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94.44% Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans / Chapter 34: Chapter Thirty-Four: Izumi IV

Capítulo 34: Chapter Thirty-Four: Izumi IV

Chapter Thirty-Four: Izumi IV


July 12th, Year 70, Konoha Hospital



A dull throbbing roused me to wake, my mind feeling foggy and confused. Blinking against the glaring sunlight, I winced as pain lanced through my abdomen. What happened? Where was I?


Gradually, my eyes adjusted to reveal sterile white walls and the cloying scent of antiseptic. A hospital room, I presumed. How did I end up here? I tried to rise, only for the fiery ache in my stomach to force me back down with a gasp. It felt like I had been cut open and then doused with hot water… It burned!


With great difficulty, I lifted the thin hospital gown, revealing layers of bandages wrapped tightly around my midsection. Hesitantly, I probed the dressings and instantly regretted it as even the slightest touch ignited agonizing pain. I deduced at least four broken ribs based on the intensity. The pain was simply unreal…


But how? What the hell happened? I wracked my muddled brain trying to recall the last thing I remembered. We were returning from... from the Chunin Exams! In Taki! I furrowed my brows, fragments slowly coming back to me. The exams had gone off without a hitch, despite Kuro's antics and insane ideas.


Then afterward, we were traveling home in a rush for some reason. Anzo-sensei seemed uncharacteristically tense and urgent. We then… encountered someone... a squad of enemy ninja! Ninjas from… Kumo? One of them, a terrifying blonde woman covered in blue flames, had attacked Kuro without hesitation... While Kabuto and I were fighting a Jonin of Kumo… But we were somehow holding on. Although… Ugh… I can't remember… But something happened after…


I shuddered, absently rubbing my injury. When I got a flash of an image of something huge… there were shouting… I remember fear… My legs were not listening to me… And then… My head hurt remembering… But I remembered… I remember seeing Kuro, trying to come to me… but his shadows weren't strong enough to stop it from hitting me… Then all I remember was darkness…


Who was that? Why did they attack us with such rage? No! I remember… They wanted Kuro… They wanted to kill Kuro… I sighed thinking that. I really hoped that everyone was safe… Especially Kuro… He did his best to keep everyone safe… But… What happened after I blacked out? I really needed some answers!


As if summoned by my desire, the door opened to reveal Anzo-sensei along with a nurse. Relief washed over me at the sight of his familiar visage. Sensei's gaze softened fractionally upon seeing me awake.


"You've returned to us at last. You had us worried for a while there," he remarked, a hint of fondness entering his typically stern tone.

The nurse busied herself checking my vitals and injury with a diagnostic jutsu, nodding in satisfaction at the results. "You're a very lucky young lady. A few inches higher and the gashes would have been fatal. As it stands, you'll make a full recovery with rest," she informed me with a kind smile.


I almost sagged in relief. It really was a narrow brush with death. Once the nurse finished her examination and left us in privacy, I turned to Anzo-sensei, my curiosity overflowing.


"Sensei...what happened out there? Who attacked us? Why did they want to kill Kuro?" The questions spilled out of me urgently.


Anzo-sensei's expression turned solemn, and he seated himself beside my bed. "I suppose you have a right to know, given your unfortunate entanglement," he conceded. Steepling his fingers, Sensei met my gaze unflinchingly.


"The ones who ambushed us were none other than Kumogakure's infamous pair of jinchuriki - Killer B and Yugito Nii."


My eyes widened at his revelation. I had heard terrifying tales of the human sacrifices burdened with containing the Tailed Beasts. The Jinchurikis were like bedtime stories for kids… But instead of being fictional they were quite real… To think we had clashed with two living weapons was a chilling realization.


Sensei continued his explanation, "It seems that Kumo's higher ups learned of Kuro's performance during the Chunin Exams, and deemed him too dangerous to let live. They sent the Jinchuriki to assassinate him before he could reach maturity." 

He also muttered something in a low tone, "They really seem to place weight on Kuro's talent to send both Jinchurikis. Tsk."


