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60% Star Wars: Clone General / Chapter 5: Battle Plans (1)

Capítulo 5: Battle Plans (1)

"If that's the case, my apologies, please continue." Obi-Wan apologetically smiled.

Anakin had a slight smile on his face, as he also attentively listened.

Silas then started to explain the plan that was formulated.

"Currently we have a blockade of troops at each battlefront, but one important thing to mention is that Geonosis has a multitude of catacombs under it. We're going to send a Company of troops comprising of 100 in total into these underground catacombs on all 4 battlefronts at the same time."

"They then will put dozens of powerful bombs on specific pillars under the droids in the catacombs that the blockade of soldiers are facing on that battlefront. Once detonated, that will ensure the ground collapses and a large trench will appear that lasts for thousands of meters deep and across, which will destroy many of the droids on the battlefield, essentially creating a man-made sinkhole but on a much larger scale."

Silas continued speaking as he showed a simulation of the catacombs operation on the hologram above the table, while all the Jedi would pay attention.

"Of course, this one thing won't defeat all the droids, which is why we will have 2 battalions of troops comprising of over 1000 troops each, so 2000 in total. One battalion will flank from the east and the other battalion will flank from the west hiding beyond canyons from a distance. But these 2 battalions will not attack until the bomb goes off, because once the enemy is in a disarray of the loss of so many droids and such a large explosion they will be distracted."

"After the bombs go off and the two battalions start attacking from the flank, they will not advance, they will simply hold their positions while firing their blasters from a distance."

Suddenly Windu cut off Silas, "Pardon me, General, but do you think it's wise to be passive in such a situation?"

"The effectiveness of the battle wouldn't change much, if the troopers were to charge as you say, they would simply die a meaningless death... Aren't you Jedi supposed to be peacekeepers? The clones are living beings, not mere tools for your use." Silas's words turned cold once he finished.

"General you know that's not what I meant... If we play partially passive as you say, the Separatists will simply get away." Windu crossed his arms as he and Silas were having a silent staring contest, making the room turn tense.

The other Jedi Masters were about to interfere until Windu suddenly sighed.

"*Sigh* It seems my eagerness to capture Count Dooku is clouding my judgment, I apologize for my interruption." Windu expressed his regret as he furrowed his brows, he just couldn't believe someone like Dooku would align himself with the Sith.

Silas nodded as he spoke, "I understand... As for what I was saying, once the two battalions flank and start shooting from a distance, they will then throw smoke grenades around the droids. This will allow the main force/blockade of troopers who are across the trench to cross with large ladders. We will also use Gunships that have magnets in order to carry the heavier vehicles like the AT-TE across."

Silas pressed a few buttons on the table as the blue hologram showed images of smoke encasing around the droids and troopers quickly dropping ladders across to the other side as they crossed it with AT-TEs flying above them by being carried by Gunships.

"As the troopers cross the trench they will maintain the blockade formation of a single line while slowly advancing, and we can expect much air support from our Gunships. This plan should in turn allow us to completely destroy every single one of those droids on each battlefront." Silas declared as he finished explaining and the hologram disappeared.

Most of the Jedi couldn't help but stare at Silas with surprise, while it was a simple plan, it seemed to be very effective.

"I must say this is impressive, but what about the Massive Core Ships that they'll probably use for their escape?" Plo-Koon questioned a few feet from his left.

"I have already tasked all 4 Acclamators to use their weapons to focus on them as best as they can but to be frank, taking all of them down will most likely not be possible, but I believe Master Yoda will arrive anytime now and we should be able to be completely victorious once he brings in reinforcements." Silas answered calmly.

"I see, but why not use the Falchion Tanks to take them down?" Plo-Koon questioned once again.

"I'd rather focus the use of the tanks on ground forces rather than the Core Ships. The fact is, is that the droids and Separatists are replaceable, while us clones aren't. So even if we destroyed one or two more, it wouldn't make much of a difference, don't you agree Master Plo-Koon?" Silas replied as he curiously looked toward Plo-Koon.

"Indeed I do General." Plo-Koon nodded in agreement.

"As for the capture of Count Dooku, me, Master Windu and Anakin will search for him ourselves." Obi-Wan commented.

