prestigious status before the official announcement. However, given the events of the previous day and the baffling appearance of an unknown Level 5 esper, the school and its officials found themselves in an unenviable predicament.

That is why the principal of that ancient school was trying her best to make sure there were no such students in their school, and there were any.

As the principal contemplated possible solutions to the mounting crisis, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a gentle knock on her office door. She looked up.

"Come in,"

The door swung open, revealing a tall and slender woman with shoulder-length brown hair, whose glasses hid her eyes - the Tokiwadai Dorm Supervisor.

"Principal, we need to address this situation urgently," the Dorm Supervisor stated, her tone grave. "The accusations are growing stronger, and we can't afford to let this tarnish our school's reputation."

The principal nodded, "There is no such student on our students register list, We can simply deny any related with that new level 5 esper and the academy higher-ups would be on our side but-"


The principal leaned forward, her fingers steepled in front of her.

"I want to leave that option as our last resort if things go out of control," she explained.

The Dorm Supervisor furrowed her brow in confusion. "But why? Any further delay, and we might lose so many potential students to our rivals."

"It's quite the opposite," the principal explained, her gaze fixed on the confused Dorm Supervisor.

"If we vehemently deny any connection to this new Level 5 esper, it will only add fuel to the fire of suspicion. People love a mystery, and the more we stay silent, the more they'll be drawn to uncover the truth. It might even lead to a surge in applications, with students wanting to join a school associated with the new Level 5 esper. and given how we already have 2 more level 5 espers, students would have more faith in us to become higher levels esper"

The Dorm Supervisor considered this, her brow furrowing. "You believe that our reputation will benefit from this?"

The principal nodded. "Precisely. We'll use this situation to our advantage, let the rumors circulate, and when the time is right, we'll reveal the truth. In the meantime, we must prepare ourselves to handle the inquiries and curiosity that will undoubtedly come our way."

The Dorm Supervisor considered this for a moment before nodding slowly. "I see your point, but how do we proceed, then?"

The principal sighed, her expression weary but resolute. "First, we gather as much information as possible about this mysterious Level 5 esper. We need to understand her abilities, her motivations, and her connection to Tokiwadai if there is one. Once we have a clearer picture, we can decide on the best course of action."

The Dorm Supervisor nodded in agreement. "Understood. I'll mobilize our staff and resources to investigate this matter discreetly."

"Good... Hmm?"

The principal's gaze lowered, and she noticed the woman holding something - a file.

"What is that?"

The Dorm Supervisor placed the file on the principal's desk, her expression composed. "This is about the demonstrations that will be held in the next few days. It's a request for Misaka and the White Princess to be one of the festival openers."

"White Princess?"

"The nickname of the new Level 5. It seems they've already given her a nickname, which comes from her long white hair. Anyway, what should our response be?"

The principal sighed, "Just decline. Oh, and keep your guard up. If they say something like, 'Both of them?' just repeat what you said and don't fall for any word tricks that can be used against us."

"Understood." The Dorm Supervisor nodded and left the office, leaving the principal deep in thought

"I am so old for that" she mumbled.

Part 2:

The Daihaseisai.

This unique athletic festival held over seven days in Academy City, the facility for esper development taking up all of western Tokyo, was already nearing the halfway point of its first day. All events were suspended right now from noon till two for lunch break. The swarms of students who had just been participating in the games and cheering on their classmates were now loose in the streets. The presence of general attendees from outside the city drove the current population density through the roof.

"Hmmm, like that... No, it was like that, says misaka"

Inside a typical dorm somewhere in District 7, a certain girl was mumbling to herself as she styled her shining white hair. Strands of hair littered the bathroom floor as she tried to mimic the hairstyle of a certain Level 5 esper.

"Good, that should be enough, says misaka to herself as she felt satisfied with her handiwork"

Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, the once long white hair had now been cut short, no longer than shoulder length.

Since the announcement of her being a Level 5 esper, it had become quite annoying. She was being stopped so many times by curious people, most of them asking the same question, 'Are you the new Level 5 from the announcement?' And the fact that she was still wearing her typical Tokiwadai uniform only made matters worse.

So, she decided to return to her old appearance as a way of change until things would return to normal.


"Hmm, Misaka should also change the color, Misaka can use the typical way by using hair preparations, or..."

Reaching for a strand of her hair, she closed her eyes and focused. In the next moment, her hair magically started to change. The once-white hair gradually turned brown until it became completely colored.

"By manipulating the level of Eumelanin and Pheomelanin, Misaka can change the color of her hair, says misaka, feeling proud of her cleverness. - ??"

her satisfaction was short-lived as She suddenly shallowed her words.

Through the mirror reflection, she noticed her nose was bleeding.

"Misaka should not mess with her body so carelessly like that next time, concluded misaka as she wiped the blood from her nose"

After carefully cleaning herself up and tending to her nosebleed, Misaka decided to head out for a walk in the bustling streets of Academy City, Dressing in her casual Tokiwadai uniform Misaka walked through the utterly crowded city streets.

