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100% Dragon one (Dragon Ball Super x Male reader) / Chapter 6: Enraged Two's

Capítulo 6: Enraged Two's

Man I feel good. This the start of this chap is on a Sunday.

You didn't ask, nor do you care but it's fine ig. I really hope I can make it to the end of Super.


Jesus this chap is long

Here's the summary :)


Inviting both Beerus and Whis to the party, the two dieties made themselves comfortable around the area as they mingled with the guests every now and then; sparking a conversation or simply answering a question. Trying new foods, both Beerus and Whis expressed their satisfactions at the new and familiar flavours they were being treated to, with members of the Z fighters gleefully expressing their pleasure at the fact.

With minutes turning to hours, the sight of a joyous Beerus was seen dancing and and moving skillfully as guests surrounded the god, cheering him on as he kept up his rountine. Momentarily being interrupted by a drunk Mr. Satan, a nearby and now anxious Vegeta who saw the bumbling fool requesting a duel with the God, Beerus noted that not one second later, the human fell right on his ass, calming himself as he saw that his daughter, Videl, came to his aid, eventually apologizing for his actions

Laughing off the events that just transpired, the surrounding party members also joined in on the laugh, completely unaware that three new faces were now present in Bulma's empty home. Sneaking through the hallways, the three intruders went into one of the many rooms of the home, throwing out whatever there was that wasn't a shining orange wish granting magic orb.

Unknowingly throwing a charged capsule on its head, the sight of a large Yacht emerged from the now crumbling room along with the now fully seen intruders. Continuing on their quest, the three snuck past a certain closed door with the only female face of the group backing up to read the label on said door. Calling over her boss, the three eventually opened the door to discover the sight of a massive room littered with prizes for the up and coming Bingo tournament.

Remaining silent, Pilaf (the leader of the gang) suddenly felt unknown levels of rage over come his features, seeing as he instructed subordinates to continue with their searh for the Dragon Balls as he tagged the unreasonably expensive prizes.

Searching around the room, Shu made his way to the nearby plane as Mai went over to the golden piano, both unsuccessful in the search for the orbs. Momentarily pausing to gaze at the fact that these people were giving away an actual castle, Mai moved over to the middle of the room, seeing that on the raised platform were the prizes for second an first place.

Opening the container that carried the prize for second place, Mai, Pilaf and Shu dicovered that the prize contained the world's largest diamond (according to Pilaf) who also mentioned that it was one of the biggest he's seen. Figuring that the prize for second place was literally the world's largest diamond (again, only according to Pilaf) the three saw that another, smaller platform was being raised containing the first place pirze which just so fortunately were the complete set of 7 Dragon Balls they were searching for.

Taking a moment to just proccess the discovery, all three members of the Pilaf Gang rejoiced at the prosect of finally finding the items that they were searching for the past 5 or so years. Suggesting that they might as well summon the dragon now seeing as they knew how their luck with these things were, Shu was immediately told off by both Pilaf and Mai, scolding that if they were to summon the dragon, the entire building would of collapsed ontop of them before they were ever able to utter a single word of their wish.

As they were fighting though, the call of Trunks who stood at the door that they left open in their previous awe at the room quieted the previously chatty intruders; quickly racking their brains on how they could either defuse or escape the situation.

Seeing as the lie that Mai told didn't work, the shocked faces of both Pilaf and Shu were seen as the leader himself asked if he really was the boy that lived in the home, completely awestruck that he actually lived there.

Catching Trunks off guard, the teeneage boy wasted absolutely no time as he started making fun of the still scared Pilaf, genuienly being suprised as he explaimed that the emperor was talking monkey. Offending the emperor as he heard a few hushed snickers from his subordinates, the small man made his way down the raised platform, planing to gave the disrespectful child a piece of his mind and maybe strike fear into his heart as he realised that he was talking to the Emperor Pilaf.

Not caring in the slightest about the rambling the blue animal was doing, Trunks called over to a nearby Goten, saying that he found a talking monkey, ignoring the shouts of Pilaf who kept denying the claim.

Walking into the open door way, all three members of the Pilaf gang felt a pang of utter fear and adrenaline flood their systems as their fight or flight insticts came on at the sight of the confused Goten. Remebering a vivid memory of the past when they saw his easily identifiable hairstyle, the Pilaf gang completely scattered around the room, running for their lives in order to escape the possiblity of being crushed by the gaint ape transformation the boy had.

Dashing out of the room, both Pilaf and Shu immediately rouned the corner they came as they unknowingly left a now stationary Mai who looked back on the confused faces of Trunks and Goten, flinching at the slight head tilt Goten made. Hesitantly making her way up to Trunks, Mai reached for the second place prize she swiped from her pocket before handing it to Trunks, mentioning that she was sorry for taking it.

Fully running away from the duo, Trunks looked back at the fleeing Mai, feeling a strange senation when he looked into her endless eyes for a bit too long. Calling out for her escaped teamates, Mai too finally rounded the corner, unaware that Trunks was now lost in though staring at the position she was previously in.

Being questioned by his best frined, Trunks's first instinct was to immediately lie and say that the girl who was running from them was infact his girlfriend, gaining the yet another dose of admiration from his younger friend.

Now seen on the outside running to the back part of the unreasonably massive home, the three intruders stopped to rest as they caught their breaths, feeling frustrated that were once again interupted before they were ever able to make their wish; Pilaf himself the most livid of the three

Interupting his and Shu's thoughts on the situation that just transpired, Pilaf hear the chuckles and laughter of a now jubilant Mai, feeling a ray of hate and rage threatening to overcome his senses, asking for the reason Mai was laughing

Catching he and Shu completely off guard, Mai suddenly presented the shining golden four star Dragon Ball in all it's glory, explaining how exactly she managed to escape with it. Impressing Pilaf, the two shared a laugh before Shu of all people interrupted, making a statement that made the features of Mai and Pilaf blank at the obviousness they missed

Scolding Shu to internally convince himself that both he and Mai were in the right, Mai made a comment to the two that was just....unneccessary, in order to prove her point, causing Pilaf to slightly scold the young woman as well.

Gaining the attention of the two, Pilaf randomly spotted the two boys from before talking with Bulma about something before Goten pointed over in their direction, scaring the life out of the three. Flying over to the still terrified trio, Trunks asked if Mai was available to act as his girlfriend seeing as he would rather be caught dead that be caught lying to his friend.

Eventually giving in, Mai (with the persuation of Pilaf and Shu) agreed to do it, not realizing that Bulma had the feintest of clues as to who the short blue man was, eventually just coming to terms with her not really remebering him.

This is where our re-write resumes...


Minutes has passed since that brief interaction with those 'kids', with Beerus and Whis seen walking over to one of the many spreads of dishes for anyone to enjoy. Passing by many beautifully prepared dishes that were placed carefully on a comically elongated table, the two dieties carefully inspected each dish in the hopes of their previous meal they ate before hand would blend well and lead into the next meal they were going to indulge in.

Going by smell rather than taste, the sight of the possible enders of the galaxy carefully sniffed for the differences in two dishes that had similar aromas; deciding that neither of the two dishes were going to mix well with the previous. Finally reaching the end of the table, the two luckily got a whif of the aura of a dish that has the potential of being eaten by them.

Now at the end of the line, a singular dish remained on the table, warmth and steam emanating off of the plate like a warm blanket for both Beerus and Whis's noses. Now entranced with the scent of the unknown dish, Beerus was the first of the two to taste the dish, sacrificing himself for SCIENCE!

Taking the fork that he had been twirling for sometime now, the diety stabbed one of the many balls of meat (?) that was on the plate, beautifully coated with various sauces and herbs that were made to be hugged by the tastebuds of a God. Biting into the tokoyaki ball, stars and emeralds appeared in the vision of the diety, taste receptors being invaded and attacked with a flavour he's never tasted before. was so....good.


"W-Whis, you need to try this dish, the flavour is simply divine!"

"Oh! Right away my lord!" Whis replied, hurringly stabbing his fork into a ball and munching on it as well

Safe to say he enjoyed the dish.....a little too much in all honesty.

With that entire.....thing, playing out across the area, a curious Bulma was spotted standing infront of the previously established teenage Pilaf gang, now seated around a table finally enjoying the phenomenon known as a 'full meal'. Simply wanting to know more about her son's first girlfriend, Bulma couldn't help but question the 'young' woman.

"Mai huh? That's such a nice name! And how old are you hun?"

"Forty one in March" The red blazer wearing teen replied, placing the orange drink she was enjoying back down on the table.

