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30.43% PrimeTime : Reloaded / Chapter 7: Realization

Capítulo 7: Realization

Primetime: Chapter 7

Welcome to chapter 7 of primetime.

Tags: Uzumaki Kushina, MILF, Corruption, Cheating, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism

Discord server (Sublime Vectors) invite code: nm8hVrk7zr

Thank you to my discord server members for their valuable feedback and suggestions. I hope you like some of them being taken into account.

If you liked the chapter, kindly take a minute of your time to leave a review. They help me to encourage me to write the next chapter.

Posted on : Apr 2 2023


Chapter 7: Realization

While Kushina slept posting a small clip of hers, The internet wasn't asleep. Her post immediately reached views in thousands just after a few minutes as comments started getting spammed from everywhere.

The sun had barely risen when Kushina woke up and immediately checked her phone. She had received a couple of messages, one from her hubby.

"Looking delicious, Kushina. I will leave for the office late tomorrow, so we can have some 😉 😉" Minato's message said. She immediately replied with 😏emoji.

The other one was from Yami.

"That is one bold pic, Kushina-san. You look so hot and erotic 🥵"

Kushina didn't know what he was talking about as she opened her ninjagram. She had received over 5000 followers overnight, and her clip already had over 200000 views.

As she scrolled through her notifications, her heart raced when she saw the small clip she had posted before sleeping. She realised her nipples were poking through her pyjama tops. Her face matched the colour of her hair as multiple thoughts entered her mind.

"No, I didn't post it like that" were the words that escaped her mouth.

Kushina stared at the screen, scrolling through the comments on her clip. Some were complimentary, others explicit, and all of them made her heart race. She knew she shouldn't have posted the picture, but the rush of excitement had been too much to resist.

SuperFan#1: Amazing as always, Kushina-sama!!!

CanadianWhiskey95: It seems that someone is alone.. thanks again, Husband😏

Flex: shake your tits.

Redlox23: I am not going to wear a condom when we fuck, but we won't have kids. You and I both want this.

BeastRune: I bet you haven't gotten enough attention recently. I will have you scream my name as I suck your boobies!

P_Kart: LOL, for things like this, my girlfriend hates when I see your program.

Flemm24: those nipples are going to poke someone's eye out.

B*BS: Nice ❤️❤️. Make another but blowing kisses.

Prexa-tyr: This will go to the collection "Kushina newdes"

SSC@R: lol, share the link.

Prexa-tyr: https://

Baicho: jiggle giggle wanna mingle 🍼

Shinsuke: Baicho WTF

Haihuen: Yeah, shake em

Rain: show us a boob

SsKushiFan: My Snake Is Ready To Strike, for all fans. You should see more on kunoichihub.

CookiesAndMilf: Whip them out Bitch

Kivax: Damn, Miss Uzumaki. I can't wait for the next parent meeting day.

Chadzilla6969: Show Ur Tits

BobTheBuilder: yeah, Do It

YamiKagetsu: #Kushina Amazing Photo Kushina

TigerTeacher: damn, u believe her husband is never home. Can't wait for the next.

But as Kushijna read through the comments, a feeling of guilt started to creep in. What had she been thinking? She was a respected news reporter, not some kind of social media hookie. And yet, here she was, with a post that was definitely not safe for work.

She couldn't believe she had actually done it, but she couldn't deny the rush of excitement that came with it.

She marked the post private, hiding it from everyone. She couldn't help but feel conflicted. On the one hand, she was relieved that she had taken it down before too many people saw it. But on the other hand, the thought of all those people lusting after her was...exciting.

"What if my colleagues or Naruto saw the comments? What if I lost my job or my reputation?

" she murmured out loud as her fingers kept scrolling.

As she read through the dirty comments, a part of her felt a thrill that she couldn't explain. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help the rush of adrenaline that came with all that attention. She was both excited and guilty simultaneously, and she didn't know what to do about it.

"I'm such an idiot," she muttered to herself, but a small smile played at the corners of her mouth. Despite her guilt, she couldn't help but feel a little

She was about to close the app when her eyes landed on incoming message requests. It was like her inbox was bombed. She ignored the message requests as she looked through DMs from previous messages.

Opening a message, it was from 'sportyNinja'. She remembered him from the last time he commented in her previous post about reporting dirty comments. She opened his message.

"Don't worry, Kushina-san, I have already reported bad comments. They will be removed soon 👍"

Kushina sighed a bit. At least some of the fans were helpful.

She replied back with a thumbs up.

Opening another message which was from 'Ghosthunter'.

"Kushina-san, I don't know if you know this, but there is an online site called 'Kunoichihub'. They have forums where people share your pictures and talk dirty about you. You can see this here www.*******.com"

Kushina's heart beat faster as she realised the extent of the situation. She didn't know what to do or how to react, but she knew she couldn't ignore it. She knew she shouldn't click links from unknown persons, but ended up clicking on the link as her curiosity got the better of her. And the site opened on her browser,

There the title of the page said it all. KunoichiHub - Where we bang. The link had directly taken to her thread. It was titled "Kushina Namikaze", and the tags 'Ninjagram', 'MILF', and 'redhead' were in front of her name. She was surprised there were already 10 pages on this thread. The first page contained the posts from her Ninjagram, screenshots from her show on KTV and even some pictures she didn't remember taking. She then clicked the button to take her to the last page.

Her face coloured red as she saw her last clip being posted here, and the picture with Yami before that had the caption, "Milf got definitely fucked by this dude, see its before and after."

'There was one other link too,' she thought as she came back to messages in ninjagram

This link took her directly to a different thread, and it was titled "MILF Kushina discussions."

Kushina couldn't believe what she was reading. She had always known that the internet could be a cruel and degenerate place, but the explicit and vulgar comments about her on KunoichiHub were beyond anything she had imagined. The comments here were even dirtier than she could have imagined. It was a cesspool of depravity, with people talking about her body in graphic detail and sharing fantasies that made her skin crawl. She tried to remind herself that it was just a small group of anonymous people on the internet, but the comments still got to her.

As she scrolled through the thread, she saw that many of the users were sharing her pictures and discussing her body in graphic detail. Some even seemed to be requesting more pictures or videos of her. Kushina felt a mix of fear and arousal at the thought of strangers lusting after her in such a way.

