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87.5% Danmachi: Knight and Justice / Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Bonding with the Astraea Familia.

Capítulo 7: Chapter 6: Bonding with the Astraea Familia.

Alise Lovell never imagined that a day meant to uplift people's spirits, a day when hope and happiness should prevail throughout Orario, would turn into such a nightmare. The charity dining event was supposed to be a joyful and fun day, free from the fear of the dark times Orario was going through.


But it wasn't so... she should have expected this, but...


She truly hoped that none of this would happen, that Evilus wouldn't dare to attack while they were tasked with monitoring the event. They were supposed to prevent such a thing, and the worst part was that Alise should have foreseen it. It was her responsibility as the captain of the Astraea Familia, but she couldn't do anything.


She was naive.


Although she tried to help and prevent a large number of people from being harmed by Evilus, she couldn't be everywhere, so despite her best efforts, she and the other girls ended up injured.


Fortunately, the damage Evilus could have caused wasn't as severe as she had initially feared when everyone was surprised by Evilus's sudden attack.


The intervention of an unexpected person whom no one had expected was their saving grace. She looked at the blond boy dressed like a shining knight in armor, who had a concerned look as he faced the god in front of him.


She shifted her gaze from Jaune to the God, giving a suspicious look to the God who had been questioning Lion a few moments ago. Now her attention was completely focused on Jaune, a boy she was genuinely curious about.


Because it was rare to find strong individuals outside of Orario. If Jaune had been in Orario for a while, she would have recognized him, or at least she would have heard of him. Jaune's first impression was still fresh in Alise's mind.




"Come on, Lion. We have to make the most of this day." Alise looked with an excited smile at the different stalls they could help. "People's smiles won't come by themselves."


A few moments ago, Alise, along with Lion, had been helping a food stall giving away soup—quite appetizing and tasty. The looks of happiness they got from people when they tasted the bowl of food brought warmth to her. Once the stall was empty, the kind lady from the stall told them to help other stalls that were busier.


The lady didn't take long to convince both of them to help other food stalls sponsored by the Demeter Familia. So after thanking the lady for her kindness and guidance, Alise, along with Lion, was walking, looking for a stall they could assist.


"Wait, Alise." Lion followed, trying to catch up as she looked from side to side at the different stalls at this grand event. She noticed Lion following her as she navigated through the large crowd excited about the charity event.


Alise was quite happy that the event was filled with warmth. Thanks to her level 3 adventurer status, she could hear some cheerful conversations. Laughter and excited conversations, children looking with bright eyes at different stalls, couples walking happily—everything filled Alise's heart with joy.


She was sure that despite the initial reluctance of the girls to collaborate and help at the stalls, they were also happy about the warm and peaceful atmosphere the streets of Orario were emanating at the moment.


Alise's smile faltered, remembering the atrocious and bloody days they had experienced in Orario due to the attacks of Evilus and his wicked and cruel minions. Before she shook her head to push those thoughts out of her mind. She couldn't falter, especially at such an important event.


Moreover, the event's security was high. Her Familia, the Ganesha Familia, and the Loki Familia were scattered throughout the event. Not everyone was in the Loki Familia, but she and Lion could see some patrolling. Like Gareth and the dark-haired boy, if she remembered correctly, his name was Raúl. Not to mention that Ankusha and Ardee were keeping an eye on the event. So Alise was optimistic that things would turn out well.


She really should have been more attentive, and more prepared.


Alise doesn't know where things started to go wrong. One moment everything was calm, and the next explosions were heard in various places, causing both her and Lion to open their eyes in shock and surprise.


"What?" Alise immediately started looking for the source of the explosions, her smile disappearing from her face as her brows furrowed.


"Was that a scream?! An explosion too! It can't be...!" Lion frowned, looking with disbelief at where the explosions were coming from. His once calm face now expressed anger and concern.

People around them also looked in shock at where the scream of terror started before explosions began in the same location and around it.


