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86.11% Ol' Big Ears / Chapter 31: Day 5Dx1 - Half Moon Mornings

Capítulo 31: Day 5Dx1 - Half Moon Mornings

"I see it in the sparks!"

While there was much cause for celebration in the arcade, parts and services had a very different mood. Gregory had blockaded himself in your workshop with the severed torso of Moon. Strangely enough, Gregory found there was little activity going on outside. It was if all the bots had vanished. He was completely unaware of the war that had just occurred in the arcade.

The incident had decommissioned Moon and rendered Freddy stuck in the charging chamber. Freddy eventually gave up, both sides of him realizing it was futile. It gave him time to think.

While waiting in the workshop, Gregory decided to look around. It was something to take his mind off his slain ally and former partner. He found Bonnie's old attire and the various knick-knacks that had been left for him.

He found it curious that out of nowhere a new animatronic just showed up. He'd only vaguely heard of Bonnie before, mostly from Freddy. He was apparently a good guy, and close friend to Freddy. It was only a few days ago that he actually heard a bit more about Bonnie. Freddy had just randomly started talking about him and how much he missed him.

Gregory picked up the hat that had been left for Bonnie. He originally took Freddy's words as an invitation to help him search for Bonnie but now he understood. Freddy must have known and was just excited.

In the office the lights flickered as a series of tones played throughout the plex. Gregory froze, hoping it was what he thought. A notification rang on his watch.



Gregory breathed a big sigh of relief. It was over. He started to remove the blockade. He had moved a few cabinets and junk in front of the door. A few minutes later a text message rang on his phone.

(Y/N): everythings back to normal get to the centre hall

It was from you. Gregory acknowledged it and finished removing the blockade. Though he wanted no more than to end this, there still other things to do.

Gregory: did you find vanessa?

(Y/N): yes shes safe dont worry

You responded. Another breath of relief for Gregory. The plex was safe for now. Before returning to the stage there was something he wanted to do.

Namely, Moon.

Picking up the top half of Moon, Gregory left the workshop. Before exiting he peered outside. There were no staff bots anywhere. As he carried Moon he hoped that the sequence worked and Freddy was back to normal. Were the chambers soundproof? No. He didn't think so.

"Huh?" A gruff voice asked from far behind Gregory. He nearly jumped, didn't even have time to draw his gun.

"Ah!" He flinched and turned around. It was Monty and he looked angry. As he saw Gregory's face he changed his attitude.

"Oh. It's just you. Little guy!" Monty said, scratching his head.

"Are you...?" Gregory asked. He wasn't sure if who's side Monty was on right now. He quickly dropped Moon and drew his gun.

"Easy kid. Easy. I'm not after ya." Monty said. He didn't wish to get show in the eyes tonight. He started to back up but paused.

Gregory started to lower his gun. This was indeed just regular old Monty. "You're not bad anymore?"

"Naw, course not kid. Bonnie and the engineer fixed me." He rubbed his head. "Would've been nice if they warned me about the reset. Hit my dang head on the ground."

"But, what happened to you? You're, shattered."

"Uh, Bonnie and I had a little scuffle. Don't worry about it." Monty now saw what was left of Moon. "Whoa! What happened to the daycare guy?" Monty said, shocked.

Gregory put his gun away. He relaxed, shoulders lowering. "Freddy did this. He was all corrupted. I'm going to get him now. Then fix Moon."

"Sounds like a plan, kiddo. You mind if I tag along?"

Gregory nodded. Having Monty around would make things a lot safer. They'd even stand a chance against Freddy if things went south. He waited for Monty to catch up. While he did, Monty's watch rang.

"Monty! We did it! We did it!" Gregory could hear from Monty's watch. It didn't sound like you so he assumed it to be Bonnie. "Can you come to the main hall? I want my party now!"

"Sure, I'll be over soon. I gotta finish something here first." Monty said.

