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75% Danmachi: Knight and Justice / Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Consequences

Capítulo 6: Chapter 5: Consequences

Jaune frowned in concern. Now that the battle was over, he could hear people's cries for help. The explosions had stopped ringing around them. The only noise he heard was the agony the injured people were experiencing.

He gritted his teeth in frustration, everything reminded him a bit of the Vale Breach, many people were injured and some were killed by the crater that was caused by Cinder and her allies. He reached his arms towards a person who was injured and began to push the Semblance of him when he touched the man.

"Don't worry." Jaune smiled reassuringly at the man. "I don't mean to hurt you, I'm just going to heal you" Immediately after, his arms began to shine in a whitish-golden tone.

Jaune frowned for a few moments before remembering that this person did not have the aura unlocked. So he took a deep breath before forcing the Semblance off him with all his strength, beginning to feel a slight pressure all over his body, especially his arms.

The sighed with relief when his effort paid off. The man began to glow a light bluish hue. He could see that the effort involved in healing a person without the unlocked aura was much more difficult than he normally could.

Generally, the Semblance is oriented to the manipulation of the Aura of the people. They only affect people with the Aura unlocked for apparent reasons, but as far as he knows, he is an exception. He understands that his Semblance can partially and temporarily unlock the auras of people who have not yet unlocked them, although these not being fully unlocked have a lesser effect on them than people who do have the Aura unlocked.

He could see how the person who was injured began to heal the man's wounds. Though he wasn't healing as fast as Jaune would like, much to Jaune's chagrin, it was to be expected since this injured man didn't have the Aura unlocked.

Taking advantage of the fact that the man was healing. Jaune turned his head to the left to look at the elf, Ryuu Lion. She was using some healing magic, Ryuu's hand glowed green as she exerted her magic to heal the injured person, plus he can hear the healing magic chant if he focuses hard enough.

The man Jaune was healing stopped grunting in pain, to look at him gratefully. "Thanks, boy. For the help"

Jaune shook his head sadly. "Don't thank me, it's the least I can do," he smiled humorlessly.

The man put a hand on Jaune's shoulder. "You did more than anyone could have done boy. I saw your fight with Arachnia, don't belittle yourself. Not everyone can take on that psychopath" The man stood up as he clenched his hands and released them and repeated. "Besides your healing magic is something else boy, I feel like I can do anything right now"

Jaune giggled while scratching his hair. He knows he wasn't using magic, but he wasn't going to correct the man.

He wasted no more time in conversation and went to heal another injured person. She was a grown woman and had pretty bad burns. Jaune touched the woman to push his appearance out of him.

When Jaune was healing the seventh injured person, he could tell that Ryuu, was healing the wounded much faster than him, but that was not what bothered him. Not to mention there were still many injured people who needed many more healers, and at the moment it was just her and him. So both had problems when the wounded people outnumbered the healers by a large number.

"Ryuu" A rather sweet female voice was heard from quite close. Several people turned towards the source of the voice, himself included.

They were several women in different clothes and they were even of different races. The one who had spoken was a woman with blue hair and blue eyes, she also wore two bronze bracelets on her wrists.

Maryuu Reage and Ryuu Lion had an unspoken conversation that Jaune couldn't understand, before Maryuu approached a wounded man and she began to heal him, much to Jaune's surprise and relief.

Jaune could notice that even though they were both healing magic, they had different chants, Maryuu Reage's ended with Rea Vindemia's phrase, unlike Ryuu Lion's chant which ended with Noah Heal. Not to mention that one chant was shorter than the other and the healing effects were different.

A girl who belonged to the werewolf race clenched her hands in frustration seeing the wounded people, she also couldn't do much because she spent the only healing potions she had on some of the wounded. "Damn it, Evilus" The girl called Neze Ranketto commented in disgust.

Noin Unic, a girl with short dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Ryana Lietz, another female human with long light brown hair tied into two pigtails that hung to her shoulders and her eyes the same color as her hair.

Iska Bra, an Amazon who has black hair tied back and braided behind her hair, wore makeup to match her less revealing clothing than the usual Amazons and her jet-black eyes.

Asta Knox, a dwarf with long brown hair falls behind her back. She frowned as she looked at the injured people sadly and despite her short stature her shield in her hand made her stand out.

Lastly, Celty Srowa, a young elf who has green hair and wore round glasses that covered her dark green eyes. Even though at first glance she could be mistaken for a boy, Celty was a woman.

