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37.15% Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale / Chapter 133: Chapter LXXIV: Of Weddings and Ambassadors

Capítulo 133: Chapter LXXIV: Of Weddings and Ambassadors

Time flew as the date of Torygg's wedding approached.

The young King seemed much more relaxed and confident now that all the urgently imminent crises had been dealt with. He decided to host yet another royal hunt and I once more got to embarrass myself with my lack of skill with the bow, aiming magic is so different from doing so with a bow that I could barely hit a stationary target, which amused everyone greatly. I was tempted to just start launching arrows with telekinesis but common sense won out and I simply enjoyed a fun horse ride out of the city.

Speaking of horses, Torygg gifted me a very large horse of the usual hardy Skyrim breed the moment he heard I tended to travel on foot due to being too lazy to go and buy a damn mount. As any truly cultured man should do in my position I immediately named the beast Glitterhoof.

Things were of course not perfectly peaceful as there were some expected incidents among the newly settled populace but after some judicious applications of violence, and a couple of visits from yours truly, the Reachmen finally started calming down and settling in.

Even if they did decide to commit suicide by way of revolting, they were at all times outnumbered by their neighbors, whose loyalty to Torygg was growing by the day as he kept delivering on the promises he made. The new villages founded on the large trade road were well on their way to becoming prosperous hubs of commerce and industry.

The twins were of great help here as they constantly patrolled the roads between the fresh settlements, ensuring that no bandits or overeager wildlife could threaten the still fragile state of stability we have created.

A Dunmer scholar mage by the name of Daynas Valen introduced himself to me one day and spun a great tale about his search for the legendary amulet of Archmage Gauldur in hopes of getting me to help fund his quest. He already had the ivory dragon claw with him when he arrived, but I found no need to dispose of him immediately and sent my students to help him in clearing the tomb known as Folgunthur.

A nice dungeon crawl should finally get Mitnhara to lighten up and make Marco stop chasing skirts now that he was once again popular within the city. As a precaution, I sent four agents to shadow them without them knowing... and to get rid of the mage when he was no longer useful.

Was my order cruel? Most definitely. Was it also necessary? I already knew the general location of the three remaining tombs needed to reforge the amulet, so having a curious scholar constantly snooping around and possibly finding out I had it would have been annoying and likely lead to some powerful people trying to take it for themselves down the line. Besides the old fool would no doubt want to claim it for himself and we can't be having that.

I spent most of my free time planning a complete rework of my regalia, now that I had access to a quite frankly ridiculous stock of soul gems and was a Master of enchanting I could be as inefficient as I wished and make the absolute best set of artifacts possible, I even sent Davos to discreetly hire a bunch of people and excavate a dragon mound so I could try and empower my crown. The rest I spent researching Dwemer machinery and preparing override keys that should help us unlock some of the more intact defenses.

From time to time I also found myself helping Sybille with her research on imbuing preserved blood with powerful different effects. It wasn't all that useful to me but it was at the very least an interesting project and she showed her gratitude for my assistance with immense vigor, which was motivation enough.


The wedding day itself, once it finally arrived, was altogether a pleasant affair.

A large number of dignitaries from all over Tamriel who had been slowly arriving for the past week presented their gifts and well wishes, the value of said gifts could easily buy a castle. Unfortunately, even this day couldn't go without the tension in the province being evident to all as a few notable exceptions did not show up even after being invited by the King himself.

Namely, the Jarls of Falkreath, Riften, Windhelm, and Dawnstar refused to show themselves at all. I feel the need to reiterate, almost half of the provincial rulers refused to show themselves or even send a token delegation. The open slap in the face was evident to all, yet despite this Torygg pretended like it was nothing and even seemed happy that he wouldn't have to entertain the hostile Jarls on his wedding day.

Though I did catch his happy expression twist into one of disappointment when he thought no one was looking.

I made sure to mingle with the ones that did show themselves, as such opportunities were rare... Though even if I attempted to avoid them they would no doubt be the ones pestering me, as tales of my deeds had already spread across the entire province.

Balgruuf was still the jovial man I remembered him to always be. He did seem very worried about to upcoming royal rumble, but he was definitely loyal to Torygg so as long as the King didn't get shouted to pieces we would start the conflict with a large numbers advantage. His housecarls were also present so I had a fun time drinking with them and reminiscing about our glorious battle while teasing young Lydia who was both frustrated and awed by my achievements.

