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98.76% MHA: Quirkless Hero / Chapter 160: The Quirkless Hero.

Capítulo 160: The Quirkless Hero.

25 years passed

A huge muscular man carried a massive steel beam on his shoulder as he walked to a building.

He had a scruffy beard and messy short hair, he wore a black tank top and an orange jumpsuit with the sleeves tied at his waist along with black untied boots.

Every inch of exposed skin had scars on it along with a large 'X' shaped scar over his right eye.

He put down the steel beam and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He heard a scream and turned to the road before shooting out.

A guard looking guy with a gun aimed at him but an older man pushed his gun down, sighing "What are you doing, newbie?" the guard looked at him in confusion, saying "Just a criminal what if he hurts people?" The older guard sighed and shook his head, pointing forward.

The New Guard looked over and froze.

The Big man held a little girl in his arms, stepping on a truck with his left leg, stopping it in its tracks.

A hero ran over and let out a breath, "Thanks! But you really shoudn't use your Quirk, mister!" The truck driver ran out and cried, "It went out of control! I'm so sorry!"

The girl looked at the man and giggled "Thanks Mister!" as her parents ran over, hugging the little girl and crying.

The man smiled gently and gave the little girls thumbs up, saying gently, "No Fear, okay?" the little girl's eyes sparkled and she smiled happily, waving at him, "Bye-Bye, Mister!"

The man watched her go and said to the truck driver, "Please be more careful, sir." the guy sighed and said "Thank god! If not for you… I really would've." The man patted his shoulder and smiled, "It was an accident. Not to worry." the guy sighed to himself.

The man turned to the hero and smiled, "A new Pro?" the Hero sighed and rubbed his neck, "Just started a week ago, thanks to you…" The man smiled and said slowly, "You should pay more attention to children and intersections. Traffic accidents can happen in an instant, children don't pay so much attention. They may run into the road at any moment."

He patted the Hero's shoulder and advised, "Just try your best, I believe in you. Thanks for making the world a safer place." the Hero pressed his lips and teared up, nodding happily, "Thank you, sir! I will!"

The Man smiled gently and walked back to the construction site, holding up his hand at the cars passing by.

They stopped and the man waved kindly as he walked past.

The Hero bounced on the ground and jumped up, pressing behind him, bouncing off the air over traffic, smiling "What's your name, sir! I'm Bounce Man!" The man looked at him and shook his head, smiling "I don't have a name, kid. Go and be a hero, forget about old guys like me."

He rubbed his neck and laughed as he picked up another metal beam.

Bounce Man looked in the construction site to see dozens of armed guards watching the man, he was shocked as he noticed the number tattoo on the man's neck.


A prisoner?!

A prisoner just saved a little girl from an accident?

This wasn't right…

Bounce Man was determined to get to the bottom of this!

The man scratched his neck as Bounce Man left. He watched him leave and felt that Quirk was familiar… Should be…

He shook his head and went back to work.

That same night

Bounce Man went to a house and walked inside, seeing a man with white hair sipping on tea as a little woman typed on a laptop across from him. He sat down and smiled, "Mom, Dad! You'll never guess what happened today!"

The little lady looked up at him and smiled gently, "Hm?" she had black rings around her eyes!

Back to the morning.

The man sat on a bench and ate a sandwich, drinking coffee as he watched the people walk by. The old guard sat next to him and smoked, leaning his elbow on the back of the bench, saying "All these years, you could've just left at any time…" he sighed, "I never agreed with what you did. It really makes me sad."

The man swallowed and smiled, "Do the crime, pay the time. You should understand that, Seiji." Seiji sighed and shook his head, watching the people walk by, smiling and laughing, "It was never right. Fight so hard for everyone else and get tossed away… If I was Tsukauchi, I would've given you a good slap."

He sneered and added, "Unfortunately for you, too many people care otherwise you'd be rotting in a cell for real! You damn maniac…" Bullet chuckled and shook his head, "325 counts of murder, that's a better record than most Villains, right?" Seiji rolled his eyes and snorted "Just scum."

Bullet laughed and asked "How's your family?" Seiji's eyes twitched in anger as he said "That little bastard… He's too aggressive." Bullet chuckled and Seiji side eyed him, "What are you laughing for? I heard your oldest is… should I say 'handful'?"

Bullet froze and rubbed his eyes, sighing, Seiji exhaled smoke through his nose, chuckling "Not to mention… I don't know how you do it. 8 kids, are you a rabbit or something? Plus only two boys! I would've lost my mind. My daughter is really a brat, just like her damn mother!"

Bullet drank from a thermos and looked at him funnily, "I never imagined it… You and Camie, everytime I think about it, I just want to laugh." he laughed as Seiji's eyes twitched.

The New Guard walked over and said "Commander…" before scowling at Bullet, adding "You shouldn't be so close to a prisoner." Seiji waved at him, "It's fine. He could've killed me over 100 times already…" before he turned his head to Bullet, sighing "New guys…"

Bullet chuckled and looked at the new guy, asking "Kid, why did you become a Prison Guard anyway?" he turned to Seiji, "You have good pension or what? I thought kids these days all wanted to be heroes."

Seiji rolled his eyes, "We still need other people, right? Mr. Everyone can be a hero." before looking at the new guy, saying "Ichirashi, lighten up, alright? Don't worry about this guy, if he wants to leave, none of us can stop him."

Ichirashi frowned deeply, "Then he should be wearing a Quirk Collar." Bullet smiled to himself and Seiji laughed, Ichirashi was confused and Seiji said "Did you not read his file? He doesn't have a Quirk! What's a collar gonna do?"

Bullet rubbed his neck and chuckled, "Not to mention, those damn things are so itchy. I told her and she said 'Who cares about those heretical heathens'." before laughing. Seiji chuckled as Ichirashi said in shock "But he just-" Bullet lifted his left pant leg, showing Ichirashi his metal leg.

Ichirashi was shocked, "PinkBullet Prosthetics?! We can afford to give prisoners PinkBullet wares!?" Seiji laughed and replied "Yeah… Straight out of your pension, kid." Ichirashi's lips twitched and he turned to Bullet, asking "That… I want to know why you saved that girl."

Bullet looked at him with interest, "Oho? Why?" Ichirashi frowned, not answering. Bullet curled his lips, saying "Felt like it." before grinning at him and laughing.

Bullet stood up and stretched his arms before going back to work, rubbing his neck. Seiji called out "Today… After 'that', we're going to visit." Bullet paused and said "I know." before returning to work.

A while later

Bullet was with Seiji, standing in front of a tombstone.

Bullet fixed up the flowers and cleaned up the tombstone before smiling gently, "Are you still smiling, Himiko… I hope you're happy wherever you are…" he dusted off the grave and sighed to himself, saying "You think there's an afterlife?"

Seiji sighed and replied, "Hope so." Bullet turned and laughed, "Yeah, me too! Hahahah!" Seiji shook his head and curled his lips, "A big bad guy like you? Himiko-chan is in heaven, how are you gonna see her?" Bullet laughed and they walked away as he said "You're right! Though… you don't have to have that creepy smile…"

"I enjoy putting you down."

"You're nuts, man."

"Literally says you!"

