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Capítulo 89: NGJ Chapter 89: Cursed x Clash

While significantly more skilled even most grade 1 sorcerers are not as strong as a high-end low-tier devil. Therefore it is easy for me to take care of them.


My shadow bubbled and grew to hundreds of times its size. From it stepped out rows and rows of undead soldiers, death knights, cursed archers, wights, cursed magicians etc.


From what I remember there is no one in Shibuya left on the side of the sorcerers that can handle my undead squads. Even the strongest ones like the crow lady cant handle 10 level 200 Death Knights while getting bombarded by archers. So there are not threats on the sorcerer side with Gojo being sealed.


...Unless Yuji tags in Sukuna that is. But a five-finger Sukuna does not scare me. Besides, I don't think Yuji would tag him in even if he is about to die.


That means my only opponents here are the curse squad. Opening my eyes I could clearly see the signatures of their cursed energy. Ddraig will need a minute or so to recover her stamina after boosting so much. What are my opponents?


Choso? Skilled and powerful but not enough to pose a significant threat.


Hanami? Annoying nuisance stronger than the one I faced since this one properly discovered his nature. But with him around Jogo can't go out fully.


Jogo? Powerful, strong and ridiculously fast. His immense firepower is enough to make even me hesitate. My burning sea is my strongest spell.


That is equivalent to one of Jogo's moderately strong attacks.


Dagon? Water is not my weakness. He is a tank like Hanami but not particularly fast. But I cannot let him domain me. I can't contest his domain and cannot really do much of anything while Simple Domaining.


Mahito? With his stock of transfigured humans, he is particularly annoying. But he himself is not a threat as long as you don't let him get to melee range.


Kenjaku? Without a doubt the most problematic here. He is more experienced than me and likely has thousands of curses with him, most of them reaching semi-grade 1 too. Not to mention his gravity attack too. He will need to be the first one I need to take out.


With resolute eyes, I jumped from the building and covered myself head to toe with cursed energy as I dived down faster than sound and smashed through the ceiling and several floors of the train station meeting Kenjaku and his friend's group face to face.


"It is good to see you, Akira, or should I say the undead king." His smile showed me that he already anticipated even this entrance, his face resembled that of a snake. I do not like it. I sent him a glare.


"I can't say I share the sentiment. *Snap!* Grave Buster !" Short and to the point I snapped my fingers as tens of black lances of death erupted from the ground toward them, a narrow corridor is my natural terrain.




Before the spikes reached him a giant boulder like Cursed Spirit fell down on the spikes, crushing them. He dispelled the spirit soon after giving me his unnerving smile as always.


"Let's not get too hasty now. Right, Jogo?" As he said that my eyes widened a tad and snapped to the side, as I saw Jogo with his arm reared back, I didn't even notice with how fast he was as I was focusing on Kenjaku. A moment after a searing torrent of raging flames was focused on me. 


That would have inflicted incredible damage to me but. 


The flames subsided as a figure swept them away with a swing of his sword, his tower shield having guarded me like a fortress. 




"What!!?" Jogo was surprised and enraged as Alpha barely singed jumped toward him with speed unbeffiting his frame and swatted him across the station with a swing of his sword. Quickly chasing after him as he did so, Alpha could handle Jogo for now. Until Ddraig could tag in at least.


My gaze moved back to action as a wave of cursed spirits advanced toward me with fervour. As I sent a wave of lightning to counter their advance a ray of blood pierced through the ranks and cut off my shoulder.


"That's not very nice of you." Target locked. I saw where Choso was, and his coordinates too. I dipped behind a pillar for cover before activating Chameleon and teleporting behind him and grabbing his shoulder.


"Cursed Lightning Discharge!" Before he could retaliate 10,000CE of lightning poured into his body and turned it into crisp.


One down. 


As I thought this, roots burst out of the ground and ripped off my legs. Forcing me to use my RCT to heal both arm and leg. Jumping back I stomped my foot down and summoned the rest of my army to fight back the swarm of cursed spirits attacking me. 


Mentally, I commanded Wiz to go after Hanami with a dozen Death Knights to help her. 


Now it was just me and Geto as we stared each other down. Our hundreds of curses and cursed undead fighting each other. Returning my stare back Geto waved his hand, causing 3 cursed spirits to appear in front of me. Seeing them my eyes narrowed.


"Now now, don't look so offended. Did you really think I would fight you by my lonesome?" You know, this bastard is really, really pissing me off. Maybe even more than Toji.


They are all special grade. A quick use of my inspect supplied me with that information.


[ Special Grade Cursed Spirit: Kurourushi ] A large humanoid cockroach who started summoning a large swarm of cockroaches like a wave. He held a special grade cursed tool that took the shape of a malformed cleaver. 


[ Special Grade Cursed Spirit: Ganesha ] a giant curse with an elephant's head, a humanlike body with four arms, resembling Ganesha from the myths making weird hand gestures.


[ Special Grade Cursed Spirit: Smallpox Deity ] A grotesque being with the upper portion of the curse is covered in light-coloured hair that makes up most of its face and back. Its mouth has two large tusks as well as sharp teeth.


