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44.44% A New Life In The Arrowverse / Chapter 12: National City We've Arrived!

Capítulo 12: National City We've Arrived!

Author's Note: Hey guys and girls, because were inclusive here, just wanted to ask you how you all feel about the R-18 scenes I've written so far, do you want the same amount that I've done so far, less of them, or more of them? Also the vote is still open for if I should include The Big Bang Theory, Suits, and now also Charmed (Which would work well and give the MC added enemies to fight ps. I really like this idea, but don't let that sway you lol)


The flight was close to five hours long, Isaac spent that time checking in on his family and setting up the appointments he had while in National City. By the time the plane landed the sun had long since set and stars were visible in the night sky. Isaac headed immediately to the gorgeous rental bike he had ordered in advance; it was a red and black MV Augusta F3RR and it was a thing of beauty. Isaac wasted no time and took the bike out for a test ride, he tested its speed and handling as he headed to his hotel, both exceeding his expectation.

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He got to the hotel in record time and the first thing he did was grab his room key, which was waiting for him at the front desk. He grabbed some dinner at the hotel restaurant and enjoyed a nice night cap before he headed up to his room, he had a long day tomorrow. Isaac woke up with the sun and did his morning workouts, as usual, and then got to work. While Isaac had originally planned to come to National City after his visit to Central City, it was made even more necessary after he met that young sorcerer. While Isaac had ensured the young man would receive adequate legal representation, the boy's story had bothered Isaac and he couldn't help but investigate it.

What he found matched the young man's account to a T, Isaac had even seen a copy of the news report from the incident, and it was disgraceful. After hours of research and evidence gathering Isaac intended to insure that, that young man received some kind of justice. His first meeting of the day would help him do just that, Cat Grant ran one of, if not the biggest media empires in National City. She had one of the most respected names in journalism and she had been after Isaac to do an interview for years, he figured it was about time she got her wish.

After preparing all the documents needed for his meeting, Isaac took a quick shower and did his usual morning routine before getting ready. As he put on his stripped light blue suit and brown shoes, he looked down at his Holzkern watch and checked how much time he had. It was a gift from Laurel and had a blue marble dial with a leather strap, Isaac saw he had close to an hour before his appointment at CatCo. Isaac ate a quick breakfast and then drove off on his bike to his meeting with Cat Grant, after confirming his appointment.

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The sun was out in full force, Isaac noted, enjoying the beautiful morning as he drove through a side road that took him through a park. Trees surrounded him from both sides of the road, it made for quite the sight, unfortunately before he knew it Isaac pulled up in front of the behemoth building. Isaac parked his bike right next to the CatCo building before heading inside, he was 25 minutes early, but he knew Cat Grant would appreciate that. After Isaac went through security, he took the elevator up to the top floor and was greeted by the face of a future superhero.

"Hello Mr - I mean Dr. Queen, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Kara Danvers. I am Ms. Grant's assistant, she asked me to let you know that she is looking forward to interviewing you, unfortunately she is still in a meeting right now and has asked that I show you around. If that is ok with you." Isaac smiled at her kindly, hoping to ease her nerves. He noted that she was probably still relatively new to her position and was, yet, unused to it. Kara, Isaac noticed, did resemble Melissa Benoist in the face, just even more attractive, her body however looked like it came straight out of a DC comic book.

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"Please call me Isaac Ms. Danvers, I'm not one for formalities. As far as your generous offer of a tour, well I'd be a fool to turn down the pleasure of such beautiful company." Isaac smiled at the redness that crept in on Kara's cheeks.

"Y-you are too kind Doc- I mean Isaac, and please call me Kara." They spent the next 15 minutes talking and doing some light flirting, Isaac enjoyed seeing how red she could get, as Kara showed him around. Isaac hadn't realized how shy Kara was at the beginning of her journey, he guessed that hiding, and fearing, who she was for so long took its toll on her. Though she had begun to open up some during his tour, Isaac did have a bit of an unfair advantage knowing so much about her from the start. As the tour winded down and they ended up back at the front of the elevator, Isaac saw someone who could only be Cat Grant walk towards them.