My hands fisted the sheets as anger bubbled up inside me. How dare they? Targeting a child for death simply because he displayed talent beyond his years? Despicable!


Oblivious to my outrage, Anzo-sensei went on, "Unfortunately, we ended up walking straight into their ambush. You and Kabuto fought bravely, but were outmatched. The jinchuriki Killer B grievously wounded you during the battle. We nearly lost you a few times."


Sensei's gaze clouded with memories of how closely I had trifled with death. I reached out and squeezed his hand, offering what comfort I could. After a moment, he refocused and gave me a tired smile.


"The Jinchuriki- What happened to them?" I questioned cautiously. If they were as powerful as I think they are, I doubted the outcome had been very favorable for us. A dark shadow passed over Sensei's face, making me gulp.


"Yugito Ni the two tails Jinchuriki… is Dead. Killed by Kuro during combat, and after he softened the blow that hit you, from Killer B, he helped-" he stated bluntly before stopping when he saw my expression. 

My eyes widened in shock. Kuro had slain one of the jinchuriki? How? I needed to know more.


Feeling my emotions whirl, Anzo-sensei spoke gently, "I understand you must have many questions, and hearing about Yugito's death is a lot to take in..."


I interrupted urgently, "But Sensei, how could Kuro defeat someone so powerful? He's just a genin like me!" I winced at the plaintive note in my voice. Despite knowing better, a jealous part of me wanted to be on the same level as him—I didn't want to be left behind.


Anzo-sensei seemed to weigh his words before responding carefully, "You're aware that Kuro is...special. His abilities go far beyond those of typical Chunin, let alone Genin. In the heat of battle, he did what was necessary to protect his comrades." He finished with a stern tone.


I bit my lip anxiously. Just how extraordinary were Kuro's capabilities if he could achieve what even elite Jonin couldn't? And he had taken a life - ended someone's existence with his own hands - for my sake. The weight of it all left me staggered.1






Oblivious to my inner turmoil, Sensei continued, "After Yugito fell, we succeeded in subduing Killer B as well. Killer B is now a prisoner of Konoha." Satisfaction colored his words - the operation had clearly been a success by his standards.


But my thoughts remained fixed on my enigmatic teammate who had saved my life and slain a legendary foe. What kind of training had he undergone to reach such heights at his young age? Didn't we train together under the same sensei? Wasn't he the one most lazy amongst us? There was still so much I didn't understand about him…


Anzo-sensei seemed to sense my distraction. With a sigh, he rose to his feet. "That's enough for now. You need rest, not more burdens on your mind," he admonished gently. His large hand came to rest atop my head, ruffling my hair affectionately.


"I'm proud of you, kid. You fought well for a rookie Genin against an incredibly dangerous opponent. Rest up and come see me when they discharge you. We've got big things ahead," he encouraged with a smile.


I nodded, offering him a tentative smile in return even as my thoughts churned with questions. He made to leave but paused at the doorway. Without turning back, I heard him utter softly, "I'm proud of you Izumi. Take rest."


Then he was gone, leaving me alone with my tempestuous thoughts. I had narrowly survived a brush with death at the hands of a monster. My teammate had saved my life by ending another's. Nothing made sense anymore. Exhausted by the revelations, I sank into an uneasy sleep.




The next few days passed by in a blur of restless recovery, pain medications, and intermittent restless sleep. The nurses ensured I was never alone for long, but my only regular visitor was Kabuto. Part of me had hoped Kuro might stop by, if only to help make sense of things. But he never came.

I was both disappointed and relieved for that… But it kept my mind reeling on where he was. Kuro was the primary thing on my mind these days.


Kabuto did his best to lift my spirits, regaling me with humorous stories of life at the orphanage and his upcoming medical training under Lady Tsunade. His presence was a welcome balm, distracting me from the maelstrom inside. But even he didn't know exactly where Kuro was.