That night

Bullet got out of a car and yawned, walking to a big house house. Seiji said "Tomorrow! Don't be late." Bullet waved at him, "Yeah yeah. Or I'll go back to Tartarus, disappointing everyone, blah blah…" Seiji rolled his eyes and laughed, "You wanted this! Don't blah blah me! You should still show up for your Brother's birthday!" Bullet groaned and walked into the house, "That… My sister-in-law doesn't really want me around!" Seiji burst out laughing and drove away.

Bullet closed the door behind him and was immediately attacked.

3 girls around 12 years old hugged him in an instant, giggling "Daddy! Daddy's home! Yippie!" Bullet shook them off his legs, chuckling "You three, are you koalas?" the three little girls climbed all around him like geckos, giggling.

A young man walked over saying softly "Aoi, Ayame, Hana, get off him." the three girls popped their heads out from behind Bullet, spitting their tongues at him, blowing raspberries, saying "Go away, Riku. Hmph! Hmph! Ugly!"

They all had messy pink hair with bright pink eyes.

All of their eyes had rings with cross shaped lines in them.

They were triplets.

They also all shared the same Quirks.

Atomic Vision: They could see incredible distances, through walls, thermal vision, night vision, etc. Even Atoms and molecular structures.

Riku's lips twitched, he was anything but ugly! He was 15 years old and starting school soon, he was going to take the Entrance Exam at UA! His hair was just like Mei's but pitch black like Bullet's.

His eyes were a different story… They were the same color as Mei's, pure gold but they swirled constantly. He was a very handsome boy!

His Quirk…

Sandstorm: He could create sandstorms from his body, manipulating wind and any sand around him. His body released sand that he could control as well, he mostly used it to fly around or shoot out sand tornadoes.

Bullet looked at him and smiled gently, asking "Where's your sisters, Riku?" Riku smiled happily, walking over, saying "In the kitchen, helping mom! By the way… There's this annoying girl who also tried to get into UA…"

Bullet looked at him strangely and Riku clenched his fist in front of him, "That damn vixen! She won't leave me alone! Whenever I fly away she cancels my Quirk! What do I do?" Bullet rubbed his head and laughed, pulling him close as he walked to the kitchen, "Listen… all you have to do is-" before he was drowned in sand.

An older girl sat at the table, holding her chin in her palm with her legs crossed, giggling "Oh my~ My daddy dearest seems to be struggling!" Riku pulled out the sand, saying angrily "Damn! Suna!" as a big ball of sand formed above his palm from the sand around Bullet, shooting towards Suna.

Suna giggled and waved her hand, sucking all the sand into her palm as it disappeared.

Desert Adaptation: Ability to become, manipulate, and create sand. Resistant to extreme heat. Able to dehydrate with a touch and survive with minimal sustenance. (Not very good with water)

She was 18 this year and going into her Third Year at UA, her hair was black and cascaded behind her. A very beautiful girl with Gold ringed eyes.

Status: Single.

Bullet walked over and stroked her hair lovingly, kissing her head as he said "And? How was school?" Suna pouted, "Bad! Why are these exams so hard!? I don't get it at all!" Bullet's lips twitched as he sighed, stroking her head, saying caringly "You'll get it… One day…"

Another beautiful girl with long pink hair put down a huge bowl, snorting "Not likely. Suna is clearly mentally deficient. A lower subspecies of human, if you will." Suna was like a cat that had its tail stepped on, she hissed, "Hibari, you better shut your mouth! I will turn you into a mummy!"

Hibari flung her hair behind her, snorting "Yeah… Sure." as her eyes glowed. They were bright pink and had a thin 'X' with a line in the middle in each of them. She was 20 and graduated from UA Support Course.

Currently, she was learning from Mei at PinkBullet Support Company.

Actually, the leg that Bullet used was made by her!

Bullet patted her head and smiled, "Hibari, play nice." Hibari snorted and returned to normal, saying "Not because Daddy asked! Hmph!" Bullet smiled and stroked her hair.

Reconstruction: Requires immense mechanical knowledge, however her eyes can analyze components of mechanical objects. Along with her extreme intelligence, she can manipulate objects telepathically to create any sort of construct imaginable. The objects are reconstructed into the device she desires to create extremely quickly, allowing her to skip all processes and create anything on the spot, given she knows how to make it and what the process of creation is.

-Hibari can also deconstruct anything she touches into its components before reconstructing them into something else. In addition, she can reconstruct herself with machine parts however the stress on her body makes her extremely hungry and doesn't last very long.

-She must know how the device she wants to create is made, how it works, the process involved, and everything else about it before reconstructing all the parts seamlessly.

-Does not apply to living things.

Suna made a face at Hibari, turning away while muttering "Daddy's girl…" Hibari glared at her as Riku's lips twitched, saying "You seem to be one too, right?" Suna snorted, "Obviously it's different! I'm Daddy's favorite! Heh!"

Aoi, Ayame, and Hana sneered at her, saying one after the other, "Yeah right! Loser. Suck up. Lizard." before saying in unison, "Daddy loves us most!" Suna shot out sand and tossed the three into the air, shaking them around as she growled "You little brats!"

Riku was stunned and quickly controlled the sand to make sure the three didn't fall.

Hibari sneered and Bullet ignored it, asking "Where's your mother?" Hibari smiled sweetly, "In the kitchen… Is it true Grandma is visiting today?!" Bullet smiled gently and pinched her nose, "Should be…" before sighing "I just hope your brother makes an appearance…"

Hibari frowned tightly, "That guy… too unreasonable! His head is harder than titanium!" Bullet chuckled and forgot about it, whispering "Watch over these little guys for Daddy, okay?" Hibari flicked her hair, snorting tenderly, "I will… But not because you asked or anything!" Bullet smiled sweetly, grabbing her and kissing all over her face as she screamed "AH! GROSS! WHY AM I SO HAPPY ABOUT IT!?"

Bullet laughed and let her go, walking into the kitchen.

He saw a very curvy woman making food and coughing with a beautiful smile on her face. A little girl hugged her leg and with a finger on her cute little lips, pouting "Mommy… It's done."

Mei burst out laughing "ARE YOU A KITCHEN TIMER!? AHAHAH I LOVE YOUR CUTE FACE! GIVE MOMMA A KISS!" The little girl pouted cutely and looked at Mei, saying "Mommy, you're bleeding again."

Mei wiped her lips and picked up the girl, kissing her cute face, "This is love! Your love makes mommy so happy, her blood just JUMPS OUT! AHAHAH-Ack!" before she coughed, smiling happily.

Bullet walked over and hugged her from behind, whispering "I'm home." Mei turned her head and kissed him, smiling sweetly "Finally! Dinner's almost ready. Clean up, little Mia."

Mia held her hands out to Bullet, who smiled and hugged her with one arm, poking her cheek gently, "How was Mia today?" Mia smiled and replied softly "Mhm… Mia made lots of friends…"

Bullet kissed her face and smiled, "Good! My Mia is the best! Of course, she has friends!" Mia squirmed, giggling "Hehe~ Daddy love Mia?" Bullet nuzzled her little face as she giggled, "Ouchie! Beard tickles." Bullet laughed, "Daddy love Mia most! In whole universe, nobody more than Daddy!"

Mei pouted and Mia smiled happily, "Mia love mommy too." Mei laughed sweetly as Bullet washed her little hands, humming with her.

Mia showed him her hands and smiled happily, "All Clean." Bullet gushed, "Ahhh! You're so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Daddy loves you! Mwah!" as he kissed all over her face while she giggled happily.

