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5.45% One piece (Raging flames) / Chapter 2: (Chapter 1) Trouble is stirring

Capítulo 2: (Chapter 1) Trouble is stirring


The winds were blowing on his face as the boy sat on the edge of the cliff looking down

Towards the sea as he ate a rice ball.

He stood there mesmerized by the beauty of the ocean

Looking to his side he saw a little wolf pup drinking water out of a puddle on the ground as it ran as soon as it spotted him staring at it

Ryu giggled staring at the pup while it was running away.

As he finished his rice ball he stood up looking toward the sky

'it's going to rain soon I need to get back before Ka-san gets angry at me'

So he started walking back admiring the nature around him,

"I've never gone into the town before maybe I can buy an actual katana Jiji never lets me use a real one and says it's too early for me to carry a real sword" he thought to himself

He soon spotted his home a few hundred meters away before starting a light jog

His long Red hair was wrapped in a ponytail that blew behind him as he started running even faster

As he got closer he saw an even older man talking to his grandpa while his mother was nowhere in sight

He soon reached his grandfather as he rammed into him hugging his leg as he was only 3 feet tall nowhere near his grandfather's 6'2 feet tall stature

'Oh? Little Ryu don't just slam into me like that I'm not as young and sturdy as I used to be'

He smiled as he patted his grandson's head

'Minamoto-san I never knew you had a grandchild he looks a lot like your father'

Ryu looked up at the man standing in front of his grandfather and asked

'Jiji who is this'

'Don't be so rude Ryu, this is Kyoku-sama our clan's leader and one of the most powerful samurai to ever come out of this island of ours'

Said Minamoto as he looked at his grandson and lightly scolded

'now now Minamoto San you don't have to be so harsh he is only a little boy'

Said Kyoku as he looked at the young boy

"He looks strong for his age I wonder"

'Ryu-kun what would you like to become in the future?'

Ryu seemed to ponder that question as he looked towards one of the many katanas hanging on the walls of the walls

'the boy will become a great samurai in the future just like how I was'

Said Minamoto as he patted his grandson's head and looked to Kyoku as he smiled

'now Ryu go along and help your mother in the kitchen I still have a bit of business with Kyoku-sama'

'Hai Jiji' as Ryu walked inside and started looking for his mother to start preparing lunch

'I never knew Hisho-kun got married, what a shame I would have gotten my son to court her, where is his father anyways he doesn't seem to be around?'

Asked Kyoku as he looked puzzled while stroking his beard

Minamoto snorted while looking at kyoku

'her "Husband" is never around last I saw him was a few days before Ryu's birth he never comes around anymore, what a shame I would have loved to slice him open to what he did to my daughter'

Kyoku just sighed as he looked at Minamoto

'what was his name anyways?'

'his name was Fuku D Guzban I'm not too sure why the strange D in his name but who cares'

As they both chatted for a while, both old went inside a few minutes and sat down in the living room

'kyoku-sama we havent had you over for a long time' said Minamoto as he sipped a cup of tea while looking towards kyoku

The old man sighed

'I have duties as the clan leader, But just this once i haven't had your daughter cooking in ages'

A few moments later they each sat on a low table as both Hisho and Ryu came in holding a few platter's of food

'oh my, i havent had any of your cooking in a long time hisho-chan it looks good'

'oh your making me blush kyoku-sama' she said with a sly grin.

An hour passed as Kyoku was getting ready to leave, and before he left he said 'Minamoto-san the old Omikuji has seen something terrible that would happen to our country in the near future, please be careful you and your family'

As he without saying anything else going towards the center of the island.


[Location]{New world}

A fleet of ships could be seen flying the flag of the R.O.C.K.S pirates, as laughter could be heard onboard one of the many ships

Shiki! A loud growl could be heard coming from the main mast of the ship, A large man nearly 11 feet tall could be seen drinking while holding a barrel of what could be presumed to be sake

The man had long red braided hair and a large vicious smile could be seen adorning his face, he was wearing a black captains coat that hung on his shoulders and wore a white shirt with pair of black pants

A few moments later a blonde haired young looking man floated down and stood in front of what could be presumed as the captain of the fleet of ships

'y-yes captain?' his voice seemed to be a little cracked as he stood in front of the mountain of a man towering over him even though he was sitting on the ship's mast

'Shiki you rat! Didn't I tell you to get me that high-end booze from sake daijin?!'

Another shout could be heard from a pink ship that sailed next to the main ship of the R.O.C.K.S pirates

'Don't send that flying mouse to one of my island Xebec aniki!'

The loud screech came from a large busty woman that stood at 19 feet tall, and wore a pink coat and a large pink hat with the words CHARLOTTE emblazoned on it

'You whore stop shouting at the captain!'

Shiki said as he released a wave of conquerer's haki at the woman as he glared at her

'You bitch did you just call me a whore?!!'

Said the woman as she released her own wave of haki

The haki clashed as both of them glared at each other

The other crew mates (Cannon fodder) seemed to stop breathing as they all went on their knees

A moment later a wave of haki seemed to stop both Shiki and Linlin as they both sweated nervously and looked toward their captain

His face seemed to scrunch in anger as his haki overpowered theirs looking as if he was spat on as he growled

'both of you quiet down before I come over there and rip both of your lungs out of your mouths'

His words seemed to make them sweat even more as they both kneeled and apologized

'I'm sorry captain'

'I'm sorry aniki'

Both of them said at the same time as Linlin rushed back to her ship as she looked back with anger

"I'm going to rip his fucking head off as soon as I get a chance to" she seemed to think as she glared towards Shiki

'Now since you failed to get me my booze I have another mission for you'

Said xebec as he threw a pose towards Shiki

'that leads to an island called shima go there and get me a sword'

Shiki gulped as he held the eternal pose in his arms as he asked

'what kind of sword sir?'

'Any fucking sword! I heard there was a clan of samurai that resided there they might have a few great grade words who knows you might even find a supreme grade either way get me the best sword you can find!'

'take a few ships with you as well and take anything that seems to have any value'

Growled out Xebec as he went back to drinking, Shiki floated away as soon as Xebec finished speaking going towards a few ships

He looked back as he sighed in disappointment 'I never thought joining this crew would be such a drag' as he landed on his ship looking down at the eternal log pose in his hand

'Shima no Ryū huh?'


[authors note] Well there you have it the first chapter.

Poor Shiki he's just getting bullied by his crew 😂

Do leave a power stone if you feel like the story is doing well so far and tell me what you think I love looking at your reviews also if we could get to 20-30 power stones at the end of the week ill release 10 chapters at the same time so do share the fanfic ill keep posting regularly either way ☺️

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