Slightly suprising Bulma, a now nervous Pilaf, wearily laughed off the situation Mai just placed them in, seeing that Shu either didn't care or just didn't notice as he was seen still enjoying his meal; a smiling Trunks in the background glancing at Mai every now and then


With this encounter still playing out the way it is, a clearly nervous King Kai was seen sprinting around his planet trying to locate adequate cover as his companion Bubbles followed closely, not even a step behind his friend as he feared the worst of what was going to happen.

Now peeking over the sandbags the Kai set up as cover, the two eagerly spectated the sight of Goku charging his signature technique in the hopes of growing strong enough to defeat Beerus.


Goku manuvered from a backflip into a standing position, pushing his arms to the front of himself as he placed them down ontop one another.


Now moving down into a crouch, Goku angled himself into the proper Ki attack position as he brought his arms down to his right side, forming a vertical cup shape within his palms feeling a slight shift in the air with a ringing noise now present in his and King Kai's ears.


Shining blue embers were now seen gathering into the man's palms, taking the feint shape of a sphere as more and more embers gathered into the Saiyan's grasp.


The previous embers now condensed into itself, exploding into a shining blue ball of pure energy that has saved and ended many foes in his lifetime. The technique grew stronger and stronger as more and more energy was being pushed into it, the fierce glow that emanated from the technique was so bright that a deep blue was now plastered on everything within the surrounding area, shining fiercly onto the defenses and faces of the godly spectators.


The beam attack was fired

Erupting from the saiyan's hands, the signature beam of pure energy was launched, howling violently as it snaked its way around the Kai's planet, rapidly making approaching the original position it was fired from to collide on destroy whatever it came in contact with. Digging into the ground, the beam went faster and faster as it now jumped into the air, contorting indescriminatly before falling to the ground once again, still on its course to collide with...


Tensing his body, Goku swiftly rotated on his heel, coming face to face with the monsterous attack he lauched off moments ago. He's survived worse than this.... The Earth has survived worse than this.... He knows that by the end of this situation he and his friends has found themselves in, they would of either gained a new ally, or lost a potential one. All he needs is to just get stronger to protect the ones he loves and cares about....Now

Catching the attack in his arms, the two struggled against one another, both trying to out do the other in a classic display of strength with neither gaining the advantage on the other. Forcing more strength into his arms, Goku saw that he was finally making some distance seeing as his arms were slowly breaching into the beam's core. Almost collapsing under the weight of the attack, Goku was finally able to over come the power of the move, as he broke into the attack, causing the complete and utter destruction of the move, violently eruping in his face as the aftermath of the attack drowned out the sounds of screams from King Kai, covering the place in a thick coat of ash, smoke and dust.

Appearing from the smog with light bruises on his face and neck, a sigh of isolation was heard from Goku, a frown now present on his features feeling a sense of being powerless.

"Damnit! None of this is going to be enough to defeat Lord Beerus.....(relaxes himself) He just might be the strongest opponent I've ever faced."

Breathing sighs of relief, both King Kai and Bubbles momentrily relaxed, figuring that the worsts of the training Goku usually does was finally over. Hearing the call of Goku, both Kai and moneky turned to face the approaching Saiyan

"Hey King Kai, I don't think any of this light training is gonna help me reach close to this Super Saiyan God level" Goku told, making his way over to the two.

Now back on the birthday grounds, the sight of the previous elongated table was shown with even more varitites of snacks, meals and deserts being added as multiple people were seen either being served by one of the few waiters behind the table of were just helping themselves to whatever they felt like eating.

Pulling a chair from around a table, Beerus tiredly sat on his seat, placing his elbow on the table as he explained his displeasure with how the day turned out. "I still haven't sensed even a pinch of this Super Saiyan God energy on this delicious planet.....I was really looking forward to meeting him" Throwing his leg ontop of the other, Beerus relaxed into his seat, not really knowing how to proccess the way the day had played out

"My lord, please be patient. You never know what hidden tricks these mortals have up their sleeves" Whis spoke, enjoying the way how the meat he ate reminded him of the earlier days in his life

"'Be PatIEnT mY LOrD' I just might run out of patience by the end of the day if this entire thing turns out for naught."

Hearing the tune of music being casted from the main stage, the silk red curtains opened to show the birthday girl herself introducing the final act of her birthday party, the long awaited game that she may or may not have made bets on how would hopefully win the tournament.

"Alright everyone! It's time for the main act of my birthday day, the BINGO tournament!" Bulma entusiatically spoke, seeing that a robot with with the title 'bingo' on its head rolled next to her, it screen off and on standby

Walking onto the stage presenting the pictures of two of the three main prizes, three beautiful women dressed in one piece swim suits made their way to the front, bright smiles on their faces as they held the picture frames of the castle and plane

"Now, I know that the castle and airplane may seem like good prizes all round, but those pale in comparison to the grand prize of....."

A complete set of all seven Dragon Balls!" Bulma finished, pulling off the cloth that covered the shining orange Dragon Balls that were displayed in all their glory.

"It's simple really! Just win the tournament and you can any wish you want granted!"

Bulma revealed, causing an uproar of cheers and shouts from multiple guests below the stage. Slowly shifting into a look akin to absolute terror, the once passively eating Pilaf Gang quickly looked as if death had crossed their features.

Gaining the attention of Beerus, the diety couldn't help but see the resemblance of the newly presented Dragon Balls compared to a certain planet's very own. "Oh? Say Whis, doesn't those Dragon Balls look a awfully lot to Planet Namek's wish orbs?"

"It seems quite reasonable, afterall, this Earth's guardian does appear to be Namekian"

"I do recall that if one gathers all the balls together, a Dragon appears and grants the gatherer any wish they so desire...." Beerus concluded.

Slightly gasping in shock, Yamcha of all people saw that something wasn't right with the Dragon Balls. Running a quick headcount to himself, the man realized that his suspicions was right, deciding that it was better to tell everyone than wait until it was too late.

"H-Hey! Wait a minute (gains attention) I only count six Dragon Balls."

Looking to the stage, everyone realized that the scarred man was right in his exclamation, also counting six wish orbs, mentally commenting that the four star Dragon Ball seemed to be missing.

"T-trust me guys! I know I counted a full set an hour ago" Bulma panickingly exclaimed.

With Bulma still trying her hardest to shift the blame off her, she, as well as everyone else, were completely unaware that a now sweating and silent Pilaf Gang were steadily making thier way to the exit, even tip toeing as to make as little noise as possible.

Glancing at the young woman once more, the nearby Trunks saw that the teen was sneaking off with her friends for some reason, not even sparing a few seconds to say bye. Calling out to her, Trunks figured that he might as well fake it till he made it.

"Hey Mai! If you're gonna leave, mind if I get your number?" Trunks offered, not noticing that Gohan of all people just so happened to over hear his little question, turning around to look at the two kids

"Uhmm, I don't have a phone or use email. bye!"

"Just hold on a sec will ya!" Trunks asked, grabbing the left shoulder of Mai, unknowngly causing the missing four star Dragon Ball to fall from her inner jacket's pocket which managed to tumble and roll loudly away from them; also causing her, and Pilaf's heart to drop with it.

Breaking the frozen Pilaf from his previous trance, the boy's eyes went to the size of plates, willing to do whatever it takes to leave this place seeing as they were so close to their mission being successful

"You fool!" Pilaf shouted, panickingly gunning straight for the bouncing ball.

Finally stopping the annoyingly loud bouncing of the wish orb, Pilaf angled his hands below the wish orbs as the easily landed in his grasp, feeling a wave of relief slightly wash over him...

Turning his head to the left, Pilaf noticed that he somehow gained the attention of everyone...

Wow.....he was sure he was quiet too.

"Guys....I need some help here, I fell right into their trap"

"(sigh) If you hadn't cried, they'd be none the wiser" Shu commented

'I never wanted it to come to this' Ripping her shoulder from Trunks's grasp Mai reached for her pistol before slamming the gun on the boy's head, momentarily staggering him long enough which gave her enough time to wrap her arm around Trunks's neck, holding him in place long enough to point the pistol at his skull.

"Don't move!" Shu yelled, ripping his sword from his back moments before he too threatened Trunks

"You tell em' sir!" Mai yelled, still very much panicking

Whimpering as he heard the words of encouragement from his subordinate, the sheer amount of panic that flooded his veins made the emperor break out into a complete sweat, seeing as he now had the attention of literally everyone at the party

Somehow finding a ray of confidense within himself, Pilaf struggled to hold on to the fleeting moment before the heat of the situation finally got to was either go big or go home

"A-ah! ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP CLOWNS, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO SMASH THIS CHILD INTO TOOTHPASTE, THEN YOU'LL PAY US ONE MILLION ZENI IN CASH RIGHT NOW!!!" Pilaf frightenly exclaimed, hoping that he was able to strike fear into the hearts of the guests.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Pilaf saw one one screamed in horror, no one even moved...

They just stared at him like he missed the funniest joke in the world....