"Kira! What are you doing, why doesn't Dr. Queen have anything to drink? Must I do everything! Please excuse my assistant Dr. Queen, good help is so hard to find. Kira chop, chop." Isaac groaned internally as he listened to the media mogul's tirade, he had forgotten how much of a bitch Cat had been in the beginning of Supergirl. So, before the Queen B scared Kara away Isaac figured he'd help her out a bit while he was here.

"Actually Ms. Grant Kara here did in fact try to get me a drink, I told her I wasn't thirsty. She did, however, take me on a tour of your incredible operation and I must say I am impressed, you really are the queen of the media. Kara thank you so much for the tour, Ms. Grant is lucky to have you." Isaac held in a smirk as he watched Ms. Grant's jaw drop, it was priceless. It took her a moment before she could respond.

"K-Kira you didn't screw up, now go back to your desk, Dr. Queen and I have an interview to conduct, and I do not want to be disturbed." Kara nodded her head and practically ran off to her desk but not before sending a smile Isaac's way.

"You have built yourself quite the media empire Ms. Grant, when given the choice between you and Ms. Lane it seemed an easy decision to me." Isaac hoped a little flattery would smooth over any ruffled feathers. Now that he really looked at her Cat Grant was quite attractive, much more so than her TV counterpart. Isaac was surprised he didn't notice it before, but Cat Grant looked like a younger, curvier Charlize Theron. Cat laid her hand on Isaac's arm gave him an absolutely predatory smile, "Why thank you Isaac, I can call you Isaac can't I?" she asked, her eyes twinkled mischievously.

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"Of course, as long as I can call you Cat." Isaac answered. Cat gave her assent before she walked into her office.

"Please, have a seat Isaac. I got your email about some changes you wish to make to our interview; can you tell me a bit about you want to add?" Cat's notepad already out, her hands flittered across it making some type of notations.

"Sure, it happened about a week ago when I met this young man, his name is Nathen Maxwell." Isaac went on to tell Cat about what happened that day when Nathen took the Jitters hostage. He told her everything Nathan had told him and showed her all the documents he had gathered that corroborated Nathan's story. Cat asked Isaac some follow up questions, which she recorded, as she checked the veracity of his evidence, soon enough she was ready to begin the interview.

"So, Dr. Queen I have checked your evidence and the information you received from Mr. Nathan Maxwell, everything checks out so we can begin. I'm gonna start by introducing myself and then you, I will not be calling you Isaac and for the duration of the interview you will address me as Ms. Grant. This is going to be a huge expose I hope you're prepared for the fallout this will create."

"Ms. Grant I'm more than ready for it, that boy needs to get some justice, he needs this, and those cops need to be held accountable." Isaac added firmly.

"Ok, just making sure. Let's begin then, I'm gonna start with your academic background and then briefly mention how it feels having your brother back afterwards we will talk about the hostage situation and everything you told me about Nathan Maxwell." The interview lasted about an hour and 15 minutes, by the time they were finished it was past time for lunch.

"Isaac, that was an amazing interview, this is going to be huge, people are going to lose their minds at the cop/race angle. I'm gonna have Kira order us some lunch, is sushi ok?" At Isaac's nod she called Kara in and told her to order two sushi platters, some potstickers and a few drinks. As Kara walked out Isaac excused himself and walked after her.

"Hey, Kara wait up." She turned her head back and waited for Isaac to catch up.

"Hello Dr. Qu, I mean Isaac, how did your interview go?" She asked.

"The interview was tough but good, your boss is very good at her job, but that isn't why I wanted to talk to you." Isaac added smiling. Kara tilted her head to the side, confused.

"Oh, then what was it you needed?"

"Your number." Isaac said simply, his eyes locked on hers. Kara's cheeks flushed at the forwardness of his answer.

"I-I u-um sure."

Isaac exchanged numbers with her and got Kara to agree to a night out the next day. Isaac watched as she ran away so fast she practically left an afterimage, at least he had made some progress bagging the soon to be Supergirl. Isaac went back to Cat and spent that time getting to know her, they both flirted a little with some light touching. By the time Kara had arrived with their food Cat and Isaac had been laughing for some time, Cat had a sharp wit that Isaac found he quite enjoyed.

"You have been excellent company Cat, and may I add that, that tongue of yours is positively devilish." Isaac complemented.