"Alright...but hurry up! I just can't wait!" Bonnie shouted as he hung up. "Hey wait I need-" Gregory briefly heard you say as Bonnie hung up.

"Are you gonna head back?" Gregory asked.

"Nah. Better to have everyone for a party first." Monty said. The two continued on towards the security office.

"So what's Bonnie's deal?"

"Oh, ol big ears?"

Gregory nodded.

"He's our old bass player, 'fore me. Had a bit of an accident but that's all water under the bridge. He's back now. We were gonna throw him a party tonight, Roxanne was getting ready and Chica made the cake. Haven't seen them since everything went crazy though. You seen 'em?"

"Uh, Chica's in the daycare. Roxanne is...I don't know. I haven't seen her." Gregory lied. He decided to quickly change the subject. There was something bothering him you said earlier. "(Y/N) said you saw Bonnie on that night."

"I seen a lotta things kid. Whatever I saw wasn't ol' purple paws. I don't know but when I catch that dang rabbit. I'm gonna tear it apart!" Monty started to get riled up. He clenched his fists.

"W-well, I hope we catch it soon." This was the first Gregory had heard of Monty's theory. He had no idea Monty would even know about the 'other rabbit'. He must have been referring to Vanessa...right?

"I think I seen 'em earlier tonight too. I was just chasing him before I got reset. You seen 'em? Prancing around like Bon does, way uglier though."

Gregory froze. "N-no? D-did you see somet-thing?" Gregory looked like he had seen a ghost. There was no way. It was impossible. It must have been Vanny.

"I-No, I should-uh-I must've just been seeing things-nevermind kid." Monty figured it was just another trick. After all the problems he found yesterday he must have been imaging things.

Having noticed Gregory had stopped, Monty did too. "You okay kid?"

"Y-you sure you didn't see anything?" Gregory wanted to be sure.

"Why? I told ya-I didn-" Monty paused, now noticing the fear Gregory had on his face.

"You know don't you?" Monty said, cocking his head. He sighed. "All I saw was some bunny dude watching Bonnie and the techie. Thought that was the guy that was controlling us back when. All prancing around and stuff. But I blinked, it was gone. I don't even think it was there." He shook his head.

"Wait. You know about that? T-the controlling?" Gregory said.

Now it was Monty's turn to know.

He raised an eyebrow. "How do you-" He knelt down to Gregory's level. "When this is all over kid, you and I are gonna have a talk." He put a hand on Gregory's shoulder. He was stern. This was the first he'd heard of Gregory knowing. He knew Gregory stopped it, but to know of the events prior? This was all new.

Gregory nodded. There was much even he didn't know.

"And don't worry bout that bunny guy. I can take 'em. Looked as frail as one of those new golf clubs."

Gregory took a deep breath. If it was who he thought, having Monty with him would make them a lot safer. He wasn't sure what Monty saw, if he did. If it was Vanny, then he wouldn't have to worry about it. And there was no way it was anything else.

It was just impossible.

"Now then kid." Monty got up. "Let's go find your buddy."


Just talking to Monty now, Gregory found the gator changed. He wasn't as high-strong. If anything, he was more relaxed since he'd last seen him.

"Do you know where all the bots are?" Gregory asked. "I haven't seen any in a bit." Monty just shrugged. "I don't know. There were a few back in the hall. Haven't seen any here."

The two of them finally entered the power room Gregory had been in just earlier. He got shivers just by stepping in here. Nothing had been changed, tools were still scattered about. The charging chamber was still jammed and the lights inside had turned off. Just from the window he couldn't see Freddy.

"Where is he?" Monty asked. "I-in there. It's jammed." Gregory pointed to the

"Stand back kid. This could be dangerous." With a macho stride, Monty walked up to the chamber and looked in. Freddy was indeed there, albeit sitting down hunched over, looking at the ground. He didn't appear corrupted.

The door was trying to open but it was stuck on something inside. Monty didn't really care about puzzles, he instead starting banging on the window.