'Crap!' "A-a hundred thousand would also suffice!" Pilaf breathed out, worringly placing the Dragon Ball to his head in the pseudo hopes of being protected

Peeking over the Dragon Ball after a few seconds passed, Pilaf and his crew now heard slight giggles which turned into laughter at what the teens had just shouted...what is wrong with these guys?

"Are you laughing at us?! I'll kill him, I mean it!" Mai shouted, tightening the grip she had on Trunks's neck which resulted in an involuntary yelp escaping his maw.

"That child just threatened to kill another child yet everyone at this party laughs? (begins to stand up) I will discipline them all..." Beerus threatened, begining to make his before Vegeta ran up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder before gently placing him back on his seat

"W-wait my lord! I heard she's my son's girlfriend and they're simply just goofing around. You know how young love can be!" Vegeta states, a frightened chuckle making itself known

Looking back to the ongoing hostage situation, Pilaf managed to overhear to remark Vegeta made about the circumstances of what was happening. Feeling the need to clarify just how serious he was, Pilaf repeated himself.

"We're not Goofing around! Now where's the money?!"

"Hey Mai? I wanna break up" Trunks mentioned, the blush on his face thretening to grow if the situation continues

"Shut it hostage!" Mai replied, choking him a bit more

"That's cool and all b-but your chest is on my arm" Trunks mentioned, instantly causing Mai to drop her guard and ease off of the Saiyan's body.

"Forget the bingo tournament this is way more exciting! (Moves into a...idk how to describe the position) Count me in on the fun yall!" Gohan shouts with excitement, leaping into the air as he removed all his clothes in one swift motion, revealing a familiar pair of hero clothing.

"Have no fear citizens! the great and mighty Saiyaman is here!" Goh- sorry, Saiyaman exclaims, snapping into a flurry of wild and bizzare poses as he said so, hearing cheers of encouragement from behind him.

"How strange, could that strangely dressed man be the Super Saiyan God?" Beerus wonders aloud

"(frantically walks up) Oh no, that's just Kakarot's son Gohan. He's pretending to be a super hero a-ahah" Vegeta told, not seeing the slight twitches appearing on the features of the diety

"If you're gonna shoot someone young lady, then you might as well shoot me!" Saiyaman heroically comments, walking up to the short kidnappers

"I'm not gonna shoot you!" Mai shouted "Yeah, back off man!" Pilaf followed, hearing a slight growl from the left side of Mai with Shu now pointing his sword at Go- sorry, Saiyaman

"No, seriously, shoot me. Let's kick things up a few notches an spice up the party yeah?" Saiyaman leaned in close as he whispered

"Oh! And don't just fire once, panic and mag dump me alright? sounds like a plan?"

Growing absolutely baffled at the flambouant man's requests, Mai couldn't help but feel.....things. She didn't know how to describe it

"Are you clinically insane man?!" Mai asked, shaking a little with her gun (still on Trunks's head) rattling a bit

"I've fought next to Gohan in tons of battles, he's fast enough to almost dodge anything" Trunks commented

"(shaking his finger) Don't aim for my hands or lower body (pointing to himself) Let's just aim for my upper body and face so we can keep it simple." Gohan asked, sprinting back to where he originally unveiled his hero costume, ready take down these dastardly villans when they've finished mag dumping him. Gohan wondered how cool he looked

"Alright then villans! Fire when ready!"

"Fine asylum patient! Ask and you shall recieve!!" Mai snapped, fully stabilizng herself before pointing her gun at Saiyaman

Firing all 8 bullets from her suprisingly loud gun, Mai barely moved an inch as the rapid sounds of clicks from her empty mag resonated within her mind. Focusing back on Saiyaman, all three now dumbfounded members of the Pilaf Gang found themselves staring wide eyed at the fact that the man really caught all of her shots

Letting the 7 bullets drop to the floor, each cling of metal that rang against the concrete made Pilaf and Shu feel like they were about to empty the contents of their stomach on the floor, with Mai looking to be the better of the three (despite the look of either fear or bewilderment that was plastered onto her face.

"AHA! I told you villians you were no match for the mighty Saiyaman!" Gohan mused, earning a few miscallaneous chuckles.

"Man, Gohan's been drinking good. He's never usually this cocky" Krillin mentioned, earning a look from Dende

"(walking back to the three) You guys...all this time I thought that gun was just a pellet one, but those were real bullets you fired at me (bending to their level to scold them) Kids should never be playing with fire arms like those! If it wasn't me up there then someone might've gotten hurt" Gohan finished.

"This is a dream right? (deadpans) or a nightmare?" Pilaf wondered aloud "That's what we thought the last time sire, but it's all real" Shu replied, still pointing his sword at the back of Trunks.

"'re telling me that the caped asylum patient can deflect bullets...don't tell me you can do that too...." Mai asked, a tad mentally exhausted after what just happened

"Yeah, of course I can. You.....knew that when you came up with this routine right?" Trunks question the teen, who gained a look of sheer confusion

"And you, Golden Retriever lookalike, you were totally spacing out earlier! C'mon man, get your act together" The boy commentend to which Shu quickly sheathed his blade, a bead of sweat now rolling off his face in slight embarrasment.

"And don't think I forgot about you chimp. What happened to all that ferocity from earlier? Man, we toally blew it! This could of been way better" Trunks finished, placing his hand on his cheek in a thinking motion

"Uhuh, next time we'll get it right chief" Pilaf spoke

Back to Vegeta's perspective, we see that he was still hunched over and to the side of Beerus, looking like he was seconds away from having either a panic or heart attack; maybe both. Clasping his hands, Vegeta trembled where he stood, once again addressing the diety

"How was the show Lord Beerus? An impressive display wasn't it?"

"One of those projectiles touched me" Beerus interrupted, the previous look of indifference on his features moved into a slight scowl at feeling the newly added object between his eyes. Falling into his palm, the smushed bullet was momentarily grasped by the God, sending the still spectating Vegeta into a frenzy

"I take it that you're now in a bad mood my lord. Do you intend to destroy Earth?" Whis asked, wiping his lips with the provided towel laid out for him

"No....I'd rather see how this all plays out so I may get what I came here for. I will not let this day be for nothing" Beerus answered, moving his arm to his front to see the shattered bullet fall to the ground, hearing the familiar tune of several shards colliding with the pavement causing the nearby Vegeta to grow even more paranoid.

"Though, it looks as if I might be running in circles....I just might lose my temper if something unfortunate were to happen" Beerus finished, a unexpressive look in his eye that made Vegeta's skin crawl.

From what he could tell by the body language and tone of the diety, it looked like he was at his witts end right about now. Knowing what needed to be done, Vegeta figured that this may very well be the only way to de-escalate the situation.....To think he's be reduced to this

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN WELL!" Vegeta shouts, gaining the attention of everyone.

Running up to the stage, Vegeta opens his arms wide in desparation as the overhead lights shone down on him "Gohan's trick is over! Now it's time for the main event of Bulma's birthday, the bingo tournament!!"

WIth some music....nahh I aint writing this....sequence, let's just skip it

"TIME TO PLAY SOME BINGO, OLE!" The prince finished, earning some strange looks from everyone watching the display

Nervously looking in the direction of the two dieties, Vegeta took notice of the look of unease on their faces, Whis especially

"That was certainly something..." The blue man mentioned

"Indeed, I never took Vegeta for such a bad singer and dancer. I'm sure the two of you are close in that department"

"Now you're just being rude" Whis snaps back

Getting up from his seat, the guiding angel dusted off his lower areas before moving his hands behind him, turning to face his diety

"Well, how about we make another orbit around planet buffet table (walks away)" Whis asked

"(sigh) You read my mind" Beerus replied, he too walking to the nearby table

Looking at the convo the two were having with various stages of anxious expressions, Vegeta was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the two leaving. Not a moment later, Vegeta instantly grew furious witht the pair of kids just a ways away, seeing that his wife was approaching the gang

Walking up to the miscreants, Bulma sighed as she spoke her mind "How could I stay mad at you (bends to their level) hey kids, this ball is NOT something to play with, touch this again and you'll see just how unfriendly Mr. Time out is" Bulma scolded, grabbing the Dragon Ball from the shivering three

"Oh, and before I forget, that little skit you made was hilarious. Thanks for the laughs. (walking away with a smile) Hey guys! I got the Dragon Ball from the kids, let's get this bingo party ON! haha"

Silently walking to the back of the stage, Vegeta solemly gazed at his feet,feeling humiliated that he had to go to such lengths to keep Beerus from destroying the Earth. Seeing that the dieties were off to the side ordering from a food truck Vegeta eyes furrowed in resentment and hate, rage building in his chest at just the sight of the God

'To think...I had to resort to humiliating myself just to keep the planet safe *Tch* the sooner I get him to leave, the better it would be' The prince spoke to himself.


