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Self-proclaimed Operator in Honkai Impact 3rd Self-proclaimed Operator in Honkai Impact 3rd original

Self-proclaimed Operator in Honkai Impact 3rd

Autor: TrapOfRed

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Prologue

Her chest heaved, her lungs trying to intake any ounce of air they could get. "Calm down." She gripped her white shirt, feeling it soaked in her sweat. "You're not in there anymore, you're not in that building." She gasped out, trying to calm her breathing. The faint scent of smoke faded away, replaced by the scent of morning dew.

She wiped away the tears that blurred her vision, taking a moment to rest and dry her sweat with her towel. "Can't believe this level of exercise is enough to remind me of bad memories." She clicked her tongue, taking a swig of her water.

Dying in a burning building wasn't exactly how she saw herself dying. Maybe something like crashing her beloved motorcycle was what she envisioned. Not the thick smog that choked her lungs, leaving her breathless. The red-hot flames that scorched her skin and the helplessness as she tried to crawl to the exit.

Fucking terrorists man. She'd rather not go through that again.

'Status.' She thought to herself, a screen she's grown familiar with shimmering into existence in front of her. Her red eyes skimmed over the panel. "Still going up." She noted, frowning.

Name: Beatrice Lionheart

Age: 17

Operator: Yato (3 Star)

Oripathy: 5%

An increase of 1%. It took days to go from 1% to 4% but this time it took 3 weeks for it to increase. 'Was hoping it stopped increasing permanently.' She groaned internally. The higher the percentage meant that more and more of her body's cells was being assimilated by originium and the more she risks dying.

She clicked on the operator tab, causing it to expand.

Operator: Yato (2 Star)

An oni vanguard operator of Rhodes Island. Part of the Op A4 and leader of the core operators. Yato was an assassin of Higashi before sparing their target and deserting to Rhodes Island. (83% until the next operator draw.)

She pursed her lips. A few weeks of effort only amounted to 83%, so it was still a while before she got another operator aside from Yato.

For now, at 5%, aside from some mild discomfort, it was nothing serious. 'If I remember correctly, 10% is when it starts getting dangerous, so I still have plenty of time till then.' She stretched her legs, resuming her run now she calmed down.

'...unless using my abilities speeds it up.' That was the case in the game but she wasn't sure if that also applied to her. At least she hoped it wouldn't, it would suck if using her abilities just took off more of the already limited time she had.

It would be a different story if originium inhibitors, the medicine that slows down the rate of the infection, existed but no matter how hard she looked she couldn't find anything. Without them, she probably only had 3 years left to live if she was feeling generous. 'Need to figure out something before then.' She frowned.

It's been 3 months since she died and got dragged into this world. It was a mess at first considering she didn't get reincarnated with an identity; she'd still be in a jail cell by now if it wasn't for some guy named Clown Alpha who did her a favor and bailed her out. Even went out of his way to set up her identity and get her enrolled in Chiba Academy, a local highschool.

It was suspicious as hell, but she wasn't going to go snooping around when the guy is doing her a favor. Beatrice prepared herself for the other shoe to drop, she was grateful but she wasn't stupid enough to think the guy was doing out of the free good will in his heart.

"Beatrice!" She paused, just enough time for a white haired girl to slam into her arms and nuzzle into her chest. "Hehehe, there's nothing better than starting the day off with hugging Beatrice..." She sighed contently, wrapping her arms around Beatrice. Beatrice frowned, pushing her head away.

"Do you have to do this every morning Kiana?" She frowned. While physical contact isn't enough to infect people with oripathy, she'd rather not risk infecting anyone. Kiana blinked, looking at her with her sky-tinted eyes.

"Of course I do!" She shouted indignantly, "There's nothing in this world better than a beautiful girl who just finished working out!" Her eyes twinkled in excitement. "It doesn't help that you look so exotic." Kiana pinched Beatrice's blonde hair, feeling how silky it was. "I wish mine was as straight as yours." She pouted.

"I told you I can just give you the one that I use for mine." Beatrice rolled her eyes, shaking Kiana's grip on her hair. "Get off me already, I'm soaked and you're gonna dirty your uniform." She peeled Kiana off her, ignoring Kiana's shouts that if its Beatrice's sweat it isn't dirty.

