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85.54% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 218: Indigo League: Ash vs Gary

Capítulo 218: Indigo League: Ash vs Gary

The time finally came, The crowd was cheering loudly, somewhere starting to scream so loud that they were losing their voices, yes most of them were for Gary since he was the grandson of the Legendary Professor Oak, but over the course of the tournament Ash has gained some admirers.

And that's not mentioning those watching from outside, like in the Gyms, to People's homes, to other regions, to even up in the Sky, but right now who has more fans doesn't matter.

Ash and Gary walked out from each of their sides and walked up to their sides, the sun shining down on them as they looked up seeing everything, still taking everything in, sure they did get here and had every reason to but it was still overwhelming in a way.

As they got there Ash could see his friends cheering for him, although some of them were cheering for Ash and Gary in general, but the other thing was how hard it was for both of them to look up with the flashes of cameras taking their pictures as they finally stood on their podiums.

Then the Announcer spoke up, "The moment has finally come, the one we all have been waiting for, the final battle of the Indigo League Conference! This year has been full of surprises, turns and things I never expected to see so let's give it to our competitors."

"On the green side, don't let his family name deceive you he's proven he's just as capable to be here as anyone else, we have Gary Oak!"

"On the red side we have a trainer who has taken this league by storm, he has given us the most surprises and something tells me he has even more to give, let's give it to Ash Ketchum!"

Gary looked around at everything then at Ash as he held out his Pokeball, "So after I win no hard feelings?"

Ash chuckled and held out his Pokeball, "Only if you promise not to be a sore loser after I win,"

The Announcer continued, "Very well, then for the last time let me say the rules, this will be a full 6-on-6 Pokemon battle, each trainer can return their Pokemon only once otherwise they become disqualified, the battle ends when one trainer has no usable Pokemon left! So are both trainers ready?"

After getting a nod from Ash and Gary, "Then for the last time, let the battle Begin!"

Both Ash and Gary threw out their first Pokemon, Gary let out his Scizor and Ash let out his red Gyarados getting a reaction from everyone seeing another Shiny.

Gary smirked, "Oh yeah forgot you had that, doesn't matter, Scizor use [Swords Dance] then [Bullet Punch]!"

"Let's do the same, [Dragon Dance] then [Aqua Tail]!"

Both Scizor and Gyarados did their set up as they did a formless dance, then when they were done they rushed at each other, Gyarados swung his tail as it was covered in water and he swung it down, Scizor jumped over the tail and climbed across his body decor landing a glowing punch across his face.

Gyarados shook his head to recover as he stared down and glared at the metal bug as Scizor slightly flinched, feeling the pressure from the water dragon as he got the -2 and went into neutral.

Ash swiped his arm, "Now [Crunch]!"

Gyarados' body flew back close to the ground as he sped across the floor and managed to grab the metal bug by the wing befor throwing him up and landing a good bite into it.

"Scizor break out and use [Reversal]!" Gary commanded yelling up to his bug.

Scizor used the strength in his metallic body to force the jaw open and jumped out of the way, grabbing Gyarados' crown and swinging back to deliver a kick to his head, before letting go and landing back on the ground.

As he landed on the ground Gary pointed at Gyarados, "Now [Slash]!"

As Scizor started running at Gyarados Ash Smiled, "Gyarados use [Stone Edge]!"

Gyarados brought his tail down and slammed it into the ground as stones started coming out and filling the ground as they flew at Scizor.

Scizor slashed at them trying to get rid of as many as he could but eventually, the shards overwhelmed him and buried him under 4.

As Gyarados raised his tail again ready to slam down on the stone pile to hopefully finish off Scizor, suddenly a slash was made across the stones as Scizor broke out and jumped back up delivering a crit slash across Gyarados' tail.

Gyarados roared in the unexpected pain as Gary took advantage, "Scizor now [U-turn]!" 

Scizor's wings glowed green as he rushed forward with Gyarados doing the same and in a backflip motion his legs and Gyarados' tail collided, Scizor was sent to the ground but he did go back into the Pokeball.

Gary put Scizor back on his bet to rest since he was doing pretty bad overall and then brought out his next Pokemon Electabuzz, but actually, it wasn't, because yesterday he called in a favor.

{Last night}

Gary and Oak were on the PC talking to Professor Rowan, he however scratched his chin.