Away from the bustling yet tense atmosphere of the distant party, the sight of a stationary Y/n was seen staring off into the horizon, uncaring of the quiet yet present breeze that played with his hair, feintly noticing the ocean waves crashing against the shoreline in a almost hypnotic manner.

Closing his eyes, Y/n wondered if there was a situation that was currently unfolding at the party. He was sure that if the diety had arrived yet, either King Kai would of notified him or he would of sensed the fluctations of ki from the fight that was soon to be followed.

Should he go over and assess the situation as well? or should he wait until the fight began so that he may be the trump card that was needed to switch the flow of the battle?

Floating to the top of his shared home, Y/n stood silently, not once taking his eyes from the general distance he felt the party taking place.....

He'll wait and see how things played out. By the end of the day, something interesting was going to happen...


Finally back at the party grounds blaring with theme fitting music, many were finally able to itch and scratch away at their cards, some wanting to ensure that whatever bets they made came to fruition, while others played for the fun of it or mainly for the prizes.

One of these beings was the namekian Piccolo, who's luck for the game seemed to be in the negatives if the constant scowl on his face was anything to go by. Looking at the card he held, the namekian saw that nearly every number was punched out, only leaving 4 or so spaces left. Seeing that another number was about to be called, a hopeful glint reflected in his eyes as he chanted to himself, barely able to hear his own inner voice over the shouts and cheers from the party

"C'mon! I'm so close!" He mumbled, eyes glued to the stage where the bingo screen was firmly planted.

"28!" Bulma shouted with enthusiasm, hearing some of her guests gush in celebration while some grumbled or frowned.

One of these guests was of course, our favourite namekian who's all too familiar scowl made its presense known. With his upper lip now in a continuous twitch of rage, the hand that was holding the bingo paper furiously balled itself into a fist, crushing the paper and remaining unticked numbers on it.

With a quick throw of his cape, Piccolo stormed away to whichever place he could find, grumbling to himself as a way to deal with the way the day turned out. "Stupid earth game! shouldn't of even come here!"

Dropping the crumbled paper onto the ground, the scurrying of a nearby dog was heard as the small animal instantly snatched the dropped paper; running off never to be seen again.

Running off in the foreground, the sight of the relaxed dieties were yet again seen seated comfortably around another table, sighing happily after the food they had consumed. Moving his purple tail for a brief moment, a closed eyed Beerus leaned back in his chair, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face as the strange smile found on his face stretched ever so slightly.

Hearing the call of his attendant, the still comfortable diety pivoted his head over to the sound. "Beerus my lord (hmm?) have you tried this...gooey delight the humans call 'pudding' yet? It looks undesirable, but the taste is perfection on a plate" Whis asked, softly wiping his lips of any residue the treat he snacked on might of left

"Oh pudding you say (a bit woozy) that sounds intriguing....where can I sample some" Beerus inquired, not so patiently waiting on an answer

"Why it's right over there (points at a table)"

Both rising to their feet, the two casually stepped to the table, tastebuds already anticipating a treat that would satiate their ever present hunger. Now reaching the table with a flowing chocolate fountain, both dieties halted at the edge to which Whis gained a look of slight confusion

"Well that's odd....I could of sworn that there were at least 20 cups left on a silver platter"

"Maybe you got excited and ate them all yourself you glutton!" Beerus accused

"N-no lord of course not!"

Looking around the area, Whis spotted a certain....figure helping himself to all 20 of the cups, heard happily munching on a spoonful of the current one he was eating "Oh...." Whis mumbled, unknown thoughts running through his head.

With a monotoneous expression now seen on her-his! face, the angel looked over to see a incoming staff member placing a tray of an unkown food item on the table now that it had free space (thanks to you know who). Calling out to the man, Whis wondered if he could satiate his lord's misdirected rath.

"Excuse me sir, but are there anymore trays of that wonderus pudding?"

"I-I'm afraid not. That pink fellow over there took the entire tray of all we had left." The waiter mentioned, gesturing over to the pink blob of blobs. The PINKIEST blob of blobs

Once again looking over to the gluttonous ball of fat, the two dieties gained a look of.....indifference? No that doesn't sound right....nothingness? Yeah....I can work with that. Looking at the pink blob, the two dieties had a look of nothingness on their faces, a soft sigh being heard coming from within.

Walking up to the pink, Beerus bent down to his level on the chair as he 'kindly' ashed him to share one of his cups

"You there, kindly hand over one of those pudding cups to lord Beerus"

"One for me too"

Looking at the two strangers that came up to him, not a word from Buu was heard as he still ate his tasty treat.

Momentarily pausing at the lack of response he was expecting, Beerus played of his hesitation, thinking of other ways he could of sampled the snack.

"It's quite fine if you can't spare two, all I ask is that you give me mine"

"My lord that his hardly fair!" Whis raised at Beerus, eyes opening in being caught off guard at the words being spoken by his lord

"Well you made it sound like you already had a chance to taste it! And knowing you, you definately took more that three cups of it seeing as you liked it. Don't come wailing to me now that you can't have anymore-" The diety comanded, once again being caught off guard seeing that the fat fucking blob ate anoter bite of pudding during his argument with his companion.....

Now at his wits end, all the supressed anger that he'd been feeling throughout the day had finally began showing itself, slowly yet surely threatening to leak out.

"Gimmie the damn pudding!"



"Pudding all for Buu!"

"Now you're just being a rude guest!"

"ALL PUDDING FOR BUU!" The blob of mass shouted, sitting back down in his chair as he grabbed the platter. Looking the still fuming diety dead in his eyes, Buu wasted not a second more as opened his mouth, spreading his saliva on every single cup of pudding that was on his plate, specifically rolling the taste organ around the edges of the cups.

With sheer annoyance and anger overcoming his features, veins threatened to burst from within the diety's neck as his will to hold back his anger withered little by little. SLAMMING his hands on the table, Beerus grabbed the edge of the platter dragging the food items to him before being momentarily resisted by the pull force of the unmoving Buu.





"GIVE ME ONE YOU DUMB BLOB!" Beerus exploded out. Through, all his anger, Beerus saw a sight that almost made his sanity snap in half. Widening his eyes in disbelief, Beerus saw that in less time he took to breathe, the pink thing swallowed all 20 of the cups in one sitting....

He would of been impressed if it were any other day but this.....

Slamming the empty platter back on the table, Buu stepped up from his seat, as he pointed with aggression towards Beerus.

"YOU CALL BUU DUMB! NOW BUU TURN YOU INTO CANDY AND EAT YOU!!!" The thing shouted, gaining the attention of a nearby seated Vegeta who was in the proccess of dozing off. After being awoken with a start, the panicked Saiyan looked to the sight of what looked to be an agitated Beerus, casuing the man to just.....give up

"Damnit! I doze off for one second at this is what happens!" Vegeta shouts, rising from his chair as he air dashed to the scene

As the air grew tense, the aura from within Beerus passively leaked out, a deep hue of purple staining the area around them as the cause looked at the blob with malice in his eyes. Now fully off the edge, the thin aura that was around Beerus ERUPTED from his skin, a pained growl being heard from the diety with a shout of anger soon followed.


Coating the immediate area with an even darken hue of purple, Beerus threw his hands to the side as he continued to power through the rage, Frightening all those that were spectating the situation....all but one

Opening his eyes for the first time in a while, viens made themselves visibile on the head off Buu as he stood defiantly in the face of Beerus. Breaching his way to the front lines past the sea of spectators, Vegeta saw his one of his recently gained worst fears come to light, watching the immature blob dash at the diety before being painfully pushed several yards away; CRASHING deep into a nearby lake before before colliding roughly into the lake's edge, resulting in kilotons of soil to deposit into the waterbody.

Looking back over to Beerus, Vegeta noticed that all it took was an simple push to swat away any resistance Buu would of made, the veins of anger due to whatever BUU had done were clearly visible on the face of the G.O.D as the light that emitted from his ki finally ceased to being nothing more than a coat of purple wrapped tightly around his body.

Hearing echoes and rumbles come from the lake Buu was shoved into, the rising force of the pinkness was seen, looking at the diety with a gaze that would of killed him if it were so simple. "YOU HIT BUUU!!!!" the blob of magic shouted, once again dashing at an even greater speed at Beerus.

Reaching the God in far less time than before, Several fists were thrown at the unmoving god who dodged them all, looking as if the attacks were nothing more than a nuisance rather than a threat.

Evading a fist that was ment for his head, Beerus angled himself in the face of the blob, who adorned a look of suprise before releasing a round house that was swiftly blocked by the God. Flicking his index finger at the kick, the result was the sight of an out of control Buu who easily spun horizonatlly for 5 seconds; dropping and rolling away after he fell.