Mia had messy black hair with pink highlights and completely white eyes with pink crosshairs in the middle of them. She was only 6 years old.

Ultimate Vision: All Eye based powers. Can see through anything. Any and all visions are accessible. Thermal, Night Vision, X-ray, etc. Heat Vision, Hypnosis, Telescopic sight, Astral sight, 360 degree vision, etc. With extreme strain and risk of damage, even seeing through Time is possible, Past, Present, and Future can be seen at a glance of anyone or anything.

-Weak to intense and extremely fast flashes of light, however this will only disable the user for a moment.

-Prolonged use causes astigmatism for a brief period before healing.

-Eyelids moisten eyes with a protective film and heals any damage done. Incapable of being seen through by the user or anyone else.

Bullet put Mia down and smiled, "Go play with the rest, okay? Daddy has to talk to mommy." Mia nodded cutely and ran off, stopping at the door as Riku slid on the ground, catching Hana.

As he passed by, Mia ran out and disappeared.

Bullet watched her go before leaning on the marble island in the middle of the kitchen, sighing, "Is Yuto coming?" Mei paused her hands and replied softly "He… didn't mention it." Bullet looked sad and Mei turned around, smiling gently "Don't blame yourself… He's just…"

Bullet sighed and shook his head, saying slowly "It's my fault. I didn't think-" he paused and looked upset at himself. Mei hugged him and leaned on his chest, saying gently "It's not your fault. He'll come around, I'm sure."

Bullet held her and stroked her back, "I hope so… I shouldn't have left. It was hard on him and you, Mei…" Mei shook her head and smiled, "I was never worried. Mom and Dad helped a lot… I think the worst was at school." she sighed angrily.

Bullet closed his eyes painfully.

His oldest son, Yuto… In the years after he went to prison, the boy had to live alone with Mei, who was still going to school and balancing both lives in her hands. She was amazing, managing to graduate and build an entire Support Company from the ground up, stacking each brick to pull it all the way to the number 1 Support Company in the World!

But… Yuto had it very rough, Mei cared for him alone with Mio and Kei helping sometimes but the real trouble was his classmates at school accusing him of being a villain like his father.

Slowly, people forgot about Bullet as time passed.

Finally in the end after a few years in prison, he was pronounced 'dead'.

Everyone pulled a ton of strings and Bullet was given a number '851815' and a new life as a parole worker under constant surveillance by guards from Tartarus.

Only in recent years had the surveillance eased up.

Yuto swore to never be like his father, claiming to his face that his father died in prison. Bullet didn't know what to say, he blamed himself… That didn't stop him from being proud of him.

Yuto had New Order and rose the Hero rankings to prove to everyone that he wasn't like his father. He was a real hero.

Currently, he was 4th on the Billboard rankings. He overtook Momo last year.

Everyone from Class-1A and 1B knew the truth as they helped Bullet 'die'. Shoto in particular tried to help Yuto to no avail… He was almost the same as Shoto was a long time ago. Shoto wanted to help him, even going as far as taking him in during his internships.

Katsuki told Yuto privately that Bullet wasn't what he thought he was and that he had better apologize before he couldn't anymore.

Izuku was the new All-Might, sitting at number 1 Hero… Although he didn't go to the Billboard rankings, having to balance being the new All-Might and taking care of his kids.

He had his hands full but still reached out and congratulated Yuto on his achievement, telling him that he was very happy to see an old friend's son doing so well for himself.

However, Yuto didn't appreciate any of this.

He told them all to get lost, claiming publicly that he would be number 1, adding that he would do what his deceased father never could.

Although he was very prickly and rude, he wasn't that bad in his heart… He helped a lot of people and never stopped smiling for everyone to see, when he was alone, it was a different story.

Much like Endeavor, he pushed everyone away for his goal.

Even Endeavor himself sighed angrily, blaming Yuto for being a stupid brat.

But where did Yuto begin to care about that old fart? He never did! When he was young, his dad was his hero. He watched all his old videos from everywhere. As he grew up, he looked everywhere, not having a hero in his heart.

Even Akira, Bullet's number 1 Fan, was slandered by him. Akira ignored him saying that Bullet was a real hero and Yuto was too young to understand. Yuto didn't like any of the heroes at all.

Since the top 10 was all Class-1A and 1B, they were all nice to him because of Bullet… Yuto didn't like this so he decided that he would be number 1.

He only went to one Hero Billboard event.

He was announced 4th and took the mic saying that he would be number 1 before leaving. He never showed up again. All he did was hero work, he didn't even have an agency or sidekicks.

This was the most amazing thing for Bullet.

Yuto really did it on his own!

He saved as many people as possible everyday!

The only thing he used was a costume that Mei made for him and lived in a house by the beach all by his lonesome. He didn't even send in reports, just saving people with a smile and leaving. As a result, he had no income.

However, he didn't know that Mei paid for all his bills.

Also, the house he lived in was built by Bullet without him knowing.

It was cheap labor since Bullet was literally free but Tartarus took his pay and they only took a little.

Quite literally, the entire ruined city around UA from that time was rebuilt by Bullet single handedly.

That beach house was something Bullet asked Tsukauchi to allow him to build since he heard from Mei about Yuto's plans. When it was done she simply slipped a recommendation to Yuto, telling him that this place was nice and cheap.

Yuto smiled and left to live in the house at 20, since then all he had to do was buy food. But he was always 'recognized' as a pro hero and got his groceries for free. The entire grocery store was bought by Mei, of course it was free!

The workers were going to make their boss' son pay??? Was this recycling money?

Yuto still had a few part time jobs. He tested for PinkBullet, previously with Mei but now with Hibari. Other than that, he had a little delivery job, delivering packages on the job. He picked them up and did his hero work while delivering, it was two birds with one stone.

At any rate, Bullet was immensely proud of him. Despite Yuto's prickly attitude, he did exactly what he said he would. And Bullet couldn't be prouder.

Everytime he got a call from his old friends about Yuto, he laughed happily.

The rest weren't so crazy with their families… Other than Izuku and Katsuki. Ochako and Toru had 5-6 kids each! It was a bit crazy.

Also, Bullet heard that Aizawa really… He really did open up the harem! This guy was probably hounded every single day by Nemuri and Emi so bad he just gave up in the end. He had a few kids too.

Bullet had seen the oldest boy, he looked exactly like Aizawa… It was uncanny, Bullet thought he was a clone! His Quirk was an improved version of Aizawa's, basically, his quirk would record the people he looked at and he could Erase their quirks remotely within a range of himself.

His name was Nemoto, apparently, he was applying for a Teaching job at UA…

Tomoko found herself in that harem funnily enough.

Bullet could only say that his efforts weren't in vain! Aizawa had around 6 kids. Bullet only wondered if they would try and kill each other for the throne…

Somewhere, Ochako is spitting.


Everyone sat down for dinner as the bell rang.

Mei went to the door and smiled happily as Kaina smiled gently, "Mei-chan." Mei hugged her, "Mom! Come in!" Kaina patted her back and pulled along Yuto, smiling "I found him outside." Yuto clicked his tongue, "Damn granny…" Kaina's lips twitched as she said softly, "You really are nothing like that kid."

