First came Ansel and Winona. They felt really shy, but they knew there were other people there so they couldn't take too long.
Ansel, in particular, had prepared a very nice speech that expressed all the emotions he had for Winona in a witty way that showcased his charm.
Sadly, he couldn't remember a word of it.
"I know I may not be the smartest man and I annoy you a lot, " was all he could say, beet red from shyness and embarrassment. "But… just know that I'm glad to be hit by you—if it means you'll do it for the rest of our lives."
This earned a few chuckles from the crowd and Winona's smile as she sniffed. She held his overtly-smooth face. "I know I can be overbearing at times," she told him. "Thank you for putting up with me. I love you."
Ansel grinned, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I love you, too."
Yay! haha. We're moving to other territories for now~ More world building coming up~
Come on come on!