She knew she should ignore the messages and move on, but a part of her couldn't resist the temptation of reading more. After all, it wasn't every day that she got to see people discussing her in such a way. The guilt of feeling aroused by the comments only added to her internal struggle.

But even as she tried to look away, she couldn't help but feel a strange thrill at all the attention. It was like a guilty pleasure that she couldn't resist. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help but feel turned on by all those people lusting after her.

As Kushina scrolled through the thread, she couldn't believe the things she was reading. A user had written, "I'd love to bend her over and spank that ass until it's red." another chimed in, "I'd pay good money to see her get pounded by a real man." another user added, "That slut needs to learn her place and stop acting like she's something special."

The comments only got worse from there. Another user wrote, "I bet she loves taking it up the ass like the dirty whore she is." A user agreed, "That's all she's good for, really." another chimed in, "I'd love to see her on her knees, begging for it."

Kushina didn't even know what she was feeling. She knew she should be angry, but her anger seemed lost somewhere. Instead, she felt some arousal reading these comments. Another wrote, "I'd love to see her tits bouncing as she takes it from behind." another comment read, "I'd like to fill that mouth of hers with something other than words." Another comment read, "I'd love to teach her a lesson and show her who's boss."

Kushina couldn't help but feel more aroused and embarrassed as she continued to read. A user wrote, "I hope someone leaks her nudes so we can all see what she's really hiding." another added, "I bet she's a total freak in bed, but too scared to show it on camera." another said, "She's nothing but a cheap slut who needs to be put in her place. She deserves to be treated like the worthless piece of meat she is."

She scrolled through the comments, and her heart raced at the thought of all those people imagining her in their wildest fantasies. It was wrong, she knew that, but she couldn't help the rush of excitement that came with it.

Kushina sighed and put her phone down. She knew she had to stop reading the comments and move on with the day. But she also knew that the memory of the messages and the feeling of arousal they had caused would linger with her for a long time to come.

This was just a start as much as she would try to resist, she would find herself coming back to the forum again and again, craving the validation that came with all those dirty comments. It would be like a drug that she couldn't quit, and she knew deep down that it was only a matter of time before it consumed her completely.


Kushina climbed out of bed and went to freshen up. Standing in front of the mirror, she couldn't help but look at herself in a different light. She noticed every curve and every flaw, and for a moment, she felt a sense of shame at being aroused by those comments. But then she remembered that she was a strong woman and that she shouldn't let the comments affect her.

After freshening up, Kushina decided to do some yoga to clear her mind and waved to the friendly old couple on the neighbouring balcony. As she moved through the different poses, she felt her body's tension slowly fade away. It was a peaceful and calming experience that helped her focus on the present moment.

Once she was done with her yoga, Kushina went to wake up Naruto. She gently shook him awake and watched as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. She smiled as she saw his messy hair and sleepy expression.

Kushina then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. She started to cook some eggs and bacon, humming a tune to herself as she worked. Cooking was always therapeutic for her, and she found it helped her relax and forget about the stresses of life.

As Naruto sat down at the table, Kushina placed a plate of food before him. She watched as he eagerly dug in, enjoying every bite. She felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had made him happy.

"Ano Kaa-chan, I have decided what I want once you reach 500000 followers," Naruto said, breaking Kushina from thoughts.

"Ohh, And what does my sochi-kun want ?" Kushina replied playfully

"I want the latest Nin-phone," Naruto said with a huge grin.

"Nin-phone, huh," Kushina said dumbly. It was the costliest phone in the market. She knew Minato owned one of the older versions provided to him at the job.

"Yes, yes, Now that you are popular, we can easily get it, right ?" Naruto replied with stars in his eyes.

Kushina just nodded dumbly. Honestly, she hadn't even thought of upgrading her phone. 'Oh boy, it seems I would have to get a new expensive phone for myself as well, given I would be meeting all these stars', she thought.

"Yay, Kaa-chan is the best. Wait till I shove this on Kiba's face," Naruto shouted, too happy at the aspect of getting a nod from her. Then he looked at Kushina again.

"Wait, Kaa-chan, who was that man ?" Naruto asked her about it yesterday, he hadn't asked her about it yesterday, too happy that his mother would get him the autographs of celebrities and he would be a popular boy in class.

"Who? Yami ?" Kushina asked as Naruto nodded. She said, "He is one of my colleagues' at my work ''. She lied, knowing Naruto would hardly understand the concept of shareholders, and calling Yami boss didn't feel right.

"I don't like him," Naruto said, pouting.

"Ara, Is my sochi jealous ?" Kushina giggled at his annoyed face.

"I'm not", Naruto replied as he smacked her hand away, which was coming towards his hair.

"Oh look, it's time for you to go to school," Kushiona said, looking at the clock.

"Ah, I'm late !!" Naruto shouted as he ran to his room, leaving Kushina giggling.

The talk with Naruto lightened her mood, and she almost forgot about the dirty comments. 'I will have to remain strong and not let them affect me at all. ' she thought.

After Naruto departed for school, Kushina sighed lazily, eying the house. She didn't have much to do today, and the house also seemed cleaner. Looking at her phone, she smiled as she noticed several more followers notifications.

'I have a primetime show today. Better get to the script,' she thought as she walked to her room.

Kushina sat at her desk, opening her laptop. Indeed there was mail from the office. She had a script to read, going through the script for tonight's news show. She couldn't help but feel a bit distracted by the comments she had read about herself on the forum. She tried calling Minato, but he didn't answer. She knew he was probably busy, but the feeling of being ignored only added to her frustration.

Kushina tried to focus on the script, but her mind kept drifting back to the comments. She couldn't believe the things people were saying about her. She had always known she was beautiful, but those comments were something else. They awakened something in her. Opening her phone, she again opened her discussions page on the forum. She knew she should just ignore it, but for some reason, she couldn't shake the temptation to re-read those comments again.

She begins checking her older photos that were posted there on the forum, which she slowly begins to remember. She gasps in surprise as she recognises a picture where she had worn a tight skirt for work. She realised that some of the users posting her pics were from her own work, as there was no way an outsider could get their hands on those pictures. She never thought they were lusting after her, and as she read their comments, she started to get turned on and excited, knowing that she was sought after.

