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58.98% Naruto: Family System / Chapter 174: Chapter 174

Capítulo 174: Chapter 174

While Jiraiya and Asuma were in their meeting, Kaito was quietly sitting in a forest. By his side, Kakuzu and Deidara were looking at him with curiosity.

The Kaito they saw at this moment felt exceedingly strange.

They were both exceptional ninja. Even if they didn't possess much sensory ability, they could still sense enemies in close proximity.

Like the ninja lurking around them: even if these folks held their breath and concealed their presence, they could still sense that someone was near.

Even if it was just an eerie feeling that originated from deep within, ninja usually trust such sensations—it's a special awareness honed through relentless combat.

Yet, the Kaito before them was puzzlingly paradoxical. He was clearly sitting there, but it was as if he wasn't there at all.

It seemed like he had merged seamlessly with everything around him, everything appeared so natural, so harmonious.

This scene struck Deidara as particularly interesting; at twelve years old, he was still brimming with curiosity about many things.

But Kakuzu, a ninja who had lived for who knows how long, instantly sensed the extraordinary in the mundane.

Kaito's closeness to nature, his blend into the surroundings, it looked so harmonious. But hidden within it all was a crisis that filled him with unparalleled dread!

Kakuzu didn't know why he felt this way, but he believed that this excessive harmony couldn't be something simple.

Besides, nature's power has always been the most terrifying force for humans. No matter how strong a ninja you are, you're powerless against natural disasters.

It must be said that Kakuzu was incredibly sharp. Even if he didn't know about the existence of things like Sage Mode, he still sensed the danger.

Unfortunately, all of this was unbeknownst to Kaito. At this moment, he was deeply immersed, absorbing and understanding the power from nature.

After obtaining the power of the "Forest's Friend," Kaito had already sensed these energies, and realized he could absorb them.

So, after pondering for a moment, he simply left a shadow clone at home and directly came to this forest himself.

After all, he was the head of the Security Division; certain matters might actually require him, so leaving some trace of himself was essential.

And besides, he was a friend of the forest, wasn't he? Perhaps he could gain more insight here.

Just as he had anticipated, when he arrived in the forest, he truly felt that the essence of nature had become much richer.

And those natural forces, sensing his presence, rushed into his body like a swarm of bees.

These forces were extremely gentle, utterly devoid of the ferocity described in the original work.

And Kaito could clearly feel that no matter how much of this power he absorbed, it wouldn't cause any issues with his body!

"Passive abilities from the System are indeed the most powerful things in this world."

He had long understood that passivity is divine. What often elevates him the most are those passive skills.

This included his Kaleidoscope and the constant repair and growth of his bloodline—all thanks to these passive skills.

"It's just too hard to get them. Either a bunch appear at once and I can only pick one, or none show up at all, leaving me with no choices."

Kaito let out a small complaint in his mind before slowly opening his eyes.

By now, he could feel that he had absorbed as much natural power as he could. Moreover, he noticed that his body seemed somewhat unfamiliar with this kind of power.

Though his body was indeed incredibly strong, unfamiliar powers would always take some getting used to.

Especially in terms of controlling these forces, he probably still had much to learn—even with the Forest's Friend passive ability.

In the end, Kaito is no Uchiha Madara, that titanic figure.

Even if he absorbed Sage Chakra for the first time, and in such large quantities, Madara could instantly control it, saying, "These powers are nothing special," fully showcasing his prowess.

Kaito hasn't even touched the tip of Madara's tail yet. Could he really get the Eternal Eye that easily?

"Although I have a ton of skills that could help me level up instantly, I've only seen these skills once so far. Who knows if the next one will also be a true evolution?"

He shook his head slightly. When it comes to the luck of the draw, Kaito has always been a bit skeptical. Perhaps if he'd been luckier, he could have rivaled the Six Paths by now.

But his mindset is still very healthy; growth takes time. Gaining great power without any struggle is no different from being a pig.

Aren't there similar figures in the ninja world? Isn't that Ōtsutsuki on the moon a prime example?

He had zero combat experience. Apart from maximizing the use of his powers, he had no finesse whatsoever.

