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Capítulo 94: NGJ Chapter 94: A Not So Friendly Spar

I will be honest.


I have no fucking idea where I am going with this.


Why did I challenge them to a swordfight when I gained basically nothing from it? I dunno. It's not like they can wager the Excalibur shards.


At first I was angry, no, angry does not even begin to describe how mad I felt when Xenovia was condescending to me. In fact, I unleashed Despair Aura III fully knowing there was good chance they would keel over dead instantly.


While it would have been a darn shame to just kill them right then and there considering that, despite everything I actually liked them when I was watching DxD. But at the same time, this was the real world and regardless of my fondness for them, I was not above killing them.


But I stopped for one reason.


I wasn't some infant throwing a tantrum. My ego was not so fragile that I would murder someone at the slightest shade thrown toward me. How childish would you have to be to feel like you have to resort to murder at the slightest dent to your pride? 


What am I? A king of undeath or a wild animal?


Anyway, this is what led to our current circumstances. I was standing in my backyard with the two exorcists standing in their combat clothes standing against me. I must pay the church a visit and compliment them on their outfit design sometime.


My hidden gaze swept over their nice athletic bodies before giving them a thumbs up.


"Wow, on a closer look, you two are actually very pretty. I especially like your outfits, they compliment you very well." My compliment was honest appreciation. I had already mostly gotten over my anger toward them. They are sheltered church kids, after all, they don't know any better. 


[+3 Affection with Irina Shidou]


[+2 Affection with Xenovia Quarta]


"Thanks?" Irina said awkwardly. Xenovia did not respond, still staring at me. I scratched the back of my head in response.


"Geez, and here I was trying to lighten up the mood." Shaking my head I reached into my shadow as it dipped into the blackness like it was water before I pulled out the blackshard of the dead knight belonging to Alpha from it. I couldn't use any old sword as they would without a doubt shatter against an Excalibur shard.


"Are you guys ready? This match will end when either party is either incapable of fighting or would have received a lethal blow. For fairness' sake, I will not use any magic or spells. The match will start when the napkin hits the floor. Alright?" Of course, I made them sign a binding vow beforehand that I intentionally kept vague with "In the result of Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou losing they must agree to Akira Gojou's demands to a degree equivalent to what Akira has bet." This is precisely why I set Gae Bolg on the table. One of the most famous Irish artefacts in existence is quite a hefty price.


They both nodded so I gave the signal to my boner to stand by the side holding a random paper napkin. After he threw the paper up high and all of us got into ready stances. And the moment the napkin hit the ground both of them rushed at me, Irina's katana which was a shapeshifted Excalibur mimic elongated and rushed at me like a snake. At the same time, Xenovia jumped up high to bring her sword down on me.


From my view, this was all.




Clearly, they are not inexperienced in both their weapons and how they wield their swords but it simply felt underwhelming to me. 


Sidestepping Xenovia's slam and parrying Irina's blade I kicked Xenovia away with strength that surprised her thanks to my not-so-insubstantial strength even without enforcement.


To put it into perspective, with my strength being over 800 before reinforcement I can kick harder than a bus crashing into you.


My kick flung her away but she managed to flip and land on her feet as I kept parrying Irina's blade.


Honestly, even if their swordsmanship is a tier above mine my stats are at least double theirs. Toji alone is 50 times more dangerous than them. But the biggest determiner here wasn't sword skill but battle sense.


Ever since I came to this god-forsaken world I have been fighting for my life almost every other day. I fight almost every day, I face opponents several classes above my punching height daily. I fight opponents far, far, far more unpredictable, skilled and experienced regularly.


To call them actual opponents to me is a literal insult to my very existence. 


Well, there is a way to make this a lot less boring isn't there? If that head in his pants moron could do it I can easily. Especially since after having created Domain Expansion my Cursed Energy Control went up to [Expert].


[ Cursed Energy Control(Expert) ]

Decreases the cost of all Jujutsu 37.5%

Increased Cursed Energy Output by 12.5%


Putting a bit of brain juice into it while they were trying their best to tag me I quickly figured out how Issei did dress break, deconstructing the process, adapting the principle in a way that it could operate with cursed energy. With my intelligence and expertise in cursed energy, it took no time at all to replicate a spell like that.




Xenovia's eyes widened as my figure blurred from my speed being doubled, I could move faster than sound even without dash or reinforcement. Hell, if I went full out I could probably pass Mach 10. Before she could even react I was already behind her.


"Nothing personal kid." My open palm rested on her clothes. Of course, this wasn't to use Idle Transfiguration but my new move. Still, I will leave at least a shred of respect for the original creator and keep the move name the same.


"Dress Break!" A pulse of cursed energy was sent from my palm into her clothes, forcefully ripping and unravelling every thread as Xenovia's clothes literally exploded into scraps, stunning both Irina and Xenovia as they both stood still for a second trying to comprehend what happened.