"Hey you big oaf, get up! 'nough sleeping! We got a party to go to!" He shouted.

Freddy was jolted up surprised. He got up and looked out the glass. He had been deep in thought.

"Monty! You're okay!" Freddy said surprised.

"Of course I am! Now will you get out of there?"

Behind Monty was Gregory was standing. He looked worried and genuinely scared of Freddy, having put down Moon to better defend himself. Freddy couldn't believe what he had done. The horror was now sinking in. He had tried to fight the control earlier but failed.

"Gregory..." He said quietly. Gregory walked up to the chamber. "Is it really you?" Gregory asked.

Freddy nodded slowly. "Y-yes. It is. I-Moon-I'm sorry. I-i don't know if you can forgive me. I put you in danger. I kil-ruined Moon." He put a hand on the glass and sighed. "Just leave me here Gregory. It will be safer for you.

Gregory's eyes started to swell up. He hated to see Freddy depressed like this.

Monty just sighed. He didn't have the emotional energy for this. Not after yesterday's events. "Ah, get over yourself! I tried to get the kid back then and we're practically best friends now!" He slapped Gregory on the back, nearly toppling the boy over. "Get out of there and make it up to him. You're better than this." Monty said annoyed, ruining any sadness the scene had.

Freddy sighed. Monty did have a point. "I...I guess you're right old pal. I, uh can't get out of here though. The attendant jammed the door."

Monty grumbled. "Hey, little guy. You know how to open it?"

Gregory picked himself off the ground. "I don't know. I think Moon used his scarf. It all happened so quickly."

"Y-yes the scarf. I think I can fix the door." Freddy said. He reached up and tried to pull the scarf through the gears, taking extra care not to damage it.

"Gregory. I think there is a part sticking out. Can you push it back in?"

"I think so." Gregory checked. At the top of the door part of the scarf was lodged out. It would take Gregory and Freddy to co-operate to fix it. "I can't reach it."

And Monty. It would also take Monty to help. "Here. Let me." Monty picked up Gregory and together they pushed the scarf through.

Slowly the chamber door opened, finally freeing Freddy.

He stammered out, still a bit disoriented. Monty caught him.

"Huh. Where's your eye?" Monty exclaimed. Now that he saw Freddy, he could tell he was all beat up. Did the kid do this? Must have been. He thought.

"It's...a long story." Freddy knelt down to hug Gregory who immediately reciprocated. "I'm so sorry, superstar. I was trying to fight it. Really. I swear." Gregory hugged Freddy tightly. "I believe you. I'm glad your back."

Not interesting in the sentimental scene Monty picked up both parts of Moon. Did Freddy do this? Huh, everyone was just full of surprises tonight. The bear was more ferocious than he thought.

"Are you two done? We got a friend to fix." Monty interjected.

Gregory and Freddy got up, picking up Gregory. He carried the boy on his shoulders. It was the least he could do after all he'd done. He gave Gregory the scarf. They would put it on Moon when he was fixed.

"Let's." Freddy said. The way to the repairing machine was uneventful. A few bots had returned to parts and were just cleaning. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the reset didn't work. Everything was back to normal.

There was just one last thing that needed to be done.

Fix the attendant.

Monty stepped inside the chamber with Freddy. Gregory remained outside. It would be a simple fix, not one that required a ton of effort. Putting both halves on the operating table, Gregory got the system started. Monty had insisted he stay inside. There weren't sure how Moon would react, and would rather keep Gregory safely away.

With the push of a few buttons and switches, Moon was stitched back together. But, just before Gregory could hit the reset button something started to happen. With the bright lights of the chamber, Moon started to change, lighting up on his own.

Edges of stars emitted from his face, the moon symbol began to glow yellow and the colours of his pants started to change, stars fading and shades of yellow and red filling in.

The Moon had set. Sun was awake.

Gregory could see into the chamber. He hadn't done anything yet. "Guys? What's going on?"