He understood my need for normalcy and never brought up the disastrous mission that landed me here. I was grateful for his tact. There would be time later to process the implications - for now I just wanted to forget.

He came to visit every day, and brought fresh flowers too. He was such a good friend.


On the third day of my awakening, my parents finally arrived, having just returned from an extended mission. The sight of their beloved faces nearly brought me to tears. I had missed them more than I realized.


"Izumi! My baby, you're finally awake!" Mother cried, rushing to embrace me tenderly, mindful of my lingering injury. The warmth and familiar scent of her hug made me feel five years old again. I clung to her, my eyes stinging with emotion.


Father approached solemnly, relief evident in his tired and obviously stressed eyes. He clasped my shoulder, conveying more affection with that simple gesture than flowery speeches ever could. I welcomed my parents' comforting presence, reassuring myself this was real - I had survived, thanks to the efforts of those who cared for me.


Of course, once the joy of our reunion faded, my parents inevitably broached the subject of my dangerous brush with death. Their reactions embodied their personalities perfectly.


Mother fluctuated rapidly between tender concern, burning outrage at Kumo and raging maternal fury that I had been placed in such peril. More than once, she vocalized a visceral desire to hunt down and slowly eviscerate those responsible for harming her precious daughter. I had forgotten how fiercely protective my mother could be.


Father, on the other hand, remained solemn and thoughtful, absorbing my halting account without interruption. His eyes narrowed at the mention of the Jinchuriki's involvement, but he held his emotions in check. Ever the stoic Jonin, Father's silent fury was no less potent than mother's tempestuous outpourings.


By unspoken consensus, neither brought up the uncomfortable subject of Kuro's role in events. I got the sense they were deliberately avoiding it for my sake, likely reminded by Anzo-sensei. Part of me was grateful - that was a bridge I did not feel ready to cross yet. There would be time to unpack those complicated feelings in the future.


After reassurances of my improving condition, my parents took their leave to handle Jonin affairs, but not before extracting fervent promises that I would call them immediately if I needed anything at all. Their concern warmed me despite the smothering effects. I had inherited my fiery passion from My mother, but my resilience came from my father. I would recover, stronger than before.


Alone again, I mulled over everything that had transpired in the past few days. So much had changed in such a short span of time. I was now a chunin, well almost, I still didn't have my induction ceremony… bearing a abdominal wound that nearly took my life. One of my precious teammates had slain an infamous Jinchuriki, saving me in the process. Anzo-sensei had made it clear - nothing would be the same again. Our genin days were over.


I should have felt sad at the impending dissolution of our team. Yet surprisingly, all I felt was a growing sense of anticipation. My time with Anzo-sensei, Kuro and Kabuto had been fulfilling, but we each had our own paths to walk now. And I would stride forward without hesitation! 

I was determined to keep paces with my teammates, no matter how much I need to sacrifice!




Late evening on the third day brought another visitor- Izuna. Fresh from a mission judging by her travel-worn appearance, she nevertheless spared time to visit me, bearing a bag of piping hot dangos. My heart swelled at the gesture.


"Izumi-san, it's good to see you awake," she greeted warmly. We embraced, and the comfort of her presence eased my spirit like nothing else could. Izuna-chan understood me on a level no one else did - not even my own parents.


"Izuna-chan! You didn't have to come so soon after your mission," I chided without any heat. We both knew nothing could have kept her away.


She simply smiled and offered me the bag of still-warm dangos - my favorite comfort food. Soon we were chatting and snacking as though no time had passed. Izuna-chan caught me up on village happenings and mundane rumors, studiously avoiding any mention of my disastrous mission. I didn't mind - she knew I needed this time of normalcy and lightheartedness. No one understood me like her.


As evening deepened into night, our conversation lulled into a comfortable silence. I studied my dear friend sneakily, contemplating whether to confide my conflicted feelings regarding a certain lazy overachieving teammate. Several times, the words hovered on the tip of my tongue - yet I could not form them. Something held me back.


