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Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse original

Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse

Autor: BasedDragonLord

© WebNovel

Dante's Complete Status Board Post Evolution.

A/N: This will show all current skills, titles, title descriptions and achievements. Also base stats of transcendents are all 10,000 including LUK and CHR, and Dante's previous base stats were only 160.


Name: Dante Isvalt

Class: The Gamer

Level: 1 Next LV: 0.00%

Title(s): Primate Slayer, Avenger, Patricidal, Monster Slayer, Elemental Lord, Transcendent (True), Combat Deus, Deus Ex Machina, Archmage, Mechanical Destroyer,

Race: Transcendent Human

Soul Stage: Ascendant—Transcendent

HP: 3,772,785,267,251,000,000,000,000/3,772,785,267,251,000,000,000,000 (99.9%/sec)

EP: ♾

STR: 150,911,410,690,040,000 

VIT: 150,911,410,690,040,000 

DEX: 150,911,410,690,040,000 

INT: 150,911,410,690,040,000 

WIS: 150,911,410,690,040,000 

LUK: 40,000 

CHR: 40,000 

Elemental Affinity

Earth MAX  Life MAX

Air MAX  Lightning MAX

Water MAX  Ice MAX

Fire MAX  Poison MAX

Abyss MAX  Light MAX

Void MAX  Chaos MAX

Order MAX  Machine MAX

SP: 732

Currency: 1,204,670


[Absolute Psychokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to generate, manipulate and erase all forms of matter, energy and phenomena. Gives user the ability to lightly manipulate existential concepts.

Comprises of the following:



Energy Constructs,






Matter Generation

Conceptual Manipulation,

Matter Manipulation,

Vector Manipulation,

Phenomenon Generation,

Phenomenon Reversal,

Phenomenon Erasure,

Reality Manipulation.

Range is unlimited.

Consumes no resources.

Your will commands all things if you put your mind to it.]

[Craft (Active) LV MAX]:

[A skill to make something.

Humanity has advanced their civilization through inventing things.]

[Registered Blueprint — Recipes: 130]

[Omni-Detection (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[Use your transcendent senses to detect everything in your environment.

Maximum Range is affected by skill level, INT, WIS, mental skills and sensory skills.

All other detection skills are subsumed into this skill.

Consumes no resources.]

[Naming (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to give and change the true name of beings.

At MAX level, user can change their own true name, for a 20% of their max energy.]

[Acid Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from acid attacks.]

[Toxin Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from toxic or toxicity based attacks.]

[Reishi Manipulation (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to manipulate, shape and influence spirit particles as you wish.

Range, amount and degree of manipulation are affected by Soul Stage.

Consumes no resources.]

[Godspeed Flicker (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The use of energy to move at incalculably high speeds in any direction regardless of the presence or absence of a surface.

All steps are silent.

Maximum Speed is affected by DEX.

Consumes no resources.]

[Weapon Mastery (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Increases damage from all weapons by 1,000%.

Increases critical damage from all weapons by 2,000%.

Increases critical rate of all weapons by 75%.]

[Magic Mastery (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Increases effectiveness of all magic by 1,000%.

Increases the cast, movement and effect speed of all magic by 2,000%.

Increases critical strike of all magic by 2,000%.

Increases critical rate of all magic by 75%.]

[Physical Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from physical attacks.]

[Elemental Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from Elemental attacks.

Due to your extreme elemental affinity, you absorb all elemental attacks as EP.]

[Training (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[Teaching others a skill you possess.

At MAX level, teaching a skill can be done almost instantly.]

[Dismantling (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[A technique used to take every possible resource from the bodies of enemies.

At MAX level, live enemies can be dismantled.]

[Combat Mastery (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Increases all damage by 1,000%.

Increases critical rate for all attacks by 75%.

Increases critical damage from all sources by 2,000%.]

[Status Condition Nullification (Passive) LV MAX]:

[No Status Conditions are capable of affecting you.]

[Pancosmic Concealment (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to conceal all traces of one's existence.