Sprinting up to the front of the diety, Vegeta extended his arms to the side, hoping to defuse the situation so no more damage would of been caused; already knowing that he was too late to stop the diety's wrath.

"Lord Beerus, you need to stop!"

"C'mon guys, it's time to rumble!" The suprising voice of Master Roshi boomed, immediately causing three fighters to jump to the call, all rushing the God at once.

Back to the still enraged diety, Android 18 was the first to attack, throwing an arial right hook that connected with nothing but air. Disappearing before the attack could of even been launched, Beerus re-appeared behind the ground bound woman, forearming the back of her head, resulting in 18 colliding face first into the stone pavement, ragdolling into a nearby tree with a moan of pain echoing from the android.

The next to attack was Tien, who popped out of nowhere to deliver a fist to the jaw of the God. Catching said fist without sparing a glance at the mortal, Beerus threw the man back were he came resulting in the martial master roughly flying back into the prepared arms of his best friend, who floated the Z fighter back down to the floor; clutching his right arm in pain.

Coming from where tien was launched from, the airbourne Piccolo was the last line of defense that the first three could offer, nearly breaking the sound barrier as he appeared into existance infront of the G.O.D. Shifting his body to throw one of the hardest roundhouse kicks he's ever thrown directly in the diety's chest; which, after being blocked by the God, caused a shockwave that toppled every table and chair at the party, rattling the leaves of nearby trees and blowing the hair of guests that weren't able to defend themselves.

With sounds of grunting and effort, all of the noised made by Piccolo came to a whisper as Beerus flicked the fighter's head, casuing the eyes of Piccolo to roll so far back into his skull, only the whites of his retenas were seen before eventually collaping onto the floor with a *duff* being heard.

Reaching his feet, the now exhasperated Buu balled his gloved hands into a fist, shakily standing tall once again. Looking back over to the guests, Tien was being treated by Chaoitzu who couldn't help but comment on how outmatched he was. To think that he was defeated with one arm.....

"S-such strength...." Tien commented, hearing the timid call of his worried friend from his side

"You alright Tien?"

"I'll hold him off, try and get those who can't fight away from here" Gohan asked of Krillin, who stood slightly shaking at his side. Acknowledging that he'd been given a task, Krillin nodded his head, flying off to get the non-combatants to safety.

Blindly rushing Beerus once more, Buu threw as many punches as he could, seeing that Beerus only dodged, eyes not once leaving the pink blob that dared stand in his way. Instantly stopping the random thrashing Buu made, a clawed hand squeezed the antenna that stood motionlessly on his head, causing Buu to once again open his eyes and stare enraged at the one who held him.

Finally getting the hint that they needed to go, all Party guests that stood no chance against Beerus fled the area, yelling in slight terror at the situation occuring. Among those who were fleeing were the notorious Pilaf Gang, who's great 'leader' was the first to collapse due to sheer anxiety, mumbling nonsense as soon after, Shu too crashed against the Grass.

The last to collapse was Mai, who was graciously caught in the arms of trunks, who couldn't help but appreciate the small moment of contact they made. "Hey, you alright?" Trunks asked as Mai soon regained consciousness, eyes, fluttering in the arms of the boy.

With a gasp of realization, Trunks looked to the sky to call out to his floating friend. "Goten! can you help me with her friends?" "Mhm" Goten responded, lifting the still dizzy duo as he and Trunks flew to where they last saw the guests running

Back on the now 'empty' battle grounds, Gohan stood alone as he flared his crystal Ki, still in his great Saiyaman clothing only with the durag and tinted shades removed. Balling his fists tightly, the growls and struggles of Gohan were heard, catching the attention of the fleeing wait staff who (for some reason) stopped their fleeing to watch Gohan do.....whatever he was doing.

Baring his teeth, the growls of Gohan only intensified as the lightshow from his now yellow aura was plastered onto every object that was in the area. Eyes turing a a deep cyan colour, Gohan's body began shaking, struggling to tap within itself to bring out the power it so desperately needed to show. Moving from a standing position, Gohan started to bend backwards, trying his absolute best to pull out the form that he need to protect his loved ones, now heard shouting with all his heart.

Eyes shining a brilinant blue, Gohan's hair began spiking up, feeling that the fruits of his labour were now starting to bare, as the feint sound of an unseen lightning bolt was heard passing throughout his aura. Shouting to the very heavens themselves, Gohan's Ki EXPLODED, coating the faces of the waiters and the walls in a stunning yellow that could of made the rainbow red with jealousy.

Ceasing his shouts of malice, the now silent Beerus took his eyes off of the still raging Buu, turning to the golden light as he effortlessly blocked the rampant fists the fat fuck was throwing with no success.

Moving his silhouette back to a standing position within the golden light, Feint sparks of.....electricity? was heard coming from the man, who slowly started lifting his arm from within the light, bringing the now horizontal arm to his chest, dispelling the light and dust that was kicked up from the area with a single swipe.

Now seen in all his glory, lightning was spotted spreading all across his body, too fast for the human eye to see, but just enough that it didn't obstruct anything the new fighter had to offer. Slowing moving to the solid face of the Saiyan, Gohan showed no expression to the stationary God that glared at him with a look of intrigue, unheard thoughts roaming freely throughout his head.

Unclipping his cape that dance carefully in the ki Gohan produced, the fight between two unmovable warriors was about to commence. One victor, one defeated.


Gasping in suprise, the eyes of Y/n went wide, sweat now freely making its way from his scalp as his hands moved from their folded position into ones of reluctance. Was that flare in ki Gohan's? It had to be, only he has that specific energy and distinct feeling of rage whenever he goes 100%.

Calming his body to the point where it only shivered every now and then, Y/n continued 'It seems like the fight has finally begun. I hope I can arrive in time to lend aid to the Prince and Kakarot's son.....there's no telling how bad the situation would be if I arrived late' Y/n thought, jumping off the roof of his home, sparing one last glance at the presumed sleeping Launch before speeding off in the direction of the party, thoughts running rampant in his mind, mostly centered on a certain multi haired woman.

'Keeping holding out until I'm there...I won't let anything happen to those on the planet I care for. Especially you...I need a reason to keep fighting....' Y/n thinks, activating his ki as he broke the sound barrier, making haste to party that decided the fate of the Earth.


Once again back at the birthday fiasco, the bleched eyebrows of Gohan finally showed a semblance of emotion since he went into his second form, furrowing in determination as a strand of lightning passed infront of it. Stopping his flaring Ki, the previous bolts of lightning that were seen continuosly passing over his body 'calmed' in intensity, now occationally making its presense known in brief flashes.

Walking to the still grounded to God who merely blocked all the pathetic attacks Buu sent at him with no rhyme or reason, a push of his opened palm stopped all efforts made by the blob, once again sending the blob flying back to the lake he first landed in....

Only this time, he was caught.

Reverse hugging the squishy blob of pink, Gohan slightly struggled to stop the sheer speeds that Buu was flying at, multiple strands of harmless lightning exploding from the back of Buu who was finally knocked unconscious, using all his energy to break the defenses that Beerus was contantly putting up.

Floating to the grassy bank before the lake waters, Gohan gently set Buu to lay down as best as he could on the dirtied grassy floor, glaring at the one who caused his companion to be in such pain, anger once again wormed its way into the rational mind of Gohan, threatening to destroy all logical thinking the man was known for.

Blitzing over to where he previously stood, Gohan left multiple strokes of lightning in his wake as they remained for a second longer, vanishing from existance by to the sheer speeds that Gohan was travelling at; a few bits of dust and stone taking its place.

Back in the decent space between he and the silent Beerus, the two wordlessly began walking to each other, both flaring their Ki as a sign of either intimidation or determination, one Ki being untracable to mere mortals and one unmoving in the ideals and morals that it stood for, thin strokes of lightning crackling ferociously from one.

With the added wind pressure of both Ki's, this caused the top and bottom of Gohan's gi to start blowing rapidly in multiple directions, as the pants and ears of beerus too began blowing, while not as randomly as Gohan's clothes, they still blew.

Seconds away from being in the faces of one another, the two finally stood eye to eye, Beerus taking height ever so slightly due to his ears. Glaring into the souls of one another, both Gohan and Beerus stood motionlessly infront of the other, cyan eyes sending daggers into tar-like ones.

"For a mortal, you stare in the face of death, yet you refuse to buckle or yield.....Is there a deeper meaning for this display of confidence?" Beerus asked, arms resting idly behind his back.

