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31.81% Fairy Tail: Wandering Beast / Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Meeting the higher ups

Capítulo 21: Chapter 20: Meeting the higher ups


When I was coming to this parade, I really didn't expect to get involve in a confrontation with members Ouroboros Trap trying to kidnap the princess. Now I was just basically standing in a crime scene and standing in front of the royal family and the white horseman and the pale horseman.

"So young man might I ask again who are you." The king asked me again a little suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm Salem Shupiwa your majesty nice to meet you all." I bowed slightly all them really.

"F-Father wait please don't be wary of him. He was the one who saved me from the dark mages." Princess got in front of me like she was shielding me or something.

"Victoria are you sure you're alright." The King bent down to his daughter's level and looked at her in concern especially blood on her. Good thing it wasn't hers.

"Like I told mother am alright father just a little e worried about the guards." I wasn't a therapist but I could tell she was a little shaken up by the events.

"Here young princess let me heal those minor bruises and you too young man." The pale horseman's hands glowed and that the princess minor marks caused by the chains disappeared but I really didn't get hurt during the fight.

"Well thank you for saving my daughter young man if there's anything I could do to repay you for your deed please don't be afraid to say." The king thanked me and before I could reply the queen wrapped her arms around me and placed my head softly on her chest.

"Thank you very much for helping my daughter young one and as my husband said we're ready to reward you for your deed today." The queen spoke softly I got a little flustered even though Morrigan does this regularly.

"U-um well there are same things I want." I spoke. He the royal family was offering me so am going to take it not questions asked.

"Name them and they will be given to you."

"Sweet." I grinned a little.

I saw the other two royal children looking at me both with curiosity while the baby was being held by a personal maid or something I couldn't tell with the expensive clothes she had on.

"Maybe we should move to a more private area to continue this conversation." Mr. Armstrong suggested.

"Armstrong-sama right it seems appropriate to this matter in a less crowded area." Mr. Ore looked around at the little crowd which was around. "I think the apollo restaurant will be an appropriate place."

"Good idea Ore-sama it's getting close to night time so a place to eat while we talk doesn't sound too bad." The King agreed.

"Well, it was nice meeting you all but I got to go I'll ask for those rewards another time." I said putting my hands in my pockets and walking away.

"Now where do you think you're going to?" The first princess quickly put her hand on my shoulder stopping me from leaving.

"Oh, like I said am leaving you all to do you stuff." I really didn't want to be too involved in this I already had my own problems with interdimensional monsters which seemed to getting stronger and with additional stronger ones popping up. I really don't need to add more stuff on that list.

"Sorry, that won't do father said 'WE' meaning your involved in this too. Plus, I am interested to hear who a kid like yourself handled some dark mages." She had a small smirk on her face as she tightened her grip and I had to admit it was pretty strong.

"I have to agree with Helena on this one all we know is that you use a type of ice magic from what some Pegasus Knights told us when they found the injured guards. Plus, you'll be dinning in the one of the most luxurious restaurants in all of the country." The prince jumped in and looked at me weirdly.

Before I could answer Princess Viktoria got in my face which was a little unconfutable and held my hands.

"Please join us Salem-san I promise you won't regret it plus you can even come with us to the concert tonight!" She pleaded and I sighed.

"Sorry sweety but the concert has been postponed to tomorrow due to the attack." The queen told her daughter causing her to pout a little which I found a little cute.

"Okay just for one day plus I still get those rewards I want right." I guess dining in a high-class restaurant didn't sound so bad plus I still get a reward. She grinned brightly at the answer but than her mother dragged her away.

"You need to get another dress and wash some of that blood off yourself first young lady. Janet-san would you be a dear and help me out" The queen scolded softly and I saw her flinch probably not at the scolding but probably remembering the blood on her. The maid which held the baby and some guards followed behind them and to some random tent from the parade which empty due to its event being over for the day.

I saw Mr. Armstrong narrowing his eyes at me. He had the look which someone had when they see someone familiar and not in a friendly way.

"Armstrong-sama is there something that troubles you?" Mr. Ore put a hand on his fellow horseman shoulder in worry.

"Oh yes am fine he just reminded me of someone." He glared at me a little and turned away.

"Alright enough standing around lets all go into the carriage and to the restaurant." The king instructed the three females came back fast with the princess now wearing an orange dress. "Now that were all here let's go um starting to get a little hungry."