At MAX level, user can conceal themselves from all forms and levels of Detection and super senses.

Can be toggled on and off.]

[Emperor's Haki (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[A culmination of the will and soul of an Emperor that causes all souls weaker than the user's soul to kneel and be pressured just in your presence.

Passive does not affect subordinates.

At MAX level, user can instantly Soul Crush enemies at the same Soul Stage.]

[Emperor's Manifestation (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[A manifestation of an Emperor's will onto reality around him.

Due to possession of Reality Manipulation, this skill will also warp reality.

If used actively, as long as reality warping is not interfered with, what the Emperor envisiosns will come to pass.

Makes all attacks and defense attempts have a 100% probability of succeeding.]

[Amaterasuōmikami no Tenbu (Active) LV MAX]:

[A set of sword movements that strike with the power of the sun.

Attack increases by 2,500% when used alongside any breathing technique with Sun Breathing as a component.

Deals fire and light elemental damage.]

[Breath of the Cosmos (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The essence of the Cosmos flows through you as easily as breathing.

Passively increases STR by 10,000%.

Passively increases VIT by 10,000%.

Passively increases DEX by 10,000%.

Passively increases INT by 10,000%.

Additional 7,500% increase in STR when active.

Additional 7,500% increase in DEX when active.

Additional 7,500% increase in HP Regen when active.

At LV 50, user generates Cosmic Energy.

At Max level, user's heart is transformed into Heart of the Cosmos.]

[Heart of the Cosmos (Passive) LV MAX]:

[A heart holding the power to remake the universe anew a million times over.

Infuses body with Cosmic Energy over time, empowering the body and elevating the mind.

Cosmic Infusion — 15%

Increases STR by 150,000%.

Increases DEX by 150,000%.

Increases VIT by 150,000%.

Increases INT by 150,000%.]

[Soul Manipulation (Active) LV MAX]:

[The souls of all things are subject to the whims of the user.

At MAX level, user gains the ability to manipulate the soul of the facets of existence.]

[Blut Herz (Active) LV MAX]:

[A technique used to pump Reishi into your heart and blood vessels to increase attack and defense.

Increases attack by 2,000%.

Increases defense by 2,000%.]

[Cero (Active) LV MAX]:

[Concentrate Reiryoku and Reishi into a blast of energy that destroys anything in its path.


Cero Double,

Gran Rey Cero,

Cero Oscuras.]

[Bala (Active) LV MAX]:

[Concentrate Reishi on your fist and launch it at high speeds towards enemies.]

[Acero (Passive) LV MAX]:

[A armor of concentrated spiritual energy that lies on the outer layer of the skin.

Increases attack and defense by 10,000%.]

[Provoke (Active) LV MAX]:

[A skill to forcibly attract enemies to you great hostility.

Draws aggro from enemies within range.

Has 75% chance to cause target to enter a Berserk state.

Maximum Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.]

[Spiral Energy Bomb (Active) LV MAX]:

[A technique used to gather and spin an immense amount of energy in a multi axial sphere.

The spin greatly increases its piercing power, and the increased amount of energy also greatly increases its strength.

Deals 8,000% energy attack damage.


Spiraling Plasma Bomb,

Spiraling Freezing Bomb,

Spiraling Infernal Bomb,

Spiraling Light Bomb,

Spiraling Thunder Bomb,

Spiraling Abyssal Bomb.]

[Force Shield (Active) LV MAX]:

[A defensive technique that creates a shield of energy that blocks all damage to its target, as long as it's caster can keep it up.

Effect: Stops all damage from reaching target given caster has enough energy.]

[Force Armor (Active) LV MAX]:

[A defensive technique that creates a close fitting armor on its target that blocks all damage towards its wearer.

Effect: Blocks damage equal to the total energy put into casting.]

[Attack Enhancement (Passive) LV MAX]:

[All damage is increased by 1,000%.]

[Status Condition Enhancement (Passive) LV MAX]:

[All Status Condition skills and attacks are enhanced by 1,000%.

Chance to cause Status Condition increases by 90%.]