Knowing what's coming I erected a simple domain around as the Smallpox Deity pulled me into its domain. A large oriental graveyard, thankfully it could not put me into a coffin as long as I had my domain up. Unfortunately, however, I was stuck here as I couldn't move my feet.


I could see the cockroach dashing at me with the special-grade weapon in its hands while Ganesha too approached me. 


At the same time, my pride flared. 


These motherfuckers. 


Think they can defeat with a pitiful ambush like this?




Think again.


A scorching red ball of incineration formed in the palm of my hands as I released a burning sea toward Ganesha but it vanished. Of course it has a broken technique. Inspect told me its ability is to remove obstacles, too vague that its application is damn near endless. He has to be removed first.


First I used death ripple to kill all the cockroaches coming in a wave toward me. Then before the Smallpox Deity could even react fast enough I shouted.


" { { DONT MOVE } } "


Everyone afflicted were hindered for several seconds, giving me seconds to act. I did not have too much CE left so I had to do this the old way.


I teleported behind Ganesha, equipping a pair of gauntlets as I did so. And with all my might and concentration punched him in the back of the head.


"BLACK FLASH!" *BOOOM!!!* A black flash triggered, splattering Ganesha. With all of my modifiers, it would be hard for Jogo to withstand my Black Flash let alone some third-rate special grade.


Teleporting once more I appeared behind the smallpox deity. This time with a weapon in hand. The frost pain. Activating the ability I swung the blade point blank, freezing the curse solid for long enough as the cockroach resumed moving, appearing next to me in a second as its cleaver was swung down toward my neck.


Activating Dash I leaned out of the way before reinforcing myself to the limit and sending the other charges of frost pain straight at the cursed spirit point blank. Shattering it into pieces. 


Taking a moment to catch my breath I moved over to the frozen Tinypox Deity and shattered it. Making the domain crumble around us. Dropping us onto the real world.


*Clap!* *Clap!* "I am impressed. 3 special grades and it did not even take you a minute. But now, even your immense cursed energy should have taken a hit from that. You are exhausted aren't you?" I stared blankly into his eyes.


Trying not to smile.


I can win.


Kenjaku is a planner-type villain. He likely planned around all of my abilities and came up with a solid plan that would have worked. Indeed the best way to deal with me is to distance me from my army and reduce my cursed energy with fodder.


But there was a factor that he could have foreseen that broke this plan.


Because there is no way to know I had this ability. 


Since I never used it in the first place.


[ Bloody Carthus ]

Converts HP to CE


Leaving only 500 HP to myself I charged at Kenjaku with full force stacking both dash and reinforcement making his eyes finally widen before resuming their default state as I entered within 3 meters of him I felt a giant wave of pressure pushing down on me making me feel like I instantly shat out all of my organs as he threw a punch that landed on my face, that most likely would have killed me in my current state.


Would have.


[Adept - Burden Shift]

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Shift one lethal attack you received to an undead under your command within 50 meters.


One of the Undead Knights battling the swarm of cursed spirits dropped to the ground as my hand finally reached Kenjaku's face. 


 Of course, as an extremely powerful sorcerer, he would be able to take any attack I threw at him like this by simply reinforcing his body. But.


Kenjaku isn't the body. He is a separate entity controlling the body. He is a brain-riding a glorified flesh mecha.


Which means that my technique [Gamer] recognizes him a separate enemy from the corpse of Geto.


A separate, very fragile little brain with less than 100 HP.


As long as any attack goes through he is dead. So I used both spells at once with whatever I had left.


[ Adept - Despair Aura III ]

Can emit an aura that strengthens undead and weakens living. Has a small chance of instantly killing enemies whose Int is less than a 5th of yours.


[Adept - Death Ripple ]

Unleash an omnidirectional wave of negative energy that harms all living in a 1000-meter radius.


Placing a restriction I lessened the radius to 10 meters. Making it 10 times stronger, still not that strong. But when paired with Despair Aura at least one of them was bound to target Kenjaku instead of Geto.


"Gojo Akira-!" I saw Kenjaku with an enraged expression spit out the words with venom the moment he realized what I did but it did not last long. Because before he could even finish his exclamation his body slumped.


As he collapsed hundreds more curses burst out of his body. I quickly retreated and took an Expert Health and Mana potion. Recovering me to at least a manageable state as I retreated next to my army to have them protect me.


But as I was doing so I noticed a tiny presence below my feet. Instantly responding I tilted my head as a metal-like spike shot from the ground. Almost instantly the spike grew in mass forming into a large blade that swung down towards me, not wanting to deal with I swapped places with a soldier close by, making him take the blow instead of me. 


Not that I was out of immediate range Mahito crawled out of the ground, shifting back to his humanoid form with a wicked grin on his face.


"Oh man~ I totally thought I had you there. I can't believe you managed to kill Geto though, that's so sad. Well, at least he did a good job wearing you down, didn't he? Sorcerer!" His malicious grin grew even wider as his arms turned into large blades. 


I could only offer my own irritated smile in response.


This is proving to be troublesome.


A/N: If there is one thing Akira learned from the Sorcerer Killer, it is how to kill Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits in an efficient manner. And when you pair the ridiculous abilities of Akira and the brutal efficiency of Toji you get slaughter.


That however does not mean this will be easy.




The Shibuya Incident has just begun.


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