Jarl Igmund of Markarth was a grouchy man in his thirties, he seemed to get irritated by the smallest things and kept ranting at his servants at every opportunity. This all changed when he saw me and started praising me for 'getting rid of the damned heathen barbarians' his vitriol for the Forsworn was so potent I swear I could have created mana-burn out of it. During our conversation I learned that he lost his wife to Madanch's invasion of his city so I couldn't even blame the man, he blessedly chose not to make a fuss about our decision to spare the civilians.

An absolutely ancient Altmer named Calcelmo, who I learned was Igmund's Court Mage, kept pestering me about the rumors of my research into the animonculi. I got so bored of his constant yammering that I showed him a glimpse of my knowledge and the old Mer happily gave me an open-ended invitation to aid him in excavating the ruins of Nchuand-Zel, the ruined Dwemer city under Markarth. I soon realized that the old Mer was being annoying on purpose, just so I would give him something, and when he saw me realize this he spent the rest of the day in a state of smug satisfaction. A centurion dynamo core was delivered to my tower later that night with an official letter of invitation.

I couldn't even be mad at him, well played you old fart. 

Young Assur of Winterhold seemed to have hit a growth spurt after I left and now looked like a proper young Nord man, he was still stuttering from time to time and seemed very out of place among the grizzled leaders of the other holds but he grit his teeth and bore it. He seemed to have decided to align himself with Torygg purely because of my support if his mother's grumbling was any indication. I seem to have become something of a hero to the lad... We exchanged some pleasantries and he seemed disappointed that he couldn't have bound me to his own hold before the King got his hands on me.

How any of the poor fools thought they could 'bind' me to any place I would never know...

At least it was funny to think about.

Jarl Igrod Ravencrone of Morthal was for a lack of a better word... an old hag, thankfully of the mundane variety this time. The old woman kept talking in riddles near constantly and kept yammering about vague prophecies in some misguided attempt to impress those around her.

You developed clairvoyant dreams over years of inefficient study, we all get it woman just please stop.

The main wedding ceremony was held at the Temple of The Divines by the high priest himself, that same old man I yelled at that one time (oops), vows were exchanged along with gifts. Elisif thankfully followed my instructions and gifted Torygg the anti-thu'um bracer while he gifted her a beautiful tiara.

Harald, who was forced to come by his daughter, bawled like a child when the two were declared husband and wife, much to the amusement of everyone present.

The wedding ceremony was followed by a somewhat subdued feast and a general celebration by the people, the aftershocks of the previous citywide drunken revelry giving even the Nords pause.

As the sun finally set we all once again took our time congratulating the couple, I discretely passed Torygg a greater potion of vigor with a wink and pushed the blushing and sputtering man after his new wife.

Poor girl. If Torygg actually drank the lesser elixir I don't think she will be walking for at least a couple of days...


We gathered in the throne room the following day for the usual court session.

Torygg arrived the last and moved with a pep in his step that told us far more than words about his mood.

"Someone looks happy today" I quip as he sits on the throne.

He blushes and looks away "Well... I..."

Falk's sudden breath sounded suspiciously close to a snort as he shook his head "Don't tease him too much Reyvin, we don't want to make him flee the court."

Everyone chuckled as Torygg's blush deepened "Alright that is enough" The King turns serious and we all collectively decide to grant mercy... for now. "What is on the agenda for today?" he asks Falk.

Falk pulls out a very long parchment making me suppress a groan "Well first the vi-"

A guard barging into the room interrupts, he walks up, salutes the King and speaks "Forgive my interruption your majesty, but the Thalmor Ambassador has arrived and" He scowls "Is asking for an audience."

Torygg takes a deep breath and nods at the guard "Please lead the Ambassador in." His voice is perfectly polite, but I know him well enough to recognize his hidden fury.

Moments after the guard leaves a tall Altmer woman followed by two guards wearing elven armor enters the throne room, she struts to the center of the room and with a fake smile states "Greetings King Torygg."