"With the power I posses, I have a duty to protect those that can't protect themselves. And when it happens to be my family and friends that are the ones in danger, the urge to protect those I care about increases ten-fold. I don't care how hopeless or redundant my power is when it comes to the face of a new adversary, all that matters is that I have the power to change the outcome of any battle no matter how hopless the situation may be!" Gohan finishes, lightning blowing precariously backwards, eyes remaining unmoving in the convictions Gohan spoke about wholeheartedly

"You have the that right? How about you prove that your bark has any bite to it"

"Though, before we begin, I shall ask this question only once.....What is your name Saiyan?"

Itching to get the invader of his planet, Gohan responded in kind, anger laced in ever word that came out of his mouth.

"Gohan....Son Gohan"

Smirking, Beerus unfolded his hands, deep purple aura returning around his body as he stared at Gohan, hands now at his sides as he thought to himself. Tilting his head down a bit, Gohan had enough of the stalling, figuring to throw the first punch as he wanted to save his planet.

𝑷𝒐𝒗 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆- 3𝒓𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏

Within less than a second, Gohan's gloved hand was now centimeters away from the diety's face, teeth bared like a madman as the lightning crackled around his fist. Calmly looking at the attack that was just casted, the surrondings around Beerus felt was slow.

'This attack has such power behind it. Though, I can't help but shake the feeling that there's more to be offered. Do I have to force it out of him?' Thought Beerus, not even dodging the slowed attack. Closing his eyes Beerus absentmindedly moved to the left, hearing the *swish* and crackle of electricity as Gohan's attack missed him by a large margin.

Now in a vulnerable position, Beerus capitalized on Gohan's mistake, sending a small kick aimed at the Gohan's ribs that BLASTED the Saiyan away; crashing through two palm trees as Gohan tried desperately to slow himself down. Stoping his movement, Gohan wasted not a second more, using the speed provided by his second form as he blitzed back over to Beerus, throwing a massive fist that was blocked by the God.

With a strained grunt being heard from the warrior, Gohan applied pressure, sending a barrage of punches and kicks that were precise in aim, 'forcing' Beerus to actually use some effort in dodging and blocking the attacks. Sending a few punches of his own, Gohan was almost caught off guard by the attack but was able to diagonally duck under the attack. Hesitating ever so slightly, Gohan used the momentum of already being close to the ground as he jumped into a backflip before releasing a sneaking kick aimed at the lower jaw of the God.

Craning his head backwards, Beerus effortlessly dodged the kick, suprising Gohan with a knee that connected with his spine, causing the slight damage the man had already taken to double itself, a bit of drool escaping his lips. With a slight gash in the back of Gohan's gi, the Saiyan was momentarily floating off the ground, his body proccessing the damge it had just took as Beerus added more to the pool, extending the knee that he used, PUNTING Gohan into one of the nearby home of a civilian, the wall that he crashed through, causing a bit more damage to his green gi.

Stopping himself so that he wouldn't hurt anyone else, Gohan looked at the room he was in and suspected that it might've been a living room if the crushed T.V was anything to go by... 'If this is the living room, then were were the gues-' Gohan thought a remote smacked the side of his head.

Dropping the look of pain that he had, the curious boy snapped his head to his left, seeing that a familiy of.....5 were watching the tv that he was currently standing on.....Feeling his heart slightly jump from his skin, Gohan had a stunned look of apologetic suprise, addressing the family that was staring at him.

"AH! O-oh...uhm, sorry about this (rubs his electric hair) I'm kind of in the middle of defending the Earth....sorry for ruining the T.V...." Gohan reluctantly spoke, scooting back where he crashed as the family eyed every step he took all the way back to the wall.

Floating back to the party grounds, Gohan Looked at the smug Beerus with a glare in his eye, planing his next series of moves that he hoped would of worked. "Are you done napping? You almost made me disappointed thinking that you died in such a simple attack" Beerus mocked, smiling all the while

"It'll take much more than that to kill me" Gohan barked back, eyes remaining unmoving.

"Duely noted"

As Beerus spoke his final words, Gohan eyes went wide, not for the fact that he dug himself a hole that had no bottom, no, he had a look of suprise due to the fact that Beerus spoke those words...

From behind him.

SLAMMING the back of his heel into the skull of Gohan, the somewhat airbourne Beerus once againt touched the ground, seeing that Gohan was sent flying through multpile tables and chairs, even crashing through the stage that the humans used to play that strange game.

Smiling to himself, Beerus saw that after a bit of waiting, Gohan once again emerged from the collapsed wood and red drapes of the stage, holding his left arm in wince as the boy's laboured movements and uneven breaths were heard.

Walking down from the stage, Pieces of Gohan's green ki slowly fell to the floor, the right side of his outfit still connected around his shoulders as the fabric that looped around his left had been ripped roughly from it. Gritting his teeth, Gohan flared his ki, causing the wind surrounding him to instantly become harsh, using the anger he felt as a power up. With his ki still active, Gohan left sparks of electricity in his wake as he dashed at Beerus once again.

Dodging the kick that Gohan threw, Beerus ignored the rushing wind the man caused as he back tracked away, nearing the broken stage moments after Gohan recoverd, throwing a single beam of ki that was promptly swatted away by Beerus. With his vision now cleared, Beerus saw Gohan, inches from his face before blocking the reverse kick that was aimed at his abdomen. Following true to his onslaught, Gohan pressured the God around the party grounds, dodging a back hand that was ment for his knee, while in the same motion, Gohan reached for a fallen chair, back handing it through the face of the genuienly off guard GOD.

Shattering the chair around the skull of the cat, Beerus made no visible reaction to the piece of wood that was thrown at him only grabbing the Saiyan by the collar of the damaged gi he wore; bringing the boy up to his face.

Once again clenching his teeth, Gohan figured that it was all or nothing, reaching to grab Beerus by the head, pulling his own head back before SLAMMING his forehead into the one of Beerus, both parties being stunned as a result, causing Beerus to let go of the Saiyan man.

"AH! You barbaric BRUTE! What is wrong with you?!" Beerus questioned, actually feeling a light pain in his head

"Speak for yourself, you're so big headed! I though my skull was gonna split open!" Gohan respond, feeling more pain that he'd like to admit, rubbing his head to soothe said ache.

Once again appearing in the face of the off guard Gohan, Beerus yet again grapsed the boy's gi moving on an axis, spinning as fast as he could, launching Gohan several miles into the air, passing multiple clouds. Smirking at the fight he so desperately wanted, Beerus relished in the thought that boy may be no Super Saiyan God, he sure as hell was a Super Saiyan.

Clenching his arm, a deep purple light shone brightly from within the diety's palm, illuminating the entire left side of his face an even darker purple than it already was, his left eye radiating a fierce black glow that threatened to swallow the light the ball was casting. Putting as much energy that he figured was required of situation into the energy sphere, Beerus chuckled, internally questioning in what way the boy would deter this attack.

Launching the ball from his palms to the skies, the still flying Gohan was able to stop his freefalling, now breathing harshly as he racked his brain for any way it could defend against this foe.

Looking down, Gohan made a strange face as he saw what looked to be....a purple light growing wider and wider by the minute, also rapidly approaching his locat- holy shit it's a death ball. "CRAP!" Gohan shouted, eyes going wide as he saw a ball that was atleast the size of a country flying at him.

There was no time to dodge, there was no time to block either.....he had to gamble it all on a single attack for his life. Pulling his arms into a conical shape at his sides, Gohan chanted the beginning of a familar technique that had been passed down by generations within his family.


Energy manifisted into the palms of the worn and dirtied gloves he wore, moving his lower body into the required stance needed for the technique.


Energy began swirling rapidly in his palms, a briliant blue light shone from within, filling the body of Gohan with the power and confidence it need to slay any foes that stood in his way


The ball approched closer, estimating a total time of 10 seconds before colliding and possibly killing him in the proccess....



Gohan fired all the energy that he could, stopping the approching ball dead in its tracks. Struggling to keep the attack form, Gohan began to buckle under the weight of the attack that he needed to to stop. Continuously buckling, the ball approched closer and closer to the struggling Saiyan, who refused to give up until the ball had atlest been destroyed.

His stamina was running low and his energy was following suit, it was getting harder and harder to keep himself in the second form as the weight alone from the ball caused what felt like his bones to creak and rumble under the pressure that too much for them.

Screaming with sheer might dripping from his tone, Gohan finally halted the attack in its tracks, taking it one step further as he poured absolutely everything into the Kamehameha wave he casted, seeing the surface area of the ball started to bend in on itself, as the more effort he put into his attack caused the ball to start bending even faster in on itself.

Continuing for 2 and half more seconds, Gohan was finally able to pierce through the ball, immediately canceling the attack because, 1. He was sapped of energy and 2. He was technically aiming at the Earth.

Still holding his arms out in the Kamehameha position, Gohan tiredly breathed, body still encompassed by lightning as they began to fade, his hair slowly transitioning from the familar spiked gold the Super Saiyans were known for as his black flowing hair took its place.

