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23.21% Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Meeting Mother(-in-law) and Administrators & First Encounter with Humans.

Capítulo 12: Chapter 11: Meeting Mother(-in-law) and Administrators & First Encounter with Humans.


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Raphael,

{ } : Telepathy,

\\ \\: Parallel Wills,

// // : W System announcement.


Location: Great Elroe Labyrinth, Middle Stratum

Dante POV

After turning the dead wyrms into different meat dishes and eating enough for Shiraori to level up Gluttony, which she had gotten from Overeating, we packed up everything l, me into my inventory, she into her storage space, and continued our exploration. As we were walking, she brought up an issue that would have to be addressed in the future, her interaction with other humans once we left the labyrinth. {Dealing with other humans is going to be a bit of a problem seeing as I'm a monster.} She said slightly downcast. {Have you tried looking into your evolutionary tree to see if there's a path that at least makes you have human features?} I ask her noticing that monsters around us were retreating if we even got slightly close to them or more accurately retreating from Shiraori. {There is one evolution like that. It's called Arachne and is a spider monster with the top half of a woman on top of it. It apparently requires me to have the Pride skill for me to evolve to it.} She said also noticing the fear of the monsters around us. {We should probably deal with your intimidating aura before we keep moving. You might not know this but the entrance to the labyrinth has a gate that could be broken down by monsters, so if you keep scaring them away, the monsters could end up running away from their habitat and pooling up in another part of the labyrinth or even try to leave the labyrinth by breaking down the gate.} I explain to her and she nods.

We stop for a few minutes and I explain to her how to control the aura she emanates and how to dismiss the intent in her aura. After some time she gets it down and the aura from Intimidation has lessened to almost nothing, but I notice that she has a contemplative look on her face. {I've been thinking, maybe the others from my class were reincarnated in this world as well. But then, I also wonder, were they reincarnated into weak monsters like I was or were they reborn as humans in this world, living more comfortably, who knows, but it's not like it'll affect me now anyway.} She says with an almost indifferent tone.

After a few minutes of walking, we both notice a hole and something gigantic comes out of the hole, something or I guess in this case, someone familiar, Shiraori's mother. Not even a few seconds later, a fire dragon comes up from the magma, with 7 Gunesohkas, 20 Guneraves, 17 Gunesevens and 40 Gunerushes in tow ready to launch an assault on Mother. But before they could even start attacking, Mother roared and killed every single one of its subordinates, leaving a massive hole in front of her. She used earth magic to create a hole to leave to the Lower Stratum, but I stopped her. {Wait!} I said and she looked over to Shiraori and I, surprised to meet up with a familiar being again. Noticing that it was the being that threatened her some time ago, she immediately put up her guard, ready to attack at a moment's notice. While she did this, I used Telekinesis to hold down the fire dragon as it was still alive. {Well, at least I see that she got that trait from you, although there's no reason to be so alarmed, I merely wanted to avoid any unforeseen negative situations.} I said using Telepathy to show her what would have happened had I left Shiraori to go the same way as the original, causing her to be surprised and look at Shiraori with slight trepidation. {Besides, I really don't see any reason to have any animosity towards my mother-in-law.} I say causing her thoughts to pause.

{What do you mean 'mother-in-law'?} She asked as I had allowed her access to my telepathic network. Her voice was a bit different from what I had expected. She sounded like an apathetic office lady that had found out what it meant to be angry. {I mean exactly what I said. I plan to marry your beautiful daughter here. Her name is Shiraori by the way.} I tell her with a smile tinged with mischief. {I know how this sounds, but I understand that I basically ripped her from your and Ariel's control despite what would have happened, so I apologize for threatening you all those days ago.} I say with a small nod at her. {Ah, I see. But what does this have to do with you not having animosity towards us?} She asks skeptically. {I say this because I have the full knowledge of Taboo, and I'm willing to help Ariel heal Sariel. As for Shiro-chan, she'll eventually get around to it.} I say looking at Shiraori. {And why should I believe you?} She asks as she starts turning away. {You don't have to believe me. But when the time comes, she'll come to meet us herself.} I say with a wave of my hand as she leaves. Of course, this entire conversation happened in a few seconds.