Izuna-chan and I were close as sisters at this point… not that I knew how a sisterly bond was. She trusted me with her deepest secrets and insecurities, as I did with her. Nothing could break our bond. And yet...this matter regarding Kuro felt too raw, too personal to share lightly.


In my heart, I sensed Izuna harbored complicated feelings towards Kuro, maybe similar as mine… however deeply buried. Our friendship had room for many things, but not a romance that would make her my rival. 

That was a line I do not think I can cross. She deserved to have her own chance with Kuro, if he returned her feelings. I refused to damage what we had over something so fleeting as romantic infatuation. Izuna-chan was far too precious to me for that to happen.


And so I held my silence. That bud of yearning would remain locked away in my heart. Kuro had saved my life and glimpsed my mortality - of course such intense circumstances would breed confusing emotions! I was still young, prone to flights of fancy. But it would pass. My bond with Izuna-chan was unshakable. Nothing could break our closeness, least of all a teenage crush.


With my feelings settled for the moment, I turned the conversation to lighter topics. Tomorrow I would be discharged, and soon we three teammates would go our separate ways. I wanted our final hours together to be filled with joy, not my silly pining. There was a time and place to process what I felt for him, but tonight belonged solely to my precious friend.

But deep inside I knew… I was lying to myself.




Morning broke clear and bright on a new day following my long hospitalization. Thanks to my exceptional recovery, the nurses consented to discharge me from the hospital. By mid-morning I was breathing the sweet air of freedom once more. Although my abdominal area still hurt a lot!


Mother fussed relentlessly, urging me to take it easy lest I aggravate my lingering injury. Her concern was endearing but unnecessary - Konoha's medical-nin were second to none, and I was personally looked over by Lady Tsunade herself! I felt better than ever. 

A week of forced rest was more than sufficient. I was ready to be up and about again.


After extracting more exasperated promises to avoid strenuous activity, mother finally left me in peace. Strolling leisurely through the busy streets of downtown Konoha, I revelled in the comforting familiarity of it all. The achingly mundane sights and sounds erased the lingering ghosts of nearly dying at the claws of a monster. I was home again. Whole, here, alive.


The walk to the Hokage's Tower was both exciting and nerve wrecking for me. But I kept telling myself that everything was going to be fine and that I was ready to start my new life as a Chunin! So with assured steps, I ascended the administrative floor that housed the Hokage's office. My future awaited within.


I was the last to arrive it seems. Kabuto stood speaking to Anzo-sensei near the secretary's desk, while an attendant went to inform Lord Hokage of our arrival. Kabuto and Anzo Sensei both greeted me with smiles. And I returned with a smile of my own, but I noticed that Kuro wasn't here.


Kabuto approached me first, his keen eyes inspecting me for any lingering injury. "It's wonderful to see you back on your feet, Izumi. You had us all so worried," he said warmly, clasping my shoulder.


I smiled back gratefully. "Still in one piece, thanks to you. I hear you never left my side those first few days." 


Kabuto ducked his head modestly. "I only did what anyone would have. Though admittedly, it was touch and go for a while..." His voice turned solemn at the memory of my brush with death. Impulsively, I pulled him into a quick hug. Which he reciprocated after hesitating a bit.


"Well, I'm just glad you were there. You're going to be an amazing medic, Kabuto," I said sincerely. His shy smile in response was worth any awkwardness. I owed this dear friend my life.


Anzo-sensei stepped forward next, his keen gaze inspecting me for any hint of weakness. Finding none, he nodded in satisfaction. "Good to see you up and about, kid. How's the injury?"


I smiled wryly at his gruff concern, so quintessentially Sensei. "Much better, barely feel it at all," I assured him. In truth, it still ached fiercely at times, but I refused to let pain hinder me any longer. I was going to be a Chunin of the Leaf now - discomfort was part of the job.


Sensei seemed to read my thoughts, his stern visage softening by a fraction. "Don't overdo it. You've got a bright future ahead, so take care of yourself," he admonished, before adding awkwardly, "...That's an order."