"I see, so you want to bring a truly impressive battle and so you need an Electirizer…" Rowan said.

Gary nodded, "Yeah, I'm going, to be honest, Ash's team is much more… let's say extensively rich, I need something of my own to surprise him since he knows my Pokemon."

"Hmm, well I suppose I can send you one, but under 1 condition," Rowan said, holding his finger up.

"Yeah, what is it?" Gary asked.

"Well, when the time comes you'll know but you'll have to help me out with something," Rowan said as he gave a wink to Oak.

And so last night he received it and now instead of Electabuzz, there was Electivire grinning ear to ear.

Ash was surprised by this, out of everything that could have happened this was not one of the things he planned for.

But he shook his head and raised his arm, "Don't think that having an Electric type will help you, Gyarados use [Earthquake]!"

Gyarados slammed on the ground as the stadium began rumbling and shockwaves began shooting at Electivire.

But Gary smiled, "You didn't really think I didn't plan for that, Electivire dodge with [Electroweb],"

Electivire shot strings out of his hands and tail made of pure electricity and made them get caught between the rocks and the stadium creating a giant hammock that bounced him up to safety avoiding the shockwave completely.

Gary smirked and swiped his arm across "Now [Wild Charge]!"

Electivire used the webs as a form of slingshot as his body began getting covered with yellow electricity, then he shot himself at Gyarados hitting him directly in the chest and dealing heavy damidge.

Gyarados was being covered with an extreme amount of electricity, but right before he went unconscious he bit his tongue to keep himself awake and shot down sending a [Crunch] at Electivire's arm.

Then after the electricity stopped, Gyarados let the bite go as he fell limp and with spirals in his eyes.

Gary smiled, "I've known you enough to know how you fight, you take advantage of everything you know about your opponent and make them make mistakes, and you make them dance in the palm of your hand, well this time the tables have turned,"

Ash took a moment to process everything going on, but then when he returned Gyarados to his ball, he laughed, "I'll admit it you got me with that one, I was completely banking on you still having Electabuzz, but this is just a setback."

Then he held his next Pokeball, "I'll just have to change my strategy, luckily getting creative is my specialty, Machamp!"

From the ball Machamp came out and exhaled seeing Electivire looking down at him he smiled, deeming this a worthy fight.

"Machamp let's do this [Brick Break]!"

"Electivire don't let them [Iron Tail]"

Machamp's fist started glowing red as he ran forward, meanwhile, Electivire used the webs to propel himself into the air and as he came down his tail started glowing, as Electivire fell he flipped around bringing down his tail and Machamp jumped into the air.

As they crashed they created a shockwave between the 2 of them, they struggled to overpower the other and for a moment it looked like Electivire was taking the advantage, but then Machamp brought his other 2 arms and grabbed each of the tails.

Gary's eyes widened "Electivire get out with [Discharge]!"

Electivire tried sending out some electricity to shock Machamp's hands but it didn't help as Machamp spun his body mid-air and started spinning like a helicopter before shooting Electivire down to the ground.

Ash smiled and before ether landed on the ground he called out, "Let's try this again [Earthquake]!"

As Electivire slammed into the ground creating a crack on the stone, Machamp came back down, and before Electivire could react he stomped on his chest giving him a point blank [Earthquake] knocking the wind out of Electivire.

Gary clenched his teeth, "[Low Sweep] then [Counter]!"

Electivire used his tail and swiped at Machamp sending him airborn for just a moment, but with that he got back on to his feet using his arms as leverage and sent himself into a reverse kick that sent Machamp flying back.

Machamp rubbed his chin and spit out, both he and Electivire were looking pretty beat up but neither was ready to go down yet.

"Let's do this the old-fashioned way [Brick Break]!"

"I couldn't agree more, [Thunder Punch]!"

They both ran at each other again, Machamp's fists glowing red and Electivire's sparking, when they approached they sent their fists at each other causing the wind around them to shift Machamp landed 1 hit at Electivire's chest.

But Electivire landed 1 hit at Machamp's stomach knocking the wind out of him and also getting the Para, but Machamp clenched his teeth as Guts activated and he spun around landing the second punch across Electivire's face.