[All Attribute Enhancement (Passive) LV MAX]:

[All attribute related skills are enhanced by 1,000%.]

[Medicine Synthesis (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to create medicines for different conditions.

At MAX level, user can create All-Cure medicine, Panacea.] (A/N: Details are in chapter 11.)

[Elemental Magic (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[All elemental spells are enhanced by 1,000%.] (A/N: Includes all spells shown in chapter 11 except Spatial magic spells, Poison magic spells, Recovery magic spells and the Shadow dimension spell.)

[Enchantment (Active) LV MAX]:

[A technique used to grant abilities and other properties to a target via magic or inscriptions.]

[Recovery Magic (Passive& Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to use magic to help recover someone to their peak state.] (A/N: Details in chapter 11.)

[Dimensional Magic (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to use magic to freely manipulate all dimensions of the fabric of space.

Coordinate Marking,

Personal Dimension,

Cross-Dimensional Gate,


Dimension Rend,

Shatter Dimension,

Space Expansion,

Space-Time Barrier,


Space Compression,

Spatial Lock.]

[Technomancy (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to create, control and modify machines using magic.

Spells Learned:

Machine Creation — Blueprints: 375,

Artificial Intelligence Creation,

Mechanical Evolution,

Machine Dominion,

Machine Overload,

Machine Reconstruction,

Machine Deconstruction,


[Evil Eye Emperor (Active) LV MAX]:

[The combined power of multiple evil eyes, brought under the power of an Emperor.

Comprises of the following:

Evil Eye of Grudge,

Evil Eye of Insanity,

Evil Eye of Stasis,

Evil Eye of Petrification,

Evil Eye of Terror,

Evil Eye of Agony,

Evil Eye of Disturbance,

Evil Eye of Hypnosis,

Evil Eye of Charm,

Evil Eye of Annihilation,

Evil Eye of Elemental Fury,

Evil Eye of Soul Crush,

Evil Eye of Sealing,

Evil Eye of Nullification,

Evil Eye of Stupefaction,

Evil Eye of Warping,

Evil Eye of Gluttony.]

[Cooking (Active) LV MAX]:

[The preparation of food to make it more delicious and nutritious.

All food cooked is 150% more nutritious.]

[Panoptic Vision (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Your eyes have transcended normalcy and can see beyond the natural.

Visual capability is increased, allowing user to see anything.

User gains the ability to see through all forms of illusions.

Range of sight is increased by 2,000%.

User is capable of using Telescopic Vision at will.]

[Divine Dragon Power (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[You hold the power of a dragon that has reached the apex of the gods within you.

Passively increases STR by 2,500%.

Passively increases VIT by 2,500%.

Passively increases DEX by 2,500%.

Passively increases INT by 2,500%.

Additional 1000% increase in STR when active.

Additional 1000% increase in VIT when active.

Additional 1000% increase in DEX when active.

User can use a Breath Attack of their Elemental Affinity.

User gains Divine Dragon Heart.]

[Divine Dragon Heart (Passive) LV MAX]:

[A crystal core located within the heart of a dragon. It is said to be capable of infinitely producing magic and life energies.

Increases STR by 10,000%.

Increases DEX by 10,000%.

Increases VIT by 10,000%.

Increases INT by 10,000%.]

[Divine Dragon Barrier (Active) LV MAX]:

[A barrier that overpowers the environment, coming from the body of a dragon that has reached the apex of the gods.

Generates a barrier that nullifies all attacks below the user's soul level.

Range is affected by INT and WIS.]

[Divine Dragon Scales (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You have the scales of a dragon that has reached the apex of the gods.

Physical and Energy attacks below the peak of the Transcendent level are nullified.]

[Silver Tongue (Passive) LV MAX]:

[A tongue like silver and words like honey, always catch the eye of a person.

65% chance of convincing target to agree with you.]

[Soul Marble (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The world within a soul, brought forth to reality for all within its hold to experience.

Time dilation within skill range in proportion to the world outside range is a minimum of 10:1 and currently at a maximum of 10³⁰³:1.