I had to stifle a laugh. Hardass Anzo-sensei, going soft on us? Perish the thought! But his clumsy concern warmed me. "Of course, Sensei~" I replied innocently. The subtle twitch of his eyebrow promised future retribution for my teasing, but we both knew it was only in good fun.


Before he could respond, the attendant returned to usher us into the Hokage's office. Exchanging resolute glances with my teammates, I steeled my nerves. This was the dawn of a new stage in all our lives. Together, we stepped forward to meet our destinies.




"Congratulations again on your promotion to Chunin. Konoha is proud of you two," Lord Hokage declared warmly. Beside him, the village elders murmured their own praise and acknowledgements. I stood taller, burnished vest feeling at once alien and yet like it belonged. The tangibility of our growth from mere genin to chunin.


Kabuto and I smiled proudly, but my smile was brighter than his own. "You've earned it, kids. Enjoy this moment," Anzo-sensei encouraged gruffly from behind us. His fierce pride was poorly concealed, bringing smiles to our faces. We had done it - this was the culmination of years of training together and an almost death experience...


After the formalities concluded, Lord Hokage's expression turned serious once more. "Now I'm sure you realize becoming chunin also necessitates certain changes." His gaze lingered on each of us, heavy with unspoken meaning. My pulse quickened. This was it - the dissolution of our genin squad.


"Kabuto, you have great potential in the medical field. As such, starting tomorrow you will begin training under Lady Tsunade herself to join the medic-nin corps," Lord Hokage declared. 

Shocked murmurs rippled through the room at the unprecedented honor. Kabuto himself looked stunned, before bowing deeply in gratitude. To be personally mentored by one of the Sannin, what an incredible opportunity! If anyone deserved it, kind-hearted Kabuto did.

"I won't be going easy on you Kid." Tsunade-sama stated from the side with a menacing smile. But Kabuto simply bowed to her.


Turning to me next, the Hokage smiled. "Izumi, you've done remarkably well awakening your Sharingan and showing skill with ninjutsu. Therefore, at his own request, you will train under Uchiha Shisui to continue developing your talents in that area."


I gasped in disbelief. Shisui of the Body Flicker, praised as one of the most gifted Uchiha in a generation, had requested to train me himself! It was more than I had ever dreamet of! 

Heart pounding, I bowed in sincere thanks for this unbelievable chance.

But before the Hokage could dismiss us, I took the courage to ask, "Hokage-sama, sorry to intrude, but where is Kuro? And what about his promotion?"

The Hokage, Tsunade-sama, Anzo-sensei and the advisors in the room looked at each other before looking at us. It was the Hokage who addressed us.

"Indeed, it's been a while since you two saw your teammate, hasn't it? Well, Kuro has been occupied with his duties on the border, under the supervision of Jiraiya-sensei. His promotion has also been officially recognized, so there's nothing to worry about," he said, his smile reassuring.

Seeing my continued inquisitive expression, he elaborated, "Kuro possesses unique and invaluable talents crucial to the village. Therefore, he will be under the personal guidance of both Jiraiya-sensei and Anzo-san for his ongoing development and training. Once he earns their approval, he will be promoted directly from his current Tokubetsu-Jonin status to full Jonin." I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The idea of being mentored by not one but two legendary ninja was an honor beyond measure! And did he just mention that Kuro was a Tokubetsu-Jonin and not a Chunin?

I was staring at the Hokage and the rest in disbelief, but got out of my surprise when the Hokage coughed lightly.

He then surveyed me and Kabuto with unconcealed pride and satisfaction. "You all represent the future of the Leaf, the Will of Fire burning bright within you. I have utmost faith you will continue to serve our village with honor and distinction. Enjoy your day off you two. And congratulations!"


We stood tall under the weight of his regard, dignified in our new vestments. This was only the beginning - the trials ahead would shape us into the shinobi we were meant to be. But with the teachings of legends and comrades beside us, we feared no challenge. Our time had come at last!