All these girls belonged to Astraea Familia. Like Ryuu Lion, each of her was disgusted by the aftermath of the brief battle with the Evilus members. And many of them wanted to help, but they couldn't do anything but watch as Maryuu, Ryuu and the boy called Jaune healed the wounded people.

Jaune sighed noting the mood. He got up when he finished healing another person's injuries and when he was going to move forward he winced and unconsciously put his hand on his lower back.

It was exactly where the crazy psycho hit Jaune with all the grudges she had against him. Judging by the sting he was feeling in his back now that the adrenaline was gone, she must have at least left him with a pretty nasty bruise. And although he could heal easily, he preferred not to spend aura on him when there are still many people who needed help.

"You are injured?" Maryuu's voice took Jaune by surprise. She was looking at him with concern, and he realized that she had noticed his wince despite his best efforts to hide it.

Jaune looked at her, opening his eyes slightly, but before he could answer another voice interrupted him.

"Lion. Girls" The three women who were accompanying Ryuu returned accompanied by what seemed to be a man.

This man was Gareth Landrock known as Elgarm. A first-class adventurer, a level 5 who belonged to Loki Familia. He is one of the three main executives.

Jaune took advantage of the moment of distraction to approach another wounded person to start healing it. Jaune anxiously bit his lip while still listening to people crying and complaining in pain.

"Lion, what is the situation of the people?" The red-haired girl had the same features as his late companion, the same girl she used his shield to propel her into reaching the psychopath.

Jaune upon seeing the lack of said captured psychopath, he came to two conclusions. They murdered her and left her corpse wherever they killed her (although he highly doubted this option) or the psycho girl was able to escape from them, which was the most likely and logical option (even if he was a bit disgusted by it to think that way).

But he knew that this crazy woman called Valletta was quite strong and fast. The only one he could compare to her was Tyrian Callows. He still remembered when they first met the Psychotic Faunus.

He wasn't sure how strong these girls were, but to at least have a chance of defeating or capturing Valletta they would have to have incredible teamwork and comparable strength. Otherwise, the situation would be the same as the one the RNJR team was involved in against Tyrian.

Ryuu shook her head in frustration. "Although the attack was mostly mitigated by Arc. There would be many people who were injured, either from the collateral damage of the battle or Evilus' cruelty." She gave a disgusted grunt before sighing wearily. "Despite our efforts to heal as many people as possible, even if it's three people. There are too many people injured and I'm afraid we won't get to some of them in time." She clenched her fists helplessly at the worrying situation we might find ourselves in.

Jaune was able to hear it because he was improving his hearing with an aura. He frowned with concern. Ryuu was right, even with the three of them working together to heal as many people as possible, there were too many for the three of them. Not to mention that Jaune could run out of aura from overusing his Semblance.

Also adding that Maryuu and Ryuu could fall into Mind Down at any time. He didn't know if there were any more healers in the city, but he hopes so and that medical help was on the way.

"I see" Alise Lovell, the captain of Astraea Familia gave an awkward and somewhat forced smile before looking seriously at her Familia members. "Iska, Ryana I want you two to go help the Familias of Miach-sama and Dian Cecht-sama with the supplies. Neze I want you to accompany them, but I want you to get Airmid here as quickly as possible" Alise comments as her green eyes scanned around her. "Dea Saint will be very important to heal people who have been injured by cursed weapons. Noin, Asta, and Celty I want you to secure the Evilus members before they can hurt more people." Then Alise looked at the two girls who accompanied her from the beginning. "Kaguya, Lyra I want you to bring the wounded to a single area to make healing easier."

Alise Lovell smiled confidently. "This day may not turn out as we thought, but today we thwarted one of Evilus's plans. So the situation could be much worse." She clenched the fist of her right hand. "So let's do everything we can to help people instead of getting frustrated with ourselves. The attack wasn't bad enough, so we should make sure to put people's smiles back."

Jaune couldn't help but gasp at the aura of positivity that Alise was trying to emanate from everyone around her. Jaune couldn't help but two ghosts swirling around this girl. Then she turned to him.

"I also have to thank you. If it hadn't been for your intervention, many more people would have been killed and injured." Alise gave Jaune a bright, honest smile. "For which you have my thanks."

Jaune froze with wide eyes.

Then Alise scratched her head in embarrassment. "Although I still don't know your name. Hehe" she giggled, she knew he was Arc, but it would be very difficult for her to pronounce him.