Yuto grinned, "Good!" Kaina sighed and rolled her eyes, dragging him inside as Mei asked, "How is it?" Kaina smiled at her, "Very good, although… It's a bit itchy." Mei laughed and replied happily "He said the same thing! I don't know why they're all itchy though…"

Kaina sighed and said "Those collars are nice, but the armor is really just too itchy!" she rubbed her neck and sighed. There were cracks all over her face but she was still alive! Plus, she managed to tear out another Quirk from All For One so Lady Nagant was back!

She was even pardoned, allowed to return to society.

Currently, she was taking care of Yuto. But in her own words, this kid was a real handful, not cute at all.

She came to the table and her eyes lit up, she walked over and hugged Bullet from behind, kissing his head, "Baby, are you alright?" Bullet touched her arms and nodded, "Mhm." as he looked over at Yuto, whose smile disappeared in an instant.

He looked at Bullet before turning to Mia, saying "Happy Birthday." and turning around to leave.

Mei stopped him and said sadly "Can't you stay? I miss you, you know?" Yuto frowned slightly, saying "You didn't say he would be here." Mei sighed and looked troubled.

Mia looked back and pouted "Aniki leave? No like Mia?" sparkling tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to drop. Yuto opened his mouth and closed it a few times before walking to the table and sitting down.

Coincidentally, the only remaining seats were right next to Bullet or directly across from him.

Mia's tears were swept away as she clapped happily "Yay~!" Mei smiled happily and sat next to Bullet as Kaina was sitting in between Suna and Riku, grinning "You miss, grandma?"

Hibari turned to her, sitting next to Yuto, "I did!" Kaina held her hands out, "My little angel!" Suna and Riku's lips twitched and they said "Suck up. Asskisser. Egghead. Nerd. Ugly." Hibari glared at them and trembled, "I will rewrite your DNA, you apes."

Riku and Suna held each other, saying "Oh no! Shiver me timbers!" before laughing.

Aoi, Ayame, and Hana turned to Yuto before looking at each other, then saying "How's it going, ugly?" Yuto ignored them and stared at Bullet as everyone started eating.

Aoi waved a fork, sighing "Looks like he's deaf." Ayama gnawed on a piece of steak, "What a shame." Hana was eating salad, adding finally, "He's a cripple."

Mia blinked cutely, eating happily.

Yuto ate his food and stared at Bullet, who was looking at him in silence while eating slowly. Mei cut Mia's food for her and smiled gently, saying "So!? How were your exams, Suna?"

Suna froze and laughed twice, saying "Haha. Too easy." Riku cleared his throat saying "It must've been blank." Hibari coughed and laughed as Suna glared at him, blushing in embarrassment.

Kaina ate and smiled, looking at Suna, who said quickly "No! It was full of words! Like… Like… Heh! Like 'Nice to meet you.'" Riku burst out laughing and slapped the table, startling Hana, who complained, "Hit the table again, dog!" Riku glared at her, "What did you call me, number 3?!"

Hana gasped "You take that back! I'm clearly number 1!" Aoi and Ayame turned to her with sarcastic looks, saying in unison "You?" Hana looked at them with the same look, asking "Could it be you two?" they all said in unison "I'm clearly the brains here." before glaring at each other.

Mia laughed and clapped, smiling cutely "Funny!"

Bullet suddenly said "That's hot, don't burn yourself." everyone fell silent as Yuto twisted the form out of shape while looking at Bullet, saying "I don't need some dead guy to tell me that."

Bullet just continued eating in silence.

Yuto was a muscular guy, similar to Mirio's build, but his face was extremely similar to Bullet. His eyes were a sparkling golden color with pink 'X's in the middle, surrounded by rings, along with messy black hair that he usually kept short. He was 24. Whether he had a girlfriend… Bullet didn't know.

But he hoped so.

Kaina cleared her throat and asked "I was watching a Drama recently…" Riku, Suna, and Bullet looked over instantly as Kaina laughed, "It was so strange." Suna asked quickly "Strange?! Strange how! Explain, Grandma!" Hibari looked over and said slowly, "I'll listen… but I don't like Dramas!"

Kaina explained, "Well, there's this guy! He's really nice but his family hates him…" Bullet asked, "Royal Palace?" Riku gasped, "No way! That's the best kind!" Kaina laughed, saying with annoyance, "Can I finish?!"

The three calmed down as Kaina went on, "Like I was saying, this guy really loved his family but to save his friend, he had to leave for a long time. So his family felt that he wasn't there for them and they hated him a lot, no matter what he did they never came around…"

She waved and smiled, "Only when he died did they come to his funeral to apologize but it was too late." Suna nibbled on a dried out sausage, muttering "Sounds like shit…" Kaina rubbed her head and smiled, "I thought so too."

Hibari touched her lips and turned to Yuto.

Yuto glared at Bullet as he straightened out the fork, eating again. He even ate the hot pieces first. Bullet pursed his lips and continued eating in silence, not even knowing what to say.

The dinner continued like this until Mei brought out a cake and smiled, "Happy birthday to you~" Mia smiled excitedly as Aoi sang, "You look like a monkey~" Ayame continued, "Annnnnnnnnd~" before Hana finished with a giggle, "You smell like one too~!"

They all sang for Mia as she crinkled her face happily.

Bullet smiled gently as she blew out the candles, cheering. Mei handed out cake, smiling happily.

Everyone ate the cake and talked, except for Bullet and Yuto.

A little bit later

Mia was opening presents from everyone.

Riku handed her a glass bottle with a cork in it, smiling "Here ya go." Mia looked at the glass bottle and her eyes sparkled as a swirling sandstorm was inside, "So pretty!" Riku grinned and rubbed her head, "I knew you would like it!"

Suna stomped him into the ground, stepping on the back of his head as she held out a huge glass basin, saying "Hmph! Just a sandstorm? As expected of my inferior copy! Here you go, Mia! A complete desert ecosystem!"

Mia looked at the huge glass box with a mini desert in it.

There was even an oasis with little animals and the occasional sandstorm, even sand people walking around.

Suna explained with extreme pride, "It was so simple! Just permanently change a piece of the earth into a desert and put it in a box! Ha! Who is better than me? I haven't found a single one!" Mia put the sandstorm in a bottle into the ecosystem, smiling happily "Yay~!" Suna and Riku looked at the bottle submerged in the sand, constantly swirling before muttering "That works too…?"

Bullet looked at the ecosystem and laughed, "You both have some so far… Good job." Suna and Riku smiled happily. Hibari shoved them out of the way, snorting "My turn!" she pushed a box to Mia and said "Behold. The most excellent gift you will ever receive until next year!"

Mia opened the box and there was a dog in it.

However, the dog was made of metal!

It jumped around and barked, even licking Mia's face as she giggled, "Waaah~! Cute!" while hugging the dog's neck.

Hibari turned her nose up and snorted, "Of course! The dog is life! I created a dog from nothing but metal! It can even fight! Hahahaha! A mere desert in a box!? Worthless! I created LIFE~!" before smiling gently, "It can also turn into a puppy and fit into a backpack, or turn into the size of a wolf; the laws of physics don't apply here."

The dog rolled around and looked at Mia, patting its belly. Mia rubbed the belly and smiled happily as the 'dog' barked, sticking out a metal tongue and panting happily.

Mei nodded and smiled, "Excellent." Hibari's eyes lit up and she flicked her hair, "Naturally, I made it. Of course it's excellent!"