Alise looked at Lion seriously, noticing the same seriousness on his face. "Let's go, Lion," Alise exclaimed before setting off and going as fast as she could being a level 3. She could tell Lion was following behind her, maintaining the speed Alise reached.


Alise looked ahead where the explosions were wreaking havoc. Where this area had been a joyful place with people walking cheerfully, now several shops were destroyed and in flames, and she could even see some corpses as a result of the explosions.


She pressed her lips into a thin line. Alise was angry at what was happening, but she was also disappointed with herself for not seeing this coming from the beginning or at least suspecting that something like this would happen.


Alise and Lion swiftly moved to confront Evilus. She unsheathed her sword before striking a member of Evilus with the mage of her blade. Being a level 3, they didn't even see her coming. She didn't even flinch as Lion forcefully struck another member of Evilus with her sword, rendering him unconscious immediately.


One of them tried to use a magical sword, but she was much faster and kicked the arm holding the sword. A crunch was heard from the Evilus member's arm before they started screaming in pain. However, the scream didn't last before she knocked him out with a strong blow to the head.


Alise and Lion did their best to take down as many members of Evilus as possible, focusing mostly on those with magical swords. Unfortunately, there were too many members of Evilus, and now one was aiming a magical sword at Lion.


"Die, bitch!" A member of Evilus exclaimed angrily, spitting saliva from his mouth. Fortunately for her, she didn't have to intervene, as Kaguya, her vice-captain, emerged from the shadows before beheading the Evilus member, separating the head from his shoulders and splattering a considerable amount of blood—though not too much, as it was a nearly clean cut.


Alise didn't blink at the brutal display of murder before her, but she could see Lion shudder as she involuntarily stepped back, showing a look of disgust but saying nothing.


"I loathe despicable men like you," Kaguya coldly looked at the corpse before swiping her katana toward the ground to clean the blood that clung to it. "Damn psychopaths always ruining and destroying everything in their path."


Lyra arrived a few moments earlier without her usual sly smile; she was frowning, scanning the area to analyze the situation they had gotten into. "I at least expected a day off, but I guess I relaxed too much," she sighed in frustration.


Alise was already with them. "It's good to see you, girls. Do you know where the others are?" She asked with concern, even if she trusted the other girls to keep themselves safe, the unexpectedness of the situation had her worried. This was a well-organized surprise attack by Evilus.


Kaguya shook her head. "We separated before the attack. So, we don't know where the others were when the explosions started."


Alise was worried for a few seconds before shaking her head to focus on the ongoing battle. She trusted the other girls to defend themselves and counter any Evilus member. She just hoped they wouldn't encounter anyone too dangerous.


This attack was well-coordinated, so someone from Evilus's high command must be somewhere in Orario, hurting more innocent people. The first suspicion of where that person might be is the same place where the screams had come from. So, they had to head there immediately.


"Let's go, girls," Alise spoke loudly with a firm tone as she extended her sword toward the direction where the screams started. "It's most likely that one of Evilus's high command is on that side, so we must stop them before they hurt more innocent people." Without waiting for any confirmation from the girls, she began jumping from rooftop to rooftop toward the direction of their probable enemy.


"Yes." Lion, Lyra, and Kaguya didn't take long to respond to Alise's orders before they also started following her, jumping from roof to roof. Advancing as fast as they could afford.


Alise and the girls continued running while dispatching some members of Evilus who were hurting people and had the audacity to stand in the way of justice. They weren't far from reaching the place where an intense battle was taking place.


"It seems like someone arrived before us," Kaguya commented with a furrowed brow as she squinted and agilely leaped from roof to roof.


Lyra, who was behind the girls since she was level 2, commented, "I just hope whoever is fighting doesn't die before we get there."