Thanks to his Rinnegan, he practically reached the power level of the Six Paths, capable of sweeping across the entire ninja world.

But a pig is still a pig; even with such immense power, it's useless without sufficient refinement.

He was taken down by Naruto, who had clearly lost his cheats and was weaker than him—just collapsed, beaten.

Even those like Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki, they're all of the same ilk.

"But, to be fair, their base strength is way too formidable. Even if they have raw power but lack combat experience, they're not something I can handle right now."

Kaito muttered silently to himself as Deidara and Kakuzu joined him.

Deidara was circling Kaito like a perpetually mischievous monkey, as if inspecting and observing what might be different about him.

Kakuzu, on the other hand, respectfully maintained some distance; he didn't dare act as boldly as Deidara.

"Boss, what's going on? If I hadn't known you were there, I would've thought my eyes were playing tricks on me."

After scrutinizing for a while and drawing no conclusions, Deidara couldn't help but rub his head and asked curiously. Kakuzu also looked at Kaito, his mung-bean-like eyes filled with puzzlement.

"Nothing much. I had some exchanges with Jiraiya and had some personal insights, so I came to give it a try."

Kaito showed a slight smile. Then he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again the next moment, a streak of crimson appeared at the corners of his eyes!

His aura also became eerily stronger at that moment. They could all feel that Kaito's presence had greatly intensified!

"What is this...?" Kakuzu asked with a mix of confusion and unease, finding the aura somewhat uncomfortable.

"Sage Chakra Mode, or let's say..."

Kaito was in a good mood. Although these forces were hard to control, they ultimately still listened to him.

With just a slight activation, they began to merge with Kaito's own chakra according to his wishes, thus allowing him to properly activate this mode!

And it was a good thing Kaito had read the original work; he knew what Sage Mode was really about. Otherwise, even if he had obtained these powers, he'd be utterly clueless.

"It's called Sage Mode."

"Sage Mode?"

Both Kakuzu and Deidara were puzzled by Kaito's explanation, as they had really never heard of or knew about this chakra mode.

But one thing was clear to both—they could sense that this chakra mode seemed truly formidable. Kaito was already quite powerful; now he had become even more unfathomable.

Yet at that moment, Kaito's eyebrows subtly furrowed; his gaze involuntarily shifted toward the distant horizon...


Asuma silently walked through the forest on the eastern side of Konoha. His expression was stern; it was apparent his mood was extremely foul at the moment.

Jiraiya had rejected his request, and he did so forcefully, not even letting Asuma finish speaking.

This response shattered Asuma's spirit. He knew that he couldn't entertain the idea anymore, for Asuma too had received a warning from him.

Although somewhat concerned about this warning, Asuma knew that the Seven Great Clans practically ruled Konoha single-handedly at the moment.

Even Jiraiya, so unyielding in his presence, had no desire to confront them. This was something Asuma had never anticipated.

And Jiraiya's words tormented him. Jiraiya had clearly told him that the reason he became the Hokage was due to Konoha's needs and as a redemption for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Even though Asuma acknowledged this answer internally, he felt immensely stifled.

After learning of all this, Asuma couldn't persist any longer. All he could do was leave and think about what to do next.

But just as he stepped out, he encountered ANBU members, and leading them was none other than Kakashi Hatake!

Seeing Kakashi, Asuma's face immediately darkened. However, he also knew that he had anticipated this occurrence.

After all, Jiraiya had already told him that his boldness in coming to see Jiraiya was because he knew Konoha wouldn't take any actions as long as he didn't make a move.

Not to mention, the Seven Great Clans had just been implicated in the death of his father. Were they to act recklessly now, they themselves would come under scrutiny.

And since Asuma had been back in Konoha for so long without seeing Jiraiya, paying a visit to the current Hokage should have been without issue.

But Kakashi didn't give him any room to speak. Kakashi simply told him dispassionately:

"Someone wants to see you; the specific location is to be determined. Wait here for now."

"What if I don't want to see them?"

Asuma was equally defiant. He was, after all, someone who had dared to leave Konoha on his own as a youth; he wasn't cowed by Kakashi's threat.