Silas curtly nodded as he then spoke, "Agreed, since most of the available Jedi will be divided and assisting the clones in the plans I told you from earlier. I already put the other 3 Legions/battlefronts under the command of the Clone Commanders of each 3 of your Legions. This will allow a small group of you guys to attempt to capture Count Dooku and while a group with me goes after his ally without catching too much attention."

"Ally?" Obi-Wan questioningly looked at Silas.

"Indeed, I have information that states a cyborg named Grievous is a powerful ally of Count Dooku's that's also currently there. He's just as powerful as any Jedi Master, maybe even more powerful, so we'll need to target him also." Silas explained.

Silas then glanced around and did a quick headcount of the available Jedi, he counted about 108, but there were also about 43 injured Jedi in the Medical Bay, so in total 151 Jedi survived out of 212, as compared to canon, only around 33 survived.

The Jedi and Silas then formed 4 teams in total for each battlefront and soon after quickly left the Command Center to their designated battlefronts.

Only Silas, Plo-Koon, Ashoka, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Windu, Kit Fisto and Padme were left inside the Command Center.

Silas for the first time noticed Padme beside Anakin, she had such a small presence with all these powerful force users that he didn't even realize she was here.

He glanced at her figure, and she was indeed just as beautiful as the movie actor, but shook his head inwardly, by this time, Anakin has already gained her love and Silas wasn't one to bother with women that were taken.

But now that he paid attention to her, she had a strong posture and seemed fearless, as she and Anakin conversed. She was wearing a white long-sleeved tank top with white pants while holding a blaster.

"Alright, time is of the essence, Count Dooku could be escaping at any moment, let's go Anakin." Obi-Wan uttered as he and Windu started walking toward the metal door exit.

"Alright, I'm coming." Unnoticed by others, Anakin passionately looked at Padme with love one last time before turning around and jogging after Obi-Wan and Windu who just exited.

But before Anakin could go any further, Silas lightly grabbed his shoulder, stopping him from moving.

"Is something the matter General?" Anakin questioned with a raised brow as he glanced beside him toward Silas.

"I see you..." Silas randomly remarked with a smirk.

Anakin confusedly looked at Silas until his eyes widened in surprise, as he noticed him nudging his head toward Padme.

"Haha, General, w-what are you talking about?" Anakin nervously chuckled as he replied.

"I think you know... But don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Silas assured with an amused smile.

Anakin was at a loss for words as he stared at Silas but he felt the force indicate that the person in front of him was indeed trustworthy.

"Did you at least... You know..." Silas discreetly did some light thrusting motions.

Anakin couldn't help but forget about his situation as he smirked.

"I'm making progress." He proudly whispered.

"My man." Silas lightly tapped his back as he also whispered.

Anakin suddenly slightly frowned, "While the force is telling me your a trustworthy person, what's to stop you from ratting me out?" Anakin's eyes slightly darkened at the prospect.

"Nothing... but isn't that in itself thrilling?" Silas replied as he continued to have an amused smile under his helmet, which Anakin could definitely tell by the tone of voice.

Anakin's facial expression relaxed as he could tell that the force around Silas still seemed rather trusting, he suddenly chuckled as he replied.

"While I don't understand you much, I have a strong feeling we'll get along just fine, General Raven." Anakin muttered with a slight smile, not even questioning how Silas knew about it.

Silas nodded with his own smirk until being disrupted.

"What are you two secretly talking about?" Plo-Koon suddenly questioned as he appeared beside them.

"Haha, nothing Master Plo-Koon. Obi-Wan and Master Windu are probably waiting for me, so I'll get going." Anakin quickly nodded toward the two before hurriedly exiting.

Now only 5 were left inside the command room, Plo-Koon, Ashoka, Padme, Kit Fisto and Silas.

Surprisingly Ashoka stayed silent the entire time while leaning on the table in the center, she understood that the Battle of Geonosis was beyond her capabilities and that following more skilled people would be the smarter choice here.

Padme herself suddenly approached Silas's figure as she looked at his black helmet's visor determinedly.

"General I also wish to participate in this battle." She proclaimed.

"Sure, the more the merrier... just don't die on me as that would cause the destruction of the Republic early on." Silas sarcastically muttered the last few words.

"Did you say something?" She questioningly looked at him.

"I said sure, but you will stick beside Master Fisto." Silas glanced toward Master Fisto before continuing to speak.