"But who could have taken these pictures?" she wondered. "Could it be Dengaku? Or Genma-san? They always try to flirt with me." She thought about Yami, but she couldn't believe he would do something like this. " He will do more than just post pics if he can." she worded out loud.

As she read through the comments again, she absentmindedly traced her fingers along her inner thigh. She was wearing a loose skirt paired with a blue sleeveless shirt. The sensation sent shivers up her spine, and she closed her eyes, imagining Minato's hands on her skin. Rising from her chair, she took a position on her bed, legs spread with her back leaning on the headrest.

She slid a hand down her body, over her stomach and onto her thighs. She slipped her hand under her skirt, which was already pulled up to her upper thighs. She started to touch herself more urgently, her breath coming in short gasps. As she circled her clit with her fingers over the panties, she couldn't help but imagine all those people from the forum watching her, touching themselves to her image. She ran her other hand over her breasts, teasing her nipples until they were hard and sensitive.

"Oh god," she whispered, feeling the wetness between her thighs. She was already feeling wet, and the touch of her fingers only made her more aroused. She moved her hand further, feeling the dampness between her legs.

She closed her eyes and let her fingers work their magic, stroking her clit over her thin panties. Her fingers now pull the panties aside and directly rub her over her slits. She imagined the anonymous commenters from the forum and her coworkers watching her, getting turned on by her pleasure. She thought of their faces and their thoughts of seeing her like this.

"Mmm, you like watching me, don't you?" she moaned, imagining their responses. "You want to see more?". She blurted out loud, imagining the camera crews from her studio clicking her pictures.

As the pleasure built, she brought the phone to her face and started to read all those comments again. The thought of all those people watching her and judging her made her feel so exposed, yet it was also strangely exciting.

"Oh, yes," she whispered to herself. "That feels so good. Oh god !!" she moaned out, as she rubbed her clit in small circles, imagining the faceless strangers from the forum to faces of her coworkers touching her instead.

Keeping the phone down, her other hand wandered over her body, tracing lines along her thighs and hips, stomach and chest. She squeezed her breasts, imagining strong hands groping her.

"You want to touch me, don't you?" she whispered. "You want to feel me all over." She spoke, reading and imagining the looks of imaginary watchers.

Her breathing grew heavier, and her moans louder as she brought herself closer and closer to orgasm. She imagined her men's strong hands on her body, his breath hot against her ear.

She let out a louder moan, feeling her body heat up with each passing second. 'I can't believe I'm doing this', she thought to herself, but it only made her more excited.

"Yes, oh yes," She let out a series of moans, unable to control the sounds escaping her lips. "Yes, yes, just like that," she gasped, moving her fingers faster and harder.

Her body began to shake as she approached her climax, her fingers moving in a frenzy. It wasn't long before she felt the orgasm building inside her. The thought of being watched like that and being desired by so many people pushed her over the edge. She cried out, her body convulsing with pleasure as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

"Ah, Minatoooo", She moaned out loud as she brought herself to climax and then lay there for a few minutes, catching her breath.

As she caught her breath, she couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed of herself. 'What am I doing, touching myself like that? But then again, who is going to know? And why do I care so much about what those people on the forum think? Besides, it's not cheating. It's just a fantasy, ' She thought.

While part of her couldn't believe what she had just done, but she knew that she wanted more.

Her phone buzzed with a message from Yami. "What does he want now ?" She spoke to herself. She saw a good morning message and asked her if she was free after she was done with work. She sees the picture he sent previously where he was in a swimming pool. Kushina immediately closed the photo as her mind started to wander on his muscles.

She replied it was unlikely, as she had a Primetime show tonight.

"Get hold of yourself, Kushina '' she told herself as she stood up and corrected her dress. After a round in the washroom and splashing herself with cold water, she started re-reading the script.

Despite her mind being overly distracted, she read through the script, making notes on what she wanted to emphasise.

As she was reading, Kushina received a message from Shizune saying she would need to come in a bit earlier in the evening. She sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed, but knew that she would need to get through it.

In the afternoon, Kushina cooked lunch for herself and Naruto. Once Naruto came back, they ate together before she had to leave for the office. Naruto helped her clean up and gave her a hug before she left for work.

"Be safe, Mom," Naruto said as she walked out the door.

Kushina felt a twinge of guilt at leaving Naruto alone these days in Minato's, but she knew that she needed to go to work. She had dressed in her casual wear today, getting used to changing at the office these days. Kazuto-san greeted her as usual and drove her to the office. Despite seeming a normal day, Kushina could feel nothing was going to be normal again. She hadn't visited the forums again, But she wanted to know what they posted more about her. She didn't dare open the link again as she didn't want to be distracted on the job.


Cut to KTV office

It had been a long and busy day for Danzo, the KTV boss. He had spent the day getting the required votes to pass more control and funding to him and dealing with a lot of paperwork. One of the things he had been working on was getting a legal 'A certificate' from Japan's broadcast association for KTV. Danzo had grown increasingly impatient, eager to get all the legal paperwork and legal mush-mush passed as soon as possible. He knew that Kushina was a valuable asset to the KTV, and he was determined to make the most of her 'talents'. He could tell that, while the woman would do anything to get more fame, having just tasted a bit of stardom, but before he could push her, He needed to be ready and cover all his bases.

Danzo was a shrewd and calculating man, and he knew how to get what he wanted. He had a network of spies and informants who kept him informed about everything that was going on in the news industry. He used this information to his advantage, manipulating people and situations to achieve his goals. And he was determined to make sure that KTV became number one, no matter what it took. He knew getting a certificate would be a challenge, but he had a secret weapon - his 'spies' had uncovered the fact that Hideki Sharakawa, the head of the broadcast association, was a huge fan of Kushina.

Determined to use this to his advantage, Danzo invited Hideki to the studio to watch the live broadcast of Kushina's show. He was confident that this would sway Hideki's decision in his favour and secure the 'A certificate'. As he waited for Hideki's arrival, Danzo couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of his plan coming together all so perfectly.


As Kushina arrived at the KTV studio, she made her way straight to her dressing room, aka Shizune's office, ignoring her name being called by some of the staff. She tried not to think about her pictures that might have been put by some of the men here. Shizune was already there, waiting for her with another version of her outfit. "Good evening, Kushina-san," Shizune said with a bow. "Here is your new outfit for today's show."