Aoi, Ayame, and Hana shoved Hibari's long legs out of the way, saying "Scram! Lunatic! Nerd!" before presenting Mia with disjointed sunglasses, adding "We made these for you! Since your eyes hurt from lights. It's better than everything else!" finishing in unison "Because we made it!"

Mia held the disjointed glasses and smiled, "So ugly! Hehe~" before putting them on as Bullet laughed, the sunglasses didn't even cover her eyes, going all over the place.

The three blushed in embarrassment "Stop laughing! It's not funny! I told you to put the lenses lower! Who's listening to you though?! Ah! That's it!" as they started fighting on the spot.

Yuto pulled Ayame and Hana out, stepping on Aoi as he said helplessly, "Can you relax?" they all snorted in unison, "Says the dog!" Mei laughed and pulled the three into her arms, saying "Mommy loves you… SO SHUT UP FOR ME, OKAY?! AHAHAHA!" before coughing twice.

Bullet rubbed her back as Kaina handed Mia a little rack full of hair bullets, smiling "Happy Birthday, my sweet." Mia held the rack and smiled happily, "So pretty. Thank Grandma." Kaina pinched her cheek and said happily "Grandma love Mia." Mia giggled sweetly.

Bullet gave Mia a box, smiling "This is from me and your mother." Suna and Riku boo'd on the side, "Cheapskate! Leecher!" Bullet looked at them and they turned away, saying in shock "Who said that?! We got a ghost!"

Mia looked around cutely, saying in confusion "Huh? Mia don't see ghost." Suna twitched her lips, "Damn… I forgot she could see ghosts!" Riku patted her shoulder, sighing, "Better luck next time, loser." Suna just smiled and Riku was sent flying by a fist of sand.

Mia opened the box and pulled out a huge mess of binding cloth but it sparkled with stardust. Mia's eyes sparkled, "So pretty! Twinkly!" Mei smiled gently, "That's real stardust, you know! I had to dig into my reserves for that! The Binding cloth was made with the most cutting edge materials, not even EraserHead junior has that!"

Bullet's lips twitched, "Eraser Head junior…?" Mei waved, "Nullifier, whatever his name is! I don't care! HAAHAHA!" before clearing her throat. Bullet chuckled to himself as Mia hugged the sparkling cloth, smiling happily.

Yuto squatted down and said with embarrassment, "I used up 3 months pay for this… It's not as exaggerated as the living desert in a box… But here." he handed Mia a fluffy pink teddybear that wore the helmet he wore as a part of his hero costume.

Mia dropped the cloth and hugged the teddybear, smiling excitedly "Yay!" the teddybear suddenly said loudly in Yuto's voice, "No fear!" Bullet pressed his lips together and Mia smiled happily, "Mia… so happy! Love everyone. Best day ever!"

Everyone smiled happily

Suna and Riku carried the ecosystem to Mia's room as he complained, "Couldn't make it smaller?! My back hurts!" Suna snorted "I don't trust your shitty sand control otherwise I would carry it with sand! You ass! This is love and care! LOVE AND CARE, UNDERSTAND?!" Riku groaned, "You're nuts!" as a sandstorm surrounded his legs, lifting him off the ground, Suna's lower body turned into sand as they flew up the stairs, shouting "Watch out for the wall! Idiot! If it breaks I will dry you out!" and then, "Dumb bitch! I'd like to see you try!"

Mia looked at Yuto and hugged the teddybear, smiling "Aniki stay and sleep with Mia?" Yuto looked troubled and Mei clapped, "So it's settled then! Aoi, Ayame, Hana, help Mia take the rest to her room." Kaina leaned back on the couch, "One night doesn't matter."

Yuto looked complicated and Bullet sighed, "One night can matter for some people." Kaina rolled her eyes and Mia teared up, Yuto sighed, "I-" Kaina cut him off, saying "I'll just take over for a night, don't worry about it. Stay here. I should get going anyway."

Mei waved at Yuto, saying "Bring your sister to her room, sweetheart." Yuto picked up Mia as the three followed her with all her presents, the dog following her along, barking happily.

Hibari looked at Bullet and sighed, "On her birthday?" Bullet shook his head, saying "This is what a hero does." Hibari rubbed her forehead and left.

Kaina nudged him, smiling "How about tagging along?" Bullet looked at her and smiled slightly, nodding. Mei smiled and asked, "Coffee, mom?" Kaina smiled happily, "Sure." Mei left the room and Bullet rubbed his eyes.

Kaina looked at him and said softly, "I'm sure he'll come around." Bullet sighed and replied sadly "I don't think so… he really doesn't like me… I wouldn't either." Kaina smacked his head, saying angrily "You can't change the past! Look to the future instead! Sitting here and feeling guilty won't change anything! Come out with me tonight, I never got to teach you after all."

Bullet snorted and smiled, Kaina added with a laugh "But you have to shave first. Jeez! What are you, a caveman?!" Bullet's lips twitched as he said "I'll have you know, Mei likes it!" Kaina laughed loudly, "I don't! So be a good boy and listen to mom!"

Bullet rolled his eyes.

The doorbell rang and Bullet went to open it, seeing Aizawa and his family. Bullet looked at the three women with the 4 kids and grinned, "Hello~!" Aizawa sighed and said "Move, damn kid… Only giving me problems."

Nemoto smiled, "Uncle? Brother?" before sighing, "What a hassle…" Nemuri hugged Bullet and smiled, "Where is she!? Where is the cutie!" Emi laughed and pinched Bullet's cheek, "Did you get uglier? HAHAHA!"

Tomoko smiled at him, saying sweetly, "We brought gifts!" Bullet added, "You missed Dinner too." Aizawa walked by, saying flatly "Sorry, not everyone has all the time in the world like you!"

Bullet's lips twitched as 3 kids looked up at him. Two girls and one boy.

The oldest girl smiled, "Hello! Is Riku around?" Bullet grinned, "Are you the classmate?" The girl giggled, nodding. He rubbed her head and said "He's upstairs." Nemoto said "Nemura, don't make a mess!" Nemura laughed, "Shut up, stiff!" as she ran up the stairs, shouting "RIKU! I AM HERE!" Riku screamed "AHHH! NO! GO AWAY! ANNOYING WOMAN!"

Another boy a little younger looked at Bullet and burst out laughing before calming down, saying seriously "Uncle. You look very funny today." Bullet picked up the little girl, smiling "Tensura, how is school?" he laughed but said extremely seriously, "Very good. I am at the top of all my classes."

Bullet nodded and held the little girl, pinching her cheeks as Tensura passed him, sitting on the couch next to Aizawa, who had his arms crossed. Tensura looked at him before crossing his arms too.

The little girl looked at Bullet and touched her lips, "Um! Is Mia home?" Bullet kissed her face and nodded, saying "Upstairs, do you need help going up, Aino?" Aino shook her head and looked up through the floor.

Mia looked down at the floor and smiled happily, waving at it, saying "Aino!" Aino smiled and waved at the ceiling before climbing the stairs, "I'm coming!" a large hand made of sand flew out and scooped her up before bringing her up.

Bullet walked to the kitchen and said "Coffee?"

They all sat down for coffee and talked.

Riku walked down and marched to the kitchen as Nemura followed him happily, he said "AH! Leave me alone!" Nemura giggled, "No way! You're too cute! I want to whip you!" Riku screamed in anger "AHH!" as he floated away before falling flat on his face as Nemura laughed happily.