Alise agreed but said nothing. Instead, she quickened her pace. In the distance, she could see a blond-haired man dispatching an Evilus member quite effortlessly. The guy was equipped with a chestplate, and a shield was attached to his forearm, while he held a broken sword in the other arm. With that sword's handle, he used it to render another Evilus member unconscious.


"It's Arachnia!" Kaguya exclaimed in surprise as she glared at the Evilus commander.


"What the hell was this damn psychopath thinking?" Lyra exclaimed in frustration. One would think that someone like her wouldn't attack a well-guarded event sponsored by three Familias. So how was it that this woman could attack easily without them noticing?


"What?" Lion shouted when she saw Arachnia move at a terrifying speed. Alise was surprised when she appeared behind the guy, causing him to open his eyes in panic as he looked back in disbelief as if he couldn't believe what was happening.


Alise opened her eyes in horror, thinking they were about to witness Arachnia killing a person in front of them. The worst part was that they weren't close enough to intervene yet; they were still at a good distance, and the only reason they could observe it was because of her level 3 sight range.


Everything happened in slow motion for the girls. Arachnia smiled cruelly and sadistically as she said something Alise couldn't understand before she struck the man with the sharp sword she held in the lower part of his back, right where his armor didn't protect him.


What happened next surprised the girls. Instead of the man being cut in half and blood splattering the ground, his body dividing into two, he was sent flying through the air with a scream of pain escaping his throat.


The man wasn't dead somehow, as if some kind of barrier protected the blond-haired man from any harm that would be inflicted on his body. He landed far from Arachnia, rolling on the ground several times before placing his hands on the ground, lifting himself, and then executing a somersault to land on his feet.


He slid a bit further on the ground before coming to a stop. His entire body shone with the protective barrier that had shielded him from a fatal attack, glowing in a whitish-golden color that left Alise breathless for a few seconds before it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.


It was like a knight with a guardian angel to protect him from all evil. She was amazed by such an occurrence, but despite how incredible it was, she and the girls didn't stop for a moment and continued running to reach the man who was doing everything possible to stop Arachnia.


Arachnia was as incredulous as they were as she looked at the sword in her hand before glancing at the man with disbelief. She moved her lips and said something Alise couldn't hear, but it seemed like a question based on the man's survival. Arachnia looked at the man with fury before displaying a furious smile with exposed teeth that bothered Alise a lot.


As the man assumed a combat stance, Arachnia glanced in his direction, specifically where Kaguya dodged one of the explosions from an Evilus member trying to stop them. But it didn't last long before Lion easily knocked out the Evilus member. Arachnia clicked her tongue in irritation.


Arachnia looked at the man with a lasciviously malicious smile before saying something and then laughing sadistically at the man.


Alise and the girls were close enough to hear the man say, "Eh?" The soft and youthful voice sounded confused and unimpressed. Whatever Arachnia said seemed to have left the man bewildered for a few seconds. "Do you think I'll let you get away?" The man was about to follow her when Arachnia laughed at him and started to leave the scene.


"Wait," the man said. Now that she was close, she could see the features of the man (boy?) who had been fighting Arachnia, a level 5.


Alise landed near the man, scanning the surroundings for any Evilus member who might be nearby while taking a momentary breath. "Kaguya, don't let her get away. Lyra comes with her. Lion help treat the injured with your magic." Alise quickly ordered before her green eyes focused on the knight, searching for any injuries he might have.


As the girls immediately followed her orders without making any sound, she spoke. "You are injured?" Despite not seeing any wounds, she still asked just in case.


The man's eyes widened as he looked at her—or something above her. Even though his blue eyes stared into her green ones, for a moment, it seemed like he was looking at someone different when he looked at her before shaking his head a second later and then began to raise his shield over his head in the direction where Arachnia was escaping. "If you want to reach her I can give you a boost. My shield is magical and I can boost you"



The determination and will emanating from his eyes made Alise unconsciously swallow, and since she saw no trace of malice, nor did it seem like the boy was trying to deceive her, she didn't hesitate to trust him before she leaped onto the shield, and her feet landed gracefully on it.