While that happened I nodded in appreciation as I openly stared at Xenovia's uncovered breasts, they were quite large now without the suit keeping them still as they jiggled. I could see her stiff pink nipples topping her bountiful bosom.


10/10 Would break dress again.


"Wha-!" Xenovia's hands went up to cover her now-exposed breasts and I took the opportunity. I raised my hand and used another application of cursed energy I made up on the fly.


"Bind!" A solid line of cursed energy formed into a verdant rope that shot out and bound the caught-off-guard Xenovia into the Turtle Shell Bondage style. The ropes accentuated her breasts and rubbed against her crotch while restraining her legs and arms. Her cheeks flared crimson as she tried to wrestle out of the robes but her cheeks got redder as the ropes dug and rubbed against her crotch making her glare angrily.


"Nyh~! How did you!? I thought magic wasn't allowed!" She barked while struggling against the ropes and breathing roughly from the stimulation while I grinned at her. 


"What magic? I only used basic applications of my cursed energy. That isn't magic at all. If it was I would have keeled over dead from the binding vow by now. Now. " My eyes shone with a dangerous glint as they locked onto Irina who hugged her sword and stepped back.


"P-Pervert! Such a sinful ability! Just what are planning to do to me!?" In response a Cheshire grin stretched across my face as I raised my hands, my hands wriggling around creepily.


"Better question. What am I not going to do to you?" She shivered and tried to slash me but I was far too fast for her as I vanished before her and my hand landed on her breast before I activated dress break on her too. With my hand still on her firm yet supple breast her clothes burst away like fireworks, leaving behind her beautiful toned body bared to the world.


"NOOOOO!!!" She jumped away covering her privates like I hadn't carved them into my memory with my cheat eyes. But then again with her in such a vulnerable position I easily used bind on her tying her up in the same way as Xenovia as she shed tears comically like a fountain.


"Nooo!!! I am sorry God! I cannot become a bride anymore!" She struggled against her bindings making her more flustered as the ropes rubbed against her privates while Xenovia had her head hung down, her face crimson as she seemingly gave up on struggling against the ropes. Though rather amusingly I saw her completely drenched already.


"Save your strength, Irina, we lost, he can do whatever he wants with us now and we cannot say anything about it. Necromancer! No matter what you do to my body I will not yield! -!" *Snap!*


Before Xenovia could finish her hentai knight who lost to orc speech I snapped my fingers and the ropes binding them fell away into fine particles leaving them both confused as they hurriedly covered themselves up. But I am absolutely certain I saw a hint of disappointment on Xenovia's face as opposed to the relief on Irina's.


"I guess that's enough for now." 


"W-what do you mean?"


"In the first place, this was more about making you learn your place than anything else. So, I am willing to be gracious and let you off the hook."


"Thank you! You might not be as evil as I first thought after all, even if you are perverse." Irina said giving me a blank look drenched in red dying her face.


[+30 Affection with Irina Shidou](21)


[+35 Affection with Xenovia Quarta](25)


[+25 Obedience with Irina Shidou]


[+25 Obedience with Xenovia Quarta]


[Achivement! You have acquired the trait [Enemy of All Women] ]

[Effect: +10% Skill effectiveness on all females]


"I will take the compliment. "


"But wait what about the bet?" Xenovia asked as Irina's face paled, hoping that Xenovia wouldn't ask and make me remember.


"Who knows? I can't think of anything right now. So I am going to let you guys go free this once, I am sure I will think of something later. Unless... you want me to find out something now." My eyes wandered over their bodies hungrily as they both swallowed.


"Haha... ha, not thanks we will be going now sorry for disturbing you!" Irina quickly tried to brush the matter aside heading past me before trying to leave with Xenovia before I mentioned something.


"Also, Excalibur being in my town is annoying to me too so don't worry, I won't go out og my way to hinder you guys." Of course, I only said this because I knew there was no chance in hell they would actually manage to get the Excalibur. 


"Oh! thank you very much in that case. But umm, can we get some clothes you kinda-" Moving behind them Akira's hands blurred and gave both of them a meaty smack on their asses. Leaving a red handprint as they turned their heads toward him.


"You guys can figure that out yourselves. Now hurry out." Sharing a glance between each other Irina and Xenovia decided it was best to preserve the last of their dignity and hurry out before Akira did anything else. So they were forced to wear only their cloaks and nothing else before sprinting out.


'They are fun'


A/N: Akira has decided that not every matter is a matter of life and death. And when faced with someone substantially weaker than him who acts out of ignorance and not malice he decides to act teasing and playful(like how a cat plays with its prey) instead of hostile and malicious. Just like how he first approached Aika.


Comment what you thought about the chapter below, comments, suggestions and likes motivate me to write so do that and I may be motivated to write longer chapters more often.

❗You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on this fic and the other ones I write on my p*treon at:


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