Nemoto looked at them and asked strangely, "You're applying to UA, Riku?" Riku got up and rubbed his nose, nodding. Nemoto looked at him before saying flatly, "Isn't that something. Hopefully you end up in my class."

Riku was dumbfounded, "WHA?!" Nemura laughed happily, "If you get into Class-1A Nemoto will be our teacher!" Riku held his head and cried, "No! This is hell! I'm in hell! Two nutjobs!" he ran away as Nemura laughed, canceling his quirk on and off, watching him stumble around happily.

Bullet looked at Nemoto and said in surprise, "You're teaching Class-1A?" Nemoto nodded and smiled, "Mhm." Bullet looked at Aizawa, who sighed and said slowly "Hopefully he doesn't fuck it up."

Bullet's lips twitched and he didn't know what to say… Aizawa then added while squeezing a spoon, "Also… why has my phone been ringing recently?" he looked at Bullet, who cleared his throat, saying seriously "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Aizawa threw the spoon at him, saying angrily "STOP GIVING OUT MY NUMBER!" Bullet caught the spoon and said innocently, "I'm not!" before looking away, an evil smile sprawling across his face.

Kaina tossed a very elegant business card onto the table, Aizawa reached out a trembling hand, holding it.

'Love mystery? Longing for a handsome man who will love you? Eraser Head is the man of your dreams! Call this number and arrange a date with a real hero full of secrets!'

Aizawa shook and dropped the card, unable to express his anger.

Nemuri looked at the card before bursting out laughing, showing Emi and Tomoko happily.

The rest of the time was spent talking and laughing.

That night, Bullet and Kaina went out to cover for Yuto.

Aizawa tagged along as well.

Bullet kicked a guy in the teeth and sighed "I just don't know what to do…" Aizawa wrapped up a guy, saying "What can you do? Just let him live. I never agreed in the first place."

Kaina fired a round and skipped in the air, adding "Like I said, work for the future. You already atoned enough, no?" Aizawa had to agree, "I think so too. You rebuilt the entire city! When will it ever be enough!? You were the same with Hero work."

Bullet was silent as Aizawa went on, "Your thick skull never understood that. No matter how many times I told you. If you dedicate everything to atonement or saving people, you're going to lose something else. You can't have everything! Your son is the same as you."

Kaina shot a guy through the shoulder, pinning him to a post as she laughed, "Amen! No matter how many times I tell him to slow down, he goes faster! A real handful!" Aizawa sighed and shook his head, "Just like this damn guy. Never stops!"

Kaina looked at him and pursed her lips, Aizawa frowned, "Don't let them see you looking at me like this… You'll get sucked into their orbit. Last thing I need is another woman around me…" Kaina burst out laughing as they continued.

Bullet thought to himself and sighed.

They continued throughout the night before returning home.

The next day

Yuto was leaving.

Bullet watched him go and said "Be careful out there." Yuto stopped and clenched his fists, saying "Whatever." as he left. Bullet sighed sadly as Yuto jumped into the air and disappeared, wiping his eyes secretly.

Later that day

Bullet brought the rest of his family to Inasa's home.

Inasa opened the door and hugged Bullet, laughing "Higurashi! Hahah! I knew you'd come!" Bullet curled his lips, "Seiji told you, right?" Inasa burst out laughing and turned to the kids, grinning "And my favorite nieces and nephews! Come give uncle a hug!" as the air pushed them all into his arms.

Mei smiled gently as they walked inside.

Inasa put them all down and the kids went to play with Inasa and Seiji's kids.

Seiji and Camie were sitting in the kitchen, talking with Fuyumi, Inasa's wife!

Shoto, Momo, and Shoto's brother Natsu were there, chatting.

Inasa brought Bullet and Mei, laughing loudly "HAHAHA! Look who showed up!" everyone turned and smiled "Bullet!" Bullet waved and sat down, "Hey…" Seiji drank and laughed, "851815, where is your supervising officer? Hahaha!"

Bullet rolled his eyes and grinned, "Asshole…" as Shoto looked at him funnily "How's it been?" Bullet sighed, "Alright… Sorry about the kid."

Shoto sighed and shook his head, saying "It's funny. He reminds me of the old man." Momo's lips twitched, "More like yourself, right?" Shoto coughed, "Nono… Don't speak nonsense here, Momo…" Momo laughed and pulled Mei to her side, muttering something to her as Mei burst out laughing.

Fuyumi looked at Bullet before frowning slightly, saying "Bullet." Bullet smiled stiffly, "Sister-in-law… ahah… How are you?" she snorted, "Good." Natsu stood up, saying "I'll get drinks."

Inasa sat down and fell silent, seemingly nervous about something.

Shoto intertwined his fingers, saying "Not my place but… the old folks are here." Bullet paused and said softly "You didn't tell me that, Inasa…" Inasa looked troubled and said quickly "Because I didn't know! They just showed up! They don't know you're here either."

He waved his hand and the blinds to the backyard opened, Bullet saw Endeavor with his wife, chatting with a handsome rugged man and a beautiful woman in a wheelchair.

The woman had pink eyes and the man had rings in his, they both had black hair. The woman looked more frail and tired than anyone.

Bullet looked at them and pursed his lips, Camie said stiffly "The vibes totes off now…" Bullet muttered "Maybe I should leave…" Inasa grabbed his shoulder and said seriously, "Please don't." Bullet looked troubled and Shoto advised, "You're a man, right? Just face them seriously… Worked for me."

Momo looked at him sarcastically and he shrugged.

Bullet rubbed his eyes and sighed, getting up and walking to the backyard.

Inasa looked worried and followed him quickly.

Bullet walked out into the backyard and they all looked at him. The man and woman froze as Enji and Rei said "Bullet." Bullet smiled slightly and said "In-laws." Inasa stormed out, "Should be mine, right!? Ahahah! Mom, dad, Shoto said he wanted to speak with you about something, I don't know."

Enji and Rei looked at each other before nodding and following him into the house.

Enji patted Bullet's shoulder and leaned over, whispering "Get whatever you have off your chest, maybe the result will surprise you, kid." Bullet snorted and nodded, staring at the duo as everyone else left.

He sat down on a stone bench and all three were silent.

The man said slowly "Bullet, huh…" Bullet clenched his fists and the woman said softly "Inarashi, push me forward." Inarashi hesitated and pushed the wheelchair forward, Bullet flinched and the woman smiled sadly.

Bullet swallowed and hesitated before asking "Are you both… doing well?" The woman burst into tears and reached out to him, crying "No. Not at all." Bullet was startled as she grabbed his hands and cried, "Every night I dream about you, Higurashi." Bullet froze and she cried, holding his hands to her forehead, crying loudly.

Inarashi said softly, "Higura…" Higura kissed Bullet's hands and cried, asking "Are you okay? You know, after that day, every night I had nightmares. I went looking for you but you were gone! I thought you died and I collapsed… then I saw you on TV and didn't know what to do. I was so ashamed! I'm sorry, Higurashi… I wanted to come see you, but I didn't know how to face you all these years…"

She stroked his cheek and cried bitterly "You must've suffered… I should really just die!" Inarashi said firmly, "Higura! Enough!" Higura coughed up blood and cried, "It's all my fault! Everything is my fault!" Inarashi sighed and pinched her neck, putting her to sleep.