Kaguya sighed in exasperation, she rolled her eyes before looking at her companions. "Okay. You heard the captain. Let's move"

"Yeah!" the girls from Astraea Familia began to move to comply with the orders.

Sweat ran down Jaune's forehead due to nervousness. He shifted his gaze to the person he had just fully healed, the Alise girl's physical resemblance to Pyrrha was beginning to make him nervous. Fortunately, the only thing keeping the tears of frustration from escaping his eyes was the girl's personality. Which was nothing like Pyrrha's.

Even so, Jaune couldn't stop the guilt and self-hatred for his uselessness from overwhelming him. His stomach twisted with discomfort, but despite that, Jaune knew how to stay focused on the people who needed help.

Right now was not the time to lament or cry, he could do that when he was alone and in a quiet place where no one bothered him.

"It was quite impressive what you did, boy," Gareth spoke as he walked over looking at him curiously. "Not many people can take on Arachnia and come out of their encounter alive. You're not someone I know either, so you must be new to Orario." Gareth scratched his chin looking at the person who seemed to be wearing a Knight's theme, someone with the strength that he has could not go unnoticed in Orario. So logic dictated that he came from outside of Orario.

Jaune made a discreet face and looked down at the floor in mild frustration. "I still wasn't fast enough. Many people died because of it." He muttered more to himself. If only he had been faster if only he had been stronger, then he would have been able to do more, but because he was too useless again, people got hurt.

He knew it wasn't his fault, that he could never have guessed something like this would happen, but still, he couldn't help but blame himself.

From Gareth's scowl, it seems he didn't agree with Jaune, even the other girls frowned slightly, Ryuu even clenched her hand into a fist.

"You did your best boy. No one could have predicted that Arachnia itself would attack an event like this. I was supposed to be in charge of surveillance, but I was caught off guard by the Evilus members." Gareth sighed wearily. It left a bad taste in her mouth to know that something like this had happened on his watch, but there wasn't much that could be done about it right now. "I am Gareth Landrock executive of Loki Familia"

"Jaune Arc" he introduced himself as he watched the oriental girl and the Pallum girl carefully leave wounded near them. He started to walk towards one of them, Ryuu and Maryuu approached another wounded to be able to heal them. "who was the crazy girl anyway? I didn't even get a chance to counter a blow, if I had attacked then…" Jaune looked down at his trembling hand, he could still feel the tension in his arms from the girl's damn blows.

The brief confrontation that Jaune had with Arachnia was taking its toll on him. He was sure that this confrontation had lasted less than a minute before he realized that if he continued in a physical confrontation, he was going to be killed by Arachnia even with his large monstrous aura to protect him. That's why he had to push her away with the gravity dust from his shield.

"Valletta Grace, known as Arachnia is the top executive of Evilus" The pink-haired Pallum, Lyra replied as she placed another wounded man near them, before sighing and frowning. "She is the main strategist of that sect of madmen, I am sure that if not for her, Evilus would have been destroyed long ago. hidden." She clicked her tongue in frustration. "To think that that bitch would come out of the cave so freely."

"Caught us all by surprise" the oriental girl, Kaguya commented through gritted teeth. "And apparently she knew the places where we would be to counter her, and she only attacked the places where she caught us all completely off guard" She then snorted loudly before looking at Jaune. "Unfortunately for her, she did not count that a boy who dressed as a knight would confront her" She gave him a smirk.

Jaune flinched, he decided it was a bad idea to answer her, so he decided to just smile awkwardly. He looked at the wounded person in front of him and began to use his Semblance on it.

Alise looked at Jaune curiously before opening her eyes. "Right, I haven't introduced myself yet." She spread her arms out dramatically before placing a hand on her chest, then she leaned in slightly and gave Jaune a mischievous smile. "You can behold the great pure and beautiful maiden who shines brighter than sunlight. I, Alise Lovell the great captain of Astraea Familia, who represents justice over people in great need" then she winked at Jaune. "And she is a member of my Familia." Alise pointed at Kaguya. "She is the vice-captain of our Familia, Kaguya Goujono."

"You presented it backward idiot"

Alise ignored Kaguya's comment before pointing at the Pallum. "This is Lyra. Just Lyra, but don't be fooled by her height, she can be crafty when she puts her mind to it."

"I heard that. Besides, what was that about proposing? I'm always crafty."

