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10.71% Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 5: Chapter 4: New friend, Evolution and Naming

Capítulo 5: Chapter 4: New friend, Evolution and Naming


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Raphael

"Italicized text" : Telepathy.

BTW as a result of his stats, Dante's body has grown a bit so he looks like a 10 year old not a 5 year old.


Location: Great Elroe Labyrinth

Dante POV

After she had finished crying, I used Telekinesis to hold her sibling's corpse as we walked away. 'By the way, do you have any idea, where we are or where we're going?' She asked as we moved further away from the Labyrinth's entrance. "Yeah, we are in the Elroe Great Labyrinth, the world's largest labyrinth, and we're heading deeper into it." I told her with finality in my voice. 'Eh, w-why would we go deeper into a place such as this, I just escaped being eaten by my siblings and parent and now you're saying that we should head even further into the place where that seems normal!' She says in vehement objection to my decision. Unfortunately for her, I am not going to change my mind on the matter. I am however, going to change hers.

"Tell me, do you want to remain weak?" I ask her as we keep walking which causes her to jolt to a stop. "I know you somewhat understand how this world works or at least how it works for you. After all you have a skill that has leveled up twice so there's no reason why you can't level up as well. So answer me, do you want to remain weak, will you wait until you have no choice but to get strong or will you build up your strength now that you are relatively safe?" I ask her as I turn to face her. I watch her as she ended up immersed in her thoughts about my question for a while. She seemed to cycle through different emotions. Seeing as she was taking too much time, I used my telepathy slightly push her by showing her different scenarios while keeping her from knowing that I was responsible for those thoughts. She eventually looked up at me and finally resolved herself before answering me. 'I want to be strong, I don't want to end up being on something or someone's chopping block because I chose to be lax. So help me become stronger.' She says which causes me to smirk. "Fine, but first, you see that tunnel over there, look into it and use Appraisal." I told her while sniggering internally. 'Okay.' she said and used Appraisal which resulted in a massive influx of information which from what my Analytical Appraisal is showing me caused her Appraisal to level up again.

I stifled my laughter upon witnessing the comedic sight of a spider holding its head like it was having a headache. 'Why would you tell me to do that, are you a sadist or something?!' She asks me while still holding her head in pain. "Nah, I'm a bit mischievous, but I'm no sadist. And besides, I know you heard the voice in your head telling you a skill leveled up, so you're welcome." I told her which prompted her to try and use it on herself. While she did that, I decided to gain a few more skills. I used my psionic energy to influence the air, sound and vibrations in close proximity to myself while also spreading out my senses to envelop everything around me, energy, matter and everything in between.

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of psionic energy to influence air has created the skill 'Aerokinesis' to better manipulate air.]

[Aerokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX.]:

[The ability to freely manipulate air in the user's environment.

Range and power are affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of psionic energy to influence sound and vibrations has created the skill 'Acoustikinesis' to better manipulate vibrations.]

[Acoustikinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX.]:

[The ability to freely manipulate vibrations in the user's environment.

Range and power are affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The skill 'Detection' has been created.]

[Detection (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[Use synesthesia to sense your environment.

Maximum Range is affected by skill level, INT, WIS, mental skills and sensory skills.

All other detection skills are subsumed into this skill.

Consumes no resources.]

Looking at the notifications, a smile makes it way to my face and I turn to the tunnel and use Acoustikinesis to create ultrasonic vibrations to discombobulate the bats, wolves and deer in the tunnel putting them out of commission and used Geokinesis to hold them down. I turn to Kumoko and begin to speak. "I just immobilized the monsters in the tunnel so let's go ahead and use them to level up." She looked at me and asked when I did that."Just now. Come on, let's go and get this EXP." I said levitating myself and her sibling's corpse to the tunnel. Since I kept my hold on the monsters here, killing them was easy, but to maximize this I advised her to use her skills now that she could do so safely. She uses her Poison Fang and Appraisal skills pushing them to level up while I choose to do something else. I use my psionic energy to interact with the body of one of the bats firstly by manipulating its musculature and bones, then by interfering with its nervous system taking control of its synapses which of course, created new skills for me.

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of psionic energy to influence organic matter has created the skill 'Biokinesis' to better manipulate organic matter.]

[Biokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely manipulate all organic matter in the user's environment.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of psionic energy to influence electricity has created the skill 'Electrokinesis' to better manipulate electricity.]

[Electrokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely detect, generate, absorb, manipulate and control all facets of electricity.

At MAX level, user can turn their body into electricity.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

Consumes no resources.]

Seeing the notifications flash, I turn towards my spider friend and scan her using Biokinesis, mainly to gain the ability to produce thread from my body. I levitate to her and gently pat her head a bit getting a better look at her biology and I begin to alter my body, specifically my hands to be able to produce thread and attach its production to my stamina, which when remembering that I have Infinite Stamina translates to me being able to produce thread infinitely. I use the thread once by shooting it from my free hand and attempt to control it out of her range of sight and use Acoustikinesis to basically mute the sound that could have come from it.