"Master Fisto I hear that you are a skilled fighter and commendable leader, someone who I can trust with my troops once I and Master Plo-Koon go after Grievous, which is why I wish to make you the temporary leader of my Legion once we get a lead on Griveous's location." Silas expressed his admiration toward Kit Fisto, as Silas saw him as a very skilled fighter, and while he wasn't the kindest Jedi to ever live, he was one of the better ones that he saw in the Clone Wars.

"Haha! Do not fear General Raven, I will take care of your soldiers. Follow me Senator Amidala." Kit Fisto replied with his trademark smile as he headed out toward the battlefield, he was one of the Jedi designated to this battlefront.

Padme nodded thankfully toward Silas before following Kit Fisto out.

"Master Plo-Koon, do you mind partnering with me for now?" Silas questioned.

"I see no problem with it and you may call me Master Plo." Plo-Koon replied with a nod.

Plo-Koon and Kit Fisto were one of the few Jedi that Silas respected, he especially liked Plo-Koon because he seemed like a true Jedi that cared for all his troopers.

"Then let's go." Silas curtly nodded as he and Plo-Koon started to head toward the metal door until suddenly Ashoka called out.

"General Raven, what about me?"

Silas simply glanced at her before looking toward Plo-Koon.

"This seems to be a decision rather meant for Master Plo."

Plo-Koon nodded as he glanced back toward Ashoka, "Little Ashoka, you can fight in the battle on the ground with the other Jedi, but leave going after Grievous to me and the General. I've also heard rumors about this Grievous and his cruel/cowardly tactics, he would most likely target you, which would in turn hold us back."

Ashoka calmly nodded in understanding as her gaze didn't waver, "I understand Master Plo."

Plo-Koon raised his brow curiously, he was expecting her to complain but it seems she's grown up enough when to understand certain situations.

"Then let us go." Plo-Koon and Silas walked out together in the metal hallway with Ashoka following behind.

After a few dozen seconds of walking, they arrive in the very lively hangar filled with clones constantly moving and dozens of Gunships all ready for take-off for air support when needed.

The 3 then walked down the massive ramp and arrived beside the long line of the rest of the troopers, Jedi could also be occasionally seen down the line beside the other clones waiting.

Silas promptly jumped and increased it with the force, as he landed on top one of the AT-TEs.

Silas glanced down as he noticed Plo-Koon and Ashoka staring at him curiously before smirking, "You know how the saying goes, high ground is indeed invincible."

Plo-Koon just shook his head at his weird quotes before looking toward Ashoka.

"Little Ashoka, since we as Jedi are at a disadvantage on this battlefield, just focus on defending the troopers with your lightsaber since this battle will mostly be a long-distance battle rather than close range." Plo-Koon instructed.

Ashoka nodded in understanding.

Meanwhile, Silas knocked on top of the AT-TE's hatch, and a clone suddenly popped out of it.

"General sir?" The clone questioningly looked at Silas.

"Yeah, I need a DC-15A blaster." Silas explained.

"Gotcha sir." The clone went back into the AT-TE and promptly came back out with a rifle in hand, handing it to Silas.

"Much appreciated." Silas thanked him as he focused forward toward the sandy plain fields that had some canyons in the distance.

"Of course sir." The clone went back into the AT-TE and closed the hatch.

'By now the 2 Battalions led by Jedi on each battlefront should be approaching their designated flank locations, and the Company of soldiers also led by the Jedi meant to go underground on each battlefront should be entering the catacombs.' Silas thought inwardly as he focused his sight on the blaster's iron-sight deep into the distance filled with sand.

After a few minutes of the battlefront being in total silence, the droids could finally be seen in the distance.

And all hell immediately broke loose as the clones had orders to immediately start shooting once the droids were in their sight in order to not let them get close.

A constant rain of blue beams could be seen instantly destroying the droids in the distance, as they were caught off guard by the immense number of clones, but soon the droids returned their own fire of red beams back toward the clones.

'I'll need to focus my attention here until I get sent word of Griveous's location.' Silas thought as he continued to fire his blaster while in a prone position on top of the AT-TE.

He also noticed Ashoka and Plo-Koon on the ground masterfully deflecting all beams that were about to hit troopers, and while Ashoka was a Padawan she was holding her own.


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