She could feel a tingling sensation on her legs as she watched from the corner of her eye something activate on his shield. It didn't take long for Alise to feel herself shoot through the sky at an astonishing speed. She smiled happily when she noticed she was quickly catching up to Arachnia, with Kaguya and Lyra behind her trying to catch up but failing.


Alise surpassed Arachnia thanks to the magical shield propelling her. Arachnia looked at her in disbelief before furrowing her brow with barely contained fury.


While Alise made a graceful landing and stood in front of Arachnia, she immediately drew her Crimson Order sword, causing Arachnia to stop her escape and look over her shoulder where Kaguya and Lyra were catching up.


"What you've done is unforgivable, Arachnia. You're going down for this," Alise glared at her while Arachnia smirked with irritation.


"So, that damn knight surprises me again, huh?" Arachnia looked at her, gritting her teeth to the point that it seemed like she was about to break them. "The next time I see you, sir knight, you'll regret it." Arachnia looked at her before starting to laugh mockingly. "And so what if you caught up? I'm level 5. You'll never defeat me, idiotic do-gooder."


Alise didn't bother answering before saying, "Agaris Alvesynth." She sang, feeling her arms and legs burn in flames that strengthened her, while her Crimson Order sword also ignited in flames.


And to Alise Lovell's frustration, Arachnia was right—no matter how many times she tried to defeat her, Arachnia was much stronger. It didn't matter that her Lubrude Bequia skill helped make her stronger. Although Alise admits that if it weren't for her skill, she would have died even with her magic boosting her.


She was grateful when Kaguya and Lyra joined the battle, but Arachnia only mocked them before hitting harder and moving faster. Despite their battle coordination, they still couldn't harm her, and whenever they were about to land a blow, Evilus members got in their way.


Arachnia glanced to the side before clicking her tongue and gritting her teeth. "I want these idiots distracted. I'm out of here."


"Alright! Lady Valletta"


She couldn't comment further before more hidden Evilus members emerged to attack them. Alise frowned at this and looked at Arachnia, who was starting to flee.


Alise, Kaguya, and Lyra quickly understood why Arachnia was running. Gareth appeared with Raúl, confronting the remaining Evilus members around them.


Realizing they had failed to capture Arachnia, Alise tightened her grip on her sword, feeling frustration and helplessness invade her before she quickly pushed it away. This wasn't the time for her to start feeling like this. She was going to stay strong for her friends and comrades and for all those people who had suffered that day.


Alise had to be strong. So, she smiled.




Alise shook her head, pushing the recent memory from her mind. She looked back at Jaune, who was still uncomfortably staring at the God who had angered one of his dearest companions and friends, Lion.


So, to prevent the god Ellen from continuing his games, Alise intervened. "We really appreciate you stepping in to help, God Ellen, but at the moment, we were quite busy to continue your strange conversation." Alise gave him a serious look while innocently smiling, making the god Ellen shudder.


"Oh. Oh. I apologize," God Ellen said, his eyes shedding crocodile tears. "Although I must admit the conversation with the Elf Child has been very enlightening." God Ellen smiled as his eyes intensely watched Jaune before he raised an eyebrow and pointed to his jaw. "I think you should check that bruise, Child Knight."


Jaune blinked as his hand reached his jaw before wincing in pain when he touched his face. His hand left his face, and Alise could see the ugly purple bruise forming on Jaune's jaw.


When Jaune opened his jaw to move it while starting to rub it with his hand, Alise felt concerned for him, and she looked at Lion, who was shrinking with guilt before Lion felt her gaze.


Alise shifted her eyes to Jaune before miming for Lion to use his healing magic on him. Lion hesitated for a few seconds before nodding firmly.


"I can heal you," Lion approached Jaune timidly and guiltily. "It's the least I can do as an apology for hitting you." She gestured to her gloved hand.