After she leaves, I start chuckling knowing that I have gotten some of the greatest booster and defense skills that exist in the W System. During my talk with Mother, I had used Biokinesis and Raphael to copy some skills from her and Ariel using their soul connection to myself and Shiraori. Those skills being Divine Dragon Scales, Divine Dragon Barrier, Divine Dragon Power, Divine Thread Weaving and Panoptic Vision. I also copied the Egg Laying skill Mother had to Shiraori so that she can create her extra bodies earlier than in the original while also giving her the level 10 Medicine and Poison Synthesis skills. {Ehh..Ehh...Eeeehhhhh. What on earth are these skills?! They're unlike anything I've ever seen before!} Shiraori exclaimed after seeing the details of the skills and honestly I don't blame her, after seeing the details of the skills, if I was limited to the W System, I would also be as surprised as she was, but I'm not. Although the skills are definitely powerful, not all of them are all that useful to me right now, but I'll keep them. 'Notifications'

[Notice. Multiple skills have been learned.]

[Panoptic Vision. (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Your eyes have transcended normalcy and can see beyond the natural.

Visual capability is increased allowing user to see anything.

User gains the ability to see through all forms of illusions.

Range of sight increases by 2000%.

User is capable of using Telescopic vision at will.]

[Divine Dragon Power (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[You hold the power of a dragon that has touched upon the realm of the gods within you.

Passively increases total STR by 300%.

Passively increases total VIT by 300%.

Passively increases total DEX by 300%.

Passively increases total INT by 300%.

Additional 300% increase in STR when active.

Additional 300% increase in VIT when active.

Additional 300% increase in DEX when active.

User can use a Breath Attack of their Elemental Affinity.]

[Divine Dragon Barrier (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[A barrier that overpowers the environment, comes from the body of a dragon that has touched upon the realm of the gods.

Generates a barrier that nullifies magic within its range.

Range is affected by INT and WIS.]

[Divine Dragon Scales (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You have the scales of a dragon that has touched upon the realm of the gods.

Magic Defense is increased by 5000%

Magic below a certain level is nullified upon contact with the user's body.]

Like I had said, not all are useless, but not all are useful to me right now. After checking the skills, I finally released the fire dragon and it immediately came out of the magma while roaring angrily. It slammed its hand on the spot where Shiraori was standing, but she dodged it and fired off a few Poison Shot spells while bombarding it with attacks from 8 different Evil Eyes. In response to the Poison Shots, it brought up the upgraded version of Heat Clad, Flame Cloak causing them to evaporate on impact. It then let loose a Dragon Breath at her, destroying most of the rocks around her that we're jutting above the magma, which she noticed. To give it a false sense of security, she started acting as if she was still weak to fire, which unfortunately for it, she was not. She shot thread up to the ceiling and started ascending towards the ceiling. The dragon seeing this, shot a few fireballs at her, and noticing this she cut her thread, falling through the gap in between the fireballs as they exploded above her.

As she fell, she saw the maw of the dragon close to her and open, preparing to bite down on her. Seeing this, she deduced that the dragon had jumped after her after releasing the fireballs at her in an attempt to hit her with a calculated attack, but unfortunately for it, she had expected that and used Poison Synthesis to create a large poison ball and fired it towards the dragon's open mouth while using Telekinesis to move her body away. The dragon, in a desperate attempt to keep the poison out of its system let out a Breath Attack before it could go down its gullet. The situation looked grim, as there were no rocks for her to use as footholds, and the dragon seeing its planned attacks bear fruit, blasted a Fire Breath that would have killed her, were she an ordinary Zoa Ele or in the way of its breath in the first place. The dragon, believing that it had killed her let its guard down, turning off its Flame Cloak and got hit with a giant poison ball from above on its entire body and a Narcotic Bullet straight to its face to keep it from moving. Shiraori jumped down looking to finish it off with her scythes, imbuing them both with Heresy and Deadly Poison and stabbing them into its neck, but it was still far from dead. Seeing this, Shiraori jumped down and quickly created a large magic circle that I identified as Abyss Magic's Hell Gate. Seeing that, I put up my barrier so that it's effects would not reach me and shortly after a great darkness seemed to swallow everything in sight. A few seconds later, the darkness receded leaving Shiraori hanging from her threads and the dragon near dead in a crater caused by Mother's roar with a hole that went all the way down to the Bottom Stratum of the labyrinth. Weaving multiple spear spells, she jumps down to finish off the dragon. The dragon attempted a final struggle but had been to damaged and weakened by the spell and Shiraori fired all the spells at its neck, decapitating it, ending its life and leveling up to level 20, making her ready to evolve to Ede Saine.