All attacks performed within skill range have 100% critical rate and hit rate when active.

All parallel minds are present and enhanced by 300% within skill range.

Increases HP and EP Regen by 1,000,000% when active.]

[Pancognition (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to perceive possible future and past events, giving perfect awareness of the immediate future and all past events of any object, person or anything in between.

At MAX level, user can perceive all possible futures of their target as well as their entire past simultaneously with no drawbacks.]

[Psychometry (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to perceive the total history and condition of anything subjected to it from all points of time.]

[Anaerobic Operation (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Your body no longer needs to respire to survive as you have evolved beyond the need for it.

User can fully operate in any environment without respiration.]

[Immutability (Passive) LV MAX]:

[The ability to resist any forceful external change.

No form of external change can affect the user unless they allow it.

At MAX level, user can pass this trait onto others while keeping it applied to themselves.]

[Reality Anchoring (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to anchor oneself to any reality or timeline of choice.

At MAX level, user is capable of anchoring themselves to realities not visited.]

[Kissing (Active) LV MAX]:

[An act of intimacy used to show one's love for another, mostly by mouth-to-mouth contact, mostly.

When used, mutual pleasure is increased by 500%.]

[Maintenance (Active) LV MAX]:

[The act of keeping the functionality of items at their peak.

Use of skill on any item increases its durability, performance and special features by 350%.]


1. Learner — Learn 5 skills

2. Starting Mastery — Max out 1 skill

3. Great Improvements — Max out 5 skills

4. Skillvolution — Evolve 1 skill

5. Darwinism — Evolve 1 time

6. One is the Loneliest Number — Make a Party for the first time

7. Skilled Learner — Learn 25 skills

8. Greater Improvement — Max out 25 skills

9. Skillvolution II — Evolve 5 skills

10. Proficient Learner — Learn 50 skills

11. Impressive Improvements — Max out 50 skills

12. Learner Pro — Learn 100 skills

13. Outstanding Improvements — Max out 100 skills

14. Pocket Change — Gain 100,000 Currency

15. #New# Killer — Kill or destroy 1,000,000 enemies (Reward: Random Heroic Weapon)

16. #New# Get On My Level — Reach the apex of evolution for your species (Reward: Random Mythical Item)

17. #New# Limit Breaker — Evolve beyond the limit of your species (Reward: Random Divine Item)

18. #New# Millionaire — Gain 1,000,000 Currency (Reward: Random Accessory, Rare - Unique)

19. #New# Skillvolution III — Evolve 25 skills (Reward: Random Mythical Accessory)

[Title Descriptions]

[Primate Slayer: Gained after killing 500 primate monsters.

Effect: Increases damage to primate monsters by 30%]

[Archmage: Gained after creating a fully functional magic language and system.

Effect: Increases all magic effectiveness by 70%]

[Elemental Lord: Gained after getting 10 elemental affinities to MAX.

Effect: Increases elemental damage by 500%]

[Combat Deus: Gained after getting Weapon and Combat Mastery to Max level.

Effect: Increases all damage by 200%]

[Deus Ex Machina: Gained after getting Technopathy, Cyberpathy and Technomancy to Max level.

Effect: Increases quality and rarity of all mechanical creations by one level.

Increases effectiveness of all mechanical creations by 300%]

[Avenger: Gained after gaining fatal revenge.

Effect: Increases damage against enemies that kill family or Party members by 25%]

[Patricidal: Gained after killing one's own father.

Effect: Increases damage to fathers by 30%]

[Mechanical Destroyer: Gained after destroying 10,000 mechanical enemies.

Effect: Increases damage to mechanical enemies by 250%]

[Transcendent (True): Gained after attaining a fully transcendent existence.

Increases all stats by 300%]

A/N: BTW, Shiraori's Raphael level skill is called Minerva, Mistress of Wisdom.

Couldn't write up her status, just cause it'll make a really long aux chapter. This chapter with Dante's stats alone is already over 2.5k words, writing anymore would have been too much for me to do before the weekend.

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