"This is Maryuu Reage," She points to the blue-haired girl, who a few minutes ago asked Jaune if she was alright. "She's quite sisterly in our Familia, that's why she's the second Mom on the team." The aforementioned girl just blushed and lost concentration slightly in the middle of the healing chant.

"And the beautiful and innocent elf here is our little-"

"Alise please don't say any more nonsense" Ryuu commented with an embarrassed blush.

"Ryuu Lion" Jaune interrupted Alise before she could embarrass the elf girl anymore, it reminded him a lot of one of his older's sister attitudes towards his younger sister. "She showed up when you guys went after Arachnia," He explained.

Alise Lovell only pouted at being interrupted, but then sighed and gave a tighter smile as she remembered how Arachnia had gotten away.

Despite her and the girls' attempts to stop Arachnia, it was a fruitless encounter. It doesn't matter how hard she or Kaguya or Lyra tried not to let her get away. Not surprising though given that Arachnia is a Level 5, while she and Kaguya are both Level 3, with Lyra being Level 2.

Still... Alise felt frustrated that she couldn't help too much, many people got hurt because she wasn't able to predict Evilus's attack. She had some suspicions, but she had thought that Evilus was not going to risk it since there were several first and second-class adventurers watching over the event.

Despite everything, Alise had to show them the positive side, she had to be the pure light that eliminated the darkness. And despite all the doubts she has about whether she will be able to be a great light in this day and age. She was going to try anyway, she will always try to be a great beacon of light for people, until it is the last breath of her life.

Alise looked at the boy who had used the magical shield that allowed him to propel himself into the air. The momentum was enough to allow her to distract Arachnia for a few seconds.

She was curious about him, but she didn't say anything, Because she didn't want him to feel uncomfortable with them, any more than he already was. Most of all she wanted to ask him about that beautiful light that emanated on him. Just by being close to him, she could feel the warmth emanating from his healing magic. With which he did not use any chant, not even a short one. (Which made her even more curious about him, but she held back)

Alise could understand that this was not the time to ask, she could do it when the situation was calmer (she wasn't going to force him to answer if he didn't want to)

Jaune finished healing another person, he caught a girl starting to run out of the corner of his eye, he was about to warn her to be careful running like that before she stumbled and fell abruptly on the ground, sweeping up dust as it fell.

Jaune winced in sympathy as the girl began to cry loudly drawing everyone's attention.

"Ahhh! It hurts!" The girl cried as she reached up to grab her leg, blood dripping from her knee.

Everyone was surprised by the girl, everyone was concentrating on other things, so Jaune was the first to move in the girl's direction, but before he could get to her, another person appeared.

"...!" Jaune was surprised by the aura emanating from this new person, or rather a god.

"You must hold your tears, or else you'll make others sad too. Here, press this cloth firmly against your wound." The god commented as he handed the girl a handkerchief.

The girl was surprised by the gesture but accepted it before pressing the cloth against the wound.

Ryuu was surprised that the person who had stepped in to help the girl was the god she met the other day. "...God Ellen." She murmured in welcome surprise.

The rest of the girls stopped their activities. Gareth a tired sigh before resuming his surveillance of him in the makeshift shelter they'd made. It was much better for him not to be caught unawares again. Besides, Gareth had the feeling that this god was troublesome so he preferred to stay away from the conversation, even if he was curious about that Jaune boy.

"It'll stop bleeding in a moment..." The god smiled at the girl as he pressed the girl's hand, which in turn had the hand with the cloth pressed on her wound. "...Ta-dah! See?..." The god removed the girl's arm so she could see that her knee had stopped bleeding. "...You were brave enough to stand the pain. I'm sure you can hold your tears too!"

The girl sniffed as she wiped away some snot and tears before she smiled with some relief. "I will! Kami-Sama!"

The god Ellen nodded in satisfaction before speaking. "Good child. Now, can you walk over to that shelter on your own? I need to help those who have a bigger scar than yours."

"Yes, I can! Thank you, Kami-sama!"

Jaune watched the exchange with a relieved smile, that the girl injured from the fall had been treated. He would begin to heal another injured person, but before taking a step. Ryuu started a conversation with the god Ellen.

"Thank you, god Ellen, for helping us," Ryuu commented, her mask curving into a small smile.

The god Ellen kept his eyes half open (From the perspective of Jaune and many other people, the god seemed to have his eyes closed) watching Ryuu with interest. "Don't mention it. I'm just here to apologize" He said.

"Huh?" the unexpected comment startled Ryuu, causing her to raise both eyebrows.