Using Telekinesis, I levitate her and the dragon's corpse to my position, as the crater is refilling with magma. While doing that, I feel someone that is causing slight interference in my detection field and affecting the space around us. Tracking them down, I notice that it is Güliedistosiez who has also opened up a spatial gate that is locked on to our coordinates. Before he crosses the gate, I make myself and any interaction between myself and Shiraori imperceptible to him, as I had done to D when I named Shiraori. So right now, D does not know that she has a name or most of the skills that I basically planted into her body, she only knows of the skills that Shiraori has actually obtained by herself. I won't have her end the same way she did in the original, no matter what. A few seconds later, a man with jagged black armor so tight that it seems to be part of his body with black skin, no not dark but black skin and hair with the only part of him that isn't black, his eyes, being red, the dragon administrator Güliedistosiez walks through his spatial gate. {Shiro-chan, don't worry about him. The one you should worry about is not far, but it's not him.} I tell her while she still holds her facial expression of surprise. After he comes through, he starts to interrogate and berate her, but I advise her to behave as if she did not understand the language he was speaking, which she immediately did. And almost as if out of nowhere, a smartphone materializes in between the two of them. 'D, about time you reared your ugly head.' I think as she convinces Güliedistosiez to leave Shiraori be.

Finally using one of the powers I couldn't use in this planet, I infiltrated the smartphone's network using Cyberpathy and Technopathy while using Spatiokinesis to track down Earth's coordinates and her position on earth while also reading through the entirety of Earth's Internet mainly to get the blueprints of all the different technologies and improve them, get the knowledge of all martial arts and improve said martial arts and also get any movies or series to serve as entertainment for when we want to just laze about. Lastly, I chose to do one thing to mess with D. I hacked into every single game she plays on earth and messed up all her characters in those games, before withdrawing my mind from the network, all before she could even start speaking to Shiraori. After leaving I heard D's voice being transmitted into Shiraori's mind and using telepathy, I told her to continue acting like she didn't have Telepathy. D continued talking to her, telling her about her interference in the W System to give her Wisdom, the fact that she was basically monitoring her and of course, the fact that she is the most malevolent 'god' this world has and will ever have, and finally after taunting Shiraori, she teleported the smartphone away.

{Hey, are you alright?} I asked her. {Yeah, it's just... I didn't expect this. The smartphone and very clear Japanese point to her being connected to this world and Earth, there's even a possibility that what you said about her before is true, that she had a hand in my reincarnation, not that she'd tell me if she did. Not to mention there is that black man.} She says having a disgruntled look on her face, also mentioning Güliedistosiez. {Well, if that's the case, then there's no point in worrying about them. You might not know it yet but I am powerful enough to kill the both of them easily, but I won't do it while you're still within the confines of the W System. So the only solution to this entire debacle is to get so strong that they can't do anything to you.} I tell her with the effect of [Silver Tongue] a passive skill I got from reaching 100 in CHA, causing her to relax and stop overthinking about the matter as what I said was correct. {Yeah, you're right. If I get powerful enough, there's nothing that they could do to me.} She said as she nodded with a determined expression on her face causing me to smile.

{Well, before we get moving, I'll get this dragon ready for us to eat.} I said as I created some water and extracted salt from the seawater, teleported it here and got to cooking. Bringing out the already prepared meals from my inventory, I passed them over to her to eat and get this out of her mind at least for the time being. Some minutes later, I had finished cooking the dragon meat and put the cooked meals into my inventory. {Okay then, we better get moving. Besides, I'm sure you'll be happy to see where we're headed, so no need to keep the long face. Everything will be alright.} I reassure her as we start walking towards a passage leading to the Upper Stratum. On the way to the passage, she continued using as many skills as she could as frequently as she could, as well as getting used to using her Breath Attack from gaining Divine Dragon Power.