Dropping his arms to the front of his body, Gohan couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He had no idea what caused him to randomly start to talk big when he was fighting an opponent he couldn't even sense, he figured that his ever present ego was the one that caused his downfall, unable to supress the hearty chuckle that followed soon after the realization.

Falling a ways away from where he was launched from, Gohan possibly fell 1,000 (idk) feet, softly crashing into a nearby grassland on the party grounds, Beerus doing nothing more than staring with indifference at the sight of the fallen warrior, the one that made him use some actual effort in his attacks. Who knew that the Saiyans on this world were so easily able to gain his respect....he certainly didn't.

Folding his arms around his back, Beerus walked away, absentmindingly moving to where the stunned vegeta stood, who was finally snapped out of some sort of trance that he was in. Supressing the gasp that was oh so close to leaving his lips, Vegeta calmed himself to a slight shivering and sweating mess, staring at the approaching diety of destruction. Furrowing his brows Vegeta threw all caution to the wind, thinking that he might as well take on the threat that was clearly infront of him. "Tch!"

"To hell with it!" Vegeta Shouted, his body exploding into a golden light, hair moving from a void black to a brilliant yellow, eyes blue in colour. Gaining the attention of Beerus, Vegeta spoke where he stood, aiming a thumb over his shoulder as he made an offer he just couldn't refuse

"Come with me if you want a real fight" The Prince, told, his ki spiking as he flew off in the opposite direction, missing the large smile Beerus made in his wake.

Flying above all the aghast guests, Vegeta flew for a few more seconds, ensuring that he was a good distance away before turning to face his opponent, eyes unnaturally quivering at the thought of fighting Beerus.

Speaking of the godly feline, the diety in question had a unmoving smirk glued to his face, eyes never leaving his new opponent, similar to when he went up against Gohan. Widening his smile a bit more, Beerus stared at the quivering Prince with half lidded eyes, unable to help spotting the similarities between he and his father.

"I hope you carry that same spark Gohan had when he faced me" Beerus told the Prince, who remained unnmoving at the indirect jab at his ego, Staring harshly at the God

With a few more seconds of silence surrounding the two, the two warriors wordlessly began, Beerus starting off the duel with a rapid right jab that barely missed the prince. Seconds later, several faster hits were thrown by the God, constantly pushing Vegeta to block and doge whatever attack he could. Finally opening a hole in his defenses, Beerus didn't even hesitate, slamming a devasting fist into his stomach, causing the perplexed Super saiyan to keel over, coughing up a few drops of spit.

Not even allowing the prince to get a second to gather himself, Beerus continued on his punish, boxing Vegeta's face in as the man didn't even have the time to dodge or even block, any thoughts of a defense being beaten out of his skull as soon as they came. With jabs and hooks leading into elbows and back hands, Vegeta was nothing more that a shouting grunting mess, being bruised and assaulted without hope of retaliation....

Punsihing the face of the prince for a few seconds longer, Beerus sent a devastating kick into the stomach armour of the Prince, who yet again grunted and leaned in pain, only to be caught off guard by a spinning leg to his cheek, causing a shock wave the rocketed the prideful prince far back to the ground, crashing into the dirt filled ground with a *BOOM*.

"Vegeta didn't even last a minute of there!" Krillin yelled by the guests.

Moving over a few meters, the still woozy Mai was held tightly in the arms of a kneeling Trunks, who gently placed Mai in a sitting position on the bricked pavement.

" stay here, we've got this."

"Goten!" Trunks called out to his friend, seeing that he was suprisingly closer than he expected

"I know, I know, I'm ready when you are." Goten replied, walking up to the kneeling Trunks and placed a hand on his hip.

Discarding their party clothes, both teens made their way to the front of the guests, standing an equal distance apart from one another as they carefully glanced at each other, both nodding in unison.


SION- HA!" Goten and Trunks spoke in sync, aiming both their index fingers at the other, feeling the touch that was needed to complete the dance. With a brilliant white light, shining from the middle of the two, the light suddenly grew 5 times brighter, only the silhouettes of Goten and Trunks could be seen as they merged into one being.

A tall, rambunctious, and silly being.

"Donanananaaaa! The Mighty Gotenks Has Appeared!" Gotenks spoke enthusiastically, striking a pose that was similar to one Great Saiyaman Gohan would make.

Flaring his crystal ki, Gotenks released a cocky smirk turning back to his parents as they watched on in worry. Throwing a thumbs up, Gotenks sped up the airbourne God, cackling and laughing as the afternoon breeze tickled his skin

"Be safe boys...." Chichi mumbled, gaining the attention of her blue haired friend who also thought similar words.

Back with the airbourne diety, Beerus stared expressionlessly at where Vegeta layed, hands behind his back as his eyes remained unexpressive...he did not have that same flare Gohan had...

'Prince Vegeta is a versitile warrior, such a shame he lacks the strentgh to match his prowess....' Beerus thought, hearing a sound come from his right as he saw a new face appear next to him, seeing that the figure who approached him came at such speeds that the wind he sped through pushed his multicolouerd hair to the left, flowing randomly as he spoke.

"YO! Intergalactic Cat Thing! You Really Came All This Way Just To Throw A Hissy Fit When You Didn't Get What You Want?! A Villain Like You DESERVES To Be Vanquished By The Mighty Gotenks!" The fused Saiyan spoke passionately, balling his right hand into a fist as he strunk the open palm of his left, smiling all the while.

"You Earthlings have no idea just how lucky you are.....Having the delicacy and time to eat it whenever you want while I on the other hand had never had the chance to taste it before! (sounding desperate) PUDDING!! Oh even the name sounds heaveanly!!" Beerus finished, getting in the face of Gotenks as the fusion worridly backed away in fright, a suprised expression plastered on his face.

"AH! Finally, I Thought You'd Never Shut It!" Gotenks finished, bringing his arms to his sides as he as he clenched his fists, a smile worming its way back on his face.

"You're Gonna Pay For All the Damage You Caused.....Because Now, You'll Have To Face The Wrath Of My Super Awesome Forms!" Gotenks shouted, seeing that his flaring ki transitioned from the near transparent white it had to a shining blue, slightly shaking the ground that the guests stood on, some even losing their balance.

Sporting a Toothy grin all the while he underwent his transformation, it seemed that Gotenks didn't need to struggle nearly as much as Gohan did when he transformed, as seconds after he straightened himself out, his hair slowly breached into a brilliant spiked yellow, electricity sparkling like fire crackers around his body as with a final shout Gotenks EXPLODED into his second form, eyes glowing blue in equal intensity and joy; a familiar bang flowing wildly in the rushing wind.

With the yellow that shone beautifully on the faces of the grounded guests, many were forced to shield their eyes due to the intense light that came from the teen. Yet again standing confidently across from the stationary being of destruction, clouds began moving overhead, covering the sun for a brief moment as the sky went from a bright blue to a noticable dimmer colour, which made the blinding yellow and blue ki from Gotenks even more noticable than what was already present, the aura of Beerus glowing a deep purple at the sight.

With rays of sunshine piercing the the sky covered clouds, the two smiled lightly at one another, feeling no need to exchange words, having other means to communicate with one another. Rushing the God in a burst of electricity, the two warriors began fighting, attack one another so fast that not even the shockwaves and crackles of lightning could match the speeds they were going.

Taking form once more, Beerus began chasing the backwards flying fusion who prepared Ki blasts in his hands, eyes wide in glee with a smile that matched his emotions. Responding in kind, Beerus too prepared several ki blasts in his hands, glaring at the teens with a dangerous smile.

Let the lightshow begin.....

Throwing an unholy amount of ki blasts at the other, both Beerus and Gotenks flew in a straight line, the two dodging several balls of energy before they could ever meet their mark, backflipping, cartwheeling and spinning around any blast that came their way. Contorting their bodies so fast, the two still fired barrages ontop of clusters of ki, some actually striking thier mark but having no visibile effect.

Zipping past a few blasts aimed towards him, Beerus re-appeared closer to the flying SSJ2, throwing a blast that connected roughly in the sides of Gotenks, slightly knocking the wind out of him as the shockwave of the ki propelled Gotenks even faster than he already flew, electricity crackling as he ragdolled throughout the clear skies.

Zipping past a mountain, multiple streaks of electricity came together to take the form of Gotenks as he prepared to launch two balls of ki that was in his palms.

Seeing that they were now miles away from the party in what looked to be a lush, tall mountain surrounded by greenery, the two made wide loops around said mountain, with Gotenks launching the balls of ki towards his approaching adversary who blocked the attack, dispelling the smoke the attack caused seeing that around around a hundred more were surrounding him.

