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7.69% Gifted with Destruction / Chapter 2: Distrust and Changing Fate

Capítulo 2: Distrust and Changing Fate

Waking to my dad's less-than-sneaky entrance, I know sleep will escape me for the rest of the night. *groan* Getting up and turning on the kettle provided by the room, I'm suddenly grabbed in a constricting hug from behind.

My father was not exactly a warm and fuzzy person, the daddy issues and stress from work taking their toll on his mood most days, so to be wrapped in a hug like this was weird. Nice, but weird. 'All I had to do to get a hug was get myself labelled a terrorist and fugitive.'

"Andy I'm so glad you're okay, but you need to tell us everything that happened, as best you can." Agreeing, I tell him the truth, not the underemphasised half-truths I'd told him before. I told him about the beatings, and the thing with the shower, only concealing the newly implanted memories, deciding to wait until we discover Fenris, or we see our grandfather and get that music box. 'I'm so going to get that box, but this time, I'd like to meet Otto, with Lauren. Knowing what he sacrificed for his family, including his life, and knowing the sadness he had, never having met his grandchildren, I wanted that to change. And it will.'

"So to be clear, you didn't touch them before they touched-?"

Lauren stepped in, "No Dad, they came after him."

"And after they came at you-"

"This isn't a deposition Reed." My mother, ever the overprotective parent addresses Reed.

"You both know that I'm quite capable of telling him to shut up myself, right? He's trying to understand this in the only way he can. Though Dad, just to be clear, I technically attacked two sentinel service agents after they pushed Mom into the floor and tried to barge into the house to arrest Laura and me.....So yeah, we would both be going to jail for about 25-30 years easily." He flashes a look of disappointment, probably that we weren't going to be able to deal with this legally, then switches to anger.

"The police did what? They're not allowed to do that. They do it fairly often, but it's hard to prove."

Cait's insistence however made his mood shift again, this time to fear. "No Reed, sentinel services, they were just going to take Lauren and Andy."

"Sentinel Services is a federal agency, and the only reason you got away is they didn't have enough time to put a full team together." A heavy silence held us, sat in the room as I finished making my coffee. "We need to go. We need to get out of the US."

Cait began to tear up again, "But everything we own is at the house."

"Good thing I packed clothes, food, medical supplies and cash then," Lauren explaining she'd done the same, even grabbing some of Mom and Dad's clothes.

"Good," Reed starts, "Because the last time Sentinel Services got involved with one of my cases, the suspect disappeared. I'm not letting that happen to us....I'm gonna figure something out, I promise."

"Like the Mutant Underground?" I ask, "Because they'd refuse to help you and Mom. Not unless you had leverage of some kind, like information on one of their members." Seeing the spark in his eyes I know that I've course-corrected the plot, only somewhat enjoying the instant coffee.

Taking a shower was a little weird, having the memories of another body in my head, but unlike my previous black hair, athletic build and tattoos, my body looked, weak. Tall, but lanky. Slightly too pale to be considered healthy, with messy brown hair that definitely needed a cut, and maybe a colour. I actually quite liked the white colouring I had seen in my memories, but I understood that the Inner Circle paid premium for haircuts. Noticing that my face looked a little different I realised the cause. My frustration and shame had forced me to bear a tight face all the time, but now, with the maturity that comes with over 30 years of experience, I was calm, still slightly apprehensive about being kidnapped, shot, tortured or experimented on, but overall, calm.

The next day Dad went to his office, probably to steal the information on the mutant Underground and Lorna Dane's files, and Lauren decided to help me control my powers, by stealing from a vending machine. "It sucks, but it feels good to talk to Mom and Dad about it," she said, hoping to cheer me up, not knowing that I didn't actually care that much, and was just tired, and without coffee.

A smirk flashes on my face as I tease, "And all it took was me ruining our lives." Startled, she whips her head to look at me, to console me that it wasn't my fault, but she notices the smirk and smiles.

"You're different. Ever since the power triggered, you've been calm, focused even. I'm just glad you are, because if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have packed anything, ,and we'd have nothing, not even the family photo album."

"You took it?" I ask incredulously, "Seriously? That's what you filled your bag with, photos?"

"They're important Andy, and Mom would want them."

Finding it hard to argue, I ask about her powers, "So, what does it feel like when you..." Gesturing her shield hands in the air, I see her smile.

"You know when you put your hand out of the window of a moving car, you can feel the air, and guide it? I can push the air together. Water, too, and other stuff, it's just harder." Watching her explain the power rather poorly I try to shift her view on them.

"So you compress matter? Push things together? Cool."

"What about you, what did it feel like when you-"

"Tore down the gym? Well to be honest I just wanted to get the fuckers off me, away from me."

Bumping me with her shoulder she smirks, "Well, I think you did that pretty well, A plus on that."