Wait there were like nine people counting the maid was the whatever mode of transport big enough for all of us or did they have extra.

Then a carriage showed up and it looked extra big and fancy than the ones I've normally seen.

"Salem-san is something wrong." The queen asked me.

"Um it's just I don't like being in a packed space with a lot of people." I admitted. Back in my old world I used to board mini-buses as a form of transport a bunch of times when ever going to town a friend's house but they sometimes got so packed it become a tough squeeze and sometimes I had caught guys trying to steal my stuff constantly. So yeah, small forms of transportation with more than six people wasn't my cup of tea.

I wasn't a phobia or anything I could still board them if I wanted to it just left me with a little discomfort.

"Don't worry Salem-san there's a lot of room in the carriage!" Vicktoria reassured. Me and her were the last ones to enter the carriage and there was no room for me to sit. "Guess I was wrong."

"Oh, my guess we overestimated the carriage space." The queen sighed.

"Don't worry my queen I'll leave Jaden and walk. I'll find you at the restaurant." The maid offered while handing the queen the baby.

I around and sighed I could make it work by just transforming into my full owl form and just follow them from the sky or just stay perched on the roof of the carriage.

"Hey I have an idea Salem-san why don't you just transform into a cat like earlier and sit by me." Princess Victoria afforded.

"Transform into a cat. You use transformation magic than?" Prince Arhtur asked.

"Yeah, sort like that but are you all okay with it?" I asked them.

"I see no problem with it what about you dear?" The queen asked the King simply nodded as he was watching me extra carefully.

'Animal soul: Cat.' I transformed into my full cat form and jumped next princess Victoria and sat next to her.

"Hm just like 'her'. I heard Mr. Armstrong mutter.

"Aw your so cute!" Princess Helena out of nowhere got grabbed me and sat on her previous sit while placing me on her lap.

"Big sister I was going to do that?" Princess Victoria pouted a little.

"Am sorry little sister but I couldn't control myself." She chuckled a little and I saw her canine teeth where longer than normal began rubbing my head and I slapped her hand away.

"As great as that feels cut that out." I hissed a little.

"Oh, oh feisty aren't you. I love it." Her face turned in to bliss while she hugged me a little in her chest but hey am not complaining.

"Well since the restaurant is 25 minutes away place since it is still crowded on the streets how about we start discussing what happened." The King said seriously.

"Lawe-sama is right so Salem-san can you tell us anything about the dark mages who tried to kidnap the princess" Mr. Armstrong started the questioning. Guess since he was head of the military that made him the higher up of the Pegasus knights.

"Well first thing I can say is that I saw they're guild marks and they were part of Ouroboro's trap." When I said they entire carriage went silent.

The King narrowed his eyes but his face remained calm, the queen on the and the maid gasped in horror, Mr. Armstrong gritted his teeth in anger a little but remained in control, Mr. Ore rubbed his forehead like he got a sudden headache, prince Athur's reaction was similar to the Mr. Armstrong's but less controlled, princess Helena tighten my hold on me and her face become cold, finally princess Victoria lost shaken maybe by the thought THE dark guild of Pargenda was after her.

"Of course, it's those delinquents again." Mr. Ore sighed like he was completely done.

"Do you know what they want with my daughter?" The king coldly demanded I tell him and his wife placed her hand on his to calm him a little.

"They said they were planning to check if she had a lacrima inside her and that's all I heard."

"Anything else Salem-san have you discover Salem-san like any locations or name?" Mr. Armstrong question more.

"Um all I can say it strictly looked like a capture job. Their team had no mage with high offensive magic. They had a shadow mage who had the special ability to let himself and others travel literary in the shadows, a sensory mage for screwing with people's perception, a barrier mage, and finally two enchanter mages for boosting the others abilities." I finished and to be honest if they were smart enough to bring actual muscle and that fight would have gone differently.

"B-but I don't have a dragon or god slayer lacrima like my elder siblings." Princess blurted out so the twins have slayer magic I guess prince Helena was the dragon slayer since I remember in the show the Natsu and most if not, all other dragon slayers always had the extra-long canine teeth and the prince was the god slayer but I wonder what types they had. But wait shouldn't she be having motion sickness or something.

"Maybe since the twins had special lacrima's of their own they might have thought so did she as well." Mr. Ore shimmed in.