Jaune looked at her for a few seconds, making her feel uncomfortable before Jaune shook his head and sighed. "Look, I still don't think it's your fault, but I guess if it makes you feel better, I forgive you." Then Jaune smiled warmly and kindly at Lion. "And while I appreciate that you want to heal me, save your magic for people who need it more. They're more important than a minor bump on my face." Jaune nervously chuckled.


Alise smiled happily at how considerate he was towards others and appreciated his genuine intentions. Although Alise didn't disagree with the latter, she didn't consider Lion's hit as minor, considering Jaune's bruised face. But she didn't say anything about it; instead, she was thankful that Jaune helped Lion feel less guilty about her reckless action.


Despite that, Alise was going to talk to Lion about her behavior. They couldn't afford such reckless conduct because someone could have been hurt, not to mention it would open hostility towards Lion, and she didn't want that to happen.


So, this time they were lucky that the recipient of their affection was someone as kind and calm as Jaune. Alise was going to thank him in some way, not just for his act of kindness but for stopping Arachnia and saving many people from serious injuries or worse, saving lives from imminent death.


Jaune then smiled mischievously. "Besides, I can do this." He stretched his arms, and then he started glowing, then blinked in disbelief before his glow vanished suddenly. "What?" He exclaimed bewildered.


All the girls were absolutely confused about what was about to happen, and she could even see the god Ellen, who was watching with intrigue and curiosity.


"Look, my semblance is stronger," he murmured, making Alise tilt her head intrigued. Was that what he called the ability he had been using?


Jaune looked at his hands for a few seconds before looking at her and the girls around him and then put on a determined look before extending his hands again while closing his eyes in concentration. Then Jaune began to glow, but unlike the faint glow before, he started to shine brightly like a burning light.


Alise gasped and stepped back in shock when she felt something warm inside her, then looked amazed as her hands glowed with a reddish color. She looked at the other girls, and Alise was surprised when the girls also started glowing, each with their color.


Alise felt her energy completely restored, and the small wounds she had from the Arachnia battle were quickly healing. Not only was she fully recovered, but Alise felt much stronger, almost like she could do anything. It was like magic. Agaris Alvesynth.


Only this felt like a hug that filled her with warmth all over her insides and made her feel safe and protected as if nothing in the world could hurt her, Alise's cheeks flushed before she shook her head at how amazing Jaune's ability was.


Jaune truly seemed like a hero who had come to help and bring brightness to the darkness lurking in Orario. Alise looked him up and down before nodding. Jaune was a true ally of justice, no doubt about it.


Feeling the warmth dissipate from her, Alise blinked before looking at her arms again. They had stopped glowing, and then she saw the other girls had also stopped glowing. However, Lion, Kaguya, Lyra, Noin, Asta, Celty, and Maryuu were completely revitalized, free from any wear or damage.


And most impressively of all, Jaune also seemed energized, and the bruise on his face had completely healed. Apart from the sweat dripping from his forehead due to effort, she noticed he was fine.


"Wow, that was..." Lyra looked at her own body in amazement, as if she couldn't believe what had happened.


"Impressive. It felt like magic, even if there was no chanting or activation phrase. What was that, a skill? Or was it some totally rare magic I've never heard of?" Celty, being a very curious elf, approached Jaune, scanning him up and down before realizing what she had done and stepping back with a flushed face and smoke coming out of her ears. "Ack! I'm sorry; it wasn't my intention to scrutinize. I was just curious."


Jaune laughed and shook his head, not bothered at all. "It's okay. I don't mind answering." Jaune looked at god Ellen for a few seconds, narrowing his eyes before sighing with resignation, though Alise didn't understand why. Putting that aside, she paid attention to Jaune.