"First A plus I've ever gotten," I laugh, "But I think the power is more than just pushing things away, it feels, violent, destructive almost. The pushing effect is just because I can't focus the power yet, I can feel it." Making our way to the vending machine I practice my ability, at first causing the entire machine to shake, then just the shelving, then with an exhausted grunt, the row holding the jerky and chocolate snaps into pieces, dropping the goodies to the collection point. Panting I look up, "See, it's just way harder." 'Based on the new memories I would have ripped the entire machine apart, so this is a huge improvement.'

Seeing Dad walk outside with his cell phone I stop him, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Have you had this cellphone with you this whole time?"

Shocked at the abrupt language Reed turns to me, "Yes, but I changed the sim, so we'll be fine."

"There is a payphone literally 20 meters that way, write down any information you need from it, and turf it now." After some grumbling he acquiesced, using the payphone to call the Mutant Underground. Explaining the situation was simple, especially after I reminded him of Lorna, manipulating my father to blackmail dangerous mutants. Acting as his personal devil on his shoulder.

Arranging a meeting was fairly easy, especially after informing them of Lorna's pregnancy.

The Next Morning-

"Andy wake up. Wake UP! We have to go. Now."

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, staring at my frantic mother I ask, "What, why?"

"There's a Sentinel Service drone and they'll spot the car, recognise the plates and they'll swarm us," Reed explains.

Rolling my eyes and turning on the kettle, I explain my own indifference. "Oh yeah, I changed the plates on the car yesterday, our old one is sitting on the counter over there." As they look at the crumpled ball of steel, now the size of a tennis ball, the shock is apparent.

"How'd you know this would happen?"

Turning to him with a sigh, "What that they would track us using our licence plates? Maybe because I live in the modern world? With cameras, and drones that can be programmed to ping particular licence plates or faces. I'm not an idiot," 'though my grades would disagree. "

Staying in the hotel until the meeting I practice with my powers, limiting them as far as I can and directing them to objects around the room, like food cans, trying to not push them away, but rip them apart. Unfortunately, I have little success, as although I know what it should look like, training it to that point will take time.

Looking at the messed up cans, crumpled or bent, I head over to the car with Reed, meeting the Mutant Underground member at some dingy pub run by another mutant. Revealing his location by blasting us in the eyes with pure sunlight from his hands, Eclipse sits, his short frame contrasting with his aggressive features, my appraisal of the Hispanic mutant Eclipse low. Not for being short, but for being so easy to manipulate. 'Though I doubt I'd be any better if Lauren was kidnapped.' Immediately trying to dominate the conversation he begins with a threat, "Just so you know if this is a setup, with cops outside waiting to come through those doors-"his hands rapidly glowing as he talks, the threat merely implied.

Smiling back at him as I take a seat next to Reed at the booth, I remind him that he is not the only one with the ability to do harm, coiling my hand under the table, I crumple the steel salt shaker into a stick the size of a pen, with a pointed tip, "I ask that you don't threaten us, not only is it impolite, but your friend at the bar wouldn't like the disruption it would bring."

"I take it you were the one who brought down the school?"

"Andy Strucker, nice to meet you." Relieved that nothing had broken out Reed tells him about Lorna's pregnancy and reveals that she is being held at the main detention facility in Garland. "Do you actually help move people out of the country? Or are you more of a resistance, freedom fighter thing?"

"We can move people under, over and sometimes even through the border wall into Mexico, so yes we do move people and no, we aren't fighters. Not anymore."

"Not even with a kid on the way? Living like fugitives while trying to raise a kid sounds exhausting." Ignoring my dad's attempt to shut me up by elbowing me in the ribs, I push, seeing the conflict bouncing behind his eyes, "I'm not sure which would be easier, being a fugitive, struggling for resources, always in fear, or simply removing the threat. At least that way there'd be less mutant experimentation."

To be honest, the glowing of his fists and eyes as I pressed was a little terrifying, but I knew that the soft approach would never work, ever. And while I disagree with both mutant supremacy and racial genocide, the Brotherhood at least attempted to keep mutants from being tortured, experimented on and raised as weapons, deterring most with a simple wave from Magneto. And I don't plan on wasting a similar resource, Lorna Dane. Magneto's daughter.

Having him agree to move us, on the condition of helping free Polaris, I agreed, ignoring my father's outrage. "I'm a mutant, and from what I can tell, a powerful one, just like Lauren. We need to help those who can't protect themselves, and there's no way known I'm letting a pregnant partner of our benefactor sit in an anti-mutant prison when I could help." The shock of Eclipse was extreme, surprised that I would accept, and even more so at my explanation of why. "Lauren would agree with me, and so would Mom if she'd stop worrying about us for a second."

"Meet me at this address at 8pm, and don't do anything stupid." Dad pockets the scrap of paper, and I wave at the bartender, earning a nod in return. 'From what I remember, he has a real thing against humans but developed a trust for Mom after she helped as their resident nurse.'

Waiting for the meetup was agonising, but driving to the meetup at night, with the radio off, listening to Mom fret was somehow worse. "That's him," I hear, looking up at the flashing beam of light, directing us into a factory of some kind.

"Is this everyone?" Seeing us nod, he guides us up a ramp and further into the warehouses' loading bay.