The carriage came to a stop meaning that we had arrived. We got and we all got out of the carriage I turned back normal and I looked at the incredibly big and fancy looking restaurant. So, on impulse I toke out my phone from my requip space and took a picture of the place.

"Hey what's that?" Princess Victoria asked leaning towards my phone.

"Oh it's just a smaller communication lacrima with extra features." I summarized.

"Where did you get such a thing?" The king asked me and the two horsemen looking at my phone in interest.

"A friend of mine gave it to me." I answered while was about putting the phone back in my pocket dimension we got inside and hot damn it was better inside than it was outside and again I took a picture.

"Interesting never seen a lacrima like that before I should ask the scientists at the university." The king mumbled. "The deluxe room." The King ordered the clerk.

"Yes, my king right this way."

Well, that was fast. When I looked around and when I saw the other people in restaurant, I noticed how drastically under dressed I was.

"Man, I can't wait to rub to show this to Morrigan and the Sabers." I chuckled to myself as we got to the deluxe room. And when I got in, I saw why it was called the deluxe room. Some gaurds were outside and some inside.

After we all got sat on the large table, I took off my bandanna and waited for what ever to happen to just happen. There was no waiter or waitress so I just went with the flow.

Then the waiters come into the room with some luxuries looking food.

"Salem-san you have a tail." Princess Victoria told me and looked at her in confusion and I saw my cat tail was out flicking a bit. "Does that always happen." She giggled while poking my tail.

"From time to time." I answered a little embarrassed as the others just looked amused. I was probably never going to eat in a place like this again so better just enjoy it.

After dinner

I was now outside the restaurant stretching I had eaten a huge amount of food along with princess Helena the royals surprising pretty much everyone. I looked at my extra-large bag I got filled with precious materials I could exchange for cash to keep me running for a long time. It was one of my requests as I was broke and needed some income. After that the family had to go back to their home and said goodbye to them. Not after I got a picture with the queen and two princesses which was my second one.

"So, this is where you were." I looked up I so the two horsemen walking towards men.

"Hello again young mage." Mr. Ore greeted me.

"Um hello Mr. horsemen." I waved at them.

"So Salem-san you said you were traveling right?" I nodded. "So might I ask where are going from here."

"Oh, am going to Belum after this." I answered him.

"Salem-san I have an offer for you." Mr. Armstrong said seriously. "I noticed a few things about you first you have high magical power for some one your age at least a B-class mage at best and also your highly intelligent all in all your talented. So, I would like to offer you a place in a new special team in the military. The royal twins are all ready a part of it and the country could use some one off your potential." He finished and I was flabbergasted a little.

"Um thanks sir but I have my own issues to take care off."

"Hm, I understand but Salem-san the country will facing great crises in the years to come so I ask you to reconsider the invitation and if you do the center is located were the head location of the Pegasus knights base in the city Achilles.

"Okay thanks for the info anyway byeii~." I transformed into my owl form and flew off.

General pov

"Too bad he couldn't wait until tomorrow to meet the others am sure Mei would have adored him especially if he could transform into more house pets for her to cuddle." John chuckled a bit at the thought of the female horsemen.

"John-sama." Calvin called out to him


"That boy his looks and magic remind me of THAT woman."

"The phantom queen you mean is that why you invited him to join you new team?" John looked at his fellow horseman and saw his hair covering his eyes and put a hand on his shoulder.

With the royal family

"Mother?" Victoria called out to her mother as the were in the carriage on there way to their home.

"Yes dear what is it." Willow looked down at her daughter. To be honest she was still honest about her after the events which took place and it only grew when she figured out it was Ouroboros Trap behind the kidnapping.

"Do you think I'll ever see Salem-san again." She asked

"Am sure you will sweety." She said softly rubbing her head. "Though I am curious about that lacrima of his though." She thought about the picture the boy took of her and her daughters.

"Speaking of him yeah Victoria did you see anymore abilities he had." Arthir asked his younger sister.

"Well from what I could see he was a Take-over mage he transformed into a harpy and an artic wolf, but he once transformed into a lightning creature I've never seen before in any my books." She thought back to the powerful lightning creature see saw.

'Hm very interesting we could really use a mage of his caliber in our ranks.' The king thought.

"I wonder who strong he was though." Athur put his hands on his chin.

"I thought he was little cute though." Helena twilled her hair a bit. "But there was some thing off about him. He felt a little draconic like my lacrima." She said and her whole family looked at her a little shocked.

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