"Thank you, Shizune," Kushina replied, taking the outfit from her. She quickly changed into it and sat down in front of the mirror for her makeup and let the artists do the job. While changing, she had again felt a sense of excitement getting undressed in the office but had quickly quashed it.

She picked up the script and read through it again, making sure she knew all her lines.

Kushina was deep in thought, going over her lines for the show, when Shizune interrupted her. "Kushina-san, Danzo-sama would like to meet you before the show."

Kushina nodded and smiled, "Thanks, Shizune-san!."

Kushina's heart sank a little while she didn't fear Danzo, but he was still her boss. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves before making her way to Danzo's office.

As she approached his door, Kushina couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. ' What could he possibly want to talk about now? What if he had bad news about the ratings?' She pushed those thoughts aside and knocked on the door, waiting for permission to enter.

"Ah, Kushina, come in," Danzo said, his voice curt and businesslike. Kushina stepped inside, her eyes darting around the room nervously.

"I wanted to speak to you about tonight's show," Danzo continued, his gaze fixed on her. Kushina braced herself, waiting for the worst.

Kushina nodded nervously. "Of course, boss. Is everything okay?" she spoke, trying to be her usual self.

Danzo smiled reassuringly. "Everything is fine, Kushina. I just wanted to let you know that we have a special guest tonight, and I think it's important that we make a good impression. We need his support if we want to take KTV to new heights. It's a golden opportunity, and I expect us to make the most of it. "

Kushina nodded, relieved that there was no bad news. "I understand, boss. What can I do to help?"

Danzo leaned forward. "I need you to act 'favourably' with our guest tonight, Kushina. I want you to pay special attention to him. Can you do that for me?"

Kushina hesitated for a moment, feeling uncomfortable with the request. As if seeing her hesitation, Danzo again spoke, "I'm not asking you to do anything inappropriate, Nothing extra, just be more attentive to him, Kushina-san. I just need you to be minded tonight."

She stood there silent for a moment but ultimately nodded her agreement. "Yes, boss. I'll do my best to make sure to pay attention to our guest."

Danzo smiled. "I knew I could count on you, Kushina. Now, go out there and be ready for my signal."

Kushina left Danzo's office feeling uneasy but determined to do her job to the best of her ability. She took a deep breath and headed towards the green room, ready to prepare for the show.

Meanwhile, Danzo couldn't help but feel relieved at Kushina taking his command professionally, and he didn't even need to disclose the real reason to her.


As she waited in the green room for her cue to go on, Kushina couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She started pacing back and forth, going over the lines in her head.

Suddenly, the door to the green room burst open, and in walked her boss, Danzo, with a Man. He seemed to be a muscular Japanese man with average height in his forties. While Kushina wouldn't call him handsome, he wasn't so bad to look at either.

"Kushina, meet Mr Hideki Sharakawa ", Danzo spoke, introducing the man. Kushina bowed and couldn't help but notice how well-built he was and how he looked like a master practitioner of traditional martial arts.

She immediately noticed how his eyes seemed glued to her form. She felt as if he was gazing through her clothes. Despite feeling a bit uncomfortable with his gaze, Kushina put on a polite smile and engaged in some small talk with him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Sharakawa. Thank you for coming to the show tonight," Kushina said, bowing slightly.

"The pleasure is all mine, Kushina-san," he replied, returning the bow.

As the show began, Kushina took her place on the small stage. She started reading today's topics. Her dress, as usual, was the main attraction for the viewers.

She tried to ignore Mr Sharakawa's presence in the front row but couldn't help but feel his eyes on her every move. She did her best to maintain her composure, delivering the news with her usual poise and occasional bows conveniently directed at the guest of the day.

As the show progressed, Kushina couldn't help but feel a strange urge inside her. Something about Mr Sharakawa's gaze was turning her on. She found herself stealing glances at Mr Sharakawa, wondering what he was thinking. While she didn't let her thoughts and emotions show on her face delivering news perfectly.

The show ended, and there was a cheer from the staff and some clapping as well. Kushina did a slight bow to everyone in the room. She saw many people waiting for Danzo and the guest to leave the room and approach her but to their disappointment, Danzo asked her to come with them.

As Hideki praised Kushina for her performance, they made their way to Danzo's office. Reaching the office, Hideki was courteous enough to pull a chair for her, but as she sat down, she unknowingly gave Hideki a tantalising view of her pert round bottom in her tight skirt.

"That was a good show, Kushina-san. I hope you continue like this," Hideki again praised as he took the seat beside her.

"Thank you, Sharkawa-san," Kushina replied.

Danzo took control of the conversation here, talking about his plans for KTV, nothing too much in detail. After a few minutes of idle chit-chat, Danzo said, "Let's talk further at some dinner. "

"Of course, Of course, Hideki immediately agreed. I hope Kushina-san will also join us," He said.

Danzo then looked at Kushina. At first, she planned to decline, but after thinking about her boss's previous words, she nodded her head, albeit reluctantly

"It will be my honour. Thank you for the invitation." she nodded as she spoke.

'It's not like Minato was waiting for me at home anyway', she thought.

As they made their way out of the building, Kushina messaged Katzo that she would be a bit late today, so their trip was cancelled. Kushina also messaged Naruto that she would be a bit late tonight, so she may be unable to make breakfast for him in the morning. She told him he could do some instant ramen in the morning or get food from the canteen at school.

'While this is a surprise, I must make the best of this situation', Kushina thought while looking at her companions. She was walking slowly between the men. Looking at a few of the staff members who were in a state of a bind, whether to ogle her or be afraid of Danzo. In the end, it seemed fear won as they just looked on from the sides.

Finally, they reached outside the building, where a luxurious car was waiting for them. Danzo explained that it was the company's special vehicle for a special occasion. The interior was quite luxurious, with a driver on the other side of a literal partition. Hideki was impressed and entered the car first, taking the seat, Danzo Followed and sat on the opposite side of the guest. Kushina entered after Danzo and was about to sit beside her boss but gave her a signal, indicating that she should take the seat beside Hideki.

As they drove to the restaurant, Hideki struck up a conversation with Kushina. "So, Kushina, tell me more about yourself. How did you get into this field?"