" not know." Freddy said, unsure.

"Aren't we 'sposed to reset him first?" Monty said.

His eyes opened slowly, but instead of showing their pearly whites, they showed the faintest of reds.

"I can still hear him." Sun said as he slowly rose. "His heartbeat. Slowly."

Suddenly, Sun sprang up, ripping the wires out of him. "Bathed in fire he did. But still he walks! I can see it in the sparks!" Sun proclaimed. Freddy tried to grab him, only for Sun to jump atop his head, petting him smugly. "There is a new follower!" He started giggling hysterically. "You haven't won! Not yet. No sir!" He jumped atop Monty as the gator lunged for him. He pointed at Gregory. "You! Come with me!"

The chamber started to open and Sun leaped for Gregory. Before he could reach the boy Monty grabbed his leg pulling him back. "We're not done with you yet!" He slammed him against the table.

Gregory and Freddy were stunned at what they heard. It evoked fear in Freddy. Sun was still corrupted somehow. As Monty held him down, he shouted at Freddy and Gregory. "Well, what are you waiting for! RESET. HIM." He shouted at their inaction.

"R-r-right." Gregory quickly pushed the key command to finish the operation, the wires re-attached themselves to Sun and sent the reboot signal through. It was only until the reset had finally happened that Sun had stopped laughing. He went all dark.

"Who in tarnation was that about?" Monty asked.

Monty, now frustrated with the situation looked at Freddy who appeared just as shocked as Gregory. "Man. What's wrong with you all?" Monty's eyes went wide. "You know too don't you?!" Freddy just looked away, guiltily.

"Arghh. Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?! When this is over you all better tell me what's going on here."

Freddy nodded, Monty did deserve to know.

"We should tell (Y/N) too."

"I am not sure if that's a good id-"

"Enough with the secrets! How are we going to keep things safe if y'all are hiding important stuff!"

Freddy sighed. "I guess you're right. After this is over we'll explain everything."

A yawn was heard below Freddy and Monty. "The sun has risen!" Someone proudly declared. The two animatronics looked down to see Sun, expression as giddy as ever. "What's going on fellas?"

Sun looked to Monty. "Wow, you look like you saw a ghost!" He stood up. "And you!" He said to Freddy. "What, are you both getting ready for Halloween?" He said happily. "You're missing an eye patch!"

Sure enough, Sun was back.

Monty sighed. It had been a long night and he didn't have the energy to come up with a comeback. "So are you really back now? No more of that poetic stuff I hope." Monty said gruffly.

"Poetic stuff? What do you..." Sun paused. "Oh! I can hear Moon." His expression changed to a more confused one. "Oh. I see. Wow. A lot's happened." Sun jumped off the table.

"Gregory!" He shouted upon seeing the boy. "You did a good thing today you know. You were a good friend to Moon. I can already see the adventures you two had! Oh, I'm so proud you too made up. You're allowed to come to my daycare whenever you want!"

Gregory went to hug Sun who hugged back. It was a long night but now everything was truly back to normal.

"Here." Gregory took off Moon's star-patterned scarf and handed it to Sun.

"Thank you! Moon will be very happy to have this back. So what now?" Sun asked.

"We should go upstairs. Bon is getting impatient." Monty said as he watch started to ring again.

"Oooo. Are we throwing the party tonight? Oh!!! I can't wait. Let's go. Let's go!" Sun demanded. Before he could run ahead Freddy grabbed him.

"Wait. Let me carry you." He said.

"Oh? A ride? Are you sure? You don't look 100." Sun said, unsure.

"No. I must. After what I did to you."

"Well I'm not sure what happened but I'm sure I'll get it when Moon tells me later."

"Thank you."

With Gregory atop Freddy's back, he scooped up Sun in his arms.

And with that, they were all off. Next stop. The main hall.

The next chapter will be called Damage Report.

The notes have been updated.


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Here's what's left for this book.

5Dx2, 6x1, ?x?.

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