"I tried to save that child so that I might understand what you guys going through, and in fact, I did..." The god placed a hand on his neck as he slightly tilted his head.

"Hmm?" Jaune raised an eyebrow curiously, at the conversation he was in front of. He was giving Jaune a feeling of discomfort and intrigue.

"I never knew that saving the weak could make you feel so satisfied! It's pleasing and highly addictive!" The god Ellen gave them an innocent smile, though the feeling of him giving that smile was one of a sneer.

"Huh?" Alice was surprised. Kaguya only narrowed her eyes, Lyra frowned, and Maryuu raised an intrigued eyebrow. And Jaune crossed his arms out of curiosity.

"What?" Ryuu was the most affected by the derogatory comment of the god Ellen.

The innocent smile turned into a big kind smile. "Forgive me for saying that 'free services without the demand of return'. This isn't meaningless at all!" The god Ellen has spoken in a childish, yet mocking tone that gave Jaune the chills. "It does have its value! Saving others makes you feel superior. It feels great to be thanked! Giving gives you satisfaction! And you know what? It feels amazing! You could've told me about it earlier! Nothing about this is oddly unhealthy." The god Ellen finished with a very pleased tone.

"..." Ryuu muttered something that Jaune couldn't hear.

Jaune upon hearing everything the god had said frowned and clenched his fists tightly. (1)

The god Ellen leaned closer to Ryuu. "I knew it. Just because I'm a mighty god, I can't pretend I know anything. Experiencing is an important essence too."

"Take it back!" Ryuu said with barely contained anger.

The god Ellen stopped smiling, though she still emanated that aura of intrigue. "Sorry?" the god raised an eyebrow urging her to repeat the words Ryuu uttered.

"Take back what you said!" Ryuu yelled glaring at the god taking a menacing step toward the god Ellen.

Jaune tensed, urging his Semblance into his body in case intervention was necessary.

The god Ellen gave Ryuu a smirk as he opened one eye to get a better look at her. "Which part?" he asked her in an innocent tone.

"All the insulting things you've said! We don't use justice for self-satisfaction!" She said in a very serious tone.

The god stepped back in surprise, closing his eyes and putting both hands on his head while making a very nervous face. "What? Seriously? Then what the heck are you all fighting for?"

"Shut it! We fighting to restore peace to this city and keep things in order! We're here to stop all this madness we're witnessing right now!" She replied adding passion as she further talked about her goals.

Jaune was quite surprised by Ryuu's emotional words. A wry smile crossed Jaune's face as he remembered the cities he had promised to protect, though failed nonetheless.

"And isn't that self-satisfaction?" A few simple words hit Ryuu and Maryuu hard. Alise only frowned slightly before sighing and looking at the god in silence, waiting to see how Ryuu was handling himself.

Ryuu took a step back, hesitating briefly "What the-?!"

The god Ellen bowed his head as he placed his index finger on his chin. "It's not like you're getting paid, right?"

Ryuu clenched her teeth in anger. "Silence."

The god ignored the elf girl's comment. "You don't even get a loaf of bread and a bowl of soup for doing this."

Jaune began to approach them cautiously, ready to intervene at any moment.

"Silence" Ryuu repeated as she stepped forward.

The god Ellen smiled at Ryuu before continuing. "Not only do you not expect gold, fame, or even a little appreciation. The truth is, your concept of justice is loneliness."

"Silence!" Ryuu growled.

The god Ellen chuckled slightly, amused by Ryuu's anger. "Don't be mad at me. Elf child. I'm just a god saying whatever the hell I want. Ask the question to yourself and listen to what your heart says." The god Ellen paused briefly before opening his eyes to see Ryuu's eyes with intensity. The people around them felt as if the world stopped for a few seconds. "What's your definition of justice? If you don't have an answer to that… the justice you are referring to is a twisted thing that's worse than any evil one can imagine." He gave her a cocky smile.

"How dare you!" Ryuu lunged at the god with hostility.

"Wait?!" Jaune screamed as he moved to stop her.

Several events happened in a few seconds.

First, when Ryuu was about to approach the god Ellen, she was stopped by Jaune, who grabbed her by the forearm. Second, this was followed by Ryuu's elven instinct plus the anger of the emotional moment, so she forcefully ripped his hand off her forearm causing Jaune to stumble forward from the sudden unexpected force of a Level 3.

Ryuu then backhanded Jaune, which he couldn't dodge because he was so surprised by the elf's hostility. Jaune acting on instinct raised his aura and stuck his feet to the ground so as not to fly away.