Bullet was speechless and looked at him as he sighed, "It's been very hard on her. I don't expect you to forgive us, but I hope you can at least act for her sake." Bullet asked quickly "She-" Inarashi cut him off, saying in a cold tone, "She broke down after that night. When she thought you died, she almost took her own life. I had to put her in a hospital. She didn't speak for 12 years until you showed up on TV. She wouldn't talk to anyone, only looking out the window in a daze."

Inarashi took off his glasses and wiped them, continuing "I don't need your pity or forgiveness. As far as I'm concerned, you're the cause of this. Your mother doesn't think so, she has been spiraling downhill into the mess you see before you now. Her condition worsened when she found out you were alive. After hearing what happened to you at the Kamino incident and hearing from Inasa that you had a metal arm, she tried to kill herself again. Since then your name was forbidden around her. I even had to pay attention to all news, making sure you weren't in it."

Inarashi snorted coldly, "You haven't stopped causing problems for me your whole life." Bullet didn't know what to say, he looked sad, muttering "I didn't mean to…" Inarashi frowned, "It doesn't matter anymore. Now she saw you, it's all over. Take it as me begging you, whatever makes you feel better. I don't care, just pretend to forgive your mother. As for me, I couldn't care less. As far as I'm concerned, I only have one son."

Bullet looked down and said "Yes, sir…" Inarashi put his glasses back and walked away, not even bothering to look at him.

Higura woke up in a daze, looking around to see Bullet. She cried, "My baby…" Bullet looked up and smiled, "Mom." Higura covered her mouth and cried, "Am I dreaming?" Bullet shook his head and held her hands, smiling gently "It really hurts to see you like this." Higura shook her head, saying in despair, "This is what I deserve, Higurashi. All the pain I caused you, I deserve to die…"

Bullet shook his head and intertwined his fingers with hers, smiling kindly, "I couldn't be the Number 1 hero, but… I can still take care of Mommy forever, right?" Higura burst into tears and cried, leaning on him as he hugged her gently.

A bit later

Bullet pushed Higura's wheelchair on the sidewalk, saying gently "I hope you're doing alright now. I never actually hated you at all." Higura sniffled and leaned back in the wheelchair, crying "You should. I'm a horrible person." Bullet shook his head and smiled kindly, "That's not true. You gave me clothes, food, sent me to school… I'm very grateful."

Higura cried sadly, replying "I don't know where this kindness comes from… I don't deserve it." Bullet brought her to a park and sat next to her on a bench, holding her hand as he smiled kindly, "I don't think so. You're my mother, always will be. If I don't love you, how can I love anybody else or even myself. I always loved you no matter what happened."

Higura gripped his hand, shaking her head tearfully. Bullet just smiled kindly, saying "I made lots of friends… I even went to school for a bit. I have all sorts of kids and two of them have Quirks like you and dad!" he laughed and explained excitedly, "Riku is going to UA this coming year! He has a sandstorm quirk, he can control wind and produce sand just like you always wanted!"

He rubbed her hand and went on, "You know, that's not even the end! Suna is going into her third year and can become Sand itself! You know, she can blow out sand, manipulate it, become it… even dehydrate people or change the ground and buildings into sand! Though she doesn't have the wind part like Inasa… She has all of yours!"

Higura smiled tearfully, "Tell me more, baby." Bullet smiled happily and continued, explaining all of his children to her before sighing "Yuto… my oldest. He doesn't really like me, but he did what I couldn't do. He's Number 4 in the rankings… I'm so proud of him, I-I don't even know how to talk to him. I look at him and feel guilty…"

Higura looked at him and smiled, "Like mommy." Bullet opened his mouth and closed it as she stroked his cheek, saying "Mommy also feels guilty looking at you. How much you suffered your whole life, it's a miracle that you're so kind. I have so many things to say, so many apologies to give you, I want to hold you in my arms and make everything normal again, but I can't. I want to go back and replace that devil woman who threw you away. I wish everything was different, I regret everything. Even marrying your father."

She cried and laughed at herself, "Everytime I look in the mirror I see nightmares, I can't even look at your father anymore. We had to move to a new house because I couldn't stand to look at that place anymore. I've caused problems for everyone, even Inasa. There are so many things I want to say, but I can't even begin to say them… If Yuto is anything like his father, I'm sure he'll forgive you. Even if you don't feel like you deserve it. Even if you don't know the words to say to him."

Bullet looked at her and she smiled gently, "I never got to say this, but… I'm proud of you, Higurashi. No matter what happened, I can't even put it into words how grateful I am that you didn't turn out like me. I love you so much… Maybe it's too late to say that. But, I want you to know. No matter what you think of me, I love you and I'm so proud of the man you've become. No matter what you say about yourself, or how you feel, you'll always be the Number 1 Hero in my heart."

Bullet paused and teared up, "Mommy…" Higura smiled gently and hugged him, "I'm sorry for everything… Everything I've done… If I can take it all back, I would pay any price. Even having my Quirk stripped away and being put in a wheelchair unable to move anything for the rest of my life, I would still give everything up to change it." Bullet hugged her as his body shook, "I forgive you, Mommy…"

Higura cried and tightened her grip around him, sobbing softly without words.


7 years passed.

Bullet was holding Mei's hand in a hospital room. She smiled at him, saying "Baby… I'm so happy I met you." Bullet smiled gently and nodded, "Me too." Mei closed her eyes and smiled, saying "I'll be waiting for you, love…"

Bullet held her hand to his forehead and cried as a heart monitor flatlined…

A week later

Bullet was standing in a black suit, watching as a casket was being lowered into the ground. Mia held his arm and cried as the rest burst into tears, crying loudly.

Yuto stared at the grave in a daze.

All of Bullet's friends were here as well as everyone who knew Mei, they gave their condolences sadly. Bullet smiled kindly, thanking each of them as they left after a while.

A few days later

Bullet came to the graveyard and reached into a tree by the side, pulling out a folding chair.

He set it up in front of Mei's grave, cleaning it up and fixing the flowers before sitting down.

He set down a lunchbox, smiling gently, "I'm back." he pulled out a big jar full of stars and set it down, adding "Mia misses you, she sleeps in our bed every night… Yuto… I haven't seen him since the funeral but I heard he was continuing his hero work. Hibari has been managing PinkBullet perfectly, apparently she's getting married in the winter. Some guy, I don't know… You know, she's not very open about these things…"

He rubbed his neck and took out a thermos, continuing "The three little devils formed a Hero team, moving to another city. I heard they were doing well. Oh! That's right! Suna and Riku became a team, the Sunshine Sandsharks. Hahaha!"

He smiled softly, "Pharaoh and Cleopatra… I remember when they fought all day long. Times really change, eh? They were thinking about branching out to the south. I thought they were going to go to Egypt! Heh…"

He drank from the thermos and pulled out a chocolate cake. He ate while speaking, "Mia has been having a rough time like I said, but you know I think she'll come through. She's strong. Just like you." he laughed softly and continued, "She even cooks for me… You know, I can't cook at all, so it's good for me! We would've starved otherwise."