"You're one to talk Isaac, you and that silver tongue are trouble." Cat quipped back as she purposefully crossed her long, firm, legs and flashed a bit more tantalizing flesh than was professional. The two spent their lunch in sexual tension that could have been cut with a knife, both caught each other's eyes more than once.

Unfortunately, Isaac couldn't stay long after lunch ended as he had another meeting across town that he couldn't put off. Cat walked him out and thanked him again for the interview, she gave Isaac her number and told him to stay in touch. Isaac didn't let it end there though; he figured the iron was hot enough to strike.

"Cat, do you have any plans tonight?" Isaac asked as he stepped in close, towering over her, he laid his hand on hers as they caught each other's eyes. Isaac eyes dropped to her plump lips as her tongue flitted across her bottom lip, wetting it.

"No, my schedule is completely open this evening." She answered, smirking.

"In that case I think it's only right that we celebrate our successful interview with some drinks tonight."

"Yea, that sounds like fun, I'm in."

"Fantastic, I'll pick you up here at 8, we can grab some food first."

"Looking forward to it Isaac."

"I'll see you tonight then." Isaac gave the back of her hand a feather light kiss as he locked eyes with her and then left for his appointment at Lex-Corp. Isaac needed to get there by 4pm, the drive took a little over 15 minutes, luckily he was 15 minutes early by the time he arrived. While Isaac thought the CatCo building was impressive, Lex-Corp was a true monolith of corporate success. The building itself was a beautiful, sleek, example of modern architecture so large that it looked like it touched the sky.

Isaac walked through the revolving door, checked in with the front desk and then headed to the penthouse floor for his meeting with the infamous Lex Luther. Isaac was shown to the waiting area by the secretary and 10 minutes later he was shown to a conference office to wait for Mr. Luther. Luther kept him waiting an extra twenty minutes as a show of power, but instead of getting upset Isaac just put his feet up on the conference table and called his brother.

"Isaac what is it, I'm kind of in the middle of something." Isaac thought Oliver sounded a little strained and he was sure he heard a grunt of pain on the other side of the line.

"Oliver, are you ok? You sound off." Isaac stated, though he knew Oliver was likely training or kicking some corrupt person's ass.

"I'm fine Isaac, just stubbed my toe, nothing to worry about."

"If you say so, anyways how have you been handling being back home Oli, have Thea and Mom been giving you some space?" Isaac asked, hoping his advice to the Queen women helped improve their relationship from what it was in cannon. While Isaac was on the phone Lex came into the room, his whole posture screamed annoyed when he saw Isaac's feet up on the table. Isaac ignored him and continued to listen to what his brother was saying, he enjoyed watching Lex's forehead vein pulse in anger.

"Yea, things have been good here actually, I think we've been getting along ok, thanks for asking. I've got to run Isaac I got an appointment I've got to run to."

"No worries Oliver, but when I get back we're grabbing drinks no arguments." Isaac insisted.

"Sounds good man." Oliver added before he hung up. Isaac knew he couldn't be sure if things were actually going well or if Oliver was just saying it until he got back home but he was hopeful. Isaac took his feet off the table, stood up, and turned to face Lex; he enjoyed the fact that he towered over the arrogant CEO.

"Hello Mr. Luther, it is good to meet you." Isaac lied as he reached out his hand.

"Dr. Queen. Why did you request this appointment?" Lex asked curtly, ignoring the offered hand. Isaac spent close to 20 minutes explaining the project he pretended to want to partner on with Lex-Corp, while paying attention to Lex's reactions and attitudes. What Isaac noted was that Lex was a combination of all the worst aspects of every Lex Isaac had ever seen in his past life.

Isaac knew that he would have to deal with Lex eventually, he was too much of a sociopathic loose cannon for him to be left alone, especially with his deviousness. Isaac had thought of several ways already to get rid of him, but he could wait to take Lex out until he was in prison, which according to cannon would happen in a few months. Isaac headed back to his hotel after his meeting ended and meditated while he perused his mental library to study some new magic and brush up on stuff he'd already learned.

After a small nap, Isaac worked out for a bit and got some magic practice in, after which he grabbed a quick shower and got ready for his outing with Cat Grant. Isaac left the hotel with more than enough time to pick up Cat on time, he was looking forward to having a little fun tonight. Isaac arrived 10 minutes early and sent a quick text to Kara and told her that he had enjoyed meeting her and that he was looking forward to their night out. Isaac went up to Cat's office and found her typing away at her computer, when the door slammed shut she jolted in her chair, hand clutching her chest.