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The skill 'Spider Thread' has been created.]

[Spider Thread (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability for the user to produce thread similarly to a spider.

Consumes stamina to use.]

[Notice. Skill 'Spider Thread' has evolved into 'Utility Thread'.]

[Utility Thread (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability for the user to produce thread and attach different properties and attributes to the thread.]

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The skill 'Thread Control' has been created.]

[Thread Control (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely control thread produced by yourself.

Consumes stamina to use.]

I watched as the notifications flashed by, but while doing that I heard the sound of thread shooting out and looked to notice Kumoko had finally started using her thread. I used Analytical Appraisal on her and saw that she had improved a lot in comparison to what I had seen merely an hour earlier.

[Name: N/A

Level: 5

Gender: N/A

Attribute: Darkness

Race: Small Lesser Taratect

Soul Stage: Elevated—Low

HP: 30/30

MP: 30/30

SP: 70/70

STR: 12

DEX: 65

VIT: 12

INT: 15

WIS: 12

LUK: 6

Background: A member of a deteriorating taratect species. It also happens to have a reincarnated soul.

Emotions: Resolve. Elation. Disgust.

Skills: [Spider Thread LV 1], [Appraisal LV 5], [Poison Fang LV 4], [Poison Resistance LV 6], [Idaten LV 2], [n%I=W] ]

Noticing this, I choose to levitate her sibling's corpse to her and tell her to eat it. 'Eh, why should I do that? It sounds and seems like it'll be disgusting.' She says in objection. I tell her that before eating anything else she must eat her sibling as it's effects will be greater than just eating another monster. Of course, I did this so she could gain the Taboo and Heresy Magic skills early, but she didn't have to know that.

She eventually agrees and takes a bite out her sibling's corpse and spits it out in disgust, but she resolves her emotions and continues to eat it until it is finished. Shortly after, her face shifts with surprise and she looks at me and tells me that she has gained the Kin Eater title and the Taboo and Heresy Magic skills. I nod and tell her that it was expected and that she should finish off the remaining monsters, at least until she is ready to evolve. She nods her head and gets to work killing the rest of the monsters here. While she does that, I leave the tunnel to do my daily tasks and use Geokinesis to seal up the tunnel while using Acoustikinesis to tell her that I'll be back soon.

Due to my already high stats, it took me 10 minutes to finish up my daily tasks and I decided to stay out for a bit longer to check my rewards, status and achievements since I had gotten the system and let me just say, I've been busier than I expected


Name: Dante Isvalt

Class: The Gamer

Level: 3 Next LV: 83.43%

Title(s): None

Race: High Human

Soul Stage: Ascendant—Low

HP: 1,540,000/1,540,000 (38,500/sec)

EP: 21,500,000/21,500,000(1,075,000/sec)

(A/N: His body was acclimating to the sudden push in evolutionary level and physical growth over the past few hours, so his HP and EP now reflect their actual value.)

STR: 770

VIT: 770

DEX: 770

INT: 1075

WIS: 72

LUK: 70

CHR: 70

Elemental Affinity

Earth 100

Air 100

Lightning 100

Life 100

SP: 38

Currency: 1,500

[Daily Tasks]:

1. Run 50km (50,000/50,000)✓

2. Do 500 push-ups (500/500)✓

3. Do 500 squats (500/500)✓

4. Lift 50kg 500 times (500/500)✓

5. Do 500 pull-ups (500/500)✓


[+10 SP,

1000 Currency,

5% Level Exp.


1.#New# Learner — Learn 5 skills (Reward: +3 SP)

2.#New# Starting Mastery — Max out 1 skill (Reward: + 3 to all stats)

3.#New# Great Improvements — Max out 5 skills (Reward: + 7 to all stats)

4.#New# Skillvolution — Evolve 1 skill (Reward: Random Item Box )

5.#New# Darwinism — Evolve 1 time (Reward: Random Legendary Item)

[Notice. Random Item Box has given out 'Elixir' item]

[Elixir — Rank: Epic]:

[Restores all HP and EP as long as consumer is not dead.

Cures all ailments.]

[Notice. Legendary Item 'Newtonian Apple' has been deposited in inventory.]

[Newtonian Apple — Rank: Legendary]:

[Single use item.

Grants the skill 'Gravitikinesis' upon consumption.](A/N: reference to Hungry Joker manga by Tabata Yuuki.)

*Image here*

I look in shock at the different rewards I've received from the achievements part of the system and celebrate inwardly that my choice to add it was not wrong. I immediately consume the Newtonian Apple, increase gravity on my body a little bit and head towards the sealed tunnel and unseal it while checking the details of Gravitikinesis.

[Gravitikinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to detect, generate, manipulate and fully control gravitons and gravitational forces by which all physical bodies attract each other.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

At MAX level, user can create gravitational singularities without any drawbacks.]