"Whether you see them or not is your choice; I won't force you. But you should understand one thing—you'll have to take responsibility for your own decisions."

Kakashi remained impassive, clearly not taking Asuma's attitude too seriously.

"After all, you're an adult, and you have your family behind you. You know how to make your own choices."

Kakashi's words silenced Asuma. In the end, he stayed put, waiting for Kakashi to reveal the exact location.

He was also speculating: who exactly wanted to meet with him? Though it wouldn't be surprising if it were a member of another clan.

About ten minutes later, Kakashi finally spoke, informing him that it was in the eastern forest.

Asuma didn't drag his feet; he immediately headed toward the designated location in the forest.

He knew this meeting likely wouldn't yield positive results, but he needed to go nonetheless. At the very least, he wanted to understand the other party's intentions.

However, the eastern forest was considerably vast, and Kakashi had not specified a particular spot. All he could do was continuously search within.

Or perhaps, all he could do was wait, wait for the person who wanted to see him to find him.

"Jōnin Asuma, long time no see."

Just then, a young voice suddenly reached his ears, prompting him to stop in his tracks immediately.

Swiftly turning around, Asuma's pupils slightly dilated. Standing before him was a young man with black hair.

And this young man made Asuma instinctively go on high alert.

Because this young man was none other than Kaito Uchiha, the clan head of the Uchiha family—the very person who had driven his own father to his death!

"Unexpectedly, the one who wants to see me is you, Director."

Watching Kaito slowly approaching, Asuma slightly crouched, his posture resembling that of a cheetah, seemingly ready to strike at any moment.

His hands were already positioned behind his back, ready to draw a weapon for a counterstrike at the first sign of trouble.

"You're too tense, Jōnin Asuma. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't let you saunter in here so freely," Kaito remarked.

Kaito noticed Asuma's preparedness, but didn't take it to heart. He simply walked to a safe distance before stopping.

At the moment, his mood was rather decent; after all, he had just recently grasped the basics of Sage Mode.

Even if his natural chakra reserves could sustain him for only one to three minutes of combat, it was more than enough.

This technique, after all, has three stages, and he's only at the first. He had every reason to look forward to the future.

Just as he had finished testing the technique, his shadow clone relayed some information to him.

It turns out Kakashi had located his clone and informed him about this matter, piquing Kaito's interest.

The issue with the three major clans remained unresolved, and within his own Seven Great Clans, there had been no final decision concerning them.

Kaito had never taken a stance, as he was of the mindset to simply observe what the three clans would do.

But dragging this issue wasn't sustainable. The assets of the three clans were already investigated, and their members were now under strict isolation.

Continuing this way would push things to the extreme. Kaito realized he needed to do something.

Coincidentally, here was Asuma, taking initiative. Kaito saw an opportunity.

He didn't care what Asuma might have discussed with Jiraiya; what mattered was the stance Asuma would take in his presence.

"You're still my senior, technically. Neither of us may have wished for things to come to this point, but such is life," Kaito said calmly, his eyes meeting Asuma's before breaking into a slight smile.

"Besides, I know about you leaving Konoha. Wasn't it because you disapproved of your father's actions? I'm curious, have you found your answer?"


Asuma's mouth opened slightly, but in the end, he couldn't bring himself to speak.

He had found his answer, he knew how the relationship between the Hokage and the village should be, because he truly believed in the phrase, 'The most important thing for the village is not the Hokage.'

But facing Kaito, the man who had killed his father, articulating these thoughts became unbearably difficult. In the end, he fell silent.

"I think I understand your answer, but it's painful for you, isn't it?" Kaito continued to gaze calmly at Asuma, but in the next moment, his chakra surged wildly, its aura engulfing the entire forest.

Such vast chakra made Asuma feel as if he were suffocating. Especially since Kaito's aura had zeroed in on him, giving him the illusion that he might die in the next second!

"Have you ever thought about the suffering your father and Danzō inflicted on how many people, how many clans in Konoha?

You seek revenge against me; should they not seek revenge against you?

Not to mention, your father and Danzō specifically targeted the Uchiha clan; they even had Itachi Uchiha act upon it.