"Aisa said she would be practicing in one of the Daihaseisai's events, but she didn't tell Misaka all the details. wonder if misaka can find her through all these crowds, says misaka"

She didn't belong to any school, which meant she wasn't qualified to participate. However, that didn't mean she wasn't willing to cheer on her friends who were taking part. It was also a chance to watch her Onee-sama crush the competitions from other schools... There was also one more thing she was interested in watching - a certain unlucky guy.

"wonder if Accelerator is participating... or maybe not. It might be better if he's not, though misaka as she imagined the chaos he might cause if he were involved"

Fire and hell, with a boy laughing with an evil grin and numerous bodies strewn on the ground. That was the vivid mental image that came to Misaka's mind the moment she imagined Accelerator participating in the festival.


"Ara? Are you alright, Ojou-san?"

"Uh? Yeah, sorry about that, Apologies Misaka"

As she had been lost in her own thoughts, her shoulder bumped into that of a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes. The woman was dressed in gray work clothes with a shirt buttoned in only one area, revealing her bust, and unzipped pants that left her cleavage and midriff exposed.

"Well, if you say so, watch where you walk carefully next time, little lady," the woman said with a wink before continuing on her way.

Misaka watched her go, reciprocating with a small nod.

(Seems like women's fashion sense has become wilder in the West, hasn't it?) Misaka mused as she resumed her walk, unaware of the foreign woman's lingering gaze.

(To think I'd bump into a magician so quickly... well, whatever. She doesn't seem to have anything to do with me for now.)

The woman, Oriana Thomson, shifted her attention away and continued on her own path.

(But what is a magician doing dressing as if she's a student here? Could it be a disguise for some kind of mission?)

Part 3:

"And in one go, they cross the finish line!!"

Sitting on one of the park benches, her eyes were fixed on the large display screen attached to one of the buildings.

"This was the result, but if the other schools had worked together, then Tokiwadai..."

Listening as the announcer announced the winners of the first event in the afternoon period, Misaka couldn't help but move her legs in unison with her satisfaction.

"Onee-sama is awesome as always, says Misaka as she proudly proclaims"

(She really won the event so easily, even though last year I was fighting just to be in the top 10... wait... when did I participate in such an event? Misaka came to live just three months ago, which means logically, it was impossible for me to... Misaka?... Ugh.)

A sudden pain struck her head, causing her to swiftly reach for it with her right hand.

And just as swiftly as it appeared, it disappeared.

"Is it one of the side effects of misaka playing with her body? concludes misaka as she is confused about what just happened"

"The seventh school district high-school division will soon commence its first competition event. All participants are requested to gather in front of the school gate."

Misaka snapped out of her momentary confusion, realizing that the next event was about to begin.

"Oh, it's time for the next event. Touma and Sis should be part of it. wonder who Misaka should cheer for if they're on different teams, wonders Misaka as she stood to her legs"

Making her way toward the school gate, Misaka couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment

"That looks fun... It's not like Misaka wants to participate in the events or anything, though! Misaka tries explaining in a tsundere style... Well, Misaka can't deny feeling a little alienated..."

"AH! Misaka-sama!"

Misaka turned to see a middle school girl approaching her.


"Thank goodness you've come... Ara? Why are you in your uniform?"


"You don't have P.E. wear!? In that case, borrow mine!!"

Meanwhile, flying through the building as if she were a certain spider-man, approaching the gate of the event as fast as she could.

"This is bad! I thought if I used my ability, I could somehow make it. But this will be cutting it really close."

She landed on the event ground, hurrying up to meet her team.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Mikoto exclaimed breathlessly.

However, she was met with surprise as she saw a certain 100% identical figure of herself standing in her spot.

"The size isn't tight?"

"It won't be a hindrance to exercise, actually, there's a bit of room left in the chest area, says misaka"


"Is something wrong?"

"No... I just thought someone was there just now,"

Following where the girl was pointing, there was no one there, just a few random drums and stand construction supplies. However, hiding behind them, Mikoto was sweating as she mumbled under her breath.

"Wha... What is she doing there?!"

Part 4:

"Now, with all the participants from the two teams, Red and Blue, in their places, let's start our next event - Balloon Hunter!"

Balloon Hunter. In this event, 30 selected people from each competing school will compete by trying to puncture the balloons on each other's heads by throwing specially designated balls.

Participants who have their balloons punctured will be removed from the game. The team with the most remaining competitors when time runs out will be declared the winner. The competition area is quite extensive, including the starting ground, and it allows you to move away from it. However, entering stores or any undesignated roads is forbidden and will result in disqualification.

"Are the competing schools ready?" the announcer shouted.

This was met with a chorus of insults exchanged between the competing teams.