I looked into the tunnel and noticed that not too many of the monsters were dead but they were all wrapped in spider thread. Since they were all in range, I paralyzed then using Biokinesis as an extra measure and walked over to Kumoko. 'Ah, you're back. Well, you said I should kill them until I'm ready to evolve and now I am.' She tells me seeming somewhat tired and I noticed the bones of one of the wolves at the side which meant she had eaten one in the 12 minutes that I was gone.

"Okay then, tell me the current available evolutionary paths you have." I told her, since I had changed her circumstances from the original, I wanted to see if the difference in circumstance will change her initial evolutionary path. 'Yeah, I've got two paths. They are Lesser Taratect and Small Taratect.' So far there were no changes to it but we definitely had to tread carefully regarding her evolutions from here on out. "Okay then, Lesser Taratect is most likely the adult point of this species, while Small Taratect is more than likely to be an actual evolution from this species to a better one while retaining your current size." I told her as I remembered, but Raphael also informed me of the same thing with the same results so it's not a problem.

"First let's get to somewhere else that is smaller so you can build a nest using your webbing then you evolve there while in a safe space." I say as I levitate all the monsters here and keep them wrapped in air bubbles and we leave the tunnel. We find somewhere else for her to set up her nest which she does surprisingly quickly not to mention with room for either of us to leave if it gets dangerous, which slightly surprised me as I didn't think that she would even slightly alter her webs if she didn't have some level of trust in me. So I chose to uphold that trust and helped her to create traps not too far from the webs she had made while embedding the monsters in the walls leaving only their noses and mouths exposed.

"Okay then, you can start your evolution to Small Taratect. Don't worry about me, I can handle myself." I reassure her so she can evolve with peace of mind. She nods and chooses the Small Taratect option and passes out.

I stand up and think of a few things I can do while her evolution takes place. One of the things I thought of was making a high-speed movement technique and the first few that came to mind were One Piece's Soru and Geppo, Mahou Sensei Negima's Shundō and Kōku Shundō, Bleach's Shunpō, Bringer Light and Hirenkyaku, as I am not a Hollow, Mori Jin's Bōbup from God of Highschool and the Zoldyck family's Anpō from Hunter x Hunter to give my steps a bit more stealth. I went to one of the webs further in the nest and attempted every single technique while using psionic energy as a buffer which gave me the techniques as skills but also gave me some Energy Manipulation skills that resulted in Dynakinesis. I also asked Raphael to use Synthesis to fuse the movement techniques together to create a more effective technique, after which I checked the results and was not disappointed.

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of psionic energy to influence other forms of energy has created the skill 'Dynakinesis' to better manipulate energy.]

[Dynakinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to detect, generate manipulate and fully control all kinds of energy.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. The skills 'Electrokinesis' and 'Acoustikinesis' are subsumed into Dynakinesis.]

[Notice. A skill has been created through a special action.]

[The use of one's soul to manipulate spirit particles has created the skill 'Reishi Manipulation' to better manipulate spirit particles.]

[Reishi Manipulation (Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to manipulate and shape spirit particles as you wish.

Range and amount are affected by Soul Stage.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. The skills 'Soru', 'Geppo', 'Shundō', 'Kōku Shundō', 'Shunpō', 'Bringer Light', 'Hirenkyaku', 'Bōbup' and 'Anpō' have been synthesized to create high-speed movement skill 'Godspeed Flicker']

[Godspeed Flicker (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The use of energy to move at extremely high speeds 3 dimensionally.

All steps are now silent.

Maximum Speed is affected by DEX.

Consumes stamina to use.]

I smile as I check the absolute broken abilities I have gained in mere hours of my reincarnation almost laughing out maniacally. I choose to stop and sleep beside her while she evolves.

A few hours pass by and I feel her stir awake which causes me to wake up as well and use Analytical Appraisal on her to see her new stats and for what I was planning, the improvements brought by her evolution were more than adequate.

[Name: N/A

Level: 1

Gender: N/A

Attribute: Darkness

Race: Small Taratect

Soul Stage: Elevated—Low

HP: 50/50

MP: 50/50

SP: 90/90

STR: 17

DEX: 87

VIT: 17

INT: 20

WIS: 17

LUK: 10

Background: An average diminutive member of the Taratect species. It also happens to have a reincarnated soul.

Emotions: Curiosity. Elation.

Skills: [Spider Thread LV 6], [Appraisal LV 6], , [Deadly Poison Fang LV 1], [Poison Synthesis LV 1],

[Poison Resistance LV 6], [Idaten LV 2], [n%I=W] ]

"Hey, looks like you're doing better after a good nap. You hungry?" I ask her while pulling some of the monsters out of the walls. 'Yeah, a bit, but why are those still alive?' She asks while stretching, for some reason. "It's so you can get a bit more EXP. Also, try and finish up as quick as you can, I've got something serious to talk with you about once you're done." I tell her and she nods going to get her first meal after evolution. I watch as she voraciously eats through over 10 deer and wolves in less than 20 minutes.

Eventually she eats her fill and turns to me. 'Okay, I'm done eating, so what did you want to talk with me about?' I take a breath and let it out before I speak. "Would you allow me to name you?"

Chapter end.

BasedDragonLord BasedDragonLord

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