Kushina smiled and replied, "Well, I've always been interested in performing. I used to do plays in school and eventually started working in small theatres. I quit work after I married, and now that Naruto, my son, is older, I decided to work again. I'm lucky that I got the opportunity to audition for KTV, and here I am."

Hideki nodded, "That's impressive. It's really hard to make a comeback in this industry after leaving. You must have a lot of talent to have made it this far."

Kushina blushed at the compliment, "Thank you. I'm trying my best."

Danzo chimed in, "And your best is certainly impressive. You are the highlight of our Primetime show."

Kushina smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Danzo-sama. It means a lot to me." she truly was happy Danzo didn't give out compliments, and this was the first time she was openly complimented by him.

"Well, I hope you continue your good work," Hideki added.

As the car glided through the busy streets, the three passengers settled into their plush seats. Kushina felt Hideki leaning towards her. She was in such close proximity to him that she could easily smell his cologne. On the opposite side, Danzo seemed deep in thought, and he seemed to eye her every move.

Hideki and Kushina engaged in conversation about various topics. However, when Hideki mentioned how much he loved Kushina's new avatar, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, much to her discomfort. She was about to pull away, but Danzo noticed the interaction and nodded at Kushina. She decided to let his arms around her, breasts now occasionally rubbed against his body. This caused her to become increasingly bothered by the situation. Inside, she was struggling with her sexual desires, having gone without release for the past few days. Hideki, thinking that Kushina was enjoying the attention, continued to keep his hands on her shoulders and enjoyed the feeling of the redhead in his arms. Despite her misgivings, however, she couldn't help feeling a sense of anticipation as they drew closer to their destination.

The restaurant "the Kurama Highs" was one of the finest in the city, a five-star establishment that catered to the wealthy and powerful. As they entered the ornate dining room, Kushina couldn't help but feel out of place. She was wearing her usual work clothes, a plain blouse and skirt, while Danzo and Hideki were both dressed in tailored suits.

This was a highly rated traditional Japanese hotel where they were taken to a pre-booked spacious private room with separate sliding paper doors. After leaving their shoes at the doors, they quickly enter the room. The room is set up with typical traditional Japanese tatami mats. As they settled into the room, Kushina couldn't help but admire the traditional Japanese decor. She felt like she was transported back in time to a simpler era when everything was more peaceful. Danzou noticed her admiring the paintings on the walls and said, "These paintings depict famous battles from the warring era. They are quite valuable, you know. But the hotel management decided to keep them here for high-paying guests to enjoy."

On the one side room had a dining table set slightly above floor height with a seating arrangement for four. The other side had a sleeping mattress along with a small dashboard, with space for sake bottles and water Kushina guessed it must have been quite pricey.

"I have known the owner of this hotel since my childhood. Originally this place was owned by his father, who had just started this as a hot springs establishment back then. But slowly, it was upgraded to a hotel. Now they have various other branches across Japan. This room is, in fact, one of their new premium services. It is a private room where guests can come eat, party and maybe even rest, all in the same room. It's mostly used by people who want privacy, good food and a small area to cool off. It seems to be quite a hit among people,'' Danzo added. Of course, Kushina didn't know the real loophole of this arrangement. She was really amazed by this idea. She is also amazed by Danzo's knowledge and is eager to try out this service.

Kushina nodded, impressed. "I had no idea this hotel had such a rich history," she said.

The trio quickly sit down around the Japanese-styled dining table. Kushina is again seated beside Hideki on the left, who, now encouraged by her previous silence, pulls her closer and places one of his left hands up her thigh.

Kushina felt a chill run down her spine as Hideki's hand slid up her thigh. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to move away without drawing attention to herself. Danzo and Hideki continued to talk about the KTV ratings, seemingly oblivious to Kushina's discomfort.

When Hideki made his comment about her beauty and competence, she forced a smile and replied, "Thank you, Hideki-san. I appreciate your kind words."

She caught his hand, trying to push it away, but it seemed to have worked as Hideki spoke. "Kushina-san, you should learn to take compliments. Danzo-san is correct. You are a beautiful woman who knows how to do the job, right?" he said, taking his hand away from her grip and taking it around her lower back, resting on her waist.

As the waiter arrived, Kushina was grateful for the distraction. Hideki took the menu. His hand had seemingly left her. She quickly looked at the menu as well, hoping to avoid any further unwanted advances from Hideki, especially in front of her boss.

As they peruse the menu, Hideki recommends a few dishes, displaying his knowledge of traditional Japanese cuisine. Even though she was a bit annoyed, Kushina was still impressed by his expertise.

She listened to Danzo and Hideki's choices of some light snacks as starters and some sake. Kushina quickly decided on some Ramen Takayoki as a starter and some Okonomiyaki as the main course. As she ordered, Hideki's hand moved again, trailing from her waist to her back again, and she felt his fingers tracing small circles there. Her face started to blush. She looked at the waiter writing down orders, while a part of her wanted nothing but to push away his hands and leave this meeting. She couldn't help but feel aroused. Her thoughts went to comments she had read and how she had played with herself today.

Kushina tried to ignore the sensation and stay focused on the conversation, but it was difficult. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that this was just a job. She couldn't let her personal feelings get in the way.

Drinks came almost instantaneously, along with snacks. As the waiter poured the sake into small cups, everyone, including Kushina, raised their cups and cheered, "kampai!". She knew well she was lightweight when it came to alcohol. She occasionally drinks at home and very rarely in public settings, generally with Minato by her side. As she took a small sip and felt the hot, bitter liquid travel down her throat.

The waiter quickly refilled their cups. In addition, he filled four more cups. Hideki's hand continued to rub her lower back over her shirt, trying to pull it out of her skirt. She felt a bit uneasy as well as increasingly goosebumps from his touches. "Feeling alright, Kushina-san, not much of a sake lover, is it? But in my personal opinion, you should get used to it now. I think you would be attending lots of meetings now, isn't that right, Danzo-san ?" The man spoke, looking at Danzo.

Kushina looked towards her boss, who, as usual, with a stoic face, nodded and replied, "Of course, you are going to be in the big leagues, Kushina. You should develop some of their hobbies. I am sure you will succeed further by learning new skills. And drinking gracefully is also a skill."