"Thanks for coming to pick me up, I lost track of time again." Beatrice thanked Kiana, looking at the time on her watch. An hour left before lecture started; she still had to wash up and prepare breakfast for the both of them and walk to school.

Kiana crossed her arms at Beatrice's thanks, "Did you forget teach said if you were late for class one last time, she'd finally suspend you? School is so boring without you." She whined pitifully, causing Beatrice to roll her eyes. She'd actually be touched if she didn't know Kiana was only worried Beatrice wouldn't be there to buy her lunch.

She could just give her some pocket money in the morning if that actually happened.

Beatrice reached out, clasping her fingers with Kiana's and started leading her back to the apartment. "Alright, I get it. Let's go." She ignored Kiana's flustered expression. For someone who's not afraid of physical contact, she was surprisingly embarrassed with slightly intimate gestures.

Personally, she's just thankfully it got Kiana to shut her mouth.

When they arrived at the apartment, Beatrice sat Kiana in the living room and entered the bathroom to wash up, locking the door behind her. She barely started washing up before hearing the sounds of someone trying to enter inside. "You know its never going to be unlocked." Beatrice said coldly.

She sighed when she heard the sounds of Kiana panicking and smashing into something, a faint 'ow!' echoing in the bathroom. "That kid, I swear." She rolled her eyes, washing the conditioner off her hair.

By the time she finished up and got out, nothing looked out of place except for Kiana's reddish knees and the missing chunk of her coffee table. Beatrice's brows twitched. 'She'll pay for that later.' She sneered, watching Kiana shiver when she met her eyes.

Wiping her damp hair, she entered the kitchen and got started on preparing their meal. A relatively light meal considering she didn't really have the time to cook anything extravagant.

Kiana prepped her elbows on the kitchen counter, resting her head on her hands as she watched Beatrice cook. "Hey..." She started, causing Beatrice to let out a hum. "When are you going to tell me where dad is?" Kiana's voice had a hint of pleading. "It's been weeks but you haven't even told me anything."

Beatrice froze, her hand stilling for a moment before it resumed. She let the silence linger, thinking about what to say before answering softly, "Soon." She finished up, setting the food on the table.

When she met Kiana for the first time. She was starving, taking shelter from the rain under a makeshift shelter of cardboard boxes. Seeing her so desperately trying to preserve some warmth made Beatrice take pity on her. She brought her a meal from the store across the street, a sandwich that cost her a little less than $10.

Not really something she would usually buy for herself, considering it tasted like ass but when Kiana took her first bite; she burst into tears, shouting about how delicious it was. The sight of her eating so happily made Beatrice felt guilty. When she asked her where her parents were; Kiana explained that she's been searching for years for her dad who just disappeared on her.

It was obvious he abandoned her but Kiana was still desperately searching for him. The thought still left a bitter feeling in Beatrice's mouth. Kiana thanked her for the meal and just when she was about to walk away, Beatrice tricked her into coming with her by saying she knew where her dad was.

How fast Kiana bought it was concerning now that she thought about it.

'Why was I so impulsive?' Beatrice whined internally. "Boo~, you always say that. That's what you said last week too." Kiana pouted, but obediently stopped bringing it up, eating her meal happily.

It didn't take them long to finish up, Beatrice soaked the dishes in water and saved it for later since they were cutting it close. "Come on! We're gonna be late!" Kiana dragged Beatrice out of the door, making it difficult for her to put on her shoes.

"And who's fault is that?" Beatrice rolled her eyes, finally getting them on. "Isn't it cause a certain someone messed up their hair while messing around and begged me to help fix it?" She took her arm back from Kiana's hands, locking the door behind her.

"Hehehe...sorry?" Kiana laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. "Whatever." Beatrice rolled her eyes and scanned her over to see if Kiana was properly dressed. Long silky white hair and eyes that shined like sapphires, her white sailor uniform was ironed out and her brown skirt fluttered in the wind. The basic uniform of Chiba Academy. "It's a shame your mouth ruins your beauty." Beatrice muttered, shaking her head. She pocketed her keys, walking down the stairs of her apartment.