"I'll praise you if you don't run away with your tails between your legs."

"In the end, the one howling might be you."


The announcer declared the start of the event, and it was like a signal for action. The Blue team, consisting mostly of students from regular schools, immediately scattered and began to sprint away from the Red team, which had a significant representation from the famous middle school, Tokiwadai.

"Let's make a run for the end of the field to start!"


"If all of us make it to the end, it'll end in a draw."

"Wha... What a half-hearted approach..."

After snapping out of their initial shock, the Red Team members sprinted after the Blue Team without hesitation.

"Let's chase them!"

However, among all the enthusiastic participants in the Red Team, a certain girl objected to the decision. She was aware of what the Blue Team was planning.

"It's dangerous to go alone. we should act in groups of three..."

Unfortunately, Misaka's advice fell on deaf ears as everyone charged ahead, leaving her behind.

"....Misaka Makes A Proposal..."

She reached up to scratch her head, her free hand counting off seconds.

"Hmm... It would take Misaka 27.23 seconds to puncture the balloons of every competitor on the Blue Team if Misaka used her power... but..."

(I would spoil the fun if I did so... I will not use any power so I can see what I can do without it)

She sprinted after her Red Team companions, her eyes scanning the field for potential targets.

(Most of the enemy competitors are low-level espers, so there is nothing to worry about... Well, if that guy was with them, then I have to be worried. But I didn't see him in the starting line, so everything should be fine)

Coming to a sudden stop, she turned her head around, but there was no sight of any members of the enemy team. Well, that was to be expected, as no one would want to face a Level 5 esper in the early stage of the game.

Misaka turned toward a nearby building.

(A higher ground would be beneficial to find them, and there's nothing that says it's against the rules)

With a crackling sound of electricity surrounding her body, she jumped onto the building's surface. With another push, she reached for the roof's edge with her right hand and followed with a powerful pull. She landed gracefully on the roof of the eleven-floor building. From this elevated position, she had a clear vantage point to scan the surrounding area for any signs of the Blue Team.

However, before she could continue her search, her hand instinctively reached for the back of her head, catching something soft.

"Cotton ball," Misaka muttered.

Turning around, she found three boys from the Blue Team who had been hiding behind the building's air conditioning devices. One of them was so shocked that he hadn't lowered his hand from the throwing position.

"H-How did she see it coming?"

"N-No, even more so, how did she get up here? We closed all the doors that led here."

"Stupid, she's a Level 5; it's obvious she broke through them."

"But look, the roof door still looks fine and closed."

"It doesn't matter how she got up here now; we're doomed. One spark from her electricity, and we're done for."

"Damn it."

The three boys gulped nervously as they realized the predicament they were in. Meanwhile, misaka kept watching in silence thinking about what to do with them, before...

"Misaka decided not to use any power, so you're free to attack Misaka without worrying about getting shocked, says Misaka as she kindly offers the poor boys a chance"

"...Is she trying to trick us?"

"Why would she need to? She's just underestimating us. Those Level 5s really think they're something."

"Doesn't matter; we're going to lose anyway. Let's take the chance now."

Gratefully, they surrounded her, forming a triangle.

Meanwhile, Misaka remained calm, her eyes fixed on the boy in front of her.

(In a multiple-target situation, it will be more effective if you focus on taking out one target at a time.)

With that thought, she didn't wait for their moves; she swiftly jumped toward one of them, catching them off guard.

"What the..."

(Taking the first move is better; it allows you to set the rhythm of the fight in your favor and disrupts the enemy team's plans.)

The other two boys instinctively followed Misaka, trying to help their friend. However, the girl in front suddenly stopped, raising both hands high with two balls in her grasp. In the next moment, they heard an explosion just above their heads.

With shock etched on their faces, the two boys fell to the ground. Misaka then threw the ball in her right hand at the third boy, who was still dazed, successfully puncturing the balloon on his head.

The boys looked stunned, lying defeated on the rooftop.

"Thanks for your hard work, Says misaka as she kindly Bows"

And just like that, she jumped from the building as if it were the most normal thing to do.

"She's really a monster."

"She's on a completely different level."

"She's really hot."

Suddenly, the two boys turned toward their blushing friend, and after a moment, they nodded, sharing a mutual understanding.


(A/N): And here is a new chapter

I have a plan to start a new fanfic story, so i want your opinions on which I should start

I have three ideas:

1- The rising of the shield hero (which is reincarnated in a certain female character, and it's not Raphtaria)

2- Baki (In this story i want to focus on the writing character-wise of the OC, of course with the action, i want to write a character as deep as Musachi or Thorfin... something similar to that, and it's not a genderbend story)

3- Lycoris recoil (Not a genderbend story but a romance one with some smut...)

I was planning to write something about FGO or SCP but it will be so hard to write about it with me writing about toaru now, those two franchises are torture to write about with all those multiverse plots.

anyway that for today, see ya!!

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