The force of the blow to Jaune's face made him turn his head as he spat out some saliva. Before he could hit the ground, Jaune put out his arm to prevent the fall by supporting himself with his knees. Immediately his entire body began to glow with his aura stopping all critical damage.

Jaune winced as his head began to tingle slightly from the bruise from the blow. Even though he has Aura to protect him, Jaune had the same resistance as a Level 1, so taking a hit from a Level 3 was not pleasant for him.

Third, when Jaune tried to get up, he could feel a great chill run through his entire Soul, warning him that his aura was about to run out. His aura flickered slightly brightening around Jaune as he produced a sound of static that reverberated throughout the place.

All the girls froze, mainly Ryuu who seemed surprised by her actions. (2)

Jaune stumbled somewhat exhausted, then spat on the ground before running his gloved right hand across his mouth, wiping away the saliva.

"I..." Ryuu tried to speak, but her throat tightened with guilt, for not having controlled her strength, if he had been a normal person, she probably would have killed him.

Jaune shook his head to calm himself down and come back to his senses. "No. It's my fault, I shouldn't have touched you knowing the elven culture." Jaune stood up before taking the Scroll out of his pocket from him to see how much aura he had left.

15% of his aura.

"Even so, I shouldn't have…" Ryuu began before Jaune interrupted her.

"Don't worry. I didn't get hurt, my aura protected me from harm, so I'll be fine." Jaune gave him a reassuring smile. "There is nothing to apologize for. I understand."

No one knew what an aura was, though they were curious. It wasn't the right time to ask after what just happened.

"Idiot elf, this is because you can't control your stupid temper." Kaguya scolded Ryuu for her idiocy. "If it had been someone else, they would have been hurt"

Ryuu cringed guiltily.

"It's not worth getting angry with an incompetent god who looks at us as if we were his toys" Lyra frowned as she joined in her scolding.

Alise approached Jaune. "Are you sure you're okay? Was that blow pretty strong?"

Jaune smiled placatingly. "Don't worry it will take a lot more strength to knock me down. I've felt much worse blows" He still remembered the blow from the psychotic girl called Arachnia. Not to mention that he too was hit by a giant mecha.

Jaune turned to look at the person he protected, only to freeze.

The god Ellen was looking at Jaune with both wide open eyes with a surprised look as if she had seen something that had shocked him, but above all as if he had won the lottery. (3)

God Ellen's eyes narrowed and looked intently into his eyes Jaune felt as if he were piercing and analyzing his entire soul.

Jaune could tell from the corner of his eye that he wasn't the only one who had noticed the strange behavior of the god. All the girls, especially Ryuu, felt uncomfortable by the great intensity in the gaze of the god Ellen towards Jaune.

Jaune didn't like this... Not at all.

Paxkun Paxkun

Author Note: Hi guys, I'm sorry for the delay, but getting to write has been complicated for me. Not to mention that it took me much longer to translate my own story into English. And then check for spelling mistakes (I apologize if you find one)

The motivation and ideas for this story have also affected me, I'm sorry that even Jaune's abilities are not revealed yet, but they will have to be patient for the next chapter. I admire those people who are on the computer typing for hours.

(1) Jaune does not intervene in conflict because he has a morbid curiosity about the words of the god, despite that he does not agree with the words that the god is saying, this makes him reflect on some things. Not to mention that Jaune is trying to replenish his Aura with his Semblance little by little so as not to get hurt (and fortunately people with more serious injuries were healed first), since healing injured people without the aura unlocked requires much more effort on his body.

(2) The reason why Ryuu reacted so abruptly with Jaune, was because she let herself be carried away by her emotions and her elf instinct. She didn't feel any kind of emotion when Jaune touched her gloved forearm. She just reacted without thinking. Poor Jaune took a tremendous blow.

(3) Jaune's aura manifested to protect him from Ryuu's blow. (The aura is the manifestation of the soul) This in itself would not be too surprising since the manifestation is brief and short, this could be passed off or confused ass a rare ability, but when the aura reaches low levels in this case 15 %. The soul comes into view of the people to warn them of the depletion of the aura. So the god Ellen just had a full view of Jaune's Soul manifesting itself and at the same time saw how that same Soul blocked an attack that could well be lethal.

Regarding Jaune's abilities. I already have them thought of and done, but if you have any idea how it can fit with your character and story then feel free to comment.

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