"It's a skill, and I can strengthen people's... uh... Souls, I guess." Jaune nervously laughed; he had to choose his words carefully, not wanting the god to carve him as a liar. "And by strengthening people's souls, I enhance everything—their healing, strength, endurance, energy, speed, reaction time." Jaune shrugged and made a vague gesture with his hand as if he could do more with his skill, but he wouldn't bother explaining. "That's why I came to Orario. I come from the school district, and Leon notified me of what was happening in Orario, so I came as reinforcements." Jaune smiled and put a gloved hand on his hip.


That surprised the girls.


Celty was the most impressed. "Are you one of the famous students from the school district? I've heard they only accept people with great potential."


Kaguya raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed by that. "With a skill like yours, it's no wonder they accepted you, but despite how famous these students are, it's surprising to see one with such a high level."


Alise was becoming more impressed with Jaune.


Jaune nervously laughed as he started sweating for some strange reason. Then Jaune spoke. "I think there's a misunderstanding; I'm not a student from the school district. Um, let's just say we met in an unfortunate event." Jaune's face darkened, and his eyes narrowed before he let out a tired sigh. "So one thing led to another, and, well..." Jaune shrugged. "Here I am."


Alise was sure he had left out many important things, but she wasn't going to pry into other people's private matters unless they were willing to talk or at least knew each other much better.


So instead, she applauded. "Anyway, we appreciate you coming to Orario just to help us despite knowing the dangers of Orario. That's why I think you're brave, Jaune." She gave him a genuine and friendly smile. Then she thought of something and smiled at how clever she was. "By the way, Jaune, do you think you can use your skill to heal a large group of people with cursed wounds?"


Jaune blinked before shrugging. He hadn't healed anyone with cursed wounds yet, but he could give it a try. "I really don't know if I can do it, but I want to try and hope it works."


Alise nodded with an ecstatic smile. "Excellent. So, girls, gather all the injured near Jaune so he can heal them all." The girls didn't say anything but started moving according to Alise's orders, trusting their captain's instincts.


The girls did their best to gather all the wounded near Jaune. Although they were few thanks to the efforts of Jaune, Maryuu, and Lion due to the healing they had been working on earlier, those with wounds from cursed weapons that couldn't be healed by magic were bandaged with makeshift bandages to stop the bleeding.


It took a few minutes to gather and explain to the people, but after they did, Alise looked at Jaune, who was looking at her with a sad expression before it vanished as quickly as it came, and he smiled at her.


Jaune averted his gaze from Alise to look around before taking a deep breath. "Alright, I guess I'll give it a shot."


Alise only hoped this worked; if not, well, at least they could say Jaune tried. They wouldn't blame him for not being able to heal something that was cursed.




Jaune Arc looked at the people around him. He didn't know if his Semblance could heal all the people collectively, but he should try because he had recently discovered that his Semblance had evolved into something much stronger. When he learned how strange it was, he immediately decided to test it.


Before, he had to touch people to push his Semblance onto them, but when he tried recharging it now with his Semblance again, he could sense other energies around him. When he concentrated, he could feel a bond connecting him to them. So he decided to test the theory that occurred to him instantly.


To his joy, it worked completely; his Semblance connected with some kind of energy that he supposed was unlocked Aura.


Jaune had felt it before but dismissed it as fatigue or stress from actively engaging in one battle after another. Then, his Semblance worked without making contact, and what surprised him the most was that using it at a distance had the same effectiveness and cost as using it by touch.


One thing he noticed, though, was that it was more challenging to connect that thread to ordinary people around him. When he did it with the girls, it was much easier. So Jaune wondered if the gods' Falna was what made the difference when connecting the thread.


Putting aside thoughts of his new Semblance evolution, he focused on the task at hand. He extended his arms, closed his eyes, and concentrated. It was challenging to connect with a large number of people; the more threads he connected, the more concentration he needed.


Jaune grimaced under the pressure on his chest from connecting too many threads, but he continued. When he was ready, he started pushing the aura out of his body through the threads.