Laughter resonated in the barbecue restaurant's private room where Team Anzo, minus Kuro, gathered one final time to celebrate our promotions. With sizzling meat on the table, we shared memories and inside jokes, relishing our last moments together.


Kabuto shared his new training plan from Lady Tsunade, brimming with excitement about his apprenticeship under the renowned medical ninja. 

I, too, expressed eagerness for my upcoming training with Uchiha Shisui. My Sharingan had gained two tomoe, and under Shisui's guidance, I aimed to unlock the third. Anzo-sensei praised my natural genjutsu talent, instilling warmth and confidence.


While Anzo-sensei maintained his stoic demeanor, I swore I caught him smiling on two separate occasions. I wasn't imagining things, I swear.


As the night progressed, I blurted out without realizing, "What do you think Kuro is doing now? When do you think he will return?" Kabuto fell silent, exchanging a look with Anzo-sensei.


Anzo-sensei assumed a thoughtful expression, stating, "Honestly, he should have been back by now. I don't know where the kid is. He is supposed to report to me by tomorrow morning. If he's late, I don't care if he's a hero or not—I will grill him and feed him to the fishes." He delivered the statement nonchalantly, making Kabuto and me laugh nervously.


Then, I voiced a concern, "Say, Sensei, what will you be teaching Kuro-kun that you haven't already taught us?" 

Anzo-sensei looked at me for a moment before responding, "Well, now that you're no longer a baby Genin, you can know a few more details. Kuro is special, as you all already know. Due to that trait, the village will be training him to use his specialty where it's best utilized. And I am one of the best Ninjas to teach him that. Let's just put it like that." Kabuto stiffened, and I sensed his clenched fists. I, too, grasped somewhat what Sensei was referring to, but that didn't mean I had to like it.


After a lull in the conversation, Anzo-sensei paid the bill and bid us farewell. 

Kabuto walked me to the crossroad where the road led to my Clan Compound, while the other led to his apartment. "Take good care of yourself, Izumi-san. Don't do anything too strenuous for a while longer. I'll see you around," he said with a smile. I returned the wish and wished him luck with his training under Lady Tsunade.


As I started walking towards the Uchiha Compound, I felt the wind pick up. While trying to keep my hair from getting messed up, I heard a voice from a nearby tree. 

"Hey, looks like you're up and about. Hope you're recovering well." 

I looked up, and my eyes widened at the sight of Kuro, sitting lazily on a branch, looking at me with a soft grin and his hair dancing in the wind. 

I stared at his lazy yet handsome visage, his raven black fluttering hair, his soft eyes…

And I felt my heart… drumming like crazy. As I realized that I was staring…



Why did I have to meet him like this….


Hey everyone,


Lumi here, and I owe you a big apology for being MIA for so long. It's been so long that some of you might have gotten married, had kids, and those kids might be in college now… 

xD But jokes aside, life threw a ton of BS my way. My company working on a mega project, dealing with the government, and all that jazz that comes with it. Then, of course, some family and relationship stuff happened, and on top of it all, I hit a serious motivation slump.


But, a shoutout to this dude @Ay Man, who waltzed into the Discord server, demanded a chapter, and claimed to have read the story six times, and craving more so bad that he found me and demanded it! I found it hilarious, and it warmed my heart that someone enjoyed it that much. So, guess what? I decided to force myself to write again. xD Lmao. Your enthusiasm, Ay Man, and for all of you who've been reading, is truly motivating. And after finishing this chapter, I feel the motivation back to write an awesome story!


Thanks a ton for sticking around and reading my work. I'll do my absolute best to keep the chapters coming. However, I can't commit to daily releases; life's a bit too hectic for that. I'm thinking of trying a bi-weekly schedule. Thanks again for being awesome readers!

Don't forget to check out the Discord and Patreon links in the synopsis. Join our community and get in on the fun discussions!

  1. [A/N: She is a kid and is trying to comfort her PTSD with her own conclusions. Chillax]

LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

I promise, I will try to write more, please dont come with the torches and pitchforks and rotten eggs!

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