"Eh? Did you just call me pretty Beatrice!?" Kiana excitedly reached forward and latched onto Beatrice's arm, "You did just now didn't you!" Kiana's eyes sparkled, "I think you're really pretty too! Your long beautiful golden hair, bright and intoxicating red eyes that sparkle like precious rubies and your gigantic brea-" Beatrice shut Kiana's mouth close with her hand, her cheeks flaring red.

"You talk too much." Beatrice took her arm back from Kiana's embrace and speed up her pace, leaving Kiana behind. "Ah! Wait! I'm sorry Beatrice, please wait for me! I promise I'll stay quiet this time! Beatrice!" Kiana chased after her.

By the time they got to school, Kiana and Beatrice split off to head to their respective classes. She ignored the way the teacher gave her the stink eyes for the rest of the day, if she was hoping that she would be late and could suspend her, tough luck.

After she brought Kiana lunch, Beatrice headed to the building behind the school where the kendo club was located. Kiana wanted to tag along but she had baseball practice, leaving her some much needed alone time.

She pulled out her keys to unlock the door before noticing it was already slightly open, peeking inside, her eyes brightened. "Looks like you showed up today as well Mei." She noted.

Mei scratched her nose sheepishly, her long dark purple hair bundled into a pony tail. Her indigo eyes refused to meet Beatrice's before she spook up hesitantly, "Well, uhm. You told me to come everyday.." She whispered, "I don't get why you're always so surprised I actually show up. I never missed a day since last month.." She complained.

Beatrice ignored her, it's not like Beatrice can say she fully expects Mei to not come so she's always surprised when she does now can she? She went to the rack containing the club's wooden swords, throwing one of it to Mei while taking one for her own. Mei hurriedly caught it, almost dropping her school bag in the process.

"Just like the usual; we'll have a few matches."

Just like Kiana, Mei was one of the girls Beatrice had taken pity on. Daughter of the criminal Raiden Ryoma, CEO of the ME corp. It's only been a month since the guy was taken into prison for embezzling funds and that was enough to turn Mei from one of the most popular girl from school to the most bullied.

Honestly, Beatrice didn't care about any of it. It's not like Raiden Ryoma had done anything personal to her considering she didn't even exist in this world long enough for him to do anything and Mei was awfully cute.

"Do we..?" Mei asked hesitantly, causing Beatrice to nod. She was more interested in the famed Hokushin Ittō-ryū swordsmanship of the Raiden family. But there was one problem with this, that is; Mei's mentality.

Even though they been fighting for a month straight, Beatrice has never seen Hokushin Ittō-ryū in action a single time.

Just like all the other times they fought, Mei hesitated. Even when Beatrice purposely let herself open or overextended at times, Mei would simply back off, not punishing her mistakes. They had to stop when a light swing from Beatrice knocked the sword out of Mei's hands, causing her to land softly on the dojo's floor. "Ouch..."

Beatrice ignored Mei's embarrassed expression, massaging her brow. "Enough." She picked up Mei's fallen sword and put it back on the rack. "There's no point to this." She noted disappointedly, "You don't need to come here anymore." Beatrice shook her head, putting the sword away.

"W-What?" Mei's face dropped, staring at her in horror. She quickly got up from the ground and reached over to grab Beatrice's wrist. "Do you not want me anymore?" She asked in a panic. Beatrice raised a brow but she shook her head.

"No, it's not that. I can tell you're not trying, there's no more point in this." She elaborated. Honestly, cheap wins doesn't really make Beatrice happy. She'd rather prefer it if Mei actually tried but it was obvious nothing she did motivated Mei to try and win.

Beatrice's explanation calmed down Mei but she still looked afraid, "I'll come back tomorrow. I swear I will." She affirmed, staring straight into Beatrice's eyes. Beatrice didn't respond, shaking her head softly.

By the time Mei left, Beatrice looked at the panel beside her vision.

Operator: Yato (3 Star)

An oni vanguard operator of Rhodes Island. Part of the Op A4 and leader of the core operators. Yato was an assassin of Higashi before sparing their target and deserting to Rhodes Island. (91% until the next operator draw.)

'Looks like fighting does make it go up.' Beatrice had an idea it did but she wasn't sure until she confirmed with Mei. Personally, she wouldn't mind continuing to fight Mei to get her new operator but her patience was wearing thin. She wasn't the type of person to beat down weak people. And she got no satisfaction from knocking Mei down over and over again.