{Oh no, it went up again. Damnit, I'm not raising it ever again.} She complained while projecting her thoughts. {Raise what?} I asked slightly amused. {Taboo. It's at level 9 now and it's been scaring me ever since I ate my sibling.} She says while tapping her forehead in exasperation. {Now that you mention it, it's actually better that you raise it, since it's basically a knowledge pack of all the events that led to the creation of the W System.} I explain to her which startles her. {You know what Taboo is, how?} She asks. {Backdoor access, remember. I could basically read the entirety of the W System in less than a minute and that was before getting Divine Dragon Power, now I can read it all in 5 seconds.} I respond while she tests out her skills, when suddenly, she exclaimed, which sounded like a cute screech in her spider body and ran towards the sloped passage to the Upper Stratum.

{I really wasn't just seeing things. It's really here. Upper Stratum, I'm back!} She said with great emotion in her voice with me coming up behind her. She suddenly lunged at me, hugging me while shedding tears of joy, but what she did next surprised the both of us greatly as she kissed me right on my lips. After what she just did registered in her mind, she stopped jumping around and looked at me with an obvious blush on her face just like I did. {Sorry, I got a bit too excited and did that.} She said abashedly with her head down. {Hah, there's no need for you to be sorry. Besides if you hadn't kissed me, I would have found a chance to kiss you.} I said shyly, causing her to look at me in surprise. {What, were you expecting me to be disgusted or disturbed by you kissing me? I might not look it now, but I was no ladies man in my past life, as a matter of fact, you are the first girl I've gotten this close with in both lives, not to mention we are literally connected by our very souls. I've liked you ever since I named you, so much so that if I wasn't lessening the intensity of emotions that we could feel through our link, there's a high chance that we would have pounced on each other. So don't go thinking I would ever dislike you kissing me or I'll kiss you until you forget such a stupid assumption.} I said, basically confessing my love for her, leaving her speechless with her mandibles dropped. {R-r-really?} She asked in disbelief. {Yes, really. So allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Dante Isvalt, a reincarnator who was considerably attached to anime, manga, comics and the like. I hope that you'll give me the privilege of dating you, Shiraori-san.} I said while trying to not visibly cringe or burst out in laughter at how I was speaking. After a while, the silence is interrupted by her voice. {I accept your confession and please, take care of me.} She said shyly as we leaned into each other and kissed once again, this time for a few minutes before releasing each other's mouths.

After the kiss, we finally looked to the passage to the Upper Stratum then at each other and nodded, walking into the Upper Stratum. We eventually come to a tunnel where we set up a nest where we just chose to stay to laze about for a while and I brought up her evolution. {The available evolutionary paths are Greater Taratect, Ede Saine and Orthocadinart. The Greater Taratect is just a return to the original species but it's too large for me to evolve to Arachne. The Orthocadinart on the other hand is still small, but its only special features are that it knows magic and is good at laying traps, but I can already do that normally, not to mention it's a dead end on the evolutionary tree so no need. The Ede Saine now is just the next direct stage of the Zoa Ele's evolution and like the Zoa Ele has a high combat ability and stealthy nature, but its intro is quite unsettling as it's feared as the symbol of death.} She explains to me while chowing down on the dragon meat.

{Well, it's obvious which one you should pick so fo ahead.} I say and she chooses the Ede Saine to evolve into and evolves there on the spot and I sense her Taboo skill reaching level 10 and the knowledge being pumped straight into her mind. {Ouch, that hurts. Eh, seriously, that's the state of the world. Wait, what the hell was wrong with the people of this world that they'd do such a thing?} She said as her face shifted from discomfort to surprise to abject shock. {You knew about all of this already, didn't you? Hah, now I understand why this skill is called Taboo. If anyone started saying that the world was on the verge of destruction and already collapsing and most of it was the fault of humanity, they'd be seen as the peak of crazy. Because of this, now I don't even feel like I can enjoy my evolution.} She says while she nibbles on the last piece of meat we had. {Well, you're going to at least be able to try it out seeing as you've pretty much finished our food.} I tell her as she looks down and sees nothing. {Hah, might as well, then.} She says as she leaves the nest to go hunting.