"I'd like to know what happens now," Mom addresses the nervous mutant, whose eyes scanned the surrounding like he was being hunted himself, like prey. 'In this world that's probably an accurate comparison, as most of us are hunted. At least I've gotten cool powers.'

"Now we find clothes, water, blankets and food."

"Actually, we already have the clothes and some food, enough to last a few days at least." If before he was impressed by my bravery and will to protect others, now it was for my preparedness, and as he looked at me, he scanned my frame with his eyes, trying to get a read of me. "While water is a necessity, blankets are a luxury, and besides…I wasn't lying earlier." Turning now to Lauren, I whisper into her ear explaining my decision, and while unsure, she accepts my reasoning, and stands beside me, before together, we tell her of our decision.

"What? NO! We are getting out of here, not living as criminals or being labelled as domestic terrorists. NO!"

Lauren grabs my hand stopping me from saying something, probably something offensive based on my disgust at Caitlyn's behaviour. "Mom, me and Andy are staying, we can help people. Actually make a difference. Isn't that what you wanted for us, to make a difference?"

"Not by killing yourselves." Rolling my eyes with a scoff I turn to Eclipse.

"How safe is it in Mexico right now with the cartels taking in mutants, because we've heard it's basically a mutant/drug war? I figured you might have a better idea."

"Why, because I'm Hispanic?"

"What no, you overly sensitive fuckwit. Because you go to the border all the time, smuggling people out." A grumble was heard from the smuggler, but he agrees.

"He's right, for mutants as powerful as them, if they are recognised, they will be pulled into the drug wars, especially with Andy's destructive capabilities."

"See? So now are you coming along, because I'm pretty sure they'd accept a nurse, and if anyone has an issue with Dad I'll crush them." The last remark aimed at Eclipse, "Especially considering the knowledge he has." Showing that the entire group had value was not just to get them to accept us, but to help us have more authority inside the Mutant Underground (I'm just going to use MU from now on), as medics and sources of information are valued as highly, if not more than fighters in most group settings.

Eclipse perked his ears slightly, looking behind us and towards the low grumble of cars. "Did you tell anyone about this, call anyone, use a computer, anything?"

"What no, we're not complete idiots," I stiffen, whipping my head to Reed. "Did you call anyone using the new sim? Anyone?"

"Once. I had to call someone I trust from work to get me as much information on you and Sentinel Services as I could."

*Groan* "Fuck it, we're probably surrounded right now." While I now how the show went, with John and Clarisse showing up, I couldn't put 100% faith in anything I hadn't seen happen, so I was a little concerned at this point.

"This is Sentinel Services, put your hands on your head and get down on the ground!" Looking at Jace Turner, the same agent who'd tried to arrest us at home on the speakerphone made me laugh a little.

"How's the ribs?" I shout, as he tries to remain as professional as he can, despite my smirk.

"Look, we can ignore what happened at the house, my partner shouldn't have pushed your Mom. Family first right? I can respect that." Knowing his backstory I knew that his hatred was firm, but he was a genuinely good person still, refusing to harm innocents or non-threats, especially if they are children.

"Mr Agent Sir, I'd be going to prison for at least 30 years, for an accident that happened while being assaulted. And my family would also be arrested for helping hide me, me and my sister collared and beaten for decades because I defended myself."

Turner put down the speakerphone, ordering the other agents lower their weapons. 'Excellent, please give us more time.'


Watching John bash the metal side doors beside us open was so amazing it was almost euphoric, and I push my sister towards the doors, pulling Cait and Reed through them, knowing the drones were about to be released. "Run! Keep going!" I hear, but unable to explain how I know Clarisse/Blink's powers, I can't suggest opening a portal.

Running into a dead-end was disheartening, but watching Clarisse form an unsteady portal was seriously impressive. A swirling mass of purple and pink forming a ring around the portal, revealing the headquarters for the MU, well locally at least. Eclipse's laser fingers of searing light had little effect on the spider-like drones, scuttling towards us on the floors, walls and ceiling. Lauren tried to hold them back with her barrier of compressed air, but I knew she couldn't hold it for long, her blonde hair stuck to her tanned skin with sweat, droplets running down her slightly too wide to be pretty jaw. 'It is really weird having memories of another life, where I found my sister really hot. It's kinda weird thinking that both your mom and sister are hot, based on thoughts that aren't my own.'

Using the extra time Lauren bought, I focused, feeling the tug in my gut as I remembered the pain I felt under the showers, the anger at the boys, at the Agents who shot at us. Ripping both hands apart, the 8 droids that had been attacking Lauren's shield were ripped to pieces, as if giant invisible hands hand ripped the legs and wires out. Clarisse, now calmer, had the portal open but just like in the show, the Agents turn around the corner, firing a shot at dad. Unlike in the show, I had a firm grip on his arm, pulling him through the portal, before it closed. While it might have changed the future drastically beforehand, having convinced my family to help the MU to save Lorna Dane, I felt confident that the consequences would be minor, especially considering how little effect Reed himself had on the plot.

'God changing fate is a messy business.'

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