He didn't know how long he had been focused while supplying his aura to the people around him, but for Jaune, it felt like an eternity, only stopping when his aura blinked several times before bursting into a thousand fragments, making a sound similar to a small window breaking.


That was when Jaune opened his eyes and winced when he found himself forced to kneel on one knee, feeling strong exhaustion throughout his body. He quickly felt arms supporting him before he could kneel completely.


He saw blurry for a moment before realizing someone was holding him.


The oriental girl named Kaguya held him to keep him on his feet.


Jaune, upon seeing her, tried to orient himself, but first, he needed to know if he had accomplished his goal. "Did it work?"


Kaguya, looking at him with concern, glared at him. "Worry more about yourself, Sir Knight." She rolled her eyes at his altruism before smiling at him. "But yes, you managed to heal all the wounded. Congratulations, knight. So how do you feel?" She stood him upright. Despite appearing tough, Jaune could see concern in her eyes, so he laughed gratefully.


"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. Nothing a good rest won't fix." Jaune smiled, feeling satisfaction, making Kaguya's cheeks blush slightly. She didn't reply; instead, she let out an uncharacteristic unladylike snort and looked around as if she had found something more interesting.


Jaune raised an eyebrow at the strange occurrence but said nothing.


Ecstatic, Alise applauded, feeling joy for all the people who had healed their wounds. "Well done, Jaune. I knew you could do it." Alise gave him a thumbs-up before turning to the girls and giving them an arrogant smile. "See, girls? Another one of the great, clever, and intelligent plans of the great Alise Lovell has worked again."


"Good job, captain," Lyra said playfully.


"There was never any doubt," Ryuu nodded wisely.


Jaune smiled before applause was heard, making everyone look at where it originated, and it was god Ellen, who, for some reason, hadn't left and was still watching.


Jaune frowned. Well, there went his good mood.


God Ellen looked at Jaune and then at the people who were now healed thanks to Jaune's ability. "And tell me, young knight, what did you feel when you healed all these people?" He looked at him with intrigue.


Kaguya was about to respond with a sarcastic comment without giving the idiot god the satisfaction of thinking of them as toys. But before she could answer, Jaune spoke again. "Joy and satisfaction."


Ellen blinked at the honest and short answer before bursting into laughter. "I knew it. Feels good, doesn't it? The pleasure you feel when you help someone. You see, elf child," he gave a mocking laugh to Ryuu, "it's self-satisfaction that motivates them." He said, satisfied.


Ryuu, who was indignant, was about to reply, but before she could, Alise grabbed her forearm, Ryuu was surprised that Alise had a serious look as she looked at Jaune, who was about to speak again.


"You're wrong. I don't do it for self-satisfaction as you think. I help people because it's the right thing to do. It's in me to help others, and if I can do it, sure, I feel satisfaction when helping people, but it's because I am..." Jaune paused for a moment as he looked at Celty and Ryuu's ears. "It's because I'm a person with feelings; it's part of my humanity. I don't know if a being like you would understand that." Jaune gave a playfully innocent smile to the surprised god Ellen.


"Oh," Ellen looked at him intrigued. "So you're saying I don't have feelings? Isn't that a bit cruel of you?"


"I wouldn't be surprised if this guy didn't have feelings," Kaguya murmured to herself, and although Jaune could hear her, he decided to ignore her.


"I didn't mean that," Jaune smiled ironically. "It's just that you have experienced a life completely different from ours, with hundreds or maybe centuries of life, so your perspectives are entirely different from ours. And that's why, no matter how hard you try to understand, you can't because you'd have to go through and experience something similar to us mortals, Mr. God." Jaune gave a playfully mocking smile.


Instead of being offended, god Ellen nodded terribly satisfied with Jaune's response. "Interesting. You've given me something to think about, mortal. And you know, I wish to get to know you and learn about your point of view. If you indulge me with a private chat, I promise I'll give you a suitable reward." God Ellen looked into Jaune's eyes with a penetrating gaze. "So, Jaune, what do you say?"