She didn't know why but hearing those from her boss, she felt challenged, and with a surge of new confidence, she quickly took her sake cup. She quickly finished her sake cup and placed it back on the table " Of course, boss, I can develop new hobbies and learn new skills. I'll make sure to explore new hobbies and learn new skills to better serve our organisation."

Hideki smirked at Kushina's response and moved another filled cup in front of her. "That's the spirit, Kushina-san," he said, "A woman like you needs to broaden her horizons and try new things. Who knows what else you might discover about yourself." Kushina looked at Danzo, nodding in agreement as he took another sip of his sake.

"To Kushina-san's new hobbies," Hideki muttered from the sides. She eyed him as he drank from his cup. She picks up the cup and finishes it like it's just water, and it's not long before the second cup also joins the table.

By now, the waiter had also bought starters ordered by them. She gracefully took a bite of the Ramen Takayoki and was pleasantly surprised by the burst of flavour. "This is delicious," she remarked. She heard Hideki calling for more drinks.

As this was happening, Danzo took out some papers and a pen "Hideki-san, How about we complete our formalities so that KTV can grow stronger and prosper? Won't you agree?"

Hideki takes a look at Kushina, who is busy eating her starter, grins, and picks up the pen, and quickly signs documents without even reading them. "Of course, I can't wait to see what you have in store".

Now the waiter comes in with a tray full of sake-filled cups. There had to be a dozen of them. Hideki places a cup in front of Kushina while men take each one. "To KTV, the best channel to be, cheers !" They shout as Kushina joins.

Kushina quickly finishes her sake cup again. She is feeling the effects of alcohol in her system. She could feel her cheeks turning redder and her body starting to feel warmer.

"Oh wow, take it easy, Kushina-san," Hideki said in a comforting voice. She felt Hideki's hand rubbing her back but didn't notice as he unhooked and loosened the zipper of her skirt. Them being on the side of her skirt made it easy. It was also easier since they were sitting in a Japanese-style diner.

"Are you alright, Kushina-san ?" Kushina just nods, and her mind starts to get clouded. The effects of alcohol and lust started to loosen her up a bit.

As Kushina nodded, Hideki placed two more sake cups in front of her. "These are the last ones before we move on to the main course", he grunted while licking his lips and gazing at Kushina. She brings sake to her mouth while not wanting to drink but doesn't want to disappoint her boss and fail at her job. As she drinks, she feels a slight tugging on her shirt, and before she can do anything, she feels a hand inside her shirt on the bare skin of her back, sending shivers through her body.

"Kushina-san, relax. You are quite stiff. We are all friends here". His hand tracing on her spine, Kushina shuddered, not knowing how to act. His hand reached over the hooks of her bra with a small click, and she felt the pressure around her chest being released.

"There, it should help you relax" she nods at him as she feels his hand move out of her shirt, barely realising about her unhooked bra. His hand, now resting on her thighs, doesn't do much as he slowly starts to pull her skirt up. The skirt had already quite ridden up when they had sat down, and with his action, it was pushed up even more. Inebriated by alcohol and sexual tensions from the last few days catch up to her. She tried to push his hands away without much success, which was tracing her inner thighs close to her underwear.

Kushina barely registers Danzo standing up, "Hideki-san, I will have to cut this meeting short as I have an early day tomorrow. Please enjoy your meal", while pointing to Kushina.

Hideki gave the man a nod from his position and responded, " Thanks for the meal Danzo-san."

Danzo then looks at the redhead, not minding the state of her dress and all but orders, " Kushina takes care of Hideki-san to make sure his needs are fulfilled . The company car will drop you wherever you want to go tonight" without waiting for her reply he goes out leaving her in the clutches of Hideki.

As Danzo leaves the room, He signals one of the waiters, who simply slide the door to close with a "Do Not Disturb " tag hanging from it.


With Danzo gone, Hideki abandoned all acts of subtlety. Before she could even blink, he pulled her to his lap. Her already loosened skirt hiked up around her stomach, displaying her thong to the man's lust-filled gaze.

Kushina lets out a surprised gasp. "What are you doiinnnng ah ah " she moans and closes her mouth immediately to prevent sound as his hand starts rubbing between her legs over her thong.

"Wow, very naughty-naughty Kushina-chan, you are already so wettt." Hideki purred as he grinned, adding 'chan' to her name.

Kushina meanwhile tried to free herself from his grip as her body writhed from pleasure on his lap. While she was feeling good, her mind was still struggling somewhat.

She could feel his boner through his clothing between her ass cheeks. She feels his other hand going inside her shirt and groping her breasts. She is unable to think clearly. She doubted even without alcohol, she would be able to put up a fight.

Hideki pulls out her strapless bra and throws it across the room as he kneads her big breasts in her shirt again. His other hand slowly slides under her skimpy underwear, feeling the moistness and heat over her slit.

Kushina feels an intrusion on her pussy as a couple of fingers enter her. "Wow, I can't believe you're getting wetter and wetter. I am told you are married. What will your husband think of you, slutty woman ?" He speaks as his other hand traces the wedding ring on her fingers.

Kushina starts moaning out loud at the mention of the word husband, as thoughts of Minato come to her mind. She is quickly silenced as Hideki places fingers inside her mouth, fingers that were coated in her own fluids. "What are you doing, woman? Do you want to get caught ?"

Kushina lets out a whimpering moan, as she tasted her own juices. She didn't even remember when was the last time she had tasted herself. Without waiting for her reply, Hideki quickly unbuttons her shirt, baring her globes of flesh to his eyes. Taking her left breast in his hand and rubbing her already stiff nipple between his fingers, "These are really something, hehe, Kushina-chan, I always wanted to glob them. These are soft and bouncy, I'm so jealous of your man. What a wonderful and unforgettable experience."

Her body writhes more from the pleasure as both his hands join in mauling her breasts. "You like this, don't you, Kushina-chan ?"

Her back arches up " ah no, ah on..ah", he stands up, picking up Kushina along with him in a bridal style. As soon as he places her on the mattress, he starts attacking her breasts with his mouth licking and suckling on them. His hands were not idle, too, as they quickly removed her thong from her body.

Kushina gave in to the man enjoying it as he started to suck on her nipples. His fingers play with her pussy lips as his mouth works on her upper body. Kushina is a moaning mess as her hands grab sheets, and her back arches up.