"Greetings Ambassador Elenwen" Torygg's voice is perfectly neutral as he responds "To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

I sense cruel satisfaction as she answers "We have found that you have founded multiple settlements from previously unruly elements of society, I have come here to inform you that our Justiciars will begin examining them for signs of Talos worship as per our treaty." the smug bitch barely hides a smirk after she is done.

I sense a wave of pure fury behind most of the present Nords, everyone knows damn well that she just wants to make integrating the new arrivals as hard as possible to make up for the fact that she fucked up with the invasion.

Torygg grips the armrest of his throne and goes to answer but I choose this moment to interject "No."

My allies look at me with both in alarm and with hidden praise.

Elenwen looks down at me condescendingly "Oh?" It almost looks like she wants to giggle "Is there something to hide then Court Mage? Do not worry, tell us what you know and there is nothing to fear from us."

"Hah" I cannot hold back an incredulous laugh "Hahahahaha" I stand up as my crown forms and my Magicka bursts all around me, becoming almost visible to even the eyes of the untrained.

The ambassador shivers involuntarily at my approach and her guards stand rooted to the ground as my telekinesis presses on them. She is respectably powerful herself having expert reserves but both she and her guards can do nothing but gape when someone with the weight close to an Archmage focuses his attention on them.

I stand in front of her, and even if she is taller than me I am definitely the one looking down as I speak "You tried your little stunt beneath Winterhold" her eyes widen and I go on "You made a pathetic attempt near Wolfskul" her shivering intensifies "And most embarrassing of all you failed to move a blade of grass with the entire force of the west."

I tap her cheek with my gauntleted hand "A failure such as yourself has no right to talk to me, much less condescend at me like a schoolyard bully." she flinches violently as my fear aura intensifies "There will be no further agitation by you, nor will you be visiting us for the foreseeable future." I tap her cheek again "Am I understood?"

She nods rapidly.

Two more taps "That is good, now begone." I wave them off like dogs "Go lick your wounds and remember that like a child you have failed myriad times while when I strike there shall follow no failure, only death."

The Altmer almost sprint out of the throne room, slowing down just enough to look at least somewhat dignified.

I return to my seat calmly while everyone gapes at me, my crown disappears and I pick up my coffee and look back at Falk "So, where were we?"

There is a moment of stunned silence before everyone starts berating me and Torygg even starts shaking me like a madman, it takes them a minute to calm down.

"Can I talk now?" I quip, completely unbothered.

Falk sighs "Please, do tell us why you tried to cause the second great war?"

"Is that what you think I was doing?" I snort and wave him off "Don't worry, I knew what I was doing."

Even Erikur dares to look at me with open doubt.

"Summerset is ruled by mages, everyone knows this." They all nod "The Thalmor are even worse when it comes to this as the stronger the mage the greater their authority" I grin "I assure you that dear Elenwen immediately forgot she was not talking to an Altmer when my aura crashed into her, as she had probably experienced similar things for decades already."

I shake my head "Besides, you all wanted to punch her, I just had the balls to do it and the power to get away with it."

Most look away but Falk frowns as he continues to stare at me, after nearly a minute he nods to himself and places a bottle of mead near my seat, going back to his post without a word.

(Elenwen POV)

A crashing sound resounds through my room as the chair I threw impacts the window. I hold back the urge to rip the dossier to pieces, my angry rampage alerts my guard and he rushes into my room.

"My Lady, are you well?" Drenil asks cautiously.

I take a deep breath and count to ten "Who wrote the dossier on the second Court Mage of Solitude?"

Drenil frowns in thought "I believe it was one of the apprentices."

"Throw them in the dungeon" I ground out and Drenil is wise enough not to question me and get to work.

My breathing slows to a normal rhythm as he leaves, breaking things is cathartic in the short term but I must focus my energy on productive ventures. Our spies knew nothing of the new arrival and we underestimated him. To think he was the one behind our recent string of failures... At least killing him might save me from my Master's fury.

Thankfully he seems highly hubristic and arrogant, dealing with a wily and scheming Mer of that power would have been near impossible while he is in his position.

I suppress an involuntary shiver at the memory of his display.

A part of me screams that he must die, and I agree with it completely. I roll out a parchment and start writing 'Dear Astrid, we have not spoken in some time...'


Each stone donated is another Thalmor that suffers, further Altmer suffering today!

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