Both Ash and Gary clenched their teeth, "Close Combat"x2

Electivire and Machamp started sending countliss punches at the other Multiple times, some clashed with the other one and ohers connected successfully. This continued for longer than people thought it reasonably should.

Then suddenly the fight broke up and they stopped about 5 feet away from eachother, neither of them falling but also neither of them moving.

" are they still able to fight?" the announcer said, "Why is neither trainer calling out a move?"

Then from behind him where the VIP section was Bruno spoke up, "It's because neither of them wants to be the first one to fall, they are both already unconscious, and if I had to guess they did so once the final clash started,"

Everyone hearing this was stunned since this was also going into the microphone, "You mean that this is a Double KO?"

"Yes, it is quite commendable really, their bodies continued fighting off of pure instinct and their trainers both understood that they couldn't fight anymore so they stopped calling out commands, this battle became a lot more interesting."

As Bruno said that Ash and Gary returned their Pokemon at the same time both smirking at each other as they brought out their next Pokemon, Gary let out Golem and Ash let out something special.

Before this, he called and made sure of something, so he finally got 'that' back.

{2 days ago}

Ash was sitting across from Oak, "So did you finally figure out how to use [Rage Fist]?"

"Err, well I didn't but my Primeape seems to have been able to replicate it, so he too has evolved," Oak said, 

"Good" Then he held out his hand, "I want my monkey now."

From the Pokeball Ash sent out Annihilape, he spent some time training him up and he is still relatively weak compared to everyone else he will be fine with his level of strength,

Gary smiled, "and here I thought you weren't going to use him, good I wanted my go at him too, Golem use [Steamroller]!"

Golem went into his shell and started spinning rapidly building up speed and shot at Annihilape as his shell glowed green.

Ash put his finger up "Annihilape use [Phantom Force],"

Annihilape's body disappeared into a shadowy portal and after Golem crashed into a rock he reappeared and sent a punch into his shell sending him deeper into the rock.

"Ok then [Gyro Ball]!"

Golem's shell glowed silver as he shot out of the rock and bashed into Annihilape's chest, sending the Ape back but he didn't flinch.

"[Bulk Up] then [Brick Break]," Ash commanded

Annihilape's body began to release steam as he walked forward and jumped into the air above bringing down his glowing red fist coming down on Golem.

Gary quickly responded, "Golem, [Iron Defense]!"

Golem's shell was covered in silver armor as he retreated inside as the fist came down and crashed into his shell.

"Now [Iron Head]!"

Golem shot his head out from his shell bashing into Annihilape's arm 

"[Shadow Punch],"

"[Sucker Punch],"

Ash and Gary commanded Annihilape's fist was covered in shadows and Golem's was covered in a purple light as they both shot their fists at each other punching the other across the face but out of the 2 of them Annihilape was taking more damage but he was at 3 stacks.

As they separated it didn't take a genius to tell that Golem was the stronger of the 2 but that didn't change the fact that they were both giving it everything they had.

"Golem give them a real [Earthquake]!"

"Annihilape we need more time [Drain Punch]!"

As Annihilape was running forward Golem punched the ground causing the shockwaves and the ground to start cracking catching Annihilape right before he could land the punch.

For a moment it looked like Annihilape was knocked out but then he exhaled steam from his nose and he stomped on the ground connecting the punch with his left hand instead of his right hitting Golem back and getting some health back.

Gary raised his eyebrow but smiled, "Alright then let's end this [Heavy Slam],"

Golem ran forward and jumped into the air, Annihilape was doing pretty bad, although he wasn't that good himself but he was certainly better.

Ash clenched his teeth, "I didn't want to use this yet but, [Rage Fist]!"

As Golem came down Annihilape's fist glowed with white flames, he was at +1 from the bulk up, and he only had 4 stacks but that still gave him base 250, as he brought it up the attacks collided in a bright white light, and although some people had to cover their eyes they could hear the sound of stone cracking.

When they opened their eyes they saw Golem falling to the ground with spirals in his eyes and Annihilape breathing heavily. The stone under his feet cracked almost completely and he was still in the pose with his arm up in the air.


This is it, tomorrow is the last chapter, which also means that it will be 14 days of nonstop uploads, man my sleep schedule is probably decomposing in the ground, anyway stones? I spent like 7 hours on this and the next chapter, (total not each)

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