Looking to his right, none other than his electrically charged opponent was seen chuckling as he floated with his arms crossed, clearly finding joy in his little scheme. With a deep purple urk mark appearing on his forehead, Beerus EXPLODED his aura, causing a massive semi sphere to appear in the once lush mountain, which resulted in the mountain collapsing all around them, creating a battlefield of falling debre and boulders.

Though, this seemed to go unnoticed as the two continued thier duel around the collapsing landmass, enganging in multiple clashes of fists and kicks that caused seiesmic shockwaves to be felt around the area they were fighting on, any sizable landmass that was about to fall ontop of them either exploded into dust or missed their mark.

With a grunt of 'effort' Beerus launched a heavy kick aimed at Gotenks midsection which was luckily blocked in time. Blasting the boy back a few feet due to the strength he was kicked with. As boulders and stones constantly fell around them, a massive boulder at least 100 meters tall fell between the two blocking the sight that Gotenks relied on since he had no way of sensing where Beerus would of attacked next.

Switching from attack to offence, Gotenks brought his hands up to his head, fists clenched as he assumed a defensive stance

Though, while Gotenks spun on an axis around the area searching for his divine opponent, the one he was looking for floated harmlessly above his fused opponent, running a few thoughts through his head now that he had time to do so.

'These fighters are excellent warriors, yet none of them have this Super Saiyan God power I'm looking for...even without it, they still fight as hard as they can and pose as a good challenge for me. Even though I am moderately suppressing my strength, the force that these attacks are striking me with leaves my skin tingling and my fists itching...I hope to see more of what these Saiyan warriors are capable of'

Beerus thought, looking down to see that his opponent still hadn't thought to look up. Shaking his head as he sighed, the diety floated downwards, using his index claw to gently tap the shoulder of the teen.

Scaring the electricity out of the boy, the fusion looked behind him, seeing the familiar sight of the ever falling boulders, seeing no trace of the one he was to be fighting. Looking back to his front, Gotenks felt a strange fear come over him as he saw the head of Beerus.....upsided down and staring deep into his soul, unmoving and silent.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Gotenks screamed, a rather high pitched version of any scream he's ever made before.

Throwing a fist, Beerus swifty vanished, appearing on the side of Gotenks as the fusion successfully anticipated it, throwing a harsh left kick that cause the diety to block. Using the force of the kick, Gotenks forced Beerus out of the collapsing mountain, growling with effort as he spin kicked Beerus a few miles away.

Spinning in the direction that he sent Beerus, Gotenks realised that he accidentally sent Beerus back to where the party was, whether that was a good or bad thing, he had no idea. Blinking a few times, Gotenks shrugged, pushing his energy to the max as he easily broke the sound barrier, speeding over the flight bound Beerus.

Speaking of a certain feline, Beerus still had his arms in the block, ears and pants blowing freely in the rushing wind as he dropped it, willing to let the wind carry him to wherever it did...who knew today would be so nice? He felt so relaxed, even allowing a small smile to cross his lips.

Approaching the flying diety at dangerous speeds, Gotenks finally caught up with the God, not even hesitating as he flew closer and closer to his target. Locking eyes with his opponent, both warriors rocketed towards each other engaging in a stunning clash that pushed how far Gotenks would go in just his second form. Dodging a dropkick from Beerus, the two still flew at high speeds towards the party, as Gotenks who was below Beerus figured that now was the perfect chance, throwing a DEADLY upper cut into the stomach of Beerus who, for once in their fight, wasn't fast enough to block the attack.

SLAMMING his fist into the stomach of the God, stunning the diety for a split second, moments before recieving a devious heel kick to his cheek, sending Beerus crashing into the the road that led to the capsule corp.

Regaining his bearings, the moment Beerus's back scraped against the road, Beerus performed multiple carwheels that went into a wide backflip, narrowly missing the large home that was Capsule Corp. Still moving through the air at jet speeds, Beerus intstantly stopped his movement, not caring that he was now opposite to the guests as he stared daggers into the approaching Gotenks.

Said Fusion yet again broke the sound barrier, being fueled by adrenaline and martial arts alone as he charged Beerus with the brightest smile that he's ever made, happy that he could go all out and defeat an opponent using his full strength. Flying over the roof of CC in a blur of yellow and thin blue, Gotenks leaned back, putting all his weight into this next attack using all the speed and power he's built up for the past miles.

Inches before Beerus's face, Gotenks arm glowed a furious yellow, surrounded by several thin strokes of electrectity putting all his power into this one attack. Throwing his fist forwards with a cry of determination, a shining light over came the two, resulting the still spectating guests to shield their eyes twice since the fight started.

The explosion and shockwave that followed soon after was devastating, completely spiliting the once cloud covered sky, causing yet another earth quake that completely shattered all windows in a 10 kilometer radius. When the light and smoke cleared, the airbourne duo was seen, only this time, Beerus had his deep purple ki active, eyes glowing the same colour as he glared at Gotenks.

Stopping his attack with one finger alone.

Gaining a look of absolute bewilderment, Gotenks didn't even have time to question himself, feeling a painful backhand connected with his cheek that rocketed him into the ground bouncing multiple times across the ground as various pained grunts were heard, that one attack knocking all the steam out of him as with his final bounce, he slid on the bricked ground, finally dropping out of SSJ2, hair no longer spiked as it went back to its original multicoloured form.

Sliding a few feet into the middle of the concerned guests, Gotenks's face was permanently contorted into one of pain, causing some of the guests to gaze at the teen with a wince in their hearts at the damage he'd sustained.

Looking down at the fused warrior, everyone gasped at the condition of the teens, seeing that white pants that the fusion wore had been ripped and had several holes in various places, pants stained in brown at the legs. As for injuries, thankfully he had nothing more than a few irritated bruises that were red in colour and scratch marks littered around his body, also black in colour.

The two who were the most affected by the fusion's condition was none other than their mothers, who rushed the unconscious body of the fusion with tears already leaking from their eyes

"My BABY!" Both Chichi and Bulma shouted, dropping to both their knees on either side of the fusion, Hugging the unconscious faces of their boys. Crying silent tears, Bulma softly grabbed the chin and hair of the fusion, head held low as tears stained the cheek of the Saiyan, unheard thoughts plauging her mind.

Though, the woman directly infront of her wasn't exactly taking the situation well either....Bawling her eyes out, Chi-chi cried heavily into the bare chest of the fusion, arms shaking like a tree as her body did the same, the stress of her youngest son fighting the one who easily deafeted her eldest and Vegeta finally showing.

Somberly looking at the two mothers in grief, Piccolo, Dende, Tienshinhan, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Marron, 18, Videl, Mr. Satan, Ox King, Oolong, Roshi, Pu'ar and Yamcha all stared silently, unsure of how they could approch and help their friends. Tightly holding the hand of 18, Krillin gained the attention of his wife, who looked downwards to see her husband staring intently at the scene, one hand holding their shaking daughter as his other tightly clutched her own.

Returing the gesture, Krillin spent another second in his wife's hand, loosening his grip as he passed their daughter onto her. Being taken slightly aback, 18 wordlessly hoisted her daughter, staring with intrigue at her husband who quietly made his way towards his troubled friends.

Walking up to to his first ever friend's wife, the short man knelt beside the woman, calmly placing a hand on her shoulder, seeing that he gained the attention of the red eyed, tear stained Chi-chi.

"Your son is strong. He's survived worse than this, and in the end, will only come out stronger. He'd hate to see you worrying this much over him" Krillin softly spoke, seeing that he had yet to break through Chi-chi's over-protective barrier, though, he had her attention

"He's a Saiyan Chi-chi, he takes much after the man you love in many amazing ways.....even though his condition may look grim, he's your husband's son...he'll come back stronger and cheerier than ever before after this is all over." Krillin finished, finally gaining the full attention of Chi-chi, who he looked at with a soft smile.

" baby's injured.....all because I let him fuse with Trunks" Chi-chi spoke in a quiet tone, head held low as she stared at the chest she previously cried on

"That comes with the duty of protecting Earth. He's a Saiyan Chi-chi, you especially know what it's like to have one around your home" Krillin spoke, seeing that the shaking started yet again

"(tearing up) He's not a defender of Earth.....he's my baby boy..." Chi-chi whimpered, eyelids slowly closing on one another as tears began seaping through them, occationally running down her pale cheeks, resisting the urge to flat out bawl.

With a hand still on his friend's shoulder, Krillin sighed, removing the hand as he turned to Gotenks, kneeling beside Chi-chi as he figured that this was the best course of action.

LONG AHH CHAPTER, 14K WORDS BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. It took a month of hard work, (procrastination) blood sweat and tears but i'm finally done.

On a Monday night no less. Who knew writing fight scenes for 4 hours would be so fun. Gonna try and update every saturday.


-loli out

aloliindisguise aloliindisguise


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