Narrator POV

Over the course of the next week, Shiraori hunted down every single monster she came across in the Upper Stratum of the labyrinth while Dante took his time creating new skills, combining different skills, cooking everything that Shiraori brought back to the nest and helping her prepare for her first interaction with humans other than himself. What Shiraori did not know was that her actions and presence in the Upper Stratum led to a massive exodus of monsters away from her in any way they could achieve it, apart from suicide. This ended up causing some monsters to flood out of the labyrinth, attracting the attention of the Adventurer's Guild on the Daztrudia continent. This also alerted some of the nobility of the Ohts Kingdom on the Kasanagara continent, one of those nobles being Count Ynazel Isvalt, whose territory was partly responsible for protecting the kingdom from labyrinth attacks by periodically undertaking expeditions to reduce the monster population in the Upper Stratum.

However, this time was different as they had to respond to monsters coming out from the sea and others rushing out from the labyrinth exit on land, forcing him to split his already sparse military to counter the monsters. He is currently in his home office, reading through the reports he has received from his soldiers when his wife knocks on his door. "Come in." He says and she enters his office with a haughty expression on her face. Looking up at her, he sighed. "What is it now, Cordelia? You know I can't be interrupted when dealing with important work." Ynazel tells his wife while continuing to work. "I understand that you see your work as important, but why must you or any of us for that matter, have to sacrifice our time or energy to bother with protecting the inferiors?!" She said as she shouted the last part of her question, causing him to sigh once more. "It is simply the responsibility that has been placed upon me as the Lord of this territory. I have told you this multiple times before." He said as her face turned even more dissatisfied. "Oh really, just like that homewrecking bitch was your responsibility too. I guess you must be happy since she is no longer here for you to be responsible for her." She said with clear venom in her voice as his brows slightly furrowed, but he didn't leave his work. "It's been a month since she died, Cordelia. To mock a person willing to sacrifice themselves for anyone's good is meant to be beneath us as nobles, but maybe once again I expected too much of you." He said as he finished with his work and walked out of the room, leaving her to stew in her anger.

Shiraori POV

'Hello everyone. So it's been a week since I evolved into Ede Saine and a lot of things have happened since then. For one, Dante somehow created a TV or I guess it should be called HV seeing as it uses holograms that he generates, I've hunted most of the things in the upper layer, causing the rest to run away and leaving me with much less food than I'd like especially because Dante's cooking is to die for.' Moving from that thought I begin communicating with my Parallel wills to see which magic skills I have that haven't gotten to their second stages at least and so far the only one that hasn't is my fire magic.

As I was thinking this, I detected another group of the three lizard friends and teleported above them, caught them in a casting net with my Poison Attack, wrapped them up and teleported back to the nest where Dante was still training to create even more skills, of course with his shirt off so I can feast my eyes on him. {I'm back.} I say with a singsong voice as he unwraps my threads and dismantles the lizards. {Welcome back. I think I'm done creating skills for the time being, so I'll follow you out this time.} He says putting his clothes back on. I'll miss seeing that eight pack of his.

Having Dante as a boyfriend is something that I feel anyone would envy me for, if they weren't head over heels for someone else. He's said he's not perfect but he's perfect for me. He's strong, caring, so good at cooking that he might as well be making drugs with how addictive his food is, from what he's told me about his system, no matter where we are any monetary issues we could ever have can be easily resolved by him, he helps me in getting stronger and better and even though I'm a spider, he very clearly loves me as his girlfriend. If that isn't perfect husband material, then nothing in existence is. After he finished cooking, we ate and finally got a move on. I teleported back to where I caught the lizards and he followed right behind shortly after.

Not long after we got here, a monster came up in front of us, a Fenegrad. A dinosaur looking monster with scaled spikes on it chin, back of its neck and arm joints. It is also a low rank earth dragon. I used my evil eyes, first causing it pain with the Evil Eye of Phantom Pain, then paralysing it with the eye of Paralysis and hitting it with Paralysis attack for good measure before I slashed its neck, killing it. Dante of course, dismantled it the instant it died and roasted some meat for us to quickly eat. And I think to myself l, 'I guess we could do one more hunt.' and teleport away once more with Dante following, but I did not expect what I met after teleporting here. Humans.

Chapter end.

BasedDragonLord BasedDragonLord

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Hey everyone, yeah, so I tried to get as much as I could into this chapter and it took a considerably longer time than I had expected but I got it in. So sorry, and enjoy the chapter. Have a nice day.

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