Kaguya looked at Jaune, and even though she wanted to warn him that this was a bad idea, she didn't say anything because it wasn't a question directed at her, nor was it her decision. Interfering with other families' affairs would be impolite unless they asked for support or it was a delicate matter, but as this wasn't, no one from the Astraea Familia decided to intervene.


Before Jaune could respond, a voice interrupted the brief conversation between Jaune and god Ellen.


"Captain." Neze's voice rang out, causing everyone to turn in that direction, even the civilians around. Neze was carrying someone in her arms, specifically a silver-haired girl with purple eyes.

Jaune didn't know who the girl Neze was holding was, but judging by how the girl, who seemed no older than twelve, was dressed, Jaune assumed she was the healer that Alise had previously called Dea Saint, who supposedly could heal injuries caused by cursed weapons.


Upon seeing the joyful crowd around, Neze looked surprised. "Huh? What's going on here?"


Jaune shook his head before refocusing on god Ellen, thinking carefully about the offer he had made. Jaune had nothing to lose in having a conversation, and he was sure he now had his emotions under control enough not to lose his temper like Ryuu had a few minutes ago.


Besides, the reward sounded too good to pass up on an opportunity. So Jaune stepped away from Kaguya, who hadn't left his side while she watched over him in case Jaune got dizzy again. Kaguya didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow.


"Thank you, Kaguya... or should I call you Goujono?" Jaune asked, just to be safe, not wanting to anger the sexy and intimidating oriental woman.


Kaguya sighed before running a hand through her forehead and looking at him. "Kaguya is fine, Sir Knight. I don't care what you call me." She gave him a mocking smile.


Jaune sighed before commenting, "Alright, Kaguya." Jaune raised his tone as he said the girl's name. "I appreciate your help, though I can also ask you the favor of letting my goddess know where I am if you happen to find her. She was at the event when everything went to hell." Jaune smiled, feeling somewhat satisfied with using a vulgar word.


"Oh. I don't mind, though I still don't know your goddess's name." Kaguya said playfully.


"It's the goddess Dia. Not sure if you know her?" Jaune looked at her patiently awaiting her answer, but before Kaguya could reply,


Maryuu, who was paying attention to the conversation, joined in. "Oh, I know her. She's been a great help at the orphanage." She commented before looking at Jaune with surprise. "I didn't know she had a member in her Familia."


Jaune scratched the back of his head nervously. "It's because I'm new to her Familia. I joined her today." Jaune didn't mention that he got his Falna today; honestly, he didn't want to open that can of worms at the moment.


"Oh. That explains it. I suppose you belonged to another Familia before joining her?" Maryuu asked curiously.


Jaune smiled and just winked, making the girl blush. Before turning around and meeting the eyes of god Ellen, who was watching patiently and with amusement. "are we going?"


God Ellen smiled with satisfaction and excitement. He hoped this mortal wouldn't disappoint him. God Ellen briefly wondered what they would think about Jaune. He looked to a specific side before starting to walk to where he intended to talk to Jaune. "So, follow me."

Paxkun Paxkun

Note of Author: Well fuck, long time without updating this story and that's because I had problems with writing certain scenes. Jaune's conversation with Erebus was supposed to happen in this chapter, but I didn't like how it was turning out and I certainly reattempted it several times to the point that I got angry. Really angry because I didn't like it, so I decided to take a break and focus on other stories, that and the laziness of writing.


So I just left the story there while I thought and thought, but I couldn't think of anything. Not to mention how busy I was with college didn't give me a chance to think in detail, it was only recently while I was reading a Danmachi story that I got excited and went straight to writing and honestly, it just came naturally. Although I wanted to make the chapter much longer and cover Erebus' conversation with Jaune and Dia's point of view, but I didn't want to make you wait any longer.

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