If I hadn't reacted quickly and didn't have sufficient power, what would become of the aggrieved spirits of the Uchiha clan?

Should I annihilate your three clans now to fulfill my desire for revenge?"

Under Kaito's immense pressure, Asuma struggled, and Kaito's words were a relentless assault on his soul.

But these were things he had always known, things he really didn't want to face.

In that moment, images began to appear in his mind, images that were incredibly painful.

He remembered the way the villagers looked at him when he returned to Konoha, and even more vividly, he remembered the way Kakashi had looked at him just now.

That gaze was icy cold, suffocatingly so.

Just then, Kaito's aura suddenly retracted, and Asuma immediately collapsed to his knees, gasping for air as if he had been drained of all strength.

He was drenched in sweat, as if he had just been pulled from the water.

Kaito had now walked up to him. Looking at Asuma, he spoke in a serene tone.

"What right do you have to seek revenge, and what ability do you possess to enact it?

Is it by relying on the ragtag bunch from your three clans? If you wish, I could even provide you with resources to arm yourselves.

This would also serve as a good opportunity for me to settle the score for what your three families have done to the Uchiha clan."

Kaito's words were delivered in a matter-of-fact tone, but they made Asuma feel as if he'd plunged into a freezer.

He could sense that Kaito's words were absolutely genuine. That concealed, chilling intent to kill could not be faked.

And judging by the chakra that Kaito had unleashed earlier, they could easily accomplish all of this.

He had heard that his father had displayed unimaginable combat strength before he died, harking back to the days when he was a pinnacle shinobi over a decade ago.

He didn't dare to believe it then, but feeling Kaito's power now, he had no choice but to believe.

Because the aura that Kaito had just released could absolutely defeat his father at his peak!

"So...what do you intend to do?" After quite some time, Asuma managed to lift his head and ask, struggling for words.

Kaito hadn't acted despite having such power, which indicated he must be holding back for some reason, perhaps harboring other intentions.

Asuma, still keen, guessed what Kaito might be contemplating, and so he directly questioned him.

He knew this might be his only chance. If he didn't seize it, he might never get another opportunity.

"Among our seven great families, some support the complete eradication of your clans. After all, what they did was too outrageous; only your deaths could appease public anger."

Kaito looked at Asuma and although his expression remained placid, inwardly he couldn't help but wonder: had he accidentally mastered the "Tongue Technique" or something?

Otherwise, why had this guy yielded so easily? Kaito had originally just wanted to gauge Asuma's inner thoughts and plans.

But now, Asuma was letting Kaito make the choice for him. Could anything be easier and more straightforward than this?

"But some families do not support this course of action, because Konoha requires stability, and your clans contribute a significant number of ninjas. These ninjas can keep Konoha's strength from waning.

As for me, I've not yet made a decision. I'm waiting for you to make yours, and then I'll counter accordingly.

But now that you've proactively asked, I can share my thoughts.

You may live, but don't even think about reclaiming your former assets. This is your punishment; these assets were gained through the influence of the Third Hokage.

Starting from scratch offers you a chance to reform and redeem yourselves.

Secondly, some people are filled with resentment; they are accustomed to the good life and won't easily comply with our demands.

Therefore, these individuals must die. Consider it a form of redemption for the people your clans have wronged.

Of course, we disdain the shedding of innocent blood. If someone can persuade those ignorant followers, we might relent.

However, if problems arise in the future, don't blame us. Our patience has its limits.

Lastly, we need someone to help us deal with the Daimyo. I know the Daimyo harbors some inappropriate thoughts, which should not be tolerated.

Either eliminate such thoughts or replace him with a qualified Daimyo; that would be in our best interest."

At this point, Kaito paused slightly, looking at Asuma, whose face had turned pale, and gave a soft chuckle.

"As long as these conditions are met, we will provide the resources that the three clans need.

And I can assure you, the person who guides them to complete this task can securely retain their position as clan leader and even ascend to the upper echelons of Konoha.

The choice has been given to you. What to do next is your matter.

You're an adult; you'll have to take responsibility for your choices..."


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