"Damnit Isaac, you scared the crap out of me!" Cat gasped out.

"Hahaha! My bad Cat, though we did agree that I'd pick you up at 8." Isaac pointed out and smirked. Cat rolled her eyes at that and closed her laptop and got up to grab her jacket. The moment Cat stood up Isaac could not help but take notice of how good she looked in her thigh high blue dress that clung to her curves perfectly. The dress also brought out the color of Cat's eyes beautifully, Isaac could not wait to get her out on the dance floor, hopefully she did not have two left feet.

Isaac opened the door for Cat, his eyes wandered down her back, he noticed her hips swayed a little more as she walked away, for his benefit he hoped. They headed down to the lobby arm in arm and walked out towards Isaac's bike, when Cat saw the bike she practically squealed, apparently Cat loved Motorcycles, go figure.

The drive to the club was quick but Isaac did thoroughly enjoy the feel of Cat pressed up against him and the way her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Isaac left his bike with the valet when he arrived, he and Cat were led past the line and were let right into the club. Isaac felt the vibrations from the music run through his chest before he was even through the front doors. They were walked showed to the VIP section were bottles of liquor, juice, and red bull were waiting for them, still cold.

Isaac poured them both something to drink as they sat down and enjoyed the music for a bit. A few drinks in Isaac brough Cat to her feet and dragged her onto the dance floor, though the smile on her face said she wasn't really against it. Isaac pulled Cat in close as the beat slowed, her body fit well against his as they swayed amidst the sea of people around them. They stayed like that, just enjoying the feel of each other, for a few minutes before the music picked up again.

The two spent the night drinking and dancing in each other's arms, they finally stumbled out of the bar hours later and took a taxi back to Isaac's hotel. The moment they were in the cab Isaac casted a sex magic spell, "Manus Meae Placeant" (let my hands bring pleasure), that made his hands feel extra pleasurable to Cat. As they say together Isaac laid a hand on her thigh casually and felt a shiver run through her, Cat turned her head towards him as she wet her lips with her tongue.

Isaac ran a hand up to the back of her neck, griped it strongly, and pulled Cat in for a scorching kiss. Her soft, plump lips tasted sweet like strawberries, as Isaac pulled away he nibbled on Cat's bottom lip, forcing a moan from her. Cat pulled Isaac back in and plunged her tongue into the depths of his mouth, their tongues fought for dominance as their hands ran over each other's bodies. Isaac pulled the media mogul onto his lap, his hands wandered all over her body before one settled on her ass while the other grasped the back of her head and pulled her in tightly.

"Ahhh!" Cat moaned as Isaac's magical hands did their job increasing her sensitivity and the pleasure she felt. Isaac groaned as Cat ground her ass into his quickly hardening member, as her hands raked down his chest. As Isaac palmed Cat's ass and moved in to claim her lips again the cab came to an abrupt stop.

"Can you kindly get out of my cab before you go any further, we are at your destination." The man demanded in a heavily accented voice, Indian Isaac thought to himself as he carried Cat out of the cab as her long, firm, legs wrapped around him. After Isaac paid and the cab left, Cat claimed one quick passionate kiss and slid down his body, making sure to rub against his hardened member, before standing on her own.

"You're quite the big boy Isaac, I hope you know how to use it." Cat purred while her hands traced his abs.

"You'll see for yourself in a bit Cat." Isaac quipped while he slapped her ass, Cat jumped up a bit at that and walked off towards his hotel, pulling Isaac along. They barely made it to the elevator before Cat jumped on him like an animal in heat and smashed her lips against his. Isaac grabbed her ass and lifted her ass she wrapped her legs around him, their lips still connected. Isaac was sucking and nibbling on Cat's neck when he heard the ding of the elevator, he palmed her ass and carried her to his hotel room. Isaac fumbled with his hotel key card before he finally made it into his room, he stumbled over a mat in the middle of the room but still made it to his bedroom. Isaac kicked the door open and tossed Cat onto his bed, he tore off all of his clothes except his boxer briefs and jumped on the bed after her.

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