He shook his head and smiled, "Yuto and I got into a big argument after the funeral. I don't think he'll ever come back. I just hope he visits you every now and then… Are you lonely up there, Mei? It's really lonely here without you. I look at these school forms for Mia and I don't even know what they mean… Mia has to help me understand… You know all that stuff was never my strong suit…"

He laughed and pulled out glasses, sighing "I even got glasses now. Not that I need 'em… I don't read much but they help I guess. It feels more like Mia is taking care of me than the other way around. She's a good girl, sometimes I hear her crying in secret… I don't even know what to say, so I just go out and buy her icecream… I think she gets what I mean. I was never suited for these kinds of things, you know…"

He smiled as he put the glasses on, saying "Oh… right. I applied for a job here. You're looking at the new grave sweeper! Hahaha! I guess they can still use old men like me… though they seem to have hired many people. I asked Mia if she could still see you but she said that you were gone."

He sighed and rubbed his eyes, smiling through the tears, "I… I miss you so much, It's so hard without you here. I can't even comfort the kids. I don't know what to say, You were the one who was good at that. I see all these little guys and their sad faces and I can't even muster up the words to say. I was only good at fighting, how am I supposed to comfort children? Hahah…"

He laughed at himself and sniffed before changing the topic, "I was talking to Hibari about starting a charity for people with the same illness as you. She agreed and I somehow became a spokesperson… Haha! The only speeches I've given were about killing people, now I have to make speeches about keeping them alive. I don't know. It's funny how things change over time…"

He continued talking before collecting his things and leaving.

The years passed and Bullet came to sit down everyday.

Even ten years later

He was still sitting there and reading a book with glasses, saying "You'll never believe the reading level of these kids nowadays… I can't even keep up with our grandkids… I can't understand at all. You know, they laugh and our kids yell at them, but it's all good that they're happy."

He tapped on the book and snorted with amusement, "Listen to this. 'Our society has evolved from the various examples throughout the years displaying heroism. Even questionable existences like Nameless or Stain have merits in their views. We should strive to emulate their ideals and progress into a world that doesn't need heroes because everyone should be a hero in some form or another.'"

He laughed, "I'm famous. Although… it took me a few days to even understand what this meant… I think it shouldn't be long until I see you again!" he scratched his stubble and smiled gently, "What can I say? I'm excited. I'm trying to hold on until Mia gets married… whenever that will be, hopefully soon, she's 23 this year. You know, it seems like everyone is getting older and older before having kids now. I guess times are changing…"

He held a jar that was much bigger than before, full of stars as he smiled, "I've been putting them in here… There was a bit of magic to your fingers that managed to catch them… Hahaha… It took me a long time to even get one! But I managed to do it… Maybe this is a Quirk in of itself? Hahahahaha!"

He coughed and said "These days, I don't even have the energy to do it anymore. I left a bunch of wishes in my will. Hopefully these little guys can do it. I miss you, Mei… Soon enough, I'll come and find you. Hopefully you haven't been waiting for too long…"

8 years later

Yuto, Hibari, Riku, Suna, Aoi, Ayame, Hana, and Mia were looking at two tombstones side by side.

Yuto clenched his fists and cried, "Damn bastard…" as he wiped his eyes and cried, collapsing to his knees and smashing the ground, screaming. Hibari shouted with tears "Get it together, Yuto!" Yuto cried and held his head.

Mia rubbed his back, saying gently "He always loved you, Yuto. He never blamed you for anything." Yuto didn't feel better at all.

Riku and Suna cried, "Damn guy…" Aoi, Ayame, and Hana stayed silent but their tears flowed all the same.

Hibari held a big jar, full of stars, and said "This was his last wish, Yuto. He wanted you to do it." Yuto shook his head and Hibari slapped him, crying as she screamed "You bastard! Dad always loved you! He would never say it but he loved you the most! You think we don't know!? We've always known! Do you know how many times I've heard him cry about you?! Do you know how many times Mia has had to comfort him because of you?! He won't say it, and he wouldn't like it, but you really make me angry!"

Hibari cried and went on, sobbing, "You're a real jerk, you know that? Dad only wanted the best for us, he tried to give us everything we wanted even if he didn't know how. That guy, I watched him try and help Suna with homework only to get even more confused than her! Riku needed help with girlfriend troubles and dad tried his best to help him. Aoi, Ayame, and Hana became great heroes because he helped them!"

She wiped her eyes and looked at Yuto, shouting "And now you sit here and cry because of what?! You selfish bastard!" as she kicked him, crying loudly while Mia held her back, crying sadly.

Yuto got up and wiped his tears, muttering "You think I don't know?" they all fell silent as he cried, "I knew the whole time. I knew everything, that's why I was so angry. You know, my Quirk wasn't dad's. He was given the Quirk by a villain and tried to pass it down so that I wouldn't be like him. After that, he gave it up without hesitation to save the world. You think I'm an idiot? You think I can't see how much love he had for me? For all of us?"

He laughed at himself, "I couldn't accept it. He suffered so much for me, I felt like I was suffocating. Dad was always my favorite hero. No matter what happened, no matter what he did, no matter who hated him or what they said. I couldn't stand the fact that he did all that just for me, I needed to be better than him! I needed to prove to him that he didn't suffer in vain!"

The rest were shocked and Yuto cried, smiling at the sky "You see? I didn't even get to apologize. Fulfill his last wish? And admit that he's gone? I can't." Mia hugged him and cried, "Aniki… please. You need to do this." Yuto shook his head and cried, "I told you not to look at my future, Mia."

Mia cried, "You have to! I won't let you go until you do it!" Hibari grabbed his shoulder, Riku and Suna grabbed his arms, while Aoi, Ayame, and Hana surrounded him. Yuto smiled sadly, "That bad, huh…" Mia shivered, "Awful." Hibari said "We'll do it together."

Yuto blew everyone away and said "I'll do it." Riku caught everyone and brought them back, looking at Yuto as he walked to a jar, putting it in the middle of Mei and Bullet's tombstones.

He pulled on the lid and took it off.

They all watched as the stars burst out, flying around before fizzling out into stardust, sprinkling on top of the graves. Hibari covered her mouth and collapsed, crying on the ground.

Yuto grabbed a star and whispered "Star. This star is a seedling that will grow into a tree that reaches heaven!" The star shook intensely, exploding with light as Yuto buried it right behind Mei and Bullet's tombstones.

He put it in the ground and covered it up, seeing drops of tears sprinkling down on it. He smiled to himself and said shakily "No fear, right dad?"

The years passed slowly

Yuto came to visit almost every day.

Seasons changed one after another, decades passed, tombstones weathered storms, blizzards, hail… every year, however they still stood upright.

Someone from somewhere would always clean these two tombstones.

The two tombstones in front of a towering tree, unexplainable by science.

The bark shimmered like stars and the leaves were shaped just the same.

Small animals thrived around the tree as the land around it was forgotten eventually…

However, the tombstones always remained.

Even if the words on them eroded away, the tree roots wrapped around them, creating a legend.

Tourists reported hearing laughter around the tombstones once every year, always on the same night and the legends continued.

The legends told the tale of a brave hero who finally rested after saving the world with his lover. The tree was the stairway to his final resting place among the stars. Even though the tree couldn't be seen from space, it was endless on the earth, disappearing into the clouds with no end in sight.

The legend went on to say that the tree measured his kindness and expectations for the future, simply limitless.

The Hero went by many names, the Elven King, the Saint of the Earth, the Fallen Emperor… but those who created the legend called him…

The Quirkless Hero.


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