As Hideki releases her breasts, he grabs her head in the process, and the knot on her hair gets opened. Looking into her hazy violet eyes, he says," You have a magnificent and perverse body. It's so easy to get aroused. Are you excited, Kushina-chan?"

Kushina shakes her head " Nooo, my bodyyy is not peerrrversss.... ah", the words try to come out shakily from her mouth.

She is unable to complete the sentence as his lips crash onto hers. Her violet eyes widen as his tongue tries to invade her mouth. Hideki's other hand, which was working on her pussy, finds her clit and tugs at it. This action causes her mouth to open where his tongue locks with her.

As he kisses her, his fingers continuously stimulate her pussy, and within minutes all pent-up sexual frustration and build-up tension reach its peak for Kushina. Her whole body shudders back, arching, and a huge moan would have escaped her mouth if it wasn't for her mouth locked in with Hideki.

She cums on his hands. He pulls out his fingers from her pussy and releases her back on the mattress. "See, you are a slutty woman with a perverse body. Given how you cummed so easily, I wonder what your husband would think of you. But you don't care, do you?" He added as his hand pulled on her pubes.

He doesn't wait for her reply. He spreads her legs wide open and immediately attacks her pussy with his mouth. Hearing talk about her husband, her thoughts drift towards Minato as she imagines him pleasuring her. Her eyes slowly start to close in exhilaration. She vaguely remembered the dirty comments from the forums. As she feels her pussy lips being parted open by his tongue, she is again in her own dreamland where Minato is one doing this to her soon. Her hands now slowly go behind her head as the pleasure again starts to build up. Her eyes flutter uncontrollably as her mouth opens. She reaches her second peak and spurts.

With this second orgasm, a sense of clarity comes, and the effects of her lust and alcohol start to dampen. As she opens her eyes from bliss, she sees the grinning face of Hideki. Reality crashes to her like a brick, quickly closing her legs and covering her breasts.

" Are you embarrassed now? No need to hide. Let me be a priest and worship your body, Kushina-chan." Hideki spoke as he unbuttoned and pulled down his pants and underwear, freeing his already hard and erect member out. It was about the same size as her husband's but slightly thicker. Kushina could see a small amount of pre-cum already forming on its tips. The man grinned, seeing her attention on his dick.

"Do you like it?" He asks her, and he leans forward again. As he uses his hands to feel her up. She quickly pushes it away and stands, adjusting her skirt down and closing her shirt, looking around for her underwear. Blushing, she murmurs, "Sorry, Hideki-san, I can't do this. I don't know what came over me. Let's end this meeting. Danzo-sama has already left, and dinner is now also done".

While disappointed at her coming back to her senses, Hideki did not want to push her, despite his hard-on. There was no point if she shouted. He agreed, "It's alright, Kushina san. I thought you were into me too."

"I'm sorry, " Kushina replied, not really knowing how to answer. She slowly turns her eyes from hanging meat between his legs. It was hard, considering her body really wanted to give in.

"But you have left me hanging here, so as compensation, I will be taking your underwear as a memento for tonight". Kushina sputters a bit and nods as he turns to collect her things, at least those that she could still take. She quickly starts buttoning up her shirt and zipping up her skirt, and she uses sheets to wipe fluids that were trailing down her thighs.

Her long hair was now open, and she couldn't do anything about it. As she looks down at herself the final time, she realises a bit of a problem. She could easily see her nipples poking through her shirt, and it being a tight fit, it was pretty evident that she was wearing no bra. Anyone could clearly see her stimulated pink nipples.

She uses her arm to cross over them. As she does that, her attention goes back to Hideki, who has fixed his dress and is now stuffing her bra and thong in his pockets. Though she never understood such fantasies, she feels a bit excited as one of her past boyfriends before Minato used to do that.

He then looked at her with a lusty glaze, and she couldn't help but feel the not-so-hidden desire there. As he makes eye contact with her as if understanding her problem, he takes off his coat and offers her, which she takes a bit reluctantly.

"Are you sure about this, Kushina-san? We can't continue? You know the night is still young," He blurted in a desire-filled voice.

Kushina shakes her head " No, we can't, Hideki-san. I am spoken for and am already quite embarrassed as it is for the situation how it escalated between us".

Buttoning the coat, she was surprised to see it almost reached her upper mid thighs just above where her skirt ends. 'I think Hideki is almost the same size as Minato, if not a bit bulkier'. She was broken from her thoughts by the voice of Hideki.

"Could you please repeat Hideki-san? " she asked, looking at the man.

Hideki speaks again " I asked can we have a selfie. I want to have some memories, and I don't know if we will be able to meet again." While she wanted to forget this night, she couldn't outright deny him, so at her nod, he took out his phone and placed his hand around her waist, pulling her closer. He takes a click and releases her. She is surprised he didn't try any untoward action thinking maybe he really was a gentleman, and her initial inaction roped him in. Though she couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, 'Control Kushina, ' she thought to herself.

She picks up her bag and slings it across her shoulders. As the room's door slides open, Hideki is kind enough to pass her high heels inside.

Coming out of the room, Hideki tips the waiters. She can see them watching her, which makes her a bit self-conscious. Though they want to take photos with her, hotel rules prevent that.

But that doesn't prevent them from thinking about what happened in the room. Some of them may blabber in forums though no one believes them without proof. As they walk downstairs to the awaiting car Kushina subconsciously holds her skirt down to prevent any further mischief. That didn't stop the cool air splashing against her wet folds. She had control expressions on her face for any sign of discomfort or pleasure in this case.

Hideki opens the car's door for her as she bends and enters. He again sighs, hoping to get a glimpse of her thicc nude ass and her beautiful pussy again. Though a smile forms on his face on seeing some trail of fluids.

He seats himself beside her. As the car moves towards Kushina's apartment, he talks about his life and job and how he never married because he couldn't find the right girl. Throughout the journey, he places his hands on her shoulders and also talks about how he believes Kushina can revolutionise the news industry.

Kushina doesn't understand why, but she feels a bit attracted to him, blaming it on alcohol as her pussy again gets a bit wetter. As they reach her apartment block, Kushina gives the back coat to Hideki. Kushina hugs him, much to his internal delight, as he again feels those godly mounds.