'Maybe this would motivate her to try harder.' Beatrice tilted her head, it was cheap to motivate her with the fear of losing her only friend but honestly Beatrice didn't have any other idea that could work. She had to settle with this one, even if it was in bad taste. 'I'll treat Mei a little better in the future.' Beatrice decided.

She cleaned up the mess they made, wiping the windows and making sure nothing was missing before she locked the club. By the time she finished, the sun was already starting to set. She quickly walked to the school gate, knowing Kiana she's probably been waiting for a while already.

Sure enough. By the time she got there, she could see Kiana excitedly waving at her. Beside her was a timid Mei who looked absolutely embarrassed to be right beside her, standing with an expression as if to say, 'Ah, I don't know this person.'

"Over here Beatrice!" Her loud shouting attracted everyone's attention, causing Beatrice to sigh. She quickly walked over, shutting Kiana's mouth with her hand. "Alright, you can shut up now. I swear I don't know how you have so much energy left after your club activities, are you even participating?"

Kiana broke free from Beatrice's hands, glaring at her. "Of course I do! I'll have you know I'm the top batter in my team!" She stomped her feet. Beatrice ignored her tantrum, staring apologetically at Mei. "I suppose you met Kiana." She noted.

Mei nodded, refusing to meet her eyes. She felt awkward talking to Beatrice after what happened in the club, "We've been talking about you." She explained, "Yeah, why didn't you tell me you had another friend beside me Beatrice!" Kiana chimed in, whining. "Since you made me wait, I've been telling Mei all about the embarrassing stuff you did, like the time you tried to peek at me in the bath!"

Kiana slandered her excitedly, but looking at Mei's expression clearly showed she didn't believed it so Beatrice didn't bother to say anything. "Shut up." She clamped Kiana's mouth, ending her story about that one time Beatrice stole her food. Mei chuckled, watching their interaction. "You guys sure are close." She glanced at Kiana before staring into Beatrice's eyes.

"Who made me pick up this abandoned cat." Beatrice sneered at Kiana, causing her eyes to widen before she started gesturing excitedly, her muffled shouting increasing in volume but no matter what she did, Beatrice didn't let go of her mouth.

Mei laughed, before taking Beatrice's hand into her own, "I'll see you tomorrow." She told Beatrice again, squeezing her hand tightly. Beatrice stared at her silently before responding, "Okay." Kiana watched Mei leave silently, staring between her and Beatrice.

"What?" She asked, raising her brow. Kiana shook her head, "Nothing, let's go!" Kiana held Beatrice's arm, feeling her warmth before she dragged Beatrice home. Beatrice sighed softly but didn't take her hand away from Kiana's.

By the time they got to the apartment, night had fallen. Beatrice made them both a light meal and sent Kiana to bed before returning to her room. She waited awhile before Kiana was sound asleep before she got out of her bed and opened her cabinet. 'Does she need to snore that loud?' Beatrice complained.

It was a pain in the ass to sleep normally with this kid around.

Donning on a black jacket and strapping her sword to her waist, she scavenged around before she found a black cloth to tie around her eyes. The world sank to darkness but it was a darkness she was used to.

'It's a bit cheap to borrow Yato's image but it works, so whatever.' She opened the window, jumping out and dashing across the rooftops towards the east side of town. Her figure was nothing more than a blur to normal people and every time she'd land, she'd leave indents on the concrete.

'An oni's physique is really enviable.' Beatrice noted.

It didn't take her long to arrive. A dilapidated warehouse near the port of the town. The faint salty scent of the sea lingered in the air and she took the time to listen to the sound of the waves before she heard someone land behind her.

"First time you're late. Raven." Beatrice mocked, "Got chased by a dog on your way here or something?" Raven sneered, "Real funny Ghost, did you look that one up on the way?" Beatrice turned around to face her.

Raven's gray hair peeked under her dark hood, a thing that was long enough to touch the ground and cover most of her figure. Her single baleful magenta eyes stared at Beatrice menacingly, a hand on her waist. "I got the info you asked for." Raven took a folder from under her cloak.

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