"Thank you for understanding, Sharakawa-san. I hope I did not lead you on". Kushina spoke.

"No, No need to apologise. It was my fault for jumping to conclusions ", Hideki spoke interning, grinning at her guilt. They exchange numbers. When the car reached the gate check, Kushina opened the window just so that they could only see her face. She didn't want them to give them a show after all.

As the gates opened, they entered the basement parking lot. Hideki came out of the car and escorted her out and said good night, and went back in the car, not before looking forlornly at her.

Kushina checks her watch and sees it is already 1AM, quickly avoiding the gazes of additional roaming guards at her dishevelled state as she reaches her apartment.


Unlocking her apartment, Kushina throws the bag across the living room. Her sandals are gone, too, in a jiffy. She goes directly to the bathroom. Without undressing, she stands under a cold shower. Whatever the remaining effects of alcohol she had left in her system seemed to slowly wash away.

She feels a sense of sensibility coming back with all memories of that night replaying through her mind. 'Oh, Kami-sama, how I was nude in front of a complete stranger and how I cummed multiple times from the actions of that man' she gasped "oh gods, I have cheated on Minato ". She murmured out loud.

' But I didn't know why it felt so satisfying'. Another thought entered her mind. She knew her sexual urges were always kind of high, but she had kept them in control all these years. She didn't know what had happened today.

"Maybe I should avoid alcohol," she murmured, still under cold water.

"But what would I tell my boss?" Kushina thought, worried at the prospect of telling details of the meeting after Danzo left. She started liking her new fame and wanted to climb higher and higher. On the thought of her boss, she feared what Hideki would say to her boss about tonight. She didn't even think of getting suspicious of Danzo.

She really hoped Hideki would keep his mouth shut. Otherwise, she may never be able to face her boss or anyone per se. He would think how she can't even control herself and her desires.

Kushina pulled her wet clothes off, which weren't much, considering Hideki took off with her underwear as a price for leaving her.

As she soaked into the bathtub, she could still feel his fingers over her body, especially her breasts and pussy. Her nipples were still a bit red and aching from the time when Hideki sucked them. She couldn't believe an unknown stranger had almost gone all the way with her. 'But why did that suckling on my breasts and pussy felt so good' she thought.

But tonight, while in the act, she never thought she was cheating on Minato. In fact, she remembered at the mention of her husband, she became more excited and delved more into the act. 'Am I really that horny? No, it must be alcohol,' she thought.

As she wondered at these thoughts, she came out of the bath. After drying herself, she didn't wear anything and went to the room and lay on her bed. Sleep didn't come to her easily, and a little bit of guilt developing didn't help.

So she picked up her phone, which was still in the silent mode since she had messaged Naruto. She was surprised to see several missed calls from her husband. "He must have called at our usual time." Then she remembered Minato's message from earlier in the morning.

"Oh gods, I forgot to tell him about dinner. He must have taken leave from his work just for our activities," she spoke out loud. Guilt started to develop more in her heart. 'While Minato-koi was waiting for me, I was busy with pleasures provided by another man', she thought.

As she opened the ninchat there, too, Minato had sent her several messages,

'Where are you?

I'm waiting.'

'Are you toying with me, Kushina ?'

'This is not funny.'


And So on.

The messages went.

She quickly called Minato.

"Sorry, Minato, I forgot to tell you. I had sudden dinner plans with my boss and a client" She started ranting as soon as he picked up the call from the other end.

"No need to be sorry, Kushina. I got an update from Naruto. I was worried as you didn't reply, so I called him. He was sleepy when I called him, but he told me you would be late from the office."

"Regardless, I'm sorry, I totally forgot about our 'meeting' ?" Kushina again apologised.

"Haha, well, we can't control what our bosses want, can't we. And we wouldn't have these meetings any more. I have my flight to Japan in 2 days,"' Minato spoke happily from the other end.

"Really? " Kushina asked hopefully.

"Yes," Minato confirmed.

"Minato, During the dinner, I had to drink sake, and I didn't like it at all. I really didn't want to, but I felt like I had to. My boss told me drinking sake is also a skill," Kushina complained, not really telling him the whole thing.

Minato, understanding the complexities of business etiquette, reassures her that these types of events can be challenging to navigate. "You did what you had to do to get the job done, and that's something to be proud of, and sometimes in business, we have to do things that we are not proud of and definitely may not like," he says. Kushina takes comfort in his words, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.

She felt guilty for not telling Minato about what had happened between her and the client, but at the same time, She convinced herself that it was just a one-time slip-up and was totally due to the amount of alcohol she consumed. She vowed that she would be more careful in the future.

As she disconnected the call, she pulled the comforter over her nude body. She picked up her phone and started scrolling through ninjagram, trying to distract herself. But her mind kept wandering back to the evening's events. She felt confused and unsure of what to do. She closed her eyes and tried to calm her mind, hoping that sleep would come soon.

As Kushina drifted off to sleep, her body tossed and turned, and she found herself lost in a dream world where she found herself back in the hotel. Hideki was taking her in all sorts of positions, making her moan and gasp with pleasure. In the dream, she heard herself calling out Minato's name as Hideki thrust herself onto the mattress. She can listen to herself moaning and begging for more as he pounds into her on the mattress, each thrust driving her closer and closer to the edge. With each thrust, Kushina's body reacted, becoming increasingly aroused as her dream continued.

He then takes her to the dining table and continues his relentless assault, her hands gripping the edge of the table as she cries out in pleasure.

But the dream doesn't end there. Oh no, it's only just beginning. He takes her against the wall, and as she leans back against the wall, she feels his hands gripping her hips as he enters her from behind. She can feel the coolness of the wall against her skin as he pounds into her, driving her to the brink of ecstasy. Her breathing becomes heavy and laboured as she feels herself getting closer and closer to the edge.

The sensation was so intense that she awoke, realising that her pussy was wet and soppy. Arousal still coursing through her veins, she found herself reaching down to touch herself, imagining Hideki's ghostly hands on her body. As she brought herself to climax, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and shame for betraying her husband's trust. But the pleasure was too much to resist, and she promised herself that it would be just this once.

'This is not cheating. I'm not cheating, Am I ?' were the final thoughts in her pleasure-filled mind as she fell back on the bed.


Ok, here's chapter 7 of Primetime. We get some sort of action.

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